DeclBase.h revision 40449fe96e2c6210ecb59515aaf939516fc09c22
1//===-- DeclBase.h - Base Classes for representing declarations *- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10//  This file defines the Decl and DeclContext interfaces.
17#include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
18#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
19#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
20#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
21#include <vector>
23namespace clang {
24class DeclContext;
25class TranslationUnitDecl;
26class NamespaceDecl;
27class NamedDecl;
28class ScopedDecl;
29class FunctionDecl;
30class CXXRecordDecl;
31class EnumDecl;
32class ObjCMethodDecl;
33class ObjCInterfaceDecl;
34class ObjCCategoryDecl;
35class ObjCProtocolDecl;
36class ObjCImplementationDecl;
37class ObjCCategoryImplDecl;
38class LinkageSpecDecl;
39class BlockDecl;
40class DeclarationName;
42/// Decl - This represents one declaration (or definition), e.g. a variable,
43/// typedef, function, struct, etc.
45class Decl {
47  enum Kind {
48    // This lists the concrete classes of Decl in order of the inheritance
49    // hierarchy.  This allows us to do efficient classof tests based on the
50    // enums below.   The commented out names are abstract class names.
51    // [DeclContext] indicates that the class also inherits from DeclContext.
53    // Decl
54         TranslationUnit,  // [DeclContext]
55    //   NamedDecl
56    //     ObjCContainerDecl // [DeclContext]
57             ObjCCategory,
58             ObjCProtocol,
59             ObjCInterface,
60           OverloadedFunction,
61           ObjCCategoryImpl,  // [DeclContext]
62           ObjCImplementation, // [DeclContext]
63           ObjCProperty,
64    //     ScopedDecl
65             Field,
66               ObjCIvar,
67               ObjCAtDefsField,
68             Namespace,  // [DeclContext]
69    //       TypeDecl
70               Typedef,
71    //         TagDecl
72                 Enum,  // [DeclContext]
73                 Record, // [DeclContext]
74                   CXXRecord,
75 	       TemplateTypeParm,
76    //       ValueDecl
77               EnumConstant,
78               Function,  // [DeclContext]
79                 CXXMethod,
80                   CXXConstructor,
81                   CXXDestructor,
82                   CXXConversion,
83               Var,
84                 ImplicitParam,
85                 CXXClassVar,
86                 ParmVar,
87                   OriginalParmVar,
88  	         NonTypeTemplateParm,
89             LinkageSpec, // [DeclContext]
90             ObjCMethod,  // [DeclContext]
91           ObjCCompatibleAlias,
92           ObjCClass,
93           ObjCForwardProtocol,
94           ObjCPropertyImpl,
95         FileScopeAsm,
96	     Block, // [DeclContext]
98    // For each non-leaf class, we now define a mapping to the first/last member
99    // of the class, to allow efficient classof.
100    NamedFirst     = OverloadedFunction , NamedLast     = NonTypeTemplateParm,
101    FieldFirst     = Field        , FieldLast     = ObjCAtDefsField,
102    ScopedFirst    = Field        , ScopedLast    = ObjCMethod,
103    TypeFirst      = Typedef      , TypeLast      = TemplateTypeParm,
104    TagFirst       = Enum         , TagLast       = CXXRecord,
105    RecordFirst    = Record       , RecordLast    = CXXRecord,
106    ValueFirst     = EnumConstant , ValueLast     = NonTypeTemplateParm,
107    FunctionFirst  = Function     , FunctionLast  = CXXConversion,
108    VarFirst       = Var          , VarLast       = NonTypeTemplateParm
109  };
111  /// IdentifierNamespace - According to C99 6.2.3, there are four namespaces,
112  /// labels, tags, members and ordinary identifiers. These are meant
113  /// as bitmasks, so that searches in C++ can look into the "tag" namespace
114  /// during ordinary lookup.
115  enum IdentifierNamespace {
116    IDNS_Label = 0x1,
117    IDNS_Tag = 0x2,
118    IDNS_Member = 0x4,
119    IDNS_Ordinary = 0x8
120  };
122  /// ObjCDeclQualifier - Qualifier used on types in method declarations
123  /// for remote messaging. They are meant for the arguments though and
124  /// applied to the Decls (ObjCMethodDecl and ParmVarDecl).
