package; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentProviderResult; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.OperationApplicationException; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; public final class Account extends EmailContent implements AccountColumns, Parcelable { public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Account"; @SuppressWarnings("hiding") public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/account"); public static final Uri ADD_TO_FIELD_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/accountIdAddToField"); public static final Uri RESET_NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/resetNewMessageCount"); public static final Uri NOTIFIER_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_NOTIFIER_URI + "/account"); public static final Uri DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID_URI = Uri.parse(EmailContent.CONTENT_URI + "/account/default"); // Define all pseudo account IDs here to avoid conflict with one another. /** * Pseudo account ID to represent a "combined account" that includes messages and mailboxes * from all defined accounts. * * IMPORTANT: This must never be stored to the database. */ public static final long ACCOUNT_ID_COMBINED_VIEW = 0x1000000000000000L; /** * Pseudo account ID to represent "no account". This may be used any time the account ID * may not be known or when we want to specifically select "no" account. * * IMPORTANT: This must never be stored to the database. */ public static final long NO_ACCOUNT = -1L; // Whether or not the user has asked for notifications of new mail in this account public final static int FLAGS_NOTIFY_NEW_MAIL = 1<<0; // Whether or not the user has asked for vibration notifications with all new mail public final static int FLAGS_VIBRATE_ALWAYS = 1<<1; // Bit mask for the account's deletion policy (see DELETE_POLICY_x below) public static final int FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_MASK = 1<<2 | 1<<3; public static final int FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_SHIFT = 2; // Whether the account is in the process of being created; any account reconciliation code // MUST ignore accounts with this bit set; in addition, ContentObservers for this data // SHOULD consider the state of this flag during operation public static final int FLAGS_INCOMPLETE = 1<<4; // Security hold is used when the device is not in compliance with security policies // required by the server; in this state, the user MUST be alerted to the need to update // security settings. Sync adapters SHOULD NOT attempt to sync when this flag is set. public static final int FLAGS_SECURITY_HOLD = 1<<5; // Whether or not the user has asked for vibration notifications when the ringer is silent public static final int FLAGS_VIBRATE_WHEN_SILENT = 1<<6; // Whether the account supports "smart forward" (i.e. the server appends the original // message along with any attachments to the outgoing message) public static final int FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SMART_FORWARD = 1<<7; // Whether the account should try to cache attachments in the background public static final int FLAGS_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENTS = 1<<8; // Available to sync adapter public static final int FLAGS_SYNC_ADAPTER = 1<<9; // Sync disabled is a status commanded by the server; the sync adapter SHOULD NOT try to // sync mailboxes in this account automatically. A manual sync request to sync a mailbox // with sync disabled SHOULD try to sync and report any failure result via the UI. public static final int FLAGS_SYNC_DISABLED = 1<<10; // Whether or not server-side search is supported by this account public static final int FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SEARCH = 1<<11; // Whether or not server-side search supports global search (i.e. all mailboxes); only valid // if FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SEARCH is true public static final int FLAGS_SUPPORTS_GLOBAL_SEARCH = 1<<12; // Deletion policy (see FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_MASK, above) public static final int DELETE_POLICY_NEVER = 0; public static final int DELETE_POLICY_7DAYS = 1<<0; // not supported public static final int DELETE_POLICY_ON_DELETE = 1<<1; // Sentinel values for the mSyncInterval field of both Account records public static final int CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER = -1; public static final int CHECK_INTERVAL_PUSH = -2; public String mDisplayName; public String mEmailAddress; public String mSyncKey; public int mSyncLookback; public int mSyncInterval; public