2 * ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, obfuscation, and preverification
3 *             of Java bytecode.
4 *
5 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Eric Lafortune (eric@graphics.cornell.edu)
6 *
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
9 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
10 * any later version.
11 *
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
15 * more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
18 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
19 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 */
21package proguard.gui.splash;
23import java.awt.*;
24import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
27 * This Sprite encapsulates another Sprite, which is then buffered in an Image.
28 *
29 * @author Eric Lafortune
30 */
31public class BufferedSprite implements Sprite
33    private final int         bufferX;
34    private final int         bufferY;
35    private final Image       bufferImage;
36    private final Color       backgroundColor;
37    private final Sprite      sprite;
38    private final VariableInt x;
39    private final VariableInt y;
41    private long cachedTime = -1;
44    /**
45     * Creates a new BufferedSprite with an ABGR image.
46     * @param bufferX the x offset of the buffer image.
47     * @param bufferY the y offset of the buffer image.
48     * @param width   the width of the buffer image.
49     * @param height  the height of the buffer image.
50     * @param sprite  the Sprite that is painted in the buffer.
51     * @param x       the variable x ordinate of the image buffer for painting.
52     * @param y       the variable y ordinate of the image buffer for painting.
53     *
54     */
55    public BufferedSprite(int         bufferX,
56                          int         bufferY,
57                          int         width,
58                          int         height,
59                          Sprite      sprite,
60                          VariableInt x,
61                          VariableInt y)
62    {
64        this(bufferX,
65             bufferY,
66             new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR),
67             null,
68             sprite,
69             x,
70             y);
71    }
74    /**
75     * Creates a new BufferedSprite with the given image.
76     * @param bufferX         the x offset of the buffer image.
77     * @param bufferY         the y offset of the buffer image.
78     * @param bufferImage     the Image that is used for the buffering.
79     * @param backgroundColor the background color that is used for the buffer.
80     * @param sprite          the Sprite that is painted in the buffer.
81     * @param x               the variable x ordinate of the image buffer for
82     *                        painting.
83     * @param y               the variable y ordinate of the image buffer for
84     *                        painting.
85     */
86    public BufferedSprite(int         bufferX,
87                          int         bufferY,
88                          Image       bufferImage,
89                          Color       backgroundColor,
90                          Sprite      sprite,
91                          VariableInt x,
92                          VariableInt y)
93    {
94        this.bufferX         = bufferX;
95        this.bufferY         = bufferY;
96        this.bufferImage     = bufferImage;
97        this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
98        this.sprite          = sprite;
99        this.x               = x;
100        this.y               = y;
101    }
104   // Implementation for Sprite.
106    public void paint(Graphics graphics, long time)
107    {
108        if (time != cachedTime)
109        {
110            Graphics bufferGraphics = bufferImage.getGraphics();
112            // Clear the background.
113            if (backgroundColor != null)
114            {
115                Graphics2D bufferGraphics2D = (Graphics2D)bufferGraphics;
116                bufferGraphics2D.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Clear);
117                bufferGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, bufferImage.getWidth(null), bufferImage.getHeight(null));
118                bufferGraphics2D.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src);
119            }
120            else
121            {
122                bufferGraphics.setColor(backgroundColor);
123                bufferGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, bufferImage.getWidth(null), bufferImage.getHeight(null));
124            }
126            // Set up the buffer graphics.
127            bufferGraphics.translate(-bufferX, -bufferY);
128            bufferGraphics.setColor(graphics.getColor());
129            bufferGraphics.setFont(graphics.getFont());
131            // Draw the sprite.
132            sprite.paint(bufferGraphics, time);
134            bufferGraphics.dispose();
136            cachedTime = time;
137        }
139        // Draw the buffer image.
140        graphics.drawImage(bufferImage,
141                           bufferX + x.getInt(time),
142                           bufferY + y.getInt(time),
143                           null);
144    }