AsmWriter.cpp revision bd5db8e29b82f864c3d6525c6cfefa557fafdbb8
1//===-- AsmWriter.cpp - Printing LLVM as an assembly file -----------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
6// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This library implements the functionality defined in llvm/Assembly/Writer.h
12// Note that these routines must be extremely tolerant of various errors in the
13// LLVM code, because it can be used for debugging transformations.
17#include "llvm/Assembly/Writer.h"
18#include "llvm/Assembly/PrintModulePass.h"
19#include "llvm/Assembly/AsmAnnotationWriter.h"
20#include "llvm/CallingConv.h"
21#include "llvm/Constants.h"
22#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
23#include "llvm/InlineAsm.h"
24#include "llvm/Instruction.h"
25#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
26#include "llvm/Module.h"
27#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
28#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
29#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
30#include "llvm/Support/CFG.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
32#include "llvm/Support/Streams.h"
33#include <algorithm>
34using namespace llvm;
36namespace llvm {
38// Make virtual table appear in this compilation unit.
39AssemblyAnnotationWriter::~AssemblyAnnotationWriter() {}
41/// This class provides computation of slot numbers for LLVM Assembly writing.
42/// @brief LLVM Assembly Writing Slot Computation.
43class SlotMachine {
45/// @name Types
46/// @{
49  /// @brief A mapping of Values to slot numbers
50  typedef std::map<const Value*, unsigned> ValueMap;
52  /// @brief A plane with next slot number and ValueMap
53  struct ValuePlane {
54    unsigned next_slot;        ///< The next slot number to use
55    ValueMap map;              ///< The map of Value* -> unsigned
56    ValuePlane() { next_slot = 0; } ///< Make sure we start at 0
57  };
59  /// @brief The map of planes by Type
60  typedef std::map<const Type*, ValuePlane> TypedPlanes;
62/// @}
63/// @name Constructors
64/// @{
66  /// @brief Construct from a module
67  SlotMachine(const Module *M);
69  /// @brief Construct from a function, starting out in incorp state.
70  SlotMachine(const Function *F);
72/// @}
73/// @name Accessors
74/// @{
76  /// Return the slot number of the specified value in it's type
77  /// plane.  Its an error to ask for something not in the SlotMachine.
78  /// Its an error to ask for a Type*
79  int getSlot(const Value *V);
81/// @}
82/// @name Mutators
83/// @{
85  /// If you'd like to deal with a function instead of just a module, use
86  /// this method to get its data into the SlotMachine.
87  void incorporateFunction(const Function *F) {
88    TheFunction = F;
89    FunctionProcessed = false;
90  }
92  /// After calling incorporateFunction, use this method to remove the
93  /// most recently incorporated function from the SlotMachine. This
94  /// will reset the state of the machine back to just the module contents.
95  void purgeFunction();
97/// @}
98/// @name Implementation Details
99/// @{
101  /// This function does the actual initialization.
102  inline void initialize();
104  /// Values can be crammed into here at will. If they haven't
105  /// been inserted already, they get inserted, otherwise they are ignored.
106  /// Either way, the slot number for the Value* is returned.
107  unsigned getOrCreateSlot(const Value *V);
109  /// Insert a value into the value table. Return the slot number
110  /// that it now occupies.  BadThings(TM) will happen if you insert a
111  /// Value that's already been inserted.
112  unsigned insertValue(const Value *V);
114  /// Add all of the module level global variables (and their initializers)
115  /// and function declarations, but not the contents of those functions.