125  enum ObjCDeclQualifier {
126    OBJC_TQ_None = 0x0,
127    OBJC_TQ_In = 0x1,
128    OBJC_TQ_Inout = 0x2,
129    OBJC_TQ_Out = 0x4,
130    OBJC_TQ_Bycopy = 0x8,
131    OBJC_TQ_Byref = 0x10,
132    OBJC_TQ_Oneway = 0x20
133  };
136  /// Loc - The location that this decl.
137  SourceLocation Loc;
139  /// DeclKind - This indicates which class this is.
140  Kind DeclKind   :  8;
142  /// InvalidDecl - This indicates a semantic error occurred.
143  unsigned int InvalidDecl :  1;
145  /// HasAttrs - This indicates whether the decl has attributes or not.
146  unsigned int HasAttrs : 1;
148  /// Implicit - Whether this declaration was implicitly generated by
149  /// the implementation rather than explicitly written by the user.
150  bool Implicit : 1;
152 protected:
153  /// Access - Used by C++ decls for the access specifier.
154  // NOTE: VC++ treats enums as signed, avoid using the AccessSpecifier enum
155  unsigned Access : 2;
156  friend class CXXClassMemberWrapper;
158  Decl(Kind DK, SourceLocation L) : Loc(L), DeclKind(DK), InvalidDecl(0),
159    HasAttrs(false), Implicit(false) {
160    if (Decl::CollectingStats()) addDeclKind(DK);
161  }
163  virtual ~Decl();
166  SourceLocation getLocation() const { return Loc; }
167  void setLocation(SourceLocation L) { Loc = L; }
169  Kind getKind() const { return DeclKind; }
170  const char *getDeclKindName() const;
172  void addAttr(Attr *attr);
173  const Attr *getAttrs() const;
174  void swapAttrs(Decl *D);
175  void invalidateAttrs();
177  template<typename T> const T *getAttr() const {
178    for (const Attr *attr = getAttrs(); attr; attr = attr->getNext())
179      if (const T *V = dyn_cast<T>(attr))
180        return V;
182    return 0;
183  }
185  /// setInvalidDecl - Indicates the Decl had a semantic error. This
186  /// allows for graceful error recovery.
187  void setInvalidDecl() { InvalidDecl = 1; }
188  bool isInvalidDecl() const { return (bool) InvalidDecl; }
190  /// isImplicit - Indicates whether the declaration was implicitly
191  /// generated by the implementation. If false, this declaration
192  /// was written explicitly in the source code.
193  bool isImplicit() const { return Implicit; }
194  void setImplicit(bool I = true) { Implicit = I; }
196  IdentifierNamespace getIdentifierNamespace() const {
197    switch (DeclKind) {
198    default:
199      if (DeclKind >= FunctionFirst && DeclKind <= FunctionLast)
200        return IDNS_Ordinary;
201      assert(0 && "Unknown decl kind!");
202    case ImplicitParam:
203    case Typedef:
204    case Var:
205    case ParmVar:
206    case OriginalParmVar:
207    case EnumConstant:
208    case NonTypeTemplateParm:
209    case Field:
210    case ObjCAtDefsField:
211    case ObjCIvar:
212    case ObjCInterface:
213    case ObjCCompatibleAlias:
214    case OverloadedFunction:
215    case CXXMethod:
216    case CXXConversion:
217    case CXXClassVar:
218      return IDNS_Ordinary;
219    case Record:
220    case CXXRecord:
221    case TemplateTypeParm:
222    case Enum:
223      return IDNS_Tag;
224    case Namespace:
225      return IdentifierNamespace(IDNS_Tag | IDNS_Ordinary);
226    }
227  }
229  bool isInIdentifierNamespace(unsigned NS) const {
230    return getIdentifierNamespace() & NS;
231  }
233  // getBody - If this Decl represents a declaration for a body of code,
234  //  such as a function or method definition, this method returns the top-level
235  //  Stmt* of that body.  Otherwise this method returns null.
