2 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 * Recognizer.java
4 *
5 * Copyright 2007 Nuance Communciations, Inc.
6 *
7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not
8 * use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 *
10 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 *
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT
15 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
16 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
17 * the License.
18 *
19 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 */
23package android.speech.srec;
25import android.util.Config;
26import android.util.Log;
28import java.io.File;
29import java.io.InputStream;
30import java.io.IOException;
31import java.util.Locale;
34 * Simple, synchronous speech recognizer, using the Nuance SREC package.
35 * Usages proceeds as follows:
36 *
37 * <ul>
38 * <li>Create a <code>Recognizer</code>.
39 * <li>Create a <code>Recognizer.Grammar</code>.
40 * <li>Setup the <code>Recognizer.Grammar</code>.
41 * <li>Reset the <code>Recognizer.Grammar</code> slots, if needed.
42 * <li>Fill the <code>Recognizer.Grammar</code> slots, if needed.
43 * <li>Compile the <code>Recognizer.Grammar</code>, if needed.
44 * <li>Save the filled <code>Recognizer.Grammar</code>, if needed.
45 * <li>Start the <code>Recognizer</code>.
46 * <li>Loop over <code>advance</code> and <code>putAudio</code> until recognition complete.
47 * <li>Fetch and process results, or notify of failure.
48 * <li>Stop the <code>Recognizer</code>.
49 * <li>Destroy the <code>Recognizer</code>.
50 * </ul>
51 *
52 * <p>Below is example code</p>
53 *
54 * <pre class="prettyprint">
55 *
56 * // create and start audio input
57 * InputStream audio = new MicrophoneInputStream(11025, 11025*5);
58 * // create a Recognizer
59 * String cdir = Recognizer.getConfigDir(null);
60 * Recognizer recognizer = new Recognizer(cdir + "/baseline11k.par");
61 * // create and load a Grammar
62 * Recognizer.Grammar grammar = recognizer.new Grammar(cdir + "/grammars/VoiceDialer.g2g");
63 * // setup the Grammar to work with the Recognizer
64 * grammar.setupRecognizer();
65 * // fill the Grammar slots with names and save, if required
66 * grammar.resetAllSlots();
67 * for (String name : names) grammar.addWordToSlot("@Names", name, null, 1, "V=1");
68 * grammar.compile();
69 * grammar.save(".../foo.g2g");
70 * // start the Recognizer
71 * recognizer.start();
72 * // loop over Recognizer events
73 * while (true) {
74 *     switch (recognizer.advance()) {
75 *     case Recognizer.EVENT_INCOMPLETE:
76 *     case Recognizer.EVENT_STARTED:
77 *     case Recognizer.EVENT_START_OF_VOICING:
78 *     case Recognizer.EVENT_END_OF_VOICING:
79 *         // let the Recognizer continue to run
80 *         continue;
81 *     case Recognizer.EVENT_RECOGNITION_RESULT:
82 *         // success, so fetch results here!
83 *         for (int i = 0; i < recognizer.getResultCount(); i++) {
84 *             String result = recognizer.getResult(i, Recognizer.KEY_LITERAL);
85 *         }
86 *         break;
87 *     case Recognizer.EVENT_NEED_MORE_AUDIO:
88 *         // put more audio in the Recognizer
89 *         recognizer.putAudio(audio);
90 *         continue;
91 *     default:
92 *         notifyFailure();
93 *         break;
94 *     }
95 *     break;
96 * }
97 * // stop the Recognizer
98 * recognizer.stop();
99 * // destroy the Recognizer
100 * recognizer.destroy();
101 * // stop the audio device
102 * audio.close();
103 *
104 * </pre>
105 */
106public final class Recognizer {
107    static {
108        System.loadLibrary("srec_jni");
109    }
111    private static String TAG = "Recognizer";
113    /**
114     * Result key corresponding to confidence score.
115     */
116    public static final String KEY_CONFIDENCE = "conf";
118    /**
119     * Result key corresponding to literal text.
