/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.settings.net; import static android.net.NetworkStats.SET_DEFAULT; import static android.net.NetworkStats.SET_FOREGROUND; import static android.net.NetworkStats.TAG_NONE; import static android.net.NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_RX_BYTES; import static android.net.NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_TX_BYTES; import android.content.AsyncTaskLoader; import android.content.Context; import android.net.INetworkStatsService; import android.net.NetworkStatsHistory; import android.net.NetworkTemplate; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.RemoteException; /** * Loader for historical chart data for both network and UID details. */ public class ChartDataLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader { private static final String KEY_TEMPLATE = "template"; private static final String KEY_UIDS = "uids"; private static final String KEY_FIELDS = "fields"; private final INetworkStatsService mStatsService; private final Bundle mArgs; public static Bundle buildArgs(NetworkTemplate template, int[] uids) { return buildArgs(template, uids, FIELD_RX_BYTES | FIELD_TX_BYTES); } public static Bundle buildArgs(NetworkTemplate template, int[] uids, int fields) { final Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putParcelable(KEY_TEMPLATE, template); args.putIntArray(KEY_UIDS, uids); args.putInt(KEY_FIELDS, fields); return args; } public ChartDataLoader(Context context, INetworkStatsService statsService, Bundle args) { super(context); mStatsService = statsService; mArgs = args; } @Override protected void onStartLoading() { super.onStartLoading(); forceLoad(); } @Override public ChartData loadInBackground() { final NetworkTemplate template = mArgs.getParcelable(KEY_TEMPLATE); final int[] uids = mArgs.getIntArray(KEY_UIDS); final int fields = mArgs.getInt(KEY_FIELDS); try { return loadInBackground(template, uids, fields); } catch (RemoteException e) { // since we can't do much without history, and we don't want to // leave with half-baked UI, we bail hard. throw new RuntimeException("problem reading network stats", e); } } private ChartData loadInBackground(NetworkTemplate template, int[] uids, int fields) throws RemoteException { final ChartData data = new ChartData(); data.network = mStatsService.getHistoryForNetwork(template, fields); if (uids != null) { data.detailDefault = null; data.detailForeground = null; // load stats for current uid and template for (int uid : uids) { data.detailDefault = collectHistoryForUid( template, uid, SET_DEFAULT, data.detailDefault); data.detailForeground = collectHistoryForUid( template, uid, SET_FOREGROUND, data.detailForeground); } data.detail = new NetworkStatsHistory(data.detailForeground.getBucketDuration()); data.detail.recordEntireHistory(data.detailDefault); data.detail.recordEntireHistory(data.detailForeground); } return data; } @Override protected void onStopLoading() { super.onStopLoading(); cancelLoad(); } @Override protected void onReset() { super.onReset(); cancelLoad(); } /** * Collect {@link NetworkStatsHistory} for the requested UID, combining with * an existing {@link NetworkStatsHistory} if provided. */ private NetworkStatsHistory collectHistoryForUid( NetworkTemplate template, int uid, int set, NetworkStatsHistory existing) throws RemoteException { final NetworkStatsHistory history = mStatsService.getHistoryForUid( template, uid, set, TAG_NONE, FIELD_RX_BYTES | FIELD_TX_BYTES); if (existing != null) { existing.recordEntireHistory(history); return existing; } else { return history; } } }