package junit.framework; /** * A set of assert methods. Messages are only displayed when an assert fails. */ public class Assert { /** * Protect constructor since it is a static only class */ protected Assert() { } /** * Asserts that a condition is true. If it isn't it throws * an AssertionFailedError with the given message. */ static public void assertTrue(String message, boolean condition) { if (!condition) fail(message); } /** * Asserts that a condition is true. If it isn't it throws * an AssertionFailedError. */ static public void assertTrue(boolean condition) { assertTrue(null, condition); } /** * Asserts that a condition is false. If it isn't it throws * an AssertionFailedError with the given message. */ static public void assertFalse(String message, boolean condition) { assertTrue(message, !condition); } /** * Asserts that a condition is false. If it isn't it throws * an AssertionFailedError. */ static public void assertFalse(boolean condition) { assertFalse(null, condition); } /** * Fails a test with the given message. */ static public void fail(String message) { throw new AssertionFailedError(message); } /** * Fails a test with no message. */ static public void fail() { fail(null); } /** * Asserts that two objects are equal. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual) { if (expected == null && actual == null) return; if (expected != null && expected.equals(actual)) return; failNotEquals(message, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two objects are equal. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown. */ static public void assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two Strings are equal. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, String expected, String actual) { if (expected == null && actual == null) return; if (expected != null && expected.equals(actual)) return; throw new ComparisonFailure(message, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two Strings are equal. */ static public void assertEquals(String expected, String actual) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two doubles are equal concerning a delta. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. If the expected * value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, double expected, double actual, double delta) { if (, actual) == 0) return; if (!(Math.abs(expected-actual) <= delta)) failNotEquals(message, new Double(expected), new Double(actual)); } /** * Asserts that two doubles are equal concerning a delta. If the expected * value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. */ static public void assertEquals(double expected, double actual, double delta) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual, delta); } /** * Asserts that two floats are equal concerning a delta. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. If the expected * value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, float expected, float actual, float delta) { // handle infinity specially since subtracting to infinite values gives NaN and the // the following test fails if (Float.isInfinite(expected)) { if (!(expected == actual)) failNotEquals(message, new Float(expected), new Float(actual)); } else if (!(Math.abs(expected-actual) <= delta)) failNotEquals(message, new Float(expected), new Float(actual)); } /** * Asserts that two floats are equal concerning a delta. If the expected * value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. */ static public void assertEquals(float expected, float actual, float delta) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual, delta); } /** * Asserts that two longs are equal. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, long expected, long actual) { assertEquals(message, new Long(expected), new Long(actual)); } /** * Asserts that two longs are equal. */ static public void assertEquals(long expected, long actual) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two booleans are equal. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, boolean expected, boolean actual) { assertEquals(message, Boolean.valueOf(expected), Boolean.valueOf(actual)); } /** * Asserts that two booleans are equal. */ static public void assertEquals(boolean expected, boolean actual) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two bytes are equal. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, byte expected, byte actual) { assertEquals(message, new Byte(expected), new Byte(actual)); } /** * Asserts that two bytes are equal. */ static public void assertEquals(byte expected, byte actual) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two chars are equal. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, char expected, char actual) { assertEquals(message, new Character(expected), new Character(actual)); } /** * Asserts that two chars are equal. */ static public void assertEquals(char expected, char actual) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two shorts are equal. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, short expected, short actual) { assertEquals(message, new Short(expected), new Short(actual)); } /** * Asserts that two shorts are equal. */ static public void assertEquals(short expected, short actual) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two ints are equal. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertEquals(String message, int expected, int actual) { assertEquals(message, new Integer(expected), new Integer(actual)); } /** * Asserts that two ints are equal. */ static public void assertEquals(int expected, int actual) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that an object isn't null. */ static public void assertNotNull(Object object) { assertNotNull(null, object); } /** * Asserts that an object isn't null. If it is * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertNotNull(String message, Object object) { assertTrue(message, object != null); } /** * Asserts that an object is null. */ static public void assertNull(Object object) { assertNull(null, object); } /** * Asserts that an object is null. If it is not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertNull(String message, Object object) { assertTrue(message, object == null); } /** * Asserts that two objects refer to the same object. If they are not * an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the given message. */ static public void assertSame(String message, Object expected, Object actual) { if (expected == actual) return; failNotSame(message, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two objects refer to the same object. If they are not * the same an AssertionFailedError is thrown. */ static public void assertSame(Object expected, Object actual) { assertSame(null, expected, actual); } /** * Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object. If they do * refer to the same object an AssertionFailedError is thrown with the * given message. */ static public void assertNotSame(String message, Object expected, Object actual) { if (expected == actual) failSame(message); } /** * Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object. If they do * refer to the same object an AssertionFailedError is thrown. */ static public void assertNotSame(Object expected, Object actual) { assertNotSame(null, expected, actual); } static public void failSame(String message) { String formatted= ""; if (message != null) formatted= message+" "; fail(formatted+"expected not same"); } static public void failNotSame(String message, Object expected, Object actual) { String formatted= ""; if (message != null) formatted= message+" "; fail(formatted+"expected same:<"+expected+"> was not:<"+actual+">"); } static public void failNotEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual) { fail(format(message, expected, actual)); } static String format(String message, Object expected, Object actual) { String formatted= ""; if (message != null) formatted= message+" "; return formatted+"expected:<"+expected+"> but was:<"+actual+">"; } }