long mHostAuthKeyRecv; public long mHostAuthKeySend; public int mFlags; public boolean mIsDefault; // note: callers should use getDefaultAccountId() public String mCompatibilityUuid; public String mSenderName; public String mRingtoneUri; public String mProtocolVersion; public int mNewMessageCount; public String mSecuritySyncKey; public String mSignature; public long mPolicyKey; public long mNotifiedMessageId; public int mNotifiedMessageCount; // Convenience for creating/working with an account public transient HostAuth mHostAuthRecv; public transient HostAuth mHostAuthSend; public transient Policy mPolicy; // Might hold the corresponding AccountManager account structure public transient android.accounts.Account mAmAccount; public static final int CONTENT_ID_COLUMN = 0; public static final int CONTENT_DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN = 1; public static final int CONTENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS_COLUMN = 2; public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_KEY_COLUMN = 3; public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_LOOKBACK_COLUMN = 4; public static final int CONTENT_SYNC_INTERVAL_COLUMN = 5; public static final int CONTENT_HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV_COLUMN = 6; public static final int CONTENT_HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND_COLUMN = 7; public static final int CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN = 8; public static final int CONTENT_IS_DEFAULT_COLUMN = 9; public static final int CONTENT_COMPATIBILITY_UUID_COLUMN = 10; public static final int CONTENT_SENDER_NAME_COLUMN = 11; public static final int CONTENT_RINGTONE_URI_COLUMN = 12; public static final int CONTENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_COLUMN = 13; public static final int CONTENT_NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT_COLUMN = 14; public static final int CONTENT_SECURITY_SYNC_KEY_COLUMN = 15; public static final int CONTENT_SIGNATURE_COLUMN = 16; public static final int CONTENT_POLICY_KEY = 17; public static final int CONTENT_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_ID = 18; public static final int CONTENT_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT = 19; public static final String[] CONTENT_PROJECTION = new String[] { RECORD_ID, AccountColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS, AccountColumns.SYNC_KEY, AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK, AccountColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL, AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV, AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND, AccountColumns.FLAGS, AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT, AccountColumns.COMPATIBILITY_UUID, AccountColumns.SENDER_NAME, AccountColumns.RINGTONE_URI, AccountColumns.PROTOCOL_VERSION, AccountColumns.NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT, AccountColumns.SECURITY_SYNC_KEY, AccountColumns.SIGNATURE, AccountColumns.POLICY_KEY, AccountColumns.NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_ID, AccountColumns.NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT }; public static final int CONTENT_MAILBOX_TYPE_COLUMN = 1; /** * This projection is for listing account id's only */ public static final String[] ID_TYPE_PROJECTION = new String[] { RECORD_ID, MailboxColumns.TYPE }; public static final int ACCOUNT_FLAGS_COLUMN_ID = 0; public static final int ACCOUNT_FLAGS_COLUMN_FLAGS = 1; public static final String[] ACCOUNT_FLAGS_PROJECTION = new String[] { AccountColumns.ID, AccountColumns.FLAGS}; public static final String MAILBOX_SELECTION = MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + " =?"; public static final String UNREAD_COUNT_SELECTION = MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + " =? and " + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ + "= 0"; private static final String UUID_SELECTION = AccountColumns.COMPATIBILITY_UUID + " =?"; public static final String SECURITY_NONZERO_SELECTION = Account.POLICY_KEY + " IS NOT NULL AND " + Account.POLICY_KEY + "!