116  void processModule();
118  /// Add all of the functions arguments, basic blocks, and instructions
119  void processFunction();
121  SlotMachine(const SlotMachine &);  // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
122  void operator=(const SlotMachine &);  // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
124/// @}
125/// @name Data
126/// @{
129  /// @brief The module for which we are holding slot numbers
130  const Module* TheModule;
132  /// @brief The function for which we are holding slot numbers
133  const Function* TheFunction;
134  bool FunctionProcessed;
136  /// @brief The TypePlanes map for the module level data
137  TypedPlanes mMap;
139  /// @brief The TypePlanes map for the function level data
140  TypedPlanes fMap;
142/// @}
146}  // end namespace llvm
148static RegisterPass<PrintModulePass>
149X("printm", "Print module to stderr");
150static RegisterPass<PrintFunctionPass>
151Y("print","Print function to stderr");
153static void WriteAsOperandInternal(std::ostream &Out, const Value *V,
154                               std::map<const Type *, std::string> &TypeTable,
155                                   SlotMachine *Machine);
157static const Module *getModuleFromVal(const Value *V) {
158  if (const Argument *MA = dyn_cast<Argument>(V))
159    return MA->getParent() ? MA->getParent()->getParent() : 0;
160  else if (const BasicBlock *BB = dyn_cast<BasicBlock>(V))
161    return BB->getParent() ? BB->getParent()->getParent() : 0;
162  else if (const Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
163    const Function *M = I->getParent() ? I->getParent()->getParent() : 0;
164    return M ? M->getParent() : 0;
165  } else if (const GlobalValue *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(V))
166    return GV->getParent();
167  return 0;
170static SlotMachine *createSlotMachine(const Value *V) {
171  if (const Argument *FA = dyn_cast<Argument>(V)) {
172    return new SlotMachine(FA->getParent());
173  } else if (const Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
174    return new SlotMachine(I->getParent()->getParent());
175  } else if (const BasicBlock *BB = dyn_cast<BasicBlock>(V)) {
176    return new SlotMachine(BB->getParent());
177  } else if (const GlobalVariable *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(V)){
178    return new SlotMachine(GV->getParent());
179  } else if (const Function *Func = dyn_cast<Function>(V)) {
180    return new SlotMachine(Func);
181  }
182  return 0;
185// getLLVMName - Turn the specified string into an 'LLVM name', which is either
186// prefixed with % (if the string only contains simple characters) or is
187// surrounded with ""'s (if it has special chars in it).
188static std::string getLLVMName(const std::string &Name,
189                               bool prefixName = true) {
190  assert(!Name.empty() && "Cannot get empty name!");
192  // First character cannot start with a number...
193  if (Name[0] >= '0' && Name[0] <= '9')
194    return "\"" + Name + "\"";
196  // Scan to see if we have any characters that are not on the "white list"
197  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Name.size(); i != e; ++i) {
198    char C = Name[i];
199    assert(C != '"' && "Illegal character in LLVM value name!");
200    if ((C < 'a' || C > 'z') && (C < 'A' || C > 'Z') && (C < '0' || C > '9') &&
201        C != '-' && C != '.' && C != '_')
202      return "\"" + Name + "\"";
203  }
205  // If we get here, then the identifier is legal to use as a "VarID".
206  if (prefixName)
207    return "%"+Name;
208  else
209    return Name;
213/// fillTypeNameTable - If the module has a symbol table, take all global types
214/// and stuff their names into the TypeNames map.
216static void fillTypeNameTable(const Module *M,
217                              std::map<const Type *, std::string> &TypeNames) {
218  if (!M) return;
219  const SymbolTable &ST = M->getSymbolTable();
220  SymbolTable::type_const_iterator TI = ST.type_begin();
221  for (; TI != ST.type_end(); ++TI) {
222    // As a heuristic, don't insert pointer to primitive types, because
223    // they are used too often to have a single useful name.
224    //
225    const Type *Ty = cast<Type>(TI->second);
226    if (!isa<PointerType>(Ty) ||
227        !cast<PointerType>(Ty)->getElementType()->isPrimitiveType() ||
228        isa<OpaqueType>(cast<PointerType>(Ty)->getElementType()))
229      TypeNames.insert(std::make_pair(Ty, getLLVMName(TI->first)));
230  }
235static void calcTypeName(const Type *Ty,
236                         std::vector<const Type *> &TypeStack,
237                         std::map<const Type *, std::string> &TypeNames,
238                         std::string & Result){
239  if (Ty->isPrimitiveType() && !isa<OpaqueType>(Ty)) {
240    Result += Ty->getDescription();  // Base case
241    return;
242  }
244  // Check to see if the type is named.