236  virtual Stmt* getBody() const { return 0; }
238  // global temp stats (until we have a per-module visitor)
239  static void addDeclKind(Kind k);
240  static bool CollectingStats(bool Enable = false);
241  static void PrintStats();
243  /// isTemplateParameter - Determines whether this declartion is a
244  /// template parameter.
245  bool isTemplateParameter() const;
247  // Implement isa/cast/dyncast/etc.
248  static bool classof(const Decl *) { return true; }
249  static DeclContext *castToDeclContext(const Decl *);
250  static Decl *castFromDeclContext(const DeclContext *);
252  /// Emit - Serialize this Decl to Bitcode.
253  void Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
255  /// Create - Deserialize a Decl from Bitcode.
256  static Decl* Create(llvm::Deserializer& D, ASTContext& C);
258  /// Destroy - Call destructors and release memory.
259  virtual void Destroy(ASTContext& C);
262  /// EmitImpl - Provides the subclass-specific serialization logic for
263  ///   serializing out a decl.
264  virtual void EmitImpl(llvm::Serializer& S) const {
265    // FIXME: This will eventually be a pure virtual function.
266    assert (false && "Not implemented.");
267  }
269  void EmitInRec(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
270  void ReadInRec(llvm::Deserializer& D, ASTContext& C);
273/// DeclContext - This is used only as base class of specific decl types that
274/// can act as declaration contexts. These decls are:
276///   TranslationUnitDecl
277///   NamespaceDecl
278///   FunctionDecl
279///   RecordDecl/CXXRecordDecl
280///   EnumDecl
281///   ObjCMethodDecl
282///   ObjCInterfaceDecl
283///   LinkageSpecDecl
284///   BlockDecl
285class DeclContext {
286  /// DeclKind - This indicates which class this is.
287  Decl::Kind DeclKind   :  8;
289  /// LookupPtrKind - Describes what kind of pointer LookupPtr
290  /// actually is.
291  enum LookupPtrKind {
292    /// LookupIsMap - Indicates that LookupPtr is actually a map.
293    LookupIsMap = 7
294  };
296  /// LookupPtr - Pointer to a data structure used to lookup
297  /// declarations within this context. If the context contains fewer
298  /// than seven declarations, the number of declarations is provided
299  /// in the 3 lowest-order bits and the upper bits are treated as a
300  /// pointer to an array of ScopedDecl pointers. If the context
301  /// contains seven or more declarations, the upper bits are treated
302  /// as a pointer to a DenseMap<DeclarationName, std::vector<ScopedDecl>>.
303  /// FIXME: We need a better data structure for this.
304  llvm::PointerIntPair<void*, 3> LookupPtr;
306  /// Decls - Contains all of the declarations that are defined inside
307  /// this declaration context.
308  std::vector<ScopedDecl*> Decls;
310  // Used in the CastTo template to get the DeclKind
311  // from a Decl or a DeclContext. DeclContext doesn't have a getKind() method
312  // to avoid 'ambiguous access' compiler errors.
313  template<typename T> struct KindTrait {
314    static Decl::Kind getKind(const T *D) { return D->getKind(); }
315  };
317  // Used only by the ToDecl and FromDecl methods
318  template<typename To, typename From>
319  static To *CastTo(const From *D) {
320    Decl::Kind DK = KindTrait<From>::getKind(D);
321    switch(DK) {
322      case Decl::TranslationUnit:
323        return static_cast<TranslationUnitDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
324      case Decl::Namespace:
325        return static_cast<NamespaceDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
326      case Decl::Enum:
327        return static_cast<EnumDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
328      case Decl::Record:
329        return static_cast<RecordDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
330      case Decl::CXXRecord:
331        return static_cast<CXXRecordDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
332      case Decl::ObjCMethod:
333        return static_cast<ObjCMethodDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
334      case Decl::ObjCInterface:
335        return static_cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
336      case Decl::ObjCCategory:
337        return static_cast<ObjCCategoryDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
338      case Decl::ObjCProtocol:
339        return static_cast<ObjCProtocolDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
340      case Decl::ObjCImplementation:
341        return static_cast<ObjCImplementationDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
342      case Decl::ObjCCategoryImpl:
343        return static_cast<ObjCCategoryImplDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
344      case Decl::LinkageSpec:
345        return static_cast<LinkageSpecDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
346      case Decl::Block:
347        return static_cast<BlockDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
348      default:
349        if (DK >= Decl::FunctionFirst && DK <= Decl::FunctionLast)
350          return static_cast<FunctionDecl*>(const_cast<From*>(D));
352        assert(false && "a decl that inherits DeclContext isn't handled");
353        return 0;
354    }
355  }
357  /// isLookupMap - Determine if the lookup structure is a
358  /// DenseMap. Othewise, it is an array.
