/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.content.pm; import android.os.Parcel; import android.support.test.filters.LargeTest; import java.util.Random; @LargeTest public class VerifierDeviceIdentityTest extends android.test.AndroidTestCase { private static final long TEST_1 = 0x7A5F00FF5A55AAA5L; private static final String TEST_1_ENCODED = "HUXY-A75N-FLKV-F"; private static final String TEST_1_ENCODED_LOWERCASE = "huxy-a75n-flkv-f"; private static final long TEST_2 = 0x5A05FF5A05F0A555L; private static final long TEST_MAXVALUE = Long.MAX_VALUE; private static final String TEST_MAXVALUE_ENCODED = "H777-7777-7777-7"; private static final long TEST_MINVALUE = Long.MIN_VALUE; private static final String TEST_MINVALUE_ENCODED = "IAAA-AAAA-AAAA-A"; private static final long TEST_ZERO = 0L; private static final String TEST_ZERO_ENCODED = "AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-A"; private static final long TEST_NEGONE = -1L; private static final String TEST_NEGONE_ENCODED = "P777-7777-7777-7"; private static final String TEST_OVERFLOW_ENCODED = "QAAA-AAAA-AAAA-A"; private static final String TEST_SUBSTITUTION_CORRECTED = "OIIO-IIOO-IOOI-I"; private static final String TEST_SUBSTITUTION_UNCORRECTED = "0110-1100-1001-1"; public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Equals_Success() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_1); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_1); assertTrue("The two VerifierDeviceIdentity instances should be equal", id1.equals(id2)); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Equals_Failure() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_1); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_2); assertFalse("The two VerifierDeviceIdentity instances should be unique", id1.equals(id2)); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_HashCode() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_1); assertEquals("The VerifierDeviceIdentity should have the same hashcode as its identity", (int) TEST_1, id1.hashCode()); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_ToString_Success() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_1); assertEquals("The identity should encode correctly to the expected Base 32 string", TEST_1_ENCODED, id1.toString()); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_ToString_Largest() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_MAXVALUE); assertEquals("The identity should encode correctly to the expected Base 32 string", TEST_MAXVALUE_ENCODED, id1.toString()); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_ToString_Zero() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_ZERO); assertEquals("The identity should encode correctly to the expected Base 32 string", TEST_ZERO_ENCODED, id1.toString()); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_ToString_NegOne() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_NEGONE); assertEquals("The identity should encode correctly to the expected Base 32 string", TEST_NEGONE_ENCODED, id1.toString()); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_ToString_MinValue() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_MINVALUE); assertEquals("The identity should encode correctly to the expected Base 32 string", TEST_MINVALUE_ENCODED, id1.toString()); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parcel_ReadNegative() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_MINVALUE); Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain(); parcel.writeLong(TEST_MINVALUE); parcel.setDataPosition(0); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = VerifierDeviceIdentity.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel); assertEquals("Parcel created should match expected value", id1, id2); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parcel_Read_Pass() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_1); Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain(); id1.writeToParcel(parcel, 0); parcel.setDataPosition(0); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = VerifierDeviceIdentity.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel); assertEquals("Original identity and parceled identity should be the same", id1, id2); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static class MockRandom extends Random { private long mNextLong; public MockRandom() { } public void setNextLong(long nextLong) { mNextLong = nextLong; } @Override public long nextLong() { return mNextLong; } } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Generate_MinValue() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_MINVALUE); MockRandom random = new MockRandom(); random.setNextLong(Long.MIN_VALUE); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = VerifierDeviceIdentity.generate(random); assertEquals("Identity created from Long.MIN_VALUE and one created from return from RNG" + " should be the same", id1, id2); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Generate_Random() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_1); MockRandom random = new MockRandom(); random.setNextLong(TEST_1); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = VerifierDeviceIdentity.generate(random); assertEquals("Identity should end up being same when coming from RNG", id1, id2); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parse_Normal() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_1); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = VerifierDeviceIdentity.parse(TEST_1_ENCODED); assertEquals("Parsed device identity should have the same value as original identity", id1, id2); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parse_MaxValue() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_MAXVALUE); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = VerifierDeviceIdentity.parse(TEST_MAXVALUE_ENCODED); assertEquals("Original max value and parsed max value should be equal", id1, id2); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parse_TooShort() { try { VerifierDeviceIdentity.parse("AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-"); fail("Parsing should fail when device identifier is too short"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // success } } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parse_WayTooShort() { try { VerifierDeviceIdentity.parse("----------------"); fail("Parsing should fail when device identifier is too short"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // success } } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parse_TooLong() { try { VerifierDeviceIdentity.parse("AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AA"); fail("Parsing should fail when device identifier is too long"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // success } } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parse_Overflow() { try { VerifierDeviceIdentity.parse(TEST_OVERFLOW_ENCODED); fail("Parsing should fail when the value will overflow"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // success } } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parse_SquashToUppercase() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = new VerifierDeviceIdentity(TEST_1); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = VerifierDeviceIdentity.parse(TEST_1_ENCODED_LOWERCASE); assertEquals("Lowercase should parse to be the same as uppercase", id1, id2); assertEquals("Substituted identity should render to the same string", id1.toString(), id2.toString()); } public void testVerifierDeviceIdentity_Parse_1I_And_0O_Substitution() { VerifierDeviceIdentity id1 = VerifierDeviceIdentity.parse(TEST_SUBSTITUTION_CORRECTED); VerifierDeviceIdentity id2 = VerifierDeviceIdentity.parse(TEST_SUBSTITUTION_UNCORRECTED); assertEquals("Substitution should replace 0 with O and 1 with I", id1, id2); assertEquals("Substituted identity should render to the same string", id1.toString(), id2.toString()); } }