p4.cpp revision 233a6419097ed97b67ff8efcacef9af613262ca3
1// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -faccess-control -verify %s
3// C++0x [class.access]p4:
5//   Access control is applied uniformly to all names, whether the
6//   names are referred to from declarations or expressions.  In the
7//   case of overloaded function names, access control is applied to
8//   the function selected by overload resolution.
10class Public {} PublicInst;
11class Protected {} ProtectedInst;
12class Private {} PrivateInst;
14namespace test0 {
15  class A {
16  public:
17    void foo(Public&);
18  protected:
19    void foo(Protected&); // expected-note 2 {{declared protected here}}
20  private:
21    void foo(Private&); // expected-note 2 {{declared private here}}
22  };
24  void test(A *op) {
25    op->foo(PublicInst);
26    op->foo(ProtectedInst); // expected-error {{access to protected member outside any class}}
27    op->foo(PrivateInst); // expected-error {{access to private member outside any class}}
29    void (A::*a)(Public&) = &A::foo;
30    void (A::*b)(Protected&) = &A::foo; // expected-error {{access to protected member outside any class}}
31    void (A::*c)(Private&) = &A::foo; // expected-error {{access to private member outside any class}}
32  }
35// Member operators.
36namespace test1 {
37  class A {
38  public:
39    void operator+(Public&);
40    void operator[](Public&);
41    void operator()(Public&);
42    typedef void (*PublicSurrogate)(Public&);
43    operator PublicSurrogate() const;
44  protected:
45    void operator+(Protected&); // expected-note {{declared protected here}}
46    void operator[](Protected&); // expected-note {{declared protected here}}
47    void operator()(Protected&); // expected-note {{declared protected here}}
48    typedef void (*ProtectedSurrogate)(Protected&);
49    operator ProtectedSurrogate() const; // expected-note {{declared protected here}}
50  private:
51    void operator+(Private&); // expected-note {{declared private here}}
52    void operator[](Private&); // expected-note {{declared private here}}
53    void operator()(Private&); // expected-note {{declared private here}}
54    void operator-(); // expected-note {{declared private here}}
55    typedef void (*PrivateSurrogate)(Private&);
56    operator PrivateSurrogate() const; // expected-note {{declared private here}}
57  };
58  void operator+(const A &, Public&);
59  void operator+(const A &, Protected&);
60  void operator+(const A &, Private&);
61  void operator-(const A &);
63  void test(A &a, Public &pub, Protected &prot, Private &priv) {
64    a + pub;
65    a + prot; // expected-error {{access to protected member}}
66    a + priv; // expected-error {{access to private member}}
67    a[pub];
68    a[prot]; // expected-error {{access to protected member}}
69    a[priv]; // expected-error {{access to private member}}
70    a(pub);
71    a(prot); // expected-error {{access to protected member}}
72    a(priv); // expected-error {{access to private member}}
73    -a;       // expected-error {{access to private member}}
75    const A &ca = a;
76    ca + pub;
77    ca + prot;
78    ca + priv;
79    -ca;
80    // These are all surrogate calls
81    ca(pub);
82    ca(prot); // expected-error {{access to protected member}}
83    ca(priv); // expected-error {{access to private member}}
84  }