/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.dx.dex.code; import com.android.dx.rop.code.BasicBlock; import com.android.dx.rop.code.BasicBlockList; import com.android.dx.rop.code.FillArrayDataInsn; import com.android.dx.rop.code.Insn; import com.android.dx.rop.code.LocalVariableInfo; import com.android.dx.rop.code.PlainCstInsn; import com.android.dx.rop.code.PlainInsn; import com.android.dx.rop.code.RegOps; import com.android.dx.rop.code.RegisterSpec; import com.android.dx.rop.code.RegisterSpecList; import com.android.dx.rop.code.RegisterSpecSet; import com.android.dx.rop.code.Rop; import com.android.dx.rop.code.RopMethod; import com.android.dx.rop.code.SourcePosition; import com.android.dx.rop.code.SwitchInsn; import com.android.dx.rop.code.ThrowingCstInsn; import com.android.dx.rop.code.ThrowingInsn; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.Constant; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstInteger; import com.android.dx.rop.type.Type; import com.android.dx.util.Bits; import com.android.dx.util.IntList; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Translator from {@link RopMethod} to {@link DalvCode}. The {@link * #translate} method is the thing to call on this class. */ public final class RopTranslator { /** {@code non-null;} method to translate */ private final RopMethod method; /** * how much position info to preserve; one of the static * constants in {@link PositionList} */ private final int positionInfo; /** {@code null-ok;} local variable info to use */ private final LocalVariableInfo locals; /** {@code non-null;} container for all the address objects for the method */ private final BlockAddresses addresses; /** {@code non-null;} list of output instructions in-progress */ private final OutputCollector output; /** {@code non-null;} visitor to use during translation */ private final TranslationVisitor translationVisitor; /** {@code >= 0;} register count for the method */ private final int regCount; /** {@code null-ok;} block output order; becomes non-null in {@link #pickOrder} */ private int[] order; /** size, in register units, of all the parameters to this method */ private final int paramSize; /** * true if the parameters to this method happen to be in proper order * at the end of the frame (as the optimizer emits them) */ private boolean paramsAreInOrder; /** * Translates a {@link RopMethod}. This may modify the given * input. * * @param method {@code non-null;} the original method * @param positionInfo how much position info to preserve; one of the * static constants in {@link PositionList} * @param locals {@code null-ok;} local variable information to use * @param paramSize size, in register units, of all the parameters to * this method * @return {@code non-null;} the translated version */ public static DalvCode translate(RopMethod method, int positionInfo, LocalVariableInfo locals, int paramSize) { RopTranslator translator = new RopTranslator(method, positionInfo, locals, paramSize); return translator.translateAndGetResult(); } /** * Constructs an instance. This method is private. Use {@link #translate}. * * @param method {@code non-null;} the original method * @param positionInfo how much position info to preserve; one of the * static constants in {@link PositionList} * @param locals {@code null-ok;} local variable information to use * @param paramSize size, in register units, of all the parameters to * this method */ private RopTranslator(RopMethod method, int positionInfo, LocalVariableInfo locals, int paramSize) { this.method = method; this.positionInfo = positionInfo; this.locals = locals; this.addresses = new BlockAddresses(method); this.paramSize = paramSize; this.order = null; this.paramsAreInOrder = calculateParamsAreInOrder(method, paramSize); BasicBlockList blocks = method.getBlocks(); int bsz = blocks.size(); /* * Max possible instructions includes three code address * objects per basic block (to the first and last instruction, * and just past the end of the block), and the possibility of * an extra goto at the end of each basic block. */ int maxInsns = (bsz * 3) + blocks.getInstructionCount(); if (locals != null) { /* * If we're tracking locals, then there's could be another * extra instruction per block (for the locals state at the * start of the block) as well as one for each interblock * local introduction. */ maxInsns += bsz + locals.getAssignmentCount(); } /* * If params are not in order, we will need register space * for them before this is all over... */ this.regCount = blocks.getRegCount() + (paramsAreInOrder ? 