/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.dx.rop.type; import com.android.dx.util.Hex; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Representation of a value type, such as may appear in a field, in a * local, on a stack, or in a method descriptor. Instances of this * class are generally interned and may be usefully compared with each * other using {@code ==}. */ public final class Type implements TypeBearer, Comparable { /** {@code non-null;} intern table mapping string descriptors to instances */ private static final HashMap internTable = new HashMap(500); /** basic type constant for {@code void} */ public static final int BT_VOID = 0; /** basic type constant for {@code boolean} */ public static final int BT_BOOLEAN = 1; /** basic type constant for {@code byte} */ public static final int BT_BYTE = 2; /** basic type constant for {@code char} */ public static final int BT_CHAR = 3; /** basic type constant for {@code double} */ public static final int BT_DOUBLE = 4; /** basic type constant for {@code float} */ public static final int BT_FLOAT = 5; /** basic type constant for {@code int} */ public static final int BT_INT = 6; /** basic type constant for {@code long} */ public static final int BT_LONG = 7; /** basic type constant for {@code short} */ public static final int BT_SHORT = 8; /** basic type constant for {@code Object} */ public static final int BT_OBJECT = 9; /** basic type constant for a return address */ public static final int BT_ADDR = 10; /** count of basic type constants */ public static final int BT_COUNT = 11; /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code boolean} */ public static final Type BOOLEAN = new Type("Z", BT_BOOLEAN); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code byte} */ public static final Type BYTE = new Type("B", BT_BYTE); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code char} */ public static final Type CHAR = new Type("C", BT_CHAR); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code double} */ public static final Type DOUBLE = new Type("D", BT_DOUBLE); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code float} */ public static final Type FLOAT = new Type("F", BT_FLOAT); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code int} */ public static final Type INT = new Type("I", BT_INT); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code long} */ public static final Type LONG = new Type("J", BT_LONG); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code short} */ public static final Type SHORT = new Type("S", BT_SHORT); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code void} */ public static final Type VOID = new Type("V", BT_VOID); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing a known-{@code null} */ public static final Type KNOWN_NULL = new Type("", BT_OBJECT); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing a subroutine return address */ public static final Type RETURN_ADDRESS = new Type("", BT_ADDR); static { /* * Put all the primitive types into the intern table. This needs * to happen before the array types below get interned. */ putIntern(BOOLEAN); putIntern(BYTE); putIntern(CHAR); putIntern(DOUBLE); putIntern(FLOAT); putIntern(INT); putIntern(LONG); putIntern(SHORT); /* * Note: VOID isn't put in the intern table, since it's special and * shouldn't be found by a normal call to intern(). */ } /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing * {@code java.lang.annotation.Annotation} */ public static final Type ANNOTATION = intern("Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;"); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Class} */ public static final Type CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Class;"); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Cloneable} */ public static final Type CLONEABLE = intern("Ljava/lang/Cloneable;"); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Object} */ public static final Type OBJECT = intern("Ljava/lang/Object;"); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.io.Serializable} */ public static final Type SERIALIZABLE = intern("Ljava/io/Serializable;"); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.String} */ public static final Type STRING = intern("Ljava/lang/String;"); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Throwable} */ public static final Type THROWABLE = intern("Ljava/lang/Throwable;"); /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Boolean}; the * suffix on the name helps disambiguate this from the instance * representing a primitive type */ public static final Type BOOLEAN_CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Boolean;"); /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Byte}; the * suffix on the name helps disambiguate this from the instance * representing a primitive type */ public static final Type BYTE_CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Byte;"); /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Character}; the * suffix on the name helps disambiguate this from the instance * representing a primitive type */ public static final Type CHARACTER_CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Character;"); /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Double}; the * suffix on the name helps disambiguate this from the instance * representing a primitive type */ public static final Type DOUBLE_CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Double;"); /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Float}; the * suffix on the name helps disambiguate this from the instance * representing a primitive