/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.email.activity; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.Fragment; import android.app.FragmentManager; import android.app.FragmentTransaction; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import com.android.email.Email; import com.android.email.FolderProperties; import com.android.email.MessageListContext; import com.android.email.Preferences; import com.android.email.R; import com.android.email.RefreshManager; import com.android.email.RequireManualSyncDialog; import com.android.email.activity.setup.AccountSettings; import com.android.email.activity.setup.MailboxSettings; import com.android.emailcommon.Logging; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Message; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.HostAuth; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Mailbox; import com.android.emailcommon.utility.EmailAsyncTask; import com.android.emailcommon.utility.Utility; import com.google.common.base.Objects; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Base class for the UI controller. */ abstract class UIControllerBase implements MailboxListFragment.Callback, MessageListFragment.Callback, MessageViewFragment.Callback { static final boolean DEBUG_FRAGMENTS = false; // DO NOT SUBMIT WITH TRUE static final String KEY_LIST_CONTEXT = "UIControllerBase.listContext"; /** The owner activity */ final EmailActivity mActivity; final FragmentManager mFragmentManager; protected final ActionBarController mActionBarController; private MessageOrderManager mOrderManager; private final MessageOrderManagerCallback mMessageOrderManagerCallback = new MessageOrderManagerCallback(); final EmailAsyncTask.Tracker mTaskTracker = new EmailAsyncTask.Tracker(); final RefreshManager mRefreshManager; /** * Fragments that are installed. * * A fragment is installed in {@link Fragment#onActivityCreated} and uninstalled in * {@link Fragment#onDestroyView}, using {@link FragmentInstallable} callbacks. * * This means fragments in the back stack are *not* installed. * * We set callbacks to fragments only when they are installed. * * @see FragmentInstallable */ private MailboxListFragment mMailboxListFragment; private MessageListFragment mMessageListFragment; private MessageViewFragment mMessageViewFragment; /** * To avoid double-deleting a fragment (which will cause a runtime exception), * we put a fragment in this list when we {@link FragmentTransaction#remove(Fragment)} it, * and remove from the list when we actually uninstall it. */ private final List mRemovedFragments = new LinkedList(); /** * The NfcHandler implements Near Field Communication sharing features * whenever the activity is in the foreground. */ private NfcHandler mNfcHandler; /** * The active context for the current MessageList. * In some UI layouts such as the one-pane view, the message list may not be visible, but is * on the backstack. This list context will still be accessible in those cases. * * Should be set using {@link #setListContext(MessageListContext)}. */ protected MessageListContext mListContext; private class RefreshListener implements RefreshManager.Listener { private MenuItem mRefreshIcon; @Override public void onMessagingError(final long accountId, long mailboxId, final String message) { updateRefreshIcon(); } @Override public void onRefreshStatusChanged(long accountId, long mailboxId) { updateRefreshIcon(); } void setRefreshIcon(MenuItem icon) { mRefreshIcon = icon; updateRefreshIcon(); } private void updateRefreshIcon() { if (mRefreshIcon == null) { return; } if (isRefreshInProgress()) { mRefreshIcon.setActionView(R.layout.action_bar_indeterminate_progress); } else { mRefreshIcon.setActionView(null); } } }; private final RefreshListener mRefreshListener = new RefreshListener(); public UIControllerBase(EmailActivity activity) { mActivity = activity; mFragmentManager = activity.getFragmentManager(); mRefreshManager = RefreshManager.getInstance(mActivity); mActionBarController = createActionBarController(activity); if (DEBUG_FRAGMENTS) { FragmentManager.enableDebugLogging(true); } } /** * Called by the base class to let a subclass create an {@link ActionBarController}. */ protected abstract ActionBarController createActionBarController(Activity activity); /** @return the layout ID for the activity. */ public abstract int getLayoutId(); /** * Must be called just after the activity sets up the content view. Used to initialize views. * * (Due to the complexity regarding class/activity initialization order, we can't do this in * the constructor.) */ public void onActivityViewReady() { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onActivityViewReady"); } } /** * Called at the end of {@link EmailActivity#onCreate}. */ public void onActivityCreated() { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onActivityCreated"); } mRefreshManager.registerListener(mRefreshListener); mActionBarController.onActivityCreated(); mNfcHandler = NfcHandler.register(this, mActivity); } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onStart} callback. */ public void onActivityStart() { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onActivityStart"); } if (isMessageViewInstalled()) { updateMessageOrderManager(); } } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onResume} callback. */ public void onActivityResume() { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onActivityResume"); } refreshActionBar(); if (mNfcHandler != null) { mNfcHandler.onAccountChanged(); // workaround for email not set on initial load } long accountId = getUIAccountId(); Preferences.getPreferences(mActivity).setLastUsedAccountId(accountId); showAccountSpecificWarning(accountId); } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onPause} callback. */ public void onActivityPause() { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onActivityPause"); } } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onStop} callback. */ public void onActivityStop() { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onActivityStop"); } stopMessageOrderManager(); } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onDestroy} callback. */ public void onActivityDestroy() { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onActivityDestroy"); } mActionBarController.onActivityDestroy(); mRefreshManager.unregisterListener(mRefreshListener); mTaskTracker.cancellAllInterrupt(); } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onSaveInstanceState} callback. */ public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onSaveInstanceState"); } mActionBarController.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putParcelable(KEY_LIST_CONTEXT, mListContext); } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onRestoreInstanceState} callback. */ public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " restoreInstanceState"); } mActionBarController.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); mListContext = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(KEY_LIST_CONTEXT); } // MessageViewFragment$Callback @Override public void onMessageSetUnread() { doAutoAdvance(); } // MessageViewFragment$Callback @Override public void onMessageNotExists() { doAutoAdvance(); } // MessageViewFragment$Callback @Override public void onRespondedToInvite(int response) { doAutoAdvance(); } // MessageViewFragment$Callback @Override public void onBeforeMessageGone() { doAutoAdvance(); } /** * Install a fragment. Must be caleld from the host activity's * {@link FragmentInstallable#onInstallFragment}. */ public final void onInstallFragment(Fragment fragment) { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onInstallFragment fragment=" + fragment); } if (fragment instanceof MailboxListFragment) { installMailboxListFragment((MailboxListFragment) fragment); } else if (fragment instanceof MessageListFragment) { installMessageListFragment((MessageListFragment) fragment); } else if (fragment instanceof MessageViewFragment) { installMessageViewFragment((MessageViewFragment) fragment); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tried to install unknown fragment"); } } /** Install fragment */ protected void installMailboxListFragment(MailboxListFragment fragment) { mMailboxListFragment = fragment; mMailboxListFragment.setCallback(this); // TODO: consolidate this refresh with the one that the Fragment itself does. since // the fragment calls setHasOptionsMenu(true) - it invalidates when it gets attached. // However the timing is slightly different and leads to a delay in update if this isn't // here - investigate why. same for the other installs. refreshActionBar(); } /** Install fragment */ protected void installMessageListFragment(MessageListFragment fragment) { mMessageListFragment = fragment; mMessageListFragment.setCallback(this); refreshActionBar(); } /** Install fragment */ protected void installMessageViewFragment(MessageViewFragment fragment) { mMessageViewFragment = fragment; mMessageViewFragment.setCallback(this); updateMessageOrderManager(); refreshActionBar(); } /** * Uninstall a fragment. Must be caleld from the host activity's * {@link FragmentInstallable#onUninstallFragment}. */ public final void onUninstallFragment(Fragment fragment) { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " onUninstallFragment fragment=" + fragment); } mRemovedFragments.remove(fragment); if (fragment == mMailboxListFragment) { uninstallMailboxListFragment(); } else if (fragment == mMessageListFragment) { uninstallMessageListFragment(); } else if (fragment == mMessageViewFragment) { uninstallMessageViewFragment(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tried to uninstall unknown fragment"); } } /** Uninstall {@link MailboxListFragment} */ protected void uninstallMailboxListFragment() { mMailboxListFragment.setCallback(null); mMailboxListFragment = null; } /** Uninstall {@link