359  bool isLookupMap() const { return LookupPtr.getInt() == LookupIsMap; }
362  DeclContext(Decl::Kind K) : DeclKind(K), LookupPtr() {
363  }
365  void DestroyDecls(ASTContext &C);
368  ~DeclContext();
370  /// getParent - Returns the containing DeclContext if this is a ScopedDecl,
371  /// else returns NULL.
372  const DeclContext *getParent() const;
373  DeclContext *getParent() {
374    return const_cast<DeclContext*>(
375                             const_cast<const DeclContext*>(this)->getParent());
376  }
378  /// getLexicalParent - Returns the containing lexical DeclContext. May be
379  /// different from getParent, e.g.:
380  ///
381  ///   namespace A {
382  ///      struct S;
383  ///   }
384  ///   struct A::S {}; // getParent() == namespace 'A'
385  ///                   // getLexicalParent() == translation unit
386  ///
387  const DeclContext *getLexicalParent() const;
388  DeclContext *getLexicalParent() {
389    return const_cast<DeclContext*>(
390                      const_cast<const DeclContext*>(this)->getLexicalParent());
391  }
393  bool isFunctionOrMethod() const {
394    switch (DeclKind) {
395      case Decl::Block:
396      case Decl::ObjCMethod:
397        return true;
399      default:
400       if (DeclKind >= Decl::FunctionFirst && DeclKind <= Decl::FunctionLast)
401         return true;
402        return false;
403    }
404  }
406  bool isFileContext() const {
407    return DeclKind == Decl::TranslationUnit || DeclKind == Decl::Namespace;
408  }
410  bool isRecord() const {
411    return DeclKind == Decl::Record || DeclKind == Decl::CXXRecord;
412  }
414  bool isNamespace() const {
415    return DeclKind == Decl::Namespace;
416  }
418  /// isTransparentContext - Determines whether this context is a
419  /// "transparent" context, meaning that the members declared in this
420  /// context are semantically declared in the nearest enclosing
421  /// non-transparent (opaque) context but are lexically declared in
422  /// this context. For example, consider the enumerators of an
423  /// enumeration type:
424  /// @code
425  /// enum E {
426  ///   Val1
427  /// };
428  /// @endcode
429  /// Here, E is a transparent context, so its enumerator (Val1) will
430  /// appear (semantically) that it is in the same context of E.
431  /// Examples of transparent contexts include: enumerations (except for
432  /// C++0x scoped enums), C++ linkage specifications, and C++0x
433  /// inline namespaces.
434  bool isTransparentContext() const;
436  bool Encloses(DeclContext *DC) const {
437    for (; DC; DC = DC->getParent())
438      if (DC == this)
439        return true;
440    return false;
441  }
443  /// getPrimaryContext - There may be many different
444  /// declarations of the same entity (including forward declarations
445  /// of classes, multiple definitions of namespaces, etc.), each with
446  /// a different set of declarations. This routine returns the
447  /// "primary" DeclContext structure, which will contain the
448  /// information needed to perform name lookup into this context.
449  DeclContext *getPrimaryContext();
451  /// getLookupContext - Retrieve the innermost non-transparent
452  /// context of this context, which corresponds to the innermost
453  /// location from which name lookup can find the entities in this
454  /// context.