type */ public static final Type FLOAT_CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Float;"); /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Integer}; the * suffix on the name helps disambiguate this from the instance * representing a primitive type */ public static final Type INTEGER_CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Integer;"); /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Long}; the * suffix on the name helps disambiguate this from the instance * representing a primitive type */ public static final Type LONG_CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Long;"); /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Short}; the * suffix on the name helps disambiguate this from the instance * representing a primitive type */ public static final Type SHORT_CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Short;"); /** * {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code java.lang.Void}; the * suffix on the name helps disambiguate this from the instance * representing a primitive type */ public static final Type VOID_CLASS = intern("Ljava/lang/Void;"); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code boolean[]} */ public static final Type BOOLEAN_ARRAY = BOOLEAN.getArrayType(); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code byte[]} */ public static final Type BYTE_ARRAY = BYTE.getArrayType(); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code char[]} */ public static final Type CHAR_ARRAY = CHAR.getArrayType(); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code double[]} */ public static final Type DOUBLE_ARRAY = DOUBLE.getArrayType(); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code float[]} */ public static final Type FLOAT_ARRAY = FLOAT.getArrayType(); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code int[]} */ public static final Type INT_ARRAY = INT.getArrayType(); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code long[]} */ public static final Type LONG_ARRAY = LONG.getArrayType(); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code Object[]} */ public static final Type OBJECT_ARRAY = OBJECT.getArrayType(); /** {@code non-null;} instance representing {@code short[]} */ public static final Type SHORT_ARRAY = SHORT.getArrayType(); /** {@code non-null;} field descriptor for the type */ private final String descriptor; /** * basic type corresponding to this type; one of the * {@code BT_*} constants */ private final int basicType; /** * {@code >= -1;} for an uninitialized type, bytecode index that this * instance was allocated at; {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} if it * was an incoming uninitialized instance; {@code -1} if this * is an inititialized instance */ private final int newAt; /** * {@code null-ok;} the internal-form class name corresponding to this type, if * calculated; only valid if {@code this} is a reference type and * additionally not a return address */ private String className; /** * {@code null-ok;} the type corresponding to an array of this type, if * calculated */ private Type arrayType; /** * {@code null-ok;} the type corresponding to elements of this type, if * calculated; only valid if {@code this} is an array type */ private Type componentType; /** * {@code null-ok;} the type corresponding to the initialized version of * this type, if this instance is in fact an uninitialized type */ private Type initializedType; /** * Returns the unique instance corresponding to the type with the * given descriptor. See vmspec-2 sec4.3.2 for details on the * field descriptor syntax. This method does not allow * {@code "V"} (that is, type {@code void}) as a valid * descriptor. * * @param descriptor {@code non-null;} the descriptor * @return {@code non-null;} the corresponding instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the descriptor has * invalid syntax */ public static Type intern(String descriptor) { Type result = internTable.get(descriptor); if (result != null) { return result; } char firstChar; try { firstChar = descriptor.charAt(0); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { // Translate the exception. throw new IllegalArgumentException("descriptor is empty"); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // Elucidate the exception. throw new NullPointerException("descriptor == null"); } if (firstChar == '[') { /* * Recursively strip away array markers to get at the underlying * type, and build back on to form the result. */ result = intern(descriptor.substring(1)); return result.getArrayType(); } /* * If the first character isn't '[' and it wasn't found in the * intern cache, then it had better be the descriptor for a class. */ int length = descriptor.length(); if ((firstChar != 'L') || (descriptor.charAt(length - 1) != ';')) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad descriptor"); } /* * Validate the characters of the class name itself. Note that * vmspec-2 does not have a coherent definition for valid * internal-form class names, and the definition here is fairly * liberal: A name is considered valid as long as it doesn't * contain any of '[' ';' '.' '(' ')', and it has no more than one * '/' in a row, and no '/' at either end. */ int limit = (length - 1); // Skip the final ';'. for (int i = 1; i < limit; i++) { char c = descriptor.