/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mediaframeworktest.functional; import com.android.mediaframeworktest.MediaFrameworkTest; import com.android.mediaframeworktest.MediaNames; import android.content.Context; import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase; import android.util.Log; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.Suppress; /** * Junit / Instrumentation test case for the media player api */ public class MediaPlayerApiTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase { private boolean duratoinWithinTolerence = false; private String TAG = "MediaPlayerApiTest"; Context mContext; public MediaPlayerApiTest() { super("com.android.mediaframeworktest", MediaFrameworkTest.class); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); } public boolean verifyDuration(int duration, int expectedDuration){ if ((duration > expectedDuration * 1.1) || (duration < expectedDuration * 0.9)) return false; else return true; } //Audio //Wait for PV bugs for MP3 duration @MediumTest public void testMP3CBRGetDuration() throws Exception { int duration = CodecTest.getDuration(MediaNames.MP3CBR); duratoinWithinTolerence = verifyDuration(duration, MediaNames.MP3CBR_LENGTH); assertTrue("MP3CBR getDuration", duratoinWithinTolerence); } @MediumTest public void testMP3VBRGetDuration() throws Exception { int duration = CodecTest.getDuration(MediaNames.MP3VBR); Log.v(TAG, "getDuration"); duratoinWithinTolerence = verifyDuration(duration, MediaNames.MP3VBR_LENGTH); assertTrue("MP3VBR getDuration", duratoinWithinTolerence); } @MediumTest public void testMIDIGetDuration() throws Exception { int duration = CodecTest.getDuration(MediaNames.MIDI); duratoinWithinTolerence = verifyDuration(duration, MediaNames.MIDI_LENGTH); assertTrue("MIDI getDuration", duratoinWithinTolerence); } @MediumTest public void testWMA9GetDuration() throws Exception { int duration = CodecTest.getDuration(MediaNames.WMA9); duratoinWithinTolerence = verifyDuration(duration, MediaNames.WMA9_LENGTH); assertTrue("WMA9 getDuration", duratoinWithinTolerence); } @MediumTest public void testAMRGetDuration() throws Exception { int duration = CodecTest.getDuration(MediaNames.AMR); duratoinWithinTolerence = verifyDuration(duration, MediaNames.AMR_LENGTH); assertTrue("AMR getDuration", duratoinWithinTolerence); } /* public void testOGGGetDuration() throws Exception { int duration = CodecTest.getDuration(MediaNames.OGG); duratoinWithinTolerence = verifyDuration(duration, MediaNames.OGG_LENGTH); assertTrue("OGG getDuration", duratoinWithinTolerence); }*/ //Test cases for GetCurrentPosition @LargeTest public void testMP3CBRGetCurrentPosition() throws Exception { boolean currentPosition = CodecTest.getCurrentPosition(MediaNames.MP3CBR); assertTrue("MP3CBR GetCurrentPosition", currentPosition); } @LargeTest public void testMP3VBRGetCurrentPosition() throws Exception { boolean currentPosition = CodecTest.getCurrentPosition(MediaNames.MP3VBR); assertTrue("MP3VBR GetCurrentPosition", currentPosition); } @LargeTest public void testMIDIGetCurrentPosition() throws Exception { boolean currentPosition = CodecTest.getCurrentPosition(MediaNames.MIDI); assertTrue("MIDI GetCurrentPosition", currentPosition); } @LargeTest public void testWMA9GetCurrentPosition() throws Exception { boolean currentPosition = CodecTest.getCurrentPosition(MediaNames.WMA9); assertTrue("WMA9 GetCurrentPosition", currentPosition); } @LargeTest public void testAMRGetCurrentPosition() throws Exception { boolean currentPosition = CodecTest.getCurrentPosition(MediaNames.AMR); assertTrue("AMR GetCurrentPosition", currentPosition); } /* public void testOGGGetCurrentPosition() throws Exception { boolean currentPosition = CodecTest.getCurrentPosition(MediaNames.OGG); assertTrue("OGG GetCurrentPosition", currentPosition); */ //Test cases for pause @LargeTest public void testMP3CBRPause() throws Exception { boolean isPaused = CodecTest.pause(MediaNames.MP3CBR); assertTrue("MP3CBR Pause", isPaused); } @LargeTest public void testMP3VBRPause() throws Exception { boolean isPaused = CodecTest.pause(MediaNames.MP3VBR); assertTrue("MP3VBR