120     */
121    public static final String KEY_LITERAL = "literal";
123    /**
124     * Result key corresponding to semantic meaning text.
125     */
126    public static final String KEY_MEANING = "meaning";
128    // handle to SR_Vocabulary object
129    private int mVocabulary = 0;
131    // handle to SR_Recognizer object
132    private int mRecognizer = 0;
134    // Grammar currently associated with Recognizer via SR_GrammarSetupRecognizer
135    private Grammar mActiveGrammar = null;
137    /**
138     * Get the pathname of the SREC configuration directory corresponding to the
139     * language indicated by the Locale.
140     * This directory contains dictionaries, speech models,
141     * configuration files, and other data needed by the Recognizer.
142     * @param locale <code>Locale</code> corresponding to the desired language,
143     * or null for default, currently <code>Locale.US</code>.
144     * @return Pathname of the configuration directory.
145     */
146    public static String getConfigDir(Locale locale) {
147        if (locale == null) locale = Locale.US;
148        String dir = "/system/usr/srec/config/" +
149                locale.toString().replace('_', '.').toLowerCase();
150        if ((new File(dir)).isDirectory()) return dir;
151        return null;
152    }
154    /**
155     * Create an instance of a SREC speech recognizer.
156     *
157     * @param configFile pathname of the baseline*.par configuration file,
158     * which in turn contains references to dictionaries, speech models,
159     * and other data needed to configure and operate the recognizer.
160     * A separate config file is needed for each audio sample rate.
161     * Two files, baseline11k.par and baseline8k.par, which correspond to
162     * 11025 and 8000 hz, are present in the directory indicated by
163     * {@link #getConfigDir}.
164     * @throws IOException
165     */
166    public Recognizer(String configFile) throws IOException {
167        PMemInit();
168        SR_SessionCreate(configFile);
169        mRecognizer = SR_RecognizerCreate();
170        SR_RecognizerSetup(mRecognizer);
171        mVocabulary = SR_VocabularyLoad();
172    }
174    /**
175     * Represents a grammar loaded into the Recognizer.
176     */
177    public class Grammar {
178        private int mGrammar = 0;
180        /**
181         * Create a <code>Grammar</code> instance.
182         * @param g2gFileName pathname of g2g file.
183         */
184        public Grammar(String g2gFileName) throws IOException {
185            mGrammar = SR_GrammarLoad(g2gFileName);
186            SR_GrammarSetupVocabulary(mGrammar, mVocabulary);
187        }
189        /**
190         * Reset all slots.
191         */
192        public void resetAllSlots() {
193            SR_GrammarResetAllSlots(mGrammar);
194        }
196        /**
197         * Add a word to a slot.
198         *
199         * @param slot slot name.
200         * @param word word to insert.
201         * @param pron pronunciation, or null to derive from word.
202         * @param weight weight to give the word.  One is normal, 50 is low.
203         * @param tag semantic meaning tag string.
204         */
205        public void addWordToSlot(String slot, String word, String pron, int weight, String tag) {
206            SR_GrammarAddWordToSlot(mGrammar, slot, word, pron, weight, tag);
207        }
209        /**
210         * Compile all slots.
211         */
212        public void compile() {
213            SR_GrammarCompile(mGrammar);
214        }
216        /**
217         * Setup <code>Grammar</code> with <code>Recognizer</code>.
218         */
219        public void setupRecognizer() {
220            SR_GrammarSetupRecognizer(mGrammar, mRecognizer);
221            mActiveGrammar = this;
222        }
224        /**
225         * Save <code>Grammar</code> to g2g file.
226         *
227         * @param g2gFileName
228         * @throws IOException
229         */
230        public void save(String g2gFileName) throws IOException {
231            SR_GrammarSave(mGrammar, g2gFileName);
232        }
234        /**
235         * Release resources associated with this <code>Grammar</code>.
236         */
237        public void destroy() {
238            // TODO: need to do cleanup and disassociation with Recognizer
239            if (mGrammar != 0) {
240                SR_GrammarDestroy(mGrammar);
241                mGrammar = 0;
242            }
243        }
245        /**
246         * Clean up resources.
