/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.contacts.editor; import com.android.contacts.GroupMetaDataLoader; import com.android.contacts.R; import com.android.contacts.model.AccountType; import com.android.contacts.model.AccountType.EditType; import com.android.contacts.model.DataKind; import com.android.contacts.model.EntityDelta; import com.android.contacts.model.EntityDelta.ValuesDelta; import com.android.contacts.model.EntityModifier; import com.android.internal.util.Objects; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Entity; import android.database.Cursor; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Data; import android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.PopupMenu; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Custom view that provides all the editor interaction for a specific * {@link Contacts} represented through an {@link EntityDelta}. Callers can * reuse this view and quickly rebuild its contents through * {@link #setState(EntityDelta, AccountType, ViewIdGenerator)}. *

* Internal updates are performed against {@link ValuesDelta} so that the * source {@link Entity} can be swapped out. Any state-based changes, such as * adding {@link Data} rows or changing {@link EditType}, are performed through * {@link EntityModifier} to ensure that {@link AccountType} are enforced. */ public class RawContactEditorView extends BaseRawContactEditorView { private LayoutInflater mInflater; private StructuredNameEditorView mName; private PhoneticNameEditorView mPhoneticName; private GroupMembershipView mGroupMembershipView; private ViewGroup mFields; private ImageView mAccountIcon; private TextView mAccountTypeTextView; private TextView mAccountNameTextView; private Button mAddFieldButton; private long mRawContactId = -1; private boolean mAutoAddToDefaultGroup = true; private Cursor mGroupMetaData; private DataKind mGroupMembershipKind; private EntityDelta mState; private boolean mPhoneticNameAdded; public RawContactEditorView(Context context) { super(context); } public RawContactEditorView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { super.setEnabled(enabled); View view = getPhotoEditor(); if (view != null) { view.setEnabled(enabled); } if (mName != null) { mName.setEnabled(enabled); } if (mPhoneticName != null) { mPhoneticName.setEnabled(enabled); } if (mFields != null) { int count = mFields.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { mFields.getChildAt(i).setEnabled(enabled); } } if (mGroupMembershipView != null) { mGroupMembershipView.setEnabled(enabled); } mAddFieldButton.setEnabled(enabled); } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mInflater = (LayoutInflater)getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); mName = (StructuredNameEditorView)findViewById(R.id.edit_name); mName.setDeletable(false); mPhoneticName = (PhoneticNameEditorView)findViewById(R.id.edit_phonetic_name); mPhoneticName.setDeletable(false); mFields = (ViewGroup)findViewById(R.id.sect_fields); mAccountIcon = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.account_icon); mAccountTypeTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.account_type); mAccountNameTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.account_name); mAddFieldButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button_add_field); mAddFieldButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { showAddInformationPopupWindow(); } }); } /** * Set the internal state for this view, given a current * {@link EntityDelta} state and the {@link AccountType} that * apply to that state. */ @Override public void setState(EntityDelta state, AccountType type, ViewIdGenerator vig, boolean isProfile) { mState = state; // Remove any existing sections mFields.removeAllViews(); // Bail if invalid state or account type if (state == null || type == null) return; setId(vig.getId(state, null, null, ViewIdGenerator.NO_VIEW_INDEX)); // Make sure we have a StructuredName and Organization EntityModifier.ensureKindExists(state, type, StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); EntityModifier.ensureKindExists(state, type, Organization.