0 : this.paramSize); this.output = new OutputCollector(maxInsns, bsz * 3, regCount); if (locals != null) { this.translationVisitor = new LocalVariableAwareTranslationVisitor(output, locals); } else { this.translationVisitor = new TranslationVisitor(output); } } /** * Checks to see if the move-param instructions that occur in this * method happen to slot the params in an order at the top of the * stack frame that matches dalvik's calling conventions. This will * alway result in "true" for methods that have run through the * SSA optimizer. * * @param paramSize size, in register units, of all the parameters * to this method */ private static boolean calculateParamsAreInOrder(RopMethod method, final int paramSize) { final boolean[] paramsAreInOrder = { true }; final int initialRegCount = method.getBlocks().getRegCount(); /* * We almost could just check the first block here, but the * {@code cf} layer will put in a second move-param in a * subsequent block in the case of synchronized methods. */ method.getBlocks().forEachInsn(new Insn.BaseVisitor() { public void visitPlainCstInsn(PlainCstInsn insn) { if (insn.getOpcode().getOpcode()== RegOps.MOVE_PARAM) { int param = ((CstInteger) insn.getConstant()).getValue(); paramsAreInOrder[0] = paramsAreInOrder[0] && ((initialRegCount - paramSize + param) == insn.getResult().getReg()); } } }); return paramsAreInOrder[0]; } /** * Does the translation and returns the result. * * @return {@code non-null;} the result */ private DalvCode translateAndGetResult() { pickOrder(); outputInstructions(); StdCatchBuilder catches = new StdCatchBuilder(method, order, addresses); return new DalvCode(positionInfo, output.getFinisher(), catches); } /** * Performs initial creation of output instructions based on the * original blocks. */ private void outputInstructions() { BasicBlockList blocks = method.getBlocks(); int[] order = this.order; int len = order.length; // Process the blocks in output order. for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int nextI = i + 1; int nextLabel = (nextI == order.length) ? -1 : order[nextI]; outputBlock(blocks.labelToBlock(order[i]), nextLabel); } } /** * Helper for {@link #outputInstructions}, which does the processing * and output of one block. * * @param block {@code non-null;} the block to process and output * @param nextLabel {@code >= -1;} the next block that will be processed, or * {@code -1} if there is no next block */ private void outputBlock(BasicBlock block, int nextLabel) { // Append the code address for this block. CodeAddress startAddress = addresses.getStart(block); output.add(startAddress); // Append the local variable state for the block. if (locals != null) { RegisterSpecSet starts = locals.getStarts(block); output.add(new LocalSnapshot(startAddress.getPosition(), starts)); } /* * Choose and append an output instruction for each original * instruction. */ translationVisitor.setBlock(block, addresses.getLast(block)); block.getInsns().forEach(translationVisitor); // Insert the block end code address. output.add(addresses.getEnd(block)); // Set up for end-of-block activities. int succ = block.getPrimarySuccessor(); Insn lastInsn = block.getLastInsn(); /* * Check for (and possibly correct for) a non-optimal choice of * which block will get output next. */ if ((succ >= 0) && (succ != nextLabel)) { /* * The block has a "primary successor" and that primary * successor isn't the next block to be output. */ Rop lastRop = lastInsn.getOpcode(); if ((lastRop.getBranchingness() == Rop.BRANCH_IF) && (block.getSecondarySuccessor() == nextLabel)) { /* * The block ends with an "if" of some sort, and its * secondary successor (the "then") is in fact the * next block to output. So, reverse the sense of * the test, so that we can just emit the next block * without an interstitial goto. */ output.reverseBranch(1, addresses.getStart(succ)); } else { /* * Our only recourse is to add a goto here to get the * flow to be correct. */ TargetInsn insn = new TargetInsn(Dops.GOTO, lastInsn.getPosition(), RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, addresses.getStart(succ)); output.add(insn); } } } /** * Picks an order for the blocks by doing "trace" analysis. */ private void pickOrder() { BasicBlockList blocks = method.getBlocks(); int sz = blocks.size(); int maxLabel = blocks.getMaxLabel(); int[] workSet = Bits.makeBitSet(maxLabel); int[] tracebackSet = Bits.makeBitSet(maxLabel); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { BasicBlock one = blocks.get(i); Bits.set(workSet, one.getLabel()); } int[] order = new int[sz]; int at = 0; /* * Starting with the designated "first label" (that is, the * first block of the method), add that label to the order, * and then pick its first as-yet unordered successor to * immediately follow it, giving top priority to the primary * (aka default) successor (if any). Keep following successors * until the trace runs out of possibilities. Then, continue * by finding an unordered chain containing the first as-yet * unordered block, and adding it to the order, and so on. */ for (int label = method.getFirstLabel(); label != -1; label = Bits.findFirst(workSet, 0)) { /* * Attempt to trace backward from the chosen block to an * as-yet unordered predecessor which lists the chosen * block as its primary successor, and so on, until we * fail to find such an unordered predecessor. Start the * trace with that block. Note that the first block in the * method has no predecessors, so in that case this loop * will simply terminate with zero iterations and without * picking a new starter block. */ traceBack: for (;;) { IntList preds = method.labelToPredecessors(label); int psz = preds.size(); for (int i = 0; i < psz; i++) { int predLabel = preds.get(i); if (Bits.get(tracebackSet, predLabel)) { /* * We found a predecessor loop; stop tracing back * from here. */ break; } if (!Bits.get(workSet, predLabel)) { // This one's already ordered. continue; } BasicBlock pred = blocks.labelToBlock(predLabel); if (pred.getPrimarySuccessor() == label) { // Found one! label = predLabel; Bits.set(tracebackSet, label); continue traceBack; } } // Failed to find a better block to start the trace. break; } /* * Trace a path from the chosen block to one of its * unordered successors (hopefully the primary), and so * on, until we run out of unordered successors. */ while (label != -1) { Bits.clear(workSet, label); Bits.clear(tracebackSet, label); order[at] = label; at++; BasicBlock one = blocks.labelToBlock(label); BasicBlock preferredBlock = blocks.preferredSuccessorOf(one); if (preferredBlock == null) { break; } int preferred = preferredBlock.getLabel(); int primary = one.getPrimarySuccessor(); if (Bits.get(workSet, preferred)) { /* * Order the current block's preferred successor * next, as it has yet to be scheduled. */ label = preferred; } else if ((primary != preferred) && (primary >= 0) && Bits.get(workSet, primary)) { /* * The primary is available, so use that. */ label = primary; } else { /* * There's no obvious candidate, so pick the first * one that's available, if any. */ IntList successors = one.getSuccessors(); int ssz = successors.size(); label = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ssz; i++) { int candidate = successors.get(i); if (Bits.get(workSet, candidate)) { label = candidate; break; } } } } } if (at != sz) { // There was a duplicate block label. throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen"); } this.order = order; } /** * Gets the complete register list (result and sources) out of a * given rop instruction. For insns that are commutative, have * two register sources, and have a source equal to the result, * place that source first. * * @param insn {@code non-null;} instruction in question * @return {@code non-null;} the instruction's complete register list */ private static RegisterSpecList getRegs(Insn insn) { return getRegs(insn, insn.getResult()); } /** * Gets the complete register list (result and sources) out of a * given rop instruction. For insns that are commutative, have * two register sources, and have a source equal to the result, * place that source first. * * @param insn {@code non-null;} instruction in question * @param resultReg {@code null-ok;} the real result to use (ignore the insn's) * @return {@code non-null;} the instruction's complete register list */ private static RegisterSpecList getRegs(Insn insn, RegisterSpec resultReg) { RegisterSpecList regs = insn.getSources(); if (insn.getOpcode().isCommutative() && (regs.size() == 2) && (resultReg.getReg() == regs.get(1).getReg())) { /* * For commutative ops which have two register sources, * if the second source is the same register as the result, * swap the sources so that an opcode of form 12x can be selected * instead of one of form 23x */ regs = RegisterSpecList.make(regs.get(1), regs.get(0)); } if (resultReg == null) { return regs; } return regs.withFirst(resultReg); } /** * Instruction visitor class for doing the instruction translation per se. */ private class TranslationVisitor implements Insn.Visitor { /** {@code non-null;} list of output instructions in-progress */ private final OutputCollector output; /** {@code non-null;} basic block being worked on */ private BasicBlock block; /** * {@code