245  std::map<const Type *, std::string>::iterator I = TypeNames.find(Ty);
246  if (I != TypeNames.end()) {
247    Result += I->second;
248    return;
249  }
251  if (isa<OpaqueType>(Ty)) {
252    Result += "opaque";
253    return;
254  }
256  // Check to see if the Type is already on the stack...
257  unsigned Slot = 0, CurSize = TypeStack.size();
258  while (Slot < CurSize && TypeStack[Slot] != Ty) ++Slot; // Scan for type
260  // This is another base case for the recursion.  In this case, we know
261  // that we have looped back to a type that we have previously visited.
262  // Generate the appropriate upreference to handle this.
263  if (Slot < CurSize) {
264    Result += "\\" + utostr(CurSize-Slot);     // Here's the upreference
265    return;
266  }
268  TypeStack.push_back(Ty);    // Recursive case: Add us to the stack..
270  switch (Ty->getTypeID()) {
271  case Type::FunctionTyID: {
272    const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(Ty);
273    calcTypeName(FTy->getReturnType(), TypeStack, TypeNames, Result);
274    if (FTy->getParamAttrs(0)) {
275      Result += " ";
276      Result += FunctionType::getParamAttrsText(FTy->getParamAttrs(0));
277    }
278    Result += " (";
279    unsigned Idx = 1;
280    for (FunctionType::param_iterator I = FTy->param_begin(),
281           E = FTy->param_end(); I != E; ++I) {
282      if (I != FTy->param_begin())
283        Result += ", ";
284      calcTypeName(*I, TypeStack, TypeNames, Result);
285      if (FTy->getParamAttrs(Idx)) {
286        Result += + " ";
287        Result += FunctionType::getParamAttrsText(FTy->getParamAttrs(Idx));
288      }
289      Idx++;
290    }
291    if (FTy->isVarArg()) {
292      if (FTy->getNumParams()) Result += ", ";
293      Result += "...";
294    }
295    Result += ")";
296    break;
297  }
298  case Type::StructTyID: {
299    const StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(Ty);
300    if (STy->isPacked())
301      Result += '<';
302    Result += "{ ";
303    for (StructType::element_iterator I = STy->element_begin(),
304           E = STy->element_end(); I != E; ++I) {
305      if (I != STy->element_begin())
306        Result += ", ";
307      calcTypeName(*I, TypeStack, TypeNames, Result);
308    }
309    Result += " }";
310    if (STy->isPacked())
311      Result += '>';
312    break;
313  }
314  case Type::PointerTyID:
315    calcTypeName(cast<PointerType>(Ty)->getElementType(),
316                          TypeStack, TypeNames, Result);
317    Result += "*";
318    break;
319  case Type::ArrayTyID: {
320    const ArrayType *ATy = cast<ArrayType>(Ty);
321    Result += "[" + utostr(ATy->getNumElements()) + " x ";
322    calcTypeName(ATy->getElementType(), TypeStack, TypeNames, Result);
323    Result += "]";
324    break;
325  }
326  case Type::PackedTyID: {
327    const PackedType *PTy = cast<PackedType>(Ty);
328    Result += "<" + utostr(PTy->getNumElements()) + " x ";
329    calcTypeName(PTy->getElementType(), TypeStack, TypeNames, Result);
330    Result += ">";
331    break;
332  }
333  case Type::OpaqueTyID:
334    Result += "opaque";
335    break;
336  default:
337    Result += "<unrecognized-type>";
338    break;
339  }
341  TypeStack.pop_back();       // Remove self from stack...
345/// printTypeInt - The internal guts of printing out a type that has a
346/// potentially named portion.
