revision 89c1feb0a69a7707b271086e749975b3f7acacf7
2 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *
10 *
11 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 *  limitations under the License.
16 */
20import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
21import dalvik.annotation.TestInfo;
22import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel;
23import dalvik.annotation.TestTarget;
28import java.util.ArrayList;
29import java.util.Enumeration;
32public class NetworkInterfaceTest extends junit.framework.TestCase {
34    // private member variables used for tests
35    boolean atLeastOneInterface = false;
37    boolean atLeastTwoInterfaces = false;
39    private NetworkInterface networkInterface1 = null;
41    private NetworkInterface sameAsNetworkInterface1 = null;
43    private NetworkInterface networkInterface2 = null;
45    /**
46     * @tests
47     */
49      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
50      purpose = "",
51      targets = {
52        @TestTarget(
53          methodName = "getName",
54          methodArgs = {}
55        )
56    })
57    public void test_getName() {
58        if (atLeastOneInterface) {
59            assertNotNull("validate that non null name is returned",
60                    networkInterface1.getName());
61            assertFalse("validate that non-zero length name is generated",
62                    networkInterface1.getName().equals(""));
63        }
64        if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
65            assertFalse(
66                    "Validate strings are different for different interfaces",
67                    networkInterface1.getName().equals(
68                            networkInterface2.getName()));
69        }
70    }
72    /**
73     * @tests
74     */
76      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
77      purpose = "",
78      targets = {
79        @TestTarget(
80          methodName = "getInetAddresses",
81          methodArgs = {}
82        )
83    })
84    public void test_getInetAddresses() {
86        // security manager that allows us to check that we only return the
87        // addresses that we should
88        class mySecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
90            ArrayList disallowedNames = null;
92            public mySecurityManager(ArrayList addresses) {
93                disallowedNames = new ArrayList();
94                for (int i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) {
95                    disallowedNames.add(((InetAddress) addresses.get(i))
96                            .getHostName());
97                    disallowedNames.add(((InetAddress) addresses.get(i))
98                            .getHostAddress());
99                }
100            }
102            public void checkConnect(String host, int port) {
104                if (host == null) {
105                    throw new NullPointerException("host was null)");
106                }
108                for (int i = 0; i < disallowedNames.size(); i++) {
109                    if (((String) disallowedNames.get(i)).equals(host)) {
110                        throw new SecurityException("not allowed");
111                    }
112                }
113            }
115        }
117        if (atLeastOneInterface) {
118            Enumeration theAddresses = networkInterface1.getInetAddresses();
119            if (theAddresses != null) {
120                while (theAddresses.hasMoreElements()) {
121                    InetAddress theAddress = (InetAddress) theAddresses
122                            .nextElement();
123                    assertTrue("validate that address is not null",
124                            null != theAddress);
125                }
126            }
127        }
129        if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
130            Enumeration theAddresses = networkInterface2.getInetAddresses();
131            if (theAddresses != null) {
132                while (theAddresses.hasMoreElements()) {
133                    InetAddress theAddress = (InetAddress) theAddresses
134                            .nextElement();
135                    assertTrue("validate that address is not null",
136                            null != theAddress);
137                }
138            }
139        }
141        // create the list of ok and not ok addresses to return
142        if (atLeastOneInterface) {
143            ArrayList okAddresses = new ArrayList();
144            Enumeration addresses = networkInterface1.getInetAddresses();
145            int index = 0;
146            ArrayList notOkAddresses = new ArrayList();
147            if (addresses != null) {
148                while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
149                    InetAddress theAddress = (InetAddress) addresses
150                            .nextElement();
151                    if (index != 0) {
152                        okAddresses.add(theAddress);
153                    } else {
154                        notOkAddresses.add(theAddress);
155                    }
156                    index++;
157                }
158            }
160            // do the same for network interface 2 it it exists
161            if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
162                addresses = networkInterface2.getInetAddresses();
163                index = 0;
164                if (addresses != null) {
165                    while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
166                        InetAddress theAddress = (InetAddress) addresses
167                                .nextElement();
168                        if (index != 0) {
169                            okAddresses.add(theAddress);
170                        } else {
171                            notOkAddresses.add(theAddress);
172                        }
173                        index++;
174                    }
175                }
176            }
178            // set the security manager that will make the first address not
179            // visible
180            System.setSecurityManager(new mySecurityManager(notOkAddresses));
182            // validate not ok addresses are not returned
183            for (int i = 0; i < notOkAddresses.size(); i++) {