455  DeclContext *getLookupContext() {
456    return const_cast<DeclContext *>(
457             const_cast<const DeclContext *>(this)->getLookupContext());
458  }
459  const DeclContext *getLookupContext() const;
461  /// getNextContext - If this is a DeclContext that may have other
462  /// DeclContexts that are semantically connected but syntactically
463  /// different, such as C++ namespaces, this routine retrieves the
464  /// next DeclContext in the link. Iteration through the chain of
465  /// DeclContexts should begin at the primary DeclContext and
466  /// continue until this function returns NULL. For example, given:
467  /// @code
468  /// namespace N {
469  ///   int x;
470  /// }
471  /// namespace N {
472  ///   int y;
473  /// }
474  /// @endcode
475  /// The first occurrence of namespace N will be the primary
476  /// DeclContext. Its getNextContext will return the second
477  /// occurrence of namespace N.
478  DeclContext *getNextContext();
480  /// decl_iterator - Iterates through the declarations stored
481  /// within this context.
482  typedef std::vector<ScopedDecl*>::const_iterator decl_iterator;
484  /// decls_begin/decls_end - Iterate over the declarations stored in
485  /// this context.
486  decl_iterator decls_begin() const { return Decls.begin(); }
487  decl_iterator decls_end()   const { return Decls.end(); }
489  /// addDecl - Add the declaration D to this scope. Note that
490  /// declarations are added at the beginning of the declaration
491  /// chain, so reverseDeclChain() should be called after all
492  /// declarations have been added. If AllowLookup, also adds this
493  /// declaration into data structure for name lookup.
494  void addDecl(ASTContext &Context, ScopedDecl *D, bool AllowLookup = true);
496  void buildLookup(DeclContext *DCtx);
498  /// lookup_iterator - An iterator that provides access to the results
499  /// of looking up a name within this context.
500  typedef ScopedDecl **lookup_iterator;
502  /// lookup_const_iterator - An iterator that provides non-mutable
503  /// access to the results of lookup up a name within this context.
504  typedef ScopedDecl * const * lookup_const_iterator;
506  typedef std::pair<lookup_iterator, lookup_iterator> lookup_result;
507  typedef std::pair<lookup_const_iterator, lookup_const_iterator>
508    lookup_const_result;
510  /// lookup - Find the declarations (if any) with the given Name in
511  /// this context. Returns a range of iterators that contains all of
512  /// the declarations with this name (which may be 0, 1, or more
513  /// declarations). If two declarations are returned, the declaration
514  /// in the "ordinary" identifier namespace will precede the
515  /// declaration in the "tag" identifier namespace (e.g., values
516  /// before types). Note that this routine will not look into parent
517  /// contexts.
518  lookup_result lookup(DeclarationName Name);
519  lookup_const_result lookup(DeclarationName Name) const;
521  /// insert - Insert the declaration D into this context. Up to two
522  /// declarations with the same name can be inserted into a single
523  /// declaration context, one in the "tag" namespace (e.g., for
524  /// classes and enums) and one in the "ordinary" namespaces (e.g.,
525  /// for variables, functions, and other values). Note that, if there
526  /// is already a declaration with the same name and identifier
527  /// namespace, D will replace it. It is up to the caller to ensure
528  /// that this replacement is semantically correct, e.g., that
529  /// declarations are only replaced by later declarations of the same
530  /// entity and not a declaration of some other kind of entity.
531  void insert(ASTContext &Context, ScopedDecl *D);
533  static bool classof(const Decl *D) {
534    switch (D->getKind()) {
535      case Decl::TranslationUnit:
536      case Decl::Namespace:
537      case Decl::Enum:
538      case Decl::Record:
539      case Decl::CXXRecord:
540      case Decl::ObjCMethod:
541      case Decl::ObjCInterface:
542      case Decl::ObjCCategory:
543      case Decl::ObjCProtocol:
544      case Decl::ObjCImplementation:
545      case Decl::ObjCCategoryImpl:
546      case Decl::LinkageSpec:
547      case Decl::Block:
548        return true;
549      default:
550        if (D->getKind() >= Decl::FunctionFirst &&
551            D->getKind() <= Decl::FunctionLast)
552          return true;
553        return false;
554    }
555  }
556  static bool classof(const DeclContext *D) { return true; }
557  static bool classof(const TranslationUnitDecl *D) { return true; }
558  static bool classof(const NamespaceDecl *D) { return true; }
559  static bool classof(const FunctionDecl *D) { return true; }
560  static bool classof(const RecordDecl *D) { return true; }
561  static bool classof(const CXXRecordDecl *D) { return true; }
562  static bool classof(const EnumDecl *D) { return true; }
563  static bool classof(const ObjCMethodDecl *D) { return true; }
564  static bool classof(const ObjCInterfaceDecl *D) { return true; }
565  static bool classof(const ObjCCategoryDecl *D) { return true; }
566  static bool classof(const ObjCProtocolDecl *D) { return true; }
567  static bool classof(const ObjCImplementationDecl *D) { return true; }
568  static bool classof(const ObjCCategoryImplDecl *D) { return true; }
569  static bool classof(const LinkageSpecDecl *D) { return true; }
570  static bool classof(const BlockDecl *D) { return true; }
573  void insertImpl(ScopedDecl *D);
575  void EmitOutRec(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
576  void ReadOutRec(llvm::Deserializer& D, ASTContext& C);
578  friend class Decl;
581template<> struct DeclContext::KindTrait<DeclContext> {
582  static Decl::Kind getKind(const DeclContext *D) { return D->DeclKind; }
585inline bool Decl::isTemplateParameter() const {
586  return getKind() == TemplateTypeParm || getKind() == NonTypeTemplateParm;
590} // end clang.