348static std::ostream &printTypeInt(std::ostream &Out, const Type *Ty,
349                              std::map<const Type *, std::string> &TypeNames) {
350  // Primitive types always print out their description, regardless of whether
351  // they have been named or not.
352  //
353  if (Ty->isPrimitiveType() && !isa<OpaqueType>(Ty))
354    return Out << Ty->getDescription();
356  // Check to see if the type is named.
357  std::map<const Type *, std::string>::iterator I = TypeNames.find(Ty);
358  if (I != TypeNames.end()) return Out << I->second;
360  // Otherwise we have a type that has not been named but is a derived type.
361  // Carefully recurse the type hierarchy to print out any contained symbolic
362  // names.
363  //
364  std::vector<const Type *> TypeStack;
365  std::string TypeName;
366  calcTypeName(Ty, TypeStack, TypeNames, TypeName);
367  TypeNames.insert(std::make_pair(Ty, TypeName));//Cache type name for later use
368  return (Out << TypeName);
372/// WriteTypeSymbolic - This attempts to write the specified type as a symbolic
373/// type, iff there is an entry in the modules symbol table for the specified
374/// type or one of it's component types. This is slower than a simple x << Type
376std::ostream &llvm::WriteTypeSymbolic(std::ostream &Out, const Type *Ty,
377                                      const Module *M) {
378  Out << ' ';
380  // If they want us to print out a type, but there is no context, we can't
381  // print it symbolically.
382  if (!M)
383    return Out << Ty->getDescription();
385  std::map<const Type *, std::string> TypeNames;
386  fillTypeNameTable(M, TypeNames);
387  return printTypeInt(Out, Ty, TypeNames);
390// PrintEscapedString - Print each character of the specified string, escaping
391// it if it is not printable or if it is an escape char.
392static void PrintEscapedString(const std::string &Str, std::ostream &Out) {
393  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Str.size(); i != e; ++i) {
394    unsigned char C = Str[i];
395    if (isprint(C) && C != '"' && C != '\\') {
396      Out << C;
397    } else {
398      Out << '\\'
399          << (char) ((C/16  < 10) ? ( C/16 +'0') : ( C/16 -10+'A'))
400          << (char)(((C&15) < 10) ? ((C&15)+'0') : ((C&15)-10+'A'));
401    }
402  }
405static const char *getPredicateText(unsigned predicate) {
406  const char * pred = "unknown";
407  switch (predicate) {
408    case FCmpInst::FCMP_FALSE: pred = "false"; break;
409    case FCmpInst::FCMP_OEQ:   pred = "oeq"; break;
410    case FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT:   pred = "ogt"; break;
411    case FCmpInst::FCMP_OGE:   pred = "oge"; break;
412    case FCmpInst::FCMP_OLT:   pred = "olt"; break;
413    case FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE:   pred = "ole"; break;
414    case FCmpInst::FCMP_ONE:   pred = "one"; break;
415    case FCmpInst::FCMP_ORD:   pred = "ord"; break;
416    case FCmpInst::FCMP_UNO:   pred = "uno"; break;
417    case FCmpInst::FCMP_UEQ:   pred = "ueq"; break;
418    case FCmpInst::FCMP_UGT:   pred = "ugt"; break;
419    case FCmpInst::FCMP_UGE:   pred = "uge"; break;
420    case FCmpInst::FCMP_ULT:   pred = "ult"; break;
421    case FCmpInst::FCMP_ULE:   pred = "ule"; break;
422    case FCmpInst::FCMP_UNE:   pred = "une"; break;
423    case FCmpInst::FCMP_TRUE:  pred = "true"; break;
424    case ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ:    pred = "eq"; break;
425    case ICmpInst::ICMP_NE:    pred = "ne"; break;
426    case ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT:   pred = "sgt"; break;
427    case ICmpInst::ICMP_SGE:   pred = "sge"; break;
428    case ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT:   pred = "slt"; break;
429    case ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE:   pred = "sle"; break;
430    case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT:   pred = "ugt"; break;
431    case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE:   pred = "uge"; break;
432    case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT:   pred = "ult"; break;
433    case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE:   pred = "ule"; break;
434  }
435  return pred;
438/// @brief Internal constant writer.
