Lines Matching defs:in

6 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
82 // direct outputs can be a scarce resource in audio hardware and should
442 // when hw supports master volume, don't scale in sw mixer
678 // hold a strong ref on thread in case closeOutput() or closeInput() is called
854 // destroyed in the middle of requestExitAndWait()
896 // wait condition with timeout in case the thread loop has exited
1094 snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "blocked in write: %d\n", mInWrite);
1168 // all tracks in same audio session must share the same routing strategy otherwise
1391 // but in this case nothing is done below as no audio sessions have effect yet so it doesn't
1435 // session AudioSystem::SESSION_OUTPUT_MIX is placed in same strategy as MUSIC stream so that
1573 // prevent any changes in effect chain list and in each effect chain
1611 // enable changes in effect chain
1642 // enable changes in effect chain
1699 // Delegate master volume control to effect in output mix effect chain if needed
1730 // Delegate volume control to effect in track effect chain if needed
1783 // Delegate volume control to effect in track effect chain if needed
1890 // effect chain as in this case the mixer will not write to
2061 int32_t mul(int16_t in, int16_t v)
2065 asm( "smulbb %[out], %[in], %[v] \n"
2067 : [in]"%r"(in), [v]"r"(v)
2071 return in * int32_t(v);
2205 LOGV("DirectOutputThread %p TID %d waking up in active mode\n", this, gettid());
2286 // Delegate volume control to effect in track effect chain if needed
2608 // prevent any changes in effect chain list and in each effect chain
2631 // flush remaining overflow buffers in output tracks
2651 // enable changes in effect chain
2661 // enable changes in effect chain
2785 if (mCblk) { // construct the shared structure in-place.
2809 if (mCblk) { // construct the shared structure in-place.
2889 // Check validity of returned pointer in case the track control block would have been corrupted.
2934 // 16 bit because data is converted to 16 bit before being stored in buffer by AudioTrack
3063 // in both cases "unstop" the track
3146 // No point remaining in PAUSED state after a flush => go to
3396 LOGW ("OutputTrack::write() %p no more buffers in queue", this);
3609 // been played. Unless it's not in the active track list, in which
3707 // create new record track. The record track uses one track in mHardwareMixerThread by convention.
4234 // optmization: if mono to mono, use the resampler in stereo to stereo mode to avoid
4636 // this UUID must match the one defined in media/libeffects/EffectVisualizer.cpp
4672 // that can only be created by audio policy manager (running in same process)
4713 // of the required type in effect factory
4736 // 0 and the effect is not auxiliary, continue enumeration in case
4769 // If output is not specified try to find a matching audio session ID in one of the
4977 // create a new effect module if none present in the chain
5041 LOGW("addEffect_l() %p effect %s already present in chain %p",
5097 // Only one effect chain can be present in direct output thread and it uses
5116 // indicate all active tracks in the chain
5130 // chains list in order to be processed last as it contains output stage effects
5215 // Auxiliary effects are always in audio session AudioSystem::SESSION_OUTPUT_MIX
5299 // First handle in mHandles has highest priority and controls the effect module
5309 // if inserted in first place, move effect control from previous owner to this handle
5336 // if removed from first place, move effect control from this handle to next in line
5424 // do the actual processing in the effect engine
5446 int16_t *in = mConfig.inputCfg.buffer.s16;
5449 out[i] = clamp16((int32_t)out[i] + (int32_t)in[i]);
5500 // - in session AudioSystem::SESSION_OUTPUT_MIX or AudioSystem::SESSION_OUTPUT_STAGE,
5502 // - in other sessions:
5503 // last effect in the chain accumulates in output buffer: input buffer != output buffer
5506 // accumulates in output buffer: input buffer != output buffer
5779 // update this table when AudioSystem::audio_devices or audio_device_e (in EffectApi.h) are modified
5809 // update this table when AudioSystem::audio_mode or audio_mode_e (in EffectApi.h) are modified
5998 // No need to trylock() here as this function is executed in the binder thread serving a particular client process:
6184 // do not process effect if no track is present in same audio session
6218 // they are processed first and accumulated in chain input buffer
6221 // the input buffer for auxiliary effect contains mono samples in
6222 // 32 bit format. This is to avoid saturation in AudoMixer
6223 // accumulation stage. Saturation is done in EffectModule::process() before
6224 // calling the process in effect engine
6236 // if EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_EXCLUSIVE, insert in first position or reject if
6238 // else if EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_FIRST, insert in first position or after the
6240 // else if EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_LAST, insert in last position or before the
6297 // if last effect in the chain, output samples to chain
6310 LOGV("addEffect_l() effect %p, added in chain %p at rank %d", effect.get(), this, idx_insert);
6398 // then indicate volume to all other effects in chain.