This man page was created for from e2fsprogs-1.24.
This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU Public License.
Created Wed Sep 14 12:02:12 2001, Andreas Dilger
Block device information is normally kept in a cache file /etc/ and is verified to still be valid before being returned to the user (if the user has read permission on the raw block device, otherwise not). The cache file also allows unprivileged users (normally anyone other than root, or those not in the "disk" group) to locate devices by label/id. The standard location of the cache file can be overridden by the environment variable BLKID_FILE.
In situations where one is getting information about a single known device, it does not impact performance whether the cache is used or not (unless you are not able to read the block device directly). If you are dealing with multiple devices use of the cache is highly recommended (even if empty) as devices will be scanned at most one time, and the on-disk cache will be updated if possible. There is rarely a reason not to use the cache.
In some cases (modular kernels), block devices are not even visible until after they are accessed the first time, so it is critical that there is some way to locate these devices without enumerating only visible devices, so the use of the cache file is required in this situation.
/etc/ Caches data extracted from each recognized block device.
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