/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.phone; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.media.ToneGenerator; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.provider.Settings; import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.method.DialerKeyListener; import android.text.method.MovementMethod; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; import com.android.internal.telephony.CallManager; import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; /** * Dialer class that encapsulates the DTMF twelve key behaviour. * This model backs up the UI behaviour in DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView.java. */ public class DTMFTwelveKeyDialer implements View.OnTouchListener, View.OnKeyListener { private static final String LOG_TAG = "DTMFTwelveKeyDialer"; private static final boolean DBG = (PhoneApp.DBG_LEVEL >= 2); // events private static final int PHONE_DISCONNECT = 100; private static final int DTMF_SEND_CNF = 101; private CallManager mCM; private ToneGenerator mToneGenerator; private Object mToneGeneratorLock = new Object(); // indicate if we want to enable the local tone playback. private boolean mLocalToneEnabled; // indicates that we are using automatically shortened DTMF tones boolean mShortTone; // indicate if the confirmation from TelephonyFW is pending. private boolean mDTMFBurstCnfPending = false; // Queue to queue the short dtmf characters. private Queue mDTMFQueue = new LinkedList(); // Short Dtmf tone duration private static final int DTMF_DURATION_MS = 120; /** Hash Map to map a character to a tone*/ private static final HashMap mToneMap = new HashMap(); /** Hash Map to map a view id to a character*/ private static final HashMap mDisplayMap = new HashMap(); /** Set up the static maps*/ static { // Map the key characters to tones mToneMap.put('1', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_1); mToneMap.put('2', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_2); mToneMap.put('3', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_3); mToneMap.put('4', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_4); mToneMap.put('5', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_5); mToneMap.put('6', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_6); mToneMap.put('7', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_7); mToneMap.put('8', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_8); mToneMap.put('9', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_9); mToneMap.put('0', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_0); mToneMap.put('#', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_P); mToneMap.put('*', ToneGenerator.TONE_DTMF_S); // Map the buttons to the display characters mDisplayMap.put(R.id.one, '1'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.two, '2'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.three, '3'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.four, '4'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.five, '5'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.six, '6'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.seven, '7'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.eight, '8'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.nine, '9'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.zero, '0'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.pound, '#'); mDisplayMap.put(R.id.star, '*'); } // EditText field used to display the DTMF digits sent so far. // Note this is null in some modes (like during the CDMA OTA call, // where there's no onscreen "digits" display.) private EditText mDialpadDigits; // InCallScreen reference. private InCallScreen mInCallScreen; // The DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView we use to display the dialpad. private DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView mDialerView; // KeyListener used with the "dialpad digits" EditText widget. private DTMFKeyListener mDialerKeyListener; /** * Our own key listener, specialized for dealing with DTMF codes. * 1. Ignore the backspace since it is irrelevant. * 2. Allow ONLY valid DTMF characters to generate a tone and be * sent as a DTMF code. * 3. All other remaining characters are handled by the superclass. * * This code is purely here to handle events from the hardware keyboard * while the DTMF dialpad is up. */ private class DTMFKeyListener extends DialerKeyListener { private DTMFKeyListener() { super(); } /** * Overriden to return correct DTMF-dialable characters. */ @Override protected char[] getAcceptedChars(){ return DTMF_CHARACTERS; } /** special key listener ignores backspace. */ @Override public boolean backspace(View view, Editable content, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { return false; } /** * Return true if the keyCode is an accepted modifier key for the * dialer (ALT or SHIFT). */ private boolean isAcceptableModifierKey(int keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Overriden so that with each valid button press, we start sending * a dtmf code and play a local dtmf tone. */ @Override public boolean onKeyDown(View view, Editable content, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // if (DBG) log("DTMFKeyListener.onKeyDown, keyCode " + keyCode + ", view " + view); // find the character char c = (char) lookup(event, content); // if not a long press, and parent onKeyDown accepts the input if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && super.onKeyDown(view, content, keyCode, event)) { boolean keyOK = ok(getAcceptedChars(), c); // if the character is a valid dtmf code, start playing the tone and send the // code. if (keyOK) { if (DBG) log("DTMFKeyListener reading '" + c + "' from input."); processDtmf(c); } else if (DBG) { log("DTMFKeyListener rejecting '" + c + "' from input."); } return true; } return false; } /** * Overriden so that with each valid button up, we stop sending * a dtmf code and the dtmf tone. */ @Override public boolean onKeyUp(View view, Editable content, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // if (DBG) log("DTMFKeyListener.onKeyUp, keyCode " + keyCode + ", view " + view); super.onKeyUp(view, content, keyCode, event); // find the character char c = (char) lookup(event, content); boolean keyOK = ok(getAcceptedChars(), c); if (keyOK) { if (DBG) log("Stopping the tone for '" + c + "'"); stopTone(); return true; } return false; } /** * Handle individual keydown events when we DO NOT have an Editable handy. */ public boolean onKeyDown(KeyEvent event) { char c = lookup(event); if (DBG) log("DTMFKeyListener.onKeyDown: event '" + c + "'"); // if not a long press, and parent onKeyDown accepts the input if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && c != 0) { // if the character is a valid dtmf code, start playing the tone and send the // code. if (ok(getAcceptedChars(), c)) { if (DBG) log("DTMFKeyListener reading '" + c + "' from input."); processDtmf(c); return true; } else if (DBG) { log("DTMFKeyListener rejecting '" + c + "' from input."); } } return false; } /** * Handle individual keyup events. * * @param event is the event we are trying to stop. If this is null, * then we just force-stop the last tone without checking if the event * is an acceptable dialer event. */ public boolean onKeyUp(KeyEvent event) { if (event == null) { //the below piece of code sends stopDTMF event unnecessarily even when a null event //is received, hence commenting it. /*if (DBG) log("Stopping the last played tone."); stopTone();*/ return true; } char c = lookup(event); if (DBG) log("DTMFKeyListener.onKeyUp: event '" + c + "'"); // TODO: stopTone does not take in character input, we may want to // consider checking for this ourselves. if (ok(getAcceptedChars(), c)) { if (DBG) log("Stopping the tone for '" + c + "'"); stopTone(); return true; } return false; } /** * Find the Dialer Key mapped to this event. * * @return The char value of the input event, otherwise * 0 if no matching character was found. */ private char lookup(KeyEvent event) { // This code is similar to {@link DialerKeyListener#lookup(KeyEvent, Spannable) lookup} int meta = event.getMetaState(); int number = event.getNumber(); if (!((meta & (KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON | KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON)) == 0) || (number == 0)) { int match = event.getMatch(getAcceptedChars(), meta); number = (match != 0) ? match : number; } return (char) number; } /** * Check to see if the keyEvent is dialable. */ boolean isKeyEventAcceptable (KeyEvent event) { return (ok(getAcceptedChars(), lookup(event))); } /** * Overrides the characters used in {@link DialerKeyListener#CHARACTERS} * These are the valid dtmf characters. */ public final char[] DTMF_CHARACTERS = new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '#', '*' }; } /** * Our own handler to take care of the messages from the phone state changes */ private Handler mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { // disconnect action // make sure to close the dialer on ALL disconnect actions. case PHONE_DISCONNECT: if (DBG) log("disconnect message recieved, shutting down."); // unregister since we are closing. mCM.unregisterForDisconnect(this); closeDialer(false); break; case DTMF_SEND_CNF: if (DBG) log("dtmf confirmation received from FW."); // handle burst dtmf confirmation handleBurstDtmfConfirmation(); break; } } }; /** * DTMFTwelveKeyDialer constructor. * * @param parent the InCallScreen instance that owns us. * @param dialerView the DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView we should use to display the dialpad. */ public DTMFTwelveKeyDialer(InCallScreen parent, DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView dialerView) { if (DBG) log("DTMFTwelveKeyDialer constructor... this = " + this); mInCallScreen = parent; mCM = PhoneApp.getInstance().mCM; // The passed-in DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView *should* always be // non-null, now that the in-call UI uses only portrait mode. if (dialerView == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "DTMFTwelveKeyDialer: null dialerView!", new IllegalStateException()); // ...continue as best we can, although things will // be pretty broken without the mDialerView UI elements! } mDialerView = dialerView; if (DBG) log("- Got passed-in mDialerView: " + mDialerView); if (mDialerView != null) { mDialerView.setDialer(this); // In the normal in-call DTMF dialpad, mDialpadDigits is an // EditText used to display the digits the user has typed so // far. But some other modes (like the OTA call) have no // "digits" display at all, in which case mDialpadDigits will // be null. mDialpadDigits = (EditText) mDialerView.findViewById(R.id.dtmfDialerField); if (mDialpadDigits != null) { mDialerKeyListener = new DTMFKeyListener(); mDialpadDigits.setKeyListener(mDialerKeyListener); // remove the long-press context menus that support // the edit (copy / paste / select) functions. mDialpadDigits.setLongClickable(false); } // Hook up touch / key listeners for the buttons in the onscreen // keypad. setupKeypad(mDialerView); } } /** * Null out our reference to the InCallScreen activity. * This indicates that the InCallScreen activity has been destroyed. * At the same time, get rid of listeners since we're not going to * be valid anymore. */ /* package */ void clearInCallScreenReference() { if (DBG) log("clearInCallScreenReference()..."); mInCallScreen = null; mDialerKeyListener = null; mHandler.removeMessages(DTMF_SEND_CNF); synchronized (mDTMFQueue) { mDTMFBurstCnfPending = false; mDTMFQueue.clear(); } closeDialer(false); } /** * Dialer code that runs when the dialer is brought up. * This includes layout changes, etc, and just prepares the dialer model for use. */ private void onDialerOpen() { if (DBG) log("onDialerOpen()..."); // Any time the dialer is open, listen for "disconnect" events (so // we can close ourself.) mCM.registerForDisconnect(mHandler, PHONE_DISCONNECT, null); // On some devices the screen timeout is set to a special value // while the dialpad is up. PhoneApp.getInstance().updateWakeState(); // Give the InCallScreen a chance to do any necessary UI updates. mInCallScreen.onDialerOpen(); } /** * Allocates some resources we keep around during a "dialer session". * * (Currently, a "dialer session" just means any situation where we * might need to play local DTMF tones, which means that we need to * keep a ToneGenerator instance around. A ToneGenerator instance * keeps an AudioTrack resource busy in AudioFlinger, so we don't want * to keep it around forever.) * * Call {@link stopDialerSession} to release the dialer session * resources. */ public void startDialerSession() { if (DBG) log("startDialerSession()... this = " + this); // see if we need to play local tones. if (PhoneApp.getInstance().getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.allow_local_dtmf_tones)) { mLocalToneEnabled = Settings.System.getInt(mInCallScreen.getContentResolver(), Settings.System.DTMF_TONE_WHEN_DIALING, 1) == 1; } else { mLocalToneEnabled = false; } if (DBG) log("- startDialerSession: mLocalToneEnabled = " + mLocalToneEnabled); // create the tone generator // if the mToneGenerator creation fails, just continue without it. It is // a local audio signal, and is not as important as the dtmf tone itself. if (mLocalToneEnabled) { synchronized (mToneGeneratorLock) { if (mToneGenerator == null) { try { mToneGenerator = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_DTMF, 80); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (DBG) log("Exception caught while creating local tone generator: " + e); mToneGenerator = null; } } } } } /** * Dialer code that runs when the dialer is closed. * This releases resources acquired when we start the dialer. */ private void onDialerClose() { if (DBG) log("onDialerClose()..."); // reset back to a short delay for the poke lock. PhoneApp app = PhoneApp.getInstance(); app.updateWakeState(); mCM.unregisterForDisconnect(mHandler); // Give the InCallScreen a chance to do any necessary UI updates. if (mInCallScreen != null) { mInCallScreen.onDialerClose(); } } /** * Releases resources we keep around during a "dialer session" * (see {@link startDialerSession}). * * It's safe to call this even without a corresponding * startDialerSession call. */ public void stopDialerSession() { // release the tone generator. synchronized (mToneGeneratorLock) { if (mToneGenerator != null) { mToneGenerator.release(); mToneGenerator = null; } } } /** * Called externally (from InCallScreen) to play a DTMF Tone. */ public boolean onDialerKeyDown(KeyEvent event) { if (DBG) log("Notifying dtmf key down."); return mDialerKeyListener.onKeyDown(event); } /** * Called externally (from InCallScreen) to cancel