439static void WriteConstantInt(std::ostream &Out, const Constant *CV,
440                             std::map<const Type *, std::string> &TypeTable,
441                             SlotMachine *Machine) {
442  const int IndentSize = 4;
443  static std::string Indent = "\n";
444  if (const ConstantBool *CB = dyn_cast<ConstantBool>(CV)) {
445    Out << (CB->getValue() ? "true" : "false");
446  } else if (const ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(CV)) {
447    Out << CI->getSExtValue();
448  } else if (const ConstantFP *CFP = dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(CV)) {
449    // We would like to output the FP constant value in exponential notation,
450    // but we cannot do this if doing so will lose precision.  Check here to
451    // make sure that we only output it in exponential format if we can parse
452    // the value back and get the same value.
453    //
454    std::string StrVal = ftostr(CFP->getValue());
456    // Check to make sure that the stringized number is not some string like
457    // "Inf" or NaN, that atof will accept, but the lexer will not.  Check that
458    // the string matches the "[-+]?[0-9]" regex.
459    //
460    if ((StrVal[0] >= '0' && StrVal[0] <= '9') ||
461        ((StrVal[0] == '-' || StrVal[0] == '+') &&
462         (StrVal[1] >= '0' && StrVal[1] <= '9')))
463      // Reparse stringized version!
464      if (atof(StrVal.c_str()) == CFP->getValue()) {
465        Out << StrVal;
466        return;
467      }
469    // Otherwise we could not reparse it to exactly the same value, so we must
470    // output the string in hexadecimal format!
471    assert(sizeof(double) == sizeof(uint64_t) &&
472           "assuming that double is 64 bits!");
473    Out << "0x" << utohexstr(DoubleToBits(CFP->getValue()));
475  } else if (isa<ConstantAggregateZero>(CV)) {
476    Out << "zeroinitializer";
477  } else if (const ConstantArray *CA = dyn_cast<ConstantArray>(CV)) {
478    // As a special case, print the array as a string if it is an array of
479    // ubytes or an array of sbytes with positive values.
480    //
481    const Type *ETy = CA->getType()->getElementType();
482    if (CA->isString()) {
483      Out << "c\"";
484      PrintEscapedString(CA->getAsString(), Out);
485      Out << "\"";
487    } else {                // Cannot output in string format...
488      Out << '[';
489      if (CA->getNumOperands()) {
490        Out << ' ';
491        printTypeInt(Out, ETy, TypeTable);
492        WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, CA->getOperand(0),
493                               TypeTable, Machine);
494        for (unsigned i = 1, e = CA->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
495          Out << ", ";
496          printTypeInt(Out, ETy, TypeTable);
497          WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, CA->getOperand(i), TypeTable, Machine);
498        }
499      }
500      Out << " ]";
501    }
502  } else if (const ConstantStruct *CS = dyn_cast<ConstantStruct>(CV)) {
503    Out << '{';
504    unsigned N = CS->getNumOperands();
505    if (N) {
506      if (N > 2) {
507        Indent += std::string(IndentSize, ' ');
508        Out << Indent;
509      } else {
510        Out << ' ';
511      }
512      printTypeInt(Out, CS->getOperand(0)->getType(), TypeTable);
514      WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, CS->getOperand(0), TypeTable, Machine);
516      for (unsigned i = 1; i < N; i++) {
517        Out << ", ";
518        if (N > 2) Out << Indent;
519        printTypeInt(Out, CS->getOperand(i)->getType(), TypeTable);
521        WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, CS->getOperand(i), TypeTable, Machine);
522      }
523      if (N > 2) Indent.resize(Indent.size() - IndentSize);