=0"; private static final String FIND_INBOX_SELECTION = MailboxColumns.TYPE + " = " + Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX + " AND " + MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " =?"; /** * This projection is for searching for the default account */ private static final String[] DEFAULT_ID_PROJECTION = new String[] { RECORD_ID, IS_DEFAULT }; /** * no public constructor since this is a utility class */ public Account() { mBaseUri = CONTENT_URI; // other defaults (policy) mRingtoneUri = "content://settings/system/notification_sound"; mSyncInterval = -1; mSyncLookback = -1; mFlags = FLAGS_NOTIFY_NEW_MAIL; mCompatibilityUuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } public static Account restoreAccountWithId(Context context, long id) { return EmailContent.restoreContentWithId(context, Account.class, Account.CONTENT_URI, Account.CONTENT_PROJECTION, id); } /** * Returns {@code true} if the given account ID is a "normal" account. Normal accounts * always have an ID greater than {@code 0} and not equal to any pseudo account IDs * (such as {@link #ACCOUNT_ID_COMBINED_VIEW}) */ public static boolean isNormalAccount(long accountId) { return (accountId > 0L) && (accountId != ACCOUNT_ID_COMBINED_VIEW); } /** * Refresh an account that has already been loaded. This is slightly less expensive * that generating a brand-new account object. */ public void refresh(Context context) { Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(getUri(), Account.CONTENT_PROJECTION, null, null, null); try { c.moveToFirst(); restore(c); } finally { if (c != null) { c.close(); } } } @Override public void restore(Cursor cursor) { mId = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_ID_COLUMN); mBaseUri = CONTENT_URI; mDisplayName = cursor.getString(CONTENT_DISPLAY_NAME_COLUMN); mEmailAddress = cursor.getString(CONTENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS_COLUMN); mSyncKey = cursor.getString(CONTENT_SYNC_KEY_COLUMN); mSyncLookback = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_SYNC_LOOKBACK_COLUMN); mSyncInterval = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_SYNC_INTERVAL_COLUMN); mHostAuthKeyRecv = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV_COLUMN); mHostAuthKeySend = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND_COLUMN); mFlags = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_FLAGS_COLUMN); mIsDefault = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_IS_DEFAULT_COLUMN) == 1; mCompatibilityUuid = cursor.getString(CONTENT_COMPATIBILITY_UUID_COLUMN); mSenderName = cursor.getString(CONTENT_SENDER_NAME_COLUMN); mRingtoneUri = cursor.getString(CONTENT_RINGTONE_URI_COLUMN); mProtocolVersion = cursor.getString(CONTENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_COLUMN); mNewMessageCount = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT_COLUMN); mSecuritySyncKey = cursor.getString(CONTENT_SECURITY_SYNC_KEY_COLUMN); mSignature = cursor.getString(CONTENT_SIGNATURE_COLUMN); mPolicyKey = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_POLICY_KEY); mNotifiedMessageId = cursor.getLong(CONTENT_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_ID); mNotifiedMessageCount = cursor.getInt(CONTENT_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT); } private long getId(Uri u) { return Long.parseLong(u.getPathSegments().get(1)); } /** * @return the user-visible name for the account */ public String getDisplayName() { return mDisplayName; } /** * Set the description. Be sure to call save() to commit to database. * @param description the new description */ public void setDisplayName(String description) { mDisplayName = description; } /** * @return the email address for this account */ public String getEmailAddress() { return mEmailAddress; } /** * Set the Email address for this account. Be sure to call save() to commit to database. * @param emailAddress the new email address for this account */ public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) { mEmailAddress = emailAddress; } /** * @return the sender's name for this account */ public String getSenderName() { return mSenderName; } /** * Set the sender's name. Be sure to call save() to commit to database. * @param name the new sender name */ public void setSenderName(String name) { mSenderName = name; } public String getSignature() { return mSignature; } public void setSignature(String signature) { mSignature = signature; } /** * @return the minutes per check (for polling) * TODO define sentinel values for "never", "push", etc. See */ public int getSyncInterval() { return mSyncInterval; } /** * Set the minutes per check (for polling). Be sure to call save() to commit to database. * TODO define sentinel values for "never", "push", etc. See * @param minutes the number of minutes between polling checks */ public void setSyncInterval(int minutes) { mSyncInterval = minutes; } /** * @return One of the {@code Account.SYNC_WINDOW_*} constants that represents the sync * lookback window. * TODO define sentinel values for "all", "1 month", etc. See */ public int getSyncLookback() { return mSyncLookback; } /** * Set the sync lookback window. Be sure to call