the last DTMF Tone played. */ public boolean onDialerKeyUp(KeyEvent event) { if (DBG) log("Notifying dtmf key up."); return mDialerKeyListener.onKeyUp(event); } /** * setup the keys on the dialer activity, using the keymaps. */ private void setupKeypad(DTMFTwelveKeyDialerView dialerView) { // for each view id listed in the displaymap View button; for (int viewId : mDisplayMap.keySet()) { // locate the view button = dialerView.findViewById(viewId); // Setup the listeners for the buttons button.setOnTouchListener(this); button.setClickable(true); button.setOnKeyListener(this); } } /** * catch the back and call buttons to return to the in call activity. */ public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // if (DBG) log("onKeyDown: keyCode " + keyCode); switch (keyCode) { // finish for these events case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CALL: if (DBG) log("exit requested"); closeDialer(true); // do the "closing" animation return true; } return mInCallScreen.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } /** * catch the back and call buttons to return to the in call activity. */ public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // if (DBG) log("onKeyUp: keyCode " + keyCode); return mInCallScreen.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } /** * Implemented for the TouchListener, process the touch events. */ public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { int viewId = v.getId(); // if the button is recognized if (mDisplayMap.containsKey(viewId)) { switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: // Append the character mapped to this button, to the display. // start the tone processDtmf(mDisplayMap.get(viewId)); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: // stop the tone on ANY other event, except for MOVE. stopTone(); break; } // do not return true [handled] here, since we want the // press / click animation to be handled by the framework. } return false; } /** * Implements View.OnKeyListener for the DTMF buttons. Enables dialing with trackball/dpad. */ public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // if (DBG) log("onKey: keyCode " + keyCode + ", view " + v); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER) { int viewId = v.getId(); if (mDisplayMap.containsKey(viewId)) { switch (event.getAction()) { case KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN: if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { processDtmf(mDisplayMap.get(viewId)); } break; case KeyEvent.ACTION_UP: stopTone(); break; } // do not return true [handled] here, since we want the // press / click animation to be handled by the framework. } } return false; } /** * @return true if the dialer is currently visible onscreen. */ // TODO: clean up naming inconsistency of "opened" vs. "visible". // This should be called isVisible(), and open/closeDialer() should // be "show" and "hide". public boolean isOpened() { // Return whether or not the dialer view is visible. // (Note that if we're in the middle of a fade-out animation, that // also counts as "not visible" even though mDialerView itself is // technically still VISIBLE.) return ((mDialerView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) && !CallCard.Fade.isFadingOut(mDialerView)); } /** * Forces the dialer into the "open" state. * Does nothing if the dialer is already open. * * @param animate if true, open the dialer with an animation. */ public void openDialer(boolean animate) { if (DBG) log("openDialer()..."); if (!isOpened()) { // Make the dialer view visible. if (animate) { CallCard.Fade.show(mDialerView); } else { mDialerView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } onDialerOpen(); } } /** * Forces the dialer into the "closed" state. * Does nothing if the dialer is already closed. * * @param animate if true, close the dialer with an animation. */ public void closeDialer(boolean animate) { if (DBG) log("closeDialer()..."); if (isOpened()) { // Hide the dialer view. if (animate) { CallCard.Fade.hide(mDialerView, View.GONE); } else { mDialerView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } onDialerClose(); } } /** * Processes the specified digit as a DTMF key, by playing the * appropriate DTMF tone, and appending the digit to the EditText * field that displays the DTMF digits sent so far. */ private final void processDtmf(char c) { // if it is a valid key, then update the display and send the dtmf tone. if (PhoneNumberUtils.is12Key(c)) { if (DBG) log("updating display and sending dtmf tone for '" + c + "'"); // Append this key to the "digits" widget. if (mDialpadDigits != null) { // TODO: maybe *don't* manually append this digit if // mDialpadDigits is focused and this key came from the HW // keyboard, since in that case the EditText field will // get the key event directly and automatically appends // whetever the user types. // (Or, a cleaner fix would be to just make mDialpadDigits // *not* handle HW key presses. That seems to be more // complicated than just setting focusable="false" on it, // though.) mDialpadDigits.getText().append(c); } // Play the tone if it exists. if (mToneMap.containsKey(c)) { // begin tone playback. startTone(c); } } else if (DBG) { log("ignoring dtmf request for '" + c + "'"); } // Any DTMF keypress counts as explicit "user activity". PhoneApp.getInstance().pokeUserActivity(); } /** * Clears out the display of "DTMF digits typed so far" that's kept in * mDialpadDigits. * * The InCallScreen is responsible for calling this method any time a * new call becomes active (or, more simply, any time a call ends). * This is how we make sure that the "history" of DTMF digits you type * doesn't persist from one call to the next. * * TODO: it might be more elegent if the dialpad itself could remember * the call that we're associated with, and clear the digits if the * "current call" has changed since last time. (This would require * some unique identifier that's different for each call. We can't * just use the foreground Call object, since that's a singleton that * lasts the whole life of the phone process. Instead, maybe look at * the Connection object that comes back from getEarliestConnection()? * Or getEarliestConnectTime()?) * * Or to be even fancier, we could keep a mapping of *multiple* * "active calls" to DTMF strings. That way you could have two lines * in use and swap calls multiple times, and we'd still remember the * digits for each call. (But that's such an obscure use case that * it's probably not worth the extra complexity.) */ public void clearDigits() { if (DBG) log("clearDigits()..."); if (mDialpadDigits != null) { mDialpadDigits.setText(""); } } /** * Plays the local tone based the phone type. */ public void startTone(char c) { // Only play the tone if it exists. if (!mToneMap.containsKey(c)) { return; } // Read the settings as it may be changed by the user during the call Phone phone = mCM.getFgPhone(); mShortTone = TelephonyCapabilities.useShortDtmfTones(phone, phone.getContext()); if (DBG) log("startDtmfTone()..."); // For Short DTMF we need to play the local tone for fixed duration if (mShortTone) { sendShortDtmfToNetwork(c); } else { // Pass as a char to be sent to network Log.i(LOG_TAG, "send long dtmf for " + c); mCM.startDtmf(c); } startLocalToneIfNeeded(c); } /** * Plays the local tone based the phone type. */ public void startLocalToneIfNeeded(char c) { // if local tone playback is enabled, start it. // Only play the tone if it exists. if (!mToneMap.containsKey(c)) { return; } if (mLocalToneEnabled) { synchronized (mToneGeneratorLock) { if (mToneGenerator == null) { if (DBG) log("startDtmfTone: mToneGenerator == null, tone: " + c); } else { if (DBG) log("starting local tone " + c); int toneDuration = -1; if (mShortTone) { toneDuration = DTMF_DURATION_MS; } mToneGenerator.startTone(mToneMap.get(c), toneDuration); } } } } /** * Check to see if the keyEvent is dialable. */ boolean isKeyEventAcceptable (KeyEvent event) { return (mDialerKeyListener != null && mDialerKeyListener.isKeyEventAcceptable(event)); } /** * static logging method */ private static void log(String msg) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg); } /** * Stops the local tone based on the phone type. */ public void stopTone() { if (!mShortTone) { if (DBG) log("stopping remote tone."); mCM.stopDtmf(); stopLocalToneIfNeeded(); } } /** * Stops the local tone based on the phone type. */ public void stopLocalToneIfNeeded() { if (!mShortTone) { if (DBG) log("stopping remote tone."); // if local tone playback is enabled, stop it. if (DBG) log("trying to stop local tone..."); if (mLocalToneEnabled) { synchronized (mToneGeneratorLock) { if (mToneGenerator == null) { if (DBG) log("stopLocalTone: mToneGenerator == null"); } else { if (DBG) log("stopping local tone."); mToneGenerator.stopTone(); } } } } } /** * Sends the dtmf character over the network for short DTMF settings * When the characters are entered in quick succession, * the characters are queued before sending over the network. */ private void sendShortDtmfToNetwork(char dtmfDigit) { synchronized (mDTMFQueue) { if (mDTMFBurstCnfPending == true) { // Insert the dtmf char to the queue mDTMFQueue.add(new Character(dtmfDigit)); } else { String dtmfStr = Character.toString(dtmfDigit); Log.i(LOG_TAG, "dtmfsent = " + dtmfStr); mCM.sendBurstDtmf(dtmfStr, 0, 0, mHandler.obtainMessage(DTMF_SEND_CNF)); // Set flag to indicate wait for Telephony confirmation. mDTMFBurstCnfPending = true; } } } /** * Handles Burst Dtmf Confirmation from the Framework. */ void handleBurstDtmfConfirmation() { Character dtmfChar = null; synchronized (mDTMFQueue) { mDTMFBurstCnfPending = false; if (!mDTMFQueue.isEmpty()) { dtmfChar = mDTMFQueue.remove(); Log.i(LOG_TAG, "The dtmf character removed from queue" + dtmfChar); } } if (dtmfChar != null) { sendShortDtmfToNetwork(dtmfChar); } } }