/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony; import com.android.internal.telephony.DataConnection.UpdateLinkPropertyResult; import com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel; import com.android.internal.util.Protocol; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.net.LinkCapabilities; import android.net.LinkProperties; import android.net.ProxyProperties; import android.os.Message; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; /** * AsyncChannel to a DataConnection */ public class DataConnectionAc extends AsyncChannel { private static final boolean DBG = false; private String mLogTag; public DataConnection dataConnection; public static final int BASE = Protocol.BASE_DATA_CONNECTION_AC; public static final int REQ_IS_INACTIVE = BASE + 0; public static final int RSP_IS_INACTIVE = BASE + 1; public static final int REQ_GET_CID = BASE + 2; public static final int RSP_GET_CID = BASE + 3; public static final int REQ_GET_APNSETTING = BASE + 4; public static final int RSP_GET_APNSETTING = BASE + 5; public static final int REQ_GET_LINK_PROPERTIES = BASE + 6; public static final int RSP_GET_LINK_PROPERTIES = BASE + 7; public static final int REQ_SET_LINK_PROPERTIES_HTTP_PROXY = BASE + 8; public static final int RSP_SET_LINK_PROPERTIES_HTTP_PROXY = BASE + 9; public static final int REQ_GET_LINK_CAPABILITIES = BASE + 10; public static final int RSP_GET_LINK_CAPABILITIES = BASE + 11; public static final int REQ_UPDATE_LINK_PROPERTIES_DATA_CALL_STATE = BASE + 12; public static final int RSP_UPDATE_LINK_PROPERTIES_DATA_CALL_STATE = BASE + 13; public static final int REQ_RESET = BASE + 14; public static final int RSP_RESET = BASE + 15; public static final int REQ_GET_REFCOUNT = BASE + 16; public static final int RSP_GET_REFCOUNT = BASE + 17; public static final int REQ_ADD_APNCONTEXT = BASE + 18; public static final int RSP_ADD_APNCONTEXT = BASE + 19; public static final int REQ_REMOVE_APNCONTEXT = BASE + 20; public static final int RSP_REMOVE_APNCONTEXT = BASE + 21; public static final int REQ_GET_APNCONTEXT_LIST = BASE + 22; public static final int RSP_GET_APNCONTEXT_LIST = BASE + 23; public static final int REQ_SET_RECONNECT_INTENT = BASE + 24; public static final int RSP_SET_RECONNECT_INTENT = BASE + 25; public static final int REQ_GET_RECONNECT_INTENT = BASE + 26; public static final int RSP_GET_RECONNECT_INTENT = BASE + 27; /** * enum used to notify action taken or necessary to be * taken after the link property is changed. */ public enum LinkPropertyChangeAction { NONE, CHANGED, RESET; public static LinkPropertyChangeAction fromInt(int value) { if (value == NONE.ordinal()) { return NONE; } else if (value == CHANGED.ordinal()) { return CHANGED; } else if (value == RESET.ordinal()) { return RESET; } else { throw new RuntimeException("LinkPropertyChangeAction.fromInt: bad value=" + value); } } } public DataConnectionAc(DataConnection dc, String logTag) { dataConnection = dc; mLogTag = logTag; } /** * Request if the state machine is in the inactive state. * Response {@link #rspIsInactive} */ public void reqIsInactive() { sendMessage(REQ_IS_INACTIVE); if (DBG) log("reqIsInactive"); } /** * Evaluate RSP_IS_INACTIVE. * * @return true if the state machine is in the inactive state. */ public boolean rspIsInactive(Message response) { boolean retVal = response.arg1 == 1; if (DBG) log("rspIsInactive=" + retVal); return retVal; } /** * @return true if the state machine is in the inactive state. */ public boolean isInactiveSync() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_IS_INACTIVE); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_IS_INACTIVE)) { return rspIsInactive(response); } else { log("rspIsInactive error response=" + response); return false; } } /** * Request the Connection ID. * Response {@link #rspCid} */ public void reqCid() { sendMessage(REQ_GET_CID); if (DBG) log("reqCid"); } /** * Evaluate a RSP_GET_CID message and return the cid. * * @param response Message * @return connection id or -1 if an error */ public int rspCid(Message response) { int retVal = response.arg1; if (DBG) log("rspCid=" + retVal); return retVal; } /** * @return connection id or -1 if an error */ public int getCidSync() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_GET_CID); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_GET_CID)) { return rspCid(response); } else { log("rspCid error response=" + response); return -1; } } /** * Request the Reference Count. * Response {@link #rspRefCount} */ public void reqRefCount() { sendMessage(REQ_GET_REFCOUNT); if (DBG) log("reqRefCount"); } /** * Evaluate a RSP_GET_REFCOUNT message and return the refCount. * * @param response Message * @return ref count or -1 if an error */ public int rspRefCount(Message response) { int retVal = response.arg1; if (DBG) log("rspRefCount=" + retVal); return retVal; } /** * @return connection id or -1 if an error */ public int getRefCountSync() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_GET_REFCOUNT); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_GET_REFCOUNT)) { return rspRefCount(response); } else { log("rspRefCount error response=" + response); return -1; } } /** * Request the connections ApnSetting. * Response {@link #rspApnSetting} */ public void reqApnSetting() { sendMessage(REQ_GET_APNSETTING); if (DBG) log("reqApnSetting"); } /** * Evaluate a RSP_APN_SETTING message and return the ApnSetting. * * @param response Message * @return ApnSetting, maybe null */ public ApnSetting rspApnSetting(Message response) { ApnSetting retVal = (ApnSetting) response.obj; if (DBG) log("rspApnSetting=" + retVal); return retVal; } /** * Get the connections ApnSetting. * * @return ApnSetting or null if an error */ public ApnSetting getApnSettingSync() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_GET_APNSETTING); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_GET_APNSETTING)) { return rspApnSetting(response); } else { log("getApnSetting error response=" + response); return null; } } /** * Request the connections LinkProperties. * Response {@link #rspLinkProperties} */ public void reqLinkProperties() { sendMessage(REQ_GET_LINK_PROPERTIES); if (DBG) log("reqLinkProperties"); } /** * Evaluate RSP_GET_LINK_PROPERTIES * * @param response * @return LinkProperties, maybe null. */ public LinkProperties rspLinkProperties(Message response) { LinkProperties retVal = (LinkProperties) response.obj; if (DBG) log("rspLinkProperties=" + retVal); return retVal; } /** * Get the connections LinkProperties. * * @return LinkProperties or null if an error */ public LinkProperties getLinkPropertiesSync() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_GET_LINK_PROPERTIES); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_GET_LINK_PROPERTIES)) { return rspLinkProperties(response); } else { log("getLinkProperties error response=" + response); return null; } } /** * Request setting the connections LinkProperties.HttpProxy. * Response RSP_SET_LINK_PROPERTIES when complete. */ public void reqSetLinkPropertiesHttpProxy(ProxyProperties proxy) { sendMessage(REQ_SET_LINK_PROPERTIES_HTTP_PROXY, proxy); if (DBG) log("reqSetLinkPropertiesHttpProxy proxy=" + proxy); } /** * Set the connections LinkProperties.HttpProxy */ public void setLinkPropertiesHttpProxySync(ProxyProperties proxy) { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_SET_LINK_PROPERTIES_HTTP_PROXY, proxy); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_SET_LINK_PROPERTIES_HTTP_PROXY)) { if (DBG) log("setLinkPropertiesHttpPoxy ok"); } else { log("setLinkPropertiesHttpPoxy error response=" + response); } } /** * Request update LinkProperties from DataCallState * Response {@link #rspUpdateLinkPropertiesDataCallState} */ public void reqUpdateLinkPropertiesDataCallState(DataCallState newState) { sendMessage(REQ_UPDATE_LINK_PROPERTIES_DATA_CALL_STATE, newState); if (DBG) log("reqUpdateLinkPropertiesDataCallState"); } public UpdateLinkPropertyResult rspUpdateLinkPropertiesDataCallState(Message response) { UpdateLinkPropertyResult retVal = (UpdateLinkPropertyResult)response.obj; if (DBG) log("rspUpdateLinkPropertiesState: retVal=" + retVal); return retVal; } /** * Update link properties in the data connection * * @return the removed and added addresses. */ public UpdateLinkPropertyResult updateLinkPropertiesDataCallStateSync(DataCallState newState) { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_UPDATE_LINK_PROPERTIES_DATA_CALL_STATE, newState); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_UPDATE_LINK_PROPERTIES_DATA_CALL_STATE)) { return rspUpdateLinkPropertiesDataCallState(response); } else { log("getLinkProperties error response=" + response); return new UpdateLinkPropertyResult(new LinkProperties()); } } /** * Request the connections LinkCapabilities. * Response {@link #rspLinkCapabilities} */ public void reqLinkCapabilities() { sendMessage(REQ_GET_LINK_CAPABILITIES); if (DBG) log("reqLinkCapabilities"); } /** * Evaluate RSP_GET_LINK_CAPABILITIES * * @param response * @return LinkCapabilites, maybe null. */ public LinkCapabilities rspLinkCapabilities(Message response) { LinkCapabilities retVal = (LinkCapabilities) response.obj; if (DBG) log("rspLinkCapabilities=" + retVal); return retVal; } /** * Get the connections LinkCapabilities. * * @return LinkCapabilities or null if an error */ public LinkCapabilities getLinkCapabilitiesSync() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_GET_LINK_CAPABILITIES); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_GET_LINK_CAPABILITIES)) { return rspLinkCapabilities(response); } else { log("getLinkCapabilities error response=" + response); return null; } } /** * Request the connections LinkCapabilities. * Response RSP_RESET when complete */ public void reqReset() { sendMessage(REQ_RESET); if (DBG) log("reqReset"); } /** * Reset the connection and wait for it to complete. */ public void resetSync() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_RESET); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_RESET)) { if (DBG) log("restSync ok"); } else { log("restSync error response=" + response); } } /** * Request to add ApnContext association. * Response RSP_ADD_APNCONTEXT when complete. */ public void reqAddApnContext(ApnContext apnContext) { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_ADD_APNCONTEXT, apnContext); if (DBG) log("reqAddApnContext"); } /** * Add ApnContext association synchronoulsy. * * @param ApnContext to associate */ public void addApnContextSync(ApnContext apnContext) { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_ADD_APNCONTEXT, apnContext); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_ADD_APNCONTEXT)) { if (DBG) log("addApnContext ok"); } else { log("addApnContext error response=" + response); } } /** * Request to remove ApnContext association. * Response RSP_REMOVE_APNCONTEXT when complete. */ public void reqRemomveApnContext(ApnContext apnContext) { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_REMOVE_APNCONTEXT, apnContext); if (DBG) log("reqRemomveApnContext"); } /** * Remove ApnContext associateion. * * @param ApnContext to dissociate */ public void removeApnContextSync(ApnContext apnContext) { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_REMOVE_APNCONTEXT, apnContext); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_REMOVE_APNCONTEXT)) { if (DBG) log("removeApnContext ok"); } else { log("removeApnContext error response=" + response); } } /** * Request to retrive ApnContext List associated with DC. * Response RSP_GET_APNCONTEXT_LIST when complete. */ public void reqGetApnList(ApnContext apnContext) { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_GET_APNCONTEXT_LIST); if (DBG) log("reqGetApnList"); } /** * Retrieve Collection of ApnContext from the response message. * * @param Message sent from DC in response to REQ_GET_APNCONTEXT_LIST. * @return Collection of ApnContext */ public Collection rspApnList(Message response) { Collection retVal = (Collection)response.obj; if (retVal == null) retVal = new ArrayList(); return retVal; } /** * Retrieve collection of ApnContext currently associated with * the DataConnectionA synchronously. * * @return Collection of ApnContext */ public Collection getApnListSync() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_GET_APNCONTEXT_LIST); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_GET_APNCONTEXT_LIST)) { if (DBG) log("getApnList ok"); return rspApnList(response); } else { log("getApnList error response=" + response); // return dummy list with no entry return new ArrayList(); } } /** * Request to set Pending ReconnectIntent to DC. * Response RSP_SET_RECONNECT_INTENT when complete. */ public void reqSetReconnectIntent(PendingIntent intent) { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_SET_RECONNECT_INTENT, intent); if (DBG) log("reqSetReconnectIntent"); } /** * Set pending reconnect intent to DC synchronously. * * @param PendingIntent to set. */ public void setReconnectIntentSync(PendingIntent intent) { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_SET_RECONNECT_INTENT, intent); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_SET_RECONNECT_INTENT)) { if (DBG) log("setReconnectIntent ok"); } else { log("setReconnectIntent error response=" + response); } } /** * Request to get Pending ReconnectIntent to DC. * Response RSP_GET_RECONNECT_INTENT when complete. */ public void reqGetReconnectIntent() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_GET_RECONNECT_INTENT); if (DBG) log("reqGetReconnectIntent"); } /** * Retrieve reconnect intent from response message from DC. * * @param Message which contains the reconnect intent. * @return PendingIntent from the response. */ public PendingIntent rspReconnectIntent(Message response) { PendingIntent retVal = (PendingIntent) response.obj; return retVal; } /** * Retrieve reconnect intent currently set in DC synchronously. * * @return PendingIntent reconnect intent current ly set in DC */ public PendingIntent getReconnectIntentSync() { Message response = sendMessageSynchronously(REQ_GET_RECONNECT_INTENT); if ((response != null) && (response.what == RSP_GET_RECONNECT_INTENT)) { if (DBG) log("getReconnectIntent ok"); return rspReconnectIntent(response); } else { log("getReconnectIntent error response=" + response); return null; } } private void log(String s) { android.util.Log.d(mLogTag, "DataConnectionAc " + s); } }