PostDominators.cpp revision c444a4228f31656f854d15eac671b450df557346
1//===- PostDominators.cpp - Post-Dominator Calculation --------------------===//
3// This file implements the post-dominator construction algorithms.
7#include "llvm/Analysis/PostDominators.h"
8#include "llvm/iTerminators.h"
9#include "llvm/Support/CFG.h"
10#include "Support/DepthFirstIterator.h"
11#include "Support/SetOperations.h"
14//  PostDominatorSet Implementation
17static RegisterAnalysis<PostDominatorSet>
18B("postdomset", "Post-Dominator Set Construction", true);
20// Postdominator set construction.  This converts the specified function to only
21// have a single exit node (return stmt), then calculates the post dominance
22// sets for the function.
24bool PostDominatorSet::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
25  Doms.clear();   // Reset from the last time we were run...
27  // Scan the function looking for the root nodes of the post-dominance
28  // relationships.  These blocks end with return and unwind instructions.
29  // While we are iterating over the function, we also initialize all of the
30  // domsets to empty.
31  Roots.clear();
32  for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(), E = F.end(); I != E; ++I) {
33    Doms[I];  // Initialize to empty
35    if (isa<ReturnInst>(I->getTerminator()) ||
36        isa<UnwindInst>(I->getTerminator()))
37      Roots.push_back(I);
38  }
40  // If there are no exit nodes for the function, postdomsets are all empty.
41  // This can happen if the function just contains an infinite loop, for
42  // example.
43  if (Roots.empty()) return false;
45  // If we have more than one root, we insert an artificial "null" exit, which
46  // has "virtual edges" to each of the real exit nodes.
47  if (Roots.size() > 1)
48    Doms[0].insert(0);
50  bool Changed;
51  do {
52    Changed = false;
54    std::set<const BasicBlock*> Visited;
55    DomSetType WorkingSet;
57    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Roots.size(); i != e; ++i)
58      for (idf_iterator<BasicBlock*> It = idf_begin(Roots[i]),
59             E = idf_end(Roots[i]); It != E; ++It) {
60        BasicBlock *BB = *It;
61        succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(BB), SE = succ_end(BB);
62        if (SI != SE) {                // Is there SOME successor?
63          // Loop until we get to a successor that has had it's dom set filled
64          // in at least once.  We are guaranteed to have this because we are
65          // traversing the graph in DFO and have handled start nodes specially.
66          //
67          while (Doms[*SI].size() == 0) ++SI;
68          WorkingSet = Doms[*SI];
70          for (++SI; SI != SE; ++SI) { // Intersect all of the successor sets
71            DomSetType &SuccSet = Doms[*SI];
72            if (SuccSet.size())
73              set_intersect(WorkingSet, SuccSet);
74          }
75        } else {
76          // If this node has no successors, it must be one of the root nodes.
77          // We will already take care of the notion that the node
78          // post-dominates itself.  The only thing we have to add is that if
79          // there are multiple root nodes, we want to insert a special "null"
80          // exit node which dominates the roots as well.
81          if (Roots.size() > 1)
82            WorkingSet.insert(0);
83        }
85        WorkingSet.insert(BB);           // A block always dominates itself
86        DomSetType &BBSet = Doms[BB];
87        if (BBSet != WorkingSet) {
88          BBSet.swap(WorkingSet);        // Constant time operation!
89          Changed = true;                // The sets changed.
90        }
91        WorkingSet.clear();              // Clear out the set for next iteration
92      }
93  } while (Changed);
94  return false;
98//  ImmediatePostDominators Implementation
101static RegisterAnalysis<ImmediatePostDominators>
102D("postidom", "Immediate Post-Dominators Construction", true);
105//  PostDominatorTree Implementation
108static RegisterAnalysis<PostDominatorTree>
109F("postdomtree", "Post-Dominator Tree Construction", true);
111void PostDominatorTree::calculate(const PostDominatorSet &DS) {
112  if (Roots.empty()) return;
113  BasicBlock *Root = Roots.size() == 1 ? Roots[0] : 0;
115  Nodes[Root] = RootNode = new Node(Root, 0);   // Add a node for the root...
117  // Iterate over all nodes in depth first order...