Pause", isPaused); } @LargeTest public void testMIDIPause() throws Exception { boolean isPaused = CodecTest.pause(MediaNames.MIDI); assertTrue("MIDI Pause", isPaused); } @LargeTest public void testWMA9Pause() throws Exception { boolean isPaused = CodecTest.pause(MediaNames.WMA9); assertTrue("WMA9 Pause", isPaused); } @LargeTest public void testAMRPause() throws Exception { boolean isPaused = CodecTest.pause(MediaNames.AMR); assertTrue("AMR Pause", isPaused); } /* public void testOGGPause() throws Exception { boolean isPaused = CodecTest.pause(MediaNames.OGG); assertTrue("OGG Pause", isPaused); }*/ @MediumTest public void testMP3CBRPrepareStopRelease() throws Exception { CodecTest.prepareStopRelease(MediaNames.MP3CBR); assertTrue("MP3CBR prepareStopRelease", true); } @MediumTest public void testMIDIPrepareStopRelease() throws Exception { CodecTest.prepareStopRelease(MediaNames.MIDI); assertTrue("MIDI prepareStopRelease", true); } //One test case for seek before start @MediumTest public void testMP3CBRSeekBeforeStart() throws Exception { boolean seekBeforePlay = CodecTest.seektoBeforeStart(MediaNames.MP3CBR); assertTrue("MP3CBR SeekBeforePlay", seekBeforePlay); } //Skip test - Bug# 1120249 /* public void testMP3CBRpreparePauseRelease() throws Exception { CodecTest.preparePauseRelease(MediaNames.MP3CBR); assertTrue("MP3CBR preparePauseRelease", true); } public void testMIDIpreparePauseRelease() throws Exception { CodecTest.preparePauseRelease(MediaNames.MIDI); assertTrue("MIDI preparePauseRelease", true); } */ //Test cases for setLooping @LargeTest public void testMP3CBRSetLooping() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.setLooping(MediaNames.MP3CBR); assertTrue("MP3CBR setLooping", isLoop); } @LargeTest public void testMP3VBRSetLooping() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.setLooping(MediaNames.MP3VBR); Log.v(TAG, "setLooping"); assertTrue("MP3VBR setLooping", isLoop); } @LargeTest public void testMIDISetLooping() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.setLooping(MediaNames.MIDI); assertTrue("MIDI setLooping", isLoop); } @LargeTest public void testWMA9SetLooping() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.setLooping(MediaNames.WMA9); assertTrue("WMA9 setLooping", isLoop); } @LargeTest public void testAMRSetLooping() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.setLooping(MediaNames.AMR); assertTrue("AMR setLooping", isLoop); } /* public void testOGGSetLooping() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.setLooping(MediaNames.OGG); assertTrue("OGG setLooping", isLoop); } */ //Test cases for seekTo @LargeTest public void testMP3CBRSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.seekTo(MediaNames.MP3CBR); assertTrue("MP3CBR seekTo", isLoop); } @LargeTest public void testMP3VBRSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.seekTo(MediaNames.MP3VBR); Log.v(TAG, "seekTo"); assertTrue("MP3VBR seekTo", isLoop); } @LargeTest public void testMIDISeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.seekTo(MediaNames.MIDI); assertTrue("MIDI seekTo", isLoop); } @LargeTest public void testWMA9SeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.seekTo(MediaNames.WMA9); assertTrue("WMA9 seekTo", isLoop); } @LargeTest public void testAMRSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.seekTo(MediaNames.AMR); assertTrue("AMR seekTo", isLoop); } /* public void testOGGSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isLoop = CodecTest.seekTo(MediaNames.OGG); assertTrue("OGG seekTo", isLoop); }*/ //Jump to the end of the files @LargeTest public void testMP3CBRSeekToEnd() throws Exception { boolean isEnd = CodecTest.seekToEnd(MediaNames.MP3CBR); assertTrue("MP3CBR seekToEnd", isEnd); } @LargeTest public void testMP3VBRSeekToEnd() throws Exception { boolean isEnd = CodecTest.seekToEnd(MediaNames.MP3VBR); Log.v(TAG, "seekTo"); assertTrue("MP3VBR seekToEnd", isEnd); } @LargeTest public void testMIDISeekToEnd() throws Exception { boolean isEnd = CodecTest.seekToEnd(MediaNames.MIDI); assertTrue("MIDI seekToEnd", isEnd); } @LargeTest public void testWMA9SeekToEnd() throws Exception { boolean isEnd = CodecTest.seekToEnd(MediaNames.WMA9); assertTrue("WMA9 seekToEnd", isEnd); } @LargeTest public void testAMRSeekToEnd() throws Exception { boolean isEnd = CodecTest.seekToEnd(MediaNames.AMR); assertTrue("AMR seekToEnd", isEnd); } /* public void testOGGSeekToEnd() throws Exception { boolean isEnd = CodecTest.seekToEnd(MediaNames.OGG); assertTrue("OGG seekToEnd", isEnd); }*/ @LargeTest public void testWAVSeekToEnd() throws Exception { boolean isEnd = CodecTest.seekToEnd(MediaNames.WAV); assertTrue("WAV seekToEnd", isEnd); } @MediumTest public void testLargeVideoHeigth() throws Exception { int height = 0; height = CodecTest.videoHeight(MediaNames.VIDEO_LARGE_SIZE_3GP); Log.v(TAG, "Video height = " + height); assertEquals("streaming video height", 240, height); } @MediumTest public void testLargeVideoWidth() throws Exception { int width = 0; width = CodecTest.videoWidth(MediaNames.VIDEO_LARGE_SIZE_3GP); Log.v(TAG, "Video width = " + width); assertEquals("streaming video width", 320, width); } @LargeTest public void testVideoMP4SeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isSeek = CodecTest.videoSeekTo(MediaNames.VIDEO_MP4); assertTrue("Local MP4 SeekTo", isSeek); } @LargeTest public void testVideoLong3gpSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isSeek = CodecTest.videoSeekTo(MediaNames.VIDEO_LONG_3GP); assertTrue("Local 3gp SeekTo", isSeek); } @LargeTest public void testVideoH263AACSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isSeek = CodecTest.videoSeekTo(MediaNames.VIDEO_H263_AAC); assertTrue("H263AAC SeekTo", isSeek); } @LargeTest public void testVideoH263AMRSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isSeek = CodecTest.videoSeekTo(MediaNames.VIDEO_H263_AMR); assertTrue("H263AMR SeekTo", isSeek); } @LargeTest public void testVideoH264AACSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isSeek = CodecTest.videoSeekTo(MediaNames.VIDEO_H264_AAC); assertTrue("H264AAC SeekTo", isSeek); } @LargeTest public void testVideoH264AMRSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isSeek = CodecTest.videoSeekTo(MediaNames.VIDEO_H264_AMR); assertTrue("H264AMR SeekTo", isSeek); } @LargeTest public void testVideoWMVSeekTo() throws Exception { boolean isSeek = CodecTest.videoSeekTo(MediaNames.VIDEO_WMV); assertTrue("WMV SeekTo", isSeek); } @LargeTest public void testSoundRecord() throws Exception { boolean isRecordered = CodecTest.mediaRecorderRecord(MediaNames.RECORDER_OUTPUT); assertTrue("Recorder", isRecordered); } @LargeTest public void testGetThumbnail() throws Exception { boolean getThumbnail = CodecTest.getThumbnail(MediaNames.VIDEO_H264_AAC, MediaNames.GOLDEN_THUMBNAIL_OUTPUT); assertTrue("Get Thumbnail", getThumbnail); } //Play a mid file which the duration is around 210 seconds @LargeTest public void testMidiResources() throws Exception { boolean midiResources = CodecTest.resourcesPlayback(MediaFrameworkTest.midiafd,180000); assertTrue("Play midi from resources", midiResources); } @LargeTest public void testMp3Resources() throws Exception { boolean mp3Resources = CodecTest.resourcesPlayback(MediaFrameworkTest.mp3afd,25000); assertTrue("Play mp3 from resources", mp3Resources); } @MediumTest public void testPrepareAsyncReset() throws Exception { boolean isReset = CodecTest.prepareAsyncReset(MediaNames.STREAM_LARGE_MP3); assertTrue("PrepareAsync Reset", isReset); } @MediumTest public void testIsLooping() throws Exception { boolean isLooping = CodecTest.isLooping(MediaNames.AMR); assertTrue("isLooping", isLooping); } @MediumTest public void testIsLoopingAfterReset() throws Exception { boolean isLooping = CodecTest.isLoopingAfterReset(MediaNames.AMR); assertTrue("isLooping after reset", isLooping); } @LargeTest public void testLocalMp3PrepareAsyncCallback() throws Exception { boolean onPrepareSuccess = CodecTest.prepareAsyncCallback(MediaNames.VIDEO_H263_AMR); assertTrue("LocalMp3prepareAsyncCallback", onPrepareSuccess); } @LargeTest public void testStreamPrepareAsyncCallback() throws Exception { boolean onPrepareSuccess = CodecTest.prepareAsyncCallback(MediaNames.STREAM_H264_480_360_1411k); assertTrue("StreamH264PrepareAsyncCallback", onPrepareSuccess); } }