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '[': case ';': case '.': case '(': case ')': { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad descriptor"); } case '/': { if ((i == 1) || (i == (length - 1)) || (descriptor.charAt(i - 1) == '/')) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad descriptor"); } break; } } } result = new Type(descriptor, BT_OBJECT); return putIntern(result); } /** * Returns the unique instance corresponding to the type with the * given descriptor, allowing {@code "V"} to return the type * for {@code void}. Other than that one caveat, this method * is identical to {@link #intern}. * * @param descriptor {@code non-null;} the descriptor * @return {@code non-null;} the corresponding instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the descriptor has * invalid syntax */ public static Type internReturnType(String descriptor) { try { if (descriptor.equals("V")) { // This is the one special case where void may be returned. return VOID; } } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // Elucidate the exception. throw new NullPointerException("descriptor == null"); } return intern(descriptor); } /** * Returns the unique instance corresponding to the type of the * class with the given name. Calling this method is equivalent to * calling {@code intern(name)} if {@code name} begins * with {@code "["} and calling {@code intern("L" + name + ";")} * in all other cases. * * @param name {@code non-null;} the name of the class whose type is desired * @return {@code non-null;} the corresponding type * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the name has * invalid syntax */ public static Type internClassName(String name) { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("name == null"); } if (name.startsWith("[")) { return intern(name); } return intern('L' + name + ';'); } /** * Constructs an instance corresponding to an "uninitialized type." * This is a private constructor; use one of the public static * methods to get instances. * * @param descriptor {@code non-null;} the field descriptor for the type * @param basicType basic type corresponding to this type; one of the * {@code BT_*} constants * @param newAt {@code >= -1;} allocation bytecode index */ private Type(String descriptor, int basicType, int newAt) { if (descriptor == null) { throw new NullPointerException("descriptor == null"); } if ((basicType < 0) || (basicType >= BT_COUNT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad basicType"); } if (newAt < -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("newAt < -1"); } this.descriptor = descriptor; this.basicType = basicType; this.newAt = newAt; this.arrayType = null; this.componentType = null; this.initializedType = null; } /** * Constructs an instance corresponding to an "initialized type." * This is a private constructor; use one of the public static * methods to get instances. * * @param descriptor {@code non-null;} the field descriptor for the type * @param basicType basic type corresponding to this type; one of the * {@code BT_*} constants */ private Type(String descriptor, int basicType) { this(descriptor, basicType, -1); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { /* * Since externally-visible types are interned, this check * helps weed out some easy cases. */ return true; } if (!(other instanceof Type)) { return false; } return descriptor.equals(((Type) other).descriptor); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return descriptor.hashCode(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public int compareTo(Type other) { return descriptor.compareTo(other.descriptor); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return descriptor; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String toHuman() { switch (basicType) { case BT_VOID: return "void"; case BT_BOOLEAN: return "boolean"; case BT_BYTE: return "byte"; case BT_CHAR: return "char"; case BT_DOUBLE: return "double"; case BT_FLOAT: return "float"; case BT_INT: return "int"; case BT_LONG: return "long"; case BT_SHORT: return "short"; case BT_OBJECT: break; default: return descriptor; } if (isArray()) { return getComponentType().toHuman() + "[]"; } // Remove the "L...;" around the type and convert "/" to ".". return getClassName().replace("/", "."); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public Type getType() { return this; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public Type getFrameType() { switch (basicType) { case BT_BOOLEAN: case BT_BYTE: case BT_CHAR: case BT_INT: case BT_SHORT: { return INT; } } return this; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public int getBasicType() { return basicType; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public int getBasicFrameType() { switch (basicType) { case BT_BOOLEAN: case BT_BYTE: case BT_CHAR: case BT_INT: case BT_SHORT: { return BT_INT; } } return basicType; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isConstant() { return false; } /** * Gets the descriptor. * * @return {@code non-null;} the descriptor */ public String getDescriptor() { return descriptor; } /** * Gets the name of the class this type corresponds to, in internal * form. This method is only valid if this instance is for a * normal reference type (that is, a reference type and * additionally not a return address). * * @return {@code non-null;} the internal-form class name */ public String getClassName() { if (className == null) { if (!isReference()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not an object type: " + descriptor); } if (descriptor.charAt(0) == '[') { className = descriptor; } else { className = descriptor.substring(1, descriptor.length() - 1); } } return className; } /** * Gets the category. Most instances are category 1. {@code long} * and {@code double} are the only category 2 types. * * @see #isCategory1 * @see #isCategory2 * @return the category */ public int