592namespace llvm {
594/// Implement a isa_impl_wrap specialization to check whether a DeclContext is
595/// a specific Decl.
596template<class ToTy>
597struct isa_impl_wrap<ToTy,
598                     const ::clang::DeclContext,const ::clang::DeclContext> {
599  static bool doit(const ::clang::DeclContext &Val) {
600    return ToTy::classof(::clang::Decl::castFromDeclContext(&Val));
601  }
603template<class ToTy>
604struct isa_impl_wrap<ToTy, ::clang::DeclContext, ::clang::DeclContext>
605  : public isa_impl_wrap<ToTy,
606                      const ::clang::DeclContext,const ::clang::DeclContext> {};
608/// Implement cast_convert_val for Decl -> DeclContext conversions.
609template<class FromTy>
610struct cast_convert_val< ::clang::DeclContext, FromTy, FromTy> {
611  static ::clang::DeclContext &doit(const FromTy &Val) {
612    return *FromTy::castToDeclContext(&Val);
613  }
616template<class FromTy>
617struct cast_convert_val< ::clang::DeclContext, FromTy*, FromTy*> {
618  static ::clang::DeclContext *doit(const FromTy *Val) {
619    return FromTy::castToDeclContext(Val);
620  }
623template<class FromTy>
624struct cast_convert_val< const ::clang::DeclContext, FromTy, FromTy> {
625  static const ::clang::DeclContext &doit(const FromTy &Val) {
626    return *FromTy::castToDeclContext(&Val);
627  }
630template<class FromTy>
631struct cast_convert_val< const ::clang::DeclContext, FromTy*, FromTy*> {
632  static const ::clang::DeclContext *doit(const FromTy *Val) {
633    return FromTy::castToDeclContext(Val);
634  }
637/// Implement cast_convert_val for DeclContext -> Decl conversions.
638template<class ToTy>
639struct cast_convert_val<ToTy,
640                        const ::clang::DeclContext,const ::clang::DeclContext> {
641  static ToTy &doit(const ::clang::DeclContext &Val) {
642    return *reinterpret_cast<ToTy*>(ToTy::castFromDeclContext(&Val));
643  }
645template<class ToTy>
646struct cast_convert_val<ToTy, ::clang::DeclContext, ::clang::DeclContext>
647  : public cast_convert_val<ToTy,
648                      const ::clang::DeclContext,const ::clang::DeclContext> {};
650template<class ToTy>
651struct cast_convert_val<ToTy,
652                     const ::clang::DeclContext*, const ::clang::DeclContext*> {
653  static ToTy *doit(const ::clang::DeclContext *Val) {
654    return reinterpret_cast<ToTy*>(ToTy::castFromDeclContext(Val));
655  }
657template<class ToTy>
658struct cast_convert_val<ToTy, ::clang::DeclContext*, ::clang::DeclContext*>
659  : public cast_convert_val<ToTy,
660                    const ::clang::DeclContext*,const ::clang::DeclContext*> {};
662} // end namespace llvm