null-ok;} code address for the salient last instruction of the * block (used before switches and throwing instructions) */ private CodeAddress lastAddress; /** * Constructs an instance. * * @param output {@code non-null;} destination for instruction output */ public TranslationVisitor(OutputCollector output) { this.output = output; } /** * Sets the block currently being worked on. * * @param block {@code non-null;} the block * @param lastAddress {@code non-null;} code address for the salient * last instruction of the block */ public void setBlock(BasicBlock block, CodeAddress lastAddress) { this.block = block; this.lastAddress = lastAddress; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void visitPlainInsn(PlainInsn insn) { Rop rop = insn.getOpcode(); if (rop.getOpcode() == RegOps.MARK_LOCAL) { /* * Ignore these. They're dealt with by * the LocalVariableAwareTranslationVisitor */ return; } if (rop.getOpcode() == RegOps.MOVE_RESULT_PSEUDO) { // These get skipped return; } SourcePosition pos = insn.getPosition(); Dop opcode = RopToDop.dopFor(insn); DalvInsn di; switch (rop.getBranchingness()) { case Rop.BRANCH_NONE: case Rop.BRANCH_RETURN: case Rop.BRANCH_THROW: { di = new SimpleInsn(opcode, pos, getRegs(insn)); break; } case Rop.BRANCH_GOTO: { /* * Code in the main translation loop will emit a * goto if necessary (if the branch isn't to the * immediately subsequent block). */ return; } case Rop.BRANCH_IF: { int target = block.getSuccessors().get(1); di = new TargetInsn(opcode, pos, getRegs(insn), addresses.getStart(target)); break; } default: { throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen"); } } addOutput(di); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void visitPlainCstInsn(PlainCstInsn insn) { SourcePosition pos = insn.getPosition(); Dop opcode = RopToDop.dopFor(insn); Rop rop = insn.getOpcode(); int ropOpcode = rop.getOpcode(); DalvInsn di; if (rop.getBranchingness() != Rop.BRANCH_NONE) { throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen"); } if (ropOpcode == RegOps.MOVE_PARAM) { if (!paramsAreInOrder) { /* * Parameters are not in order at the top of the reg space. * We need to add moves. */ RegisterSpec dest = insn.getResult(); int param = ((CstInteger) insn.getConstant()).getValue(); RegisterSpec source = RegisterSpec.make(regCount - paramSize + param, dest.getType()); di = new SimpleInsn(opcode, pos, RegisterSpecList.make(dest, source)); addOutput(di); } } else { // No moves required for the parameters RegisterSpecList regs = getRegs(insn); di = new CstInsn(opcode, pos, regs, insn.getConstant()); addOutput(di); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void visitSwitchInsn(SwitchInsn insn) { SourcePosition pos = insn.getPosition(); IntList cases = insn.getCases(); IntList successors = block.getSuccessors(); int casesSz = cases.size(); int succSz = successors.size(); int primarySuccessor = block.getPrimarySuccessor(); /* * Check the assumptions that the number of cases is one * less than the number of successors and that the last * successor in the list is the primary (in this case, the * default). This test is here to guard against forgetting * to change this code if the way switch instructions are * constructed also gets changed. */ if ((casesSz != (succSz - 1)) || (primarySuccessor != successors.get(casesSz))) { throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen"); } CodeAddress[] switchTargets = new CodeAddress[casesSz]; for (int i = 0; i < casesSz; i++) { int label = successors.get(i); switchTargets[i] = addresses.getStart(label); } CodeAddress dataAddress = new CodeAddress(pos); SwitchData dataInsn = new SwitchData(pos, lastAddress, cases, switchTargets); Dop opcode = dataInsn.isPacked() ? Dops.PACKED_SWITCH : Dops.SPARSE_SWITCH; TargetInsn switchInsn = new TargetInsn(opcode, pos, getRegs(insn), dataAddress); addOutput(lastAddress); addOutput(switchInsn); addOutputSuffix(new OddSpacer(pos)); addOutputSuffix(dataAddress); addOutputSuffix(dataInsn); } /** * Looks forward to the current block's primary successor, returning * the RegisterSpec of the result of the move-result-pseudo at the * top of that block or null if none. * * @return {@code null-ok;} result of move-result-pseudo at the beginning of * primary successor */ private RegisterSpec getNextMoveResultPseudo() { int label = block.getPrimarySuccessor(); if (label < 0) { return null; } Insn insn = method.getBlocks().labelToBlock(label).getInsns().get(0); if (insn.getOpcode().getOpcode() != RegOps.MOVE_RESULT_PSEUDO) { return null; } else { return insn.getResult(); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void