/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.dx.rop.code; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.Constant; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstUtf8; import com.android.dx.rop.type.Type; import com.android.dx.rop.type.TypeBearer; import com.android.dx.util.ToHuman; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Combination of a register number and a type, used as the sources and * destinations of register-based operations. */ public final class RegisterSpec implements TypeBearer, ToHuman, Comparable { /** {@code non-null;} string to prefix register numbers with */ public static final String PREFIX = "v"; /** {@code non-null;} intern table for instances */ private static final HashMap theInterns = new HashMap(1000); /** {@code non-null;} common comparison instance used while interning */ private static final ForComparison theInterningItem = new ForComparison(); /** {@code >= 0;} register number */ private final int reg; /** {@code non-null;} type loaded or stored */ private final TypeBearer type; /** {@code null-ok;} local variable info associated with this register, if any */ private final LocalItem local; /** * Intern the given triple as an instance of this class. * * @param reg {@code >= 0;} the register number * @param type {@code non-null;} the type (or possibly actual value) which * is loaded from or stored to the indicated register * @param local {@code null-ok;} the associated local variable, if any * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ private static RegisterSpec intern(int reg, TypeBearer type, LocalItem local) { theInterningItem.set(reg, type, local); RegisterSpec found = theInterns.get(theInterningItem); if (found != null) { return found; } found = theInterningItem.toRegisterSpec(); theInterns.put(found, found); return found; } /** * Returns an instance for the given register number and type, with * no variable info. This method is allowed to return shared * instances (but doesn't necessarily do so). * * @param reg {@code >= 0;} the register number * @param type {@code non-null;} the type (or possibly actual value) which * is loaded from or stored to the indicated register * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public static RegisterSpec make(int reg, TypeBearer type) { return intern(reg, type, null); } /** * Returns an instance for the given register number, type, and * variable info. This method is allowed to return shared * instances (but doesn't necessarily do so). * * @param reg {@code >= 0;} the register number * @param type {@code non-null;} the type (or possibly actual value) which * is loaded from or stored to the indicated register * @param local {@code non-null;} the associated local variable * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public static RegisterSpec make(int reg, TypeBearer type, LocalItem local) { if (local == null) { throw new NullPointerException("local == null"); } return intern(reg, type, local); } /** * Returns an instance for the given register number, type, and * variable info. This method is allowed to return shared * instances (but doesn't necessarily do so). * * @param reg {@code >= 0;} the register number * @param type {@code non-null;} the type (or possibly actual value) which * is loaded from or stored to the indicated register * @param local {@code null-ok;} the associated variable info or null for * none * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public static RegisterSpec makeLocalOptional( int reg, TypeBearer type, LocalItem local) { return intern(reg, type, local); } /** * Gets the string form for the given register number. * * @param reg {@code >= 0;} the register number * @return {@code non-null;} the string form */ public static String regString(int reg) { return PREFIX + reg; } /** * Constructs an instance. This constructor is private. Use * {@link #make}. * * @param reg {@code >= 0;} the register number * @param type {@code non-null;} the type (or possibly actual value) which * is loaded from or stored to the indicated register * @param local {@code null-ok;} the associated local variable, if any */ private RegisterSpec(int reg, TypeBearer type, LocalItem local) { if (reg < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("reg < 0"); } if (type == null) { throw new NullPointerException("type == null"); } this.reg = reg; this.type = type; this.local = local; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof RegisterSpec)) { if (other instanceof ForComparison) { ForComparison fc = (ForComparison) other; return equals(fc.reg, fc.type, fc.local); } return false; } RegisterSpec spec = (RegisterSpec) other; return equals(spec.reg, spec.type, spec.local); } /** * Like {@code equals}, but only consider the simple types of the * registers. That is, this compares {@code getType()} on the types * to ignore whatever arbitrary extra stuff might be carried around * by an outer {@link TypeBearer}. * * @param other {@code null-ok;} spec to compare to * @return {@code true} iff {@code this} and {@code other} are equal * in the stated way */ public boolean equalsUsingSimpleType(RegisterSpec other) { if (!matchesVariable(other)) { return false; } return (reg == other.reg); } /** * Like {@link #equalsUsingSimpleType} but ignoring the register number. * This is useful to determine if two instances refer to the "same" * local variable. * * @param other {@code null-ok;} spec to compare to * @return {@code true} iff {@code this} and {@code other} are equal * in the stated way */ public boolean matchesVariable(RegisterSpec other) { if (other == null) { return false; } return type.getType().equals(other.type.getType()) && ((local == other.local) || ((local != null) && local.equals(other.local))); } /** * Helper for {@link #equals} and {@link #ForComparison.equals}, * which actually does the test. * * @param reg value of the instance variable, for another instance * @param type value of the instance variable, for another instance * @param local value of the instance variable, for another instance * @return whether this instance is equal to one with the given * values */ private boolean equals(int reg, TypeBearer type, LocalItem local) { return (this.reg == reg) && this.type.equals(type) && ((this.local == local) || ((this.local != null) && this.local.equals(local))); } /** * Compares by (in priority order) register number, unwrapped type * (that is types not {@link TypeBearer}s, and local info. * * @param other {@code non-null;} spec to compare to * @return {@code -1..1;} standard result of comparison */ public int compareTo(RegisterSpec other) { if (this.reg < other.reg) { return -1; } else if (this.reg > other.reg) { return 1; } int compare = type.getType().compareTo(other.type.getType()); if (compare != 0) { return compare; } if (this.local == null) { return (other.local == null) ? 0 : -1; } else if (other.local == null) { return 1; } return this.local.compareTo(other.local); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCodeOf(reg, type, local); } /** * Helper for {@link #hashCode} and {@link #ForComparison.hashCode}, * which actually does the calculation. * * @param reg value of the instance variable * @param type value of the instance variable * @param local value of the instance variable * @return the hash code */ private static int hashCodeOf(int reg, TypeBearer type, LocalItem local) { int hash = (local != null) ? local.hashCode() : 0; hash = (hash * 31 + type.hashCode()) * 31 + reg; return hash; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return toString0(false); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String toHuman() { return toString0(true); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public Type getType() { return type.getType(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public TypeBearer getFrameType() { return type.getFrameType(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public final int getBasicType() { return type.getBasicType(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public final int getBasicFrameType() { return type.getBasicFrameType(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public final boolean isConstant() { return false; } /** * Gets the register number. * * @return {@code >= 0;} the register number */ public int getReg() { return reg; } /** * Gets the type (or actual value) which is loaded from or stored * to the register associated with this instance. * * @return {@code non-null;} the type */ public TypeBearer getTypeBearer() { return type; } /** * Gets the variable info associated with this instance, if any. * * @return {@code null-ok;} the variable info, or {@code null} if this * instance has none */ public LocalItem getLocalItem() { return local; } /** * Gets the next available register number after the one in this * instance. This is equal to the register number plus the width * (category) of the type used. Among other things, this may also * be used to determine the minimum required register count * implied by this instance. * * @return {@code >= 0;} the required registers size */ public int getNextReg() { return reg + getCategory(); } /** * Gets the category of this instance's type. This is just a convenient * shorthand for {@code getType().getCategory()}. * * @see #isCategory1 * @see #isCategory2 * @return {@code 1..2;} the category of this instance's type */ public int getCategory() { return type.getType().getCategory(); } /** * Gets whether this instance's type is category 1. This is just a * convenient shorthand for {@code getType().isCategory1()}. * * @see #getCategory * @see #isCategory2 * @return whether or not this instance's type is of category 1 */ public boolean isCategory1() { return type.getType().isCategory1(); } /** * Gets whether this instance's type is category 2. This is just a * convenient shorthand for {@code getType().isCategory2()}. * * @see #getCategory * @see #isCategory1 * @return whether or not this instance's type is of category 2 */ public boolean isCategory2() { return type.getType().isCategory2(); } /** * Gets the string form for just the register number of this instance. * * @return {@code non-null;} the register string form */ public String regString() { return regString(reg); } /** * Returns an instance that is the intersection between this instance * and the given one, if any. The intersection is defined as follows: * *
  • If {@code other} is {@code null}, then the result * is {@code null}. *
  • If the register numbers don't match, then the intersection * is {@code null}. Otherwise, the register number of the * intersection is the same as the one in the two instances.
  • *
  • If the types returned by {@code getType()} are not * {@code equals()}, then the intersection is null.
  • *
  • If the type bearers returned by {@code getTypeBearer()} * are {@code equals()}, then the intersection's type bearer * is the one from this instance. Otherwise, the intersection's * type bearer is the {@code getType()} of this instance.