save() to commit to database. * TODO define sentinel values for "all", "1 month", etc. See * @param value One of the {@link} constants */ public void setSyncLookback(int value) { mSyncLookback = value; } /** * @return the flags for this account * @see #FLAGS_NOTIFY_NEW_MAIL * @see #FLAGS_VIBRATE_ALWAYS * @see #FLAGS_VIBRATE_WHEN_SILENT */ public int getFlags() { return mFlags; } /** * Set the flags for this account * @see #FLAGS_NOTIFY_NEW_MAIL * @see #FLAGS_VIBRATE_ALWAYS * @see #FLAGS_VIBRATE_WHEN_SILENT * @param newFlags the new value for the flags */ public void setFlags(int newFlags) { mFlags = newFlags; } /** * @return the ringtone Uri for this account */ public String getRingtone() { return mRingtoneUri; } /** * Set the ringtone Uri for this account * @param newUri the new URI string for the ringtone for this account */ public void setRingtone(String newUri) { mRingtoneUri = newUri; } /** * Set the "delete policy" as a simple 0,1,2 value set. * @param newPolicy the new delete policy */ public void setDeletePolicy(int newPolicy) { mFlags &= ~FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_MASK; mFlags |= (newPolicy << FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_SHIFT) & FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_MASK; } /** * Return the "delete policy" as a simple 0,1,2 value set. * @return the current delete policy */ public int getDeletePolicy() { return (mFlags & FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_MASK) >> FLAGS_DELETE_POLICY_SHIFT; } /** * Return the Uuid associated with this account. This is primarily for compatibility * with accounts set up by previous versions, because there are externals references * to the Uuid (e.g. desktop shortcuts). */ public String getUuid() { return mCompatibilityUuid; } public HostAuth getOrCreateHostAuthSend(Context context) { if (mHostAuthSend == null) { if (mHostAuthKeySend != 0) { mHostAuthSend = HostAuth.restoreHostAuthWithId(context, mHostAuthKeySend); } else { mHostAuthSend = new HostAuth(); } } return mHostAuthSend; } public HostAuth getOrCreateHostAuthRecv(Context context) { if (mHostAuthRecv == null) { if (mHostAuthKeyRecv != 0) { mHostAuthRecv = HostAuth.restoreHostAuthWithId(context, mHostAuthKeyRecv); } else { mHostAuthRecv = new HostAuth(); } } return mHostAuthRecv; } /** * For compatibility while converting to provider model, generate a "local store URI" * * @return a string in the form of a Uri, as used by the other parts of the email app */ public String getLocalStoreUri(Context context) { return "local://localhost/" + context.getDatabasePath(getUuid() + ".db"); } /** * @return true if the instance is of an EAS account. * * NOTE This method accesses the DB if {@link #mHostAuthRecv} hasn't been restored yet. * Use caution when you use this on the main thread. */ public boolean isEasAccount(Context context) { return "eas".equals(getProtocol(context)); } /** * @return true if the account supports "move messages". */ public static boolean supportsMoveMessages(Context context, long accountId) { String protocol = getProtocol(context, accountId); return "eas".equals(protocol) || "imap".equals(protocol); } /** * @return true if the account supports "search". */ public static boolean supportsServerSearch(Context context, long accountId) { Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(context, accountId); if (account == null) return false; return (account.mFlags & Account.FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SEARCH) != 0; } /** * Set the account to be the default account. If this is set to "true", when the account * is saved, all other accounts will have the same value set to "false". * @param newDefaultState the new default state - if true, others will be cleared. */ public void setDefaultAccount(boolean newDefaultState) { mIsDefault = newDefaultState; } /** * Helper method for finding the default account. */ static private long getDefaultAccountWhere(Context context, String where) { return Utility.getFirstRowLong(context, CONTENT_URI, DEFAULT_ID_PROJECTION, where, null, null, 0, Long.valueOf(-1)); } /** * @return {@link Uri} to this {@link Account} in the * {@code content://} format, which is safe to use * for desktop shortcuts. * *