184                Enumeration reducedAddresses = networkInterface1
185                        .getInetAddresses();
186                if (reducedAddresses != null) {
187                    while (reducedAddresses.hasMoreElements()) {
188                        InetAddress nextAddress = (InetAddress) reducedAddresses
189                                .nextElement();
190                        assertTrue(
191                                "validate that address without permission is not returned",
192                                !nextAddress.equals(notOkAddresses.get(i)));
193                    }
194                }
195                if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
196                    reducedAddresses = networkInterface2.getInetAddresses();
197                    if (reducedAddresses != null) {
198                        while (reducedAddresses.hasMoreElements()) {
199                            InetAddress nextAddress = (InetAddress) reducedAddresses
200                                    .nextElement();
201                            assertTrue(
202                                    "validate that address without permission is not returned",
203                                    !nextAddress.equals(notOkAddresses.get(i)));
204                        }
205                    }
206                }
207            }
209            // validate that ok addresses are returned
210            for (int i = 0; i < okAddresses.size(); i++) {
211                boolean addressReturned = false;
212                Enumeration reducedAddresses = networkInterface1
213                        .getInetAddresses();
214                if (reducedAddresses != null) {
215                    while (reducedAddresses.hasMoreElements()) {
216                        InetAddress nextAddress = (InetAddress) reducedAddresses
217                                .nextElement();
218                        if (nextAddress.equals(okAddresses.get(i))) {
219                            addressReturned = true;
220                        }
221                    }
222                }
223                if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
224                    reducedAddresses = networkInterface2.getInetAddresses();
225                    if (reducedAddresses != null) {
226                        while (reducedAddresses.hasMoreElements()) {
227                            InetAddress nextAddress = (InetAddress) reducedAddresses
228                                    .nextElement();
229                            if (nextAddress.equals(okAddresses.get(i))) {
230                                addressReturned = true;
231                            }
232                        }
233                    }
234                }
235                assertTrue("validate that address with permission is returned",
236                        addressReturned);
237            }
239            // validate that we can get the interface by specifying the address.
240            // This is to be compatible
241            for (int i = 0; i < notOkAddresses.size(); i++) {
242                try {
243                    assertNotNull(
244                            "validate we cannot get the NetworkInterface with an address for which we have no privs",
245                            NetworkInterface
246                                    .getByInetAddress((InetAddress) notOkAddresses
247                                            .get(i)));
248                } catch (Exception e) {
249                    fail("get NetworkInterface for address with no perm - exception");
250                }
251            }
253            // validate that we can get the network interface for the good
254            // addresses
255            try {
256                for (int i = 0; i < okAddresses.size(); i++) {
257                    assertNotNull(
258                            "validate we cannot get the NetworkInterface with an address fro which we have no privs",
259                            NetworkInterface
260                                    .getByInetAddress((InetAddress) okAddresses
261                                            .get(i)));
262                }
263            } catch (Exception e) {
264                fail("get NetworkInterface for address with perm - exception");
265            }
267            System.setSecurityManager(null);
268        }
269    }
271    /**
272     * @tests
273     */
275      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
276      purpose = "",
277      targets = {
278        @TestTarget(
279          methodName = "getDisplayName",
280          methodArgs = {}
281        )
282    })
283    public void test_getDisplayName() {
284        if (atLeastOneInterface) {
285            assertNotNull("validate that non null display name is returned",
286                    networkInterface1.getDisplayName());
287            assertFalse(
288                    "validate that non-zero lengtj display name is generated",
289                    networkInterface1.getDisplayName().equals(""));
290        }
291        if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
292            assertFalse(
293                    "Validate strings are different for different interfaces",
294                    networkInterface1.getDisplayName().equals(
295                            networkInterface2.getDisplayName()));
296        }
297    }
299    /**
300     * @tests
301     */
303      level = TestLevel.PARTIAL,
304      purpose = "SocketException checking missed.",
305      targets = {
306        @TestTarget(
307          methodName = "getByName",
308          methodArgs = {String.class}
309        )
310    })
311    public void test_getByNameLjava_lang_String() {
312        try {
313            assertNull("validate null handled ok",
314                                   NetworkInterface.getByName(null));
315            fail("getByName did not throw NullPointerException for null argument");
316        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
317        } catch (Exception e) {
318            fail("getByName, null inetAddress - raised exception : "
319                    + e.getMessage());
320        }
322        try {
