TextView.java revision 97f84eeb0a123700b6d57cb288b57547a5fcb735
2 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.widget;
19import android.R;
20import android.annotation.NonNull;
21import android.annotation.Nullable;
22import android.content.ClipData;
23import android.content.ClipboardManager;
24import android.content.Context;
25import android.content.UndoManager;
26import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
27import android.content.res.CompatibilityInfo;
28import android.content.res.Resources;
29import android.content.res.TypedArray;
30import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
31import android.graphics.Canvas;
32import android.graphics.Insets;
33import android.graphics.Paint;
34import android.graphics.Path;
35import android.graphics.Rect;
36import android.graphics.RectF;
37import android.graphics.Typeface;
38import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
39import android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText;
40import android.os.AsyncTask;
41import android.os.Bundle;
42import android.os.Parcel;
43import android.os.Parcelable;
44import android.os.SystemClock;
45import android.provider.Settings;
46import android.text.BoringLayout;
47import android.text.DynamicLayout;
48import android.text.Editable;
49import android.text.GetChars;
50import android.text.GraphicsOperations;
51import android.text.InputFilter;
52import android.text.InputType;
53import android.text.Layout;
54import android.text.ParcelableSpan;
55import android.text.Selection;
56import android.text.SpanWatcher;
57import android.text.Spannable;
58import android.text.SpannableString;
59import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
60import android.text.Spanned;
61import android.text.SpannedString;
62import android.text.StaticLayout;
63import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristic;
64import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics;
65import android.text.TextPaint;
66import android.text.TextUtils;
67import android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt;
68import android.text.TextWatcher;
69import android.text.method.AllCapsTransformationMethod;
70import android.text.method.ArrowKeyMovementMethod;
71import android.text.method.DateKeyListener;
72import android.text.method.DateTimeKeyListener;
73import android.text.method.DialerKeyListener;
74import android.text.method.DigitsKeyListener;
75import android.text.method.KeyListener;
76import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod;
77import android.text.method.MetaKeyKeyListener;
78import android.text.method.MovementMethod;
79import android.text.method.PasswordTransformationMethod;
80import android.text.method.SingleLineTransformationMethod;
81import android.text.method.TextKeyListener;
82import android.text.method.TimeKeyListener;
83import android.text.method.TransformationMethod;
84import android.text.method.TransformationMethod2;
85import android.text.method.WordIterator;
86import android.text.style.CharacterStyle;
87import android.text.style.ClickableSpan;
88import android.text.style.ParagraphStyle;
89import android.text.style.SpellCheckSpan;
90import android.text.style.SuggestionSpan;
91import android.text.style.URLSpan;
92import android.text.style.UpdateAppearance;
93import android.text.util.Linkify;
94import android.util.AttributeSet;
95import android.util.FloatMath;
96import android.util.Log;
97import android.util.TypedValue;
98import android.view.AccessibilityIterators.TextSegmentIterator;
99import android.view.ActionMode;
100import android.view.Choreographer;
101import android.view.DragEvent;
102import android.view.Gravity;
103import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants;
104import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
105import android.view.KeyEvent;
106import android.view.Menu;
107import android.view.MenuItem;
108import android.view.MotionEvent;
109import android.view.View;
110import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
111import android.view.ViewDebug;
112import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
113import android.view.ViewRootImpl;
114import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
115import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
116import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager;
117import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
118import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
119import android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection;
120import android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo;
121import android.view.inputmethod.CorrectionInfo;
122import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
123import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText;
124import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedTextRequest;
125import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
126import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
127import android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSubtype;
128import android.view.textservice.TextServicesManager;
129import android.widget.RemoteViews.RemoteView;
131import com.android.internal.util.FastMath;
132import com.android.internal.widget.EditableInputConnection;
134import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
136import java.io.IOException;
137import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
138import java.util.ArrayList;
139import java.util.Locale;
141import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1;
144 * Displays text to the user and optionally allows them to edit it.  A TextView
145 * is a complete text editor, however the basic class is configured to not
146 * allow editing; see {@link EditText} for a subclass that configures the text
147 * view for editing.
148 *
149 * <p>
150 * To allow users to copy some or all of the TextView's value and paste it somewhere else, set the
151 * XML attribute {@link android.R.styleable#TextView_textIsSelectable
152 * android:textIsSelectable} to "true" or call
153 * {@link #setTextIsSelectable setTextIsSelectable(true)}. The {@code textIsSelectable} flag
154 * allows users to make selection gestures in the TextView, which in turn triggers the system's
155 * built-in copy/paste controls.
156 * <p>
157 * <b>XML attributes</b>
158 * <p>
159 * See {@link android.R.styleable#TextView TextView Attributes},
160 * {@link android.R.styleable#View View Attributes}
161 *
162 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_text
163 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_bufferType
164 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_hint
165 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColor
166 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorHighlight
167 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorHint
168 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textAppearance
169 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorLink
170 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textSize
171 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textScaleX
172 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_fontFamily
173 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_typeface
174 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textStyle
175 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_cursorVisible
176 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxLines
177 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxHeight
178 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_lines
179 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_height
180 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minLines
181 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minHeight
182 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxEms
183 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxWidth
184 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_ems
185 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_width
186 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minEms
187 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minWidth
188 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_gravity
189 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_scrollHorizontally
190 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_password
191 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_singleLine
192 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_selectAllOnFocus
193 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_includeFontPadding
194 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxLength
195 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowColor
196 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowDx
197 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowDy
198 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowRadius
199 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_autoLink
200 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_linksClickable
201 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_numeric
202 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_digits
203 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_phoneNumber
204 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_inputMethod
205 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_capitalize
206 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_autoText
207 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_editable
208 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_freezesText
209 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_ellipsize
210 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableTop
211 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableBottom
212 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableRight
213 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableLeft
214 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableStart
215 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableEnd
216 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawablePadding
217 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_lineSpacingExtra
218 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_lineSpacingMultiplier
219 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_marqueeRepeatLimit
220 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_inputType
221 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_imeOptions
222 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_privateImeOptions
223 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_imeActionLabel
224 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_imeActionId
225 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_editorExtras
226 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_elegantTextHeight
227 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_letterSpacing
228 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_fontFeatureSettings
229 */
231public class TextView extends View implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
232    static final String LOG_TAG = "TextView";
233    static final boolean DEBUG_EXTRACT = false;
235    // Enum for the "typeface" XML parameter.
236    // TODO: How can we get this from the XML instead of hardcoding it here?
237    private static final int SANS = 1;
238    private static final int SERIF = 2;
239    private static final int MONOSPACE = 3;
241    // Bitfield for the "numeric" XML parameter.
242    // TODO: How can we get this from the XML instead of hardcoding it here?
243    private static final int SIGNED = 2;
244    private static final int DECIMAL = 4;
246    /**
247     * Draw marquee text with fading edges as usual
248     */
249    private static final int MARQUEE_FADE_NORMAL = 0;
251    /**
252     * Draw marquee text as ellipsize end while inactive instead of with the fade.
253     * (Useful for devices where the fade can be expensive if overdone)
254     */
255    private static final int MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS = 1;
257    /**
258     * Draw marquee text with fading edges because it is currently active/animating.
259     */
260    private static final int MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_FADE = 2;
262    private static final int LINES = 1;
263    private static final int EMS = LINES;
264    private static final int PIXELS = 2;
266    private static final RectF TEMP_RECTF = new RectF();
268    // XXX should be much larger
269    private static final int VERY_WIDE = 1024*1024;
270    private static final int ANIMATED_SCROLL_GAP = 250;
272    private static final InputFilter[] NO_FILTERS = new InputFilter[0];
273    private static final Spanned EMPTY_SPANNED = new SpannedString("");
275    private static final int CHANGE_WATCHER_PRIORITY = 100;
277    // New state used to change background based on whether this TextView is multiline.
278    private static final int[] MULTILINE_STATE_SET = { R.attr.state_multiline };
280    // System wide time for last cut or copy action.
281    static long LAST_CUT_OR_COPY_TIME;
283    private ColorStateList mTextColor;
284    private ColorStateList mHintTextColor;
285    private ColorStateList mLinkTextColor;
286    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text")
287    private int mCurTextColor;
288    private int mCurHintTextColor;
289    private boolean mFreezesText;
290    private boolean mTemporaryDetach;
291    private boolean mDispatchTemporaryDetach;
293    private Editable.Factory mEditableFactory = Editable.Factory.getInstance();
294    private Spannable.Factory mSpannableFactory = Spannable.Factory.getInstance();
296    private float mShadowRadius, mShadowDx, mShadowDy;
297    private int mShadowColor;
300    private boolean mPreDrawRegistered;
301    private boolean mPreDrawListenerDetached;
303    // A flag to prevent repeated movements from escaping the enclosing text view. The idea here is
304    // that if a user is holding down a movement key to traverse text, we shouldn't also traverse
305    // the view hierarchy. On the other hand, if the user is using the movement key to traverse views
306    // (i.e. the first movement was to traverse out of this view, or this view was traversed into by
307    // the user holding the movement key down) then we shouldn't prevent the focus from changing.
308    private boolean mPreventDefaultMovement;
310    private TextUtils.TruncateAt mEllipsize;
312    static class Drawables {
313        final static int DRAWABLE_NONE = -1;
314        final static int DRAWABLE_RIGHT = 0;
315        final static int DRAWABLE_LEFT = 1;
317        final Rect mCompoundRect = new Rect();
319        Drawable mDrawableTop, mDrawableBottom, mDrawableLeft, mDrawableRight,
320                mDrawableStart, mDrawableEnd, mDrawableError, mDrawableTemp;
322        Drawable mDrawableLeftInitial, mDrawableRightInitial;
323        boolean mIsRtlCompatibilityMode;
324        boolean mOverride;
326        int mDrawableSizeTop, mDrawableSizeBottom, mDrawableSizeLeft, mDrawableSizeRight,
327                mDrawableSizeStart, mDrawableSizeEnd, mDrawableSizeError, mDrawableSizeTemp;
329        int mDrawableWidthTop, mDrawableWidthBottom, mDrawableHeightLeft, mDrawableHeightRight,
330                mDrawableHeightStart, mDrawableHeightEnd, mDrawableHeightError, mDrawableHeightTemp;
332        int mDrawablePadding;
334        int mDrawableSaved = DRAWABLE_NONE;
336        public Drawables(Context context) {
337            final int targetSdkVersion = context.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion;
338            mIsRtlCompatibilityMode = (targetSdkVersion < JELLY_BEAN_MR1 ||
339                !context.getApplicationInfo().hasRtlSupport());
340            mOverride = false;
341        }
343        public void resolveWithLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection) {
344            // First reset "left" and "right" drawables to their initial values
345            mDrawableLeft = mDrawableLeftInitial;
346            mDrawableRight = mDrawableRightInitial;
348            if (mIsRtlCompatibilityMode) {
349                // Use "start" drawable as "left" drawable if the "left" drawable was not defined
350                if (mDrawableStart != null && mDrawableLeft == null) {
351                    mDrawableLeft = mDrawableStart;
352                    mDrawableSizeLeft = mDrawableSizeStart;
353                    mDrawableHeightLeft = mDrawableHeightStart;
354                }
355                // Use "end" drawable as "right" drawable if the "right" drawable was not defined
356                if (mDrawableEnd != null && mDrawableRight == null) {
357                    mDrawableRight = mDrawableEnd;
358                    mDrawableSizeRight = mDrawableSizeEnd;
359                    mDrawableHeightRight = mDrawableHeightEnd;
360                }
361            } else {
362                // JB-MR1+ normal case: "start" / "end" drawables are overriding "left" / "right"
363                // drawable if and only if they have been defined
364                switch(layoutDirection) {
365                    case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL:
366                        if (mOverride) {
367                            mDrawableRight = mDrawableStart;
368                            mDrawableSizeRight = mDrawableSizeStart;
369                            mDrawableHeightRight = mDrawableHeightStart;
371                            mDrawableLeft = mDrawableEnd;
372                            mDrawableSizeLeft = mDrawableSizeEnd;
373                            mDrawableHeightLeft = mDrawableHeightEnd;
374                        }
375                        break;
377                    case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR:
378                    default:
379                        if (mOverride) {
380                            mDrawableLeft = mDrawableStart;
381                            mDrawableSizeLeft = mDrawableSizeStart;
382                            mDrawableHeightLeft = mDrawableHeightStart;
384                            mDrawableRight = mDrawableEnd;
385                            mDrawableSizeRight = mDrawableSizeEnd;
386                            mDrawableHeightRight = mDrawableHeightEnd;
387                        }
388                        break;
389                }
390            }
391            applyErrorDrawableIfNeeded(layoutDirection);
392            updateDrawablesLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
393        }
395        private void updateDrawablesLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection) {
396            if (mDrawableLeft != null) {
397                mDrawableLeft.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
398            }
399            if (mDrawableRight != null) {
400                mDrawableRight.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
401            }
402            if (mDrawableTop != null) {
403                mDrawableTop.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
404            }
405            if (mDrawableBottom != null) {
406                mDrawableBottom.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
407            }
408        }
410        public void setErrorDrawable(Drawable dr, TextView tv) {
411            if (mDrawableError != dr && mDrawableError != null) {
412                mDrawableError.setCallback(null);
413            }
414            mDrawableError = dr;
416            final Rect compoundRect = mCompoundRect;
417            int[] state = tv.getDrawableState();
419            if (mDrawableError != null) {
420                mDrawableError.setState(state);
421                mDrawableError.copyBounds(compoundRect);
422                mDrawableError.setCallback(tv);
423                mDrawableSizeError = compoundRect.width();
424                mDrawableHeightError = compoundRect.height();
425            } else {
426                mDrawableSizeError = mDrawableHeightError = 0;
427            }
428        }
430        private void applyErrorDrawableIfNeeded(int layoutDirection) {
431            // first restore the initial state if needed
432            switch (mDrawableSaved) {
433                case DRAWABLE_LEFT:
434                    mDrawableLeft = mDrawableTemp;
435                    mDrawableSizeLeft = mDrawableSizeTemp;
436                    mDrawableHeightLeft = mDrawableHeightTemp;
437                    break;
438                case DRAWABLE_RIGHT:
439                    mDrawableRight = mDrawableTemp;
440                    mDrawableSizeRight = mDrawableSizeTemp;
441                    mDrawableHeightRight = mDrawableHeightTemp;
442                    break;
443                case DRAWABLE_NONE:
444                default:
445            }
446            // then, if needed, assign the Error drawable to the correct location
447            if (mDrawableError != null) {
448                switch(layoutDirection) {
449                    case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL:
450                        mDrawableSaved = DRAWABLE_LEFT;
452                        mDrawableTemp = mDrawableLeft;
453                        mDrawableSizeTemp = mDrawableSizeLeft;
454                        mDrawableHeightTemp = mDrawableHeightLeft;
456                        mDrawableLeft = mDrawableError;
457                        mDrawableSizeLeft = mDrawableSizeError;
458                        mDrawableHeightLeft = mDrawableHeightError;
459                        break;
460                    case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR:
461                    default:
462                        mDrawableSaved = DRAWABLE_RIGHT;
464                        mDrawableTemp = mDrawableRight;
465                        mDrawableSizeTemp = mDrawableSizeRight;
466                        mDrawableHeightTemp = mDrawableHeightRight;
468                        mDrawableRight = mDrawableError;
469                        mDrawableSizeRight = mDrawableSizeError;
470                        mDrawableHeightRight = mDrawableHeightError;
471                        break;
472                }
473            }
474        }
475    }
477    Drawables mDrawables;
479    private CharWrapper mCharWrapper;
481    private Marquee mMarquee;
482    private boolean mRestartMarquee;
484    private int mMarqueeRepeatLimit = 3;
486    private int mLastLayoutDirection = -1;
488    /**
489     * On some devices the fading edges add a performance penalty if used
490     * extensively in the same layout. This mode indicates how the marquee
491     * is currently being shown, if applicable. (mEllipsize will == MARQUEE)
492     */
493    private int mMarqueeFadeMode = MARQUEE_FADE_NORMAL;
495    /**
496     * When mMarqueeFadeMode is not MARQUEE_FADE_NORMAL, this stores
497     * the layout that should be used when the mode switches.
498     */
499    private Layout mSavedMarqueeModeLayout;
501    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text")
502    private CharSequence mText;
503    private CharSequence mTransformed;
504    private BufferType mBufferType = BufferType.NORMAL;
506    private CharSequence mHint;
507    private Layout mHintLayout;
509    private MovementMethod mMovement;
511    private TransformationMethod mTransformation;
512    private boolean mAllowTransformationLengthChange;
513    private ChangeWatcher mChangeWatcher;
515    private ArrayList<TextWatcher> mListeners;
517    // display attributes
518    private final TextPaint mTextPaint;
519    private boolean mUserSetTextScaleX;
520    private Layout mLayout;
522    private int mGravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.START;
523    private boolean mHorizontallyScrolling;
525    private int mAutoLinkMask;
526    private boolean mLinksClickable = true;
528    private float mSpacingMult = 1.0f;
529    private float mSpacingAdd = 0.0f;
531    private int mMaximum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
532    private int mMaxMode = LINES;
533    private int mMinimum = 0;
534    private int mMinMode = LINES;
536    private int mOldMaximum = mMaximum;
537    private int mOldMaxMode = mMaxMode;
539    private int mMaxWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
540    private int mMaxWidthMode = PIXELS;
541    private int mMinWidth = 0;
542    private int mMinWidthMode = PIXELS;
544    private boolean mSingleLine;
545    private int mDesiredHeightAtMeasure = -1;
546    private boolean mIncludePad = true;
547    private int mDeferScroll = -1;
549    // tmp primitives, so we don't alloc them on each draw
550    private Rect mTempRect;
551    private long mLastScroll;
552    private Scroller mScroller;
554    private BoringLayout.Metrics mBoring, mHintBoring;
555    private BoringLayout mSavedLayout, mSavedHintLayout;
557    private TextDirectionHeuristic mTextDir;
559    private InputFilter[] mFilters = NO_FILTERS;
561    private volatile Locale mCurrentSpellCheckerLocaleCache;
563    // It is possible to have a selection even when mEditor is null (programmatically set, like when
564    // a link is pressed). These highlight-related fields do not go in mEditor.
565    int mHighlightColor = 0x6633B5E5;
566    private Path mHighlightPath;
567    private final Paint mHighlightPaint;
568    private boolean mHighlightPathBogus = true;
570    // Although these fields are specific to editable text, they are not added to Editor because
571    // they are defined by the TextView's style and are theme-dependent.
572    int mCursorDrawableRes;
573    // These four fields, could be moved to Editor, since we know their default values and we
574    // could condition the creation of the Editor to a non standard value. This is however
575    // brittle since the hardcoded values here (such as
576    // com.android.internal.R.drawable.text_select_handle_left) would have to be updated if the
577    // default style is modified.
578    int mTextSelectHandleLeftRes;
579    int mTextSelectHandleRightRes;
580    int mTextSelectHandleRes;
581    int mTextEditSuggestionItemLayout;
583    /**
584     * EditText specific data, created on demand when one of the Editor fields is used.
585     * See {@link #createEditorIfNeeded()}.
586     */
587    private Editor mEditor;
589    /*
590     * Kick-start the font cache for the zygote process (to pay the cost of
591     * initializing freetype for our default font only once).
592     */
593    static {
594        Paint p = new Paint();
595        p.setAntiAlias(true);
596        // We don't care about the result, just the side-effect of measuring.
597        p.measureText("H");
598    }
600    /**
601     * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an action is
602     * performed on the editor.
603     */
604    public interface OnEditorActionListener {
605        /**
606         * Called when an action is being performed.
607         *
608         * @param v The view that was clicked.
609         * @param actionId Identifier of the action.  This will be either the
610         * identifier you supplied, or {@link EditorInfo#IME_NULL
611         * EditorInfo.IME_NULL} if being called due to the enter key
612         * being pressed.
613         * @param event If triggered by an enter key, this is the event;
614         * otherwise, this is null.
615         * @return Return true if you have consumed the action, else false.
616         */
617        boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event);
618    }
620    public TextView(Context context) {
621        this(context, null);
622    }
624    public TextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
625        this(context, attrs, com.android.internal.R.attr.textViewStyle);
626    }
628    public TextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
629        this(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, 0);
630    }
632    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
633    public TextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
634        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
636        mText = "";
638        final Resources res = getResources();
639        final CompatibilityInfo compat = res.getCompatibilityInfo();
641        mTextPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
642        mTextPaint.density = res.getDisplayMetrics().density;
643        mTextPaint.setCompatibilityScaling(compat.applicationScale);
645        mHighlightPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
646        mHighlightPaint.setCompatibilityScaling(compat.applicationScale);
648        mMovement = getDefaultMovementMethod();
650        mTransformation = null;
652        int textColorHighlight = 0;
653        ColorStateList textColor = null;
654        ColorStateList textColorHint = null;
655        ColorStateList textColorLink = null;
656        int textSize = 15;
657        String fontFamily = null;
658        int typefaceIndex = -1;
659        int styleIndex = -1;
660        boolean allCaps = false;
661        int shadowcolor = 0;
662        float dx = 0, dy = 0, r = 0;
663        boolean elegant = false;
664        float letterSpacing = 0;
665        String fontFeatureSettings = null;
667        final Resources.Theme theme = context.getTheme();
669        /*
670         * Look the appearance up without checking first if it exists because
671         * almost every TextView has one and it greatly simplifies the logic
672         * to be able to parse the appearance first and then let specific tags
673         * for this View override it.
674         */
675        TypedArray a = theme.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
676                com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextViewAppearance, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
677        TypedArray appearance = null;
678        int ap = a.getResourceId(
679                com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextViewAppearance_textAppearance, -1);
680        a.recycle();
681        if (ap != -1) {
682            appearance = theme.obtainStyledAttributes(
683                    ap, com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance);
684        }
685        if (appearance != null) {
686            int n = appearance.getIndexCount();
687            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
688                int attr = appearance.getIndex(i);
690                switch (attr) {
691                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_textColorHighlight:
692                    textColorHighlight = appearance.getColor(attr, textColorHighlight);
693                    break;
695                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_textColor:
696                    textColor = appearance.getColorStateList(attr);
697                    break;
699                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_textColorHint:
700                    textColorHint = appearance.getColorStateList(attr);
701                    break;
703                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_textColorLink:
704                    textColorLink = appearance.getColorStateList(attr);
705                    break;
707                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_textSize:
708                    textSize = appearance.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, textSize);
709                    break;
711                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_typeface:
712                    typefaceIndex = appearance.getInt(attr, -1);
713                    break;
715                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_fontFamily:
716                    fontFamily = appearance.getString(attr);
717                    break;
719                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_textStyle:
720                    styleIndex = appearance.getInt(attr, -1);
721                    break;
723                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_textAllCaps:
724                    allCaps = appearance.getBoolean(attr, false);
725                    break;
727                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_shadowColor:
728                    shadowcolor = appearance.getInt(attr, 0);
729                    break;
731                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_shadowDx:
732                    dx = appearance.getFloat(attr, 0);
733                    break;
735                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_shadowDy:
736                    dy = appearance.getFloat(attr, 0);
737                    break;
739                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_shadowRadius:
740                    r = appearance.getFloat(attr, 0);
741                    break;
743                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_elegantTextHeight:
744                    elegant = appearance.getBoolean(attr, false);
745                    break;
747                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_letterSpacing:
748                    letterSpacing = appearance.getFloat(attr, 0);
749                    break;
751                case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_fontFeatureSettings:
752                    fontFeatureSettings = appearance.getString(attr);
753                    break;
754                }
755            }
757            appearance.recycle();
758        }
760        boolean editable = getDefaultEditable();
761        CharSequence inputMethod = null;
762        int numeric = 0;
763        CharSequence digits = null;
764        boolean phone = false;
765        boolean autotext = false;
766        int autocap = -1;
767        int buffertype = 0;
768        boolean selectallonfocus = false;
769        Drawable drawableLeft = null, drawableTop = null, drawableRight = null,
770            drawableBottom = null, drawableStart = null, drawableEnd = null;
771        int drawablePadding = 0;
772        int ellipsize = -1;
773        boolean singleLine = false;
774        int maxlength = -1;
775        CharSequence text = "";
776        CharSequence hint = null;
777        boolean password = false;
778        int inputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL;
780        a = theme.obtainStyledAttributes(
781                    attrs, com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
783        int n = a.getIndexCount();
784        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
785            int attr = a.getIndex(i);
787            switch (attr) {
788            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_editable:
789                editable = a.getBoolean(attr, editable);
790                break;
792            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_inputMethod:
793                inputMethod = a.getText(attr);
794                break;
796            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_numeric:
797                numeric = a.getInt(attr, numeric);
798                break;
800            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_digits:
801                digits = a.getText(attr);
802                break;
804            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_phoneNumber:
805                phone = a.getBoolean(attr, phone);
806                break;
808            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_autoText:
809                autotext = a.getBoolean(attr, autotext);
810                break;
812            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_capitalize:
813                autocap = a.getInt(attr, autocap);
814                break;
816            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_bufferType:
817                buffertype = a.getInt(attr, buffertype);
818                break;
820            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_selectAllOnFocus:
821                selectallonfocus = a.getBoolean(attr, selectallonfocus);
822                break;
824            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_autoLink:
825                mAutoLinkMask = a.getInt(attr, 0);
826                break;
828            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_linksClickable:
829                mLinksClickable = a.getBoolean(attr, true);
830                break;
832            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_drawableLeft:
833                drawableLeft = a.getDrawable(attr);
834                break;
836            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_drawableTop:
837                drawableTop = a.getDrawable(attr);
838                break;
840            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_drawableRight:
841                drawableRight = a.getDrawable(attr);
842                break;
844            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_drawableBottom:
845                drawableBottom = a.getDrawable(attr);
846                break;
848            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_drawableStart:
849                drawableStart = a.getDrawable(attr);
850                break;
852            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_drawableEnd:
853                drawableEnd = a.getDrawable(attr);
854                break;
856            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_drawablePadding:
857                drawablePadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, drawablePadding);
858                break;
860            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_maxLines:
861                setMaxLines(a.getInt(attr, -1));
862                break;
864            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_maxHeight:
865                setMaxHeight(a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1));
866                break;
868            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_lines:
869                setLines(a.getInt(attr, -1));
870                break;
872            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_height:
873                setHeight(a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1));
874                break;
876            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_minLines:
877                setMinLines(a.getInt(attr, -1));
878                break;
880            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_minHeight:
881                setMinHeight(a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1));
882                break;
884            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_maxEms:
885                setMaxEms(a.getInt(attr, -1));
886                break;
888            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_maxWidth:
889                setMaxWidth(a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1));
890                break;
892            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_ems:
893                setEms(a.getInt(attr, -1));
894                break;
896            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_width:
897                setWidth(a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1));
898                break;
900            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_minEms:
901                setMinEms(a.getInt(attr, -1));
902                break;
904            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_minWidth:
905                setMinWidth(a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, -1));
906                break;
908            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_gravity:
909                setGravity(a.getInt(attr, -1));
910                break;
912            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_hint:
913                hint = a.getText(attr);
914                break;
916            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_text:
917                text = a.getText(attr);
918                break;
920            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_scrollHorizontally:
921                if (a.getBoolean(attr, false)) {
922                    setHorizontallyScrolling(true);
923                }
924                break;
926            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_singleLine:
927                singleLine = a.getBoolean(attr, singleLine);
928                break;
930            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_ellipsize:
931                ellipsize = a.getInt(attr, ellipsize);
932                break;
934            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_marqueeRepeatLimit:
935                setMarqueeRepeatLimit(a.getInt(attr, mMarqueeRepeatLimit));
936                break;
938            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_includeFontPadding:
939                if (!a.getBoolean(attr, true)) {
940                    setIncludeFontPadding(false);
941                }
942                break;
944            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_cursorVisible:
945                if (!a.getBoolean(attr, true)) {
946                    setCursorVisible(false);
947                }
948                break;
950            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_maxLength:
951                maxlength = a.getInt(attr, -1);
952                break;
954            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textScaleX:
955                setTextScaleX(a.getFloat(attr, 1.0f));
956                break;
958            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_freezesText:
959                mFreezesText = a.getBoolean(attr, false);
960                break;
962            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_shadowColor:
963                shadowcolor = a.getInt(attr, 0);
964                break;
966            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_shadowDx:
967                dx = a.getFloat(attr, 0);
968                break;
970            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_shadowDy:
971                dy = a.getFloat(attr, 0);
972                break;
974            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_shadowRadius:
975                r = a.getFloat(attr, 0);
976                break;
978            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_enabled:
979                setEnabled(a.getBoolean(attr, isEnabled()));
980                break;
982            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textColorHighlight:
983                textColorHighlight = a.getColor(attr, textColorHighlight);
984                break;
986            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textColor:
987                textColor = a.getColorStateList(attr);
988                break;
990            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textColorHint:
991                textColorHint = a.getColorStateList(attr);
992                break;
994            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textColorLink:
995                textColorLink = a.getColorStateList(attr);
996                break;
998            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textSize:
999                textSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, textSize);
1000                break;
1002            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_typeface:
1003                typefaceIndex = a.getInt(attr, typefaceIndex);
1004                break;
1006            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textStyle:
1007                styleIndex = a.getInt(attr, styleIndex);
1008                break;
1010            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_fontFamily:
1011                fontFamily = a.getString(attr);
1012                break;
1014            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_password:
1015                password = a.getBoolean(attr, password);
1016                break;
1018            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_lineSpacingExtra:
1019                mSpacingAdd = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, (int) mSpacingAdd);
1020                break;
1022            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_lineSpacingMultiplier:
1023                mSpacingMult = a.getFloat(attr, mSpacingMult);
1024                break;
1026            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_inputType:
1027                inputType = a.getInt(attr, EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL);
1028                break;
1030            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_imeOptions:
1031                createEditorIfNeeded();
1032                mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();
1033                mEditor.mInputContentType.imeOptions = a.getInt(attr,
1034                        mEditor.mInputContentType.imeOptions);
1035                break;
1037            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_imeActionLabel:
1038                createEditorIfNeeded();
1039                mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();
1040                mEditor.mInputContentType.imeActionLabel = a.getText(attr);
1041                break;
1043            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_imeActionId:
1044                createEditorIfNeeded();
1045                mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();
1046                mEditor.mInputContentType.imeActionId = a.getInt(attr,
1047                        mEditor.mInputContentType.imeActionId);
1048                break;
1050            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_privateImeOptions:
1051                setPrivateImeOptions(a.getString(attr));
1052                break;
1054            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_editorExtras:
1055                try {
1056                    setInputExtras(a.getResourceId(attr, 0));
1057                } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
1058                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failure reading input extras", e);
1059                } catch (IOException e) {
1060                    Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failure reading input extras", e);
1061                }
1062                break;
1064            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textCursorDrawable:
1065                mCursorDrawableRes = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);
1066                break;
1068            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textSelectHandleLeft:
1069                mTextSelectHandleLeftRes = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);
1070                break;
1072            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textSelectHandleRight:
1073                mTextSelectHandleRightRes = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);
1074                break;
1076            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textSelectHandle:
1077                mTextSelectHandleRes = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);
1078                break;
1080            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textEditSuggestionItemLayout:
1081                mTextEditSuggestionItemLayout = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);
1082                break;
1084            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textIsSelectable:
1085                setTextIsSelectable(a.getBoolean(attr, false));
1086                break;
1088            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_textAllCaps:
1089                allCaps = a.getBoolean(attr, false);
1090                break;
1092            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_elegantTextHeight:
1093                elegant = a.getBoolean(attr, false);
1094                break;
1096            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_letterSpacing:
1097                letterSpacing = a.getFloat(attr, 0);
1098                break;
1100            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextView_fontFeatureSettings:
1101                fontFeatureSettings = a.getString(attr);
1102                break;
1103            }
1104        }
1105        a.recycle();
1107        BufferType bufferType = BufferType.EDITABLE;
1109        final int variation =
1110                inputType & (EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS | EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION);
1111        final boolean passwordInputType = variation
1112                == (EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD);
1113        final boolean webPasswordInputType = variation
1114                == (EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_PASSWORD);
1115        final boolean numberPasswordInputType = variation
1116                == (EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | EditorInfo.TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_PASSWORD);
1118        if (inputMethod != null) {
1119            Class<?> c;
1121            try {
1122                c = Class.forName(inputMethod.toString());
1123            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
1124                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
1125            }
1127            try {
1128                createEditorIfNeeded();
1129                mEditor.mKeyListener = (KeyListener) c.newInstance();
1130            } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
1131                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
1132            } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
1133                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
1134            }
1135            try {
1136                mEditor.mInputType = inputType != EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL
1137                        ? inputType
1138                        : mEditor.mKeyListener.getInputType();
1139            } catch (IncompatibleClassChangeError e) {
1140                mEditor.mInputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT;
1141            }
1142        } else if (digits != null) {
1143            createEditorIfNeeded();
1144            mEditor.mKeyListener = DigitsKeyListener.getInstance(digits.toString());
1145            // If no input type was specified, we will default to generic
1146            // text, since we can't tell the IME about the set of digits
1147            // that was selected.
1148            mEditor.mInputType = inputType != EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL
1149                    ? inputType : EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT;
1150        } else if (inputType != EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL) {
1151            setInputType(inputType, true);
1152            // If set, the input type overrides what was set using the deprecated singleLine flag.
1153            singleLine = !isMultilineInputType(inputType);
1154        } else if (phone) {
1155            createEditorIfNeeded();
1156            mEditor.mKeyListener = DialerKeyListener.getInstance();
1157            mEditor.mInputType = inputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_PHONE;
1158        } else if (numeric != 0) {
1159            createEditorIfNeeded();
1160            mEditor.mKeyListener = DigitsKeyListener.getInstance((numeric & SIGNED) != 0,
1161                                                   (numeric & DECIMAL) != 0);
1162            inputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER;
1163            if ((numeric & SIGNED) != 0) {
1164                inputType |= EditorInfo.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_SIGNED;
1165            }
1166            if ((numeric & DECIMAL) != 0) {
1167                inputType |= EditorInfo.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL;
1168            }
1169            mEditor.mInputType = inputType;
1170        } else if (autotext || autocap != -1) {
1171            TextKeyListener.Capitalize cap;
1173            inputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT;
1175            switch (autocap) {
1176            case 1:
1177                cap = TextKeyListener.Capitalize.SENTENCES;
1178                inputType |= EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES;
1179                break;
1181            case 2:
1182                cap = TextKeyListener.Capitalize.WORDS;
1183                inputType |= EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS;
1184                break;
1186            case 3:
1187                cap = TextKeyListener.Capitalize.CHARACTERS;
1188                inputType |= EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_CHARACTERS;
1189                break;
1191            default:
1192                cap = TextKeyListener.Capitalize.NONE;
1193                break;
1194            }
1196            createEditorIfNeeded();
1197            mEditor.mKeyListener = TextKeyListener.getInstance(autotext, cap);
1198            mEditor.mInputType = inputType;
1199        } else if (isTextSelectable()) {
1200            // Prevent text changes from keyboard.
1201            if (mEditor != null) {
1202                mEditor.mKeyListener = null;
1203                mEditor.mInputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL;
1204            }
1205            bufferType = BufferType.SPANNABLE;
1206            // So that selection can be changed using arrow keys and touch is handled.
1207            setMovementMethod(ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance());
1208        } else if (editable) {
1209            createEditorIfNeeded();
1210            mEditor.mKeyListener = TextKeyListener.getInstance();
1211            mEditor.mInputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT;
1212        } else {
1213            if (mEditor != null) mEditor.mKeyListener = null;
1215            switch (buffertype) {
1216                case 0:
1217                    bufferType = BufferType.NORMAL;
1218                    break;
1219                case 1:
1220                    bufferType = BufferType.SPANNABLE;
1221                    break;
1222                case 2:
1223                    bufferType = BufferType.EDITABLE;
1224                    break;
1225            }
1226        }
1228        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.adjustInputType(password, passwordInputType,
1229                webPasswordInputType, numberPasswordInputType);
1231        if (selectallonfocus) {
1232            createEditorIfNeeded();
1233            mEditor.mSelectAllOnFocus = true;
1235            if (bufferType == BufferType.NORMAL)
1236                bufferType = BufferType.SPANNABLE;
1237        }
1239        // This call will save the initial left/right drawables
1240        setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(
1241            drawableLeft, drawableTop, drawableRight, drawableBottom);
1242        setRelativeDrawablesIfNeeded(drawableStart, drawableEnd);
1243        setCompoundDrawablePadding(drawablePadding);
1245        // Same as setSingleLine(), but make sure the transformation method and the maximum number
1246        // of lines of height are unchanged for multi-line TextViews.
1247        setInputTypeSingleLine(singleLine);
1248        applySingleLine(singleLine, singleLine, singleLine);
1250        if (singleLine && getKeyListener() == null && ellipsize < 0) {
1251                ellipsize = 3; // END
1252        }
1254        switch (ellipsize) {
1255            case 1:
1256                setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.START);
1257                break;
1258            case 2:
1259                setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.MIDDLE);
1260                break;
1261            case 3:
1262                setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
1263                break;
1264            case 4:
1265                if (ViewConfiguration.get(context).isFadingMarqueeEnabled()) {
1266                    setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(true);
1267                    mMarqueeFadeMode = MARQUEE_FADE_NORMAL;
1268                } else {
1269                    setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(false);
1270                    mMarqueeFadeMode = MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS;
1271                }
1272                setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE);
1273                break;
1274        }
1276        setTextColor(textColor != null ? textColor : ColorStateList.valueOf(0xFF000000));
1277        setHintTextColor(textColorHint);
1278        setLinkTextColor(textColorLink);
1279        if (textColorHighlight != 0) {
1280            setHighlightColor(textColorHighlight);
1281        }
1282        setRawTextSize(textSize);
1283        setElegantTextHeight(elegant);
1284        setLetterSpacing(letterSpacing);
1285        setFontFeatureSettings(fontFeatureSettings);
1287        if (allCaps) {
1288            setTransformationMethod(new AllCapsTransformationMethod(getContext()));
1289        }
1291        if (password || passwordInputType || webPasswordInputType || numberPasswordInputType) {
1292            setTransformationMethod(PasswordTransformationMethod.getInstance());
1293            typefaceIndex = MONOSPACE;
1294        } else if (mEditor != null &&
1295                (mEditor.mInputType & (EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS | EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION))
1296                == (EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD)) {
1297            typefaceIndex = MONOSPACE;
1298        }
1300        setTypefaceFromAttrs(fontFamily, typefaceIndex, styleIndex);
1302        if (shadowcolor != 0) {
1303            setShadowLayer(r, dx, dy, shadowcolor);
1304        }
1306        if (maxlength >= 0) {
1307            setFilters(new InputFilter[] { new InputFilter.LengthFilter(maxlength) });
1308        } else {
1309            setFilters(NO_FILTERS);
1310        }
1312        setText(text, bufferType);
1313        if (hint != null) setHint(hint);
1315        /*
1316         * Views are not normally focusable unless specified to be.
