/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.security.tests.java.security; import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass; import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel; import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.Key; import java.security.KeyFactory; import java.security.KeyFactorySpi; import java.security.KeyPair; import java.security.KeyPairGenerator; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.NoSuchProviderException; import java.security.PrivateKey; import java.security.Provider; import java.security.PublicKey; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.security.Security; import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException; import java.security.spec.KeySpec; import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec; import java.security.spec.X509EncodedKeySpec; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; @TestTargetClass(KeyFactory.class) public class KeyFactory2Test extends junit.framework.TestCase { private static final String KEYFACTORY_ID = "KeyFactory."; private String[] keyfactAlgs = null; private String providerName = null; static class KeepAlive extends Thread { int sleepTime, iterations; public KeepAlive(int sleepTime, int iterations) { this.sleepTime = sleepTime; this.iterations = iterations; } public void run() { synchronized (this) { this.notify(); } for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } } } } private KeepAlive createKeepAlive(String alg) { if (alg.equals("RSA")) { // 32 minutes KeepAlive keepalive = new KeepAlive(240000, 8); synchronized (keepalive) { keepalive.start(); try { keepalive.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } return keepalive; } return null; } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#KeyFactory(java.security.KeyFactorySpi, * java.security.Provider, java.lang.String) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "KeyFactory", args = {java.security.KeyFactorySpi.class, java.security.Provider.class, java.lang.String.class} ) public void test_constructor() { KeyFactorySpi kfs = new KeyFactorySpiStub(); try { new KeyFactoryStub(null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected exception " + e.getMessage()); } Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders("KeyFactory.DSA"); if (providers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) { KeyFactoryStub kf = new KeyFactoryStub(kfs, providers[i], "algorithm name"); assertEquals("algorithm name", kf.getAlgorithm()); assertEquals(providers[i], kf.getProvider()); } } else { fail("No providers support KeyFactory.DSA"); } } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#generatePrivate(java.security.spec.KeySpec) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL_COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "generatePrivate", args = {java.security.spec.KeySpec.class} ) public void test_generatePrivateLjava_security_spec_KeySpec() { // Test for method java.security.PrivateKey // java.security.KeyFactory.generatePrivate(java.security.spec.KeySpec) for (int i = 0; i < keyfactAlgs.length; i++) { try { KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i], providerName); KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator .getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i]); SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); // We don't use // getInstance keyGen.initialize(1024, random); KeepAlive keepalive = createKeepAlive(keyfactAlgs[i]); KeyPair keys = keyGen.generateKeyPair(); if (keepalive != null) { keepalive.interrupt(); } KeySpec privateKeySpec = fact.getKeySpec(keys.getPrivate(), getPrivateKeySpecClass(keyfactAlgs[i])); PrivateKey privateKey = fact.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec); boolean samePrivate = Arrays.equals(keys.getPrivate() .getEncoded(), privateKey.getEncoded()); assertTrue( "generatePrivate generated different key for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i], samePrivate); fact.generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(keys.getPrivate() .getEncoded())); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { fail("invalid key spec for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("getInstance did not find algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { fail("getInstance did not find provider " + providerName); } } } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#generatePublic(java.security.spec.KeySpec) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "InvalidKeySpecException checking missed", method = "generatePublic", args = {java.security.spec.KeySpec.class} ) public void test_generatePublicLjava_security_spec_KeySpec() { // Test for method java.security.PublicKey // java.security.KeyFactory.generatePublic(java.security.spec.KeySpec) for (int i = 0; i < keyfactAlgs.length; i++) { try { KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i], providerName); KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator .getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i]); // We don't use getInstance SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); keyGen.initialize(1024, random); KeepAlive keepalive = createKeepAlive(keyfactAlgs[i]); KeyPair keys = keyGen.generateKeyPair(); if (keepalive != null) { keepalive.interrupt(); } KeySpec publicKeySpec = fact.getKeySpec(keys.getPublic(), getPublicKeySpecClass(keyfactAlgs[i])); PublicKey publicKey = fact.