We don't want to store _id in shortcuts, because * {@link} won't preserve it. */ public Uri getShortcutSafeUri() { return getShortcutSafeUriFromUuid(mCompatibilityUuid); } /** * @return {@link Uri} to an {@link Account} with a {@code uuid}. */ public static Uri getShortcutSafeUriFromUuid(String uuid) { return CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendEncodedPath(uuid).build(); } /** * Parse {@link Uri} in the {@code content://} format * where ID = account id (used on Eclair, Android 2.0-2.1) or UUID, and return _id of * the {@link Account} associated with it. * * @param context context to access DB * @param uri URI of interest * @return _id of the {@link Account} associated with ID, or -1 if none found. */ public static long getAccountIdFromShortcutSafeUri(Context context, Uri uri) { // Make sure the URI is in the correct format. if (!"content".equals(uri.getScheme()) || !AUTHORITY.equals(uri.getAuthority())) { return -1; } final List ps = uri.getPathSegments(); if (ps.size() != 2 || !"account".equals(ps.get(0))) { return -1; } // Now get the ID part. final String id = ps.get(1); // First, see if ID can be parsed as long. (Eclair-style) // (UUIDs have '-' in them, so they are always non-parsable.) try { return Long.parseLong(id); } catch (NumberFormatException ok) { // OK, it's not a long. Continue... } // Now id is a UUId. return getAccountIdFromUuid(context, id); } /** * @return ID of the account with the given UUID. */ public static long getAccountIdFromUuid(Context context, String uuid) { return Utility.getFirstRowLong(context, CONTENT_URI, ID_PROJECTION, UUID_SELECTION, new String[] {uuid}, null, 0, -1L); } /** * Return the id of the default account. If one hasn't been explicitly specified, return * the first one in the database (the logic is provided within EmailProvider) * @param context the caller's context * @return the id of the default account, or Account.NO_ACCOUNT if there are no accounts */ static public long getDefaultAccountId(Context context) { Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query( Account.DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID_URI, Account.ID_PROJECTION, null, null, null); try { if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { return c.getLong(Account.ID_PROJECTION_COLUMN); } } finally { c.close(); } return Account.NO_ACCOUNT; } /** * Given an account id, return the account's protocol * @param context the caller's context * @param accountId the id of the account to be examined * @return the account's protocol (or null if the Account or HostAuth do not exist) */ public static String getProtocol(Context context, long accountId) { Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(context, accountId); if (account != null) { return account.getProtocol(context); } return null; } /** * Return the account's protocol * @param context the caller's context * @return the account's protocol (or null if the HostAuth doesn't not exist) */ public String getProtocol(Context context) { HostAuth hostAuth = HostAuth.restoreHostAuthWithId(context, mHostAuthKeyRecv); if (hostAuth != null) { return hostAuth.mProtocol; } return null; } /** * Return the account ID for a message with a given id * * @param context the caller's context * @param messageId the id of the message * @return the account ID, or -1 if the account doesn't exist */ public static long getAccountIdForMessageId(Context context, long messageId) { return Message.getKeyColumnLong(context, messageId, MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY); } /** * Return the account for a message with a given id * @param context the caller's context * @param messageId the id of the message * @return the account, or null if the account doesn't exist */ public static Account getAccountForMessageId(Context context, long messageId) { long accountId = getAccountIdForMessageId(context, messageId); if (accountId != -1) { return Account.restoreAccountWithId(context, accountId); } return null; } /** * @return true if an {@code accountId} is assigned to any existing account. */ public static boolean isValidId(Context context, long accountId) { return null != Utility.getFirstRowLong(context, CONTENT_URI, ID_PROJECTION, ID_SELECTION, new String[] {Long.toString(accountId)}, null, ID_PROJECTION_COLUMN); } /** * Check a single account for security hold status. */ public static boolean isSecurityHold(Context context, long accountId) { return (Utility.getFirstRowLong(context, ContentUris.withAppendedId(Account.CONTENT_URI, accountId), ACCOUNT_FLAGS_PROJECTION, null, null, null, ACCOUNT_FLAGS_COLUMN_FLAGS, 0L) & Account.FLAGS_SECURITY_HOLD) != 0; } /** * @return id of the "inbox" mailbox, or -1 if not found. */ public static long getInboxId(Context context, long accountId) { return Utility.getFirstRowLong(context, Mailbox.CONTENT_URI, ID_PROJECTION, FIND_INBOX_SELECTION, new String[] {Long.toString(accountId)}, null, ID_PROJECTION_COLUMN, -1L); } /** * Clear all account hold flags that are set. * * (This will trigger watchers, and in particular will cause EAS to try