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); ValuesDelta values = state.getValues(); mRawContactId = values.getAsLong(RawContacts._ID); // Fill in the account info if (isProfile) { String accountName = values.getAsString(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(accountName)) { mAccountNameTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mAccountTypeTextView.setText(R.string.local_profile_title); } else { CharSequence accountType = type.getDisplayLabel(mContext); mAccountTypeTextView.setText(mContext.getString(R.string.external_profile_title, accountType)); mAccountNameTextView.setText(accountName); } } else { String accountName = values.getAsString(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME); CharSequence accountType = type.getDisplayLabel(mContext); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(accountType)) { accountType = mContext.getString(R.string.account_phone); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(accountName)) { mAccountNameTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mAccountNameTextView.setText( mContext.getString(R.string.from_account_format, accountName)); } else { // Hide this view so the other text view will be centered vertically mAccountNameTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } mAccountTypeTextView.setText( mContext.getString(R.string.account_type_format, accountType)); } mAccountIcon.setImageDrawable(type.getDisplayIcon(mContext)); // Show photo editor when supported EntityModifier.ensureKindExists(state, type, Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); setHasPhotoEditor((type.getKindForMimetype(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE) != null)); getPhotoEditor().setEnabled(isEnabled()); mName.setEnabled(isEnabled()); mPhoneticName.setEnabled(isEnabled()); // Show and hide the appropriate views mFields.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mName.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mPhoneticName.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mGroupMembershipKind = type.getKindForMimetype(GroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (mGroupMembershipKind != null) { mGroupMembershipView = (GroupMembershipView)mInflater.inflate( R.layout.item_group_membership, mFields, false); mGroupMembershipView.setKind(mGroupMembershipKind); mGroupMembershipView.setEnabled(isEnabled()); } // Create editor sections for each possible data kind for (DataKind kind : type.getSortedDataKinds()) { // Skip kind of not editable if (!kind.editable) continue; final String mimeType = kind.mimeType; if (StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) { // Handle special case editor for structured name final ValuesDelta primary = state.getPrimaryEntry(mimeType); mName.setValues( type.getKindForMimetype(DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME), primary, state, false, vig); mPhoneticName.setValues( type.getKindForMimetype(DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_PHONETIC_NAME), primary, state, false, vig); } else if (Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) { // Handle special case editor for photos final ValuesDelta primary = state.getPrimaryEntry(mimeType); getPhotoEditor().setValues(kind, primary, state, false, vig); } else if (GroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) { if (mGroupMembershipView != null) { mGroupMembershipView.setState(state); } } else if (Organization.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.equals(mimeType)) { // Create the organization section final KindSectionView section = (KindSectionView) mInflater.inflate( R.layout.item_kind_section, mFields, false); section.setTitleVisible(false); section.setEnabled(isEnabled()); section.setState(kind, state, false, vig); // If there is organization info for the contact already, display it if (!section.isEmpty()) { mFields.addView(section); } else { // Otherwise provide the user with an "add organization" button that shows the // EditText fields only when clicked final View organizationView = mInflater.inflate( R.layout.organization_editor_view_switcher, mFields, false); final View addOrganizationButton = organizationView.findViewById( R.id.add_organization_button); final ViewGroup organizationSectionViewContainer = (ViewGroup) organizationView.findViewById(R.id.container); organizationSectionViewContainer.addView(section); // Setup the click listener for the "add organization" button addOrganizationButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // Once the user expands the organization field, the user cannot // collapse them again. addOrganizationButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); organizationSectionViewContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); organizationSectionViewContainer.requestFocus(); } }); mFields.addView(organizationView); } } else { // Otherwise use generic section-based editors if (kind.fieldList == null) continue; final KindSectionView section = (KindSectionView)mInflater.inflate( R.layout.item_kind_section, mFields, false); section.setEnabled(isEnabled()); section.setState(kind, state, false, vig); mFields.addView(section); } } if (mGroupMembershipView != null) { mFields.addView(mGroupMembershipView); } updatePhoneticNameVisibility(); addToDefaultGroupIfNeeded(); mAddFieldButton.setEnabled(isEnabled()); } @Override public void setGroupMetaData(Cursor groupMetaData) { mGroupMetaData = groupMetaData; addToDefaultGroupIfNeeded(); if (mGroupMembershipView != null) { mGroupMembershipView.setGroupMetaData(groupMetaData); } } public void setAutoAddToDefaultGroup(boolean flag) { this.mAutoAddToDefaultGroup = flag; } /** * If automatic addition to the default group was requested (see * {@link #setAutoAddToDefaultGroup}, checks if the raw contact is in any * group and if it is not adds it to the default group (in case of Google * contacts that's "My Contacts"). */ private void addToDefaultGroupIfNeeded() { if (!mAutoAddToDefaultGroup || mGroupMetaData == null || mGroupMetaData.isClosed() || mState == null) { return; } boolean hasGroupMembership = false; ArrayList entries = mState.getMimeEntries(GroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); if (entries != null) { for (ValuesDelta values : entries) { Long id = values.getAsLong(GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID); if (id != null && id.longValue() != 0) { hasGroupMembership = true; break; } } } if (!hasGroupMembership) { long defaultGroupId = getDefaultGroupId(); if (defaultGroupId != -1) { ValuesDelta entry = EntityModifier.insertChild(mState, mGroupMembershipKind); entry.put(GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID, defaultGroupId); } } } /** * Returns the default group (e.g. "My Contacts") for the current raw contact's * account. Returns -1 if there is no such group. */ private long getDefaultGroupId() { String accountType = mState.getValues().getAsString(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE); String accountName = mState.getValues().getAsString(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME); String accountDataSet = mState.getValues().getAsString(RawContacts.DATA_SET); mGroupMetaData.moveToPosition(-1); while (mGroupMetaData.moveToNext()) { String name = mGroupMetaData.getString(GroupMetaDataLoader.ACCOUNT_NAME); String type = mGroupMetaData.getString(GroupMetaDataLoader.ACCOUNT_TYPE); String dataSet = mGroupMetaData.getString(GroupMetaDataLoader.DATA_SET); if (name.equals(accountName) && type.equals(accountType) && Objects.equal(dataSet, accountDataSet)) { long groupId = mGroupMetaData.getLong(GroupMetaDataLoader.GROUP_ID); if (!mGroupMetaData.isNull(GroupMetaDataLoader.AUTO_ADD) && mGroupMetaData.getInt(GroupMetaDataLoader.AUTO_ADD) != 0) { return groupId; } } } return -1; } public TextFieldsEditorView getNameEditor() { return mName; } public TextFieldsEditorView getPhoneticNameEditor() { return mPhoneticName; } private void updatePhoneticNameVisibility() { boolean showByDefault = getContext().getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.config_editor_include_phonetic_name); if (showByDefault || mPhoneticName.hasData() || mPhoneticNameAdded) { mPhoneticName.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mPhoneticName.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } @Override public long getRawContactId() { return mRawContactId; } private void showAddInformationPopupWindow() { final ArrayList fields = new ArrayList(mFields.getChildCount()); final PopupMenu popupMenu = new PopupMenu(getContext(), mAddFieldButton); final Menu menu = popupMenu.getMenu(); for (int i = 0; i < mFields.getChildCount(); i++) { View child = mFields.getChildAt(i); if (child instanceof KindSectionView) { final KindSectionView sectionView = (KindSectionView) child; // If the section is already visible (has 1 or more editors), then don't offer the // option to add this type of field in the popup menu if (sectionView.getEditorCount() > 0) { continue; } DataKind kind = sectionView.getKind(); // not a list and already exists? ignore if ((kind.typeOverallMax == 1) && sectionView.getEditorCount() != 0) { continue; } if (DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME.equals(kind.mimeType)) { continue; } if (DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_PHONETIC_NAME.equals(kind.mimeType) && mPhoneticName.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { continue; } menu.add(Menu.NONE, fields.size(), Menu.NONE, sectionView.getTitle()); fields.add(sectionView); } } popupMenu.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { final KindSectionView view = fields.get(item.getItemId()); if (DataKind.PSEUDO_MIME_TYPE_PHONETIC_NAME.equals(view.getKind().mimeType)) { mPhoneticNameAdded = true; updatePhoneticNameVisibility(); } else { view.addItem(); } return true; } }); popupMenu.show(); } }