247         */
248        protected void finalize() {
249            if (mGrammar != 0) {
250                destroy();
251                throw new IllegalStateException("someone forgot to destroy Grammar");
252            }
253        }
254    }
256    /**
257     * Start recognition
258     */
259    public void start() {
260        // TODO: shouldn't be here?
261        SR_RecognizerActivateRule(mRecognizer, mActiveGrammar.mGrammar, "trash", 1);
262        SR_RecognizerStart(mRecognizer);
263    }
265    /**
266     * Process some audio and return the current status.
267     * @return recognition event, one of:
268     * <ul>
269     * <li><code>EVENT_INVALID</code>
270     * <li><code>EVENT_NO_MATCH</code>
271     * <li><code>EVENT_INCOMPLETE</code>
272     * <li><code>EVENT_STARTED</code>
273     * <li><code>EVENT_STOPPED</code>
274     * <li><code>EVENT_START_OF_VOICING</code>
275     * <li><code>EVENT_END_OF_VOICING</code>
276     * <li><code>EVENT_SPOKE_TOO_SOON</code>
277     * <li><code>EVENT_RECOGNITION_RESULT</code>
278     * <li><code>EVENT_START_OF_UTTERANCE_TIMEOUT</code>
279     * <li><code>EVENT_RECOGNITION_TIMEOUT</code>
280     * <li><code>EVENT_NEED_MORE_AUDIO</code>
281     * <li><code>EVENT_MAX_SPEECH</code>
282     * </ul>
283     */
284    public int advance() {
285        return SR_RecognizerAdvance(mRecognizer);
286    }
288    /**
289     * Put audio samples into the <code>Recognizer</code>.
290     * @param buf holds the audio samples.
291     * @param offset offset of the first sample.
292     * @param length number of bytes containing samples.
293     * @param isLast indicates no more audio data, normally false.
294     * @return number of bytes accepted.
295     */
296    public int putAudio(byte[] buf, int offset, int length, boolean isLast) {
297        return SR_RecognizerPutAudio(mRecognizer, buf, offset, length, isLast);
298    }
300    /**
301     * Read audio samples from an <code>InputStream</code> and put them in the
302     * <code>Recognizer</code>.
303     * @param audio <code>InputStream</code> containing PCM audio samples.
304     */
305    public void putAudio(InputStream audio) throws IOException {
306        // make sure the audio buffer is allocated
307        if (mPutAudioBuffer == null) mPutAudioBuffer = new byte[512];
308        // read some data
309        int nbytes = audio.read(mPutAudioBuffer);
310        // eof, so signal Recognizer
311        if (nbytes == -1) {
312            SR_RecognizerPutAudio(mRecognizer, mPutAudioBuffer, 0, 0, true);
313        }
314        // put it into the Recognizer
315        else if (nbytes != SR_RecognizerPutAudio(mRecognizer, mPutAudioBuffer, 0, nbytes, false)) {
316            throw new IOException("SR_RecognizerPutAudio failed nbytes=" + nbytes);
317        }
318    }
320    // audio buffer for putAudio(InputStream)
321    private byte[] mPutAudioBuffer = null;
323    /**
324     * Get the number of recognition results.  Must be called after
325     * <code>EVENT_RECOGNITION_RESULT</code> is returned by
326     * <code>advance</code>, but before <code>stop</code>.
327     *
328     * @return number of results in nbest list.
329     */
330    public int getResultCount() {
331        return SR_RecognizerResultGetSize(mRecognizer);
332    }
334    /**
335     * Get a set of keys for the result.  Must be called after
336     * <code>EVENT_RECOGNITION_RESULT</code> is returned by
337     * <code>advance</code>, but before <code>stop</code>.
338     *
339     * @param index index of result.
340     * @return array of keys.