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); boolean samePublic = Arrays.equals(keys.getPublic() .getEncoded(), publicKey.getEncoded()); assertTrue( "generatePublic generated different key for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i], samePublic); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("getInstance did not find algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { fail("getInstance did not find provider " + providerName); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { fail("invalid key spec for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } } } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#getAlgorithm() */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "getAlgorithm", args = {} ) public void test_getAlgorithm() { // Test for method java.lang.String // java.security.KeyFactory.getAlgorithm() for (int i = 0; i < keyfactAlgs.length; i++) { try { KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i], providerName); assertTrue("getAlgorithm ok for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i], fact.getAlgorithm().equals(keyfactAlgs[i])); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("getInstance did not find algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { fail("getInstance did not find provider " + providerName); } }// end for } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#getInstance(java.lang.String) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "NoSuchAlgorithmException checking missed", method = "getInstance", args = {java.lang.String.class} ) public void test_getInstanceLjava_lang_String() { // Test for method java.security.KeyFactory // java.security.KeyFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String) for (int i = 0; i < keyfactAlgs.length; i++) { try { assertNotNull(KeyFactory.getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i])); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("getInstance did not find algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } }// end for } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#getInstance(java.lang.String, * java.lang.String) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException checking missed", method = "getInstance", args = {java.lang.String.class, java.lang.String.class} ) public void test_getInstanceLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String() { // Test1: Test for method java.security.KeyFactory // java.security.KeyFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String, // java.lang.String) try { Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders("KeyFactory.DSA"); if (providers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) { KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA", providers[i].getName()); }// end for } else { fail("No providers support KeyFactory.DSA"); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("getInstance did not find algorithm"); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { fail("getInstance did not find the provider"); } // Test2: Test with null provider name try { KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA", (String) null); fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Expected } catch (Exception e) { fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException, got " + e); } } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#getInstance(java.lang.String, Provider) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "NoSuchAlgorithmException checking missed", method = "getInstance", args = {java.lang.String.class, java.security.Provider.class} ) public void test_getInstanceLjava_lang_StringLjava_security_Provider() { // Test1: Test for method java.security.KeyFactory // java.security.KeyFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String, // java.security.Provider) try { Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders("KeyFactory.DSA"); if (providers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) { KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA", providers[i]); }// end for } else { fail("No providers support KeyFactory.DSA"); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("getInstance did not find algorithm"); } catch (Exception e) { fail("unexpected exception " + e.getMessage()); } // Test2: Test with null provider name try { KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA", (Provider) null); fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Expected } catch (Exception e) { fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException, got " + e); } } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#getKeySpec(java.security.Key, * java.lang.Class) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "InvalidKeySpecException checking missed", method = "getKeySpec", args = {java.security.Key.class, java.lang.Class.class} ) public void test_getKeySpecLjava_security_KeyLjava_lang_Class() { // Test for method java.security.spec.KeySpec // java.security.KeyFactory.getKeySpec(java.security.Key, // java.lang.Class) for (int i = 0; i < keyfactAlgs.length; i++) { try { KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i], providerName); KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator .getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i]); // We don't use getInstance SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); keyGen.initialize(1024, random); KeepAlive keepalive = createKeepAlive(keyfactAlgs[i]); KeyPair keys = keyGen.generateKeyPair(); if (keepalive != null) { keepalive.interrupt(); } KeySpec privateKeySpec = fact.getKeySpec(keys.getPrivate(), getPrivateKeySpecClass(keyfactAlgs[i])); KeySpec publicKeySpec = fact.getKeySpec(keys.getPublic(), getPublicKeySpecClass(keyfactAlgs[i])); PrivateKey privateKey = fact.