1317         * However, TextViews that have input or movement methods *are*
1318         * focusable by default.
1319         */
1320        a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(
1321                attrs, com.android.internal.R.styleable.View, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
1323        boolean focusable = mMovement != null || getKeyListener() != null;
1324        boolean clickable = focusable || isClickable();
1325        boolean longClickable = focusable || isLongClickable();
1327        n = a.getIndexCount();
1328        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1329            int attr = a.getIndex(i);
1331            switch (attr) {
1332            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_focusable:
1333                focusable = a.getBoolean(attr, focusable);
1334                break;
1336            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_clickable:
1337                clickable = a.getBoolean(attr, clickable);
1338                break;
1340            case com.android.internal.R.styleable.View_longClickable:
1341                longClickable = a.getBoolean(attr, longClickable);
1342                break;
1343            }
1344        }
1345        a.recycle();
1347        setFocusable(focusable);
1348        setClickable(clickable);
1349        setLongClickable(longClickable);
1351        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();
1353        // If not explicitly specified this view is important for accessibility.
1354        if (getImportantForAccessibility() == IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO) {
1355            setImportantForAccessibility(IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES);
1356        }
1357    }
1359    private void setTypefaceFromAttrs(String familyName, int typefaceIndex, int styleIndex) {
1360        Typeface tf = null;
1361        if (familyName != null) {
1362            tf = Typeface.create(familyName, styleIndex);
1363            if (tf != null) {
1364                setTypeface(tf);
1365                return;
1366            }
1367        }
1368        switch (typefaceIndex) {
1369            case SANS:
1370                tf = Typeface.SANS_SERIF;
1371                break;
1373            case SERIF:
1374                tf = Typeface.SERIF;
1375                break;
1377            case MONOSPACE:
1378                tf = Typeface.MONOSPACE;
1379                break;
1380        }
1382        setTypeface(tf, styleIndex);
1383    }
1385    private void setRelativeDrawablesIfNeeded(Drawable start, Drawable end) {
1386        boolean hasRelativeDrawables = (start != null) || (end != null);
1387        if (hasRelativeDrawables) {
1388            Drawables dr = mDrawables;
1389            if (dr == null) {
1390                mDrawables = dr = new Drawables(getContext());
1391            }
1392            mDrawables.mOverride = true;
1393            final Rect compoundRect = dr.mCompoundRect;
1394            int[] state = getDrawableState();
1395            if (start != null) {
1396                start.setBounds(0, 0, start.getIntrinsicWidth(), start.getIntrinsicHeight());
1397                start.setState(state);
1398                start.copyBounds(compoundRect);
1399                start.setCallback(this);
1401                dr.mDrawableStart = start;
1402                dr.mDrawableSizeStart = compoundRect.width();
1403                dr.mDrawableHeightStart = compoundRect.height();
1404            } else {
1405                dr.mDrawableSizeStart = dr.mDrawableHeightStart = 0;
1406            }
1407            if (end != null) {
1408                end.setBounds(0, 0, end.getIntrinsicWidth(), end.getIntrinsicHeight());
1409                end.setState(state);
1410                end.copyBounds(compoundRect);
1411                end.setCallback(this);
1413                dr.mDrawableEnd = end;
1414                dr.mDrawableSizeEnd = compoundRect.width();
1415                dr.mDrawableHeightEnd = compoundRect.height();
1416            } else {
1417                dr.mDrawableSizeEnd = dr.mDrawableHeightEnd = 0;
1418            }
1419            resetResolvedDrawables();
1420            resolveDrawables();
1421        }
1422    }
1424    @Override
1425    public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
1426        if (enabled == isEnabled()) {
1427            return;
1428        }
1430        if (!enabled) {
1431            // Hide the soft input if the currently active TextView is disabled
1432            InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
1433            if (imm != null && imm.isActive(this)) {
1434                imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getWindowToken(), 0);
1435            }
1436        }
1438        super.setEnabled(enabled);
1440        if (enabled) {
1441            // Make sure IME is updated with current editor info.
1442            InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
1443            if (imm != null) imm.restartInput(this);
1444        }
1446        // Will change text color
1447        if (mEditor != null) {
1448            mEditor.invalidateTextDisplayList();
1449            mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();
1451            // start or stop the cursor blinking as appropriate
1452            mEditor.makeBlink();
1453        }
1454    }
1456    /**
1457     * Sets the typeface and style in which the text should be displayed,
1458     * and turns on the fake bold and italic bits in the Paint if the
1459     * Typeface that you provided does not have all the bits in the
1460     * style that you specified.
1461     *
1462     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_typeface
1463     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textStyle
1464     */
1465    public void setTypeface(Typeface tf, int style) {
1466        if (style > 0) {
1467            if (tf == null) {
1468                tf = Typeface.defaultFromStyle(style);
1469            } else {
1470                tf = Typeface.create(tf, style);
1471            }
1473            setTypeface(tf);
1474            // now compute what (if any) algorithmic styling is needed
1475            int typefaceStyle = tf != null ? tf.getStyle() : 0;
1476            int need = style & ~typefaceStyle;
1477            mTextPaint.setFakeBoldText((need & Typeface.BOLD) != 0);
1478            mTextPaint.setTextSkewX((need & Typeface.ITALIC) != 0 ? -0.25f : 0);
1479        } else {
1480            mTextPaint.setFakeBoldText(false);
1481            mTextPaint.setTextSkewX(0);
1482            setTypeface(tf);
1483        }
1484    }
1486    /**
1487     * Subclasses override this to specify that they have a KeyListener
1488     * by default even if not specifically called for in the XML options.
1489     */
1490    protected boolean getDefaultEditable() {
1491        return false;
1492    }
1494    /**
1495     * Subclasses override this to specify a default movement method.
1496     */
1497    protected MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod() {
1498        return null;
1499    }
1501    /**
1502     * Return the text the TextView is displaying. If setText() was called with
1503     * an argument of BufferType.SPANNABLE or BufferType.EDITABLE, you can cast
1504     * the return value from this method to Spannable or Editable, respectively.
1505     *
1506     * Note: The content of the return value should not be modified. If you want
1507     * a modifiable one, you should make your own copy first.
1508     *
1509     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_text
1510     */
1511    @ViewDebug.CapturedViewProperty
1512    public CharSequence getText() {
1513        return mText;
1514    }
1516    /**
1517     * Returns the length, in characters, of the text managed by this TextView
1518     */
1519    public int length() {
1520        return mText.length();
1521    }
1523    /**
1524     * Return the text the TextView is displaying as an Editable object.  If
1525     * the text is not editable, null is returned.
1526     *
1527     * @see #getText
1528     */
1529    public Editable getEditableText() {
1530        return (mText instanceof Editable) ? (Editable)mText : null;
1531    }
1533    /**
1534     * @return the height of one standard line in pixels.  Note that markup
1535     * within the text can cause individual lines to be taller or shorter
1536     * than this height, and the layout may contain additional first-
1537     * or last-line padding.
1538     */
1539    public int getLineHeight() {
1540        return FastMath.round(mTextPaint.getFontMetricsInt(null) * mSpacingMult + mSpacingAdd);
1541    }
1543    /**
1544     * @return the Layout that is currently being used to display the text.
1545     * This can be null if the text or width has recently changes.
1546     */
1547    public final Layout getLayout() {
1548        return mLayout;
1549    }
1551    /**
1552     * @return the Layout that is currently being used to display the hint text.
1553     * This can be null.
1554     */
1555    final Layout getHintLayout() {
1556        return mHintLayout;
1557    }
1559    /**
1560     * Retrieve the {@link android.content.UndoManager} that is currently associated
1561     * with this TextView.  By default there is no associated UndoManager, so null
1562     * is returned.  One can be associated with the TextView through
1563     * {@link #setUndoManager(android.content.UndoManager, String)}
1564     *
1565     * @hide
1566     */
1567    public final UndoManager getUndoManager() {
1568        return mEditor == null ? null : mEditor.mUndoManager;
1569    }
1571    /**
1572     * Associate an {@link android.content.UndoManager} with this TextView.  Once
1573     * done, all edit operations on the TextView will result in appropriate
1574     * {@link android.content.UndoOperation} objects pushed on the given UndoManager's
1575     * stack.
1576     *
1577     * @param undoManager The {@link android.content.UndoManager} to associate with
1578     * this TextView, or null to clear any existing association.
1579     * @param tag String tag identifying this particular TextView owner in the
1580     * UndoManager.  This is used to keep the correct association with the
1581     * {@link android.content.UndoOwner} of any operations inside of the UndoManager.
1582     *
1583     * @hide
1584     */
1585    public final void setUndoManager(UndoManager undoManager, String tag) {
1586        if (undoManager != null) {
1587            createEditorIfNeeded();
1588            mEditor.mUndoManager = undoManager;
1589            mEditor.mUndoOwner = undoManager.getOwner(tag, this);
1590            mEditor.mUndoInputFilter = new Editor.UndoInputFilter(mEditor);
1591            if (!(mText instanceof Editable)) {
1592                setText(mText, BufferType.EDITABLE);
1593            }
1595            setFilters((Editable) mText, mFilters);
1596        } else if (mEditor != null) {
1597            // XXX need to destroy all associated state.
1598            mEditor.mUndoManager = null;
1599            mEditor.mUndoOwner = null;
1600            mEditor.mUndoInputFilter = null;
1601        }
1602    }
1604    /**
1605     * @return the current key listener for this TextView.
1606     * This will frequently be null for non-EditText TextViews.
1607     *
1608     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_numeric
1609     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_digits
1610     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_phoneNumber
1611     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_inputMethod
1612     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_capitalize
1613     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_autoText
1614     */
1615    public final KeyListener getKeyListener() {
1616        return mEditor == null ? null : mEditor.mKeyListener;
1617    }
1619    /**
1620     * Sets the key listener to be used with this TextView.  This can be null
1621     * to disallow user input.  Note that this method has significant and
1622     * subtle interactions with soft keyboards and other input method:
1623     * see {@link KeyListener#getInputType() KeyListener.getContentType()}
1624     * for important details.  Calling this method will replace the current
1625     * content type of the text view with the content type returned by the
1626     * key listener.
1627     * <p>
1628     * Be warned that if you want a TextView with a key listener or movement
1629     * method not to be focusable, or if you want a TextView without a
1630     * key listener or movement method to be focusable, you must call
1631     * {@link #setFocusable} again after calling this to get the focusability
1632     * back the way you want it.
1633     *
1634     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_numeric
1635     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_digits
1636     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_phoneNumber
1637     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_inputMethod
1638     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_capitalize
1639     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_autoText
1640     */
1641    public void setKeyListener(KeyListener input) {
1642        setKeyListenerOnly(input);
1643        fixFocusableAndClickableSettings();
1645        if (input != null) {
1646            createEditorIfNeeded();
1647            try {
1648                mEditor.mInputType = mEditor.mKeyListener.getInputType();
1649            } catch (IncompatibleClassChangeError e) {
1650                mEditor.mInputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT;
1651            }
1652            // Change inputType, without affecting transformation.
1653            // No need to applySingleLine since mSingleLine is unchanged.
1654            setInputTypeSingleLine(mSingleLine);
1655        } else {
1656            if (mEditor != null) mEditor.mInputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL;
1657        }
1659        InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
1660        if (imm != null) imm.restartInput(this);
1661    }
1663    private void setKeyListenerOnly(KeyListener input) {
1664        if (mEditor == null && input == null) return; // null is the default value
1666        createEditorIfNeeded();
1667        if (mEditor.mKeyListener != input) {
1668            mEditor.mKeyListener = input;
1669            if (input != null && !(mText instanceof Editable)) {
1670                setText(mText);
1671            }
1673            setFilters((Editable) mText, mFilters);
1674        }
1675    }
1677    /**
1678     * @return the movement method being used for this TextView.
1679     * This will frequently be null for non-EditText TextViews.
1680     */
1681    public final MovementMethod getMovementMethod() {
1682        return mMovement;
1683    }
1685    /**
1686     * Sets the movement method (arrow key handler) to be used for
1687     * this TextView.  This can be null to disallow using the arrow keys
1688     * to move the cursor or scroll the view.
1689     * <p>
1690     * Be warned that if you want a TextView with a key listener or movement
1691     * method not to be focusable, or if you want a TextView without a
1692     * key listener or movement method to be focusable, you must call
1693     * {@link #setFocusable} again after calling this to get the focusability
1694     * back the way you want it.
1695     */
1696    public final void setMovementMethod(MovementMethod movement) {
1697        if (mMovement != movement) {
1698            mMovement = movement;
1700            if (movement != null && !(mText instanceof Spannable)) {
1701                setText(mText);
1702            }
1704            fixFocusableAndClickableSettings();
1706            // SelectionModifierCursorController depends on textCanBeSelected, which depends on
1707            // mMovement
1708            if (mEditor != null) mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();
1709        }
1710    }
1712    private void fixFocusableAndClickableSettings() {
1713        if (mMovement != null || (mEditor != null && mEditor.mKeyListener != null)) {
1714            setFocusable(true);
1715            setClickable(true);
1716            setLongClickable(true);
1717        } else {
1718            setFocusable(false);
1719            setClickable(false);
1720            setLongClickable(false);
1721        }
1722    }
1724    /**
1725     * @return the current transformation method for this TextView.
1726     * This will frequently be null except for single-line and password
1727     * fields.
1728     *
1729     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_password
1730     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_singleLine
1731     */
1732    public final TransformationMethod getTransformationMethod() {
1733        return mTransformation;
1734    }
1736    /**
1737     * Sets the transformation that is applied to the text that this
1738     * TextView is displaying.
1739     *
1740     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_password
1741     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_singleLine
1742     */
1743    public final void setTransformationMethod(TransformationMethod method) {
1744        if (method == mTransformation) {
1745            // Avoid the setText() below if the transformation is
1746            // the same.
1747            return;
1748        }
1749        if (mTransformation != null) {
1750            if (mText instanceof Spannable) {
1751                ((Spannable) mText).removeSpan(mTransformation);
1752            }
1753        }
1755        mTransformation = method;
1757        if (method instanceof TransformationMethod2) {
1758            TransformationMethod2 method2 = (TransformationMethod2) method;
1759            mAllowTransformationLengthChange = !isTextSelectable() && !(mText instanceof Editable);
1760            method2.setLengthChangesAllowed(mAllowTransformationLengthChange);
1761        } else {
1762            mAllowTransformationLengthChange = false;
1763        }
1765        setText(mText);
1767        if (hasPasswordTransformationMethod()) {
1768            notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(
1769                    AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED);
1770        }
1771    }
1773    /**
1774     * Returns the top padding of the view, plus space for the top
1775     * Drawable if any.
1776     */
1777    public int getCompoundPaddingTop() {
1778        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
1779        if (dr == null || dr.mDrawableTop == null) {
1780            return mPaddingTop;
1781        } else {
1782            return mPaddingTop + dr.mDrawablePadding + dr.mDrawableSizeTop;
1783        }
1784    }
1786    /**
1787     * Returns the bottom padding of the view, plus space for the bottom
1788     * Drawable if any.
1789     */
1790    public int getCompoundPaddingBottom() {
1791        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
1792        if (dr == null || dr.mDrawableBottom == null) {
1793            return mPaddingBottom;
1794        } else {
1795            return mPaddingBottom + dr.mDrawablePadding + dr.mDrawableSizeBottom;
1796        }
1797    }
1799    /**
1800     * Returns the left padding of the view, plus space for the left
1801     * Drawable if any.
1802     */
1803    public int getCompoundPaddingLeft() {
1804        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
1805        if (dr == null || dr.mDrawableLeft == null) {
1806            return mPaddingLeft;
1807        } else {
1808            return mPaddingLeft + dr.mDrawablePadding + dr.mDrawableSizeLeft;
1809        }
1810    }
1812    /**
1813     * Returns the right padding of the view, plus space for the right
1814     * Drawable if any.
1815     */
1816    public int getCompoundPaddingRight() {
1817        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
1818        if (dr == null || dr.mDrawableRight == null) {
1819            return mPaddingRight;
1820        } else {
1821            return mPaddingRight + dr.mDrawablePadding + dr.mDrawableSizeRight;
1822        }
1823    }
1825    /**
1826     * Returns the start padding of the view, plus space for the start
1827     * Drawable if any.
1828     */
1829    public int getCompoundPaddingStart() {
1830        resolveDrawables();
1831        switch(getLayoutDirection()) {
1832            default:
1833            case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR:
1834                return getCompoundPaddingLeft();
1835            case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL:
1836                return getCompoundPaddingRight();
1837        }
1838    }
1840    /**
1841     * Returns the end padding of the view, plus space for the end
1842     * Drawable if any.
1843     */
1844    public int getCompoundPaddingEnd() {
1845        resolveDrawables();
1846        switch(getLayoutDirection()) {
1847            default:
1848            case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR:
1849                return getCompoundPaddingRight();
1850            case LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL:
1851                return getCompoundPaddingLeft();
1852        }
1853    }
1855    /**
1856     * Returns the extended top padding of the view, including both the
1857     * top Drawable if any and any extra space to keep more than maxLines
1858     * of text from showing.  It is only valid to call this after measuring.
1859     */
1860    public int getExtendedPaddingTop() {
1861        if (mMaxMode != LINES) {
1862            return getCompoundPaddingTop();
1863        }
1865        if (mLayout == null) {
1866            assumeLayout();
1867        }
1869        if (mLayout.getLineCount() <= mMaximum) {
1870            return getCompoundPaddingTop();
1871        }
1873        int top = getCompoundPaddingTop();
1874        int bottom = getCompoundPaddingBottom();
1875        int viewht = getHeight() - top - bottom;
1876        int layoutht = mLayout.getLineTop(mMaximum);
1878        if (layoutht >= viewht) {
1879            return top;
1880        }
1882        final int gravity = mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK;
1883        if (gravity == Gravity.TOP) {
1884            return top;
1885        } else if (gravity == Gravity.BOTTOM) {
1886            return top + viewht - layoutht;
1887        } else { // (gravity == Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)
1888            return top + (viewht - layoutht) / 2;
1889        }
1890    }
1892    /**
1893     * Returns the extended bottom padding of the view, including both the
1894     * bottom Drawable if any and any extra space to keep more than maxLines
1895     * of text from showing.  It is only valid to call this after measuring.
1896     */
1897    public int getExtendedPaddingBottom() {
1898        if (mMaxMode != LINES) {
1899            return getCompoundPaddingBottom();
1900        }
1902        if (mLayout == null) {
1903            assumeLayout();
1904        }
1906        if (mLayout.getLineCount() <= mMaximum) {
1907            return getCompoundPaddingBottom();
1908        }
1910        int top = getCompoundPaddingTop();
1911        int bottom = getCompoundPaddingBottom();
1912        int viewht = getHeight() - top - bottom;
1913        int layoutht = mLayout.getLineTop(mMaximum);
1915        if (layoutht >= viewht) {
1916            return bottom;
1917        }
1919        final int gravity = mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK;
1920        if (gravity == Gravity.TOP) {
1921            return bottom + viewht - layoutht;
1922        } else if (gravity == Gravity.BOTTOM) {
1923            return bottom;
1924        } else { // (gravity == Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)
1925            return bottom + (viewht - layoutht) / 2;
1926        }
1927    }
1929    /**
1930     * Returns the total left padding of the view, including the left
1931     * Drawable if any.
1932     */
1933    public int getTotalPaddingLeft() {
1934        return getCompoundPaddingLeft();
1935    }
1937    /**
1938     * Returns the total right padding of the view, including the right
1939     * Drawable if any.
1940     */
1941    public int getTotalPaddingRight() {
1942        return getCompoundPaddingRight();
1943    }
1945    /**
1946     * Returns the total start padding of the view, including the start
1947     * Drawable if any.
1948     */
1949    public int getTotalPaddingStart() {
1950        return getCompoundPaddingStart();
1951    }
1953    /**
1954     * Returns the total end padding of the view, including the end
1955     * Drawable if any.
1956     */
1957    public int getTotalPaddingEnd() {
1958        return getCompoundPaddingEnd();
1959    }
1961    /**
1962     * Returns the total top padding of the view, including the top
1963     * Drawable if any, the extra space to keep more than maxLines
1964     * from showing, and the vertical offset for gravity, if any.
1965     */
1966    public int getTotalPaddingTop() {
1967        return getExtendedPaddingTop() + getVerticalOffset(true);
1968    }
1970    /**
1971     * Returns the total bottom padding of the view, including the bottom
1972     * Drawable if any, the extra space to keep more than maxLines
1973     * from showing, and the vertical offset for gravity, if any.
1974     */
1975    public int getTotalPaddingBottom() {
1976        return getExtendedPaddingBottom() + getBottomVerticalOffset(true);
1977    }
1979    /**
1980     * Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the left of, above, to the
1981     * right of, and below the text. Use {@code null} if you do not want a
1982     * Drawable there. The Drawables must already have had
1983     * {@link Drawable#setBounds} called.
1984     * <p>
1985     * Calling this method will overwrite any Drawables previously set using
1986     * {@link #setCompoundDrawablesRelative} or related methods.
1987     *
1988     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableLeft
1989     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableTop
1990     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableRight
1991     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableBottom
1992     */
1993    public void setCompoundDrawables(@Nullable Drawable left, @Nullable Drawable top,
1994            @Nullable Drawable right, @Nullable Drawable bottom) {
1995        Drawables dr = mDrawables;
1997        // We're switching to absolute, discard relative.
1998        if (dr != null) {
1999            if (dr.mDrawableStart != null) dr.mDrawableStart.setCallback(null);
2000            dr.mDrawableStart = null;
2001            if (dr.mDrawableEnd != null) dr.mDrawableEnd.setCallback(null);
2002            dr.mDrawableEnd = null;
2003            dr.mDrawableSizeStart = dr.mDrawableHeightStart = 0;
2004            dr.mDrawableSizeEnd = dr.mDrawableHeightEnd = 0;
2005        }
2007        final boolean drawables = left != null || top != null || right != null || bottom != null;
2008        if (!drawables) {
2009            // Clearing drawables...  can we free the data structure?
2010            if (dr != null) {
2011                if (dr.mDrawablePadding == 0) {
2012                    mDrawables = null;
2013                } else {
2014                    // We need to retain the last set padding, so just clear
2015                    // out all of the fields in the existing structure.
2016                    if (dr.mDrawableLeft != null) dr.mDrawableLeft.setCallback(null);
2017                    dr.mDrawableLeft = null;
2018                    if (dr.mDrawableTop != null) dr.mDrawableTop.setCallback(null);
2019                    dr.mDrawableTop = null;
2020                    if (dr.mDrawableRight != null) dr.mDrawableRight.setCallback(null);
2021                    dr.mDrawableRight = null;
2022                    if (dr.mDrawableBottom != null) dr.mDrawableBottom.setCallback(null);
2023                    dr.mDrawableBottom = null;
2024                    dr.mDrawableSizeLeft = dr.mDrawableHeightLeft = 0;
2025                    dr.mDrawableSizeRight = dr.mDrawableHeightRight = 0;
2026                    dr.mDrawableSizeTop = dr.mDrawableWidthTop = 0;
2027                    dr.mDrawableSizeBottom = dr.mDrawableWidthBottom = 0;
2028                }
2029            }
2030        } else {
2031            if (dr == null) {
2032                mDrawables = dr = new Drawables(getContext());
2033            }
2035            mDrawables.mOverride = false;
2037            if (dr.mDrawableLeft != left && dr.mDrawableLeft != null) {
2038                dr.mDrawableLeft.setCallback(null);
2039            }
2040            dr.mDrawableLeft = left;
2042            if (dr.mDrawableTop != top && dr.mDrawableTop != null) {
2043                dr.mDrawableTop.setCallback(null);
2044            }
2045            dr.mDrawableTop = top;
2047            if (dr.mDrawableRight != right && dr.mDrawableRight != null) {
2048                dr.mDrawableRight.setCallback(null);
2049            }
2050            dr.mDrawableRight = right;
2052            if (dr.mDrawableBottom != bottom && dr.mDrawableBottom != null) {
2053                dr.mDrawableBottom.setCallback(null);
2054            }
2055            dr.mDrawableBottom = bottom;
2057            final Rect compoundRect = dr.mCompoundRect;
2058            int[] state;
2060            state = getDrawableState();
2062            if (left != null) {
2063                left.setState(state);
2064                left.copyBounds(compoundRect);
2065                left.setCallback(this);
2066                dr.mDrawableSizeLeft = compoundRect.width();
2067                dr.mDrawableHeightLeft = compoundRect.height();
2068            } else {
2069                dr.mDrawableSizeLeft = dr.mDrawableHeightLeft = 0;
2070            }
2072            if (right != null) {
2073                right.setState(state);
2074                right.copyBounds(compoundRect);
2075                right.setCallback(this);
2076                dr.mDrawableSizeRight = compoundRect.width();
2077                dr.mDrawableHeightRight = compoundRect.height();
2078            } else {
2079                dr.mDrawableSizeRight = dr.mDrawableHeightRight = 0;
2080            }
2082            if (top != null) {
2083                top.setState(state);
2084                top.copyBounds(compoundRect);
2085                top.setCallback(this);
2086                dr.mDrawableSizeTop = compoundRect.height();
2087                dr.mDrawableWidthTop = compoundRect.width();
2088            } else {
2089                dr.mDrawableSizeTop = dr.mDrawableWidthTop = 0;
2090            }
2092            if (bottom != null) {
2093                bottom.setState(state);
2094                bottom.copyBounds(compoundRect);
2095                bottom.setCallback(this);
2096                dr.mDrawableSizeBottom = compoundRect.height();
2097                dr.mDrawableWidthBottom = compoundRect.width();
2098            } else {
2099                dr.mDrawableSizeBottom = dr.mDrawableWidthBottom = 0;
2100            }
2101        }
2103        // Save initial left/right drawables
2104        if (dr != null) {
2105            dr.mDrawableLeftInitial = left;
2106            dr.mDrawableRightInitial = right;
2107        }
2109        resetResolvedDrawables();
2110        resolveDrawables();
2111        invalidate();
2112        requestLayout();
2113    }
2115    /**
2116     * Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the left of, above, to the
2117     * right of, and below the text. Use 0 if you do not want a Drawable there.
2118     * The Drawables' bounds will be set to their intrinsic bounds.
2119     * <p>
2120     * Calling this method will overwrite any Drawables previously set using
2121     * {@link #setCompoundDrawablesRelative} or related methods.
2122     *
2123     * @param left Resource identifier of the left Drawable.
2124     * @param top Resource identifier of the top Drawable.
2125     * @param right Resource identifier of the right Drawable.
2126     * @param bottom Resource identifier of the bottom Drawable.
2127     *
2128     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableLeft
2129     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableTop
2130     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableRight
2131     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableBottom
2132     */
2133    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2134    public void setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
2135        final Context context = getContext();
2136        setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(left != 0 ? context.getDrawable(left) : null,
2137                top != 0 ? context.getDrawable(top) : null,
2138                right != 0 ? context.getDrawable(right) : null,
2139                bottom != 0 ? context.getDrawable(bottom) : null);
2140    }
2142    /**
2143     * Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the left of, above, to the
2144     * right of, and below the text. Use {@code null} if you do not want a
2145     * Drawable there. The Drawables' bounds will be set to their intrinsic
2146     * bounds.
2147     * <p>
2148     * Calling this method will overwrite any Drawables previously set using
2149     * {@link #setCompoundDrawablesRelative} or related methods.
2150     *
2151     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableLeft
2152     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableTop
2153     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableRight
2154     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableBottom
2155     */
2156    public void setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(@Nullable Drawable left,
2157            @Nullable Drawable top, @Nullable Drawable right, @Nullable Drawable bottom) {
2159        if (left != null) {
2160            left.setBounds(0, 0, left.getIntrinsicWidth(), left.getIntrinsicHeight());
2161        }
2162        if (right != null) {
2163            right.setBounds(0, 0, right.getIntrinsicWidth(), right.getIntrinsicHeight());
2164        }
2165        if (top != null) {
2166            top.setBounds(0, 0, top.getIntrinsicWidth(), top.getIntrinsicHeight());
2167        }
2168        if (bottom != null) {
2169            bottom.setBounds(0, 0, bottom.getIntrinsicWidth(), bottom.getIntrinsicHeight());
2170        }
2171        setCompoundDrawables(left, top, right, bottom);
2172    }
2174    /**
2175     * Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the start of, above, to the end
2176     * of, and below the text. Use {@code null} if you do not want a Drawable
2177     * there. The Drawables must already have had {@link Drawable#setBounds}
2178     * called.
2179     * <p>
2180     * Calling this method will overwrite any Drawables previously set using
2181     * {@link #setCompoundDrawables} or related methods.
2182     *
2183     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableStart
2184     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableTop
2185     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableEnd
2186     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableBottom
2187     */
2188    public void setCompoundDrawablesRelative(@Nullable Drawable start, @Nullable Drawable top,
2189            @Nullable Drawable end, @Nullable Drawable bottom) {
2190        Drawables dr = mDrawables;
2192        // We're switching to relative, discard absolute.
2193        if (dr != null) {
2194            if (dr.mDrawableLeft != null) dr.mDrawableLeft.setCallback(null);
2195            dr.mDrawableLeft = dr.mDrawableLeftInitial = null;
2196            if (dr.mDrawableRight != null) dr.mDrawableRight.setCallback(null);
2197            dr.mDrawableRight = dr.mDrawableRightInitial = null;
2198            dr.mDrawableSizeLeft = dr.mDrawableHeightLeft = 0;
2199            dr.mDrawableSizeRight = dr.mDrawableHeightRight = 0;
2200        }
2202        final boolean drawables = start != null || top != null
2203                || end != null || bottom != null;
2205        if (!drawables) {
2206            // Clearing drawables...  can we free the data structure?
2207            if (dr != null) {
2208                if (dr.mDrawablePadding == 0) {
2209                    mDrawables = null;
2210                } else {
2211                    // We need to retain the last set padding, so just clear
2212                    // out all of the fields in the existing structure.
2213                    if (dr.mDrawableStart != null) dr.mDrawableStart.setCallback(null);
2214                    dr.mDrawableStart = null;
2215                    if (dr.mDrawableTop != null) dr.mDrawableTop.setCallback(null);
2216                    dr.mDrawableTop = null;
2217                    if (dr.mDrawableEnd != null) dr.mDrawableEnd.setCallback(null);
2218                    dr.mDrawableEnd = null;
2219                    if (dr.mDrawableBottom != null) dr.mDrawableBottom.setCallback(null);
2220                    dr.mDrawableBottom = null;
2221                    dr.mDrawableSizeStart = dr.mDrawableHeightStart = 0;
2222                    dr.mDrawableSizeEnd = dr.mDrawableHeightEnd = 0;
2223                    dr.mDrawableSizeTop = dr.mDrawableWidthTop = 0;
2224                    dr.mDrawableSizeBottom = dr.mDrawableWidthBottom = 0;
2225                }
2226            }
2227        } else {
2228            if (dr == null) {
2229                mDrawables = dr = new Drawables(getContext());
2230            }
2232            mDrawables.mOverride = true;
2234            if (dr.mDrawableStart != start && dr.mDrawableStart != null) {
2235                dr.mDrawableStart.setCallback(null);
2236            }
2237            dr.mDrawableStart = start;
2239            if (dr.mDrawableTop != top && dr.mDrawableTop != null) {
2240                dr.mDrawableTop.setCallback(null);
2241            }
2242            dr.mDrawableTop = top;
2244            if (dr.mDrawableEnd != end && dr.mDrawableEnd != null) {
2245                dr.mDrawableEnd.setCallback(null);
2246            }
2247            dr.mDrawableEnd = end;
2249            if (dr.mDrawableBottom != bottom && dr.mDrawableBottom != null) {
2250                dr.mDrawableBottom.setCallback(null);
2251            }
2252            dr.mDrawableBottom = bottom;
2254            final Rect compoundRect = dr.mCompoundRect;
2255            int[] state;
2257            state = getDrawableState();
2259            if (start != null) {
2260                start.setState(state);
2261                start.copyBounds(compoundRect);
2262                start.setCallback(this);
2263                dr.mDrawableSizeStart = compoundRect.width();
2264                dr.mDrawableHeightStart = compoundRect.height();
2265            } else {
2266                dr.mDrawableSizeStart = dr.mDrawableHeightStart = 0;
2267            }
2269            if (end != null) {
2270                end.setState(state);
2271                end.copyBounds(compoundRect);
2272                end.setCallback(this);
2273                dr.mDrawableSizeEnd = compoundRect.width();
2274                dr.mDrawableHeightEnd = compoundRect.height();
2275            } else {
2276                dr.mDrawableSizeEnd = dr.mDrawableHeightEnd = 0;
2277            }
2279            if (top != null) {
2280                top.setState(state);
2281                top.copyBounds(compoundRect);
2282                top.setCallback(this);
2283                dr.mDrawableSizeTop = compoundRect.height();
2284                dr.mDrawableWidthTop = compoundRect.width();
2285            } else {
2286                dr.mDrawableSizeTop = dr.mDrawableWidthTop = 0;
2287            }
2289            if (bottom != null) {
2290                bottom.setState(state);
2291                bottom.copyBounds(compoundRect);
2292                bottom.setCallback(this);
2293                dr.mDrawableSizeBottom = compoundRect.height();
2294                dr.mDrawableWidthBottom = compoundRect.width();
2295            } else {
2296                dr.mDrawableSizeBottom = dr.mDrawableWidthBottom = 0;
2297            }
2298        }
2300        resetResolvedDrawables();
2301        resolveDrawables();
2302        invalidate();
2303        requestLayout();
2304    }
2306    /**
2307     * Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the start of, above, to the end
2308     * of, and below the text. Use 0 if you do not want a Drawable there. The
2309     * Drawables' bounds will be set to their intrinsic bounds.
2310     * <p>
2311     * Calling this method will overwrite any Drawables previously set using
2312     * {@link #setCompoundDrawables} or related methods.
2313     *
2314     * @param start Resource identifier of the start Drawable.
2315     * @param top Resource identifier of the top Drawable.
2316     * @param end Resource identifier of the end Drawable.
2317     * @param bottom Resource identifier of the bottom Drawable.
2318     *
2319     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableStart
2320     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableTop
2321     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableEnd
2322     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableBottom
2323     */
2324    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2325    public void setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(int start, int top, int end,
2326            int bottom) {
2327        final Context context = getContext();
2328        setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(
2329                start != 0 ? context.getDrawable(start) : null,
2330                top != 0 ? context.getDrawable(top) : null,
2331                end != 0 ? context.getDrawable(end) : null,
2332                bottom != 0 ? context.getDrawable(bottom) : null);
2333    }
2335    /**
2336     * Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the start of, above, to the end
2337     * of, and below the text. Use {@code null} if you do not want a Drawable
2338     * there. The Drawables' bounds will be set to their intrinsic bounds.
2339     * <p>
2340     * Calling this method will overwrite any Drawables previously set using
2341     * {@link #setCompoundDrawables} or related methods.
2342     *
2343     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableStart
2344     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableTop
2345     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableEnd
2346     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableBottom
2347     */
2348    public void setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(@Nullable Drawable start,
2349            @Nullable Drawable top, @Nullable Drawable end, @Nullable Drawable bottom) {
2351        if (start != null) {
2352            start.setBounds(0, 0, start.getIntrinsicWidth(), start.getIntrinsicHeight());
2353        }
2354        if (end != null) {
2355            end.setBounds(0, 0, end.getIntrinsicWidth(), end.getIntrinsicHeight());
2356        }
2357        if (top != null) {
2358            top.setBounds(0, 0, top.getIntrinsicWidth(), top.getIntrinsicHeight());
2359        }
2360        if (bottom != null) {
2361            bottom.setBounds(0, 0, bottom.getIntrinsicWidth(), bottom.getIntrinsicHeight());
2362        }
2363        setCompoundDrawablesRelative(start, top, end, bottom);
2364    }
2366    /**
2367     * Returns drawables for the left, top, right, and bottom borders.
2368     *
2369     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableLeft
2370     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableTop
2371     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableRight
2372     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableBottom
2373     */
2374    @NonNull
2375    public Drawable[] getCompoundDrawables() {
2376        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
2377        if (dr != null) {
2378            return new Drawable[] {
2379                dr.mDrawableLeft, dr.mDrawableTop, dr.mDrawableRight, dr.mDrawableBottom
2380            };
2381        } else {
2382            return new Drawable[] { null, null, null, null };
2383        }
2384    }
2386    /**
2387     * Returns drawables for the start, top, end, and bottom borders.
2388     *
2389     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableStart
2390     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableTop
2391     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableEnd
2392     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawableBottom
2393     */
2394    @NonNull
2395    public Drawable[] getCompoundDrawablesRelative() {
2396        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
2397        if (dr != null) {
2398            return new Drawable[] {
2399                dr.mDrawableStart, dr.mDrawableTop, dr.mDrawableEnd, dr.mDrawableBottom
2400            };
2401        } else {
2402            return new Drawable[] { null, null, null, null };
2403        }
2404    }
2406    /**
2407     * Sets the size of the padding between the compound drawables and
2408     * the text.
2409     *
2410     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawablePadding
2411     */
2412    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2413    public void setCompoundDrawablePadding(int pad) {
2414        Drawables dr = mDrawables;
2415        if (pad == 0) {
2416            if (dr != null) {
2417                dr.mDrawablePadding = pad;
2418            }
2419        } else {
2420            if (dr == null) {
2421                mDrawables = dr = new Drawables(getContext());
2422            }
2423            dr.mDrawablePadding = pad;
2424        }
2426        invalidate();
2427        requestLayout();
2428    }
2430    /**
2431     * Returns the padding between the compound drawables and the text.
2432     *
2433     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_drawablePadding
2434     */
2435    public int getCompoundDrawablePadding() {
2436        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
2437        return dr != null ? dr.mDrawablePadding : 0;
2438    }
2440    @Override
2441    public void setPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
2442        if (left != mPaddingLeft ||
2443            right != mPaddingRight ||
2444            top != mPaddingTop ||
2445            bottom != mPaddingBottom) {
2446            nullLayouts();
2447        }
2449        // the super call will requestLayout()
2450        super.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom);
2451        invalidate();
2452    }
2454    @Override
2455    public void setPaddingRelative(int start, int top, int end, int bottom) {
2456        if (start != getPaddingStart() ||
2457            end != getPaddingEnd() ||
2458            top != mPaddingTop ||
2459            bottom != mPaddingBottom) {
2460            nullLayouts();
2461        }
2463        // the super call will requestLayout()
2464        super.setPaddingRelative(start, top, end, bottom);
2465        invalidate();
2466    }
2468    /**
2469     * Gets the autolink mask of the text.  See {@link
2470     * android.text.util.Linkify#ALL Linkify.ALL} and peers for
2471     * possible values.
2472     *
2473     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_autoLink
2474     */
2475    public final int getAutoLinkMask() {
2476        return mAutoLinkMask;
2477    }
2479    /**
2480     * Sets the text color, size, style, hint color, and highlight color
2481     * from the specified TextAppearance resource.
2482     */
2483    public void setTextAppearance(Context context, int resid) {
2484        TypedArray appearance =
2485            context.obtainStyledAttributes(resid,
2486                                           com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance);
2488        int color;
2489        ColorStateList colors;
2490        int ts;
2492        color = appearance.getColor(
2493                com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_textColorHighlight, 0);
2494        if (color != 0) {
2495            setHighlightColor(color);
2496        }
2498        colors = appearance.getColorStateList(com.android.internal.R.styleable.
2499                                              TextAppearance_textColor);
2500        if (colors != null) {
2501            setTextColor(colors);
2502        }
2504        ts = appearance.getDimensionPixelSize(com.android.internal.R.styleable.
2505                                              TextAppearance_textSize, 0);
2506        if (ts != 0) {
2507            setRawTextSize(ts);
2508        }
2510        colors = appearance.getColorStateList(com.android.internal.R.styleable.
2511                                              TextAppearance_textColorHint);
2512        if (colors != null) {
2513            setHintTextColor(colors);
2514        }
2516        colors = appearance.getColorStateList(com.android.internal.R.styleable.
2517                                              TextAppearance_textColorLink);
2518        if (colors != null) {
2519            setLinkTextColor(colors);
2520        }
2522        String familyName;
2523        int typefaceIndex, styleIndex;
2525        familyName = appearance.getString(com.android.internal.R.styleable.
2526                                          TextAppearance_fontFamily);
2527        typefaceIndex = appearance.getInt(com.android.internal.R.styleable.
2528                                          TextAppearance_typeface, -1);
2529        styleIndex = appearance.getInt(com.android.internal.R.styleable.
2530                                       TextAppearance_textStyle, -1);
2532        setTypefaceFromAttrs(familyName, typefaceIndex, styleIndex);
2534        final int shadowcolor = appearance.getInt(
2535                com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_shadowColor, 0);
2536        if (shadowcolor != 0) {
2537            final float dx = appearance.getFloat(
2538                    com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_shadowDx, 0);
2539            final float dy = appearance.getFloat(
2540                    com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_shadowDy, 0);
2541            final float r = appearance.getFloat(
2542                    com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_shadowRadius, 0);
2544            setShadowLayer(r, dx, dy, shadowcolor);
2545        }
2547        if (appearance.getBoolean(com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_textAllCaps,
2548                false)) {
2549            setTransformationMethod(new AllCapsTransformationMethod(getContext()));
2550        }
2552        if (appearance.hasValue(com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_elegantTextHeight)) {
2553            setElegantTextHeight(appearance.getBoolean(
2554                com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_elegantTextHeight, false));
2555        }
2557        if (appearance.hasValue(com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_letterSpacing)) {
2558            setLetterSpacing(appearance.getFloat(
2559                com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_letterSpacing, 0));
2560        }
2562        if (appearance.hasValue(com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_fontFeatureSettings)) {
2563            setFontFeatureSettings(appearance.getString(
2564                com.android.internal.R.styleable.TextAppearance_fontFeatureSettings));
2565        }
2567        appearance.recycle();
2568    }
2570    /**
2571     * Get the default {@link Locale} of the text in this TextView.
2572     * @return the default {@link Locale} of the text in this TextView.
2573     */
2574    public Locale getTextLocale() {
2575        return mTextPaint.getTextLocale();
2576    }
2578    /**
2579     * Set the default {@link Locale} of the text in this TextView to the given value. This value
2580     * is used to choose appropriate typefaces for ambiguous characters. Typically used for CJK
2581     * locales to disambiguate Hanzi/Kanji/Hanja characters.
2582     *
2583     * @param locale the {@link Locale} for drawing text, must not be null.
2584     *
2585     * @see Paint#setTextLocale
2586     */
2587    public void setTextLocale(Locale locale) {
2588        mTextPaint.setTextLocale(locale);
2589    }
2591    /**
2592     * @return the size (in pixels) of the default text size in this TextView.
2593     */
2594    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text")
2595    public float getTextSize() {
2596        return mTextPaint.getTextSize();
2597    }
2599    /**
2600     * @return the size (in scaled pixels) of thee default text size in this TextView.
2601     * @hide
2602     */
2603    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text")
2604    public float getScaledTextSize() {
2605        return mTextPaint.getTextSize() / mTextPaint.density;
2606    }
2608    /** @hide */
2609    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text", mapping = {
2610            @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Typeface.NORMAL, to = "NORMAL"),
2611            @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Typeface.BOLD, to = "BOLD"),
2612            @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Typeface.ITALIC, to = "ITALIC"),
2613            @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC, to = "BOLD_ITALIC")
2614    })
2615    public int getTypefaceStyle() {
2616        return mTextPaint.getTypeface().getStyle();
2617    }
2619    /**
2620     * Set the default text size to the given value, interpreted as "scaled
2621     * pixel" units.  This size is adjusted based on the current density and
2622     * user font size preference.
2623     *
2624     * @param size The scaled pixel size.
2625     *
2626     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textSize
2627     */
2628    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2629    public void setTextSize(float size) {
2630        setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, size);
2631    }
2633    /**
2634     * Set the default text size to a given unit and value.  See {@link
2635     * TypedValue} for the possible dimension units.
2636     *
2637     * @param unit The desired dimension unit.
2638     * @param size The desired size in the given units.
2639     *
2640     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textSize
2641     */
2642    public void setTextSize(int unit, float size) {
2643        Context c = getContext();
2644        Resources r;
2646        if (c == null)
2647            r = Resources.getSystem();
2648        else
2649            r = c.getResources();
2651        setRawTextSize(TypedValue.applyDimension(
2652                unit, size, r.getDisplayMetrics()));
2653    }
2655    private void setRawTextSize(float size) {
2656        if (size != mTextPaint.getTextSize()) {
2657            mTextPaint.setTextSize(size);
2659            if (mLayout != null) {
2660                nullLayouts();
2661                requestLayout();
2662                invalidate();
2663            }
2664        }
2665    }
2667    /**
2668     * @return the extent by which text is currently being stretched
2669     * horizontally.  This will usually be 1.
2670     */
2671    public float getTextScaleX() {
2672        return mTextPaint.getTextScaleX();
2673    }
2675    /**
2676     * Sets the extent by which text should be stretched horizontally.
2677     *
2678     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textScaleX
2679     */
2680    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2681    public void setTextScaleX(float size) {
2682        if (size != mTextPaint.getTextScaleX()) {
2683            mUserSetTextScaleX = true;
2684            mTextPaint.setTextScaleX(size);
2686            if (mLayout != null) {
2687                nullLayouts();
2688                requestLayout();
2689                invalidate();
2690            }
2691        }
2692    }
2694    /**
2695     * Sets the typeface and style in which the text should be displayed.
2696     * Note that not all Typeface families actually have bold and italic
2697     * variants, so you may need to use
2698     * {@link #setTypeface(Typeface, int)} to get the appearance
2699     * that you actually want.
2700     *
2701     * @see #getTypeface()
2702     *
2703     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_fontFamily
2704     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_typeface
2705     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textStyle
2706     */
2707    public void setTypeface(Typeface tf) {
2708        if (mTextPaint.getTypeface() != tf) {
2709            mTextPaint.setTypeface(tf);
2711            if (mLayout != null) {
2712                nullLayouts();
2713                requestLayout();
2714                invalidate();
2715            }
2716        }
2717    }
2719    /**
2720     * @return the current typeface and style in which the text is being
2721     * displayed.
2722     *
2723     * @see #setTypeface(Typeface)
2724     *
2725     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_fontFamily
2726     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_typeface
2727     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textStyle
2728     */
2729    public Typeface getTypeface() {
2730        return mTextPaint.getTypeface();
2731    }
2733    /**
2734     * Set the TextView's elegant height metrics flag. This setting selects font
2735     * variants that have not been compacted to fit Latin-based vertical
2736     * metrics, and also increases top and bottom bounds to provide more space.
2737     *
2738     * @param elegant set the paint's elegant metrics flag.
2739     *
2740     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_elegantTextHeight
2741     */
2742    public void setElegantTextHeight(boolean elegant) {
2743        mTextPaint.setElegantTextHeight(elegant);
2744    }
2746    /**
2747     * @return the extent by which text is currently being letter-spaced.
2748     * This will normally be 0.
2749     *
2750     * @see #setLetterSpacing(float)
2751     * @see Paint#setLetterSpacing
2752     */
2753    public float getLetterSpacing() {
2754        return mTextPaint.getLetterSpacing();
2755    }
2757    /**
2758     * Sets text letter-spacing.  The value is in 'EM' units.  Typical values
2759     * for slight expansion will be around 0.05.  Negative values tighten text.
2760     *
2761     * @see #getLetterSpacing()
2762     * @see Paint#getLetterSpacing
2763     *
2764     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_letterSpacing
2765     */
2766    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2767    public void setLetterSpacing(float letterSpacing) {
2768        if (letterSpacing != mTextPaint.getLetterSpacing()) {
2769            mTextPaint.setLetterSpacing(letterSpacing);
2771            if (mLayout != null) {
2772                nullLayouts();
2773                requestLayout();
2774                invalidate();
2775            }
2776        }
2777    }
2779    /**
2780     * @return the currently set font feature settings.  Default is null.
2781     *
2782     * @see #setFontFeatureSettings(String)
2783     * @see Paint#setFontFeatureSettings
2784     */
2785    @Nullable
2786    public String getFontFeatureSettings() {
2787        return mTextPaint.getFontFeatureSettings();
2788    }
2790    /**
2791     * Sets font feature settings.  The format is the same as the CSS
2792     * font-feature-settings attribute:
2793     * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-fonts/#propdef-font-feature-settings
2794     *
2795     * @param fontFeatureSettings font feature settings represented as CSS compatible string
2796     * @see #getFontFeatureSettings()
2797     * @see Paint#getFontFeatureSettings
2798     *
2799     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_fontFeatureSettings
2800     */
2801    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2802    public void setFontFeatureSettings(@Nullable String fontFeatureSettings) {
2803        if (fontFeatureSettings != mTextPaint.getFontFeatureSettings()) {
2804            mTextPaint.setFontFeatureSettings(fontFeatureSettings);
2806            if (mLayout != null) {
2807                nullLayouts();
2808                requestLayout();
2809                invalidate();
2810            }
2811        }
2812    }
2815    /**
2816     * Sets the text color for all the states (normal, selected,
2817     * focused) to be this color.
2818     *
2819     * @see #setTextColor(ColorStateList)
2820     * @see #getTextColors()
2821     *
2822     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColor
2823     */
2824    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2825    public void setTextColor(int color) {
2826        mTextColor = ColorStateList.valueOf(color);
2827        updateTextColors();
2828    }
2830    /**
2831     * Sets the text color.
2832     *
2833     * @see #setTextColor(int)
2834     * @see #getTextColors()
2835     * @see #setHintTextColor(ColorStateList)
2836     * @see #setLinkTextColor(ColorStateList)
2837     *
2838     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColor
2839     */
2840    public void setTextColor(ColorStateList colors) {
2841        if (colors == null) {
2842            throw new NullPointerException();
2843        }
2845        mTextColor = colors;
2846        updateTextColors();
2847    }
2849    /**
2850     * Gets the text colors for the different states (normal, selected, focused) of the TextView.
2851     *
2852     * @see #setTextColor(ColorStateList)
2853     * @see #setTextColor(int)
2854     *
2855     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColor
2856     */
2857    public final ColorStateList getTextColors() {
2858        return mTextColor;
2859    }
2861    /**
2862     * <p>Return the current color selected for normal text.</p>
2863     *
2864     * @return Returns the current text color.
2865     */
2866    public final int getCurrentTextColor() {
2867        return mCurTextColor;
2868    }
2870    /**
2871     * Sets the color used to display the selection highlight.
2872     *
2873     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorHighlight
2874     */
2875    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2876    public void setHighlightColor(int color) {
2877        if (mHighlightColor != color) {
2878            mHighlightColor = color;
2879            invalidate();
2880        }
2881    }
2883    /**
2884     * @return the color used to display the selection highlight
2885     *
2886     * @see #setHighlightColor(int)
2887     *
2888     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorHighlight
2889     */
2890    public int getHighlightColor() {
2891        return mHighlightColor;
2892    }
2894    /**
2895     * Sets whether the soft input method will be made visible when this
2896     * TextView gets focused. The default is true.
2897     */
2898    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
2899    public final void setShowSoftInputOnFocus(boolean show) {
2900        createEditorIfNeeded();
2901        mEditor.mShowSoftInputOnFocus = show;
2902    }
2904    /**
2905     * Returns whether the soft input method will be made visible when this
2906     * TextView gets focused. The default is true.
2907     */
2908    public final boolean getShowSoftInputOnFocus() {
2909        // When there is no Editor, return default true value
2910        return mEditor == null || mEditor.mShowSoftInputOnFocus;
2911    }
2913    /**
2914     * Gives the text a shadow of the specified blur radius and color, the specified
2915     * distance from its drawn position.
2916     * <p>
2917     * The text shadow produced does not interact with the properties on view
2918     * that are responsible for real time shadows,
2919     * {@link View#getElevation() elevation} and
2920     * {@link View#getTranslationZ() translationZ}.
2921     *
2922     * @see Paint#setShadowLayer(float, float, float, int)
2923     *
2924     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowColor
2925     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowDx
2926     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowDy
2927     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowRadius
2928     */
2929    public void setShadowLayer(float radius, float dx, float dy, int color) {
2930        mTextPaint.setShadowLayer(radius, dx, dy, color);
2932        mShadowRadius = radius;
2933        mShadowDx = dx;
2934        mShadowDy = dy;
2935        mShadowColor = color;
2937        // Will change text clip region
2938        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.invalidateTextDisplayList();
2939        invalidate();
2940    }
2942    /**
2943     * Gets the radius of the shadow layer.
2944     *
2945     * @return the radius of the shadow layer. If 0, the shadow layer is not visible
2946     *
2947     * @see #setShadowLayer(float, float, float, int)
2948     *
2949     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowRadius
2950     */
2951    public float getShadowRadius() {
2952        return mShadowRadius;
2953    }
2955    /**
2956     * @return the horizontal offset of the shadow layer
2957     *
2958     * @see #setShadowLayer(float, float, float, int)
2959     *
2960     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowDx
2961     */
2962    public float getShadowDx() {
2963        return mShadowDx;
2964    }
2966    /**
2967     * @return the vertical offset of the shadow layer
2968     *
2969     * @see #setShadowLayer(float, float, float, int)
2970     *
2971     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowDy
2972     */
2973    public float getShadowDy() {
2974        return mShadowDy;
2975    }
2977    /**
2978     * @return the color of the shadow layer
2979     *
2980     * @see #setShadowLayer(float, float, float, int)
2981     *
2982     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_shadowColor
2983     */
2984    public int getShadowColor() {
2985        return mShadowColor;
2986    }
2988    /**
2989     * @return the base paint used for the text.  Please use this only to
2990     * consult the Paint's properties and not to change them.
2991     */
2992    public TextPaint getPaint() {
2993        return mTextPaint;
2994    }
2996    /**
2997     * Sets the autolink mask of the text.  See {@link
2998     * android.text.util.Linkify#ALL Linkify.ALL} and peers for
2999     * possible values.
3000     *
3001     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_autoLink
3002     */
3003    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3004    public final void setAutoLinkMask(int mask) {
3005        mAutoLinkMask = mask;
3006    }
3008    /**
3009     * Sets whether the movement method will automatically be set to
3010     * {@link LinkMovementMethod} if {@link #setAutoLinkMask} has been
3011     * set to nonzero and links are detected in {@link #setText}.
3012     * The default is true.
3013     *
3014     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_linksClickable
3015     */
3016    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3017    public final void setLinksClickable(boolean whether) {
3018        mLinksClickable = whether;
3019    }
3021    /**
3022     * Returns whether the movement method will automatically be set to
3023     * {@link LinkMovementMethod} if {@link #setAutoLinkMask} has been
3024     * set to nonzero and links are detected in {@link #setText}.
3025     * The default is true.
3026     *
3027     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_linksClickable
3028     */
3029    public final boolean getLinksClickable() {
3030        return mLinksClickable;
3031    }
3033    /**
3034     * Returns the list of URLSpans attached to the text
3035     * (by {@link Linkify} or otherwise) if any.  You can call
3036     * {@link URLSpan#getURL} on them to find where they link to
3037     * or use {@link Spanned#getSpanStart} and {@link Spanned#getSpanEnd}
3038     * to find the region of the text they are attached to.
3039     */
3040    public URLSpan[] getUrls() {
3041        if (mText instanceof Spanned) {
3042            return ((Spanned) mText).getSpans(0, mText.length(), URLSpan.class);
3043        } else {
3044            return new URLSpan[0];
3045        }
3046    }
3048    /**
3049     * Sets the color of the hint text for all the states (disabled, focussed, selected...) of this
3050     * TextView.
3051     *
3052     * @see #setHintTextColor(ColorStateList)
3053     * @see #getHintTextColors()
3054     * @see #setTextColor(int)
3055     *
3056     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorHint
3057     */
3058    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3059    public final void setHintTextColor(int color) {
3060        mHintTextColor = ColorStateList.valueOf(color);
3061        updateTextColors();
3062    }
3064    /**
3065     * Sets the color of the hint text.
3066     *
3067     * @see #getHintTextColors()
3068     * @see #setHintTextColor(int)
3069     * @see #setTextColor(ColorStateList)
3070     * @see #setLinkTextColor(ColorStateList)
3071     *
3072     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorHint
3073     */
3074    public final void setHintTextColor(ColorStateList colors) {
3075        mHintTextColor = colors;
3076        updateTextColors();
3077    }
3079    /**
3080     * @return the color of the hint text, for the different states of this TextView.
3081     *
3082     * @see #setHintTextColor(ColorStateList)
3083     * @see #setHintTextColor(int)
3084     * @see #setTextColor(ColorStateList)
3085     * @see #setLinkTextColor(ColorStateList)
3086     *
3087     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorHint
3088     */
3089    public final ColorStateList getHintTextColors() {
3090        return mHintTextColor;
3091    }
3093    /**
3094     * <p>Return the current color selected to paint the hint text.</p>
3095     *
3096     * @return Returns the current hint text color.
3097     */
3098    public final int getCurrentHintTextColor() {
3099        return mHintTextColor != null ? mCurHintTextColor : mCurTextColor;
3100    }
3102    /**
3103     * Sets the color of links in the text.
3104     *
3105     * @see #setLinkTextColor(ColorStateList)
3106     * @see #getLinkTextColors()
3107     *
3108     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorLink
3109     */
3110    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3111    public final void setLinkTextColor(int color) {
3112        mLinkTextColor = ColorStateList.valueOf(color);
3113        updateTextColors();
3114    }
3116    /**
3117     * Sets the color of links in the text.
3118     *
3119     * @see #setLinkTextColor(int)
3120     * @see #getLinkTextColors()
3121     * @see #setTextColor(ColorStateList)
3122     * @see #setHintTextColor(ColorStateList)
3123     *
3124     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorLink
3125     */
3126    public final void setLinkTextColor(ColorStateList colors) {
3127        mLinkTextColor = colors;
3128        updateTextColors();
3129    }
3131    /**
3132     * @return the list of colors used to paint the links in the text, for the different states of
3133     * this TextView
3134     *
3135     * @see #setLinkTextColor(ColorStateList)
3136     * @see #setLinkTextColor(int)
3137     *
3138     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textColorLink
3139     */
3140    public final ColorStateList getLinkTextColors() {
3141        return mLinkTextColor;
3142    }
3144    /**
3145     * Sets the horizontal alignment of the text and the
3146     * vertical gravity that will be used when there is extra space
3147     * in the TextView beyond what is required for the text itself.
3148     *
3149     * @see android.view.Gravity
3150     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_gravity
3151     */
3152    public void setGravity(int gravity) {
3153        if ((gravity & Gravity.RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == 0) {
3154            gravity |= Gravity.START;
3155        }
3156        if ((gravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == 0) {
3157            gravity |= Gravity.TOP;
3158        }
3160        boolean newLayout = false;
3162        if ((gravity & Gravity.RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) !=
3163            (mGravity & Gravity.RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK)) {
3164            newLayout = true;
3165        }
3167        if (gravity != mGravity) {
3168            invalidate();
3169        }
3171        mGravity = gravity;
3173        if (mLayout != null && newLayout) {
3174            // XXX this is heavy-handed because no actual content changes.
3175            int want = mLayout.getWidth();
3176            int hintWant = mHintLayout == null ? 0 : mHintLayout.getWidth();
3178            makeNewLayout(want, hintWant, UNKNOWN_BORING, UNKNOWN_BORING,
3179                          mRight - mLeft - getCompoundPaddingLeft() -
3180                          getCompoundPaddingRight(), true);
3181        }
3182    }
3184    /**
3185     * Returns the horizontal and vertical alignment of this TextView.
3186     *
3187     * @see android.view.Gravity
3188     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_gravity
3189     */
3190    public int getGravity() {
3191        return mGravity;
3192    }
3194    /**
3195     * @return the flags on the Paint being used to display the text.
3196     * @see Paint#getFlags
3197     */
3198    public int getPaintFlags() {
3199        return mTextPaint.getFlags();
3200    }
3202    /**
3203     * Sets flags on the Paint being used to display the text and
3204     * reflows the text if they are different from the old flags.
3205     * @see Paint#setFlags
3206     */
3207    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3208    public void setPaintFlags(int flags) {
3209        if (mTextPaint.getFlags() != flags) {
3210            mTextPaint.setFlags(flags);
3212            if (mLayout != null) {
3213                nullLayouts();
3214                requestLayout();
3215                invalidate();
3216            }
3217        }
3218    }
3220    /**
3221     * Sets whether the text should be allowed to be wider than the
3222     * View is.  If false, it will be wrapped to the width of the View.
3223     *
3224     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_scrollHorizontally
3225     */
3226    public void setHorizontallyScrolling(boolean whether) {
3227        if (mHorizontallyScrolling != whether) {
3228            mHorizontallyScrolling = whether;
3230            if (mLayout != null) {
3231                nullLayouts();
3232                requestLayout();
3233                invalidate();
3234            }
3235        }
3236    }
3238    /**
3239     * Returns whether the text is allowed to be wider than the View is.
3240     * If false, the text will be wrapped to the width of the View.
3241     *
3242     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_scrollHorizontally
3243     * @hide
3244     */
3245    public boolean getHorizontallyScrolling() {
3246        return mHorizontallyScrolling;
3247    }
3249    /**
3250     * Makes the TextView at least this many lines tall.
3251     *
3252     * Setting this value overrides any other (minimum) height setting. A single line TextView will
3253     * set this value to 1.
3254     *
3255     * @see #getMinLines()
3256     *
3257     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minLines
3258     */
3259    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3260    public void setMinLines(int minlines) {
3261        mMinimum = minlines;
3262        mMinMode = LINES;
3264        requestLayout();
3265        invalidate();
3266    }
3268    /**
3269     * @return the minimum number of lines displayed in this TextView, or -1 if the minimum
3270     * height was set in pixels instead using {@link #setMinHeight(int) or #setHeight(int)}.
3271     *
3272     * @see #setMinLines(int)
3273     *
3274     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minLines
3275     */
3276    public int getMinLines() {
3277        return mMinMode == LINES ? mMinimum : -1;
3278    }
3280    /**
3281     * Makes the TextView at least this many pixels tall.
3282     *
3283     * Setting this value overrides any other (minimum) number of lines setting.
3284     *
3285     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minHeight
3286     */
3287    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3288    public void setMinHeight(int minHeight) {
3289        mMinimum = minHeight;
3290        mMinMode = PIXELS;
3292        requestLayout();
3293        invalidate();
3294    }
3296    /**
3297     * @return the minimum height of this TextView expressed in pixels, or -1 if the minimum
3298     * height was set in number of lines instead using {@link #setMinLines(int) or #setLines(int)}.
3299     *
3300     * @see #setMinHeight(int)
3301     *
3302     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minHeight
3303     */
3304    public int getMinHeight() {
3305        return mMinMode == PIXELS ? mMinimum : -1;
3306    }
3308    /**
3309     * Makes the TextView at most this many lines tall.
3310     *
3311     * Setting this value overrides any other (maximum) height setting.
3312     *
3313     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxLines
3314     */
3315    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3316    public void setMaxLines(int maxlines) {
3317        mMaximum = maxlines;
3318        mMaxMode = LINES;
3320        requestLayout();
3321        invalidate();
3322    }
3324    /**
3325     * @return the maximum number of lines displayed in this TextView, or -1 if the maximum
3326     * height was set in pixels instead using {@link #setMaxHeight(int) or #setHeight(int)}.
3327     *
3328     * @see #setMaxLines(int)
3329     *
3330     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxLines
3331     */
3332    public int getMaxLines() {
3333        return mMaxMode == LINES ? mMaximum : -1;
3334    }
3336    /**
3337     * Makes the TextView at most this many pixels tall.  This option is mutually exclusive with the
3338     * {@link #setMaxLines(int)} method.
3339     *
3340     * Setting this value overrides any other (maximum) number of lines setting.
3341     *
3342     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxHeight
3343     */
3344    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3345    public void setMaxHeight(int maxHeight) {
3346        mMaximum = maxHeight;
3347        mMaxMode = PIXELS;
3349        requestLayout();
3350        invalidate();
3351    }
3353    /**
3354     * @return the maximum height of this TextView expressed in pixels, or -1 if the maximum
3355     * height was set in number of lines instead using {@link #setMaxLines(int) or #setLines(int)}.
3356     *
3357     * @see #setMaxHeight(int)
3358     *
3359     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxHeight
3360     */
3361    public int getMaxHeight() {
3362        return mMaxMode == PIXELS ? mMaximum : -1;
3363    }
3365    /**
3366     * Makes the TextView exactly this many lines tall.
3367     *
3368     * Note that setting this value overrides any other (minimum / maximum) number of lines or
3369     * height setting. A single line TextView will set this value to 1.
3370     *
3371     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_lines
3372     */
3373    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3374    public void setLines(int lines) {
3375        mMaximum = mMinimum = lines;
3376        mMaxMode = mMinMode = LINES;
3378        requestLayout();
3379        invalidate();
3380    }
3382    /**
3383     * Makes the TextView exactly this many pixels tall.
3384     * You could do the same thing by specifying this number in the
3385     * LayoutParams.
3386     *
3387     * Note that setting this value overrides any other (minimum / maximum) number of lines or
3388     * height setting.
3389     *
3390     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_height
3391     */
3392    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3393    public void setHeight(int pixels) {
3394        mMaximum = mMinimum = pixels;
3395        mMaxMode = mMinMode = PIXELS;
3397        requestLayout();
3398        invalidate();
3399    }
3401    /**
3402     * Makes the TextView at least this many ems wide
3403     *
3404     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minEms
3405     */
3406    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3407    public void setMinEms(int minems) {
3408        mMinWidth = minems;
3409        mMinWidthMode = EMS;
3411        requestLayout();
3412        invalidate();
3413    }
3415    /**
3416     * @return the minimum width of the TextView, expressed in ems or -1 if the minimum width
3417     * was set in pixels instead (using {@link #setMinWidth(int)} or {@link #setWidth(int)}).
3418     *
3419     * @see #setMinEms(int)
3420     * @see #setEms(int)
3421     *
3422     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minEms
3423     */
3424    public int getMinEms() {
3425        return mMinWidthMode == EMS ? mMinWidth : -1;
3426    }
3428    /**
3429     * Makes the TextView at least this many pixels wide
3430     *
3431     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minWidth
3432     */
3433    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3434    public void setMinWidth(int minpixels) {
3435        mMinWidth = minpixels;
3436        mMinWidthMode = PIXELS;
3438        requestLayout();
3439        invalidate();
3440    }
3442    /**
3443     * @return the minimum width of the TextView, in pixels or -1 if the minimum width
3444     * was set in ems instead (using {@link #setMinEms(int)} or {@link #setEms(int)}).
3445     *
3446     * @see #setMinWidth(int)
3447     * @see #setWidth(int)
3448     *
3449     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_minWidth
3450     */
3451    public int getMinWidth() {
3452        return mMinWidthMode == PIXELS ? mMinWidth : -1;
3453    }
3455    /**
3456     * Makes the TextView at most this many ems wide
3457     *
3458     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxEms
3459     */
3460    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3461    public void setMaxEms(int maxems) {
3462        mMaxWidth = maxems;
3463        mMaxWidthMode = EMS;
3465        requestLayout();
3466        invalidate();
3467    }
3469    /**
3470     * @return the maximum width of the TextView, expressed in ems or -1 if the maximum width
3471     * was set in pixels instead (using {@link #setMaxWidth(int)} or {@link #setWidth(int)}).
3472     *
3473     * @see #setMaxEms(int)
3474     * @see #setEms(int)
3475     *
3476     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxEms
3477     */
3478    public int getMaxEms() {
3479        return mMaxWidthMode == EMS ? mMaxWidth : -1;
3480    }
3482    /**
3483     * Makes the TextView at most this many pixels wide
3484     *
3485     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxWidth
3486     */
3487    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3488    public void setMaxWidth(int maxpixels) {
3489        mMaxWidth = maxpixels;
3490        mMaxWidthMode = PIXELS;
3492        requestLayout();
3493        invalidate();
3494    }
3496    /**
3497     * @return the maximum width of the TextView, in pixels or -1 if the maximum width
3498     * was set in ems instead (using {@link #setMaxEms(int)} or {@link #setEms(int)}).
3499     *
3500     * @see #setMaxWidth(int)
3501     * @see #setWidth(int)
3502     *
3503     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxWidth
3504     */
3505    public int getMaxWidth() {
3506        return mMaxWidthMode == PIXELS ? mMaxWidth : -1;
3507    }
3509    /**
3510     * Makes the TextView exactly this many ems wide
3511     *
3512     * @see #setMaxEms(int)
3513     * @see #setMinEms(int)
3514     * @see #getMinEms()
3515     * @see #getMaxEms()
3516     *
3517     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_ems
3518     */
3519    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3520    public void setEms(int ems) {
3521        mMaxWidth = mMinWidth = ems;
3522        mMaxWidthMode = mMinWidthMode = EMS;
3524        requestLayout();
3525        invalidate();
3526    }
3528    /**
3529     * Makes the TextView exactly this many pixels wide.
3530     * You could do the same thing by specifying this number in the
3531     * LayoutParams.
3532     *
3533     * @see #setMaxWidth(int)
3534     * @see #setMinWidth(int)
3535     * @see #getMinWidth()
3536     * @see #getMaxWidth()
3537     *
3538     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_width
3539     */
3540    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3541    public void setWidth(int pixels) {
3542        mMaxWidth = mMinWidth = pixels;
3543        mMaxWidthMode = mMinWidthMode = PIXELS;
3545        requestLayout();
3546        invalidate();
3547    }
3549    /**
3550     * Sets line spacing for this TextView.  Each line will have its height
3551     * multiplied by <code>mult</code> and have <code>add</code> added to it.
3552     *
3553     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_lineSpacingExtra
3554     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_lineSpacingMultiplier
3555     */
3556    public void setLineSpacing(float add, float mult) {
3557        if (mSpacingAdd != add || mSpacingMult != mult) {
3558            mSpacingAdd = add;
3559            mSpacingMult = mult;
3561            if (mLayout != null) {
3562                nullLayouts();
3563                requestLayout();
3564                invalidate();
3565            }
3566        }
3567    }
3569    /**
3570     * Gets the line spacing multiplier
3571     *
3572     * @return the value by which each line's height is multiplied to get its actual height.
3573     *
3574     * @see #setLineSpacing(float, float)
3575     * @see #getLineSpacingExtra()
3576     *
3577     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_lineSpacingMultiplier
3578     */
3579    public float getLineSpacingMultiplier() {
3580        return mSpacingMult;
3581    }
3583    /**
3584     * Gets the line spacing extra space
3585     *
3586     * @return the extra space that is added to the height of each lines of this TextView.
3587     *
3588     * @see #setLineSpacing(float, float)
3589     * @see #getLineSpacingMultiplier()
3590     *
3591     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_lineSpacingExtra
3592     */
3593    public float getLineSpacingExtra() {
3594        return mSpacingAdd;
3595    }
3597    /**
3598     * Convenience method: Append the specified text to the TextView's
3599     * display buffer, upgrading it to BufferType.EDITABLE if it was
3600     * not already editable.
3601     */
3602    public final void append(CharSequence text) {
3603        append(text, 0, text.length());
3604    }
3606    /**
3607     * Convenience method: Append the specified text slice to the TextView's
3608     * display buffer, upgrading it to BufferType.EDITABLE if it was
3609     * not already editable.
3610     */
3611    public void append(CharSequence text, int start, int end) {
3612        if (!(mText instanceof Editable)) {
3613            setText(mText, BufferType.EDITABLE);
3614        }
3616        ((Editable) mText).append(text, start, end);
3617    }
3619    private void updateTextColors() {
3620        boolean inval = false;
3621        int color = mTextColor.getColorForState(getDrawableState(), 0);
3622        if (color != mCurTextColor) {
3623            mCurTextColor = color;
3624            inval = true;
3625        }
3626        if (mLinkTextColor != null) {
3627            color = mLinkTextColor.getColorForState(getDrawableState(), 0);
3628            if (color != mTextPaint.linkColor) {
3629                mTextPaint.linkColor = color;
3630                inval = true;
3631            }
3632        }
3633        if (mHintTextColor != null) {
3634            color = mHintTextColor.getColorForState(getDrawableState(), 0);
3635            if (color != mCurHintTextColor && mText.length() == 0) {
3636                mCurHintTextColor = color;
3637                inval = true;
3638            }
3639        }
3640        if (inval) {
3641            // Text needs to be redrawn with the new color
3642            if (mEditor != null) mEditor.invalidateTextDisplayList();
3643            invalidate();
3644        }
3645    }
3647    @Override
3648    protected void drawableStateChanged() {
3649        super.drawableStateChanged();
3650        if (mTextColor != null && mTextColor.isStateful()
3651                || (mHintTextColor != null && mHintTextColor.isStateful())
3652                || (mLinkTextColor != null && mLinkTextColor.isStateful())) {
3653            updateTextColors();
3654        }
3656        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
3657        if (dr != null) {
3658            int[] state = getDrawableState();
3659            if (dr.mDrawableTop != null && dr.mDrawableTop.isStateful()) {
3660                dr.mDrawableTop.setState(state);
3661            }
3662            if (dr.mDrawableBottom != null && dr.mDrawableBottom.isStateful()) {
3663                dr.mDrawableBottom.setState(state);
3664            }
3665            if (dr.mDrawableLeft != null && dr.mDrawableLeft.isStateful()) {
3666                dr.mDrawableLeft.setState(state);
3667            }
3668            if (dr.mDrawableRight != null && dr.mDrawableRight.isStateful()) {
3669                dr.mDrawableRight.setState(state);
3670            }
3671            if (dr.mDrawableStart != null && dr.mDrawableStart.isStateful()) {
3672                dr.mDrawableStart.setState(state);
3673            }
3674            if (dr.mDrawableEnd != null && dr.mDrawableEnd.isStateful()) {
3675                dr.mDrawableEnd.setState(state);
3676            }
3677        }
3678    }
3680    @Override
3681    public void drawableHotspotChanged(float x, float y) {
3682        super.drawableHotspotChanged(x, y);
3684        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
3685        if (dr != null) {
3686            if (dr.mDrawableTop != null) {
3687                dr.mDrawableTop.setHotspot(x, y);
3688            }
3689            if (dr.mDrawableBottom != null) {
3690                dr.mDrawableBottom.setHotspot(x, y);
3691            }
3692            if (dr.mDrawableLeft != null) {
3693                dr.mDrawableLeft.setHotspot(x, y);
3694            }
3695            if (dr.mDrawableRight != null) {
3696                dr.mDrawableRight.setHotspot(x, y);
3697            }
3698            if (dr.mDrawableStart != null) {
3699                dr.mDrawableStart.setHotspot(x, y);
3700            }
3701            if (dr.mDrawableEnd != null) {
3702                dr.mDrawableEnd.setHotspot(x, y);
3703            }
3704        }
3705    }
3707    @Override
3708    public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
3709        Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState();
3711        // Save state if we are forced to
3712        boolean save = mFreezesText;
3713        int start = 0;
3714        int end = 0;
3716        if (mText != null) {
3717            start = getSelectionStart();
3718            end = getSelectionEnd();
3719            if (start >= 0 || end >= 0) {
3720                // Or save state if there is a selection
3721                save = true;
3722            }
3723        }
3725        if (save) {
3726            SavedState ss = new SavedState(superState);
3727            // XXX Should also save the current scroll position!
3728            ss.selStart = start;
3729            ss.selEnd = end;
3731            if (mText instanceof Spanned) {
3732                Spannable sp = new SpannableStringBuilder(mText);
3734                if (mEditor != null) {
3735                    removeMisspelledSpans(sp);
3736                    sp.removeSpan(mEditor.mSuggestionRangeSpan);
3737                }
3739                ss.text = sp;
3740            } else {
3741                ss.text = mText.toString();
3742            }
3744            if (isFocused() && start >= 0 && end >= 0) {
3745                ss.frozenWithFocus = true;
3746            }
3748            ss.error = getError();
3750            return ss;
3751        }
3753        return superState;
3754    }
3756    void removeMisspelledSpans(Spannable spannable) {
3757        SuggestionSpan[] suggestionSpans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(),
3758                SuggestionSpan.class);
3759        for (int i = 0; i < suggestionSpans.length; i++) {
3760            int flags = suggestionSpans[i].getFlags();
3761            if ((flags & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_EASY_CORRECT) != 0
3762                    && (flags & SuggestionSpan.FLAG_MISSPELLED) != 0) {
3763                spannable.removeSpan(suggestionSpans[i]);
3764            }
3765        }
3766    }
3768    @Override
3769    public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
3770        if (!(state instanceof SavedState)) {
3771            super.onRestoreInstanceState(state);
3772            return;
3773        }
3775        SavedState ss = (SavedState)state;
3776        super.onRestoreInstanceState(ss.getSuperState());
3778        // XXX restore buffer type too, as well as lots of other stuff
3779        if (ss.text != null) {
3780            setText(ss.text);
3781        }
3783        if (ss.selStart >= 0 && ss.selEnd >= 0) {
3784            if (mText instanceof Spannable) {
3785                int len = mText.length();
3787                if (ss.selStart > len || ss.selEnd > len) {
3788                    String restored = "";
3790                    if (ss.text != null) {
3791                        restored = "(restored) ";
3792                    }
3794                    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Saved cursor position " + ss.selStart +
3795                          "/" + ss.selEnd + " out of range for " + restored +
3796                          "text " + mText);
3797                } else {
3798                    Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mText, ss.selStart, ss.selEnd);
3800                    if (ss.frozenWithFocus) {
3801                        createEditorIfNeeded();
3802                        mEditor.mFrozenWithFocus = true;
3803                    }
3804                }
3805            }
3806        }
3808        if (ss.error != null) {
3809            final CharSequence error = ss.error;
3810            // Display the error later, after the first layout pass
3811            post(new Runnable() {
3812                public void run() {
3813                    setError(error);
3814                }
3815            });
3816        }
3817    }
3819    /**
3820     * Control whether this text view saves its entire text contents when
3821     * freezing to an icicle, in addition to dynamic state such as cursor
3822     * position.  By default this is false, not saving the text.  Set to true
3823     * if the text in the text view is not being saved somewhere else in
3824     * persistent storage (such as in a content provider) so that if the
3825     * view is later thawed the user will not lose their data.
3826     *
3827     * @param freezesText Controls whether a frozen icicle should include the
3828     * entire text data: true to include it, false to not.
3829     *
3830     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_freezesText
3831     */
3832    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3833    public void setFreezesText(boolean freezesText) {
3834        mFreezesText = freezesText;
3835    }
3837    /**
3838     * Return whether this text view is including its entire text contents
3839     * in frozen icicles.
3840     *
3841     * @return Returns true if text is included, false if it isn't.
3842     *
3843     * @see #setFreezesText
3844     */
3845    public boolean getFreezesText() {
3846        return mFreezesText;
3847    }
3849    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3851    /**
3852     * Sets the Factory used to create new Editables.
3853     */
3854    public final void setEditableFactory(Editable.Factory factory) {
3855        mEditableFactory = factory;
3856        setText(mText);
3857    }
3859    /**
3860     * Sets the Factory used to create new Spannables.
3861     */
3862    public final void setSpannableFactory(Spannable.Factory factory) {
3863        mSpannableFactory = factory;
3864        setText(mText);
3865    }
3867    /**
3868     * Sets the string value of the TextView. TextView <em>does not</em> accept
3869     * HTML-like formatting, which you can do with text strings in XML resource files.
3870     * To style your strings, attach android.text.style.* objects to a
3871     * {@link android.text.SpannableString SpannableString}, or see the
3872     * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/available-resources.html#stringresources">
3873     * Available Resource Types</a> documentation for an example of setting
3874     * formatted text in the XML resource file.
3875     *
3876     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_text
3877     */
3878    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3879    public final void setText(CharSequence text) {
3880        setText(text, mBufferType);
3881    }
3883    /**
3884     * Like {@link #setText(CharSequence)},
3885     * except that the cursor position (if any) is retained in the new text.
3886     *
3887     * @param text The new text to place in the text view.
3888     *
3889     * @see #setText(CharSequence)
3890     */
3891    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
3892    public final void setTextKeepState(CharSequence text) {
3893        setTextKeepState(text, mBufferType);
3894    }
3896    /**
3897     * Sets the text that this TextView is to display (see
3898     * {@link #setText(CharSequence)}) and also sets whether it is stored
3899     * in a styleable/spannable buffer and whether it is editable.
3900     *
3901     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_text
3902     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_bufferType
3903     */
3904    public void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type) {
3905        setText(text, type, true, 0);
3907        if (mCharWrapper != null) {
3908            mCharWrapper.mChars = null;
3909        }
3910    }
3912    private void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type,
3913                         boolean notifyBefore, int oldlen) {
3914        if (text == null) {
3915            text = "";
3916        }
3918        // If suggestions are not enabled, remove the suggestion spans from the text
3919        if (!isSuggestionsEnabled()) {
3920            text = removeSuggestionSpans(text);
3921        }
3923        if (!mUserSetTextScaleX) mTextPaint.setTextScaleX(1.0f);
3925        if (text instanceof Spanned &&
3926            ((Spanned) text).getSpanStart(TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE) >= 0) {
3927            if (ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).isFadingMarqueeEnabled()) {
3928                setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(true);
3929                mMarqueeFadeMode = MARQUEE_FADE_NORMAL;
3930            } else {
3931                setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(false);
3932                mMarqueeFadeMode = MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS;
3933            }
3934            setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE);
3935        }
3937        int n = mFilters.length;
3938        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
3939            CharSequence out = mFilters[i].filter(text, 0, text.length(), EMPTY_SPANNED, 0, 0);
3940            if (out != null) {
3941                text = out;
3942            }
3943        }
3945        if (notifyBefore) {
3946            if (mText != null) {
3947                oldlen = mText.length();
3948                sendBeforeTextChanged(mText, 0, oldlen, text.length());
3949            } else {
3950                sendBeforeTextChanged("", 0, 0, text.length());
3951            }
3952        }
3954        boolean needEditableForNotification = false;
3956        if (mListeners != null && mListeners.size() != 0) {
3957            needEditableForNotification = true;
3958        }
3960        if (type == BufferType.EDITABLE || getKeyListener() != null ||
3961                needEditableForNotification) {
3962            createEditorIfNeeded();
3963            Editable t = mEditableFactory.newEditable(text);
3964            text = t;
3965            setFilters(t, mFilters);
3966            InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
3967            if (imm != null) imm.restartInput(this);
3968        } else if (type == BufferType.SPANNABLE || mMovement != null) {
3969            text = mSpannableFactory.newSpannable(text);
3970        } else if (!(text instanceof CharWrapper)) {
3971            text = TextUtils.stringOrSpannedString(text);
3972        }
3974        if (mAutoLinkMask != 0) {
3975            Spannable s2;
3977            if (type == BufferType.EDITABLE || text instanceof Spannable) {
3978                s2 = (Spannable) text;
3979            } else {
3980                s2 = mSpannableFactory.newSpannable(text);
3981            }
3983            if (Linkify.addLinks(s2, mAutoLinkMask)) {
3984                text = s2;
3985                type = (type == BufferType.EDITABLE) ? BufferType.EDITABLE : BufferType.SPANNABLE;
3987                /*
3988                 * We must go ahead and set the text before changing the
3989                 * movement method, because setMovementMethod() may call
3990                 * setText() again to try to upgrade the buffer type.
3991                 */
3992                mText = text;
3994                // Do not change the movement method for text that support text selection as it
3995                // would prevent an arbitrary cursor displacement.
3996                if (mLinksClickable && !textCanBeSelected()) {
3997                    setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
3998                }
3999            }
4000        }
4002        mBufferType = type;
4003        mText = text;
4005        if (mTransformation == null) {
4006            mTransformed = text;
4007        } else {
4008            mTransformed = mTransformation.getTransformation(text, this);
4009        }
4011        final int textLength = text.length();
4013        if (text instanceof Spannable && !mAllowTransformationLengthChange) {
4014            Spannable sp = (Spannable) text;
4016            // Remove any ChangeWatchers that might have come from other TextViews.
4017            final ChangeWatcher[] watchers = sp.getSpans(0, sp.length(), ChangeWatcher.class);
4018            final int count = watchers.length;
4019            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
4020                sp.removeSpan(watchers[i]);
4021            }
4023            if (mChangeWatcher == null) mChangeWatcher = new ChangeWatcher();
4025            sp.setSpan(mChangeWatcher, 0, textLength, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE |
4026                       (CHANGE_WATCHER_PRIORITY << Spanned.SPAN_PRIORITY_SHIFT));
4028            if (mEditor != null) mEditor.addSpanWatchers(sp);
4030            if (mTransformation != null) {
4031                sp.setSpan(mTransformation, 0, textLength, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
4032            }
4034            if (mMovement != null) {
4035                mMovement.initialize(this, (Spannable) text);
4037                /*
4038                 * Initializing the movement method will have set the
4039                 * selection, so reset mSelectionMoved to keep that from
4040                 * interfering with the normal on-focus selection-setting.
4041                 */
4042                if (mEditor != null) mEditor.mSelectionMoved = false;
4043            }
4044        }
4046        if (mLayout != null) {
4047            checkForRelayout();
4048        }
4050        sendOnTextChanged(text, 0, oldlen, textLength);
4051        onTextChanged(text, 0, oldlen, textLength);
4053        notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_TEXT);
4055        if (needEditableForNotification) {
4056            sendAfterTextChanged((Editable) text);
4057        }
4059        // SelectionModifierCursorController depends on textCanBeSelected, which depends on text
4060        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();
4061    }
4063    /**
4064     * Sets the TextView to display the specified slice of the specified
4065     * char array.  You must promise that you will not change the contents
4066     * of the array except for right before another call to setText(),
4067     * since the TextView has no way to know that the text
4068     * has changed and that it needs to invalidate and re-layout.
4069     */
4070    public final void setText(char[] text, int start, int len) {
4071        int oldlen = 0;
4073        if (start < 0 || len < 0 || start + len > text.length) {
4074            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(start + ", " + len);
4075        }
4077        /*
4078         * We must do the before-notification here ourselves because if
4079         * the old text is a CharWrapper we destroy it before calling
4080         * into the normal path.
4081         */
4082        if (mText != null) {
4083            oldlen = mText.length();
4084            sendBeforeTextChanged(mText, 0, oldlen, len);
4085        } else {
4086            sendBeforeTextChanged("", 0, 0, len);
4087        }
4089        if (mCharWrapper == null) {
4090            mCharWrapper = new CharWrapper(text, start, len);
4091        } else {
4092            mCharWrapper.set(text, start, len);
4093        }
4095        setText(mCharWrapper, mBufferType, false, oldlen);
4096    }
4098    /**
4099     * Like {@link #setText(CharSequence, android.widget.TextView.BufferType)},
4100     * except that the cursor position (if any) is retained in the new text.
4101     *
4102     * @see #setText(CharSequence, android.widget.TextView.BufferType)
4103     */
4104    public final void setTextKeepState(CharSequence text, BufferType type) {
4105        int start = getSelectionStart();
4106        int end = getSelectionEnd();
4107        int len = text.length();
4109        setText(text, type);
4111        if (start >= 0 || end >= 0) {
4112            if (mText instanceof Spannable) {
4113                Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mText,
4114                                       Math.max(0, Math.min(start, len)),
4115                                       Math.max(0, Math.min(end, len)));
4116            }
4117        }
4118    }
4120    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
4121    public final void setText(int resid) {
4122        setText(getContext().getResources().getText(resid));
4123    }
4125    public final void setText(int resid, BufferType type) {
4126        setText(getContext().getResources().getText(resid), type);
4127    }
4129    /**
4130     * Sets the text to be displayed when the text of the TextView is empty.
4131     * Null means to use the normal empty text. The hint does not currently
4132     * participate in determining the size of the view.
4133     *
4134     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_hint
4135     */
4136    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
4137    public final void setHint(CharSequence hint) {
4138        mHint = TextUtils.stringOrSpannedString(hint);
4140        if (mLayout != null) {
4141            checkForRelayout();
4142        }
4144        if (mText.length() == 0) {
4145            invalidate();
4146        }
4148        // Invalidate display list if hint is currently used
4149        if (mEditor != null && mText.length() == 0 && mHint != null) {
4150            mEditor.invalidateTextDisplayList();
4151        }
4152    }
4154    /**
4155     * Sets the text to be displayed when the text of the TextView is empty,
4156     * from a resource.
4157     *
4158     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_hint
4159     */
4160    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
4161    public final void setHint(int resid) {
4162        setHint(getContext().getResources().getText(resid));
4163    }
4165    /**
4166     * Returns the hint that is displayed when the text of the TextView
4167     * is empty.
4168     *
4169     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_hint
4170     */
4171    @ViewDebug.CapturedViewProperty
4172    public CharSequence getHint() {
4173        return mHint;
4174    }
4176    boolean isSingleLine() {
4177        return mSingleLine;
4178    }
4180    private static boolean isMultilineInputType(int type) {
4181        return (type & (EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE)) ==
4182            (EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE);
4183    }
4185    /**
4186     * Removes the suggestion spans.
4187     */
4188    CharSequence removeSuggestionSpans(CharSequence text) {
4189       if (text instanceof Spanned) {
4190           Spannable spannable;
4191           if (text instanceof Spannable) {
4192               spannable = (Spannable) text;
4193           } else {
4194               spannable = new SpannableString(text);
4195               text = spannable;
4196           }
4198           SuggestionSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, text.length(), SuggestionSpan.class);
4199           for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
4200               spannable.removeSpan(spans[i]);
4201           }
4202       }
4203       return text;
4204    }
4206    /**
4207     * Set the type of the content with a constant as defined for {@link EditorInfo#inputType}. This
4208     * will take care of changing the key listener, by calling {@link #setKeyListener(KeyListener)},
4209     * to match the given content type.  If the given content type is {@link EditorInfo#TYPE_NULL}
4210     * then a soft keyboard will not be displayed for this text view.
4211     *
4212     * Note that the maximum number of displayed lines (see {@link #setMaxLines(int)}) will be
4213     * modified if you change the {@link EditorInfo#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE} flag of the input
4214     * type.
4215     *
4216     * @see #getInputType()
4217     * @see #setRawInputType(int)
4218     * @see android.text.InputType
4219     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_inputType
4220     */
4221    public void setInputType(int type) {
4222        final boolean wasPassword = isPasswordInputType(getInputType());
4223        final boolean wasVisiblePassword = isVisiblePasswordInputType(getInputType());
4224        setInputType(type, false);
4225        final boolean isPassword = isPasswordInputType(type);
4226        final boolean isVisiblePassword = isVisiblePasswordInputType(type);
4227        boolean forceUpdate = false;
4228        if (isPassword) {
4229            setTransformationMethod(PasswordTransformationMethod.getInstance());
4230            setTypefaceFromAttrs(null /* fontFamily */, MONOSPACE, 0);
4231        } else if (isVisiblePassword) {
4232            if (mTransformation == PasswordTransformationMethod.getInstance()) {
4233                forceUpdate = true;
4234            }
4235            setTypefaceFromAttrs(null /* fontFamily */, MONOSPACE, 0);
4236        } else if (wasPassword || wasVisiblePassword) {
4237            // not in password mode, clean up typeface and transformation
4238            setTypefaceFromAttrs(null /* fontFamily */, -1, -1);
4239            if (mTransformation == PasswordTransformationMethod.getInstance()) {
4240                forceUpdate = true;
4241            }
4242        }
4244        boolean singleLine = !isMultilineInputType(type);
4246        // We need to update the single line mode if it has changed or we
4247        // were previously in password mode.
4248        if (mSingleLine != singleLine || forceUpdate) {
4249            // Change single line mode, but only change the transformation if
4250            // we are not in password mode.
4251            applySingleLine(singleLine, !isPassword, true);
4252        }
4254        if (!isSuggestionsEnabled()) {
4255            mText = removeSuggestionSpans(mText);
4256        }
4258        InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
4259        if (imm != null) imm.restartInput(this);
4260    }
4262    /**
4263     * It would be better to rely on the input type for everything. A password inputType should have
4264     * a password transformation. We should hence use isPasswordInputType instead of this method.
4265     *
4266     * We should:
4267     * - Call setInputType in setKeyListener instead of changing the input type directly (which
4268     * would install the correct transformation).
4269     * - Refuse the installation of a non-password transformation in setTransformation if the input
4270     * type is password.
4271     *
4272     * However, this is like this for legacy reasons and we cannot break existing apps. This method
4273     * is useful since it matches what the user can see (obfuscated text or not).
4274     *
4275     * @return true if the current transformation method is of the password type.
4276     */
4277    private boolean hasPasswordTransformationMethod() {
4278        return mTransformation instanceof PasswordTransformationMethod;
4279    }
4281    private static boolean isPasswordInputType(int inputType) {
4282        final int variation =
4283                inputType & (EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS | EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION);
4284        return variation
4285                == (EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD)
4286                || variation
4287                == (EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_PASSWORD)
4288                || variation
4289                == (EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | EditorInfo.TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_PASSWORD);
4290    }
4292    private static boolean isVisiblePasswordInputType(int inputType) {
4293        final int variation =
4294                inputType & (EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS | EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION);
4295        return variation
4296                == (EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD);
4297    }
4299    /**
4300     * Directly change the content type integer of the text view, without
4301     * modifying any other state.
4302     * @see #setInputType(int)
4303     * @see android.text.InputType
4304     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_inputType
4305     */
4306    public void setRawInputType(int type) {
4307        if (type == InputType.TYPE_NULL && mEditor == null) return; //TYPE_NULL is the default value
4308        createEditorIfNeeded();
4309        mEditor.mInputType = type;
4310    }
4312    private void setInputType(int type, boolean direct) {
4313        final int cls = type & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS;
4314        KeyListener input;
4315        if (cls == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) {
4316            boolean autotext = (type & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT) != 0;
4317            TextKeyListener.Capitalize cap;
4318            if ((type & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_CHARACTERS) != 0) {
4319                cap = TextKeyListener.Capitalize.CHARACTERS;
4320            } else if ((type & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS) != 0) {
4321                cap = TextKeyListener.Capitalize.WORDS;
4322            } else if ((type & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES) != 0) {
4323                cap = TextKeyListener.Capitalize.SENTENCES;
4324            } else {
4325                cap = TextKeyListener.Capitalize.NONE;
4326            }
4327            input = TextKeyListener.getInstance(autotext, cap);
4328        } else if (cls == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER) {
4329            input = DigitsKeyListener.getInstance(
4330                    (type & EditorInfo.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0,
4331                    (type & EditorInfo.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL) != 0);
4332        } else if (cls == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME) {
4333            switch (type & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION) {
4334                case EditorInfo.TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_DATE:
4335                    input = DateKeyListener.getInstance();
4336                    break;
4337                case EditorInfo.TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_TIME:
4338                    input = TimeKeyListener.getInstance();
4339                    break;
4340                default:
4341                    input = DateTimeKeyListener.getInstance();
4342                    break;
4343            }
4344        } else if (cls == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_PHONE) {
4345            input = DialerKeyListener.getInstance();
4346        } else {
4347            input = TextKeyListener.getInstance();
4348        }
4349        setRawInputType(type);
4350        if (direct) {
4351            createEditorIfNeeded();
4352            mEditor.mKeyListener = input;
4353        } else {
4354            setKeyListenerOnly(input);
4355        }
4356    }
4358    /**
4359     * Get the type of the editable content.
4360     *
4361     * @see #setInputType(int)
4362     * @see android.text.InputType
4363     */
4364    public int getInputType() {
4365        return mEditor == null ? EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL : mEditor.mInputType;
4366    }
4368    /**
4369     * Change the editor type integer associated with the text view, which
4370     * will be reported to an IME with {@link EditorInfo#imeOptions} when it
4371     * has focus.
4372     * @see #getImeOptions
4373     * @see android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo
4374     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_imeOptions
4375     */
4376    public void setImeOptions(int imeOptions) {
4377        createEditorIfNeeded();
4378        mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();
4379        mEditor.mInputContentType.imeOptions = imeOptions;
4380    }
4382    /**
4383     * Get the type of the IME editor.
4384     *
4385     * @see #setImeOptions(int)
4386     * @see android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo
4387     */
4388    public int getImeOptions() {
4389        return mEditor != null && mEditor.mInputContentType != null
4390                ? mEditor.mInputContentType.imeOptions : EditorInfo.IME_NULL;
4391    }
4393    /**
4394     * Change the custom IME action associated with the text view, which
4395     * will be reported to an IME with {@link EditorInfo#actionLabel}
4396     * and {@link EditorInfo#actionId} when it has focus.
4397     * @see #getImeActionLabel
4398     * @see #getImeActionId
4399     * @see android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo
4400     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_imeActionLabel
4401     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_imeActionId
4402     */
4403    public void setImeActionLabel(CharSequence label, int actionId) {
4404        createEditorIfNeeded();
4405        mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();
4406        mEditor.mInputContentType.imeActionLabel = label;
4407        mEditor.mInputContentType.imeActionId = actionId;
4408    }
4410    /**
4411     * Get the IME action label previous set with {@link #setImeActionLabel}.
4412     *
4413     * @see #setImeActionLabel
4414     * @see android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo
4415     */
4416    public CharSequence getImeActionLabel() {
4417        return mEditor != null && mEditor.mInputContentType != null
4418                ? mEditor.mInputContentType.imeActionLabel : null;
4419    }
4421    /**
4422     * Get the IME action ID previous set with {@link #setImeActionLabel}.
4423     *
4424     * @see #setImeActionLabel
4425     * @see android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo
4426     */
4427    public int getImeActionId() {
4428        return mEditor != null && mEditor.mInputContentType != null
4429                ? mEditor.mInputContentType.imeActionId : 0;
4430    }
4432    /**
4433     * Set a special listener to be called when an action is performed
4434     * on the text view.  This will be called when the enter key is pressed,
4435     * or when an action supplied to the IME is selected by the user.  Setting
4436     * this means that the normal hard key event will not insert a newline
4437     * into the text view, even if it is multi-line; holding down the ALT
4438     * modifier will, however, allow the user to insert a newline character.
4439     */
4440    public void setOnEditorActionListener(OnEditorActionListener l) {
4441        createEditorIfNeeded();
4442        mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();
4443        mEditor.mInputContentType.onEditorActionListener = l;
4444    }
4446    /**
4447     * Called when an attached input method calls
4448     * {@link InputConnection#performEditorAction(int)
4449     * InputConnection.performEditorAction()}
4450     * for this text view.  The default implementation will call your action
4451     * listener supplied to {@link #setOnEditorActionListener}, or perform
4452     * a standard operation for {@link EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_NEXT
4453     * EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT}, {@link EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS
4454     * EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS}, or {@link EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_DONE
4455     * EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE}.
4456     *
4457     * <p>For backwards compatibility, if no IME options have been set and the
4458     * text view would not normally advance focus on enter, then
4459     * the NEXT and DONE actions received here will be turned into an enter
4460     * key down/up pair to go through the normal key handling.
4461     *
4462     * @param actionCode The code of the action being performed.
4463     *
4464     * @see #setOnEditorActionListener
4465     */
4466    public void onEditorAction(int actionCode) {
4467        final Editor.InputContentType ict = mEditor == null ? null : mEditor.mInputContentType;
4468        if (ict != null) {
4469            if (ict.onEditorActionListener != null) {
4470                if (ict.onEditorActionListener.onEditorAction(this,
4471                        actionCode, null)) {
4472                    return;
4473                }
4474            }
4476            // This is the handling for some default action.
4477            // Note that for backwards compatibility we don't do this
4478            // default handling if explicit ime options have not been given,
4479            // instead turning this into the normal enter key codes that an
4480            // app may be expecting.
4481            if (actionCode == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT) {
4482                View v = focusSearch(FOCUS_FORWARD);
4483                if (v != null) {
4484                    if (!v.requestFocus(FOCUS_FORWARD)) {
4485                        throw new IllegalStateException("focus search returned a view " +
4486                                "that wasn't able to take focus!");
4487                    }
4488                }
4489                return;
4491            } else if (actionCode == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS) {
4492                View v = focusSearch(FOCUS_BACKWARD);
4493                if (v != null) {
4494                    if (!v.requestFocus(FOCUS_BACKWARD)) {
4495                        throw new IllegalStateException("focus search returned a view " +
4496                                "that wasn't able to take focus!");
4497                    }
4498                }
4499                return;
4501            } else if (actionCode == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE) {
4502                InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
4503                if (imm != null && imm.isActive(this)) {
4504                    imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getWindowToken(), 0);
4505                }
4506                return;
4507            }
4508        }
4510        ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = getViewRootImpl();
4511        if (viewRootImpl != null) {
4512            long eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
4513            viewRootImpl.dispatchKeyFromIme(
4514                    new KeyEvent(eventTime, eventTime,
4515                    KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER, 0, 0,
4516                    KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD, 0,
4517                    KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD | KeyEvent.FLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODE
4518                    | KeyEvent.FLAG_EDITOR_ACTION));
4519            viewRootImpl.dispatchKeyFromIme(
4520                    new KeyEvent(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), eventTime,
4521                    KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER, 0, 0,
4522                    KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD, 0,
4523                    KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD | KeyEvent.FLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODE
4524                    | KeyEvent.FLAG_EDITOR_ACTION));
4525        }
4526    }
4528    /**
4529     * Set the private content type of the text, which is the
4530     * {@link EditorInfo#privateImeOptions EditorInfo.privateImeOptions}
4531     * field that will be filled in when creating an input connection.
4532     *
4533     * @see #getPrivateImeOptions()
4534     * @see EditorInfo#privateImeOptions
4535     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_privateImeOptions
4536     */
4537    public void setPrivateImeOptions(String type) {
4538        createEditorIfNeeded();
4539        mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();
4540        mEditor.mInputContentType.privateImeOptions = type;
4541    }
4543    /**
4544     * Get the private type of the content.
4545     *
4546     * @see #setPrivateImeOptions(String)
4547     * @see EditorInfo#privateImeOptions
4548     */
4549    public String getPrivateImeOptions() {
4550        return mEditor != null && mEditor.mInputContentType != null
4551                ? mEditor.mInputContentType.privateImeOptions : null;
4552    }
4554    /**
4555     * Set the extra input data of the text, which is the
4556     * {@link EditorInfo#extras TextBoxAttribute.extras}
4557     * Bundle that will be filled in when creating an input connection.  The
4558     * given integer is the resource ID of an XML resource holding an
4559     * {@link android.R.styleable#InputExtras &lt;input-extras&gt;} XML tree.
4560     *
4561     * @see #getInputExtras(boolean)
4562     * @see EditorInfo#extras
4563     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_editorExtras
4564     */
4565    public void setInputExtras(int xmlResId) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
4566        createEditorIfNeeded();
4567        XmlResourceParser parser = getResources().getXml(xmlResId);
4568        mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();
4569        mEditor.mInputContentType.extras = new Bundle();
4570        getResources().parseBundleExtras(parser, mEditor.mInputContentType.extras);
4571    }
4573    /**
4574     * Retrieve the input extras currently associated with the text view, which
4575     * can be viewed as well as modified.
4576     *
4577     * @param create If true, the extras will be created if they don't already
4578     * exist.  Otherwise, null will be returned if none have been created.
4579     * @see #setInputExtras(int)
4580     * @see EditorInfo#extras
4581     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_editorExtras
4582     */
4583    public Bundle getInputExtras(boolean create) {
4584        if (mEditor == null && !create) return null;
4585        createEditorIfNeeded();
4586        if (mEditor.mInputContentType == null) {
4587            if (!create) return null;
4588            mEditor.createInputContentTypeIfNeeded();
4589        }
4590        if (mEditor.mInputContentType.extras == null) {
4591            if (!create) return null;
4592            mEditor.mInputContentType.extras = new Bundle();
4593        }
4594        return mEditor.mInputContentType.extras;
4595    }
4597    /**
4598     * Returns the error message that was set to be displayed with
4599     * {@link #setError}, or <code>null</code> if no error was set
4600     * or if it the error was cleared by the widget after user input.
4601     */
4602    public CharSequence getError() {
4603        return mEditor == null ? null : mEditor.mError;
4604    }
4606    /**
4607     * Sets the right-hand compound drawable of the TextView to the "error"
4608     * icon and sets an error message that will be displayed in a popup when
4609     * the TextView has focus.  The icon and error message will be reset to
4610     * null when any key events cause changes to the TextView's text.  If the
4611     * <code>error</code> is <code>null</code>, the error message and icon
4612     * will be cleared.
4613     */
4614    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
4615    public void setError(CharSequence error) {
4616        if (error == null) {
4617            setError(null, null);
4618        } else {
4619            Drawable dr = getContext().getDrawable(
4620                    com.android.internal.R.drawable.indicator_input_error);
4622            dr.setBounds(0, 0, dr.getIntrinsicWidth(), dr.getIntrinsicHeight());
4623            setError(error, dr);
4624        }
4625    }
4627    /**
4628     * Sets the right-hand compound drawable of the TextView to the specified
4629     * icon and sets an error message that will be displayed in a popup when
4630     * the TextView has focus.  The icon and error message will be reset to
4631     * null when any key events cause changes to the TextView's text.  The
4632     * drawable must already have had {@link Drawable#setBounds} set on it.
4633     * If the <code>error</code> is <code>null</code>, the error message will
4634     * be cleared (and you should provide a <code>null</code> icon as well).
4635     */
4636    public void setError(CharSequence error, Drawable icon) {
4637        createEditorIfNeeded();
4638        mEditor.setError(error, icon);
4639        notifyViewAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(
4640                AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED);
4641    }
4643    @Override
4644    protected boolean setFrame(int l, int t, int r, int b) {
4645        boolean result = super.setFrame(l, t, r, b);
4647        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.setFrame();
4649        restartMarqueeIfNeeded();
4651        return result;
4652    }
4654    private void restartMarqueeIfNeeded() {
4655        if (mRestartMarquee && mEllipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE) {
4656            mRestartMarquee = false;
4657            startMarquee();
4658        }
4659    }
4661    /**
4662     * Sets the list of input filters that will be used if the buffer is
4663     * Editable. Has no effect otherwise.
4664     *
4665     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxLength
4666     */
4667    public void setFilters(InputFilter[] filters) {
4668        if (filters == null) {
4669            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
4670        }
4672        mFilters = filters;
4674        if (mText instanceof Editable) {
4675            setFilters((Editable) mText, filters);
4676        }
4677    }
4679    /**
4680     * Sets the list of input filters on the specified Editable,
4681     * and includes mInput in the list if it is an InputFilter.
4682     */
4683    private void setFilters(Editable e, InputFilter[] filters) {
4684        if (mEditor != null) {
4685            final boolean undoFilter = mEditor.mUndoInputFilter != null;
4686            final boolean keyFilter = mEditor.mKeyListener instanceof InputFilter;
4687            int num = 0;
4688            if (undoFilter) num++;
4689            if (keyFilter) num++;
4690            if (num > 0) {
4691                InputFilter[] nf = new InputFilter[filters.length + num];
4693                System.arraycopy(filters, 0, nf, 0, filters.length);
4694                num = 0;
4695                if (undoFilter) {
4696                    nf[filters.length] = mEditor.mUndoInputFilter;
4697                    num++;
4698                }
4699                if (keyFilter) {
4700                    nf[filters.length + num] = (InputFilter) mEditor.mKeyListener;
4701                }
4703                e.setFilters(nf);
4704                return;
4705            }
4706        }
4707        e.setFilters(filters);
4708    }
4710    /**
4711     * Returns the current list of input filters.
4712     *
4713     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_maxLength
4714     */
4715    public InputFilter[] getFilters() {
4716        return mFilters;
4717    }
4719    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4721    private int getBoxHeight(Layout l) {
4722        Insets opticalInsets = isLayoutModeOptical(mParent) ? getOpticalInsets() : Insets.NONE;
4723        int padding = (l == mHintLayout) ?
4724                getCompoundPaddingTop() + getCompoundPaddingBottom() :
4725                getExtendedPaddingTop() + getExtendedPaddingBottom();
4726        return getMeasuredHeight() - padding + opticalInsets.top + opticalInsets.bottom;
4727    }
4729    int getVerticalOffset(boolean forceNormal) {
4730        int voffset = 0;
4731        final int gravity = mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK;
4733        Layout l = mLayout;
4734        if (!forceNormal && mText.length() == 0 && mHintLayout != null) {
4735            l = mHintLayout;
4736        }
4738        if (gravity != Gravity.TOP) {
4739            int boxht = getBoxHeight(l);
4740            int textht = l.getHeight();
4742            if (textht < boxht) {
4743                if (gravity == Gravity.BOTTOM)
4744                    voffset = boxht - textht;
4745                else // (gravity == Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)
4746                    voffset = (boxht - textht) >> 1;
4747            }
4748        }
4749        return voffset;
4750    }
4752    private int getBottomVerticalOffset(boolean forceNormal) {
4753        int voffset = 0;
4754        final int gravity = mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK;
4756        Layout l = mLayout;
4757        if (!forceNormal && mText.length() == 0 && mHintLayout != null) {
4758            l = mHintLayout;
4759        }
4761        if (gravity != Gravity.BOTTOM) {
4762            int boxht = getBoxHeight(l);
4763            int textht = l.getHeight();
4765            if (textht < boxht) {
4766                if (gravity == Gravity.TOP)
4767                    voffset = boxht - textht;
4768                else // (gravity == Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)
4769                    voffset = (boxht - textht) >> 1;
4770            }
4771        }
4772        return voffset;
4773    }
4775    void invalidateCursorPath() {
4776        if (mHighlightPathBogus) {
4777            invalidateCursor();
4778        } else {
4779            final int horizontalPadding = getCompoundPaddingLeft();
4780            final int verticalPadding = getExtendedPaddingTop() + getVerticalOffset(true);
4782            if (mEditor.mCursorCount == 0) {
4783                synchronized (TEMP_RECTF) {
4784                    /*
4785                     * The reason for this concern about the thickness of the
4786                     * cursor and doing the floor/ceil on the coordinates is that
4787                     * some EditTexts (notably textfields in the Browser) have
4788                     * anti-aliased text where not all the characters are
4789                     * necessarily at integer-multiple locations.  This should
4790                     * make sure the entire cursor gets invalidated instead of
4791                     * sometimes missing half a pixel.
4792                     */
4793                    float thick = FloatMath.ceil(mTextPaint.getStrokeWidth());
4794                    if (thick < 1.0f) {
4795                        thick = 1.0f;
4796                    }
4798                    thick /= 2.0f;
4800                    // mHighlightPath is guaranteed to be non null at that point.
4801                    mHighlightPath.computeBounds(TEMP_RECTF, false);
4803                    invalidate((int) FloatMath.floor(horizontalPadding + TEMP_RECTF.left - thick),
4804                            (int) FloatMath.floor(verticalPadding + TEMP_RECTF.top - thick),
4805                            (int) FloatMath.ceil(horizontalPadding + TEMP_RECTF.right + thick),
4806                            (int) FloatMath.ceil(verticalPadding + TEMP_RECTF.bottom + thick));
4807                }
4808            } else {
4809                for (int i = 0; i < mEditor.mCursorCount; i++) {
4810                    Rect bounds = mEditor.mCursorDrawable[i].getBounds();
4811                    invalidate(bounds.left + horizontalPadding, bounds.top + verticalPadding,
4812                            bounds.right + horizontalPadding, bounds.bottom + verticalPadding);
4813                }
4814            }
4815        }
4816    }
4818    void invalidateCursor() {
4819        int where = getSelectionEnd();
4821        invalidateCursor(where, where, where);
4822    }
4824    private void invalidateCursor(int a, int b, int c) {
4825        if (a >= 0 || b >= 0 || c >= 0) {
4826            int start = Math.min(Math.min(a, b), c);
4827            int end = Math.max(Math.max(a, b), c);
4828            invalidateRegion(start, end, true /* Also invalidates blinking cursor */);
4829        }
4830    }
4832    /**
4833     * Invalidates the region of text enclosed between the start and end text offsets.
4834     */
4835    void invalidateRegion(int start, int end, boolean invalidateCursor) {
4836        if (mLayout == null) {
4837            invalidate();
4838        } else {
4839                int lineStart = mLayout.getLineForOffset(start);
4840                int top = mLayout.getLineTop(lineStart);
4842                // This is ridiculous, but the descent from the line above
4843                // can hang down into the line we really want to redraw,
4844                // so we have to invalidate part of the line above to make
4845                // sure everything that needs to be redrawn really is.
4846                // (But not the whole line above, because that would cause
4847                // the same problem with the descenders on the line above it!)
4848                if (lineStart > 0) {
4849                    top -= mLayout.getLineDescent(lineStart - 1);
4850                }
4852                int lineEnd;
4854                if (start == end)
4855                    lineEnd = lineStart;
4856                else
4857                    lineEnd = mLayout.getLineForOffset(end);
4859                int bottom = mLayout.getLineBottom(lineEnd);
4861                // mEditor can be null in case selection is set programmatically.
4862                if (invalidateCursor && mEditor != null) {
4863                    for (int i = 0; i < mEditor.mCursorCount; i++) {
4864                        Rect bounds = mEditor.mCursorDrawable[i].getBounds();
4865                        top = Math.min(top, bounds.top);
4866                        bottom = Math.max(bottom, bounds.bottom);
4867                    }
4868                }
4870                final int compoundPaddingLeft = getCompoundPaddingLeft();
4871                final int verticalPadding = getExtendedPaddingTop() + getVerticalOffset(true);
4873                int left, right;
4874                if (lineStart == lineEnd && !invalidateCursor) {
4875                    left = (int) mLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(start);
4876                    right = (int) (mLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(end) + 1.0);
4877                    left += compoundPaddingLeft;
4878                    right += compoundPaddingLeft;
4879                } else {
4880                    // Rectangle bounding box when the region spans several lines
4881                    left = compoundPaddingLeft;
4882                    right = getWidth() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
4883                }
4885                invalidate(mScrollX + left, verticalPadding + top,
4886                        mScrollX + right, verticalPadding + bottom);
4887        }
4888    }
4890    private void registerForPreDraw() {
4891        if (!mPreDrawRegistered) {
4892            getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(this);
4893            mPreDrawRegistered = true;
4894        }
4895    }
4897    private void unregisterForPreDraw() {
4898        getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this);
4899        mPreDrawRegistered = false;
4900        mPreDrawListenerDetached = false;
4901    }
4903    /**
4904     * {@inheritDoc}
4905     */
4906    public boolean onPreDraw() {
4907        if (mLayout == null) {
4908            assumeLayout();
4909        }
4911        if (mMovement != null) {
4912            /* This code also provides auto-scrolling when a cursor is moved using a
4913             * CursorController (insertion point or selection limits).
4914             * For selection, ensure start or end is visible depending on controller's state.
4915             */
4916            int curs = getSelectionEnd();
4917            // Do not create the controller if it is not already created.
4918            if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mSelectionModifierCursorController != null &&
4919                    mEditor.mSelectionModifierCursorController.isSelectionStartDragged()) {
4920                curs = getSelectionStart();
4921            }
4923            /*
4924             * TODO: This should really only keep the end in view if
4925             * it already was before the text changed.  I'm not sure
4926             * of a good way to tell from here if it was.
4927             */
4928            if (curs < 0 && (mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == Gravity.BOTTOM) {
4929                curs = mText.length();
4930            }
4932            if (curs >= 0) {
4933                bringPointIntoView(curs);
4934            }
4935        } else {
4936            bringTextIntoView();
4937        }
4939        // This has to be checked here since:
4940        // - onFocusChanged cannot start it when focus is given to a view with selected text (after
4941        //   a screen rotation) since layout is not yet initialized at that point.
4942        if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mCreatedWithASelection) {
4943            mEditor.startSelectionActionMode();
4944            mEditor.mCreatedWithASelection = false;
4945        }
4947        // Phone specific code (there is no ExtractEditText on tablets).
4948        // ExtractEditText does not call onFocus when it is displayed, and mHasSelectionOnFocus can
4949        // not be set. Do the test here instead.