341     */
342    public String[] getResultKeys(int index) {
343        return SR_RecognizerResultGetKeyList(mRecognizer, index);
344    }
346    /**
347     * Get a result value.  Must be called after
348     * <code>EVENT_RECOGNITION_RESULT</code> is returned by
349     * <code>advance</code>, but before <code>stop</code>.
350     *
351     * @param index index of the result.
352     * @param key key of the result.  This is typically one of
353     * <code>KEY_CONFIDENCE</code>, <code>KEY_LITERAL</code>, or
354     * <code>KEY_MEANING</code>, but the user can also define their own keys
355     * in a grxml file, or in the <code>tag</code> slot of
356     * <code>Grammar.addWordToSlot</code>.
357     * @return the result.
358     */
359    public String getResult(int index, String key) {
360        return SR_RecognizerResultGetValue(mRecognizer, index, key);
361    }
363    /**
364     * Stop the <code>Recognizer</code>.
365     */
366    public void stop() {
367        SR_RecognizerStop(mRecognizer);
368        SR_RecognizerDeactivateRule(mRecognizer, mActiveGrammar.mGrammar, "trash");
369    }
371    /**
372     * Reset the acoustic state vectorto it's default value.
373     *
374     * @hide
375     */
376    public void resetAcousticState() {
377        SR_AcousticStateReset(mRecognizer);
378    }
380    /**
381     * Set the acoustic state vector.
382     * @param state String containing the acoustic state vector.
383     *
384     * @hide
385     */
386    public void setAcousticState(String state) {
387        SR_AcousticStateSet(mRecognizer, state);
388    }
390    /**
391     * Get the acoustic state vector.
392     * @return String containing the acoustic state vector.
393     *
394     * @hide
395     */
396    public String getAcousticState() {
397        return SR_AcousticStateGet(mRecognizer);
398    }
400    /**
401     * Clean up resources.
402     */
403    public void destroy() {
404        try {
405            if (mVocabulary != 0) SR_VocabularyDestroy(mVocabulary);
406        } finally {
407            mVocabulary = 0;
408            try {
409                if (mRecognizer != 0) SR_RecognizerUnsetup(mRecognizer);
410            } finally {
411                try {
412                    if (mRecognizer != 0) SR_RecognizerDestroy(mRecognizer);
413                } finally {
414                    mRecognizer = 0;
415                    try {
416                        SR_SessionDestroy();
417                    } finally {
418                        PMemShutdown();
419                    }
420                }
421            }
422        }
423    }
425    /**
426     * Clean up resources.
427     */
428    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
429        if (mVocabulary != 0 || mRecognizer != 0) {
430            destroy();
431            throw new IllegalStateException("someone forgot to destroy Recognizer");
432        }
433    }
435    /* an example session captured, for reference
436    void doall() {
437        if (PMemInit ( )
438           || lhs_audioinOpen ( WAVE_MAPPER, SREC_TEST_DEFAULT_AUDIO_FREQUENCY, &audio_in_handle )
439           || srec_test_init_application_data ( &applicationData, argc, argv )
440           || SR_SessionCreate ( "/system/usr/srec/config/en.us/baseline11k.par" )
441           || SR_RecognizerCreate ( &applicationData.recognizer )
442           || SR_RecognizerSetup ( applicationData.recognizer)
443           || ESR_SessionGetLCHAR ( L("cmdline.vocabulary"), filename, &flen )
444           || SR_VocabularyLoad ( filename, &applicationData.vocabulary )
445           || SR_VocabularyGetLanguage ( applicationData.vocabulary, &applicationData.locale )
446           || (applicationData.nametag = NULL)
447           || SR_NametagsCreate ( &applicationData.nametags )
448           || (LSTRCPY ( applicationData.grammars [0].grammar_path, "/system/usr/srec/config/en.us/grammars/VoiceDialer.g2g" ), 0)
449           || (LSTRCPY ( applicationData.grammars [0].grammarID, "BothTags" ), 0)
450           || (LSTRCPY ( applicationData.grammars [0].ruleName, "trash" ), 0)