getCategory() { switch (basicType) { case BT_LONG: case BT_DOUBLE: { return 2; } } return 1; } /** * Returns whether or not this is a category 1 type. * * @see #getCategory * @see #isCategory2 * @return whether or not this is a category 1 type */ public boolean isCategory1() { switch (basicType) { case BT_LONG: case BT_DOUBLE: { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns whether or not this is a category 2 type. * * @see #getCategory * @see #isCategory1 * @return whether or not this is a category 2 type */ public boolean isCategory2() { switch (basicType) { case BT_LONG: case BT_DOUBLE: { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets whether this type is "intlike." An intlike type is one which, when * placed on a stack or in a local, is automatically converted to an * {@code int}. * * @return whether this type is "intlike" */ public boolean isIntlike() { switch (basicType) { case BT_BOOLEAN: case BT_BYTE: case BT_CHAR: case BT_INT: case BT_SHORT: { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets whether this type is a primitive type. All types are either * primitive or reference types. * * @return whether this type is primitive */ public boolean isPrimitive() { switch (basicType) { case BT_BOOLEAN: case BT_BYTE: case BT_CHAR: case BT_DOUBLE: case BT_FLOAT: case BT_INT: case BT_LONG: case BT_SHORT: case BT_VOID: { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets whether this type is a normal reference type. A normal * reference type is a reference type that is not a return * address. This method is just convenient shorthand for * {@code getBasicType() == Type.BT_OBJECT}. * * @return whether this type is a normal reference type */ public boolean isReference() { return (basicType == BT_OBJECT); } /** * Gets whether this type is an array type. If this method returns * {@code true}, then it is safe to use {@link #getComponentType} * to determine the component type. * * @return whether this type is an array type */ public boolean isArray() { return (descriptor.charAt(0) == '['); } /** * Gets whether this type is an array type or is a known-null, and * hence is compatible with array types. * * @return whether this type is an array type */ public boolean isArrayOrKnownNull() { return isArray() || equals(KNOWN_NULL); } /** * Gets whether this type represents an uninitialized instance. An * uninitialized instance is what one gets back from the {@code new} * opcode, and remains uninitialized until a valid constructor is * invoked on it. * * @return whether this type is "uninitialized" */ public boolean isUninitialized() { return (newAt >= 0); } /** * Gets the bytecode index at which this uninitialized type was * allocated. This returns {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} if this * type is an uninitialized incoming parameter (i.e., the * {@code this} of an {@code } method) or * {@code -1} if this type is in fact initialized. * * @return {@code >= -1;} the allocation bytecode index */ public int getNewAt() { return newAt; } /** * Gets the initialized type corresponding to this instance, but only * if this instance is in fact an uninitialized object type. * * @return {@code non-null;} the initialized type */ public Type getInitializedType() { if (initializedType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialized type: " + descriptor); } return initializedType; } /** * Gets the type corresponding to an array of this type. * * @return {@code non-null;} the array type */ public Type getArrayType() { if (arrayType == null) { arrayType = putIntern(new Type('[' + descriptor, BT_OBJECT)); } return arrayType; } /** * Gets the component type of this type. This method is only valid on * array types. * * @return {@code non-null;} the component type */ public Type getComponentType() { if (componentType == null) { if (descriptor.charAt(0) != '[') { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not an array type: " + descriptor); } componentType = intern(descriptor.substring(1)); } return componentType; } /** * Returns a new interned instance which is identical to this one, except * it is indicated as uninitialized and allocated at the given bytecode * index. This instance must be an initialized object type. * * @param newAt {@code >= 0;} the allocation bytecode index * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance */ public Type asUninitialized(int newAt) { if (newAt < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("newAt < 0"); } if (!isReference()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a reference type: " + descriptor); } if (isUninitialized()) { /* * Dealing with uninitialized types as a starting point is * a pain, and it's not clear that it'd ever be used, so * just disallow it. */ throw new IllegalArgumentException("already uninitialized: " + descriptor); } /* * Create a new descriptor that is unique and shouldn't conflict * with "normal" type descriptors */ String newDesc = 'N' + Hex.u2(newAt) + descriptor; Type result = new Type(newDesc, BT_OBJECT, newAt); result.initializedType = this; return putIntern(result); } /** * Puts the given instance in the intern table if it's not already * there. If a conflicting value is already in the table, then leave it. * Return the interned value. * * @param type {@code non-null;} instance to make interned * @return {@code non-null;} the actual interned object */ private static Type putIntern(Type type) { synchronized (internTable) { String descriptor = type.getDescriptor(); Type already = internTable.get(descriptor); if (already != null) { return already; } internTable.put(descriptor, type); return type; } } }