4950        if (this instanceof ExtractEditText && hasSelection() && mEditor != null) {
4951            mEditor.startSelectionActionMode();
4952        }
4954        unregisterForPreDraw();
4956        return true;
4957    }
4959    @Override
4960    protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
4961        super.onAttachedToWindow();
4963        mTemporaryDetach = false;
4965        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.onAttachedToWindow();
4967        if (mPreDrawListenerDetached) {
4968            getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(this);
4969            mPreDrawListenerDetached = false;
4970        }
4971    }
4973    /** @hide */
4974    @Override
4975    protected void onDetachedFromWindowInternal() {
4976        if (mPreDrawRegistered) {
4977            getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this);
4978            mPreDrawListenerDetached = true;
4979        }
4981        resetResolvedDrawables();
4983        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.onDetachedFromWindow();
4985        super.onDetachedFromWindowInternal();
4986    }
4988    @Override
4989    public void onScreenStateChanged(int screenState) {
4990        super.onScreenStateChanged(screenState);
4991        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.onScreenStateChanged(screenState);
4992    }
4994    @Override
4995    protected boolean isPaddingOffsetRequired() {
4996        return mShadowRadius != 0 || mDrawables != null;
4997    }
4999    @Override
5000    protected int getLeftPaddingOffset() {
5001        return getCompoundPaddingLeft() - mPaddingLeft +
5002                (int) Math.min(0, mShadowDx - mShadowRadius);
5003    }
5005    @Override
5006    protected int getTopPaddingOffset() {
5007        return (int) Math.min(0, mShadowDy - mShadowRadius);
5008    }
5010    @Override
5011    protected int getBottomPaddingOffset() {
5012        return (int) Math.max(0, mShadowDy + mShadowRadius);
5013    }
5015    @Override
5016    protected int getRightPaddingOffset() {
5017        return -(getCompoundPaddingRight() - mPaddingRight) +
5018                (int) Math.max(0, mShadowDx + mShadowRadius);
5019    }
5021    @Override
5022    protected boolean verifyDrawable(Drawable who) {
5023        final boolean verified = super.verifyDrawable(who);
5024        if (!verified && mDrawables != null) {
5025            return who == mDrawables.mDrawableLeft || who == mDrawables.mDrawableTop ||
5026                    who == mDrawables.mDrawableRight || who == mDrawables.mDrawableBottom ||
5027                    who == mDrawables.mDrawableStart || who == mDrawables.mDrawableEnd;
5028        }
5029        return verified;
5030    }
5032    @Override
5033    public void jumpDrawablesToCurrentState() {
5034        super.jumpDrawablesToCurrentState();
5035        if (mDrawables != null) {
5036            if (mDrawables.mDrawableLeft != null) {
5037                mDrawables.mDrawableLeft.jumpToCurrentState();
5038            }
5039            if (mDrawables.mDrawableTop != null) {
5040                mDrawables.mDrawableTop.jumpToCurrentState();
5041            }
5042            if (mDrawables.mDrawableRight != null) {
5043                mDrawables.mDrawableRight.jumpToCurrentState();
5044            }
5045            if (mDrawables.mDrawableBottom != null) {
5046                mDrawables.mDrawableBottom.jumpToCurrentState();
5047            }
5048            if (mDrawables.mDrawableStart != null) {
5049                mDrawables.mDrawableStart.jumpToCurrentState();
5050            }
5051            if (mDrawables.mDrawableEnd != null) {
5052                mDrawables.mDrawableEnd.jumpToCurrentState();
5053            }
5054        }
5055    }
5057    @Override
5058    public void invalidateDrawable(Drawable drawable) {
5059        boolean handled = false;
5061        if (verifyDrawable(drawable)) {
5062            final Rect dirty = drawable.getBounds();
5063            int scrollX = mScrollX;
5064            int scrollY = mScrollY;
5066            // IMPORTANT: The coordinates below are based on the coordinates computed
5067            // for each compound drawable in onDraw(). Make sure to update each section
5068            // accordingly.
5069            final TextView.Drawables drawables = mDrawables;
5070            if (drawables != null) {
5071                if (drawable == drawables.mDrawableLeft) {
5072                    final int compoundPaddingTop = getCompoundPaddingTop();
5073                    final int compoundPaddingBottom = getCompoundPaddingBottom();
5074                    final int vspace = mBottom - mTop - compoundPaddingBottom - compoundPaddingTop;
5076                    scrollX += mPaddingLeft;
5077                    scrollY += compoundPaddingTop + (vspace - drawables.mDrawableHeightLeft) / 2;
5078                    handled = true;
5079                } else if (drawable == drawables.mDrawableRight) {
5080                    final int compoundPaddingTop = getCompoundPaddingTop();
5081                    final int compoundPaddingBottom = getCompoundPaddingBottom();
5082                    final int vspace = mBottom - mTop - compoundPaddingBottom - compoundPaddingTop;
5084                    scrollX += (mRight - mLeft - mPaddingRight - drawables.mDrawableSizeRight);
5085                    scrollY += compoundPaddingTop + (vspace - drawables.mDrawableHeightRight) / 2;
5086                    handled = true;
5087                } else if (drawable == drawables.mDrawableTop) {
5088                    final int compoundPaddingLeft = getCompoundPaddingLeft();
5089                    final int compoundPaddingRight = getCompoundPaddingRight();
5090                    final int hspace = mRight - mLeft - compoundPaddingRight - compoundPaddingLeft;
5092                    scrollX += compoundPaddingLeft + (hspace - drawables.mDrawableWidthTop) / 2;
5093                    scrollY += mPaddingTop;
5094                    handled = true;
5095                } else if (drawable == drawables.mDrawableBottom) {
5096                    final int compoundPaddingLeft = getCompoundPaddingLeft();
5097                    final int compoundPaddingRight = getCompoundPaddingRight();
5098                    final int hspace = mRight - mLeft - compoundPaddingRight - compoundPaddingLeft;
5100                    scrollX += compoundPaddingLeft + (hspace - drawables.mDrawableWidthBottom) / 2;
5101                    scrollY += (mBottom - mTop - mPaddingBottom - drawables.mDrawableSizeBottom);
5102                    handled = true;
5103                }
5104            }
5106            if (handled) {
5107                invalidate(dirty.left + scrollX, dirty.top + scrollY,
5108                        dirty.right + scrollX, dirty.bottom + scrollY);
5109            }
5110        }
5112        if (!handled) {
5113            super.invalidateDrawable(drawable);
5114        }
5115    }
5117    @Override
5118    public boolean hasOverlappingRendering() {
5119        // horizontal fading edge causes SaveLayerAlpha, which doesn't support alpha modulation
5120        return ((getBackground() != null && getBackground().getCurrent() != null)
5121                || mText instanceof Spannable || hasSelection()
5122                || isHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled());
5123    }
5125    /**
5126     *
5127     * Returns the state of the {@code textIsSelectable} flag (See
5128     * {@link #setTextIsSelectable setTextIsSelectable()}). Although you have to set this flag
5129     * to allow users to select and copy text in a non-editable TextView, the content of an
5130     * {@link EditText} can always be selected, independently of the value of this flag.
5131     * <p>
5132     *
5133     * @return True if the text displayed in this TextView can be selected by the user.
5134     *
5135     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textIsSelectable
5136     */
5137    public boolean isTextSelectable() {
5138        return mEditor == null ? false : mEditor.mTextIsSelectable;
5139    }
5141    /**
5142     * Sets whether the content of this view is selectable by the user. The default is
5143     * {@code false}, meaning that the content is not selectable.
5144     * <p>
5145     * When you use a TextView to display a useful piece of information to the user (such as a
5146     * contact's address), make it selectable, so that the user can select and copy its
5147     * content. You can also use set the XML attribute
5148     * {@link android.R.styleable#TextView_textIsSelectable} to "true".
5149     * <p>
5150     * When you call this method to set the value of {@code textIsSelectable}, it sets
5151     * the flags {@code focusable}, {@code focusableInTouchMode}, {@code clickable},
5152     * and {@code longClickable} to the same value. These flags correspond to the attributes
5153     * {@link android.R.styleable#View_focusable android:focusable},
5154     * {@link android.R.styleable#View_focusableInTouchMode android:focusableInTouchMode},
5155     * {@link android.R.styleable#View_clickable android:clickable}, and
5156     * {@link android.R.styleable#View_longClickable android:longClickable}. To restore any of these
5157     * flags to a state you had set previously, call one or more of the following methods:
5158     * {@link #setFocusable(boolean) setFocusable()},
5159     * {@link #setFocusableInTouchMode(boolean) setFocusableInTouchMode()},
5160     * {@link #setClickable(boolean) setClickable()} or
5161     * {@link #setLongClickable(boolean) setLongClickable()}.
5162     *
5163     * @param selectable Whether the content of this TextView should be selectable.
5164     */
5165    public void setTextIsSelectable(boolean selectable) {
5166        if (!selectable && mEditor == null) return; // false is default value with no edit data
5168        createEditorIfNeeded();
5169        if (mEditor.mTextIsSelectable == selectable) return;
5171        mEditor.mTextIsSelectable = selectable;
5172        setFocusableInTouchMode(selectable);
5173        setFocusable(selectable);
5174        setClickable(selectable);
5175        setLongClickable(selectable);
5177        // mInputType should already be EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL and mInput should be null
5179        setMovementMethod(selectable ? ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance() : null);
5180        setText(mText, selectable ? BufferType.SPANNABLE : BufferType.NORMAL);
5182        // Called by setText above, but safer in case of future code changes
5183        mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();
5184    }
5186    @Override
5187    protected int[] onCreateDrawableState(int extraSpace) {
5188        final int[] drawableState;
5190        if (mSingleLine) {
5191            drawableState = super.onCreateDrawableState(extraSpace);
5192        } else {
5193            drawableState = super.onCreateDrawableState(extraSpace + 1);
5194            mergeDrawableStates(drawableState, MULTILINE_STATE_SET);
5195        }
5197        if (isTextSelectable()) {
5198            // Disable pressed state, which was introduced when TextView was made clickable.
5199            // Prevents text color change.
5200            // setClickable(false) would have a similar effect, but it also disables focus changes
5201            // and long press actions, which are both needed by text selection.
5202            final int length = drawableState.length;
5203            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
5204                if (drawableState[i] == R.attr.state_pressed) {
5205                    final int[] nonPressedState = new int[length - 1];
5206                    System.arraycopy(drawableState, 0, nonPressedState, 0, i);
5207                    System.arraycopy(drawableState, i + 1, nonPressedState, i, length - i - 1);
5208                    return nonPressedState;
5209                }
5210            }
5211        }
5213        return drawableState;
5214    }
5216    private Path getUpdatedHighlightPath() {
5217        Path highlight = null;
5218        Paint highlightPaint = mHighlightPaint;
5220        final int selStart = getSelectionStart();
5221        final int selEnd = getSelectionEnd();
5222        if (mMovement != null && (isFocused() || isPressed()) && selStart >= 0) {
5223            if (selStart == selEnd) {
5224                if (mEditor != null && mEditor.isCursorVisible() &&
5225                        (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mEditor.mShowCursor) %
5226                        (2 * Editor.BLINK) < Editor.BLINK) {
5227                    if (mHighlightPathBogus) {
5228                        if (mHighlightPath == null) mHighlightPath = new Path();
5229                        mHighlightPath.reset();
5230                        mLayout.getCursorPath(selStart, mHighlightPath, mText);
5231                        mEditor.updateCursorsPositions();
5232                        mHighlightPathBogus = false;
5233                    }
5235                    // XXX should pass to skin instead of drawing directly
5236                    highlightPaint.setColor(mCurTextColor);
5237                    highlightPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
5238                    highlight = mHighlightPath;
5239                }
5240            } else {
5241                if (mHighlightPathBogus) {
5242                    if (mHighlightPath == null) mHighlightPath = new Path();
5243                    mHighlightPath.reset();
5244                    mLayout.getSelectionPath(selStart, selEnd, mHighlightPath);
5245                    mHighlightPathBogus = false;
5246                }
5248                // XXX should pass to skin instead of drawing directly
5249                highlightPaint.setColor(mHighlightColor);
5250                highlightPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);
5252                highlight = mHighlightPath;
5253            }
5254        }
5255        return highlight;
5256    }
5258    /**
5259     * @hide
5260     */
5261    public int getHorizontalOffsetForDrawables() {
5262        return 0;
5263    }
5265    @Override
5266    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
5267        restartMarqueeIfNeeded();
5269        // Draw the background for this view
5270        super.onDraw(canvas);
5272        final int compoundPaddingLeft = getCompoundPaddingLeft();
5273        final int compoundPaddingTop = getCompoundPaddingTop();
5274        final int compoundPaddingRight = getCompoundPaddingRight();
5275        final int compoundPaddingBottom = getCompoundPaddingBottom();
5276        final int scrollX = mScrollX;
5277        final int scrollY = mScrollY;
5278        final int right = mRight;
5279        final int left = mLeft;
5280        final int bottom = mBottom;
5281        final int top = mTop;
5282        final boolean isLayoutRtl = isLayoutRtl();
5283        final int offset = getHorizontalOffsetForDrawables();
5284        final int leftOffset = isLayoutRtl ? 0 : offset;
5285        final int rightOffset = isLayoutRtl ? offset : 0 ;
5287        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
5288        if (dr != null) {
5289            /*
5290             * Compound, not extended, because the icon is not clipped
5291             * if the text height is smaller.
5292             */
5294            int vspace = bottom - top - compoundPaddingBottom - compoundPaddingTop;
5295            int hspace = right - left - compoundPaddingRight - compoundPaddingLeft;
5297            // IMPORTANT: The coordinates computed are also used in invalidateDrawable()
5298            // Make sure to update invalidateDrawable() when changing this code.
5299            if (dr.mDrawableLeft != null) {
5300                canvas.save();
5301                canvas.translate(scrollX + mPaddingLeft + leftOffset,
5302                                 scrollY + compoundPaddingTop +
5303                                 (vspace - dr.mDrawableHeightLeft) / 2);
5304                dr.mDrawableLeft.draw(canvas);
5305                canvas.restore();
5306            }
5308            // IMPORTANT: The coordinates computed are also used in invalidateDrawable()
5309            // Make sure to update invalidateDrawable() when changing this code.
5310            if (dr.mDrawableRight != null) {
5311                canvas.save();
5312                canvas.translate(scrollX + right - left - mPaddingRight
5313                        - dr.mDrawableSizeRight - rightOffset,
5314                         scrollY + compoundPaddingTop + (vspace - dr.mDrawableHeightRight) / 2);
5315                dr.mDrawableRight.draw(canvas);
5316                canvas.restore();
5317            }
5319            // IMPORTANT: The coordinates computed are also used in invalidateDrawable()
5320            // Make sure to update invalidateDrawable() when changing this code.
5321            if (dr.mDrawableTop != null) {
5322                canvas.save();
5323                canvas.translate(scrollX + compoundPaddingLeft +
5324                        (hspace - dr.mDrawableWidthTop) / 2, scrollY + mPaddingTop);
5325                dr.mDrawableTop.draw(canvas);
5326                canvas.restore();
5327            }
5329            // IMPORTANT: The coordinates computed are also used in invalidateDrawable()
5330            // Make sure to update invalidateDrawable() when changing this code.
5331            if (dr.mDrawableBottom != null) {
5332                canvas.save();
5333                canvas.translate(scrollX + compoundPaddingLeft +
5334                        (hspace - dr.mDrawableWidthBottom) / 2,
5335                         scrollY + bottom - top - mPaddingBottom - dr.mDrawableSizeBottom);
5336                dr.mDrawableBottom.draw(canvas);
5337                canvas.restore();
5338            }
5339        }
5341        int color = mCurTextColor;
5343        if (mLayout == null) {
5344            assumeLayout();
5345        }
5347        Layout layout = mLayout;
5349        if (mHint != null && mText.length() == 0) {
5350            if (mHintTextColor != null) {
5351                color = mCurHintTextColor;
5352            }
5354            layout = mHintLayout;
5355        }
5357        mTextPaint.setColor(color);
5358        mTextPaint.drawableState = getDrawableState();
5360        canvas.save();
5361        /*  Would be faster if we didn't have to do this. Can we chop the
5362            (displayable) text so that we don't need to do this ever?
5363        */
5365        int extendedPaddingTop = getExtendedPaddingTop();
5366        int extendedPaddingBottom = getExtendedPaddingBottom();
5368        final int vspace = mBottom - mTop - compoundPaddingBottom - compoundPaddingTop;
5369        final int maxScrollY = mLayout.getHeight() - vspace;
5371        float clipLeft = compoundPaddingLeft + scrollX;
5372        float clipTop = (scrollY == 0) ? 0 : extendedPaddingTop + scrollY;
5373        float clipRight = right - left - compoundPaddingRight + scrollX;
5374        float clipBottom = bottom - top + scrollY -
5375                ((scrollY == maxScrollY) ? 0 : extendedPaddingBottom);
5377        if (mShadowRadius != 0) {
5378            clipLeft += Math.min(0, mShadowDx - mShadowRadius);
5379            clipRight += Math.max(0, mShadowDx + mShadowRadius);
5381            clipTop += Math.min(0, mShadowDy - mShadowRadius);
5382            clipBottom += Math.max(0, mShadowDy + mShadowRadius);
5383        }
5385        canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, clipTop, clipRight, clipBottom);
5387        int voffsetText = 0;
5388        int voffsetCursor = 0;
5390        // translate in by our padding
5391        /* shortcircuit calling getVerticaOffset() */
5392        if ((mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) != Gravity.TOP) {
5393            voffsetText = getVerticalOffset(false);
5394            voffsetCursor = getVerticalOffset(true);
5395        }
5396        canvas.translate(compoundPaddingLeft, extendedPaddingTop + voffsetText);
5398        final int layoutDirection = getLayoutDirection();
5399        final int absoluteGravity = Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(mGravity, layoutDirection);
5400        if (mEllipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE &&
5401                mMarqueeFadeMode != MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS) {
5402            if (!mSingleLine && getLineCount() == 1 && canMarquee() &&
5403                    (absoluteGravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) != Gravity.LEFT) {
5404                final int width = mRight - mLeft;
5405                final int padding = getCompoundPaddingLeft() + getCompoundPaddingRight();
5406                final float dx = mLayout.getLineRight(0) - (width - padding);
5407                canvas.translate(layout.getParagraphDirection(0) * dx, 0.0f);
5408            }
5410            if (mMarquee != null && mMarquee.isRunning()) {
5411                final float dx = -mMarquee.getScroll();
5412                canvas.translate(layout.getParagraphDirection(0) * dx, 0.0f);
5413            }
5414        }
5416        final int cursorOffsetVertical = voffsetCursor - voffsetText;
5418        Path highlight = getUpdatedHighlightPath();
5419        if (mEditor != null) {
5420            mEditor.onDraw(canvas, layout, highlight, mHighlightPaint, cursorOffsetVertical);
5421        } else {
5422            layout.draw(canvas, highlight, mHighlightPaint, cursorOffsetVertical);
5423        }
5425        if (mMarquee != null && mMarquee.shouldDrawGhost()) {
5426            final float dx = mMarquee.getGhostOffset();
5427            canvas.translate(layout.getParagraphDirection(0) * dx, 0.0f);
5428            layout.draw(canvas, highlight, mHighlightPaint, cursorOffsetVertical);
5429        }
5431        canvas.restore();
5432    }
5434    @Override
5435    public void getFocusedRect(Rect r) {
5436        if (mLayout == null) {
5437            super.getFocusedRect(r);
5438            return;
5439        }
5441        int selEnd = getSelectionEnd();
5442        if (selEnd < 0) {
5443            super.getFocusedRect(r);
5444            return;
5445        }
5447        int selStart = getSelectionStart();
5448        if (selStart < 0 || selStart >= selEnd) {
5449            int line = mLayout.getLineForOffset(selEnd);
5450            r.top = mLayout.getLineTop(line);
5451            r.bottom = mLayout.getLineBottom(line);
5452            r.left = (int) mLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(selEnd) - 2;
5453            r.right = r.left + 4;
5454        } else {
5455            int lineStart = mLayout.getLineForOffset(selStart);
5456            int lineEnd = mLayout.getLineForOffset(selEnd);
5457            r.top = mLayout.getLineTop(lineStart);
5458            r.bottom = mLayout.getLineBottom(lineEnd);
5459            if (lineStart == lineEnd) {
5460                r.left = (int) mLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(selStart);
5461                r.right = (int) mLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(selEnd);
5462            } else {
5463                // Selection extends across multiple lines -- make the focused
5464                // rect cover the entire width.
5465                if (mHighlightPathBogus) {
5466                    if (mHighlightPath == null) mHighlightPath = new Path();
5467                    mHighlightPath.reset();
5468                    mLayout.getSelectionPath(selStart, selEnd, mHighlightPath);
5469                    mHighlightPathBogus = false;
5470                }
5471                synchronized (TEMP_RECTF) {
5472                    mHighlightPath.computeBounds(TEMP_RECTF, true);
5473                    r.left = (int)TEMP_RECTF.left-1;
5474                    r.right = (int)TEMP_RECTF.right+1;
5475                }
5476            }
5477        }
5479        // Adjust for padding and gravity.
5480        int paddingLeft = getCompoundPaddingLeft();
5481        int paddingTop = getExtendedPaddingTop();
5482        if ((mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) != Gravity.TOP) {
5483            paddingTop += getVerticalOffset(false);
5484        }
5485        r.offset(paddingLeft, paddingTop);
5486        int paddingBottom = getExtendedPaddingBottom();
5487        r.bottom += paddingBottom;
5488    }
5490    /**
5491     * Return the number of lines of text, or 0 if the internal Layout has not
5492     * been built.
5493     */
5494    public int getLineCount() {
5495        return mLayout != null ? mLayout.getLineCount() : 0;
5496    }
5498    /**
5499     * Return the baseline for the specified line (0...getLineCount() - 1)
5500     * If bounds is not null, return the top, left, right, bottom extents
5501     * of the specified line in it. If the internal Layout has not been built,
5502     * return 0 and set bounds to (0, 0, 0, 0)
5503     * @param line which line to examine (0..getLineCount() - 1)
5504     * @param bounds Optional. If not null, it returns the extent of the line
5505     * @return the Y-coordinate of the baseline
5506     */
5507    public int getLineBounds(int line, Rect bounds) {
5508        if (mLayout == null) {
5509            if (bounds != null) {
5510                bounds.set(0, 0, 0, 0);
5511            }
5512            return 0;
5513        }
5514        else {
5515            int baseline = mLayout.getLineBounds(line, bounds);
5517            int voffset = getExtendedPaddingTop();
5518            if ((mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) != Gravity.TOP) {
5519                voffset += getVerticalOffset(true);
5520            }
5521            if (bounds != null) {
5522                bounds.offset(getCompoundPaddingLeft(), voffset);
5523            }
5524            return baseline + voffset;
5525        }
5526    }
5528    @Override
5529    public int getBaseline() {
5530        if (mLayout == null) {
5531            return super.getBaseline();
5532        }
5534        int voffset = 0;
5535        if ((mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) != Gravity.TOP) {
5536            voffset = getVerticalOffset(true);
5537        }
5539        if (isLayoutModeOptical(mParent)) {
5540            voffset -= getOpticalInsets().top;
5541        }
5543        return getExtendedPaddingTop() + voffset + mLayout.getLineBaseline(0);
5544    }
5546    /**
5547     * @hide
5548     */
5549    @Override
5550    protected int getFadeTop(boolean offsetRequired) {
5551        if (mLayout == null) return 0;
5553        int voffset = 0;
5554        if ((mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) != Gravity.TOP) {
5555            voffset = getVerticalOffset(true);
5556        }
5558        if (offsetRequired) voffset += getTopPaddingOffset();
5560        return getExtendedPaddingTop() + voffset;
5561    }
5563    /**
5564     * @hide
5565     */
5566    @Override
5567    protected int getFadeHeight(boolean offsetRequired) {
5568        return mLayout != null ? mLayout.getHeight() : 0;
5569    }
5571    @Override
5572    public boolean onKeyPreIme(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
5573        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
5574            boolean isInSelectionMode = mEditor != null && mEditor.mSelectionActionMode != null;
5576            if (isInSelectionMode) {
5577                if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {
5578                    KeyEvent.DispatcherState state = getKeyDispatcherState();
5579                    if (state != null) {
5580                        state.startTracking(event, this);
5581                    }
5582                    return true;
5583                } else if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) {
5584                    KeyEvent.DispatcherState state = getKeyDispatcherState();
5585                    if (state != null) {
5586                        state.handleUpEvent(event);
5587                    }
5588                    if (event.isTracking() && !event.isCanceled()) {
5589                        stopSelectionActionMode();
5590                        return true;
5591                    }
5592                }
5593            }
5594        }
5595        return super.onKeyPreIme(keyCode, event);
5596    }
5598    @Override
5599    public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
5600        int which = doKeyDown(keyCode, event, null);
5601        if (which == 0) {
5602            return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
5603        }
5605        return true;
5606    }
5608    @Override
5609    public boolean onKeyMultiple(int keyCode, int repeatCount, KeyEvent event) {
5610        KeyEvent down = KeyEvent.changeAction(event, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN);
5612        int which = doKeyDown(keyCode, down, event);
5613        if (which == 0) {
5614            // Go through default dispatching.
5615            return super.onKeyMultiple(keyCode, repeatCount, event);
5616        }
5617        if (which == -1) {
5618            // Consumed the whole thing.
5619            return true;
5620        }
5622        repeatCount--;
5624        // We are going to dispatch the remaining events to either the input
5625        // or movement method.  To do this, we will just send a repeated stream
5626        // of down and up events until we have done the complete repeatCount.
5627        // It would be nice if those interfaces had an onKeyMultiple() method,
5628        // but adding that is a more complicated change.
5629        KeyEvent up = KeyEvent.changeAction(event, KeyEvent.ACTION_UP);
5630        if (which == 1) {
5631            // mEditor and mEditor.mInput are not null from doKeyDown
5632            mEditor.mKeyListener.onKeyUp(this, (Editable)mText, keyCode, up);
5633            while (--repeatCount > 0) {
5634                mEditor.mKeyListener.onKeyDown(this, (Editable)mText, keyCode, down);
5635                mEditor.mKeyListener.onKeyUp(this, (Editable)mText, keyCode, up);
5636            }
5637            hideErrorIfUnchanged();
5639        } else if (which == 2) {
5640            // mMovement is not null from doKeyDown
5641            mMovement.onKeyUp(this, (Spannable)mText, keyCode, up);
5642            while (--repeatCount > 0) {
5643                mMovement.onKeyDown(this, (Spannable)mText, keyCode, down);
5644                mMovement.onKeyUp(this, (Spannable)mText, keyCode, up);
5645            }
5646        }
5648        return true;
5649    }
5651    /**
5652     * Returns true if pressing ENTER in this field advances focus instead
5653     * of inserting the character.  This is true mostly in single-line fields,
5654     * but also in mail addresses and subjects which will display on multiple
5655     * lines but where it doesn't make sense to insert newlines.
5656     */
5657    private boolean shouldAdvanceFocusOnEnter() {
5658        if (getKeyListener() == null) {
5659            return false;
5660        }
5662        if (mSingleLine) {
5663            return true;
5664        }
5666        if (mEditor != null &&
5667                (mEditor.mInputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) {
5668            int variation = mEditor.mInputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION;
5669            if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS
5670                    || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT) {
5671                return true;
5672            }
5673        }
5675        return false;
5676    }
5678    /**
5679     * Returns true if pressing TAB in this field advances focus instead
5680     * of inserting the character.  Insert tabs only in multi-line editors.
5681     */
5682    private boolean shouldAdvanceFocusOnTab() {
5683        if (getKeyListener() != null && !mSingleLine && mEditor != null &&
5684                (mEditor.mInputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) {
5685            int variation = mEditor.mInputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION;
5686            if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_IME_MULTI_LINE
5687                    || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE) {
5688                return false;
5689            }
5690        }
5691        return true;
5692    }
5694    private int doKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event, KeyEvent otherEvent) {
5695        if (!isEnabled()) {
5696            return 0;
5697        }
5699        // If this is the initial keydown, we don't want to prevent a movement away from this view.
5700        // While this shouldn't be necessary because any time we're preventing default movement we
5701        // should be restricting the focus to remain within this view, thus we'll also receive
5702        // the key up event, occasionally key up events will get dropped and we don't want to
5703        // prevent the user from traversing out of this on the next key down.
5704        if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && !KeyEvent.isModifierKey(keyCode)) {
5705            mPreventDefaultMovement = false;
5706        }
5708        switch (keyCode) {
5709            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
5710                if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {
5711                    // When mInputContentType is set, we know that we are
5712                    // running in a "modern" cupcake environment, so don't need
5713                    // to worry about the application trying to capture
5714                    // enter key events.
5715                    if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mInputContentType != null) {
5716                        // If there is an action listener, given them a
5717                        // chance to consume the event.
5718                        if (mEditor.mInputContentType.onEditorActionListener != null &&
5719                                mEditor.mInputContentType.onEditorActionListener.onEditorAction(
5720                                this, EditorInfo.IME_NULL, event)) {
5721                            mEditor.mInputContentType.enterDown = true;
5722                            // We are consuming the enter key for them.
5723                            return -1;
5724                        }
5725                    }
5727                    // If our editor should move focus when enter is pressed, or
5728                    // this is a generated event from an IME action button, then
5729                    // don't let it be inserted into the text.
5730                    if ((event.getFlags() & KeyEvent.FLAG_EDITOR_ACTION) != 0
5731                            || shouldAdvanceFocusOnEnter()) {
5732                        if (hasOnClickListeners()) {
5733                            return 0;
5734                        }
5735                        return -1;
5736                    }
5737                }
5738                break;
5740            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:
5741                if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {
5742                    if (shouldAdvanceFocusOnEnter()) {
5743                        return 0;
5744                    }
5745                }
5746                break;
5748            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB:
5749                if (event.hasNoModifiers() || event.hasModifiers(KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON)) {
5750                    if (shouldAdvanceFocusOnTab()) {
5751                        return 0;
5752                    }
5753                }
5754                break;
5756                // Has to be done on key down (and not on key up) to correctly be intercepted.
5757            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
5758                if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mSelectionActionMode != null) {
5759                    stopSelectionActionMode();
5760                    return -1;
5761                }
5762                break;
5763        }
5765        if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mKeyListener != null) {
5766            boolean doDown = true;
5767            if (otherEvent != null) {
5768                try {
5769                    beginBatchEdit();
5770                    final boolean handled = mEditor.mKeyListener.onKeyOther(this, (Editable) mText,
5771                            otherEvent);
5772                    hideErrorIfUnchanged();
5773                    doDown = false;
5774                    if (handled) {
5775                        return -1;
5776                    }
5777                } catch (AbstractMethodError e) {
5778                    // onKeyOther was added after 1.0, so if it isn't
5779                    // implemented we need to try to dispatch as a regular down.
5780                } finally {
5781                    endBatchEdit();
5782                }
5783            }
5785            if (doDown) {
5786                beginBatchEdit();
5787                final boolean handled = mEditor.mKeyListener.onKeyDown(this, (Editable) mText,
5788                        keyCode, event);
5789                endBatchEdit();
5790                hideErrorIfUnchanged();
5791                if (handled) return 1;
5792            }
5793        }
5795        // bug 650865: sometimes we get a key event before a layout.
5796        // don't try to move around if we don't know the layout.
5798        if (mMovement != null && mLayout != null) {
5799            boolean doDown = true;
5800            if (otherEvent != null) {
5801                try {
5802                    boolean handled = mMovement.onKeyOther(this, (Spannable) mText,
5803                            otherEvent);
5804                    doDown = false;
5805                    if (handled) {
5806                        return -1;
5807                    }
5808                } catch (AbstractMethodError e) {
5809                    // onKeyOther was added after 1.0, so if it isn't
5810                    // implemented we need to try to dispatch as a regular down.
5811                }
5812            }
5813            if (doDown) {
5814                if (mMovement.onKeyDown(this, (Spannable)mText, keyCode, event)) {
5815                    if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && !KeyEvent.isModifierKey(keyCode)) {
5816                        mPreventDefaultMovement = true;
5817                    }
5818                    return 2;
5819                }
5820            }
5821        }
5823        return mPreventDefaultMovement && !KeyEvent.isModifierKey(keyCode) ? -1 : 0;
5824    }
5826    /**
5827     * Resets the mErrorWasChanged flag, so that future calls to {@link #setError(CharSequence)}
5828     * can be recorded.
5829     * @hide
5830     */
5831    public void resetErrorChangedFlag() {
5832        /*
5833         * Keep track of what the error was before doing the input
5834         * so that if an input filter changed the error, we leave
5835         * that error showing.  Otherwise, we take down whatever
5836         * error was showing when the user types something.
5837         */
5838        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.mErrorWasChanged = false;
5839    }
5841    /**
5842     * @hide
5843     */
5844    public void hideErrorIfUnchanged() {
5845        if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mError != null && !mEditor.mErrorWasChanged) {
5846            setError(null, null);
5847        }
5848    }
5850    @Override
5851    public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
5852        if (!isEnabled()) {
5853            return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
5854        }
5856        if (!KeyEvent.isModifierKey(keyCode)) {
5857            mPreventDefaultMovement = false;
5858        }
5860        switch (keyCode) {
5861            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:
5862                if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {
5863                    /*
5864                     * If there is a click listener, just call through to
5865                     * super, which will invoke it.
5866                     *
5867                     * If there isn't a click listener, try to show the soft
5868                     * input method.  (It will also
5869                     * call performClick(), but that won't do anything in
5870                     * this case.)
5871                     */
5872                    if (!hasOnClickListeners()) {
5873                        if (mMovement != null && mText instanceof Editable
5874                                && mLayout != null && onCheckIsTextEditor()) {
5875                            InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
5876                            viewClicked(imm);
5877                            if (imm != null && getShowSoftInputOnFocus()) {
5878                                imm.showSoftInput(this, 0);
5879                            }
5880                        }
5881                    }
5882                }
5883                return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
5885            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
5886                if (event.hasNoModifiers()) {
5887                    if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mInputContentType != null
5888                            && mEditor.mInputContentType.onEditorActionListener != null
5889                            && mEditor.mInputContentType.enterDown) {
5890                        mEditor.mInputContentType.enterDown = false;
5891                        if (mEditor.mInputContentType.onEditorActionListener.onEditorAction(
5892                                this, EditorInfo.IME_NULL, event)) {
5893                            return true;
5894                        }
5895                    }
5897                    if ((event.getFlags() & KeyEvent.FLAG_EDITOR_ACTION) != 0
5898                            || shouldAdvanceFocusOnEnter()) {
5899                        /*
5900                         * If there is a click listener, just call through to
5901                         * super, which will invoke it.
5902                         *
5903                         * If there isn't a click listener, try to advance focus,
5904                         * but still call through to super, which will reset the
5905                         * pressed state and longpress state.  (It will also
5906                         * call performClick(), but that won't do anything in
5907                         * this case.)
5908                         */
5909                        if (!hasOnClickListeners()) {
5910                            View v = focusSearch(FOCUS_DOWN);
5912                            if (v != null) {
5913                                if (!v.requestFocus(FOCUS_DOWN)) {
5914                                    throw new IllegalStateException(
5915                                            "focus search returned a view " +
5916                                            "that wasn't able to take focus!");
5917                                }
5919                                /*
5920                                 * Return true because we handled the key; super
5921                                 * will return false because there was no click
5922                                 * listener.
5923                                 */
5924                                super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
5925                                return true;
5926                            } else if ((event.getFlags()
5927                                    & KeyEvent.FLAG_EDITOR_ACTION) != 0) {
5928                                // No target for next focus, but make sure the IME
5929                                // if this came from it.
5930                                InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
5931                                if (imm != null && imm.isActive(this)) {
5932                                    imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getWindowToken(), 0);
5933                                }
5934                            }
5935                        }
5936                    }
5937                    return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
5938                }
5939                break;
5940        }
5942        if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mKeyListener != null)
5943            if (mEditor.mKeyListener.onKeyUp(this, (Editable) mText, keyCode, event))
5944                return true;
5946        if (mMovement != null && mLayout != null)
5947            if (mMovement.onKeyUp(this, (Spannable) mText, keyCode, event))
5948                return true;
5950        return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
5951    }
5953    @Override
5954    public boolean onCheckIsTextEditor() {
5955        return mEditor != null && mEditor.mInputType != EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL;
5956    }
5958    @Override
5959    public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) {
5960        if (onCheckIsTextEditor() && isEnabled()) {
5961            mEditor.createInputMethodStateIfNeeded();
5962            outAttrs.inputType = getInputType();
5963            if (mEditor.mInputContentType != null) {
5964                outAttrs.imeOptions = mEditor.mInputContentType.imeOptions;
5965                outAttrs.privateImeOptions = mEditor.mInputContentType.privateImeOptions;
5966                outAttrs.actionLabel = mEditor.mInputContentType.imeActionLabel;
5967                outAttrs.actionId = mEditor.mInputContentType.imeActionId;
5968                outAttrs.extras = mEditor.mInputContentType.extras;
5969            } else {
5970                outAttrs.imeOptions = EditorInfo.IME_NULL;
5971            }
5972            if (focusSearch(FOCUS_DOWN) != null) {
5973                outAttrs.imeOptions |= EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_NEXT;
5974            }
5975            if (focusSearch(FOCUS_UP) != null) {
5976                outAttrs.imeOptions |= EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS;
5977            }
5978            if ((outAttrs.imeOptions&EditorInfo.IME_MASK_ACTION)
5979                    == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED) {
5980                if ((outAttrs.imeOptions&EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_NEXT) != 0) {
5981                    // An action has not been set, but the enter key will move to
5982                    // the next focus, so set the action to that.
5983                    outAttrs.imeOptions |= EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT;
5984                } else {
5985                    // An action has not been set, and there is no focus to move
5986                    // to, so let's just supply a "done" action.
5987                    outAttrs.imeOptions |= EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE;
5988                }
5989                if (!shouldAdvanceFocusOnEnter()) {
5990                    outAttrs.imeOptions |= EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION;
5991                }
5992            }
5993            if (isMultilineInputType(outAttrs.inputType)) {
5994                // Multi-line text editors should always show an enter key.
5995                outAttrs.imeOptions |= EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION;
5996            }
5997            outAttrs.hintText = mHint;
5998            if (mText instanceof Editable) {
5999                InputConnection ic = new EditableInputConnection(this);
6000                outAttrs.initialSelStart = getSelectionStart();
6001                outAttrs.initialSelEnd = getSelectionEnd();
6002                outAttrs.initialCapsMode = ic.getCursorCapsMode(getInputType());
6003                return ic;
6004            }
6005        }
6006        return null;
6007    }
6009    /**
6010     * If this TextView contains editable content, extract a portion of it
6011     * based on the information in <var>request</var> in to <var>outText</var>.
6012     * @return Returns true if the text was successfully extracted, else false.