and resync the * account(s).) */ public static void clearSecurityHoldOnAllAccounts(Context context) { ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); Cursor c = resolver.query(Account.CONTENT_URI, ACCOUNT_FLAGS_PROJECTION, SECURITY_NONZERO_SELECTION, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { int flags = c.getInt(ACCOUNT_FLAGS_COLUMN_FLAGS); if (0 != (flags & FLAGS_SECURITY_HOLD)) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(AccountColumns.FLAGS, flags & ~FLAGS_SECURITY_HOLD); long accountId = c.getLong(ACCOUNT_FLAGS_COLUMN_ID); Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Account.CONTENT_URI, accountId); resolver.update(uri, cv, null, null); } } } finally { c.close(); } } /** * Override update to enforce a single default account, and do it atomically */ @Override public int update(Context context, ContentValues cv) { if (mPolicy != null && mPolicyKey <= 0) { // If a policy is set and there's no policy, link it to the account Policy.setAccountPolicy(context, this, mPolicy, null); } if (cv.containsKey(AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT) && cv.getAsBoolean(AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT)) { ArrayList ops = new ArrayList(); ContentValues cv1 = new ContentValues(); cv1.put(AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT, false); // Clear the default flag in all accounts ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(CONTENT_URI).withValues(cv1).build()); // Update this account ops.add(ContentProviderOperation .newUpdate(ContentUris.withAppendedId(CONTENT_URI, mId)) .withValues(cv).build()); try { context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(AUTHORITY, ops); return 1; } catch (RemoteException e) { // There is nothing to be done here; fail by returning 0 } catch (OperationApplicationException e) { // There is nothing to be done here; fail by returning 0 } return 0; } return super.update(context, cv); } /* * Override this so that we can store the HostAuth's first and link them to the Account * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public Uri save(Context context) { if (isSaved()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // This logic is in place so I can (a) short circuit the expensive stuff when // possible, and (b) override (and throw) if anyone tries to call save() or update() // directly for Account, which are unsupported. if (mHostAuthRecv == null && mHostAuthSend == null && mIsDefault == false && mPolicy != null) { return; } int index = 0; int recvIndex = -1; int sendIndex = -1; int policyIndex = -1; // Create operations for saving the send and recv hostAuths // Also, remember which operation in the array they represent ArrayList ops = new ArrayList(); if (mHostAuthRecv != null) { recvIndex = index++; ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(mHostAuthRecv.mBaseUri) .withValues(mHostAuthRecv.toContentValues()) .build()); } if (mHostAuthSend != null) { sendIndex = index++; ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(mHostAuthSend.mBaseUri) .withValues(mHostAuthSend.toContentValues()) .build()); } if (mPolicy != null) { policyIndex = index++; ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(mPolicy.mBaseUri) .withValues(mPolicy.toContentValues()) .build()); } // Create operations for making this the only default account // Note, these are always updates because they change existing accounts if (mIsDefault) { index++; ContentValues cv1 = new ContentValues(); cv1.put(AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT, 0); ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(CONTENT_URI).withValues(cv1).build()); } // Now do the Account ContentValues cv = null; if (recvIndex >= 0 || sendIndex >= 0 || policyIndex >= 0) { cv = new ContentValues(); if (recvIndex >= 0) { cv.put(Account.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV, recvIndex); } if (sendIndex >= 0) { cv.put(Account.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND, sendIndex); } if (policyIndex >= 0) { cv.put(Account.POLICY_KEY, policyIndex); } } ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(mBaseUri); b.withValues(toContentValues()); if (cv != null) { b.withValueBackReferences(cv); } ops.add(; try { ContentProviderResult[] results = context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(AUTHORITY, ops); // If saving, set the mId's of the various saved objects if (recvIndex >= 0) { long newId = getId(results[recvIndex].uri); mHostAuthKeyRecv = newId; mHostAuthRecv.mId = newId; } if (sendIndex >= 0) { long newId = getId(results[sendIndex].uri); mHostAuthKeySend = newId; mHostAuthSend.mId = newId; } if (policyIndex >= 0) { long newId = getId(results[policyIndex].uri); mPolicyKey = newId; mPolicy.mId = newId; } Uri u = results[index].uri; mId = getId(u); return u; } catch (RemoteException e) { // There is nothing to be done here; fail by returning null } catch (OperationApplicationException e) { // There is nothing to be done here; fail by returning null } return null; } @Override public ContentValues toContentValues() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(AccountColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, mDisplayName); values.put(AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS, mEmailAddress); values.put(AccountColumns.SYNC_KEY, mSyncKey); values.put(AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK, mSyncLookback); values.put(AccountColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL, mSyncInterval); values.put(AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV, mHostAuthKeyRecv); values.put(AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND, mHostAuthKeySend); values.put(AccountColumns.FLAGS, mFlags); values.put(AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT, mIsDefault); values.put(AccountColumns.COMPATIBILITY_UUID, mCompatibilityUuid); values.put(AccountColumns.SENDER_NAME, mSenderName); values.put(AccountColumns.RINGTONE_URI, mRingtoneUri); values.put(AccountColumns.PROTOCOL_VERSION, mProtocolVersion); values.put(AccountColumns.NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT, mNewMessageCount); values.put(AccountColumns.SECURITY_SYNC_KEY, mSecuritySyncKey); values.put(AccountColumns.SIGNATURE, mSignature); values.put(AccountColumns.POLICY_KEY, mPolicyKey); values.put(AccountColumns.NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_ID, mNotifiedMessageId); values.put(AccountColumns.NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT, mNotifiedMessageCount); return values; } /** * Supports Parcelable */ @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } /** * Supports Parcelable */ public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { @Override public Account createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new Account(in); } @Override public Account[] newArray(int size) { return new Account[size]; } }; /** * Supports Parcelable */ @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { // mBaseUri is not parceled dest.writeLong(mId); dest.writeString(mDisplayName); dest.writeString(mEmailAddress); dest.writeString(mSyncKey); dest.writeInt(mSyncLookback); dest.writeInt(mSyncInterval); dest.writeLong(mHostAuthKeyRecv); dest.writeLong(mHostAuthKeySend); dest.writeInt(mFlags); dest.writeByte(mIsDefault ? (byte)1 : (byte)0); dest.writeString(mCompatibilityUuid); dest.writeString(mSenderName); dest.writeString(mRingtoneUri); dest.writeString(mProtocolVersion); dest.writeInt(mNewMessageCount); dest.writeString(mSecuritySyncKey); dest.writeString(mSignature); dest.writeLong(mPolicyKey); dest.writeLong(mNotifiedMessageId); dest.writeInt(mNotifiedMessageCount); if (mHostAuthRecv != null) { dest.writeByte((byte)1); mHostAuthRecv.writeToParcel(dest, flags); } else { dest.writeByte((byte)0); } if (mHostAuthSend != null) { dest.writeByte((byte)1); mHostAuthSend.writeToParcel(dest, flags); } else { dest.writeByte((byte)0); } } /** * Supports Parcelable */ public Account(Parcel in) { mBaseUri = Account.CONTENT_URI; mId = in.readLong(); mDisplayName = in.readString(); mEmailAddress = in.readString(); mSyncKey = in.readString(); mSyncLookback = in.readInt(); mSyncInterval = in.readInt(); mHostAuthKeyRecv = in.readLong(); mHostAuthKeySend = in.readLong(); mFlags = in.readInt(); mIsDefault = in.readByte() == 1; mCompatibilityUuid = in.readString(); mSenderName = in.readString(); mRingtoneUri = in.readString(); mProtocolVersion = in.readString(); mNewMessageCount = in.readInt(); mSecuritySyncKey = in.readString(); mSignature = in.readString(); mPolicyKey = in.readLong(); mNotifiedMessageId = in.readLong(); mNotifiedMessageCount = in.readInt(); mHostAuthRecv = null; if (in.readByte() == 1) { mHostAuthRecv = new HostAuth(in); } mHostAuthSend = null; if (in.readByte() == 1) { mHostAuthSend = new HostAuth(in); } } /** * For debugger support only - DO NOT use for code. */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder('['); if (mHostAuthRecv != null && mHostAuthRecv.mProtocol != null) { sb.append(mHostAuthRecv.mProtocol); sb.append(':'); } if (mDisplayName != null) sb.append(mDisplayName); sb.append(':'); if (mEmailAddress != null) sb.append(mEmailAddress); sb.append(':'); if (mSenderName != null) sb.append(mSenderName); sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } }