/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.dx.dex.code; import com.android.dx.rop.code.RegisterSpecList; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.Constant; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstInteger; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstKnownNull; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstLiteral64; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstLiteralBits; import com.android.dx.util.AnnotatedOutput; import com.android.dx.util.Hex; /** * Base class for all instruction format handlers. Instruction format * handlers know how to translate {@link DalvInsn} instances into * streams of code words, as well as human-oriented listing strings * representing such translations. */ public abstract class InsnFormat { /** * Returns the string form, suitable for inclusion in a listing * dump, of the given instruction. The instruction must be of this * instance's format for proper operation. * * @param insn non-null; the instruction * @param noteIndices whether to include an explicit notation of * constant pool indices * @return non-null; the string form */ public final String listingString(DalvInsn insn, boolean noteIndices) { String op = insn.getOpcode().getName(); String arg = insnArgString(insn); String comment = insnCommentString(insn, noteIndices); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append(op); if (arg.length() != 0) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(arg); } if (comment.length() != 0) { sb.append(" // "); sb.append(comment); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns the string form of the arguments to the given instruction. * The instruction must be of this instance's format. If the instruction * has no arguments, then the result should be "", not * null. * *

Subclasses must override this method.

* * @param insn non-null; the instruction * @return non-null; the string form */ public abstract String insnArgString(DalvInsn insn); /** * Returns the associated comment for the given instruction, if any. * The instruction must be of this instance's format. If the instruction * has no comment, then the result should be "", not * null. * *

Subclasses must override this method.

* * @param insn non-null; the instruction * @param noteIndices whether to include an explicit notation of * constant pool indices * @return non-null; the string form */ public abstract String insnCommentString(DalvInsn insn, boolean noteIndices); /** * Gets the code size of instructions that use this format. The * size is a number of 16-bit code units, not bytes. This should * throw an exception if this format is of variable size. * * @return >= 0; the instruction length in 16-bit code units */ public abstract int codeSize(); /** * Returns whether or not the given instruction's arguments will * fit in this instance's format. This includes such things as * counting register arguments, checking register ranges, and * making sure that additional arguments are of appropriate types * and are in-range. If this format has a branch target but the * instruction's branch offset is unknown, this method will simply * not check the offset. * *

Subclasses must override this method.

* * @param insn non-null; the instruction to check * @return true iff the instruction's arguments are * appropriate for this instance, or false if not */ public abstract boolean isCompatible(DalvInsn insn); /** * Returns whether or not the given instruction's branch offset will * fit in this instance's format. This always returns false * for formats that don't include a branch offset. * *

The default implementation of this method always returns * false. Subclasses must override this method if they * include branch offsets.

* * @param insn non-null; the instruction to check * @return true iff the instruction's branch offset is * appropriate for this instance, or false if not */ public boolean branchFits(TargetInsn insn) { return false; } /** * Returns the next instruction format to try to match an instruction * with, presuming that this instance isn't compatible, if any. * *

Subclasses must override this method.

* * @return null-ok; the next format to try, or null if * there are no suitable alternatives */ public abstract InsnFormat nextUp(); /** * Writes the code units for the given instruction to the given * output destination. The instruction must be of this instance's format. * *

Subclasses must override this method.

* * @param out non-null; the output destination to write to * @param insn non-null; the instruction to write */ public abstract void writeTo(AnnotatedOutput out, DalvInsn insn); /** * Helper method to return a register list string. * * @param list non-null; the list of registers * @return non-null; the string form */ protected static String regListString(RegisterSpecList list) { int sz = list.size(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(sz * 5 + 2); sb.append('{'); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(list.get(i).regString()); } sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } /** * Helper method to return a literal bits argument string. * * @param value the value * @return non-null; the string form */ protected static String literalBitsString(CstLiteralBits value) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100); sb.append('#'); if (value instanceof CstKnownNull) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(value.typeName()); sb.append(' '); sb.append(value.toHuman()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Helper method to return a literal bits comment string. * * @param value the value * @param width the width of the constant, in bits (used for displaying * the uninterpreted bits; one of: 4 8 16 32 64 * @return non-null; the comment */ protected static String literalBitsComment(CstLiteralBits value, int width) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20); sb.append("#"); long bits; if (value instanceof CstLiteral64) { bits = ((CstLiteral64) value).getLongBits(); } else { bits = value.getIntBits(); } switch (width) { case 4: sb.append(Hex.uNibble((int) bits)); break; case 8: sb.append(Hex.u1((int) bits)); break; case 16: sb.append(Hex.u2((int) bits)); break; case 32: sb.append(Hex.u4((int) bits)); break; case 64: sb.append(Hex.u8(bits)); break; default: { throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen"); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Helper method to return a branch address string. * * @param insn non-null; the instruction in question * @return non-null; the string form of the instruction's branch target */ protected static String branchString(DalvInsn insn) { TargetInsn ti = (TargetInsn) insn; int address = ti.getTargetAddress(); return (address == (char) address) ? Hex.u2(address) : Hex.u4(address); } /** * Helper method to return the comment for a branch. * * @param insn non-null; the instruction in question * @return non-null; the comment */ protected static String branchComment(DalvInsn insn) { TargetInsn ti = (TargetInsn) insn; int offset = ti.getTargetOffset(); return (offset == (short) offset) ? Hex.s2(offset) : Hex.s4(offset); } /** * Helper method to return a constant string. * * @param insn non-null; a constant-bearing instruction * @return non-null; the string form of the contained constant */ protected static String cstString(DalvInsn insn) { CstInsn ci = (CstInsn) insn; Constant cst = ci.getConstant(); return cst.toHuman(); } /** * Helper method to return an instruction comment for a constant. * * @param insn non-null; a constant-bearing instruction * @return non-null; comment string representing the constant */ protected static String cstComment(DalvInsn insn) { CstInsn ci = (CstInsn) insn; if (! ci.hasIndex()) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(20); int index = ci.getIndex(); sb.append(ci.getConstant().typeName()); sb.append('@'); if (index < 65536) { sb.append(Hex.u2(index)); } else { sb.append(Hex.u4(index)); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Helper method to determine if a signed int value fits in a nibble. * * @param value the value in question * @return true iff it's in the range -8..+7 */ protected static boolean signedFitsInNibble(int value) { return (value >= -8) && (value <= 7); } /** * Helper method to determine if an unsigned int value fits in a nibble. * * @param value the value in question * @return true iff it's in the range 0..0xf */ protected static boolean unsignedFitsInNibble(int value) { return value == (value & 0xf); } /** * Helper method to determine if a signed int value fits in a byte. * * @param value the value in question * @return true iff it's in the range -0x80..+0x7f */ protected static boolean signedFitsInByte(int value) { return (byte) value == value; } /** * Helper method to determine if an unsigned int value fits in a byte. * * @param value the value in question * @return true iff it's in the range 0..0xff */ protected static boolean unsignedFitsInByte(int value) { return value == (value & 0xff); } /** * Helper method to determine if a signed int value fits in a short. * * @param value the value in question * @return true iff it's in the range -0x8000..+0x7fff */ protected static boolean signedFitsInShort(int value) { return (short) value == value; } /** * Helper method to determine if an unsigned int value fits in a short. * * @param value the value in question * @return true iff it's in the range 0..0xffff */ protected static boolean unsignedFitsInShort(int value) { return value == (value & 0xffff); } /** * Helper method to determine if a signed int value fits in three bytes. * * @param value the value in question * @return true iff it's in the range -0x800000..+0x7fffff */ protected static boolean signedFitsIn3Bytes(int value) { return value == ((value << 8) >> 8); } /** * Helper method to extract the callout-argument index from an * appropriate instruction. * * @param insn non-null; the instruction * @return >= 0; the callout argument index */ protected static int argIndex(DalvInsn insn) { int arg = ((CstInteger) ((CstInsn) insn).getConstant()).getValue(); if (arg < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bogus insn"); } return arg; } /** * Helper method to combine an opcode and a second byte of data into * the appropriate form for emitting into a code buffer. * * @param insn non-null; the instruction containing the opcode * @param arg 0..255; arbitrary other byte value * @return combined value */ protected static short opcodeUnit(DalvInsn insn, int arg) { if ((arg & 0xff) != arg) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("arg out of range 0..255"); } int opcode = insn.getOpcode().getOpcode(); if ((opcode & 0xff) != opcode) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("opcode out of range 0..255"); } return (short) (opcode | (arg << 8)); } /** * Helper method to combine two bytes into a code unit. * * @param low 0..255; low byte * @param high 0..255; high byte * @return combined value */ protected static short codeUnit(int low, int high) { if ((low & 0xff) != low) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("low out of range 0..255"); } if ((high & 0xff) != high) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("high out of range 0..255"); } return (short) (low | (high << 8)); } /** * Helper method to combine four nibbles into a code unit. * * @param n0 0..15; low nibble * @param n1 0..15; medium-low nibble * @param n2 0..15; medium-high nibble * @param n3 0..15; high nibble * @return combined value */ protected static short codeUnit(int n0, int n1, int n2, int n3) { if ((n0 & 0xf) != n0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("n0 out of range 0..15"); } if ((n1 & 0xf) != n1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("n1 out of range 0..15"); } if ((n2 & 0xf) != n2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("n2 out of range 0..15"); } if ((n3 & 0xf) != n3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("n3 out of range 0..15"); } return (short) (n0 | (n1 << 4) | (n2 << 8) | (n3 << 12)); } /** * Helper method to combine two nibbles into a byte. * * @param low 0..15; low nibble * @param high 0..15; high nibble * @return 0..255; combined value */ protected static int makeByte(int low, int high) { if ((low & 0xf) != low) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("low out of range 0..15"); } if ((high & 0xf) != high) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("high out of range 0..15"); } return low | (high << 4); } /** * Writes one code unit to the given output destination. * * @param out non-null; where to write to * @param c0 code unit to write */ protected static void write(AnnotatedOutput out, short c0) { out.writeShort(c0); } /** * Writes two code units to the given output destination. * * @param out non-null; where to write to * @param c0 code unit to write * @param c1 code unit to write */ protected static void write(AnnotatedOutput out, short c0, short c1) { out.writeShort(c0); out.writeShort(c1); } /** * Writes three code units to the given output destination. * * @param out non-null; where to write to * @param c0 code unit to write * @param c1 code unit to write * @param c2 code unit to write */ protected static void write(AnnotatedOutput out, short c0, short c1, short c2) { out.writeShort(c0); out.writeShort(c1); out.writeShort(c2); } /** * Writes four code units to the given output destination. * * @param out non-null; where to write to * @param c0 code unit to write * @param c1 code unit to write * @param c2 code unit to write * @param c3 code unit to write */ protected static void write(AnnotatedOutput out, short c0, short c1, short c2, short c3) { out.writeShort(c0); out.writeShort(c1); out.writeShort(c2); out.writeShort(c3); } /** * Writes five code units to the given output destination. * * @param out non-null; where to write to * @param c0 code unit to write * @param c1 code unit to write * @param c2 code unit to write * @param c3 code unit to write * @param c4 code unit to write */ protected static void write(AnnotatedOutput out, short c0, short c1, short c2, short c3, short c4) { out.writeShort(c0); out.writeShort(c1); out.writeShort(c2); out.writeShort(c3); out.writeShort(c4); } /** * Writes six code units to the given output destination. * * @param out non-null; where to write to * @param c0 code unit to write * @param c1 code unit to write * @param c2 code unit to write * @param c3 code unit to write * @param c4 code unit to write * @param c5 code unit to write */ protected static void write(AnnotatedOutput out, short c0, short c1, short c2, short c3, short c4, short c5) { out.writeShort(c0); out.writeShort(c1); out.writeShort(c2); out.writeShort(c3); out.writeShort(c4); out.writeShort(c5); } }