6013     */
6014    public boolean extractText(ExtractedTextRequest request, ExtractedText outText) {
6015        createEditorIfNeeded();
6016        return mEditor.extractText(request, outText);
6017    }
6019    /**
6020     * This is used to remove all style-impacting spans from text before new
6021     * extracted text is being replaced into it, so that we don't have any
6022     * lingering spans applied during the replace.
6023     */
6024    static void removeParcelableSpans(Spannable spannable, int start, int end) {
6025        Object[] spans = spannable.getSpans(start, end, ParcelableSpan.class);
6026        int i = spans.length;
6027        while (i > 0) {
6028            i--;
6029            spannable.removeSpan(spans[i]);
6030        }
6031    }
6033    /**
6034     * Apply to this text view the given extracted text, as previously
6035     * returned by {@link #extractText(ExtractedTextRequest, ExtractedText)}.
6036     */
6037    public void setExtractedText(ExtractedText text) {
6038        Editable content = getEditableText();
6039        if (text.text != null) {
6040            if (content == null) {
6041                setText(text.text, TextView.BufferType.EDITABLE);
6042            } else if (text.partialStartOffset < 0) {
6043                removeParcelableSpans(content, 0, content.length());
6044                content.replace(0, content.length(), text.text);
6045            } else {
6046                final int N = content.length();
6047                int start = text.partialStartOffset;
6048                if (start > N) start = N;
6049                int end = text.partialEndOffset;
6050                if (end > N) end = N;
6051                removeParcelableSpans(content, start, end);
6052                content.replace(start, end, text.text);
6053            }
6054        }
6056        // Now set the selection position...  make sure it is in range, to
6057        // avoid crashes.  If this is a partial update, it is possible that
6058        // the underlying text may have changed, causing us problems here.
6059        // Also we just don't want to trust clients to do the right thing.
6060        Spannable sp = (Spannable)getText();
6061        final int N = sp.length();
6062        int start = text.selectionStart;
6063        if (start < 0) start = 0;
6064        else if (start > N) start = N;
6065        int end = text.selectionEnd;
6066        if (end < 0) end = 0;
6067        else if (end > N) end = N;
6068        Selection.setSelection(sp, start, end);
6070        // Finally, update the selection mode.
6071        if ((text.flags&ExtractedText.FLAG_SELECTING) != 0) {
6072            MetaKeyKeyListener.startSelecting(this, sp);
6073        } else {
6074            MetaKeyKeyListener.stopSelecting(this, sp);
6075        }
6076    }
6078    /**
6079     * @hide
6080     */
6081    public void setExtracting(ExtractedTextRequest req) {
6082        if (mEditor.mInputMethodState != null) {
6083            mEditor.mInputMethodState.mExtractedTextRequest = req;
6084        }
6085        // This would stop a possible selection mode, but no such mode is started in case
6086        // extracted mode will start. Some text is selected though, and will trigger an action mode
6087        // in the extracted view.
6088        mEditor.hideControllers();
6089    }
6091    /**
6092     * Called by the framework in response to a text completion from
6093     * the current input method, provided by it calling
6094     * {@link InputConnection#commitCompletion
6095     * InputConnection.commitCompletion()}.  The default implementation does
6096     * nothing; text views that are supporting auto-completion should override
6097     * this to do their desired behavior.
6098     *
6099     * @param text The auto complete text the user has selected.
6100     */
6101    public void onCommitCompletion(CompletionInfo text) {
6102        // intentionally empty
6103    }
6105    /**
6106     * Called by the framework in response to a text auto-correction (such as fixing a typo using a
6107     * a dictionnary) from the current input method, provided by it calling
6108     * {@link InputConnection#commitCorrection} InputConnection.commitCorrection()}. The default
6109     * implementation flashes the background of the corrected word to provide feedback to the user.
6110     *
6111     * @param info The auto correct info about the text that was corrected.
6112     */
6113    public void onCommitCorrection(CorrectionInfo info) {
6114        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.onCommitCorrection(info);
6115    }
6117    public void beginBatchEdit() {
6118        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.beginBatchEdit();
6119    }
6121    public void endBatchEdit() {
6122        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.endBatchEdit();
6123    }
6125    /**
6126     * Called by the framework in response to a request to begin a batch
6127     * of edit operations through a call to link {@link #beginBatchEdit()}.
6128     */
6129    public void onBeginBatchEdit() {
6130        // intentionally empty
6131    }
6133    /**
6134     * Called by the framework in response to a request to end a batch
6135     * of edit operations through a call to link {@link #endBatchEdit}.
6136     */
6137    public void onEndBatchEdit() {
6138        // intentionally empty
6139    }
6141    /**
6142     * Called by the framework in response to a private command from the
6143     * current method, provided by it calling
6144     * {@link InputConnection#performPrivateCommand
6145     * InputConnection.performPrivateCommand()}.
6146     *
6147     * @param action The action name of the command.
6148     * @param data Any additional data for the command.  This may be null.
6149     * @return Return true if you handled the command, else false.
6150     */
6151    public boolean onPrivateIMECommand(String action, Bundle data) {
6152        return false;
6153    }
6155    private void nullLayouts() {
6156        if (mLayout instanceof BoringLayout && mSavedLayout == null) {
6157            mSavedLayout = (BoringLayout) mLayout;
6158        }
6159        if (mHintLayout instanceof BoringLayout && mSavedHintLayout == null) {
6160            mSavedHintLayout = (BoringLayout) mHintLayout;
6161        }
6163        mSavedMarqueeModeLayout = mLayout = mHintLayout = null;
6165        mBoring = mHintBoring = null;
6167        // Since it depends on the value of mLayout
6168        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();
6169    }
6171    /**
6172     * Make a new Layout based on the already-measured size of the view,
6173     * on the assumption that it was measured correctly at some point.
6174     */
6175    private void assumeLayout() {
6176        int width = mRight - mLeft - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
6178        if (width < 1) {
6179            width = 0;
6180        }
6182        int physicalWidth = width;
6184        if (mHorizontallyScrolling) {
6185            width = VERY_WIDE;
6186        }
6188        makeNewLayout(width, physicalWidth, UNKNOWN_BORING, UNKNOWN_BORING,
6189                      physicalWidth, false);
6190    }
6192    private Layout.Alignment getLayoutAlignment() {
6193        Layout.Alignment alignment;
6194        switch (getTextAlignment()) {
6195            case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY:
6196                switch (mGravity & Gravity.RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
6197                    case Gravity.START:
6198                        alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
6199                        break;
6200                    case Gravity.END:
6201                        alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE;
6202                        break;
6203                    case Gravity.LEFT:
6204                        alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT;
6205                        break;
6206                    case Gravity.RIGHT:
6207                        alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT;
6208                        break;
6209                    case Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
6210                        alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
6211                        break;
6212                    default:
6213                        alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
6214                        break;
6215                }
6216                break;
6217            case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START:
6218                alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
6219                break;
6220            case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END:
6221                alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE;
6222                break;
6223            case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER:
6224                alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
6225                break;
6226            case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START:
6227                alignment = (getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) ?
6228                        Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT;
6229                break;
6230            case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END:
6231                alignment = (getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) ?
6232                        Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT;
6233                break;
6234            case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT:
6235                // This should never happen as we have already resolved the text alignment
6236                // but better safe than sorry so we just fall through
6237            default:
6238                alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
6239                break;
6240        }
6241        return alignment;
6242    }
6244    /**
6245     * The width passed in is now the desired layout width,
6246     * not the full view width with padding.
6247     * {@hide}
6248     */
6249    protected void makeNewLayout(int wantWidth, int hintWidth,
6250                                 BoringLayout.Metrics boring,
6251                                 BoringLayout.Metrics hintBoring,
6252                                 int ellipsisWidth, boolean bringIntoView) {
6253        stopMarquee();
6255        // Update "old" cached values
6256        mOldMaximum = mMaximum;
6257        mOldMaxMode = mMaxMode;
6259        mHighlightPathBogus = true;
6261        if (wantWidth < 0) {
6262            wantWidth = 0;
6263        }
6264        if (hintWidth < 0) {
6265            hintWidth = 0;
6266        }
6268        Layout.Alignment alignment = getLayoutAlignment();
6269        final boolean testDirChange = mSingleLine && mLayout != null &&
6270            (alignment == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL ||
6271             alignment == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE);
6272        int oldDir = 0;
6273        if (testDirChange) oldDir = mLayout.getParagraphDirection(0);
6274        boolean shouldEllipsize = mEllipsize != null && getKeyListener() == null;
6275        final boolean switchEllipsize = mEllipsize == TruncateAt.MARQUEE &&
6276                mMarqueeFadeMode != MARQUEE_FADE_NORMAL;
6277        TruncateAt effectiveEllipsize = mEllipsize;
6278        if (mEllipsize == TruncateAt.MARQUEE &&
6279                mMarqueeFadeMode == MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS) {
6280            effectiveEllipsize = TruncateAt.END_SMALL;
6281        }
6283        if (mTextDir == null) {
6284            mTextDir = getTextDirectionHeuristic();
6285        }
6287        mLayout = makeSingleLayout(wantWidth, boring, ellipsisWidth, alignment, shouldEllipsize,
6288                effectiveEllipsize, effectiveEllipsize == mEllipsize);
6289        if (switchEllipsize) {
6290            TruncateAt oppositeEllipsize = effectiveEllipsize == TruncateAt.MARQUEE ?
6291                    TruncateAt.END : TruncateAt.MARQUEE;
6292            mSavedMarqueeModeLayout = makeSingleLayout(wantWidth, boring, ellipsisWidth, alignment,
6293                    shouldEllipsize, oppositeEllipsize, effectiveEllipsize != mEllipsize);
6294        }
6296        shouldEllipsize = mEllipsize != null;
6297        mHintLayout = null;
6299        if (mHint != null) {
6300            if (shouldEllipsize) hintWidth = wantWidth;
6302            if (hintBoring == UNKNOWN_BORING) {
6303                hintBoring = BoringLayout.isBoring(mHint, mTextPaint, mTextDir,
6304                                                   mHintBoring);
6305                if (hintBoring != null) {
6306                    mHintBoring = hintBoring;
6307                }
6308            }
6310            if (hintBoring != null) {
6311                if (hintBoring.width <= hintWidth &&
6312                    (!shouldEllipsize || hintBoring.width <= ellipsisWidth)) {
6313                    if (mSavedHintLayout != null) {
6314                        mHintLayout = mSavedHintLayout.
6315                                replaceOrMake(mHint, mTextPaint,
6316                                hintWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6317                                hintBoring, mIncludePad);
6318                    } else {
6319                        mHintLayout = BoringLayout.make(mHint, mTextPaint,
6320                                hintWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6321                                hintBoring, mIncludePad);
6322                    }
6324                    mSavedHintLayout = (BoringLayout) mHintLayout;
6325                } else if (shouldEllipsize && hintBoring.width <= hintWidth) {
6326                    if (mSavedHintLayout != null) {
6327                        mHintLayout = mSavedHintLayout.
6328                                replaceOrMake(mHint, mTextPaint,
6329                                hintWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6330                                hintBoring, mIncludePad, mEllipsize,
6331                                ellipsisWidth);
6332                    } else {
6333                        mHintLayout = BoringLayout.make(mHint, mTextPaint,
6334                                hintWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6335                                hintBoring, mIncludePad, mEllipsize,
6336                                ellipsisWidth);
6337                    }
6338                } else if (shouldEllipsize) {
6339                    mHintLayout = new StaticLayout(mHint,
6340                                0, mHint.length(),
6341                                mTextPaint, hintWidth, alignment, mTextDir, mSpacingMult,
6342                                mSpacingAdd, mIncludePad, mEllipsize,
6343                                ellipsisWidth, mMaxMode == LINES ? mMaximum : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6344                } else {
6345                    mHintLayout = new StaticLayout(mHint, mTextPaint,
6346                            hintWidth, alignment, mTextDir, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6347                            mIncludePad);
6348                }
6349            } else if (shouldEllipsize) {
6350                mHintLayout = new StaticLayout(mHint,
6351                            0, mHint.length(),
6352                            mTextPaint, hintWidth, alignment, mTextDir, mSpacingMult,
6353                            mSpacingAdd, mIncludePad, mEllipsize,
6354                            ellipsisWidth, mMaxMode == LINES ? mMaximum : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6355            } else {
6356                mHintLayout = new StaticLayout(mHint, mTextPaint,
6357                        hintWidth, alignment, mTextDir, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6358                        mIncludePad);
6359            }
6360        }
6362        if (bringIntoView || (testDirChange && oldDir != mLayout.getParagraphDirection(0))) {
6363            registerForPreDraw();
6364        }
6366        if (mEllipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE) {
6367            if (!compressText(ellipsisWidth)) {
6368                final int height = mLayoutParams.height;
6369                // If the size of the view does not depend on the size of the text, try to
6370                // start the marquee immediately
6371                if (height != LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT && height != LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
6372                    startMarquee();
6373                } else {
6374                    // Defer the start of the marquee until we know our width (see setFrame())
6375                    mRestartMarquee = true;
6376                }
6377            }
6378        }
6380        // CursorControllers need a non-null mLayout
6381        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();
6382    }
6384    private Layout makeSingleLayout(int wantWidth, BoringLayout.Metrics boring, int ellipsisWidth,
6385            Layout.Alignment alignment, boolean shouldEllipsize, TruncateAt effectiveEllipsize,
6386            boolean useSaved) {
6387        Layout result = null;
6388        if (mText instanceof Spannable) {
6389            result = new DynamicLayout(mText, mTransformed, mTextPaint, wantWidth,
6390                    alignment, mTextDir, mSpacingMult,
6391                    mSpacingAdd, mIncludePad, getKeyListener() == null ? effectiveEllipsize : null,
6392                            ellipsisWidth);
6393        } else {
6394            if (boring == UNKNOWN_BORING) {
6395                boring = BoringLayout.isBoring(mTransformed, mTextPaint, mTextDir, mBoring);
6396                if (boring != null) {
6397                    mBoring = boring;
6398                }
6399            }
6401            if (boring != null) {
6402                if (boring.width <= wantWidth &&
6403                        (effectiveEllipsize == null || boring.width <= ellipsisWidth)) {
6404                    if (useSaved && mSavedLayout != null) {
6405                        result = mSavedLayout.replaceOrMake(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
6406                                wantWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6407                                boring, mIncludePad);
6408                    } else {
6409                        result = BoringLayout.make(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
6410                                wantWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6411                                boring, mIncludePad);
6412                    }
6414                    if (useSaved) {
6415                        mSavedLayout = (BoringLayout) result;
6416                    }
6417                } else if (shouldEllipsize && boring.width <= wantWidth) {
6418                    if (useSaved && mSavedLayout != null) {
6419                        result = mSavedLayout.replaceOrMake(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
6420                                wantWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6421                                boring, mIncludePad, effectiveEllipsize,
6422                                ellipsisWidth);
6423                    } else {
6424                        result = BoringLayout.make(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
6425                                wantWidth, alignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6426                                boring, mIncludePad, effectiveEllipsize,
6427                                ellipsisWidth);
6428                    }
6429                } else if (shouldEllipsize) {
6430                    result = new StaticLayout(mTransformed,
6431                            0, mTransformed.length(),
6432                            mTextPaint, wantWidth, alignment, mTextDir, mSpacingMult,
6433                            mSpacingAdd, mIncludePad, effectiveEllipsize,
6434                            ellipsisWidth, mMaxMode == LINES ? mMaximum : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6435                } else {
6436                    result = new StaticLayout(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
6437                            wantWidth, alignment, mTextDir, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6438                            mIncludePad);
6439                }
6440            } else if (shouldEllipsize) {
6441                result = new StaticLayout(mTransformed,
6442                        0, mTransformed.length(),
6443                        mTextPaint, wantWidth, alignment, mTextDir, mSpacingMult,
6444                        mSpacingAdd, mIncludePad, effectiveEllipsize,
6445                        ellipsisWidth, mMaxMode == LINES ? mMaximum : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6446            } else {
6447                result = new StaticLayout(mTransformed, mTextPaint,
6448                        wantWidth, alignment, mTextDir, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd,
6449                        mIncludePad);
6450            }
6451        }
6452        return result;
6453    }
6455    private boolean compressText(float width) {
6456        if (isHardwareAccelerated()) return false;
6458        // Only compress the text if it hasn't been compressed by the previous pass
6459        if (width > 0.0f && mLayout != null && getLineCount() == 1 && !mUserSetTextScaleX &&
6460                mTextPaint.getTextScaleX() == 1.0f) {
6461            final float textWidth = mLayout.getLineWidth(0);
6462            final float overflow = (textWidth + 1.0f - width) / width;
6463            if (overflow > 0.0f && overflow <= Marquee.MARQUEE_DELTA_MAX) {
6464                mTextPaint.setTextScaleX(1.0f - overflow - 0.005f);
6465                post(new Runnable() {
6466                    public void run() {
6467                        requestLayout();
6468                    }
6469                });
6470                return true;
6471            }
6472        }
6474        return false;
6475    }
6477    private static int desired(Layout layout) {
6478        int n = layout.getLineCount();
6479        CharSequence text = layout.getText();
6480        float max = 0;
6482        // if any line was wrapped, we can't use it.
6483        // but it's ok for the last line not to have a newline
6485        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
6486            if (text.charAt(layout.getLineEnd(i) - 1) != '\n')
6487                return -1;
6488        }
6490        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
6491            max = Math.max(max, layout.getLineWidth(i));
6492        }
6494        return (int) FloatMath.ceil(max);
6495    }
6497    /**
6498     * Set whether the TextView includes extra top and bottom padding to make
6499     * room for accents that go above the normal ascent and descent.
6500     * The default is true.
6501     *
6502     * @see #getIncludeFontPadding()
6503     *
6504     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_includeFontPadding
6505     */
6506    public void setIncludeFontPadding(boolean includepad) {
6507        if (mIncludePad != includepad) {
6508            mIncludePad = includepad;
6510            if (mLayout != null) {
6511                nullLayouts();
6512                requestLayout();
6513                invalidate();
6514            }
6515        }
6516    }
6518    /**
6519     * Gets whether the TextView includes extra top and bottom padding to make
6520     * room for accents that go above the normal ascent and descent.
6521     *
6522     * @see #setIncludeFontPadding(boolean)
6523     *
6524     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_includeFontPadding
6525     */
6526    public boolean getIncludeFontPadding() {
6527        return mIncludePad;
6528    }
6530    private static final BoringLayout.Metrics UNKNOWN_BORING = new BoringLayout.Metrics();
6532    @Override
6533    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
6534        int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
6535        int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
6536        int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
6537        int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
6539        int width;
6540        int height;
6542        BoringLayout.Metrics boring = UNKNOWN_BORING;
6543        BoringLayout.Metrics hintBoring = UNKNOWN_BORING;
6545        if (mTextDir == null) {
6546            mTextDir = getTextDirectionHeuristic();
6547        }
6549        int des = -1;
6550        boolean fromexisting = false;
6552        if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
6553            // Parent has told us how big to be. So be it.
6554            width = widthSize;
6555        } else {
6556            if (mLayout != null && mEllipsize == null) {
6557                des = desired(mLayout);
6558            }
6560            if (des < 0) {
6561                boring = BoringLayout.isBoring(mTransformed, mTextPaint, mTextDir, mBoring);
6562                if (boring != null) {
6563                    mBoring = boring;
6564                }
6565            } else {
6566                fromexisting = true;
6567            }
6569            if (boring == null || boring == UNKNOWN_BORING) {
6570                if (des < 0) {
6571                    des = (int) FloatMath.ceil(Layout.getDesiredWidth(mTransformed, mTextPaint));
6572                }
6573                width = des;
6574            } else {
6575                width = boring.width;
6576            }
6578            final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
6579            if (dr != null) {
6580                width = Math.max(width, dr.mDrawableWidthTop);
6581                width = Math.max(width, dr.mDrawableWidthBottom);
6582            }
6584            if (mHint != null) {
6585                int hintDes = -1;
6586                int hintWidth;
6588                if (mHintLayout != null && mEllipsize == null) {
6589                    hintDes = desired(mHintLayout);
6590                }
6592                if (hintDes < 0) {
6593                    hintBoring = BoringLayout.isBoring(mHint, mTextPaint, mTextDir, mHintBoring);
6594                    if (hintBoring != null) {
6595                        mHintBoring = hintBoring;
6596                    }
6597                }
6599                if (hintBoring == null || hintBoring == UNKNOWN_BORING) {
6600                    if (hintDes < 0) {
6601                        hintDes = (int) FloatMath.ceil(Layout.getDesiredWidth(mHint, mTextPaint));
6602                    }
6603                    hintWidth = hintDes;
6604                } else {
6605                    hintWidth = hintBoring.width;
6606                }
6608                if (hintWidth > width) {
6609                    width = hintWidth;
6610                }
6611            }
6613            width += getCompoundPaddingLeft() + getCompoundPaddingRight();
6615            if (mMaxWidthMode == EMS) {
6616                width = Math.min(width, mMaxWidth * getLineHeight());
6617            } else {
6618                width = Math.min(width, mMaxWidth);
6619            }
6621            if (mMinWidthMode == EMS) {
6622                width = Math.max(width, mMinWidth * getLineHeight());
6623            } else {
6624                width = Math.max(width, mMinWidth);
6625            }
6627            // Check against our minimum width
6628            width = Math.max(width, getSuggestedMinimumWidth());
6630            if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
6631                width = Math.min(widthSize, width);
6632            }
6633        }
6635        int want = width - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
6636        int unpaddedWidth = want;
6638        if (mHorizontallyScrolling) want = VERY_WIDE;
6640        int hintWant = want;
6641        int hintWidth = (mHintLayout == null) ? hintWant : mHintLayout.getWidth();
6643        if (mLayout == null) {
6644            makeNewLayout(want, hintWant, boring, hintBoring,
6645                          width - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight(), false);
6646        } else {
6647            final boolean layoutChanged = (mLayout.getWidth() != want) ||
6648                    (hintWidth != hintWant) ||
6649                    (mLayout.getEllipsizedWidth() !=
6650                            width - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight());
6652            final boolean widthChanged = (mHint == null) &&
6653                    (mEllipsize == null) &&
6654                    (want > mLayout.getWidth()) &&
6655                    (mLayout instanceof BoringLayout || (fromexisting && des >= 0 && des <= want));
6657            final boolean maximumChanged = (mMaxMode != mOldMaxMode) || (mMaximum != mOldMaximum);
6659            if (layoutChanged || maximumChanged) {
6660                if (!maximumChanged && widthChanged) {
6661                    mLayout.increaseWidthTo(want);
6662                } else {
6663                    makeNewLayout(want, hintWant, boring, hintBoring,
6664                            width - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight(), false);
6665                }
6666            } else {
6667                // Nothing has changed
6668            }
6669        }
6671        if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
6672            // Parent has told us how big to be. So be it.
6673            height = heightSize;
6674            mDesiredHeightAtMeasure = -1;
6675        } else {
6676            int desired = getDesiredHeight();
6678            height = desired;
6679            mDesiredHeightAtMeasure = desired;
6681            if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
6682                height = Math.min(desired, heightSize);
6683            }
6684        }
6686        int unpaddedHeight = height - getCompoundPaddingTop() - getCompoundPaddingBottom();
6687        if (mMaxMode == LINES && mLayout.getLineCount() > mMaximum) {
6688            unpaddedHeight = Math.min(unpaddedHeight, mLayout.getLineTop(mMaximum));
6689        }
6691        /*
6692         * We didn't let makeNewLayout() register to bring the cursor into view,
6693         * so do it here if there is any possibility that it is needed.
6694         */
6695        if (mMovement != null ||
6696            mLayout.getWidth() > unpaddedWidth ||
6697            mLayout.getHeight() > unpaddedHeight) {
6698            registerForPreDraw();
6699        } else {
6700            scrollTo(0, 0);
6701        }
6703        setMeasuredDimension(width, height);
6704    }
6706    private int getDesiredHeight() {
6707        return Math.max(
6708                getDesiredHeight(mLayout, true),
6709                getDesiredHeight(mHintLayout, mEllipsize != null));
6710    }
6712    private int getDesiredHeight(Layout layout, boolean cap) {
6713        if (layout == null) {
6714            return 0;
6715        }
6717        int linecount = layout.getLineCount();
6718        int pad = getCompoundPaddingTop() + getCompoundPaddingBottom();
6719        int desired = layout.getLineTop(linecount);
6721        final Drawables dr = mDrawables;
6722        if (dr != null) {
6723            desired = Math.max(desired, dr.mDrawableHeightLeft);
6724            desired = Math.max(desired, dr.mDrawableHeightRight);
6725        }
6727        desired += pad;
6729        if (mMaxMode == LINES) {
6730            /*
6731             * Don't cap the hint to a certain number of lines.
6732             * (Do cap it, though, if we have a maximum pixel height.)
6733             */
6734            if (cap) {
6735                if (linecount > mMaximum) {
6736                    desired = layout.getLineTop(mMaximum);
6738                    if (dr != null) {
6739                        desired = Math.max(desired, dr.mDrawableHeightLeft);
6740                        desired = Math.max(desired, dr.mDrawableHeightRight);
6741                    }
6743                    desired += pad;
6744                    linecount = mMaximum;
6745                }
6746            }
6747        } else {
6748            desired = Math.min(desired, mMaximum);
6749        }
6751        if (mMinMode == LINES) {
6752            if (linecount < mMinimum) {
6753                desired += getLineHeight() * (mMinimum - linecount);
6754            }
6755        } else {
6756            desired = Math.max(desired, mMinimum);
6757        }
6759        // Check against our minimum height
6760        desired = Math.max(desired, getSuggestedMinimumHeight());
6762        return desired;
6763    }
6765    /**
6766     * Check whether a change to the existing text layout requires a
6767     * new view layout.
6768     */
6769    private void checkForResize() {
6770        boolean sizeChanged = false;
6772        if (mLayout != null) {
6773            // Check if our width changed
6774            if (mLayoutParams.width == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
6775                sizeChanged = true;
6776                invalidate();
6777            }
6779            // Check if our height changed
6780            if (mLayoutParams.height == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
6781                int desiredHeight = getDesiredHeight();
6783                if (desiredHeight != this.getHeight()) {
6784                    sizeChanged = true;
6785                }
6786            } else if (mLayoutParams.height == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
6787                if (mDesiredHeightAtMeasure >= 0) {
6788                    int desiredHeight = getDesiredHeight();
6790                    if (desiredHeight != mDesiredHeightAtMeasure) {
6791                        sizeChanged = true;
6792                    }
6793                }
6794            }
6795        }
6797        if (sizeChanged) {
6798            requestLayout();
6799            // caller will have already invalidated
6800        }
6801    }
6803    /**
6804     * Check whether entirely new text requires a new view layout
6805     * or merely a new text layout.
6806     */
6807    private void checkForRelayout() {
6808        // If we have a fixed width, we can just swap in a new text layout
6809        // if the text height stays the same or if the view height is fixed.
6811        if ((mLayoutParams.width != LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ||
6812                (mMaxWidthMode == mMinWidthMode && mMaxWidth == mMinWidth)) &&
6813                (mHint == null || mHintLayout != null) &&
6814                (mRight - mLeft - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight() > 0)) {
6815            // Static width, so try making a new text layout.
6817            int oldht = mLayout.getHeight();
6818            int want = mLayout.getWidth();
6819            int hintWant = mHintLayout == null ? 0 : mHintLayout.getWidth();
6821            /*
6822             * No need to bring the text into view, since the size is not
6823             * changing (unless we do the requestLayout(), in which case it
6824             * will happen at measure).
6825             */
6826            makeNewLayout(want, hintWant, UNKNOWN_BORING, UNKNOWN_BORING,
6827                          mRight - mLeft - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight(),
6828                          false);
6830            if (mEllipsize != TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE) {
6831                // In a fixed-height view, so use our new text layout.
6832                if (mLayoutParams.height != LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT &&
6833                    mLayoutParams.height != LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
6834                    invalidate();
6835                    return;
6836                }
6838                // Dynamic height, but height has stayed the same,
6839                // so use our new text layout.
6840                if (mLayout.getHeight() == oldht &&
6841                    (mHintLayout == null || mHintLayout.getHeight() == oldht)) {
6842                    invalidate();
6843                    return;
6844                }
6845            }
6847            // We lose: the height has changed and we have a dynamic height.
6848            // Request a new view layout using our new text layout.
6849            requestLayout();
6850            invalidate();
6851        } else {
6852            // Dynamic width, so we have no choice but to request a new
6853            // view layout with a new text layout.
6854            nullLayouts();
6855            requestLayout();
6856            invalidate();
6857        }
6858    }
6860    @Override
6861    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
6862        super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
6863        if (mDeferScroll >= 0) {
6864            int curs = mDeferScroll;
6865            mDeferScroll = -1;
6866            bringPointIntoView(Math.min(curs, mText.length()));
6867        }
6868    }
6870    private boolean isShowingHint() {
6871        return TextUtils.isEmpty(mText) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mHint);
6872    }
6874    /**
6875     * Returns true if anything changed.
6876     */
6877    private boolean bringTextIntoView() {
6878        Layout layout = isShowingHint() ? mHintLayout : mLayout;
6879        int line = 0;
6880        if ((mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == Gravity.BOTTOM) {
6881            line = layout.getLineCount() - 1;
6882        }
6884        Layout.Alignment a = layout.getParagraphAlignment(line);
6885        int dir = layout.getParagraphDirection(line);
6886        int hspace = mRight - mLeft - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
6887        int vspace = mBottom - mTop - getExtendedPaddingTop() - getExtendedPaddingBottom();
6888        int ht = layout.getHeight();
6890        int scrollx, scrolly;
6892        // Convert to left, center, or right alignment.
6893        if (a == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL) {
6894            a = dir == Layout.DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT ? Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT :
6895                Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT;
6896        } else if (a == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE){
6897            a = dir == Layout.DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT ? Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT :
6898                Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT;
6899        }
6901        if (a == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER) {
6902            /*
6903             * Keep centered if possible, or, if it is too wide to fit,
6904             * keep leading edge in view.
6905             */
6907            int left = (int) FloatMath.floor(layout.getLineLeft(line));
6908            int right = (int) FloatMath.ceil(layout.getLineRight(line));
6910            if (right - left < hspace) {
6911                scrollx = (right + left) / 2 - hspace / 2;
6912            } else {
6913                if (dir < 0) {
6914                    scrollx = right - hspace;
6915                } else {
6916                    scrollx = left;
6917                }
6918            }
6919        } else if (a == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT) {
6920            int right = (int) FloatMath.ceil(layout.getLineRight(line));
6921            scrollx = right - hspace;
6922        } else { // a == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT (will also be the default)
6923            scrollx = (int) FloatMath.floor(layout.getLineLeft(line));
6924        }
6926        if (ht < vspace) {
6927            scrolly = 0;
6928        } else {
6929            if ((mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == Gravity.BOTTOM) {
6930                scrolly = ht - vspace;
6931            } else {
6932                scrolly = 0;
6933            }
6934        }
6936        if (scrollx != mScrollX || scrolly != mScrollY) {
6937            scrollTo(scrollx, scrolly);
6938            return true;
6939        } else {
6940            return false;
6941        }
6942    }
6944    /**
6945     * Move the point, specified by the offset, into the view if it is needed.
6946     * This has to be called after layout. Returns true if anything changed.
6947     */
6948    public boolean bringPointIntoView(int offset) {
6949        if (isLayoutRequested()) {
6950            mDeferScroll = offset;
6951            return false;
6952        }
6953        boolean changed = false;
6955        Layout layout = isShowingHint() ? mHintLayout: mLayout;
6957        if (layout == null) return changed;
6959        int line = layout.getLineForOffset(offset);
6961        int grav;
6963        switch (layout.getParagraphAlignment(line)) {
6964            case ALIGN_LEFT:
6965                grav = 1;
6966                break;
6967            case ALIGN_RIGHT:
6968                grav = -1;
6969                break;
6970            case ALIGN_NORMAL:
6971                grav = layout.getParagraphDirection(line);
6972                break;
6973            case ALIGN_OPPOSITE:
6974                grav = -layout.getParagraphDirection(line);
6975                break;
6976            case ALIGN_CENTER:
6977            default:
6978                grav = 0;
6979                break;
6980        }
6982        // We only want to clamp the cursor to fit within the layout width
6983        // in left-to-right modes, because in a right to left alignment,
6984        // we want to scroll to keep the line-right on the screen, as other
6985        // lines are likely to have text flush with the right margin, which
6986        // we want to keep visible.
6987        // A better long-term solution would probably be to measure both
6988        // the full line and a blank-trimmed version, and, for example, use
6989        // the latter measurement for centering and right alignment, but for
6990        // the time being we only implement the cursor clamping in left to
6991        // right where it is most likely to be annoying.
6992        final boolean clamped = grav > 0;
6993        // FIXME: Is it okay to truncate this, or should we round?
6994        final int x = (int)layout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offset, clamped);
6995        final int top = layout.getLineTop(line);
6996        final int bottom = layout.getLineTop(line + 1);
6998        int left = (int) FloatMath.floor(layout.getLineLeft(line));
6999        int right = (int) FloatMath.ceil(layout.getLineRight(line));
7000        int ht = layout.getHeight();
7002        int hspace = mRight - mLeft - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
7003        int vspace = mBottom - mTop - getExtendedPaddingTop() - getExtendedPaddingBottom();
7004        if (!mHorizontallyScrolling && right - left > hspace && right > x) {
7005            // If cursor has been clamped, make sure we don't scroll.
7006            right = Math.max(x, left + hspace);
7007        }
7009        int hslack = (bottom - top) / 2;
7010        int vslack = hslack;
7012        if (vslack > vspace / 4)
7013            vslack = vspace / 4;
7014        if (hslack > hspace / 4)
7015            hslack = hspace / 4;
7017        int hs = mScrollX;
7018        int vs = mScrollY;
7020        if (top - vs < vslack)
7021            vs = top - vslack;
7022        if (bottom - vs > vspace - vslack)
7023            vs = bottom - (vspace - vslack);
7024        if (ht - vs < vspace)
7025            vs = ht - vspace;
7026        if (0 - vs > 0)
7027            vs = 0;
7029        if (grav != 0) {
7030            if (x - hs < hslack) {
7031                hs = x - hslack;
7032            }
7033            if (x - hs > hspace - hslack) {
7034                hs = x - (hspace - hslack);
7035            }
7036        }
7038        if (grav < 0) {
7039            if (left - hs > 0)
7040                hs = left;
7041            if (right - hs < hspace)
7042                hs = right - hspace;
7043        } else if (grav > 0) {
7044            if (right - hs < hspace)
7045                hs = right - hspace;
7046            if (left - hs > 0)
7047                hs = left;
7048        } else /* grav == 0 */ {
7049            if (right - left <= hspace) {
7050                /*
7051                 * If the entire text fits, center it exactly.
7052                 */
7053                hs = left - (hspace - (right - left)) / 2;
7054            } else if (x > right - hslack) {
7055                /*
7056                 * If we are near the right edge, keep the right edge
7057                 * at the edge of the view.
7058                 */
7059                hs = right - hspace;
7060            } else if (x < left + hslack) {
7061                /*
7062                 * If we are near the left edge, keep the left edge
7063                 * at the edge of the view.
7064                 */
7065                hs = left;
7066            } else if (left > hs) {
7067                /*
7068                 * Is there whitespace visible at the left?  Fix it if so.
7069                 */
7070                hs = left;
7071            } else if (right < hs + hspace) {
7072                /*
7073                 * Is there whitespace visible at the right?  Fix it if so.
7074                 */
7075                hs = right - hspace;
7076            } else {
7077                /*
7078                 * Otherwise, float as needed.
7079                 */
7080                if (x - hs < hslack) {
7081                    hs = x - hslack;
7082                }
7083                if (x - hs > hspace - hslack) {
7084                    hs = x - (hspace - hslack);
7085                }
7086            }
7087        }
7089        if (hs != mScrollX || vs != mScrollY) {
7090            if (mScroller == null) {
7091                scrollTo(hs, vs);
7092            } else {
7093                long duration = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis() - mLastScroll;
7094                int dx = hs - mScrollX;
7095                int dy = vs - mScrollY;
7097                if (duration > ANIMATED_SCROLL_GAP) {
7098                    mScroller.startScroll(mScrollX, mScrollY, dx, dy);
7099                    awakenScrollBars(mScroller.getDuration());
7100                    invalidate();
7101                } else {
7102                    if (!mScroller.isFinished()) {
7103                        mScroller.abortAnimation();
7104                    }
7106                    scrollBy(dx, dy);
7107                }
7109                mLastScroll = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
7110            }
7112            changed = true;
7113        }
7115        if (isFocused()) {
7116            // This offsets because getInterestingRect() is in terms of viewport coordinates, but
7117            // requestRectangleOnScreen() is in terms of content coordinates.
7119            // The offsets here are to ensure the rectangle we are using is
7120            // within our view bounds, in case the cursor is on the far left
7121            // or right.  If it isn't withing the bounds, then this request
7122            // will be ignored.
7123            if (mTempRect == null) mTempRect = new Rect();
7124            mTempRect.set(x - 2, top, x + 2, bottom);
7125            getInterestingRect(mTempRect, line);
7126            mTempRect.offset(mScrollX, mScrollY);
7128            if (requestRectangleOnScreen(mTempRect)) {
7129                changed = true;
7130            }
7131        }
7133        return changed;
7134    }
7136    /**
7137     * Move the cursor, if needed, so that it is at an offset that is visible
7138     * to the user.  This will not move the cursor if it represents more than
7139     * one character (a selection range).  This will only work if the
7140     * TextView contains spannable text; otherwise it will do nothing.
7141     *
7142     * @return True if the cursor was actually moved, false otherwise.
7143     */
7144    public boolean moveCursorToVisibleOffset() {
7145        if (!(mText instanceof Spannable)) {
7146            return false;
7147        }
7148        int start = getSelectionStart();
7149        int end = getSelectionEnd();
7150        if (start != end) {
7151            return false;
7152        }
7154        // First: make sure the line is visible on screen:
7156        int line = mLayout.getLineForOffset(start);
7158        final int top = mLayout.getLineTop(line);
7159        final int bottom = mLayout.getLineTop(line + 1);
7160        final int vspace = mBottom - mTop - getExtendedPaddingTop() - getExtendedPaddingBottom();
7161        int vslack = (bottom - top) / 2;
7162        if (vslack > vspace / 4)
7163            vslack = vspace / 4;
7164        final int vs = mScrollY;
7166        if (top < (vs+vslack)) {
7167            line = mLayout.getLineForVertical(vs+vslack+(bottom-top));
7168        } else if (bottom > (vspace+vs-vslack)) {
7169            line = mLayout.getLineForVertical(vspace+vs-vslack-(bottom-top));
7170        }
7172        // Next: make sure the character is visible on screen:
7174        final int hspace = mRight - mLeft - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
7175        final int hs = mScrollX;
7176        final int leftChar = mLayout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, hs);
7177        final int rightChar = mLayout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, hspace+hs);
7179        // line might contain bidirectional text
7180        final int lowChar = leftChar < rightChar ? leftChar : rightChar;
7181        final int highChar = leftChar > rightChar ? leftChar : rightChar;
7183        int newStart = start;
7184        if (newStart < lowChar) {
7185            newStart = lowChar;
7186        } else if (newStart > highChar) {
7187            newStart = highChar;
7188        }
7190        if (newStart != start) {
7191            Selection.setSelection((Spannable)mText, newStart);
7192            return true;
7193        }
7195        return false;
7196    }
7198    @Override
7199    public void computeScroll() {
7200        if (mScroller != null) {
7201            if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) {
7202                mScrollX = mScroller.getCurrX();
7203                mScrollY = mScroller.getCurrY();
7204                invalidateParentCaches();
7205                postInvalidate();  // So we draw again
7206            }
7207        }
7208    }
7210    private void getInterestingRect(Rect r, int line) {
7211        convertFromViewportToContentCoordinates(r);
7213        // Rectangle can can be expanded on first and last line to take
7214        // padding into account.