MessageListFragment} */ protected void uninstallMessageListFragment() { mMessageListFragment.setCallback(null); mMessageListFragment = null; } /** Uninstall {@link MessageViewFragment} */ protected void uninstallMessageViewFragment() { mMessageViewFragment.setCallback(null); mMessageViewFragment = null; } /** * If a {@link Fragment} is not already in {@link #mRemovedFragments}, * {@link FragmentTransaction#remove} it and add to the list. * * Do nothing if {@code fragment} is null. */ protected final void removeFragment(FragmentTransaction ft, Fragment fragment) { if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " removeFragment fragment=" + fragment); } if (fragment == null) { return; } if (!mRemovedFragments.contains(fragment)) { // Remove try/catch when b/4981556 is fixed (framework bug) try { ft.remove(fragment); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { Log.e(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Swalling IllegalStateException due to known bug for " + " fragment: " + fragment, ex); Log.e(Logging.LOG_TAG, Utility.dumpFragment(fragment)); } addFragmentToRemovalList(fragment); } } /** * Remove a {@link Fragment} from {@link #mRemovedFragments}. No-op if {@code fragment} is * null. * * {@link #removeMailboxListFragment}, {@link #removeMessageListFragment} and * {@link #removeMessageViewFragment} all call this, so subclasses don't have to do this when * using them. * * However, unfortunately, subclasses have to call this manually when popping from the * back stack to avoid double-delete. */ protected void addFragmentToRemovalList(Fragment fragment) { if (fragment != null) { mRemovedFragments.add(fragment); } } /** * Remove the fragment if it's installed. */ protected FragmentTransaction removeMailboxListFragment(FragmentTransaction ft) { removeFragment(ft, mMailboxListFragment); return ft; } /** * Remove the fragment if it's installed. */ protected FragmentTransaction removeMessageListFragment(FragmentTransaction ft) { removeFragment(ft, mMessageListFragment); return ft; } /** * Remove the fragment if it's installed. */ protected FragmentTransaction removeMessageViewFragment(FragmentTransaction ft) { removeFragment(ft, mMessageViewFragment); return ft; } /** @return true if a {@link MailboxListFragment} is installed. */ protected final boolean isMailboxListInstalled() { return mMailboxListFragment != null; } /** @return true if a {@link MessageListFragment} is installed. */ protected final boolean isMessageListInstalled() { return mMessageListFragment != null; } /** @return true if a {@link MessageViewFragment} is installed. */ protected final boolean isMessageViewInstalled() { return mMessageViewFragment != null; } /** @return the installed {@link MailboxListFragment} or null. */ protected final MailboxListFragment getMailboxListFragment() { return mMailboxListFragment; } /** @return the installed {@link MessageListFragment} or null. */ protected final MessageListFragment getMessageListFragment() { return mMessageListFragment; } /** @return the installed {@link MessageViewFragment} or null. */ protected final MessageViewFragment getMessageViewFragment() { return mMessageViewFragment; } /** * Commit a {@link FragmentTransaction}. */ protected void commitFragmentTransaction(FragmentTransaction ft) { if (DEBUG_FRAGMENTS) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " commitFragmentTransaction: " + ft); } if (!ft.isEmpty()) { // NB: there should be no cases in which a transaction is committed after // onSaveInstanceState. Unfortunately, the "state loss" check also happens when in // LoaderCallbacks.onLoadFinished, and we wish to perform transactions there. The check // by the framework is conservative and prevents cases where there are transactions // affecting Loader lifecycles - but we have no such cases. // TODO: use asynchronous callbacks from loaders to avoid this implicit dependency ft.commitAllowingStateLoss(); mFragmentManager.executePendingTransactions(); } } /** * @return the currently selected account ID, *or* {@link Account#ACCOUNT_ID_COMBINED_VIEW}. * * @see #getActualAccountId() */ public abstract long getUIAccountId(); /** * @return true if an account is selected, or the current view is the combined view. */ public final boolean isAccountSelected() { return getUIAccountId() != Account.NO_ACCOUNT; } /** * @return if an actual account is selected. (i.e. {@link Account#ACCOUNT_ID_COMBINED_VIEW} * is not considered "actual".s) */ public final boolean isActualAccountSelected() { return isAccountSelected() && (getUIAccountId() != Account.ACCOUNT_ID_COMBINED_VIEW); } /** * @return the currently selected account ID. If the current view is the combined view, * it'll return {@link Account#NO_ACCOUNT}. * * @see #getUIAccountId() */ public final long getActualAccountId() { return isActualAccountSelected() ? getUIAccountId() : Account.NO_ACCOUNT; } /** * Show the default view for the given account. * * @param accountId