TimeUtils.java revision e8a4b66960056c2dc2c8dbb5f8df00710645cc64
2 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.util;
19import android.content.res.Resources;
20import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
21import android.os.SystemClock;
22import android.text.format.DateUtils;
24import com.android.internal.util.XmlUtils;
26import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
27import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
29import java.io.IOException;
30import java.io.PrintWriter;
31import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
32import java.util.ArrayList;
33import java.util.Calendar;
34import java.util.Collection;
35import java.util.Date;
36import java.util.TimeZone;
38import libcore.util.ZoneInfoDB;
41 * A class containing utility methods related to time zones.
42 */
43public class TimeUtils {
44    /** @hide */ public TimeUtils() {}
45    private static final boolean DBG = false;
46    private static final String TAG = "TimeUtils";
48    /** Cached results of getTineZones */
49    private static final Object sLastLockObj = new Object();
50    private static ArrayList<TimeZone> sLastZones = null;
51    private static String sLastCountry = null;
53    /** Cached results of getTimeZonesWithUniqueOffsets */
54    private static final Object sLastUniqueLockObj = new Object();
55    private static ArrayList<TimeZone> sLastUniqueZoneOffsets = null;
56    private static String sLastUniqueCountry = null;
58    /** {@hide} */
59    private static SimpleDateFormat sLoggingFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
61    /**
62     * Tries to return a time zone that would have had the specified offset
63     * and DST value at the specified moment in the specified country.
64     * Returns null if no suitable zone could be found.
65     */
66    public static TimeZone getTimeZone(int offset, boolean dst, long when, String country) {
67        TimeZone best = null;
68        final Date d = new Date(when);
70        TimeZone current = TimeZone.getDefault();
71        String currentName = current.getID();
72        int currentOffset = current.getOffset(when);
73        boolean currentDst = current.inDaylightTime(d);
75        for (TimeZone tz : getTimeZones(country)) {
76            // If the current time zone is from the right country
77            // and meets the other known properties, keep it
78            // instead of changing to another one.
80            if (tz.getID().equals(currentName)) {
81                if (currentOffset == offset && currentDst == dst) {
82                    return current;
83                }
84            }
86            // Otherwise, take the first zone from the right
87            // country that has the correct current offset and DST.
88            // (Keep iterating instead of returning in case we
89            // haven't encountered the current time zone yet.)
91            if (best == null) {
92                if (tz.getOffset(when) == offset &&
93                    tz.inDaylightTime(d) == dst) {
94                    best = tz;
95                }
96            }
97        }
99        return best;
100    }
102    /**
103     * Return list of unique time zones for the country. Do not modify
104     *
105     * @param country to find
106     * @return list of unique time zones, maybe empty but never null. Do not modify.
107     * @hide
108     */
109    public static ArrayList<TimeZone> getTimeZonesWithUniqueOffsets(String country) {
110        synchronized(sLastUniqueLockObj) {
111            if ((country != null) && country.equals(sLastUniqueCountry)) {
112                if (DBG) {
113                    Log.d(TAG, "getTimeZonesWithUniqueOffsets(" +
114                            country + "): return cached version");
115                }
116                return sLastUniqueZoneOffsets;
117            }
118        }
120        Collection<TimeZone> zones = getTimeZones(country);
121        ArrayList<TimeZone> uniqueTimeZones = new ArrayList<TimeZone>();
122        for (TimeZone zone : zones) {
123            // See if we already have this offset,
124            // Using slow but space efficient and these are small.
125            boolean found = false;
126            for (int i = 0; i < uniqueTimeZones.size(); i++) {
127                if (uniqueTimeZones.get(i).getRawOffset() == zone.getRawOffset()) {
128                    found = true;
129                    break;
130                }
131            }
132            if (found == false) {
133                if (DBG) {
134                    Log.d(TAG, "getTimeZonesWithUniqueOffsets: add unique offset=" +
135                            zone.getRawOffset() + " zone.getID=" + zone.getID());
136                }
137                uniqueTimeZones.add(zone);
138            }
139        }
141        synchronized(sLastUniqueLockObj) {
142            // Cache the last result
143            sLastUniqueZoneOffsets = uniqueTimeZones;
144            sLastUniqueCountry = country;
146            return sLastUniqueZoneOffsets;
147        }
148    }
150    /**
151     * Returns the time zones for the country, which is the code
152     * attribute of the timezone element in time_zones_by_country.xml. Do not modify.
153     *
154     * @param country is a two character country code.
155     * @return TimeZone list, maybe empty but never null. Do not modify.