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec); PublicKey publicKey = fact.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); boolean samePublic = Arrays.equals(keys.getPublic() .getEncoded(), publicKey.getEncoded()); boolean samePrivate = Arrays.equals(keys.getPrivate() .getEncoded(), privateKey.getEncoded()); assertTrue( "generatePrivate generated different key for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i], samePrivate); assertTrue( "generatePublic generated different key for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i], samePublic); KeySpec encodedSpec = fact.getKeySpec(keys.getPublic(), X509EncodedKeySpec.class); assertTrue("improper key spec for encoded public key", encodedSpec.getClass().equals(X509EncodedKeySpec.class)); encodedSpec = fact.getKeySpec(keys.getPrivate(), PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.class); assertTrue("improper key spec for encoded private key", encodedSpec.getClass() .equals(PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.class)); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("getInstance did not find algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { fail("getInstance did not find provider " + providerName); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { fail("invalid key spec for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } } } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#getProvider() */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "getProvider", args = {} ) public void test_getProvider() { // Test for method java.security.Provider // java.security.KeyFactory.getProvider() for (int i = 0; i < keyfactAlgs.length; i++) { try { KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i]); Provider p = fact.getProvider(); assertNotNull("provider is null for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i], p); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("getInstance did not find algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } }// end for } /** * @tests java.security.KeyFactory#translateKey(java.security.Key) */ @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.PARTIAL, notes = "InvalidKeyException checking missed", method = "translateKey", args = {java.security.Key.class} ) public void test_translateKeyLjava_security_Key() { // Test for method java.security.Key // java.security.KeyFactory.translateKey(java.security.Key) for (int i = 0; i < keyfactAlgs.length; i++) { try { KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i], providerName); KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator .getInstance(keyfactAlgs[i]); // We don't use getInstance SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); keyGen.initialize(1024, random); KeepAlive keepalive = createKeepAlive(keyfactAlgs[i]); KeyPair keys = keyGen.generateKeyPair(); if (keepalive != null) { keepalive.interrupt(); } fact.translateKey(keys.getPrivate()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("getInstance did not find algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { fail("getInstance did not find provider " + providerName); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { fail("generatePublic did not generate right spec for algorithm " + keyfactAlgs[i]); } } } protected void setUp() { if (keyfactAlgs == null) { Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders(); // Arbitrarily use the first provider that supports // KeyFactory algorithms for (Provider provider : providers) { providerName = provider.getName(); keyfactAlgs = getKeyFactoryAlgorithms(providerName); if (keyfactAlgs.length != 0) { break; } } } } /* * Returns the key algorithms that the given provider supports. */ private String[] getKeyFactoryAlgorithms(String providerName) { Vector algs = new Vector(); Provider provider = Security.getProvider(providerName); if (provider == null) return new String[0]; Enumeration e = provider.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String algorithm = (String) e.nextElement(); if (algorithm.startsWith(KEYFACTORY_ID) && !algorithm.contains(" ")) { algs.addElement(algorithm.substring(KEYFACTORY_ID.length())); } } return algs.toArray(new String[algs.size()]); } /** * Returns the public key spec class for a given algorithm, or null if it is * not known. */ private Class getPrivateKeySpecClass(String algName) { if (algName.equals("RSA")) { return java.security.spec.RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.class; } if (algName.equals("DSA")) { return java.security.spec.DSAPrivateKeySpec.class; } return null; } /** * Returns the private key spec class for a given algorithm, or null if it * is not known. */ private Class getPublicKeySpecClass(String algName) { if (algName.equals("RSA")) { return java.security.spec.RSAPublicKeySpec.class; } if (algName.equals("DSA")) { return java.security.spec.DSAPublicKeySpec.class; } return null; } public class KeyFactoryStub extends KeyFactory { public KeyFactoryStub(KeyFactorySpi keyFacSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm) { super(keyFacSpi, provider, algorithm); } } public class KeyFactorySpiStub extends KeyFactorySpi { public KeyFactorySpiStub() { super(); } public PrivateKey engineGeneratePrivate(KeySpec keySpec) { return null; } public PublicKey engineGeneratePublic(KeySpec keySpec) { return null; } public T engineGetKeySpec(Key key, Class keySpec) { return null; } public Key engineTranslateKey(Key key) { return null; } } }