visitThrowingCstInsn(ThrowingCstInsn insn) { SourcePosition pos = insn.getPosition(); Dop opcode = RopToDop.dopFor(insn); Rop rop = insn.getOpcode(); Constant cst = insn.getConstant(); if (rop.getBranchingness() != Rop.BRANCH_THROW) { throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen"); } addOutput(lastAddress); if (rop.isCallLike()) { RegisterSpecList regs = insn.getSources(); DalvInsn di = new CstInsn(opcode, pos, regs, cst); addOutput(di); } else { RegisterSpec realResult = getNextMoveResultPseudo(); RegisterSpecList regs = getRegs(insn, realResult); DalvInsn di; boolean hasResult = opcode.hasResult() || (rop.getOpcode() == RegOps.CHECK_CAST); if (hasResult != (realResult != null)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Insn with result/move-result-pseudo mismatch " + insn); } if ((rop.getOpcode() == RegOps.NEW_ARRAY) && (opcode.getOpcode() != DalvOps.NEW_ARRAY)) { /* * It's a type-specific new-array-, and * so it should be turned into a SimpleInsn (no * constant ref as it's implicit). */ di = new SimpleInsn(opcode, pos, regs); } else { /* * This is the general case for constant-bearing * instructions. */ di = new CstInsn(opcode, pos, regs, cst); } addOutput(di); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void visitThrowingInsn(ThrowingInsn insn) { SourcePosition pos = insn.getPosition(); Dop opcode = RopToDop.dopFor(insn); Rop rop = insn.getOpcode(); RegisterSpec realResult; if (rop.getBranchingness() != Rop.BRANCH_THROW) { throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen"); } realResult = getNextMoveResultPseudo(); if (opcode.hasResult() != (realResult != null)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Insn with result/move-result-pseudo mismatch" + insn); } addOutput(lastAddress); DalvInsn di = new SimpleInsn(opcode, pos, getRegs(insn, realResult)); addOutput(di); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void visitFillArrayDataInsn(FillArrayDataInsn insn) { SourcePosition pos = insn.getPosition(); Constant cst = insn.getConstant(); ArrayList values = insn.getInitValues(); Rop rop = insn.getOpcode(); if (rop.getBranchingness() != Rop.BRANCH_NONE) { throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen"); } CodeAddress dataAddress = new CodeAddress(pos); ArrayData dataInsn = new ArrayData(pos, lastAddress, values, cst); TargetInsn fillArrayDataInsn = new TargetInsn(Dops.FILL_ARRAY_DATA, pos, getRegs(insn), dataAddress); addOutput(lastAddress); addOutput(fillArrayDataInsn); addOutputSuffix(new OddSpacer(pos)); addOutputSuffix(dataAddress); addOutputSuffix(dataInsn); } /** * Adds to the output. * * @param insn {@code non-null;} instruction to add */ protected void addOutput(DalvInsn insn) { output.add(insn); } /** * Adds to the output suffix. * * @param insn {@code non-null;} instruction to add */ protected void addOutputSuffix(DalvInsn insn) { output.addSuffix(insn); } } /** * Instruction visitor class for doing instruction translation with * local variable tracking */ private class LocalVariableAwareTranslationVisitor extends TranslationVisitor { /** {@code non-null;} local variable info */ private LocalVariableInfo locals; /** * Constructs an instance. * * @param output {@code non-null;} destination for instruction output * @param locals {@code non-null;} the local variable info */ public LocalVariableAwareTranslationVisitor(OutputCollector output, LocalVariableInfo locals) { super(output); this.locals = locals; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void visitPlainInsn(PlainInsn insn) { super.visitPlainInsn(insn); addIntroductionIfNecessary(insn); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void visitPlainCstInsn(PlainCstInsn insn) { super.visitPlainCstInsn(insn); addIntroductionIfNecessary(insn); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void visitSwitchInsn(SwitchInsn insn) { super.visitSwitchInsn(insn); addIntroductionIfNecessary(insn); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void visitThrowingCstInsn(ThrowingCstInsn insn) { super.visitThrowingCstInsn(insn); addIntroductionIfNecessary(insn); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void visitThrowingInsn(ThrowingInsn insn) { super.visitThrowingInsn(insn); addIntroductionIfNecessary(insn); } /** * Adds a {@link LocalStart} to the output if the given * instruction in fact introduces a local variable. * * @param insn {@code non-null;} instruction in question */ public void addIntroductionIfNecessary(Insn insn) { RegisterSpec spec = locals.getAssignment(insn); if (spec != null) { addOutput(new LocalStart(insn.getPosition(), spec)); } } } }