156     * @hide
157     */
158    public static ArrayList<TimeZone> getTimeZones(String country) {
159        synchronized (sLastLockObj) {
160            if ((country != null) && country.equals(sLastCountry)) {
161                if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "getTimeZones(" + country + "): return cached version");
162                return sLastZones;
163            }
164        }
166        ArrayList<TimeZone> tzs = new ArrayList<TimeZone>();
168        if (country == null) {
169            if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "getTimeZones(null): return empty list");
170            return tzs;
171        }
173        Resources r = Resources.getSystem();
174        XmlResourceParser parser = r.getXml(com.android.internal.R.xml.time_zones_by_country);
176        try {
177            XmlUtils.beginDocument(parser, "timezones");
179            while (true) {
180                XmlUtils.nextElement(parser);
182                String element = parser.getName();
183                if (element == null || !(element.equals("timezone"))) {
184                    break;
185                }
187                String code = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "code");
189                if (country.equals(code)) {
190                    if (parser.next() == XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
191                        String zoneIdString = parser.getText();
192                        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(zoneIdString);
193                        if (tz.getID().startsWith("GMT") == false) {
194                            // tz.getID doesn't start not "GMT" so its valid
195                            tzs.add(tz);
196                            if (DBG) {
197                                Log.d(TAG, "getTimeZone('" + country + "'): found tz.getID=="
198                                    + ((tz != null) ? tz.getID() : "<no tz>"));
199                            }
200                        }
201                    }
202                }
203            }
204        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
205            Log.e(TAG, "Got xml parser exception getTimeZone('" + country + "'): e=", e);
206        } catch (IOException e) {
207            Log.e(TAG, "Got IO exception getTimeZone('" + country + "'): e=", e);
208        } finally {
209            parser.close();
210        }
212        synchronized(sLastLockObj) {
213            // Cache the last result;
214            sLastZones = tzs;
215            sLastCountry = country;
216            return sLastZones;
217        }
218    }
220    /**
221     * Returns a String indicating the version of the time zone database currently
222     * in use.  The format of the string is dependent on the underlying time zone
223     * database implementation, but will typically contain the year in which the database
224     * was updated plus a letter from a to z indicating changes made within that year.
225     *
226     * <p>Time zone database updates should be expected to occur periodically due to
227     * political and legal changes that cannot be anticipated in advance.  Therefore,
228     * when computing the UTC time for a future event, applications should be aware that
229     * the results may differ following a time zone database update.  This method allows
230     * applications to detect that a database change has occurred, and to recalculate any
231     * cached times accordingly.
232     *
233     * <p>The time zone database may be assumed to change only when the device runtime
234     * is restarted.  Therefore, it is not necessary to re-query the database version
235     * during the lifetime of an activity.
236     */
237    public static String getTimeZoneDatabaseVersion() {
238        return ZoneInfoDB.getInstance().getVersion();
239    }
241    /** @hide Field length that can hold 999 days of time */
242    public static final int HUNDRED_DAY_FIELD_LEN = 19;
244    private static final int SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60;
245    private static final int SECONDS_PER_HOUR = 60 * 60;
246    private static final int SECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60;
248    /** @hide */
249    public static final long NANOS_PER_MS = 1000000;
251    private static final Object sFormatSync = new Object();
252    private static char[] sFormatStr = new char[HUNDRED_DAY_FIELD_LEN+10];
253    private static char[] sTmpFormatStr = new char[HUNDRED_DAY_FIELD_LEN+10];
255    static private int accumField(int amt, int suffix, boolean always, int zeropad) {
256        if (amt > 999) {
257            int num = 0;
258            while (amt != 0) {
259                num++;
260                amt /= 10;
261            }
262            return num + suffix;
263        } else {
264            if (amt > 99 || (always && zeropad >= 3)) {
265                return 3+suffix;
266            }
267            if (amt > 9 || (always && zeropad >= 2)) {
268                return 2+suffix;
269            }
270            if (always || amt > 0) {
271                return 1+suffix;
272            }
273        }
274        return 0;
275    }
277    static private int printFieldLocked(char[] formatStr, int amt, char suffix, int pos,
278            boolean always, int zeropad) {
279        if (always || amt > 0) {
280            final int startPos = pos;
281            if (amt > 999) {
282                int tmp = 0;
283                while (amt != 0 && tmp < sTmpFormatStr.length) {
284                    int dig = amt % 10;
285                    sTmpFormatStr[tmp] = (char)(dig + '0');
286                    tmp++;
287                    amt /= 10;
288                }
289                tmp--;
290                while (tmp >= 0) {
291                    formatStr[pos] = sTmpFormatStr[tmp];
292                    pos++;
293                    tmp--;
294                }
295            } else {
296                if ((always && zeropad >= 3) || amt > 99) {
297                    int dig = amt/100;
298                    formatStr[pos] = (char)(dig + '0');
299                    pos++;
300                    amt -= (dig*100);
301                }
302                if ((always && zeropad >= 2) || amt > 9 || startPos != pos) {
303                    int dig = amt/10;
304                    formatStr[pos] = (char)(dig + '0');
305                    pos++;
306                    amt -= (dig*10);
307                }
308                formatStr[pos] = (char)(amt + '0');
309                pos++;
310            }
311            formatStr[pos] = suffix;
312            pos++;
313        }
314        return pos;
315    }
317    private static int formatDurationLocked(long duration, int fieldLen) {
318        if (sFormatStr.length < fieldLen) {
319            sFormatStr = new char[fieldLen];
320        }
322        char[] formatStr = sFormatStr;
324        if (duration == 0) {
325            int pos = 0;
326            fieldLen -= 1;
327            while (pos < fieldLen) {
328                formatStr[pos++] = ' ';
329            }
330            formatStr[pos] = '0';
331            return pos+1;
332        }
334        char prefix;
335        if (duration > 0) {
336            prefix = '+';
337        } else {
338            prefix = '-';
339            duration = -duration;
340        }
342        int millis = (int)(duration%1000);
343        int seconds = (int) Math.floor(duration / 1000);
344        int days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0;
346        if (seconds > SECONDS_PER_DAY) {
347            days = seconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY;
348            seconds -= days * SECONDS_PER_DAY;
349        }
350        if (seconds > SECONDS_PER_HOUR) {
351            hours = seconds / SECONDS_PER_HOUR;
352            seconds -= hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR;
353        }
354        if (seconds > SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) {
355            minutes = seconds / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
356            seconds -= minutes * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
357        }
359        int pos = 0;
361        if (fieldLen != 0) {
362            int myLen = accumField(days, 1, false, 0);
363            myLen += accumField(hours, 1, myLen > 0, 2);
364            myLen += accumField(minutes, 1, myLen > 0, 2);
365            myLen += accumField(seconds, 1, myLen > 0, 2);
366            myLen += accumField(millis, 2, true, myLen > 0 ? 3 : 0) + 1;
367            while (myLen < fieldLen) {
368                formatStr[pos] = ' ';
369                pos++;
370                myLen++;
371            }
372        }
374        formatStr[pos] = prefix;
375        pos++;
377        int start = pos;
378        boolean zeropad = fieldLen != 0;
379        pos = printFieldLocked(formatStr, days, 'd', pos, false, 0);
380        pos = printFieldLocked(formatStr, hours, 'h', pos, pos != start, zeropad ? 2 : 0);
381        pos = printFieldLocked(formatStr, minutes, 'm', pos, pos != start, zeropad ? 2 : 0);
382        pos = printFieldLocked(formatStr, seconds, 's', pos, pos != start, zeropad ? 2 : 0);
383        pos = printFieldLocked(formatStr, millis, 'm', pos, true, (zeropad && pos != start) ? 3 : 0);
384        formatStr[pos] = 's';
385        return pos + 1;
386    }
388    /** @hide Just for debugging; not internationalized. */
389    public static void formatDuration(long duration, StringBuilder builder) {
390        synchronized (sFormatSync) {
391            int len = formatDurationLocked(duration, 0);
392            builder.append(sFormatStr, 0, len);
393        }
394    }
396    /** @hide Just for debugging; not internationalized. */
397    public static void formatDuration(long duration, PrintWriter pw, int fieldLen) {
398        synchronized (sFormatSync) {
399            int len = formatDurationLocked(duration, fieldLen);
400            pw.print(new String(sFormatStr, 0, len));
401        }
402    }
404    /** @hide Just for debugging; not internationalized. */
405    public static void formatDuration(long duration, PrintWriter pw) {
406        formatDuration(duration, pw, 0);
407    }
409    /** @hide Just for debugging; not internationalized. */
410    public static void formatDuration(long time, long now, PrintWriter pw) {
411        if (time == 0) {
412            pw.print("--");
413            return;
414        }
415        formatDuration(time-now, pw, 0);
416    }
418    /** @hide Just for debugging; not internationalized. */
419    public static String formatUptime(long time) {
420        final long diff = time - SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
421        if (diff > 0) {
422            return time + " (in " + diff + " ms)";
423        }
424        if (diff < 0) {
425            return time + " (" + -diff + " ms ago)";
426        }
427        return time + " (now)";
428    }
430    /**
431     * Convert a System.currentTimeMillis() value to a time of day value like
432     * that printed in logs. MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MMM
433     *
434     * @param millis since the epoch (1/1/1970)
435     * @return String representation of the time.
436     * @hide
437     */
438    public static String logTimeOfDay(long millis) {
439        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
440        if (millis >= 0) {
441            c.setTimeInMillis(millis);
442            return String.format("%tm-%td %tH:%tM:%tS.%tL", c, c, c, c, c, c);
443        } else {
444            return Long.toString(millis);
445        }
446    }
448    /** {@hide} */
449    public static String formatForLogging(long millis) {
450        if (millis <= 0) {
451            return "unknown";
452        } else {
453            return sLoggingFormat.format(new Date(millis));
454        }
455    }