323            assertNull("validate handled ok if we ask for name not associated with any interface",
324                                   NetworkInterface.getByName("8not a name4"));
325        } catch (Exception e) {
326            fail("getByName, unknown inetAddress - raised exception : "
327                    + e.getMessage());
328        }
330        // for each address in an interface validate that we get the right
331        // interface for that name
332        if (atLeastOneInterface) {
333            String theName = networkInterface1.getName();
334            if (theName != null) {
335                try {
336                    assertTrue(
337                            "validate that Interface can be obtained with its name",
338                            NetworkInterface.getByName(theName).equals(
339                                    networkInterface1));
340                } catch (Exception e) {
341                    fail("validate to get network interface using name - socket exception");
342                }
343            }
344        }
346        // validate that we get the right interface with the second interface as
347        // well (ie we just don't always get the first interface
348        if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
349            String theName = networkInterface2.getName();
350            if (theName != null) {
351                try {
352                    assertTrue(
353                            "validate that Interface can be obtained with its name",
354                            NetworkInterface.getByName(theName).equals(
355                                    networkInterface2));
356                } catch (Exception e) {
357                    fail("validate to get network interface using name - socket exception");
358                }
359            }
360        }
361    }
363    /**
364     * @tests
365     */
367      level = TestLevel.PARTIAL,
368      purpose = "SocketException checking missed.",
369      targets = {
370        @TestTarget(
371          methodName = "getByInetAddress",
372          methodArgs = {InetAddress.class}
373        )
374    })
375    public void test_getByInetAddressLjava_net_InetAddress() {
377        byte addressBytes[] = new byte[4];
378        addressBytes[0] = 0;
379        addressBytes[1] = 0;
380        addressBytes[2] = 0;
381        addressBytes[3] = 0;
383        try {
384            assertNull("validate null handled ok",
385                                   NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(null));
386            fail("should not get here if getByInetAddress throws "
387                    + "NullPointerException if null passed in");
388        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
389        } catch (Exception e) {
390            fail("getByInetAddress, null inetAddress should have raised NPE"
391                    + " but instead threw a : " + e.getMessage());
392        }
394        try {
395            assertNull("validate handled ok if we ask for address not associated with any interface",
396                                   NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(InetAddress
397                            .getByAddress(addressBytes)));
398        } catch (Exception e) {
399            fail("getByInetAddress, unknown inetAddress threw exception : " + e);
400        }
402        // for each address in an interface validate that we get the right
403        // interface for that address
404        if (atLeastOneInterface) {
405            Enumeration addresses = networkInterface1.getInetAddresses();
406            if (addresses != null) {
407                while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
408                    InetAddress theAddress = (InetAddress) addresses
409                            .nextElement();
410                    try {
411                        assertTrue(
412                                "validate that Interface can be obtained with any one of its addresses",
413                                NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(theAddress)
414                                        .equals(networkInterface1));
415                    } catch (Exception e) {
416                        fail("validate to get address using inetAddress " +
417                                "threw exception : " + e);
418                    }
419                }
420            }
421        }
423        // validate that we get the right interface with the second interface as
424        // well (ie we just don't always get the first interface
425        if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
426            Enumeration addresses = networkInterface2.getInetAddresses();
427            if (addresses != null) {
428                while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
429                    InetAddress theAddress = (InetAddress) addresses
430                            .nextElement();
431                    try {
432                        assertTrue(
433                                "validate that Interface can be obtained with any one of its addresses",
434                                NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(theAddress)
435                                        .equals(networkInterface2));
436                    } catch (Exception e) {
437                        fail("validate to get address using inetAddress "
438                                + "threw exception : " + e);
439                    }
440                }
441            }
442        }
443    }
445    /**
446     * @tests
447     */
449      level = TestLevel.PARTIAL,
450      purpose = "SocketException checking missed.",
451      targets = {
452        @TestTarget(
453          methodName = "getNetworkInterfaces",
454          methodArgs = {}
455        )
456    })
457    public void test_getNetworkInterfaces() {
459        // really this is tested by all of the other calls but just make sure we
460        // can call it and get a list of interfaces if they exist
461        try {
462            Enumeration theInterfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
463        } catch (Exception e) {
464            fail("get Network Interfaces - raised exception : "