ID of the account to load. Can be {@link Account#ACCOUNT_ID_COMBINED_VIEW}. * Must never be {@link Account#NO_ACCOUNT}. * @param forceShowInbox If {@code false} and the given account is already selected, do nothing. * If {@code false}, we always change the view even if the account is selected. */ public final void switchAccount(long accountId, boolean forceShowInbox) { if (Account.isSecurityHold(mActivity, accountId)) { ActivityHelper.showSecurityHoldDialog(mActivity, accountId); mActivity.finish(); return; } if (accountId == getUIAccountId() && !forceShowInbox) { // Do nothing if the account is already selected. Not even going back to the inbox. return; } if (accountId == Account.ACCOUNT_ID_COMBINED_VIEW) { openMailbox(accountId, Mailbox.QUERY_ALL_INBOXES); } else { long inboxId = Mailbox.findMailboxOfType(mActivity, accountId, Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX); if (inboxId == Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX) { // The account doesn't have Inbox yet... Redirect to Welcome and let it wait for // the initial sync... Log.w(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Account " + accountId +" doesn't have Inbox. Redirecting" + " to Welcome..."); Welcome.actionOpenAccountInbox(mActivity, accountId); mActivity.finish(); } else { openMailbox(accountId, inboxId); } } if (mNfcHandler != null) { mNfcHandler.onAccountChanged(); } Preferences.getPreferences(mActivity).setLastUsedAccountId(accountId); showAccountSpecificWarning(accountId); } /** * Returns the id of the parent mailbox used for the mailbox list fragment. * * IMPORTANT: Do not confuse {@link #getMailboxListMailboxId()} with * {@link #getMessageListMailboxId()} */ protected long getMailboxListMailboxId() { return isMailboxListInstalled() ? getMailboxListFragment().getSelectedMailboxId() : Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX; } /** * Returns the id of the mailbox used for the message list fragment. * * IMPORTANT: Do not confuse {@link #getMailboxListMailboxId()} with * {@link #getMessageListMailboxId()} */ protected long getMessageListMailboxId() { return isMessageListInstalled() ? getMessageListFragment().getMailboxId() : Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX; } /** * Shortcut for {@link #open} with {@link Message#NO_MESSAGE}. */ protected final void openMailbox(long accountId, long mailboxId) { open(MessageListContext.forMailbox(accountId, mailboxId), Message.NO_MESSAGE); } /** * Opens a given list * @param listContext the list context for the message list to open * @param messageId if specified and not {@link Message#NO_MESSAGE}, will open the message * in the message list. */ public final void open(final MessageListContext listContext, final long messageId) { setListContext(listContext); openInternal(listContext, messageId); if (listContext.isSearch()) { mActionBarController.enterSearchMode(listContext.getSearchParams().mFilter); } } /** * Sets the internal value of the list context for the message list. */ protected void setListContext(MessageListContext listContext) { if (Objects.equal(listContext, mListContext)) { return; } if (Email.DEBUG && Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE) { Log.i(Logging.LOG_TAG, this + " setListContext: " + listContext); } mListContext = listContext; } protected abstract void openInternal( final MessageListContext listContext, final long messageId); /** * Performs the back action. * * @param isSystemBackKey true if the system back key was pressed. * false if it's caused by the "home" icon click on the action bar. */ public abstract boolean onBackPressed(boolean isSystemBackKey); public void onSearchStarted() { // Show/hide the original search icon. mActivity.invalidateOptionsMenu(); } /** * Must be called from {@link Activity#onSearchRequested()}. * This initiates the search entry mode - see {@link #onSearchSubmit} for when the search * is actually submitted. */ public void onSearchRequested() { long accountId = getActualAccountId(); boolean accountSearchable = false; if (accountId > 0) { Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(mActivity, accountId); if (account != null) { String protocol = account.getProtocol(mActivity); accountSearchable = (account.mFlags & Account.FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SEARCH) != 0; } } if (!accountSearchable) { return; } if (isMessageListReady()) { mActionBarController.enterSearchMode(null); } } /** * @return Whether or not a message list is ready and has its initial meta data loaded. */ protected boolean isMessageListReady() { return isMessageListInstalled() && getMessageListFragment().hasDataLoaded(); } /** * Determines the mailbox to search, if a search was to be initiated now. * This will return {@code null} if the UI is not focused on any particular mailbox to search * on. */ private Mailbox getSearchableMailbox() { if (!isMessageListReady()) { return null; } MessageListFragment messageList = getMessageListFragment(); // If already in a search, future searches will search the original mailbox. return mListContext.isSearch() ? messageList.getSearchedMailbox() : messageList.getMailbox(); } // TODO: this logic probably needs to be tested in the backends as well, so it may be nice // to consolidate this to a centralized place, so that they don't get out of sync. /** * @return whether or not this account should do a global search instead when a user * initiates a search on the given mailbox. */ private static boolean shouldDoGlobalSearch(Account account, Mailbox mailbox) { return ((account.mFlags & Account.FLAGS_SUPPORTS_GLOBAL_SEARCH) != 0) && (mailbox.mType == Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX); } /** * Retrieves the hint text to be shown for when a search entry is being made. */ protected String getSearchHint() { if (!isMessageListReady()) { return ""; } Account account = getMessageListFragment().getAccount(); Mailbox mailbox = getSearchableMailbox(); if (mailbox == null) { return ""; } if (shouldDoGlobalSearch(account, mailbox)) { return mActivity.getString(R.string.search_hint); } // Regular mailbox, or IMAP - search within that mailbox. String mailboxName = FolderProperties.getInstance(mActivity).getDisplayName(mailbox); return String.format( mActivity.getString(R.string.search_mailbox_hint), mailboxName); } /** * Kicks off a search query, if the UI is in a state where a search is possible. */ protected void onSearchSubmit(final String queryTerm) { final long accountId = getUIAccountId(); if (!Account.isNormalAccount(accountId)) { return; // Invalid account to search from. } Mailbox searchableMailbox = getSearchableMailbox(); if (searchableMailbox == null) { return; } final long mailboxId = searchableMailbox.mId; if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Submitting search: [" + queryTerm + "] in mailboxId=" + mailboxId); } mActivity.startActivity(EmailActivity.createSearchIntent( mActivity, accountId, mailboxId, queryTerm)); // TODO: this causes a slight flicker. // A new instance of the activity will sit on top. When the user exits search and // returns to this activity, the search box should not be open then. mActionBarController.exitSearchMode(); } /** * Handles exiting of search entry mode. */ protected void onSearchExit() { if ((mListContext != null) && mListContext.isSearch()) { mActivity.finish(); } else { // Re show the search icon. mActivity.invalidateOptionsMenu(); } } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onCreateOptionsMenu} callback. */ public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(MenuInflater inflater, Menu menu) { inflater.inflate(R.menu.email_activity_options, menu); return true; } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onPrepareOptionsMenu} callback. */ public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(MenuInflater inflater, Menu menu) { // Update the refresh button. MenuItem item = menu.findItem(R.id.refresh); if (isRefreshEnabled()) { item.setVisible(true); mRefreshListener.setRefreshIcon(item); } else { item.setVisible(false); mRefreshListener.setRefreshIcon(null); } // Deal with protocol-specific menu options. boolean mailboxHasServerCounterpart = false; boolean accountSearchable = false; boolean isEas = false; if (isMessageListReady()) { long accountId = getActualAccountId(); if (accountId > 0) { Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(mActivity, accountId); if (account != null) { String protocol = account.getProtocol(mActivity); isEas = HostAuth.SCHEME_EAS.equals(protocol); Mailbox mailbox = getMessageListFragment().getMailbox(); mailboxHasServerCounterpart = (mailbox != null) && mailbox.loadsFromServer(protocol); accountSearchable = (account.mFlags & Account.FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SEARCH) != 0; } } } boolean showSearchIcon = !mActionBarController.isInSearchMode() && accountSearchable && mailboxHasServerCounterpart; menu.findItem(R.id.search).setVisible(showSearchIcon); menu.findItem(R.id.mailbox_settings).setVisible(isEas && mailboxHasServerCounterpart); return true; } /** * Handles the {@link android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected} callback. * * @return true if the option item is handled. */ public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case android.R.id.home: // Comes from the action bar when the app icon on the left is pressed. // It works like a back press, but it won't close the activity. return onBackPressed(false); case R.id.compose: return onCompose(); case R.id.refresh: onRefresh(); return true; case R.id.account_settings: return onAccountSettings(); case R.id.search: onSearchRequested(); return true; case R.id.mailbox_settings: final long mailboxId = getMailboxSettingsMailboxId(); if (mailboxId != Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX) { MailboxSettings.start(mActivity, mailboxId); } return true; } return false; } /** * Opens the message compose activity. */ private boolean onCompose() { if (!isAccountSelected()) { return false; // this shouldn't really happen } MessageCompose.actionCompose(mActivity, getActualAccountId()); return true; } /** * Handles the "Settings" option item. Opens the settings activity. */ private boolean onAccountSettings() { AccountSettings.actionSettings(mActivity, getActualAccountId()); return true; } /** * @return the ID of the message in focus and visible, if any. Returns * {@link Message#NO_MESSAGE} if no message is opened. */ protected long getMessageId() { return isMessageViewInstalled() ? getMessageViewFragment().getMessageId() : Message.NO_MESSAGE; } /** * @return mailbox ID for "mailbox settings" option. */ protected abstract long getMailboxSettingsMailboxId(); /** * Performs "refesh". */ protected abstract void onRefresh(); /** * @return true if refresh is in progress for the current mailbox. */ protected abstract boolean isRefreshInProgress(); /** * @return true if the UI should enable the "refresh" command. */ protected abstract boolean isRefreshEnabled(); /** * Refresh the action bar and menu items, including the "refreshing" icon. */ protected void refreshActionBar() { if (mActionBarController != null) { mActionBarController.refresh(); } mActivity.invalidateOptionsMenu(); } // MessageListFragment.Callback @Override public void onMailboxNotFound(boolean isFirstLoad) { // Something bad happened - the account or mailbox we were looking for was deleted. // Just restart and let the entry flow find a good default view. if (isFirstLoad) { // Only show this if it's the first load (e.g. a shortcut) rather an a return to // a mailbox (which might be in a just-deleted account) Utility.showToast(mActivity, R.string.toast_mailbox_not_found); } long accountId = getUIAccountId(); if (accountId != Account.NO_ACCOUNT) { mActivity.startActivity(Welcome.createOpenAccountInboxIntent(mActivity, accountId)); } else { Welcome.actionStart(mActivity); } mActivity.finish(); } protected final MessageOrderManager getMessageOrderManager() { return mOrderManager; } /** Perform "auto-advance. */ protected final void doAutoAdvance() { switch (Preferences.getPreferences(mActivity).getAutoAdvanceDirection()) { case Preferences.AUTO_ADVANCE_NEWER: if (moveToNewer()) return; break; case Preferences.AUTO_ADVANCE_OLDER: if (moveToOlder()) return; break; } if (isMessageViewInstalled()) { // We really should have the message view but just in case // Go back to mailbox list. // Use onBackPressed(), so we'll restore the message view state, such as scroll // position. // Also make sure to pass false to isSystemBackKey, so on two-pane we don't go back // to the collapsed mode. onBackPressed(true); } } /** * Subclass must implement it to enable/disable the newer/older buttons. */ protected abstract void updateNavigationArrows(); protected final boolean moveToOlder() { if ((mOrderManager != null) && mOrderManager.moveToOlder()) { navigateToMessage(mOrderManager.getCurrentMessageId()); return true; } return false; } protected final boolean moveToNewer() { if ((mOrderManager != null) && mOrderManager.moveToNewer()) { navigateToMessage(mOrderManager.getCurrentMessageId()); return true; } return false; } /** * Called when the user taps newer/older. Subclass must implement it to open the specified * message. * * It's a bit different from just showing the message view fragment; on one-pane we show the * message view fragment but don't want to change back state. */ protected abstract void navigateToMessage(long messageId); /** * Potentially create a new {@link MessageOrderManager}; if it's not already started or if * the account has changed, and sync it to the current message. */ private void updateMessageOrderManager() { if (!isMessageViewInstalled()) { return; } Preconditions.checkNotNull(mListContext); if (mOrderManager == null || !mOrderManager.getListContext().equals(mListContext)) { stopMessageOrderManager(); mOrderManager = new MessageOrderManager( mActivity, mListContext, mMessageOrderManagerCallback); } mOrderManager.moveTo(getMessageId()); updateNavigationArrows(); } /** * Stop {@link MessageOrderManager}. */ protected final void stopMessageOrderManager() { if (mOrderManager != null) { mOrderManager.close(); mOrderManager = null; } } private class MessageOrderManagerCallback implements MessageOrderManager.Callback { @Override public void onMessagesChanged() { updateNavigationArrows(); } @Override public void onMessageNotFound() { doAutoAdvance(); } } private void showAccountSpecificWarning(long accountId) { if (accountId != Account.NO_ACCOUNT && accountId != Account.NO_ACCOUNT) { Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(mActivity, accountId); if (account != null && Preferences.getPreferences(mActivity) .shouldShowRequireManualSync(mActivity, account)) { new RequireManualSyncDialog(mActivity, account).show(); } } } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); // Shown on logcat } }