/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: TemplateList.java 468643 2006-10-28 06:56:03Z minchau $ */ package org.apache.xalan.templates; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import org.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources; import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM; import org.apache.xml.utils.QName; import org.apache.xpath.Expression; import org.apache.xpath.XPath; import org.apache.xpath.XPathContext; import org.apache.xpath.compiler.PsuedoNames; import org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest; import org.apache.xpath.patterns.StepPattern; import org.apache.xpath.patterns.UnionPattern; /** * Encapsulates a template list, and helps locate individual templates. * @xsl.usage advanced */ public class TemplateList implements java.io.Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = 5803675288911728791L; /** * Construct a TemplateList object. Needs to be public so it can * be invoked from the CompilingStylesheetHandler. */ public TemplateList() { super(); } /** * Add a template to the table of named templates and/or the table of templates * with match patterns. This routine should * be called in decreasing order of precedence but it checks nonetheless. * * @param template */ public void setTemplate(ElemTemplate template) { XPath matchXPath = template.getMatch(); if (null == template.getName() && null == matchXPath) { template.error(XSLTErrorResources.ER_NEED_NAME_OR_MATCH_ATTRIB, new Object[]{ "xsl:template" }); } if (null != template.getName()) { ElemTemplate existingTemplate = (ElemTemplate) m_namedTemplates.get(template.getName()); if (null == existingTemplate) { m_namedTemplates.put(template.getName(), template); } else { int existingPrecedence = existingTemplate.getStylesheetComposed().getImportCountComposed(); int newPrecedence = template.getStylesheetComposed().getImportCountComposed(); if (newPrecedence > existingPrecedence) { // This should never happen m_namedTemplates.put(template.getName(), template); } else if (newPrecedence == existingPrecedence) template.error(XSLTErrorResources.ER_DUPLICATE_NAMED_TEMPLATE, new Object[]{ template.getName() }); } } if (null != matchXPath) { Expression matchExpr = matchXPath.getExpression(); if (matchExpr instanceof StepPattern) { insertPatternInTable((StepPattern) matchExpr, template); } else if (matchExpr instanceof UnionPattern) { UnionPattern upat = (UnionPattern) matchExpr; StepPattern[] pats = upat.getPatterns(); int n = pats.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { insertPatternInTable(pats[i], template); } } else { // TODO: assert error } } } /** Flag to indicate whether in DEBUG mode */ final static boolean DEBUG = false; /** * Dump all patterns and elements that match those patterns * */ void dumpAssociationTables() { Enumeration associations = m_patternTable.elements(); while (associations.hasMoreElements()) { TemplateSubPatternAssociation head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) associations.nextElement(); while (null != head) { System.out.print("(" + head.getTargetString() + ", " + head.getPattern() + ")"); head = head.getNext(); } System.out.println("\n....."); } TemplateSubPatternAssociation head = m_wildCardPatterns; System.out.print("wild card list: "); while (null != head) { System.out.print("(" + head.getTargetString() + ", " + head.getPattern() + ")"); head = head.getNext(); } System.out.println("\n....."); } /** * After all templates have been added, this function * should be called. */ public void compose(StylesheetRoot sroot) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Before wildcard insert..."); dumpAssociationTables(); } if (null != m_wildCardPatterns) { Enumeration associations = m_patternTable.elements(); while (associations.hasMoreElements()) { TemplateSubPatternAssociation head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) associations.nextElement(); TemplateSubPatternAssociation wild = m_wildCardPatterns; while (null != wild) { try { head = insertAssociationIntoList( head, (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) wild.clone(), true); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse){} wild = wild.getNext(); } } } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("After wildcard insert..."); dumpAssociationTables(); } } /** * Insert the given TemplateSubPatternAssociation into the the linked * list. Sort by