465                    + e.getMessage());
466        }
467    }
469    /**
470     * @tests
471     */
473      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
474      purpose = "",
475      targets = {
476        @TestTarget(
477          methodName = "equals",
478          methodArgs = {Object.class}
479        )
480    })
481    public void test_equalsLjava_lang_Object() {
482        // Test for method boolean
483        //
484        if (atLeastOneInterface) {
485            assertTrue("If objects are the same true is returned",
486                    networkInterface1.equals(sameAsNetworkInterface1));
487            assertFalse("Validate Null handled ok", networkInterface1
488                    .equals(null));
489        }
490        if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
491            assertFalse("If objects are different false is returned",
492                    networkInterface1.equals(networkInterface2));
493        }
494    }
496    /**
497     * @tests
498     */
500      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
501      purpose = "",
502      targets = {
503        @TestTarget(
504          methodName = "hashCode",
505          methodArgs = {}
506        )
507    })
508    public void test_hashCode() {
510        if (atLeastOneInterface) {
511            assertTrue(
512                    "validate that hash codes are the same for two calls on the same object",
513                    networkInterface1.hashCode() == networkInterface1
514                            .hashCode());
515            assertTrue(
516                    "validate that hash codes are the same for two objects for which equals is true",
517                    networkInterface1.hashCode() == sameAsNetworkInterface1
518                            .hashCode());
519        }
520    }
522    /**
523     * @tests
524     */
526      level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
527      purpose = "",
528      targets = {
529        @TestTarget(
530          methodName = "toString",
531          methodArgs = {}
532        )
533    })
534    public void test_toString() {
535        if (atLeastOneInterface) {
536            assertNotNull("validate that non null string is generated",
537                    networkInterface1.toString());
538            assertFalse("validate that non-zero length string is generated",
539                    networkInterface1.toString().equals(""));
540        }
541        if (atLeastTwoInterfaces) {
542            assertFalse(
543                    "Validate strings are different for different interfaces",
544                    networkInterface1.toString().equals(
545                            networkInterface2.toString()));
546        }
547    }
549    protected void setUp() {
551        Enumeration theInterfaces = null;
552        try {
553            theInterfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
554        } catch (Exception e) {
555            fail("Exception occurred getting network interfaces : " + e);
556        }
558        // Set up NetworkInterface instance members. Note that because the call
559        // to NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() returns *all* of the
560        // interfaces on the test machine it is possible that one or more of
561        // them will not currently be bound to an InetAddress. e.g. a laptop
562        // running connected by a wire to the local network may also have a
563        // wireless interface that is not active and so has no InetAddress
564        // bound to it. For these tests only work with NetworkInterface objects
565        // that are bound to an InetAddress.
566        if ((theInterfaces != null) && (theInterfaces.hasMoreElements())) {
567            while ((theInterfaces.hasMoreElements())
568                    && (atLeastOneInterface == false)) {
569                NetworkInterface theInterface = (NetworkInterface) theInterfaces
570                        .nextElement();
571                if (theInterface.getInetAddresses() != null) {
572                    // Ensure that the current NetworkInterface has at least
573                    // one InetAddress bound to it.
574                    Enumeration addrs = theInterface.getInetAddresses();
575                    if ((addrs != null) && (addrs.hasMoreElements())) {
576                        atLeastOneInterface = true;
577                        networkInterface1 = theInterface;
578                    }// end if
579                }
580            }
582            while ((theInterfaces.hasMoreElements())
583                    && (atLeastTwoInterfaces == false)) {
584                NetworkInterface theInterface = (NetworkInterface) theInterfaces
585                        .nextElement();
586                if (theInterface.getInetAddresses() != null) {
587                    // Ensure that the current NetworkInterface has at least
588                    // one InetAddress bound to it.
589                    Enumeration addrs = theInterface.getInetAddresses();
590                    if ((addrs != null) && (addrs.hasMoreElements())) {
591                        atLeastTwoInterfaces = true;
592                        networkInterface2 = theInterface;
593                    }// end if
594                }
595            }
597            // Only set sameAsNetworkInterface1 if we succeeded in finding
598            // at least one good NetworkInterface
599            if (atLeastOneInterface) {
600                Enumeration addresses = networkInterface1.getInetAddresses();
601                if (addresses != null) {
602                    try {
603                        if (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
604                            sameAsNetworkInterface1 = NetworkInterface
605                            .getByInetAddress((InetAddress) addresses
606                                    .nextElement());
607                        }
608                    } catch (SocketException e) {
609                        fail("SocketException occurred : " + e);
610                    }
611                }
612            }// end if atLeastOneInterface
613        }
614    }
616    protected void tearDown() {
617        System.setSecurityManager(null);
618    }