  • *
  • If the locals are {@code equals()}, then the local info * of the intersection is the local info of this instance. Otherwise, * the local info of the intersection is {@code null}.
  • *
* * @param other {@code null-ok;} instance to intersect with (or {@code null}) * @param localPrimary whether local variables are primary to the * intersection; if {@code true}, then the only non-null * results occur when registers being intersected have equal local * infos (or both have {@code null} local infos) * @return {@code null-ok;} the intersection */ public RegisterSpec intersect(RegisterSpec other, boolean localPrimary) { if (this == other) { // Easy out. return this; } if ((other == null) || (reg != other.getReg())) { return null; } LocalItem resultLocal = ((local == null) || !local.equals(other.getLocalItem())) ? null : local; boolean sameName = (resultLocal == local); if (localPrimary && !sameName) { return null; } Type thisType = getType(); Type otherType = other.getType(); // Note: Types are always interned. if (thisType != otherType) { return null; } TypeBearer resultTypeBearer = type.equals(other.getTypeBearer()) ? type : thisType; if ((resultTypeBearer == type) && sameName) { // It turns out that the intersection is "this" after all. return this; } return (resultLocal == null) ? make(reg, resultTypeBearer) : make(reg, resultTypeBearer, resultLocal); } /** * Returns an instance that is identical to this one, except that the * register number is replaced by the given one. * * @param newReg {@code >= 0;} the new register number * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public RegisterSpec withReg(int newReg) { if (reg == newReg) { return this; } return makeLocalOptional(newReg, type, local); } /** * Returns an instance that is identical to this one, except that * the type is replaced by the given one. * * @param newType {@code non-null;} the new type * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public RegisterSpec withType(TypeBearer newType) { return makeLocalOptional(reg, newType, local); } /** * Returns an instance that is identical to this one, except that the * register number is offset by the given amount. * * @param delta the amount to offset the register number by * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public RegisterSpec withOffset(int delta) { if (delta == 0) { return this; } return withReg(reg + delta); } /** * Returns an instance that is identical to this one, except that * the type bearer is replaced by the actual underlying type * (thereby stripping off non-type information) with any * initialization information stripped away as well. * * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public RegisterSpec withSimpleType() { TypeBearer orig = type; Type newType; if (orig instanceof Type) { newType = (Type) orig; } else { newType = orig.getType(); } if (newType.isUninitialized()) { newType = newType.getInitializedType(); } if (newType == orig) { return this; } return makeLocalOptional(reg, newType, local); } /** * Returns an instance that is identical to this one except that the * local variable is as specified in the parameter. * * @param local {@code null-ok;} the local item or null for none * @return an appropriate instance */ public RegisterSpec withLocalItem(LocalItem local) { if ((this.local== local) || ((this.local != null) && this.local.equals(local))) { return this; } return makeLocalOptional(reg, type, local); } /** * Helper for {@link #toString} and {@link #toHuman}. * * @param human whether to be human-oriented * @return {@code non-null;} the string form */ private String toString0(boolean human) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(40); sb.append(regString()); sb.append(":"); if (local != null) { sb.append(local.toString()); } Type justType = type.getType(); sb.append(justType); if (justType != type) { sb.append("="); if (human && (type instanceof Constant)) { sb.append(((Constant) type).toHuman()); } else { sb.append(type); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Holder of register spec data for the purposes of comparison (so that * {@code RegisterSpec} itself can still keep {@code final} * instance variables. */ private static class ForComparison { /** {@code >= 0;} register number */ private int reg; /** {@code non-null;} type loaded or stored */ private TypeBearer type; /** * {@code null-ok;} local variable associated with this * register, if any */ private LocalItem local; /** * Set all the instance variables. * * @param reg {@code >= 0;} the register number * @param type {@code non-null;} the type (or possibly actual * value) which is loaded from or stored to the indicated * register * @param local {@code null-ok;} the associated local variable, if any * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public void set(int reg, TypeBearer type, LocalItem local) { this.reg = reg; this.type = type; this.local = local; } /** * Construct a {@code RegisterSpec} of this instance's * contents. * * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public RegisterSpec toRegisterSpec() { return new RegisterSpec(reg, type, local); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof RegisterSpec)) { return false; } RegisterSpec spec = (RegisterSpec) other; return spec.equals(reg, type, local); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCodeOf(reg, type, local); } } }