import precedence, then priority, then by document order. * * @param head The first TemplateSubPatternAssociation in the linked list. * @param item The item that we want to insert into the proper place. * @param isWildCardInsert true if we are inserting a wild card * template onto this list. * @return the new head of the list. */ private TemplateSubPatternAssociation insertAssociationIntoList(TemplateSubPatternAssociation head, TemplateSubPatternAssociation item, boolean isWildCardInsert) { // Sort first by import level (higher level is at front), // then by priority (highest priority is at front), // then by document order (later in document is at front). double priority = getPriorityOrScore(item); double workPriority; int importLevel = item.getImportLevel(); int docOrder = item.getDocOrderPos(); TemplateSubPatternAssociation insertPoint = head; TemplateSubPatternAssociation next; boolean insertBefore; // true means insert before insertPoint; otherwise after // This can only be true if insertPoint is pointing to // the first or last template. // Spin down so that insertPoint points to: // (a) the template immediately _before_ the first template on the chain with // a precedence that is either (i) less than ours or (ii) the same as ours but // the template document position is less than ours // -or- // (b) the last template on the chain if no such template described in (a) exists. // If we are pointing to the first template or the last template (that is, case b), // we need to determine whether to insert before or after the template. Otherwise, // we always insert after the insertPoint. while (true) { next = insertPoint.getNext(); if (null == next) break; else { workPriority = getPriorityOrScore(next); if (importLevel > next.getImportLevel()) break; else if (importLevel < next.getImportLevel()) insertPoint = next; else if (priority > workPriority) // import precedence is equal break; else if (priority < workPriority) insertPoint = next; else if (docOrder >= next.getDocOrderPos()) // priorities, import are equal break; else insertPoint = next; } } if ( (null == next) || (insertPoint == head) ) // insert point is first or last { workPriority = getPriorityOrScore(insertPoint); if (importLevel > insertPoint.getImportLevel()) insertBefore = true; else if (importLevel < insertPoint.getImportLevel()) insertBefore = false; else if (priority > workPriority) insertBefore = true; else if (priority < workPriority) insertBefore = false; else if (docOrder >= insertPoint.getDocOrderPos()) insertBefore = true; else insertBefore = false; } else insertBefore = false; // System.out.println("appending: "+target+" to "+matchPat.getPattern()); if (isWildCardInsert) { if (insertBefore) { item.setNext(insertPoint); String key = insertPoint.getTargetString(); item.setTargetString(key); putHead(key, item); return item; } else { item.setNext(next); insertPoint.setNext(item); return head; } } else { if (insertBefore) { item.setNext(insertPoint); if (insertPoint.isWild() || item.isWild()) m_wildCardPatterns = item; else putHead(item.getTargetString(), item); return item; } else { item.setNext(next); insertPoint.setNext(item); return head; } } } /** * Add a template to the template list. * * @param pattern * @param template */ private void insertPatternInTable(StepPattern pattern, ElemTemplate template) { String target = pattern.getTargetString(); if (null != target) { String pstring = template.getMatch().getPatternString(); TemplateSubPatternAssociation association = new TemplateSubPatternAssociation(template, pattern, pstring); // See if there's already one there boolean isWildCard = association.isWild(); TemplateSubPatternAssociation head = isWildCard ? m_wildCardPatterns : getHead(target); if (null == head) { if (isWildCard) m_wildCardPatterns = association; else putHead(target, association); } else { insertAssociationIntoList(head, association, false); } } } /** * Given a match pattern and template association, return the * score of that match. This score or priority can always be * statically calculated. * * @param matchPat The match pattern to template association. * * @return {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_NODETEST}, * {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_NONE}, * {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_NSWILD}, * {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_QNAME}, or * {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_OTHER}, or * the value defined by the priority attribute of the template. * */ private double getPriorityOrScore(TemplateSubPatternAssociation matchPat) { double priority = matchPat.getTemplate().getPriority(); if (priority == XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE) { Expression ex = matchPat.getStepPattern(); if (ex instanceof NodeTest) { return ((NodeTest) ex).getDefaultScore(); } } return priority; } /** * Locate a named template. * * @param qname Qualified name of the template. * * @return Template argument with the requested name, or null if not found. */ public ElemTemplate getTemplate(QName qname) { return (ElemTemplate) m_namedTemplates.get(qname); } /** * Get the head of the most likely list of associations to check, based on * the name and type of the targetNode argument. * * @param xctxt The XPath runtime context. * @param targetNode The target node that will be checked for a match. * @param dtm The dtm owner for the target node. * * @return The head of a linked list that contains all possible match pattern to * template associations. */ public TemplateSubPatternAssociation getHead(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, DTM dtm) { short targetNodeType = dtm.getNodeType(targetNode); TemplateSubPatternAssociation head; switch (targetNodeType) { case DTM.ELEMENT_NODE : case DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) m_patternTable.get( dtm.getLocalName(targetNode)); break; case DTM.TEXT_NODE : case DTM.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : head = m_textPatterns; break; case DTM.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : case DTM.ENTITY_NODE : head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) m_patternTable.get( dtm.getNodeName(targetNode)); // %REVIEW% I think this is right break; case DTM.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) m_patternTable.get( dtm.getLocalName(targetNode)); break; case DTM.COMMENT_NODE : head = m_commentPatterns; break; case DTM.DOCUMENT_NODE : case DTM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : head = m_docPatterns; break; case DTM.NOTATION_NODE : default : head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) m_patternTable.get( dtm.getNodeName(targetNode)); // %REVIEW% I think this is right } return (null == head) ? m_wildCardPatterns : head; } /** * Given a target element, find the template that best * matches in the given XSL document, according * to the rules specified in the xsl draft. This variation of getTemplate * assumes the current node and current expression node have already been * pushed. * * @param xctxt * @param targetNode * @param mode A string indicating the display mode. * @param maxImportLevel The maximum importCountComposed that we should consider or -1 * if we should consider all import levels. This is used by apply-imports to * access templates that have been overridden. * @param quietConflictWarnings * @return Rule that best matches targetElem. * @throws XSLProcessorException thrown if the active ProblemListener and XPathContext decide * the error condition is severe enough to halt processing. * * @throws TransformerException */ public ElemTemplate getTemplateFast(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, int expTypeID, QName mode, int maxImportLevel, boolean quietConflictWarnings, DTM dtm) throws TransformerException { TemplateSubPatternAssociation head; switch (dtm.getNodeType(targetNode)) { case DTM.ELEMENT_NODE : case DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) m_patternTable.get( dtm.getLocalNameFromExpandedNameID(expTypeID)); break; case DTM.TEXT_NODE : case DTM.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : head = m_textPatterns; break; case DTM.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : case DTM.ENTITY_NODE : head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) m_patternTable.get( dtm.getNodeName(targetNode)); // %REVIEW% I think this is right break; case DTM.