118  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Roots.size(); i != e; ++i)
119    for (idf_iterator<BasicBlock*> I = idf_begin(Roots[i]),
120           E = idf_end(Roots[i]); I != E; ++I) {
121      BasicBlock *BB = *I;
122      const DominatorSet::DomSetType &Dominators = DS.getDominators(BB);
123      unsigned DomSetSize = Dominators.size();
124      if (DomSetSize == 1) continue;  // Root node... IDom = null
126      // If we have already computed the immediate dominator for this node,
127      // don't revisit.  This can happen due to nodes reachable from multiple
128      // roots, but which the idf_iterator doesn't know about.
129      if (Nodes.find(BB) != Nodes.end()) continue;
131      // Loop over all dominators of this node.  This corresponds to looping
132      // over nodes in the dominator chain, looking for a node whose dominator
133      // set is equal to the current nodes, except that the current node does
134      // not exist in it.  This means that it is one level higher in the dom
135      // chain than the current node, and it is our idom!  We know that we have
136      // already added a DominatorTree node for our idom, because the idom must
137      // be a predecessor in the depth first order that we are iterating through
138      // the function.
139      //
140      DominatorSet::DomSetType::const_iterator I = Dominators.begin();
141      DominatorSet::DomSetType::const_iterator End = Dominators.end();
142      for (; I != End; ++I) {   // Iterate over dominators...
143        // All of our dominators should form a chain, where the number
144        // of elements in the dominator set indicates what level the
145        // node is at in the chain.  We want the node immediately
146        // above us, so it will have an identical dominator set,
147        // except that BB will not dominate it... therefore it's
148        // dominator set size will be one less than BB's...
149        //
150        if (DS.getDominators(*I).size() == DomSetSize - 1) {
151          // We know that the immediate dominator should already have a node,
152          // because we are traversing the CFG in depth first order!
153          //
154          Node *IDomNode = Nodes[*I];
155          assert(IDomNode && "No node for IDOM?");
157          // Add a new tree node for this BasicBlock, and link it as a child of
158          // IDomNode
159          Nodes[BB] = IDomNode->addChild(new Node(BB, IDomNode));
160          break;
161        }
162      }
163    }
167//  PostDominanceFrontier Implementation
170static RegisterAnalysis<PostDominanceFrontier>
171H("postdomfrontier", "Post-Dominance Frontier Construction", true);
173const DominanceFrontier::DomSetType &
174PostDominanceFrontier::calculate(const PostDominatorTree &DT,
175                                 const DominatorTree::Node *Node) {
176  // Loop over CFG successors to calculate DFlocal[Node]
177  BasicBlock *BB = Node->getBlock();
178  DomSetType &S = Frontiers[BB];       // The new set to fill in...
179  if (getRoots().empty()) return S;
181  if (BB)
182    for (pred_iterator SI = pred_begin(BB), SE = pred_end(BB);
183         SI != SE; ++SI)
184      // Does Node immediately dominate this predeccessor?
185      if (DT[*SI]->getIDom() != Node)
186        S.insert(*SI);
188  // At this point, S is DFlocal.  Now we union in DFup's of our children...
189  // Loop through and visit the nodes that Node immediately dominates (Node's
190  // children in the IDomTree)
191  //
192  for (PostDominatorTree::Node::const_iterator
193         NI = Node->begin(), NE = Node->end(); NI != NE; ++NI) {
194    DominatorTree::Node *IDominee = *NI;
195    const DomSetType &ChildDF = calculate(DT, IDominee);
197    DomSetType::const_iterator CDFI = ChildDF.begin(), CDFE = ChildDF.end();
198    for (; CDFI != CDFE; ++CDFI) {
199      if (!Node->dominates(DT[*CDFI]))
200	S.insert(*CDFI);
201    }
202  }
204  return S;
207// stub - a dummy function to make linking work ok.
208void PostDominanceFrontier::stub() {