7215        // TODO Take left/right padding into account too?
7216        if (line == 0) r.top -= getExtendedPaddingTop();
7217        if (line == mLayout.getLineCount() - 1) r.bottom += getExtendedPaddingBottom();
7218    }
7220    private void convertFromViewportToContentCoordinates(Rect r) {
7221        final int horizontalOffset = viewportToContentHorizontalOffset();
7222        r.left += horizontalOffset;
7223        r.right += horizontalOffset;
7225        final int verticalOffset = viewportToContentVerticalOffset();
7226        r.top += verticalOffset;
7227        r.bottom += verticalOffset;
7228    }
7230    int viewportToContentHorizontalOffset() {
7231        return getCompoundPaddingLeft() - mScrollX;
7232    }
7234    int viewportToContentVerticalOffset() {
7235        int offset = getExtendedPaddingTop() - mScrollY;
7236        if ((mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) != Gravity.TOP) {
7237            offset += getVerticalOffset(false);
7238        }
7239        return offset;
7240    }
7242    @Override
7243    public void debug(int depth) {
7244        super.debug(depth);
7246        String output = debugIndent(depth);
7247        output += "frame={" + mLeft + ", " + mTop + ", " + mRight
7248                + ", " + mBottom + "} scroll={" + mScrollX + ", " + mScrollY
7249                + "} ";
7251        if (mText != null) {
7253            output += "mText=\"" + mText + "\" ";
7254            if (mLayout != null) {
7255                output += "mLayout width=" + mLayout.getWidth()
7256                        + " height=" + mLayout.getHeight();
7257            }
7258        } else {
7259            output += "mText=NULL";
7260        }
7261        Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, output);
7262    }
7264    /**
7265     * Convenience for {@link Selection#getSelectionStart}.
7266     */
7267    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text")
7268    public int getSelectionStart() {
7269        return Selection.getSelectionStart(getText());
7270    }
7272    /**
7273     * Convenience for {@link Selection#getSelectionEnd}.
7274     */
7275    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "text")
7276    public int getSelectionEnd() {
7277        return Selection.getSelectionEnd(getText());
7278    }
7280    /**
7281     * Return true iff there is a selection inside this text view.
7282     */
7283    public boolean hasSelection() {
7284        final int selectionStart = getSelectionStart();
7285        final int selectionEnd = getSelectionEnd();
7287        return selectionStart >= 0 && selectionStart != selectionEnd;
7288    }
7290    /**
7291     * Sets the properties of this field (lines, horizontally scrolling,
7292     * transformation method) to be for a single-line input.
7293     *
7294     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_singleLine
7295     */
7296    public void setSingleLine() {
7297        setSingleLine(true);
7298    }
7300    /**
7301     * Sets the properties of this field to transform input to ALL CAPS
7302     * display. This may use a "small caps" formatting if available.
7303     * This setting will be ignored if this field is editable or selectable.
7304     *
7305     * This call replaces the current transformation method. Disabling this
7306     * will not necessarily restore the previous behavior from before this
7307     * was enabled.
7308     *
7309     * @see #setTransformationMethod(TransformationMethod)
7310     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textAllCaps
7311     */
7312    public void setAllCaps(boolean allCaps) {
7313        if (allCaps) {
7314            setTransformationMethod(new AllCapsTransformationMethod(getContext()));
7315        } else {
7316            setTransformationMethod(null);
7317        }
7318    }
7320    /**
7321     * If true, sets the properties of this field (number of lines, horizontally scrolling,
7322     * transformation method) to be for a single-line input; if false, restores these to the default
7323     * conditions.
7324     *
7325     * Note that the default conditions are not necessarily those that were in effect prior this
7326     * method, and you may want to reset these properties to your custom values.
7327     *
7328     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_singleLine
7329     */
7330    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
7331    public void setSingleLine(boolean singleLine) {
7332        // Could be used, but may break backward compatibility.
7333        // if (mSingleLine == singleLine) return;
7334        setInputTypeSingleLine(singleLine);
7335        applySingleLine(singleLine, true, true);
7336    }
7338    /**
7339     * Adds or remove the EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE on the mInputType.
7340     * @param singleLine
7341     */
7342    private void setInputTypeSingleLine(boolean singleLine) {
7343        if (mEditor != null &&
7344                (mEditor.mInputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) {
7345            if (singleLine) {
7346                mEditor.mInputType &= ~EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE;
7347            } else {
7348                mEditor.mInputType |= EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE;
7349            }
7350        }
7351    }
7353    private void applySingleLine(boolean singleLine, boolean applyTransformation,
7354            boolean changeMaxLines) {
7355        mSingleLine = singleLine;
7356        if (singleLine) {
7357            setLines(1);
7358            setHorizontallyScrolling(true);
7359            if (applyTransformation) {
7360                setTransformationMethod(SingleLineTransformationMethod.getInstance());
7361            }
7362        } else {
7363            if (changeMaxLines) {
7364                setMaxLines(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
7365            }
7366            setHorizontallyScrolling(false);
7367            if (applyTransformation) {
7368                setTransformationMethod(null);
7369            }
7370        }
7371    }
7373    /**
7374     * Causes words in the text that are longer than the view is wide
7375     * to be ellipsized instead of broken in the middle.  You may also
7376     * want to {@link #setSingleLine} or {@link #setHorizontallyScrolling}
7377     * to constrain the text to a single line.  Use <code>null</code>
7378     * to turn off ellipsizing.
7379     *
7380     * If {@link #setMaxLines} has been used to set two or more lines,
7381     * {@link android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt#END} and
7382     * {@link android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt#MARQUEE}* are only supported
7383     * (other ellipsizing types will not do anything).
7384     *
7385     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_ellipsize
7386     */
7387    public void setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt where) {
7388        // TruncateAt is an enum. != comparison is ok between these singleton objects.
7389        if (mEllipsize != where) {
7390            mEllipsize = where;
7392            if (mLayout != null) {
7393                nullLayouts();
7394                requestLayout();
7395                invalidate();
7396            }
7397        }
7398    }
7400    /**
7401     * Sets how many times to repeat the marquee animation. Only applied if the
7402     * TextView has marquee enabled. Set to -1 to repeat indefinitely.
7403     *
7404     * @see #getMarqueeRepeatLimit()
7405     *
7406     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_marqueeRepeatLimit
7407     */
7408    public void setMarqueeRepeatLimit(int marqueeLimit) {
7409        mMarqueeRepeatLimit = marqueeLimit;
7410    }
7412    /**
7413     * Gets the number of times the marquee animation is repeated. Only meaningful if the
7414     * TextView has marquee enabled.
7415     *
7416     * @return the number of times the marquee animation is repeated. -1 if the animation
7417     * repeats indefinitely
7418     *
7419     * @see #setMarqueeRepeatLimit(int)
7420     *
7421     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_marqueeRepeatLimit
7422     */
7423    public int getMarqueeRepeatLimit() {
7424        return mMarqueeRepeatLimit;
7425    }
7427    /**
7428     * Returns where, if anywhere, words that are longer than the view
7429     * is wide should be ellipsized.
7430     */
7431    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
7432    public TextUtils.TruncateAt getEllipsize() {
7433        return mEllipsize;
7434    }
7436    /**
7437     * Set the TextView so that when it takes focus, all the text is
7438     * selected.
7439     *
7440     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_selectAllOnFocus
7441     */
7442    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
7443    public void setSelectAllOnFocus(boolean selectAllOnFocus) {
7444        createEditorIfNeeded();
7445        mEditor.mSelectAllOnFocus = selectAllOnFocus;
7447        if (selectAllOnFocus && !(mText instanceof Spannable)) {
7448            setText(mText, BufferType.SPANNABLE);
7449        }
7450    }
7452    /**
7453     * Set whether the cursor is visible. The default is true. Note that this property only
7454     * makes sense for editable TextView.
7455     *
7456     * @see #isCursorVisible()
7457     *
7458     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_cursorVisible
7459     */
7460    @android.view.RemotableViewMethod
7461    public void setCursorVisible(boolean visible) {
7462        if (visible && mEditor == null) return; // visible is the default value with no edit data
7463        createEditorIfNeeded();
7464        if (mEditor.mCursorVisible != visible) {
7465            mEditor.mCursorVisible = visible;
7466            invalidate();
7468            mEditor.makeBlink();
7470            // InsertionPointCursorController depends on mCursorVisible
7471            mEditor.prepareCursorControllers();
7472        }
7473    }
7475    /**
7476     * @return whether or not the cursor is visible (assuming this TextView is editable)
7477     *
7478     * @see #setCursorVisible(boolean)
7479     *
7480     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_cursorVisible
7481     */
7482    public boolean isCursorVisible() {
7483        // true is the default value
7484        return mEditor == null ? true : mEditor.mCursorVisible;
7485    }
7487    private boolean canMarquee() {
7488        int width = (mRight - mLeft - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight());
7489        return width > 0 && (mLayout.getLineWidth(0) > width ||
7490                (mMarqueeFadeMode != MARQUEE_FADE_NORMAL && mSavedMarqueeModeLayout != null &&
7491                        mSavedMarqueeModeLayout.getLineWidth(0) > width));
7492    }
7494    private void startMarquee() {
7495        // Do not ellipsize EditText
7496        if (getKeyListener() != null) return;
7498        if (compressText(getWidth() - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight())) {
7499            return;
7500        }
7502        if ((mMarquee == null || mMarquee.isStopped()) && (isFocused() || isSelected()) &&
7503                getLineCount() == 1 && canMarquee()) {
7505            if (mMarqueeFadeMode == MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS) {
7506                mMarqueeFadeMode = MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_FADE;
7507                final Layout tmp = mLayout;
7508                mLayout = mSavedMarqueeModeLayout;
7509                mSavedMarqueeModeLayout = tmp;
7510                setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(true);
7511                requestLayout();
7512                invalidate();
7513            }
7515            if (mMarquee == null) mMarquee = new Marquee(this);
7516            mMarquee.start(mMarqueeRepeatLimit);
7517        }
7518    }
7520    private void stopMarquee() {
7521        if (mMarquee != null && !mMarquee.isStopped()) {
7522            mMarquee.stop();
7523        }
7525        if (mMarqueeFadeMode == MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_FADE) {
7526            mMarqueeFadeMode = MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS;
7527            final Layout tmp = mSavedMarqueeModeLayout;
7528            mSavedMarqueeModeLayout = mLayout;
7529            mLayout = tmp;
7530            setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(false);
7531            requestLayout();
7532            invalidate();
7533        }
7534    }
7536    private void startStopMarquee(boolean start) {
7537        if (mEllipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE) {
7538            if (start) {
7539                startMarquee();
7540            } else {
7541                stopMarquee();
7542            }
7543        }
7544    }
7546    /**
7547     * This method is called when the text is changed, in case any subclasses
7548     * would like to know.
7549     *
7550     * Within <code>text</code>, the <code>lengthAfter</code> characters
7551     * beginning at <code>start</code> have just replaced old text that had
7552     * length <code>lengthBefore</code>. It is an error to attempt to make
7553     * changes to <code>text</code> from this callback.
7554     *
7555     * @param text The text the TextView is displaying
7556     * @param start The offset of the start of the range of the text that was
7557     * modified
7558     * @param lengthBefore The length of the former text that has been replaced
7559     * @param lengthAfter The length of the replacement modified text
7560     */
7561    protected void onTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int lengthBefore, int lengthAfter) {
7562        // intentionally empty, template pattern method can be overridden by subclasses
7563    }
7565    /**
7566     * This method is called when the selection has changed, in case any
7567     * subclasses would like to know.
7568     *
7569     * @param selStart The new selection start location.
7570     * @param selEnd The new selection end location.
7571     */
7572    protected void onSelectionChanged(int selStart, int selEnd) {
7573        sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED);
7574    }
7576    /**
7577     * Adds a TextWatcher to the list of those whose methods are called
7578     * whenever this TextView's text changes.
7579     * <p>
7580     * In 1.0, the {@link TextWatcher#afterTextChanged} method was erroneously
7581     * not called after {@link #setText} calls.  Now, doing {@link #setText}
7582     * if there are any text changed listeners forces the buffer type to
7583     * Editable if it would not otherwise be and does call this method.
7584     */
7585    public void addTextChangedListener(TextWatcher watcher) {
7586        if (mListeners == null) {
7587            mListeners = new ArrayList<TextWatcher>();
7588        }
7590        mListeners.add(watcher);
7591    }
7593    /**
7594     * Removes the specified TextWatcher from the list of those whose
7595     * methods are called
7596     * whenever this TextView's text changes.
7597     */
7598    public void removeTextChangedListener(TextWatcher watcher) {
7599        if (mListeners != null) {
7600            int i = mListeners.indexOf(watcher);
7602            if (i >= 0) {
7603                mListeners.remove(i);
7604            }
7605        }
7606    }
7608    private void sendBeforeTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int before, int after) {
7609        if (mListeners != null) {
7610            final ArrayList<TextWatcher> list = mListeners;
7611            final int count = list.size();
7612            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
7613                list.get(i).beforeTextChanged(text, start, before, after);
7614            }
7615        }
7617        // The spans that are inside or intersect the modified region no longer make sense
7618        removeIntersectingNonAdjacentSpans(start, start + before, SpellCheckSpan.class);
7619        removeIntersectingNonAdjacentSpans(start, start + before, SuggestionSpan.class);
7620    }
7622    // Removes all spans that are inside or actually overlap the start..end range
7623    private <T> void removeIntersectingNonAdjacentSpans(int start, int end, Class<T> type) {
7624        if (!(mText instanceof Editable)) return;
7625        Editable text = (Editable) mText;
7627        T[] spans = text.getSpans(start, end, type);
7628        final int length = spans.length;
7629        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
7630            final int spanStart = text.getSpanStart(spans[i]);
7631            final int spanEnd = text.getSpanEnd(spans[i]);
7632            if (spanEnd == start || spanStart == end) break;
7633            text.removeSpan(spans[i]);
7634        }
7635    }
7637    void removeAdjacentSuggestionSpans(final int pos) {
7638        if (!(mText instanceof Editable)) return;
7639        final Editable text = (Editable) mText;
7641        final SuggestionSpan[] spans = text.getSpans(pos, pos, SuggestionSpan.class);
7642        final int length = spans.length;
7643        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
7644            final int spanStart = text.getSpanStart(spans[i]);
7645            final int spanEnd = text.getSpanEnd(spans[i]);
7646            if (spanEnd == pos || spanStart == pos) {
7647                if (SpellChecker.haveWordBoundariesChanged(text, pos, pos, spanStart, spanEnd)) {
7648                    text.removeSpan(spans[i]);
7649                }
7650            }
7651        }
7652    }
7654    /**
7655     * Not private so it can be called from an inner class without going
7656     * through a thunk.
7657     */
7658    void sendOnTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int before, int after) {
7659        if (mListeners != null) {
7660            final ArrayList<TextWatcher> list = mListeners;
7661            final int count = list.size();
7662            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
7663                list.get(i).onTextChanged(text, start, before, after);
7664            }
7665        }
7667        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.sendOnTextChanged(start, after);
7668    }
7670    /**
7671     * Not private so it can be called from an inner class without going
7672     * through a thunk.
7673     */
7674    void sendAfterTextChanged(Editable text) {
7675        if (mListeners != null) {
7676            final ArrayList<TextWatcher> list = mListeners;
7677            final int count = list.size();
7678            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
7679                list.get(i).afterTextChanged(text);
7680            }
7681        }
7682        hideErrorIfUnchanged();
7683    }
7685    void updateAfterEdit() {
7686        invalidate();
7687        int curs = getSelectionStart();
7689        if (curs >= 0 || (mGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == Gravity.BOTTOM) {
7690            registerForPreDraw();
7691        }
7693        checkForResize();
7695        if (curs >= 0) {
7696            mHighlightPathBogus = true;
7697            if (mEditor != null) mEditor.makeBlink();
7698            bringPointIntoView(curs);
7699        }
7700    }
7702    /**
7703     * Not private so it can be called from an inner class without going
7704     * through a thunk.
7705     */
7706    void handleTextChanged(CharSequence buffer, int start, int before, int after) {
7707        final Editor.InputMethodState ims = mEditor == null ? null : mEditor.mInputMethodState;
7708        if (ims == null || ims.mBatchEditNesting == 0) {
7709            updateAfterEdit();
7710        }
7711        if (ims != null) {
7712            ims.mContentChanged = true;
7713            if (ims.mChangedStart < 0) {
7714                ims.mChangedStart = start;
7715                ims.mChangedEnd = start+before;
7716            } else {
7717                ims.mChangedStart = Math.min(ims.mChangedStart, start);
7718                ims.mChangedEnd = Math.max(ims.mChangedEnd, start + before - ims.mChangedDelta);
7719            }
7720            ims.mChangedDelta += after-before;
7721        }
7722        resetErrorChangedFlag();
7723        sendOnTextChanged(buffer, start, before, after);
7724        onTextChanged(buffer, start, before, after);
7725    }
7727    /**
7728     * Not private so it can be called from an inner class without going
7729     * through a thunk.
7730     */
7731    void spanChange(Spanned buf, Object what, int oldStart, int newStart, int oldEnd, int newEnd) {
7732        // XXX Make the start and end move together if this ends up
7733        // spending too much time invalidating.
7735        boolean selChanged = false;
7736        int newSelStart=-1, newSelEnd=-1;
7738        final Editor.InputMethodState ims = mEditor == null ? null : mEditor.mInputMethodState;
7740        if (what == Selection.SELECTION_END) {
7741            selChanged = true;
7742            newSelEnd = newStart;
7744            if (oldStart >= 0 || newStart >= 0) {
7745                invalidateCursor(Selection.getSelectionStart(buf), oldStart, newStart);
7746                checkForResize();
7747                registerForPreDraw();
7748                if (mEditor != null) mEditor.makeBlink();
7749            }
7750        }
7752        if (what == Selection.SELECTION_START) {
7753            selChanged = true;
7754            newSelStart = newStart;
7756            if (oldStart >= 0 || newStart >= 0) {
7757                int end = Selection.getSelectionEnd(buf);
7758                invalidateCursor(end, oldStart, newStart);
7759            }
7760        }
7762        if (selChanged) {
7763            mHighlightPathBogus = true;
7764            if (mEditor != null && !isFocused()) mEditor.mSelectionMoved = true;
7766            if ((buf.getSpanFlags(what)&Spanned.SPAN_INTERMEDIATE) == 0) {
7767                if (newSelStart < 0) {
7768                    newSelStart = Selection.getSelectionStart(buf);
7769                }
7770                if (newSelEnd < 0) {
7771                    newSelEnd = Selection.getSelectionEnd(buf);
7772                }
7773                onSelectionChanged(newSelStart, newSelEnd);
7774            }
7775        }
7777        if (what instanceof UpdateAppearance || what instanceof ParagraphStyle ||
7778                what instanceof CharacterStyle) {
7779            if (ims == null || ims.mBatchEditNesting == 0) {
7780                invalidate();
7781                mHighlightPathBogus = true;
7782                checkForResize();
7783            } else {
7784                ims.mContentChanged = true;
7785            }
7786            if (mEditor != null) {
7787                if (oldStart >= 0) mEditor.invalidateTextDisplayList(mLayout, oldStart, oldEnd);
7788                if (newStart >= 0) mEditor.invalidateTextDisplayList(mLayout, newStart, newEnd);
7789            }
7790        }
7792        if (MetaKeyKeyListener.isMetaTracker(buf, what)) {
7793            mHighlightPathBogus = true;
7794            if (ims != null && MetaKeyKeyListener.isSelectingMetaTracker(buf, what)) {
7795                ims.mSelectionModeChanged = true;
7796            }
7798            if (Selection.getSelectionStart(buf) >= 0) {
7799                if (ims == null || ims.mBatchEditNesting == 0) {
7800                    invalidateCursor();
7801                } else {
7802                    ims.mCursorChanged = true;
7803                }
7804            }
7805        }
7807        if (what instanceof ParcelableSpan) {
7808            // If this is a span that can be sent to a remote process,
7809            // the current extract editor would be interested in it.
7810            if (ims != null && ims.mExtractedTextRequest != null) {
7811                if (ims.mBatchEditNesting != 0) {
7812                    if (oldStart >= 0) {
7813                        if (ims.mChangedStart > oldStart) {
7814                            ims.mChangedStart = oldStart;
7815                        }
7816                        if (ims.mChangedStart > oldEnd) {
7817                            ims.mChangedStart = oldEnd;
7818                        }
7819                    }
7820                    if (newStart >= 0) {
7821                        if (ims.mChangedStart > newStart) {
7822                            ims.mChangedStart = newStart;
7823                        }
7824                        if (ims.mChangedStart > newEnd) {
7825                            ims.mChangedStart = newEnd;
7826                        }
7827                    }
7828                } else {
7829                    if (DEBUG_EXTRACT) Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Span change outside of batch: "
7830                            + oldStart + "-" + oldEnd + ","
7831                            + newStart + "-" + newEnd + " " + what);
7832                    ims.mContentChanged = true;
7833                }
7834            }
7835        }
7837        if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mSpellChecker != null && newStart < 0 &&
7838                what instanceof SpellCheckSpan) {
7839            mEditor.mSpellChecker.onSpellCheckSpanRemoved((SpellCheckSpan) what);
7840        }
7841    }
7843    /**
7844     * @hide
7845     */
7846    @Override
7847    public void dispatchFinishTemporaryDetach() {
7848        mDispatchTemporaryDetach = true;
7849        super.dispatchFinishTemporaryDetach();
7850        mDispatchTemporaryDetach = false;
7851    }
7853    @Override
7854    public void onStartTemporaryDetach() {
7855        super.onStartTemporaryDetach();
7856        // Only track when onStartTemporaryDetach() is called directly,
7857        // usually because this instance is an editable field in a list
7858        if (!mDispatchTemporaryDetach) mTemporaryDetach = true;
7860        // Tell the editor that we are temporarily detached. It can use this to preserve
7861        // selection state as needed.
7862        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.mTemporaryDetach = true;
7863    }
7865    @Override
7866    public void onFinishTemporaryDetach() {
7867        super.onFinishTemporaryDetach();
7868        // Only track when onStartTemporaryDetach() is called directly,
7869        // usually because this instance is an editable field in a list
7870        if (!mDispatchTemporaryDetach) mTemporaryDetach = false;
7871        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.mTemporaryDetach = false;
7872    }
7874    @Override
7875    protected void onFocusChanged(boolean focused, int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {
7876        if (mTemporaryDetach) {
7877            // If we are temporarily in the detach state, then do nothing.
7878            super.onFocusChanged(focused, direction, previouslyFocusedRect);
7879            return;
7880        }
7882        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.onFocusChanged(focused, direction);
7884        if (focused) {
7885            if (mText instanceof Spannable) {
7886                Spannable sp = (Spannable) mText;
7887                MetaKeyKeyListener.resetMetaState(sp);
7888            }
7889        }
7891        startStopMarquee(focused);
7893        if (mTransformation != null) {
7894            mTransformation.onFocusChanged(this, mText, focused, direction, previouslyFocusedRect);
7895        }
7897        super.onFocusChanged(focused, direction, previouslyFocusedRect);
7898    }
7900    @Override
7901    public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
7902        super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus);
7904        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus);
7906        startStopMarquee(hasWindowFocus);
7907    }
7909    @Override
7910    protected void onVisibilityChanged(View changedView, int visibility) {
7911        super.onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility);
7912        if (mEditor != null && visibility != VISIBLE) {
7913            mEditor.hideControllers();
7914        }
7915    }
7917    /**
7918     * Use {@link BaseInputConnection#removeComposingSpans
7919     * BaseInputConnection.removeComposingSpans()} to remove any IME composing
7920     * state from this text view.
7921     */
7922    public void clearComposingText() {
7923        if (mText instanceof Spannable) {
7924            BaseInputConnection.removeComposingSpans((Spannable)mText);
7925        }
7926    }
7928    @Override
7929    public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
7930        boolean wasSelected = isSelected();
7932        super.setSelected(selected);
7934        if (selected != wasSelected && mEllipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE) {
7935            if (selected) {
7936                startMarquee();
7937            } else {
7938                stopMarquee();
7939            }
7940        }
7941    }
7943    @Override
7944    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
7945        final int action = event.getActionMasked();
7947        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.onTouchEvent(event);
7949        final boolean superResult = super.onTouchEvent(event);
7951        /*
7952         * Don't handle the release after a long press, because it will
7953         * move the selection away from whatever the menu action was
7954         * trying to affect.
7955         */
7956        if (mEditor != null && mEditor.mDiscardNextActionUp && action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
7957            mEditor.mDiscardNextActionUp = false;
7958            return superResult;
7959        }
7961        final boolean touchIsFinished = (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) &&
7962                (mEditor == null || !mEditor.mIgnoreActionUpEvent) && isFocused();
7964         if ((mMovement != null || onCheckIsTextEditor()) && isEnabled()
7965                && mText instanceof Spannable && mLayout != null) {
7966            boolean handled = false;
7968            if (mMovement != null) {
7969                handled |= mMovement.onTouchEvent(this, (Spannable) mText, event);
7970            }
7972            final boolean textIsSelectable = isTextSelectable();
7973            if (touchIsFinished && mLinksClickable && mAutoLinkMask != 0 && textIsSelectable) {
7974                // The LinkMovementMethod which should handle taps on links has not been installed
7975                // on non editable text that support text selection.
7976                // We reproduce its behavior here to open links for these.
7977                ClickableSpan[] links = ((Spannable) mText).getSpans(getSelectionStart(),
7978                        getSelectionEnd(), ClickableSpan.class);
7980                if (links.length > 0) {
7981                    links[0].onClick(this);
7982                    handled = true;
7983                }
7984            }
7986            if (touchIsFinished && (isTextEditable() || textIsSelectable)) {
7987                // Show the IME, except when selecting in read-only text.
7988                final InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
7989                viewClicked(imm);
7990                if (!textIsSelectable && mEditor.mShowSoftInputOnFocus) {
7991                    handled |= imm != null && imm.showSoftInput(this, 0);
7992                }
7994                // The above condition ensures that the mEditor is not null
7995                mEditor.onTouchUpEvent(event);
7997                handled = true;
7998            }
8000            if (handled) {
8001                return true;
8002            }
8003        }
8005        return superResult;
8006    }
8008    @Override
8009    public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
8010        if (mMovement != null && mText instanceof Spannable && mLayout != null) {
8011            try {
8012                if (mMovement.onGenericMotionEvent(this, (Spannable) mText, event)) {
8013                    return true;
8014                }
8015            } catch (AbstractMethodError ex) {
8016                // onGenericMotionEvent was added to the MovementMethod interface in API 12.
8017                // Ignore its absence in case third party applications implemented the
8018                // interface directly.
8019            }
8020        }
8021        return super.onGenericMotionEvent(event);
8022    }
8024    /**
8025     * @return True iff this TextView contains a text that can be edited, or if this is
8026     * a selectable TextView.
8027     */
8028    boolean isTextEditable() {
8029        return mText instanceof Editable && onCheckIsTextEditor() && isEnabled();
8030    }
8032    /**
8033     * Returns true, only while processing a touch gesture, if the initial
8034     * touch down event caused focus to move to the text view and as a result
8035     * its selection changed.  Only valid while processing the touch gesture
8036     * of interest, in an editable text view.
8037     */
8038    public boolean didTouchFocusSelect() {
8039        return mEditor != null && mEditor.mTouchFocusSelected;
8040    }
8042    @Override
8043    public void cancelLongPress() {
8044        super.cancelLongPress();
8045        if (mEditor != null) mEditor.mIgnoreActionUpEvent = true;
8046    }
8048    @Override
8049    public boolean onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent event) {
8050        if (mMovement != null && mText instanceof Spannable && mLayout != null) {
8051            if (mMovement.onTrackballEvent(this, (Spannable) mText, event)) {
8052                return true;
8053            }
8054        }
8056        return super.onTrackballEvent(event);
8057    }
8059    public void setScroller(Scroller s) {
8060        mScroller = s;
8061    }
8063    @Override
8064    protected float getLeftFadingEdgeStrength() {
8065        if (mEllipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE &&
8066                mMarqueeFadeMode != MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS) {
8067            if (mMarquee != null && !mMarquee.isStopped()) {
8068                final Marquee marquee = mMarquee;
8069                if (marquee.shouldDrawLeftFade()) {
8070                    final float scroll = marquee.getScroll();
8071                    return scroll / getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength();
8072                } else {
8073                    return 0.0f;
8074                }
8075            } else if (getLineCount() == 1) {
8076                final int layoutDirection = getLayoutDirection();
8077                final int absoluteGravity = Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(mGravity, layoutDirection);
8078                switch (absoluteGravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
8079                    case Gravity.LEFT:
8080                        return 0.0f;
8081                    case Gravity.RIGHT:
8082                        return (mLayout.getLineRight(0) - (mRight - mLeft) -
8083                                getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight() -
8084                                mLayout.getLineLeft(0)) / getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength();
8085                    case Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
8086                    case Gravity.FILL_HORIZONTAL:
8087                        final int textDirection = mLayout.getParagraphDirection(0);
8088                        if (textDirection == Layout.DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
8089                            return 0.0f;
8090                        } else {
8091                            return (mLayout.getLineRight(0) - (mRight - mLeft) -
8092                                getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight() -
8093                                mLayout.getLineLeft(0)) / getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength();
8094                        }
8095                }
8096            }
8097        }
8098        return super.getLeftFadingEdgeStrength();
8099    }
8101    @Override
8102    protected float getRightFadingEdgeStrength() {
8103        if (mEllipsize == TextUtils.TruncateAt.MARQUEE &&
8104                mMarqueeFadeMode != MARQUEE_FADE_SWITCH_SHOW_ELLIPSIS) {
8105            if (mMarquee != null && !mMarquee.isStopped()) {
8106                final Marquee marquee = mMarquee;
8107                final float maxFadeScroll = marquee.getMaxFadeScroll();
8108                final float scroll = marquee.getScroll();
8109                return (maxFadeScroll - scroll) / getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength();
8110            } else if (getLineCount() == 1) {
8111                final int layoutDirection = getLayoutDirection();
8112                final int absoluteGravity = Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(mGravity, layoutDirection);
8113                switch (absoluteGravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
8114                    case Gravity.LEFT:
8115                        final int textWidth = (mRight - mLeft) - getCompoundPaddingLeft() -
8116                                getCompoundPaddingRight();
8117                        final float lineWidth = mLayout.getLineWidth(0);
8118                        return (lineWidth - textWidth) / getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength();
8119                    case Gravity.RIGHT:
8120                        return 0.0f;
8121                    case Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
8122                    case Gravity.FILL_HORIZONTAL:
8123                        final int textDirection = mLayout.getParagraphDirection(0);
8124                        if (textDirection == Layout.DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
8125                            return 0.0f;
8126                        } else {
8127                            return (mLayout.getLineWidth(0) - ((mRight - mLeft) -
8128                                getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight())) /
8129                                getHorizontalFadingEdgeLength();
8130                        }
8131                }
8132            }
8133        }
8134        return super.getRightFadingEdgeStrength();
8135    }
8137    @Override
8138    protected int computeHorizontalScrollRange() {
8139        if (mLayout != null) {
8140            return mSingleLine && (mGravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) == Gravity.LEFT ?
8141                    (int) mLayout.getLineWidth(0) : mLayout.getWidth();
8142        }
8144        return super.computeHorizontalScrollRange();
8145    }
8147    @Override
8148    protected int computeVerticalScrollRange() {
8149        if (mLayout != null)
8150            return mLayout.getHeight();
8152        return super.computeVerticalScrollRange();
8153    }
8155    @Override
8156    protected int computeVerticalScrollExtent() {
8157        return getHeight() - getCompoundPaddingTop() - getCompoundPaddingBottom();
8158    }
8160    @Override
8161    public void findViewsWithText(ArrayList<View> outViews, CharSequence searched, int flags) {
8162        super.findViewsWithText(outViews, searched, flags);
8163        if (!outViews.contains(this) && (flags & FIND_VIEWS_WITH_TEXT) != 0
8164                && !TextUtils.isEmpty(searched) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mText)) {
8165            String searchedLowerCase = searched.toString().toLowerCase();
8166            String textLowerCase = mText.toString().toLowerCase();
8167            if (textLowerCase.contains(searchedLowerCase)) {
8168                outViews.add(this);
8169            }
8170        }
8171    }
8173    public enum BufferType {
8175    }
8177    /**
8178     * Returns the TextView_textColor attribute from the TypedArray, if set, or
8179     * the TextAppearance_textColor from the TextView_textAppearance attribute,
8180     * if TextView_textColor was not set directly.
8181     */
8182    public static ColorStateList getTextColors(Context context, TypedArray attrs) {
8183        // It's not safe to use this method from apps. The parameter 'attrs'
8184        // must have been obtained using the TextView filter array which is not
8185        // available to the SDK. As such, we grab a default TypedArray with the
8186        // right filter instead here.
8187        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(R.styleable.TextView);
8188        ColorStateList colors = a.getColorStateList(R.styleable.TextView_textColor);
8189        if (colors == null) {
8190            final int ap = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.TextView_textAppearance, 0);
8191            if (ap != 0) {
8192                final TypedArray appearance = context.obtainStyledAttributes(
8193                        ap, R.styleable.TextAppearance);
8194                colors = appearance.getColorStateList(R.styleable.TextAppearance_textColor);
8195                appearance.recycle();
8196            }
8197        }
8198        a.recycle();
8200        return colors;
8201    }
8203    /**
8204     * Returns the default color from the TextView_textColor attribute from the
8205     * AttributeSet, if set, or the default color from the
8206     * TextAppearance_textColor from the TextView_textAppearance attribute, if
8207     * TextView_textColor was not set directly.
8208     */
8209    public static int getTextColor(Context context, TypedArray attrs, int def) {
8210        final ColorStateList colors = getTextColors(context, attrs);
8211        if (colors == null) {
8212            return def;
8213        } else {
8214            return colors.getDefaultColor();
8215        }
8216    }
8218    @Override
8219    public boolean onKeyShortcut(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
8220        final int filteredMetaState = event.getMetaState() & ~KeyEvent.META_CTRL_MASK;
8221        if (KeyEvent.metaStateHasNoModifiers(filteredMetaState)) {
8222            switch (keyCode) {
8223            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A:
8224                if (canSelectText()) {
8225                    return onTextContextMenuItem(ID_SELECT_ALL);
8226                }
8227                break;
8228            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_X:
8229                if (canCut()) {
8230                    return onTextContextMenuItem(ID_CUT);
8231                }
8232                break;
8233            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_C:
8234                if (canCopy()) {
8235                    return onTextContextMenuItem(ID_COPY);
8236                }
8237                break;
8238            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_V:
8239                if (canPaste()) {
8240                    return onTextContextMenuItem(ID_PASTE);
8241                }
8242                break;
8243            }
8244        }
8245        return super.onKeyShortcut(keyCode, event);
8246    }
8248    /**
8249     * Unlike {@link #textCanBeSelected()}, this method is based on the <i>current</i> state of the
8250     * TextView. {@link #textCanBeSelected()} has to be true (this is one of the conditions to have
8251     * a selection controller (see {@link Editor#prepareCursorControllers()}), but this is not
8252     * sufficient.
8253     */
8254    private boolean canSelectText() {
8255        return mText.length() != 0 && mEditor != null && mEditor.hasSelectionController();
8256    }
8258    /**
8259     * Test based on the <i>intrinsic</i> charateristics of the TextView.
8260     * The text must be spannable and the movement method must allow for arbitary selection.
8261     *
8262     * See also {@link #canSelectText()}.
8263     */
8264    boolean textCanBeSelected() {
8265        // prepareCursorController() relies on this method.
8266        // If you change this condition, make sure prepareCursorController is called anywhere
8267        // the value of this condition might be changed.
8268        if (mMovement == null || !mMovement.canSelectArbitrarily()) return false;
8269        return isTextEditable() ||
8270                (isTextSelectable() && mText instanceof Spannable && isEnabled());
8271    }
8273    private Locale getTextServicesLocale(boolean allowNullLocale) {
8274        // Start fetching the text services locale asynchronously.
8275        updateTextServicesLocaleAsync();
8276        // If !allowNullLocale and there is no cached text services locale, just return the default
8277        // locale.
8278        return (mCurrentSpellCheckerLocaleCache == null && !allowNullLocale) ? Locale.getDefault()
8279                : mCurrentSpellCheckerLocaleCache;
8280    }
8282    /**
8283     * This is a temporary method. Future versions may support multi-locale text.
8284     * Caveat: This method may not return the latest text services locale, but this should be
8285     * acceptable and it's more important to make this method asynchronous.
8286     *
8287     * @return The locale that should be used for a word iterator
8288     * in this TextView, based on the current spell checker settings,
8289     * the current IME's locale, or the system default locale.
8290     * Please note that a word iterator in this TextView is different from another word iterator
8291     * used by SpellChecker.java of TextView. This method should be used for the former.
8292     * @hide
8293     */
8294    // TODO: Support multi-locale
8295    // TODO: Update the text services locale immediately after the keyboard locale is switched
8296    // by catching intent of keyboard switch event
8297    public Locale getTextServicesLocale() {
8298        return getTextServicesLocale(false /* allowNullLocale */);
8299    }
8301    /**
8302     * This is a temporary method. Future versions may support multi-locale text.
8303     * Caveat: This method may not return the latest spell checker locale, but this should be
8304     * acceptable and it's more important to make this method asynchronous.
8305     *
8306     * @return The locale that should be used for a spell checker in this TextView,
8307     * based on the current spell checker settings, the current IME's locale, or the system default
8308     * locale.
8309     * @hide
8310     */
8311    public Locale getSpellCheckerLocale() {
8312        return getTextServicesLocale(true /* allowNullLocale */);
8313    }
8315    private void updateTextServicesLocaleAsync() {
8316        // AsyncTask.execute() uses a serial executor which means we don't have
8317        // to lock around updateTextServicesLocaleLocked() to prevent it from
8318        // being executed n times in parallel.