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) m_patternTable.get( dtm.getLocalName(targetNode)); break; case DTM.COMMENT_NODE : head = m_commentPatterns; break; case DTM.DOCUMENT_NODE : case DTM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : head = m_docPatterns; break; case DTM.NOTATION_NODE : default : head = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) m_patternTable.get( dtm.getNodeName(targetNode)); // %REVIEW% I think this is right } if(null == head) { head = m_wildCardPatterns; if(null == head) return null; } // XSLT functions, such as xsl:key, need to be able to get to // current ElemTemplateElement via a cast to the prefix resolver. // Setting this fixes bug idkey03. xctxt.pushNamespaceContextNull(); try { do { if ( (maxImportLevel > -1) && (head.getImportLevel() > maxImportLevel) ) { continue; } ElemTemplate template = head.getTemplate(); xctxt.setNamespaceContext(template); if ((head.m_stepPattern.execute(xctxt, targetNode, dtm, expTypeID) != NodeTest.SCORE_NONE) && head.matchMode(mode)) { if (quietConflictWarnings) checkConflicts(head, xctxt, targetNode, mode); return template; } } while (null != (head = head.getNext())); } finally { xctxt.popNamespaceContext(); } return null; } // end findTemplate /** * Given a target element, find the template that best * matches in the given XSL document, according * to the rules specified in the xsl draft. * * @param xctxt * @param targetNode * @param mode A string indicating the display mode. * @param quietConflictWarnings * @return Rule that best matches targetElem. * @throws XSLProcessorException thrown if the active ProblemListener and XPathContext decide * the error condition is severe enough to halt processing. * * @throws TransformerException */ public ElemTemplate getTemplate(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, QName mode, boolean quietConflictWarnings, DTM dtm) throws TransformerException { TemplateSubPatternAssociation head = getHead(xctxt, targetNode, dtm); if (null != head) { // XSLT functions, such as xsl:key, need to be able to get to // current ElemTemplateElement via a cast to the prefix resolver. // Setting this fixes bug idkey03. xctxt.pushNamespaceContextNull(); xctxt.pushCurrentNodeAndExpression(targetNode, targetNode); try { do { ElemTemplate template = head.getTemplate(); xctxt.setNamespaceContext(template); if ((head.m_stepPattern.execute(xctxt, targetNode) != NodeTest.SCORE_NONE) && head.matchMode(mode)) { if (quietConflictWarnings) checkConflicts(head, xctxt, targetNode, mode); return template; } } while (null != (head = head.getNext())); } finally { xctxt.popCurrentNodeAndExpression(); xctxt.popNamespaceContext(); } } return null; } // end findTemplate /** * Given a target element, find the template that best * matches in the given XSL document, according * to the rules specified in the xsl draft. * * @param xctxt * @param targetNode * @param mode A string indicating the display mode. * @param maxImportLevel The maximum importCountComposed that we should consider or -1 * if we should consider all import levels. This is used by apply-imports to * access templates that have been overridden. * @param endImportLevel The count of composed imports * @param quietConflictWarnings * @return Rule that best matches targetElem. * @throws XSLProcessorException thrown if the active ProblemListener and XPathContext decide * the error condition is severe enough to halt processing. * * @throws TransformerException */ public ElemTemplate getTemplate(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, QName mode, int maxImportLevel, int endImportLevel, boolean quietConflictWarnings, DTM dtm) throws TransformerException { TemplateSubPatternAssociation head = getHead(xctxt, targetNode, dtm); if (null != head) { // XSLT functions, such as xsl:key, need to be able to get to // current ElemTemplateElement via a cast to the prefix resolver. // Setting this fixes bug idkey03. xctxt.pushNamespaceContextNull(); xctxt.pushCurrentNodeAndExpression(targetNode, targetNode); try { do { if ( (maxImportLevel > -1) && (head.getImportLevel() > maxImportLevel)) { continue; } if (head.getImportLevel()<= maxImportLevel - endImportLevel) return null; ElemTemplate template = head.getTemplate(); xctxt.setNamespaceContext(template); if ((head.m_stepPattern.execute(xctxt, targetNode) != NodeTest.SCORE_NONE) && head.matchMode(mode)) { if (quietConflictWarnings) checkConflicts(head, xctxt, targetNode, mode); return template; } } while (null != (head = head.getNext())); } finally { xctxt.popCurrentNodeAndExpression(); xctxt.popNamespaceContext(); } } return null; } // end findTemplate /** * Get a TemplateWalker for use by a compiler. See the documentation for * the TreeWalker inner class for further details. */ public TemplateWalker getWalker() { return new TemplateWalker(); } /** * Check for match conflicts, and