451           || (applicationData.grammars [0].is_ve_grammar = ESR_FALSE, 0)
452           || SR_GrammarLoad (applicationData.grammars [0].grammar_path, &applicationData.grammars [applicationData.grammarCount].grammar )
453           || SR_GrammarSetupVocabulary ( applicationData.grammars [0].grammar, applicationData.vocabulary )
454           || SR_GrammarSetupRecognizer( applicationData.grammars [0].grammar, applicationData.recognizer )
455           || SR_GrammarSetDispatchFunction ( applicationData.grammars [0].grammar, L("myDSMCallback"), NULL, myDSMCallback )
456           || (applicationData.grammarCount++, 0)
457           || SR_RecognizerActivateRule ( applicationData.recognizer, applicationData.grammars [0].grammar,
458                           applicationData.grammars [0].ruleName, 1 )
459           || (applicationData.active_grammar_num = 0, 0)
460           || lhs_audioinStart ( audio_in_handle )
461           || SR_RecognizerStart ( applicationData.recognizer )
462           || strl ( applicationData.grammars [0].grammar, &applicationData, audio_in_handle, &recognition_count )
463           || SR_RecognizerStop ( applicationData.recognizer )
464           || lhs_audioinStop ( audio_in_handle )
465           || SR_RecognizerDeactivateRule ( applicationData.recognizer, applicationData.grammars [0].grammar, applicationData.grammars [0].ruleName )
466           || (applicationData.active_grammar_num = -1, 0)
467           || SR_GrammarDestroy ( applicationData.grammars [0].grammar )
468           || (applicationData.grammarCount--, 0)
469           || SR_NametagsDestroy ( applicationData.nametags )
470           || (applicationData.nametags = NULL, 0)
471           || SR_VocabularyDestroy ( applicationData.vocabulary )
472           || (applicationData.vocabulary = NULL)
473           || SR_RecognizerUnsetup ( applicationData.recognizer) // releases acoustic models
474           || SR_RecognizerDestroy ( applicationData.recognizer )
475           || (applicationData.recognizer = NULL)
476           || SR_SessionDestroy ( )
477           || srec_test_shutdown_application_data ( &applicationData )
478           || lhs_audioinClose ( &audio_in_handle )
479           || PMemShutdown ( )
480    }
481    */
484    //
485    // PMem native methods
486    //
487    private static native void PMemInit();
488    private static native void PMemShutdown();
491    //
492    // SR_Session native methods
493    //
494    private static native void SR_SessionCreate(String filename);
495    private static native void SR_SessionDestroy();
498    //
499    // SR_Recognizer native methods
500    //
502    /**
503     * Reserved value.
504     */
505    public final static int EVENT_INVALID = 0;
507    /**
508     * <code>Recognizer</code> could not find a match for the utterance.
509     */
510    public final static int EVENT_NO_MATCH = 1;
512    /**
513     * <code>Recognizer</code> processed one frame of audio.
514     */
515    public final static int EVENT_INCOMPLETE = 2;
517    /**
518     * <code>Recognizer</code> has just been started.
519     */
520    public final static int EVENT_STARTED = 3;
522    /**
523     * <code>Recognizer</code> is stopped.
524     */
525    public final static int EVENT_STOPPED = 4;
527    /**
528     * Beginning of speech detected.
529     */
530    public final static int EVENT_START_OF_VOICING = 5;
532    /**
533     * End of speech detected.
534     */
535    public final static int EVENT_END_OF_VOICING = 6;
537    /**
538     * Beginning of utterance occured too soon.
539     */
540    public final static int EVENT_SPOKE_TOO_SOON = 7;
542    /**
543     * Recognition match detected.
544     */
545    public final static int EVENT_RECOGNITION_RESULT = 8;
547    /**
548     * Timeout occured before beginning of utterance.
549     */
550    public final static int EVENT_START_OF_UTTERANCE_TIMEOUT = 9;
552    /**
553     * Timeout occured before speech recognition could complete.
554     */
555    public final static int EVENT_RECOGNITION_TIMEOUT = 10;
557    /**
558     * Not enough samples to process one frame.