8319        AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() {
8320            @Override
8321            public void run() {
8322                updateTextServicesLocaleLocked();
8323            }
8324        });
8325    }
8327    private void updateTextServicesLocaleLocked() {
8328        final TextServicesManager textServicesManager = (TextServicesManager)
8329                mContext.getSystemService(Context.TEXT_SERVICES_MANAGER_SERVICE);
8330        final SpellCheckerSubtype subtype = textServicesManager.getCurrentSpellCheckerSubtype(true);
8331        final Locale locale;
8332        if (subtype != null) {
8333            locale = SpellCheckerSubtype.constructLocaleFromString(subtype.getLocale());
8334        } else {
8335            locale = null;
8336        }
8337        mCurrentSpellCheckerLocaleCache = locale;
8338    }
8340    void onLocaleChanged() {
8341        // Will be re-created on demand in getWordIterator with the proper new locale
8342        mEditor.mWordIterator = null;
8343    }
8345    /**
8346     * This method is used by the ArrowKeyMovementMethod to jump from one word to the other.
8347     * Made available to achieve a consistent behavior.
8348     * @hide
8349     */
8350    public WordIterator getWordIterator() {
8351        if (mEditor != null) {
8352            return mEditor.getWordIterator();
8353        } else {
8354            return null;
8355        }
8356    }
8358    @Override
8359    public void onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
8360        super.onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event);
8362        final boolean isPassword = hasPasswordTransformationMethod();
8363        if (!isPassword || shouldSpeakPasswordsForAccessibility()) {
8364            final CharSequence text = getTextForAccessibility();
8365            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
8366                event.getText().add(text);
8367            }
8368        }
8369    }
8371    /**
8372     * @return true if the user has explicitly allowed accessibility services
8373     * to speak passwords.
8374     */
8375    private boolean shouldSpeakPasswordsForAccessibility() {
8376        return (Settings.Secure.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
8377                Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_SPEAK_PASSWORD, 0) == 1);
8378    }
8380    @Override
8381    public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
8382        super.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event);
8384        event.setClassName(TextView.class.getName());
8385        final boolean isPassword = hasPasswordTransformationMethod();
8386        event.setPassword(isPassword);
8388        if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED) {
8389            event.setFromIndex(Selection.getSelectionStart(mText));
8390            event.setToIndex(Selection.getSelectionEnd(mText));
8391            event.setItemCount(mText.length());
8392        }
8393    }
8395    @Override
8396    public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) {
8397        super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(info);
8399        info.setClassName(TextView.class.getName());
8400        final boolean isPassword = hasPasswordTransformationMethod();
8401        info.setPassword(isPassword);
8403        if (!isPassword || shouldSpeakPasswordsForAccessibility()) {
8404            info.setText(getTextForAccessibility());
8405        }
8407        if (mBufferType == BufferType.EDITABLE) {
8408            info.setEditable(true);
8409        }
8411        if (mEditor != null) {
8412            info.setInputType(mEditor.mInputType);
8414            if (mEditor.mError != null) {
8415                info.setContentInvalid(true);
8416                info.setError(mEditor.mError);
8417            }
8418        }
8420        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mText)) {
8421            info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_NEXT_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY);
8422            info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_PREVIOUS_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY);
8423            info.setMovementGranularities(AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_CHARACTER
8424                    | AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_WORD
8425                    | AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_LINE
8426                    | AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_PARAGRAPH
8427                    | AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_PAGE);
8428        }
8430        if (isFocused()) {
8431            if (canSelectText()) {
8432                info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SET_SELECTION);
8433            }
8434            if (canCopy()) {
8435                info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_COPY);
8436            }
8437            if (canPaste()) {
8438                info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_PASTE);
8439            }
8440            if (canCut()) {
8441                info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CUT);
8442            }
8443        }
8445        // Check for known input filter types.
8446        final int numFilters = mFilters.length;
8447        for (int i = 0; i < numFilters; i++) {
8448            final InputFilter filter = mFilters[i];
8449            if (filter instanceof InputFilter.LengthFilter) {
8450                info.setMaxTextLength(((InputFilter.LengthFilter) filter).getMax());
8451            }
8452        }
8454        if (!isSingleLine()) {
8455            info.setMultiLine(true);
8456        }
8457    }
8459    @Override
8460    public boolean performAccessibilityAction(int action, Bundle arguments) {
8461        switch (action) {
8462            case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_COPY: {
8463                if (isFocused() && canCopy()) {
8464                    if (onTextContextMenuItem(ID_COPY)) {
8465                        return true;
8466                    }
8467                }
8468            } return false;
8469            case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_PASTE: {
8470                if (isFocused() && canPaste()) {
8471                    if (onTextContextMenuItem(ID_PASTE)) {
8472                        return true;
8473                    }
8474                }
8475            } return false;
8476            case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CUT: {
8477                if (isFocused() && canCut()) {
8478                    if (onTextContextMenuItem(ID_CUT)) {
8479                        return true;
8480                    }
8481                }
8482            } return false;
8483            case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SET_SELECTION: {
8484                if (isFocused() && canSelectText()) {
8485                    CharSequence text = getIterableTextForAccessibility();
8486                    if (text == null) {
8487                        return false;
8488                    }
8489                    final int start = (arguments != null) ? arguments.getInt(
8490                            AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ARGUMENT_SELECTION_START_INT, -1) : -1;
8491                    final int end = (arguments != null) ? arguments.getInt(
8492                            AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_ARGUMENT_SELECTION_END_INT, -1) : -1;
8493                    if ((getSelectionStart() != start || getSelectionEnd() != end)) {
8494                        // No arguments clears the selection.
8495                        if (start == end && end == -1) {
8496                            Selection.removeSelection((Spannable) text);
8497                            return true;
8498                        }
8499                        if (start >= 0 && start <= end && end <= text.length()) {
8500                            Selection.setSelection((Spannable) text, start, end);
8501                            // Make sure selection mode is engaged.
8502                            if (mEditor != null) {
8503                                mEditor.startSelectionActionMode();
8504                            }
8505                            return true;
8506                        }
8507                    }
8508                }
8509            } return false;
8510            default: {
8511                return super.performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments);
8512            }
8513        }
8514    }
8516    @Override
8517    public void sendAccessibilityEvent(int eventType) {
8518        // Do not send scroll events since first they are not interesting for
8519        // accessibility and second such events a generated too frequently.
8520        // For details see the implementation of bringTextIntoView().
8521        if (eventType == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED) {
8522            return;
8523        }
8524        super.sendAccessibilityEvent(eventType);
8525    }
8527    /**
8528     * Gets the text reported for accessibility purposes.
8529     *
8530     * @return The accessibility text.
8531     *
8532     * @hide
8533     */
8534    public CharSequence getTextForAccessibility() {
8535        CharSequence text = getText();
8536        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
8537            text = getHint();
8538        }
8539        return text;
8540    }
8542    void sendAccessibilityEventTypeViewTextChanged(CharSequence beforeText,
8543            int fromIndex, int removedCount, int addedCount) {
8544        AccessibilityEvent event =
8545            AccessibilityEvent.obtain(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED);
8546        event.setFromIndex(fromIndex);
8547        event.setRemovedCount(removedCount);
8548        event.setAddedCount(addedCount);
8549        event.setBeforeText(beforeText);
8550        sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(event);
8551    }
8553    /**
8554     * Returns whether this text view is a current input method target.  The
8555     * default implementation just checks with {@link InputMethodManager}.
8556     */
8557    public boolean isInputMethodTarget() {
8558        InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance();
8559        return imm != null && imm.isActive(this);
8560    }
8562    static final int ID_SELECT_ALL = android.R.id.selectAll;
8563    static final int ID_CUT = android.R.id.cut;
8564    static final int ID_COPY = android.R.id.copy;
8565    static final int ID_PASTE = android.R.id.paste;
8567    /**
8568     * Called when a context menu option for the text view is selected.  Currently
8569     * this will be one of {@link android.R.id#selectAll}, {@link android.R.id#cut},
8570     * {@link android.R.id#copy} or {@link android.R.id#paste}.
8571     *
8572     * @return true if the context menu item action was performed.
8573     */
8574    public boolean onTextContextMenuItem(int id) {
8575        int min = 0;
8576        int max = mText.length();
8578        if (isFocused()) {
8579            final int selStart = getSelectionStart();
8580            final int selEnd = getSelectionEnd();
8582            min = Math.max(0, Math.min(selStart, selEnd));
8583            max = Math.max(0, Math.max(selStart, selEnd));
8584        }
8586        switch (id) {
8587            case ID_SELECT_ALL:
8588                // This does not enter text selection mode. Text is highlighted, so that it can be
8589                // bulk edited, like selectAllOnFocus does. Returns true even if text is empty.
8590                selectAllText();
8591                return true;
8593            case ID_PASTE:
8594                paste(min, max);
8595                return true;
8597            case ID_CUT:
8598                setPrimaryClip(ClipData.newPlainText(null, getTransformedText(min, max)));
8599                deleteText_internal(min, max);
8600                stopSelectionActionMode();
8601                return true;
8603            case ID_COPY:
8604                setPrimaryClip(ClipData.newPlainText(null, getTransformedText(min, max)));
8605                stopSelectionActionMode();
8606                return true;
8607        }
8608        return false;
8609    }
8611    CharSequence getTransformedText(int start, int end) {
8612        return removeSuggestionSpans(mTransformed.subSequence(start, end));
8613    }
8615    @Override
8616    public boolean performLongClick() {
8617        boolean handled = false;
8619        if (super.performLongClick()) {
8620            handled = true;
8621        }
8623        if (mEditor != null) {
8624            handled |= mEditor.performLongClick(handled);
8625        }
8627        if (handled) {
8628            performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS);
8629            if (mEditor != null) mEditor.mDiscardNextActionUp = true;
8630        }
8632        return handled;
8633    }
8635    @Override
8636    protected void onScrollChanged(int horiz, int vert, int oldHoriz, int oldVert) {
8637        super.onScrollChanged(horiz, vert, oldHoriz, oldVert);
8638        if (mEditor != null) {
8639            mEditor.onScrollChanged();
8640        }
8641    }
8643    /**
8644     * Return whether or not suggestions are enabled on this TextView. The suggestions are generated
8645     * by the IME or by the spell checker as the user types. This is done by adding
8646     * {@link SuggestionSpan}s to the text.
8647     *
8648     * When suggestions are enabled (default), this list of suggestions will be displayed when the
8649     * user asks for them on these parts of the text. This value depends on the inputType of this
8650     * TextView.
8651     *
8652     * The class of the input type must be {@link InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT}.
8653     *
8654     * In addition, the type variation must be one of
8655     * {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_NORMAL},
8656     * {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT},
8657     * {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_LONG_MESSAGE},
8658     * {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_SHORT_MESSAGE} or
8659     * {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXT}.
8660     *
8661     * And finally, the {@link InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS} flag must <i>not</i> be set.
8662     *
8663     * @return true if the suggestions popup window is enabled, based on the inputType.
8664     */
8665    public boolean isSuggestionsEnabled() {
8666        if (mEditor == null) return false;
8667        if ((mEditor.mInputType & InputType.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) != InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) {
8668            return false;
8669        }
8670        if ((mEditor.mInputType & InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS) > 0) return false;
8672        final int variation = mEditor.mInputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION;
8673        return (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_NORMAL ||
8674                variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT ||
8675                variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_LONG_MESSAGE ||
8676                variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_SHORT_MESSAGE ||
8677                variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXT);
8678    }
8680    /**
8681     * If provided, this ActionMode.Callback will be used to create the ActionMode when text
8682     * selection is initiated in this View.
8683     *
8684     * The standard implementation populates the menu with a subset of Select All, Cut, Copy and
8685     * Paste actions, depending on what this View supports.
8686     *
8687     * A custom implementation can add new entries in the default menu in its
8688     * {@link android.view.ActionMode.Callback#onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode, Menu)} method. The
8689     * default actions can also be removed from the menu using {@link Menu#removeItem(int)} and
8690     * passing {@link android.R.id#selectAll}, {@link android.R.id#cut}, {@link android.R.id#copy}
8691     * or {@link android.R.id#paste} ids as parameters.
8692     *
8693     * Returning false from
8694     * {@link android.view.ActionMode.Callback#onCreateActionMode(ActionMode, Menu)} will prevent
8695     * the action mode from being started.
8696     *
8697     * Action click events should be handled by the custom implementation of
8698     * {@link android.view.ActionMode.Callback#onActionItemClicked(ActionMode, MenuItem)}.
8699     *
8700     * Note that text selection mode is not started when a TextView receives focus and the
8701     * {@link android.R.attr#selectAllOnFocus} flag has been set. The content is highlighted in
8702     * that case, to allow for quick replacement.
8703     */
8704    public void setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(ActionMode.Callback actionModeCallback) {
8705        createEditorIfNeeded();
8706        mEditor.mCustomSelectionActionModeCallback = actionModeCallback;
8707    }
8709    /**
8710     * Retrieves the value set in {@link #setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback}. Default is null.
8711     *
8712     * @return The current custom selection callback.
8713     */
8714    public ActionMode.Callback getCustomSelectionActionModeCallback() {
8715        return mEditor == null ? null : mEditor.mCustomSelectionActionModeCallback;
8716    }
8718    /**
8719     * @hide
8720     */
8721    protected void stopSelectionActionMode() {
8722        mEditor.stopSelectionActionMode();
8723    }
8725    boolean canCut() {
8726        if (hasPasswordTransformationMethod()) {
8727            return false;
8728        }
8730        if (mText.length() > 0 && hasSelection() && mText instanceof Editable && mEditor != null &&
8731                mEditor.mKeyListener != null) {
8732            return true;
8733        }
8735        return false;
8736    }
8738    boolean canCopy() {
8739        if (hasPasswordTransformationMethod()) {
8740            return false;
8741        }
8743        if (mText.length() > 0 && hasSelection() && mEditor != null) {
8744            return true;
8745        }
8747        return false;
8748    }
8750    boolean canPaste() {
8751        return (mText instanceof Editable &&
8752                mEditor != null && mEditor.mKeyListener != null &&
8753                getSelectionStart() >= 0 &&
8754                getSelectionEnd() >= 0 &&
8755                ((ClipboardManager)getContext().getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)).
8756                hasPrimaryClip());
8757    }
8759    boolean selectAllText() {
8760        final int length = mText.length();
8761        Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mText, 0, length);
8762        return length > 0;
8763    }
8765    /**
8766     * Prepare text so that there are not zero or two spaces at beginning and end of region defined
8767     * by [min, max] when replacing this region by paste.
8768     * Note that if there were two spaces (or more) at that position before, they are kept. We just
8769     * make sure we do not add an extra one from the paste content.
8770     */
8771    long prepareSpacesAroundPaste(int min, int max, CharSequence paste) {
8772        if (paste.length() > 0) {
8773            if (min > 0) {
8774                final char charBefore = mTransformed.charAt(min - 1);
8775                final char charAfter = paste.charAt(0);
8777                if (Character.isSpaceChar(charBefore) && Character.isSpaceChar(charAfter)) {
8778                    // Two spaces at beginning of paste: remove one
8779                    final int originalLength = mText.length();
8780                    deleteText_internal(min - 1, min);
8781                    // Due to filters, there is no guarantee that exactly one character was
8782                    // removed: count instead.
8783                    final int delta = mText.length() - originalLength;
8784                    min += delta;
8785                    max += delta;
8786                } else if (!Character.isSpaceChar(charBefore) && charBefore != '\n' &&
8787                        !Character.isSpaceChar(charAfter) && charAfter != '\n') {
8788                    // No space at beginning of paste: add one
8789                    final int originalLength = mText.length();
8790                    replaceText_internal(min, min, " ");
8791                    // Taking possible filters into account as above.
8792                    final int delta = mText.length() - originalLength;
8793                    min += delta;
8794                    max += delta;
8795                }
8796            }
8798            if (max < mText.length()) {
8799                final char charBefore = paste.charAt(paste.length() - 1);
8800                final char charAfter = mTransformed.charAt(max);
8802                if (Character.isSpaceChar(charBefore) && Character.isSpaceChar(charAfter)) {
8803                    // Two spaces at end of paste: remove one
8804                    deleteText_internal(max, max + 1);
8805                } else if (!Character.isSpaceChar(charBefore) && charBefore != '\n' &&
8806                        !Character.isSpaceChar(charAfter) && charAfter != '\n') {
8807                    // No space at end of paste: add one
8808                    replaceText_internal(max, max, " ");
8809                }
8810            }
8811        }
8813        return TextUtils.packRangeInLong(min, max);
8814    }
8816    /**
8817     * Paste clipboard content between min and max positions.
8818     */
8819    private void paste(int min, int max) {
8820        ClipboardManager clipboard =
8821            (ClipboardManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
8822        ClipData clip = clipboard.getPrimaryClip();
8823        if (clip != null) {
8824            boolean didFirst = false;
8825            for (int i=0; i<clip.getItemCount(); i++) {
8826                CharSequence paste = clip.getItemAt(i).coerceToStyledText(getContext());
8827                if (paste != null) {
8828                    if (!didFirst) {
8829                        long minMax = prepareSpacesAroundPaste(min, max, paste);
8830                        min = TextUtils.unpackRangeStartFromLong(minMax);
8831                        max = TextUtils.unpackRangeEndFromLong(minMax);
8832                        Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mText, max);
8833                        ((Editable) mText).replace(min, max, paste);
8834                        didFirst = true;
8835                    } else {
8836                        ((Editable) mText).insert(getSelectionEnd(), "\n");
8837                        ((Editable) mText).insert(getSelectionEnd(), paste);
8838                    }
8839                }
8840            }
8841            stopSelectionActionMode();
8842            LAST_CUT_OR_COPY_TIME = 0;
8843        }
8844    }
8846    private void setPrimaryClip(ClipData clip) {
8847        ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getContext().
8848                getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
8849        clipboard.setPrimaryClip(clip);
8850        LAST_CUT_OR_COPY_TIME = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
8851    }
8853    /**
8854     * Get the character offset closest to the specified absolute position. A typical use case is to
8855     * pass the result of {@link MotionEvent#getX()} and {@link MotionEvent#getY()} to this method.
8856     *
8857     * @param x The horizontal absolute position of a point on screen
8858     * @param y The vertical absolute position of a point on screen
8859     * @return the character offset for the character whose position is closest to the specified
8860     *  position. Returns -1 if there is no layout.
8861     */
8862    public int getOffsetForPosition(float x, float y) {
8863        if (getLayout() == null) return -1;
8864        final int line = getLineAtCoordinate(y);
8865        final int offset = getOffsetAtCoordinate(line, x);
8866        return offset;
8867    }
8869    float convertToLocalHorizontalCoordinate(float x) {
8870        x -= getTotalPaddingLeft();
8871        // Clamp the position to inside of the view.
8872        x = Math.max(0.0f, x);
8873        x = Math.min(getWidth() - getTotalPaddingRight() - 1, x);
8874        x += getScrollX();
8875        return x;
8876    }
8878    int getLineAtCoordinate(float y) {
8879        y -= getTotalPaddingTop();
8880        // Clamp the position to inside of the view.
8881        y = Math.max(0.0f, y);
8882        y = Math.min(getHeight() - getTotalPaddingBottom() - 1, y);
8883        y += getScrollY();
8884        return getLayout().getLineForVertical((int) y);
8885    }
8887    private int getOffsetAtCoordinate(int line, float x) {
8888        x = convertToLocalHorizontalCoordinate(x);
8889        return getLayout().getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x);
8890    }
8892    @Override
8893    public boolean onDragEvent(DragEvent event) {
8894        switch (event.getAction()) {
8895            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED:
8896                return mEditor != null && mEditor.hasInsertionController();
8898            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED:
8899                TextView.this.requestFocus();
8900                return true;
8902            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION:
8903                final int offset = getOffsetForPosition(event.getX(), event.getY());
8904                Selection.setSelection((Spannable)mText, offset);
8905                return true;
8907            case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP:
8908                if (mEditor != null) mEditor.onDrop(event);
8909                return true;
8911            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED:
8912            case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED:
8913            default:
8914                return true;
8915        }
8916    }
8918    boolean isInBatchEditMode() {
8919        if (mEditor == null) return false;
8920        final Editor.InputMethodState ims = mEditor.mInputMethodState;
8921        if (ims != null) {
8922            return ims.mBatchEditNesting > 0;
8923        }
8924        return mEditor.mInBatchEditControllers;
8925    }
8927    @Override
8928    public void onRtlPropertiesChanged(int layoutDirection) {
8929        super.onRtlPropertiesChanged(layoutDirection);
8931        mTextDir = getTextDirectionHeuristic();
8933        if (mLayout != null) {
8934            checkForRelayout();
8935        }
8936    }
8938    TextDirectionHeuristic getTextDirectionHeuristic() {
8939        if (hasPasswordTransformationMethod()) {
8940            // passwords fields should be LTR
8941            return TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR;
8942        }
8944        // Always need to resolve layout direction first
8945        final boolean defaultIsRtl = (getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL);
8947        // Now, we can select the heuristic
8948        switch (getTextDirection()) {
8949            default:
8950            case TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG:
8951                return (defaultIsRtl ? TextDirectionHeuristics.FIRSTSTRONG_RTL :
8952                        TextDirectionHeuristics.FIRSTSTRONG_LTR);
8953            case TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL:
8954                return TextDirectionHeuristics.ANYRTL_LTR;
8955            case TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR:
8956                return TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR;
8957            case TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL:
8958                return TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL;
8959            case TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE:
8960                return TextDirectionHeuristics.LOCALE;
8961        }
8962    }
8964    /**
8965     * @hide
8966     */
8967    @Override
8968    public void onResolveDrawables(int layoutDirection) {
8969        // No need to resolve twice
8970        if (mLastLayoutDirection == layoutDirection) {
8971            return;
8972        }
8973        mLastLayoutDirection = layoutDirection;
8975        // Resolve drawables
8976        if (mDrawables != null) {
8977            mDrawables.resolveWithLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
8978        }
8979    }
8981    /**
8982     * @hide
8983     */
8984    protected void resetResolvedDrawables() {
8985        super.resetResolvedDrawables();
8986        mLastLayoutDirection = -1;
8987    }
8989    /**
8990     * @hide
8991     */
8992    protected void viewClicked(InputMethodManager imm) {
8993        if (imm != null) {
8994            imm.viewClicked(this);
8995        }
8996    }
8998    /**
8999     * Deletes the range of text [start, end[.
9000     * @hide
9001     */
9002    protected void deleteText_internal(int start, int end) {
9003        ((Editable) mText).delete(start, end);
9004    }
9006    /**
9007     * Replaces the range of text [start, end[ by replacement text
9008     * @hide
9009     */
9010    protected void replaceText_internal(int start, int end, CharSequence text) {
9011        ((Editable) mText).replace(start, end, text);
9012    }
9014    /**
9015     * Sets a span on the specified range of text
9016     * @hide
9017     */
9018    protected void setSpan_internal(Object span, int start, int end, int flags) {
9019        ((Editable) mText).setSpan(span, start, end, flags);
9020    }
9022    /**
9023     * Moves the cursor to the specified offset position in text
9024     * @hide
9025     */
9026    protected void setCursorPosition_internal(int start, int end) {
9027        Selection.setSelection(((Editable) mText), start, end);
9028    }
9030    /**
9031     * An Editor should be created as soon as any of the editable-specific fields (grouped
9032     * inside the Editor object) is assigned to a non-default value.
9033     * This method will create the Editor if needed.
9034     *
9035     * A standard TextView (as well as buttons, checkboxes...) should not qualify and hence will
9036     * have a null Editor, unlike an EditText. Inconsistent in-between states will have an
9037     * Editor for backward compatibility, as soon as one of these fields is assigned.
9038     *
9039     * Also note that for performance reasons, the mEditor is created when needed, but not
9040     * reset when no more edit-specific fields are needed.
9041     */
9042    private void createEditorIfNeeded() {
9043        if (mEditor == null) {
9044            mEditor = new Editor(this);
9045        }
9046    }
9048    /**
9049     * @hide
9050     */
9051    @Override
9052    public CharSequence getIterableTextForAccessibility() {
9053        if (!(mText instanceof Spannable)) {
9054            setText(mText, BufferType.SPANNABLE);
9055        }
9056        return mText;
9057    }
9059    /**
9060     * @hide
9061     */
9062    @Override
9063    public TextSegmentIterator getIteratorForGranularity(int granularity) {
9064        switch (granularity) {
9065            case AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_LINE: {
9066                Spannable text = (Spannable) getIterableTextForAccessibility();
9067                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text) && getLayout() != null) {
9068                    AccessibilityIterators.LineTextSegmentIterator iterator =
9069                        AccessibilityIterators.LineTextSegmentIterator.getInstance();
9070                    iterator.initialize(text, getLayout());
9071                    return iterator;
9072                }
9073            } break;
9074            case AccessibilityNodeInfo.MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_PAGE: {
9075                Spannable text = (Spannable) getIterableTextForAccessibility();
9076                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text) && getLayout() != null) {
9077                    AccessibilityIterators.PageTextSegmentIterator iterator =
9078                        AccessibilityIterators.PageTextSegmentIterator.getInstance();
9079                    iterator.initialize(this);
9080                    return iterator;
9081                }
9082            } break;
9083        }
9084        return super.getIteratorForGranularity(granularity);
9085    }
9087    /**
9088     * @hide
9089     */
9090    @Override
9091    public int getAccessibilitySelectionStart() {
9092        return getSelectionStart();
9093    }
9095    /**
9096     * @hide
9097     */
9098    public boolean isAccessibilitySelectionExtendable() {
9099        return true;
9100    }
9102    /**
9103     * @hide
9104     */
9105    @Override
9106    public int getAccessibilitySelectionEnd() {
9107        return getSelectionEnd();
9108    }
9110    /**
9111     * @hide
9112     */
9113    @Override
9114    public void setAccessibilitySelection(int start, int end) {
9115        if (getAccessibilitySelectionStart() == start
9116                && getAccessibilitySelectionEnd() == end) {
9117            return;
9118        }
9119        // Hide all selection controllers used for adjusting selection
9120        // since we are doing so explicitlty by other means and these
9121        // controllers interact with how selection behaves.
9122        if (mEditor != null) {
9123            mEditor.hideControllers();
9124        }
9125        CharSequence text = getIterableTextForAccessibility();
9126        if (Math.min(start, end) >= 0 && Math.max(start, end) <= text.length()) {
9127            Selection.setSelection((Spannable) text, start, end);
9128        } else {
9129            Selection.removeSelection((Spannable) text);
9130        }
9131    }
9133    /**
9134     * User interface state that is stored by TextView for implementing
9135     * {@link View#onSaveInstanceState}.
9136     */
9137    public static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState {
9138        int selStart;
9139        int selEnd;
9140        CharSequence text;
9141        boolean frozenWithFocus;
9142        CharSequence error;
9144        SavedState(Parcelable superState) {
9145            super(superState);
9146        }
9148        @Override
9149        public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
9150            super.writeToParcel(out, flags);
9151            out.writeInt(selStart);
9152            out.writeInt(selEnd);
9153            out.writeInt(frozenWithFocus ? 1 : 0);
9154            TextUtils.writeToParcel(text, out, flags);
9156            if (error == null) {
9157                out.writeInt(0);
9158            } else {
9159                out.writeInt(1);
9160                TextUtils.writeToParcel(error, out, flags);
9161            }
9162        }
9164        @Override
9165        public String toString() {
9166            String str = "TextView.SavedState{"
9167                    + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))
9168                    + " start=" + selStart + " end=" + selEnd;
9169            if (text != null) {
9170                str += " text=" + text;
9171            }
9172            return str + "}";
9173        }
9175        @SuppressWarnings("hiding")
9176        public static final Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> CREATOR
9177                = new Parcelable.Creator<SavedState>() {
9178            public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
9179                return new SavedState(in);
9180            }
9182            public SavedState[] newArray(int size) {
9183                return new SavedState[size];
9184            }
9185        };
9187        private SavedState(Parcel in) {
9188            super(in);
9189            selStart = in.readInt();
9190            selEnd = in.readInt();
9191            frozenWithFocus = (in.readInt() != 0);
9192            text = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
9194            if (in.readInt() != 0) {
9195                error = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
9196            }
9197        }
9198    }
9200    private static class CharWrapper implements CharSequence, GetChars, GraphicsOperations {
9201        private char[] mChars;
9202        private int mStart, mLength;
9204        public CharWrapper(char[] chars, int start, int len) {
9205            mChars = chars;
9206            mStart = start;
9207            mLength = len;
9208        }
9210        /* package */ void set(char[] chars, int start, int len) {
9211            mChars = chars;
9212            mStart = start;
9213            mLength = len;
9214        }
9216        public int length() {
9217            return mLength;
9218        }
9220        public char charAt(int off) {
9221            return mChars[off + mStart];
9222        }
9224        @Override
9225        public String toString() {
9226            return new String(mChars, mStart, mLength);
9227        }
9229        public CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end) {
9230            if (start < 0 || end < 0 || start > mLength || end > mLength) {
9231                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(start + ", " + end);
9232            }
9234            return new String(mChars, start + mStart, end - start);
9235        }
9237        public void getChars(int start, int end, char[] buf, int off) {
9238            if (start < 0 || end < 0 || start > mLength || end > mLength) {
9239                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(start + ", " + end);
9240            }
9242            System.arraycopy(mChars, start + mStart, buf, off, end - start);
9243        }
9245        public void drawText(Canvas c, int start, int end,
9246                             float x, float y, Paint p) {
9247            c.drawText(mChars, start + mStart, end - start, x, y, p);
9248        }
9250        public void drawTextRun(Canvas c, int start, int end,
9251                int contextStart, int contextEnd, float x, float y, boolean isRtl, Paint p) {
9252            int count = end - start;
9253            int contextCount = contextEnd - contextStart;
9254            c.drawTextRun(mChars, start + mStart, count, contextStart + mStart,
9255                    contextCount, x, y, isRtl, p);
9256        }
9258        public float measureText(int start, int end, Paint p) {
9259            return p.measureText(mChars, start + mStart, end - start);
9260        }
9262        public int getTextWidths(int start, int end, float[] widths, Paint p) {
9263            return p.getTextWidths(mChars, start + mStart, end - start, widths);
9264        }
9266        public float getTextRunAdvances(int start, int end, int contextStart,
9267                int contextEnd, boolean isRtl, float[] advances, int advancesIndex,
9268                Paint p) {
9269            int count = end - start;
9270            int contextCount = contextEnd - contextStart;
9271            return p.getTextRunAdvances(mChars, start + mStart, count,
9272                    contextStart + mStart, contextCount, isRtl, advances,
9273                    advancesIndex);
9274        }
9276        public int getTextRunCursor(int contextStart, int contextEnd, int dir,
9277                int offset, int cursorOpt, Paint p) {
9278            int contextCount = contextEnd - contextStart;
9279            return p.getTextRunCursor(mChars, contextStart + mStart,
9280                    contextCount, dir, offset + mStart, cursorOpt);
9281        }
9282    }
9284    private static final class Marquee {
9285        // TODO: Add an option to configure this
9286        private static final float MARQUEE_DELTA_MAX = 0.07f;
9287        private static final int MARQUEE_DELAY = 1200;
9288        private static final int MARQUEE_RESTART_DELAY = 1200;
9289        private static final int MARQUEE_DP_PER_SECOND = 30;
9291        private static final byte MARQUEE_STOPPED = 0x0;
9292        private static final byte MARQUEE_STARTING = 0x1;
9293        private static final byte MARQUEE_RUNNING = 0x2;
9295        private final WeakReference<TextView> mView;
9296        private final Choreographer mChoreographer;
9298        private byte mStatus = MARQUEE_STOPPED;
9299        private final float mPixelsPerSecond;
9300        private float mMaxScroll;
9301        private float mMaxFadeScroll;
9302        private float mGhostStart;
9303        private float mGhostOffset;
9304        private float mFadeStop;
9305        private int mRepeatLimit;
9307        private float mScroll;
9308        private long mLastAnimationMs;
9310        Marquee(TextView v) {
9311            final float density = v.getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
9312            mPixelsPerSecond = MARQUEE_DP_PER_SECOND * density;
9313            mView = new WeakReference<TextView>(v);
9314            mChoreographer = Choreographer.getInstance();
9315        }
9317        private Choreographer.FrameCallback mTickCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() {
9318            @Override
9319            public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) {
9320                tick();
9321            }
9322        };
9324        private Choreographer.FrameCallback mStartCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() {
9325            @Override
9326            public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) {
9327                mStatus = MARQUEE_RUNNING;
9328                mLastAnimationMs = mChoreographer.getFrameTime();
9329                tick();
9330            }
9331        };
9333        private Choreographer.FrameCallback mRestartCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() {
9334            @Override
9335            public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) {
9336                if (mStatus == MARQUEE_RUNNING) {
9337                    if (mRepeatLimit >= 0) {
9338                        mRepeatLimit--;
9339                    }
9340                    start(mRepeatLimit);
9341                }
9342            }
9343        };
9345        void tick() {
9346            if (mStatus != MARQUEE_RUNNING) {
9347                return;
9348            }
9350            mChoreographer.removeFrameCallback(mTickCallback);
9352            final TextView textView = mView.get();
9353            if (textView != null && (textView.isFocused() || textView.isSelected())) {
9354                long currentMs = mChoreographer.getFrameTime();
9355                long deltaMs = currentMs - mLastAnimationMs;
9356                mLastAnimationMs = currentMs;
9357                float deltaPx = deltaMs / 1000f * mPixelsPerSecond;
9358                mScroll += deltaPx;
9359                if (mScroll > mMaxScroll) {
9360                    mScroll = mMaxScroll;
9361                    mChoreographer.postFrameCallbackDelayed(mRestartCallback, MARQUEE_DELAY);
9362                } else {
9363                    mChoreographer.postFrameCallback(mTickCallback);
9364                }
9365                textView.invalidate();
9366            }
9367        }
9369        void stop() {
9370            mStatus = MARQUEE_STOPPED;
9371            mChoreographer.removeFrameCallback(mStartCallback);
9372            mChoreographer.removeFrameCallback(mRestartCallback);
9373            mChoreographer.removeFrameCallback(mTickCallback);
9374            resetScroll();
9375        }
9377        private void resetScroll() {
9378            mScroll = 0.0f;
9379            final TextView textView = mView.get();
9380            if (textView != null) textView.invalidate();
9381        }
9383        void start(int repeatLimit) {
9384            if (repeatLimit == 0) {
9385                stop();
9386                return;
9387            }
9388            mRepeatLimit = repeatLimit;
9389            final TextView textView = mView.get();
9390            if (textView != null && textView.mLayout != null) {
9391                mStatus = MARQUEE_STARTING;
9392                mScroll = 0.0f;
9393                final int textWidth = textView.getWidth() - textView.getCompoundPaddingLeft() -
9394                        textView.getCompoundPaddingRight();
9395                final float lineWidth = textView.mLayout.getLineWidth(0);
9396                final float gap = textWidth / 3.0f;
9397                mGhostStart = lineWidth - textWidth + gap;
9398                mMaxScroll = mGhostStart + textWidth;
9399                mGhostOffset = lineWidth + gap;
9400                mFadeStop = lineWidth + textWidth / 6.0f;
9401                mMaxFadeScroll = mGhostStart + lineWidth + lineWidth;
9403                textView.invalidate();
9404                mChoreographer.postFrameCallback(mStartCallback);
9405            }
9406        }
9408        float getGhostOffset() {
9409            return mGhostOffset;
9410        }
9412        float getScroll() {
9413            return mScroll;
9414        }
9416        float getMaxFadeScroll() {
9417            return mMaxFadeScroll;
9418        }
9420        boolean shouldDrawLeftFade() {
9421            return mScroll <= mFadeStop;
9422        }
9424        boolean shouldDrawGhost() {
9425            return mStatus == MARQUEE_RUNNING && mScroll > mGhostStart;
9426        }
9428        boolean isRunning() {
9429            return mStatus == MARQUEE_RUNNING;
9430        }
9432        boolean isStopped() {
9433            return mStatus == MARQUEE_STOPPED;
9434        }
9435    }
9437    private class ChangeWatcher implements TextWatcher, SpanWatcher {
9439        private CharSequence mBeforeText;
9441        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence buffer, int start,
9442                                      int before, int after) {
9443            if (DEBUG_EXTRACT) Log.v(LOG_TAG, "beforeTextChanged start=" + start
9444                    + " before=" + before + " after=" + after + ": " + buffer);
9446            if (AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled()
9447                    && ((!isPasswordInputType(getInputType()) && !hasPasswordTransformationMethod())
9448                            || shouldSpeakPasswordsForAccessibility())) {
9449                mBeforeText = buffer.toString();
9450            }
9452            TextView.this.sendBeforeTextChanged(buffer, start, before, after);
9453        }
9455        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence buffer, int start, int before, int after) {
9456            if (DEBUG_EXTRACT) Log.v(LOG_TAG, "onTextChanged start=" + start
9457                    + " before=" + before + " after=" + after + ": " + buffer);
9458            TextView.this.handleTextChanged(buffer, start, before, after);
9460            if (AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled() &&
9461                    (isFocused() || isSelected() && isShown())) {
9462                sendAccessibilityEventTypeViewTextChanged(mBeforeText, start, before, after);
9463                mBeforeText = null;
9464            }
9465        }
9467        public void afterTextChanged(Editable buffer) {
9468            if (DEBUG_EXTRACT) Log.v(LOG_TAG, "afterTextChanged: " + buffer);
9469            TextView.this.sendAfterTextChanged(buffer);
9471            if (MetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(buffer, MetaKeyKeyListener.META_SELECTING) != 0) {
9472                MetaKeyKeyListener.stopSelecting(TextView.this, buffer);
9473            }
9474        }
9476        public void onSpanChanged(Spannable buf, Object what, int s, int e, int st, int en) {
9477            if (DEBUG_EXTRACT) Log.v(LOG_TAG, "onSpanChanged s=" + s + " e=" + e
9478                    + " st=" + st + " en=" + en + " what=" + what + ": " + buf);
9479            TextView.this.spanChange(buf, what, s, st, e, en);
9480        }
9482        public void onSpanAdded(Spannable buf, Object what, int s, int e) {
9483            if (DEBUG_EXTRACT) Log.v(LOG_TAG, "onSpanAdded s=" + s + " e=" + e
9484                    + " what=" + what + ": " + buf);
9485            TextView.this.spanChange(buf, what, -1, s, -1, e);
9486        }
9488        public void onSpanRemoved(Spannable buf, Object what, int s, int e) {
9489            if (DEBUG_EXTRACT) Log.v(LOG_TAG, "onSpanRemoved s=" + s + " e=" + e
9490                    + " what=" + what + ": " + buf);
9491            TextView.this.spanChange(buf, what, s, -1, e, -1);
9492        }
9493    }