warn the stylesheet author. * * @param head Template pattern * @param xctxt Current XPath context * @param targetNode Node matching the pattern * @param mode reference, which may be null, to the current mode. */ private void checkConflicts(TemplateSubPatternAssociation head, XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, QName mode) { // TODO: Check for conflicts. } /** * Add object to vector if not already there. * * @param obj * @param v */ private void addObjectIfNotFound(Object obj, Vector v) { int n = v.size(); boolean addIt = true; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (v.elementAt(i) == obj) { addIt = false; break; } } if (addIt) { v.addElement(obj); } } /** * Keyed on string macro names, and holding values * that are macro elements in the XSL DOM tree. * Initialized in initMacroLookupTable, and used in * findNamedTemplate. * @serial */ private Hashtable m_namedTemplates = new Hashtable(89); /** * This table is keyed on the target elements * of patterns, and contains linked lists of * the actual patterns that match the target element * to some degree of specifity. * @serial */ private Hashtable m_patternTable = new Hashtable(89); /** Wildcard patterns. * @serial */ private TemplateSubPatternAssociation m_wildCardPatterns = null; /** Text Patterns. * @serial */ private TemplateSubPatternAssociation m_textPatterns = null; /** Root document Patterns. * @serial */ private TemplateSubPatternAssociation m_docPatterns = null; /** Comment Patterns. * @serial */ private TemplateSubPatternAssociation m_commentPatterns = null; /** * Get table of named Templates. * These are keyed on template names, and holding values * that are template elements. * * @return A Hashtable dictionary that contains {@link java.lang.String}s * as the keys, and {@link org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplate}s as the * values. */ private Hashtable getNamedTemplates() { return m_namedTemplates; } /** * Set table of named Templates. * These are keyed on string macro names, and holding values * that are template elements in the XSL DOM tree. * * @param v Hashtable dictionary that contains {@link java.lang.String}s * as the keys, and {@link org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplate}s as the * values. */ private void setNamedTemplates(Hashtable v) { m_namedTemplates = v; } /** * Get the head of the assocation list that is keyed by target. * * @param key The name of a node. * * @return The head of a linked list that contains all possible match pattern to * template associations for the given key. */ private TemplateSubPatternAssociation getHead(String key) { return (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) m_patternTable.get(key); } /** * Get the head of the assocation list that is keyed by target. * * @param key * @param assoc */ private void putHead(String key, TemplateSubPatternAssociation assoc) { if (key.equals(PsuedoNames.PSEUDONAME_TEXT)) m_textPatterns = assoc; else if (key.equals(PsuedoNames.PSEUDONAME_ROOT)) m_docPatterns = assoc; else if (key.equals(PsuedoNames.PSEUDONAME_COMMENT)) m_commentPatterns = assoc; m_patternTable.put(key, assoc); } /** * An inner class used by a compiler to iterate over all of the ElemTemplates * stored in this TemplateList. The compiler can replace returned templates * with their compiled equivalent. */ public class TemplateWalker { private Enumeration hashIterator; private boolean inPatterns; private TemplateSubPatternAssociation curPattern; private Hashtable m_compilerCache = new Hashtable(); private TemplateWalker() { hashIterator = m_patternTable.elements(); inPatterns = true; curPattern = null; } public ElemTemplate next() { ElemTemplate retValue = null; ElemTemplate ct; while (true) { if (inPatterns) { if (null != curPattern) curPattern = curPattern.getNext(); if (null != curPattern) retValue = curPattern.getTemplate(); else { if (hashIterator.hasMoreElements()) { curPattern = (TemplateSubPatternAssociation) hashIterator.nextElement(); retValue = curPattern.getTemplate(); } else { inPatterns = false; hashIterator = m_namedTemplates.elements(); } } } if (!inPatterns) { if (hashIterator.hasMoreElements()) retValue = (ElemTemplate) hashIterator.nextElement(); else return null; } ct = (ElemTemplate) m_compilerCache.get(new Integer(retValue.getUid())); if (null == ct) { m_compilerCache.put(new Integer(retValue.getUid()), retValue); return retValue; } } } } }