559     */
560    public final static int EVENT_NEED_MORE_AUDIO = 11;
562    /**
563     * More audio encountered than is allowed by 'swirec_max_speech_duration'.
564     */
565    public final static int EVENT_MAX_SPEECH = 12;
567    /**
568     * Produce a displayable string from an <code>advance</code> event.
569     * @param event
570     * @return String representing the event.
571     */
572    public static String eventToString(int event) {
573        switch (event) {
574            case EVENT_INVALID:
575                return "EVENT_INVALID";
576            case EVENT_NO_MATCH:
577                return "EVENT_NO_MATCH";
578            case EVENT_INCOMPLETE:
579                return "EVENT_INCOMPLETE";
580            case EVENT_STARTED:
581                return "EVENT_STARTED";
582            case EVENT_STOPPED:
583                return "EVENT_STOPPED";
584            case EVENT_START_OF_VOICING:
585                return "EVENT_START_OF_VOICING";
586            case EVENT_END_OF_VOICING:
587                return "EVENT_END_OF_VOICING";
588            case EVENT_SPOKE_TOO_SOON:
589                return "EVENT_SPOKE_TOO_SOON";
590            case EVENT_RECOGNITION_RESULT:
591                return "EVENT_RECOGNITION_RESULT";
593                return "EVENT_START_OF_UTTERANCE_TIMEOUT";
594            case EVENT_RECOGNITION_TIMEOUT:
595                return "EVENT_RECOGNITION_TIMEOUT";
596            case EVENT_NEED_MORE_AUDIO:
597                return "EVENT_NEED_MORE_AUDIO";
598            case EVENT_MAX_SPEECH:
599                return "EVENT_MAX_SPEECH";
600        }
601        return "EVENT_" + event;
602    }
604    //
605    // SR_Recognizer methods
606    //
607    private static native void SR_RecognizerStart(int recognizer);
608    private static native void SR_RecognizerStop(int recognizer);
609    private static native int SR_RecognizerCreate();
610    private static native void SR_RecognizerDestroy(int recognizer);
611    private static native void SR_RecognizerSetup(int recognizer);
612    private static native void SR_RecognizerUnsetup(int recognizer);
613    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerIsSetup(int recognizer);
614    private static native String SR_RecognizerGetParameter(int recognizer, String key);
615    private static native int SR_RecognizerGetSize_tParameter(int recognizer, String key);
616    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerGetBoolParameter(int recognizer, String key);
617    private static native void SR_RecognizerSetParameter(int recognizer, String key, String value);
618    private static native void SR_RecognizerSetSize_tParameter(int recognizer,
619            String key, int value);
620    private static native void SR_RecognizerSetBoolParameter(int recognizer, String key,
621            boolean value);
622    private static native void SR_RecognizerSetupRule(int recognizer, int grammar,
623            String ruleName);
624    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerHasSetupRules(int recognizer);
625    private static native void SR_RecognizerActivateRule(int recognizer, int grammar,
626            String ruleName, int weight);
627    private static native void SR_RecognizerDeactivateRule(int recognizer, int grammar,
628            String ruleName);
629    private static native void SR_RecognizerDeactivateAllRules(int recognizer);
630    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerIsActiveRule(int recognizer, int grammar,
631            String ruleName);
632    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerCheckGrammarConsistency(int recognizer,
633            int grammar);
634    private static native int SR_RecognizerPutAudio(int recognizer, byte[] buffer, int offset,
635            int length, boolean isLast);
636    private static native int SR_RecognizerAdvance(int recognizer);
637    // private static native void SR_RecognizerLoadUtterance(int recognizer,
638    //         const LCHAR* filename);
639    // private static native void SR_RecognizerLoadWaveFile(int recognizer,
640    //         const LCHAR* filename);
641    // private static native void SR_RecognizerSetLockFunction(int recognizer,
642    //         SR_RecognizerLockFunction function, void* data);
643    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerIsSignalClipping(int recognizer);
644    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerIsSignalDCOffset(int recognizer);
645    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerIsSignalNoisy(int recognizer);
646    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerIsSignalTooQuiet(int recognizer);
647    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerIsSignalTooFewSamples(int recognizer);
648    private static native boolean SR_RecognizerIsSignalTooManySamples(int recognizer);
649    // private static native void SR_Recognizer_Change_Sample_Rate (size_t new_sample_rate);
652    //
653    // SR_AcousticState native methods
654    //
655    private static native void SR_AcousticStateReset(int recognizer);
656    private static native void SR_AcousticStateSet(int recognizer, String state);
657    private static native String SR_AcousticStateGet(int recognizer);
660    //
661    // SR_Grammar native methods
662    //
663    private static native void SR_GrammarCompile(int grammar);
664    private static native void SR_GrammarAddWordToSlot(int grammar, String slot,
665            String word, String pronunciation, int weight, String tag);
666    private static native void SR_GrammarResetAllSlots(int grammar);
667    // private static native void SR_GrammarAddNametagToSlot(int grammar, String slot,
668    // const struct SR_Nametag_t* nametag, int weight, String tag);
669    private static native void SR_GrammarSetupVocabulary(int grammar, int vocabulary);
670    // private static native void SR_GrammarSetupModels(int grammar, SR_AcousticModels* models);
671    private static native void SR_GrammarSetupRecognizer(int grammar, int recognizer);
672    private static native void SR_GrammarUnsetupRecognizer(int grammar);
673    // private static native void SR_GrammarGetModels(int grammar,SR_AcousticModels** models);
674    private static native int SR_GrammarCreate();
675    private static native void SR_GrammarDestroy(int grammar);
676    private static native int SR_GrammarLoad(String filename);
677    private static native void SR_GrammarSave(int grammar, String filename);
678    // private static native void SR_GrammarSetDispatchFunction(int grammar,
679    //         const LCHAR* name, void* userData, SR_GrammarDispatchFunction function);
680    // private static native void SR_GrammarSetParameter(int grammar, const
681    //         LCHAR* key, void* value);
682    // private static native void SR_GrammarSetSize_tParameter(int grammar,
683    //         const LCHAR* key, size_t value);
684    // private static native void SR_GrammarGetParameter(int grammar, const
685    //         LCHAR* key, void** value);
686    // private static native void SR_GrammarGetSize_tParameter(int grammar,
687    //         const LCHAR* key, size_t* value);
688    // private static native void SR_GrammarCheckParse(int grammar, const LCHAR*
689    //         transcription, SR_SemanticResult** result, size_t* resultCount);
690    private static native void SR_GrammarAllowOnly(int grammar, String transcription);
691    private static native void SR_GrammarAllowAll(int grammar);
694    //
695    // SR_Vocabulary native methods
696    //
697    // private static native int SR_VocabularyCreate();
698    private static native int SR_VocabularyLoad();
699    // private static native void SR_VocabularySave(SR_Vocabulary* self,
700    //         const LCHAR* filename);
701    // private static native void SR_VocabularyAddWord(SR_Vocabulary* self,
702    //         const LCHAR* word);
703    // private static native void SR_VocabularyGetLanguage(SR_Vocabulary* self,
704    //         ESR_Locale* locale);
705    private static native void SR_VocabularyDestroy(int vocabulary);
706    private static native String SR_VocabularyGetPronunciation(int vocabulary, String word);
709    //
710    // SR_RecognizerResult native methods
711    //
712    private static native byte[] SR_RecognizerResultGetWaveform(int recognizer);
713    private static native int SR_RecognizerResultGetSize(int recognizer);
714    private static native int SR_RecognizerResultGetKeyCount(int recognizer, int nbest);
715    private static native String[] SR_RecognizerResultGetKeyList(int recognizer, int nbest);
716    private static native String SR_RecognizerResultGetValue(int recognizer,
717            int nbest, String key);
718    // private static native void SR_RecognizerResultGetLocale(int recognizer, ESR_Locale* locale);