524    }
526    Out << " }";
527  } else if (const ConstantPacked *CP = dyn_cast<ConstantPacked>(CV)) {
528      const Type *ETy = CP->getType()->getElementType();
529      assert(CP->getNumOperands() > 0 &&
530             "Number of operands for a PackedConst must be > 0");
531      Out << '<';
532      Out << ' ';
533      printTypeInt(Out, ETy, TypeTable);
534      WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, CP->getOperand(0), TypeTable, Machine);
535      for (unsigned i = 1, e = CP->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
536          Out << ", ";
537          printTypeInt(Out, ETy, TypeTable);
538          WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, CP->getOperand(i), TypeTable, Machine);
539      }
540      Out << " >";
541  } else if (isa<ConstantPointerNull>(CV)) {
542    Out << "null";
544  } else if (isa<UndefValue>(CV)) {
545    Out << "undef";
547  } else if (const ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(CV)) {
548    Out << CE->getOpcodeName();
549    if (CE->isCompare())
550      Out << " " << getPredicateText(CE->getPredicate());
551    Out << " (";
553    for (User::const_op_iterator OI=CE->op_begin(); OI != CE->op_end(); ++OI) {
554      printTypeInt(Out, (*OI)->getType(), TypeTable);
555      WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, *OI, TypeTable, Machine);
556      if (OI+1 != CE->op_end())
557        Out << ", ";
558    }
560    if (CE->isCast()) {
561      Out << " to ";
562      printTypeInt(Out, CE->getType(), TypeTable);
563    }
565    Out << ')';
567  } else {
568    Out << "<placeholder or erroneous Constant>";
569  }
573/// WriteAsOperand - Write the name of the specified value out to the specified
574/// ostream.  This can be useful when you just want to print int %reg126, not
575/// the whole instruction that generated it.
577static void WriteAsOperandInternal(std::ostream &Out, const Value *V,
578                                  std::map<const Type*, std::string> &TypeTable,
579                                   SlotMachine *Machine) {
580  Out << ' ';
581  if (V->hasName())
582    Out << getLLVMName(V->getName());
583  else {
584    const Constant *CV = dyn_cast<Constant>(V);
585    if (CV && !isa<GlobalValue>(CV)) {
586      WriteConstantInt(Out, CV, TypeTable, Machine);
587    } else if (const InlineAsm *IA = dyn_cast<InlineAsm>(V)) {
588      Out << "asm ";
589      if (IA->hasSideEffects())
590        Out << "sideeffect ";
591      Out << '"';
592      PrintEscapedString(IA->getAsmString(), Out);
593      Out << "\", \"";
594      PrintEscapedString(IA->getConstraintString(), Out);
595      Out << '"';
596    } else {
597      int Slot;
598      if (Machine) {
599        Slot = Machine->getSlot(V);
600      } else {
601        Machine = createSlotMachine(V);
602        if (Machine)
603          Slot = Machine->getSlot(V);
604        else
605          Slot = -1;
606        delete Machine;
607      }
608      if (Slot != -1)
609        Out << '%' << Slot;
610      else
611        Out << "<badref>";
612    }
613  }
616/// WriteAsOperand - Write the name of the specified value out to the specified
617/// ostream.  This can be useful when you just want to print int %reg126, not
618/// the whole instruction that generated it.
620std::ostream &llvm::WriteAsOperand(std::ostream &Out, const Value *V,
621                                   bool PrintType, const Module *Context) {
622  std::map<const Type *, std::string> TypeNames;
623  if (Context == 0) Context = getModuleFromVal(V);
625  if (Context)
626    fillTypeNameTable(Context, TypeNames);
628  if (PrintType)
629    printTypeInt(Out, V->getType(), TypeNames);
631  WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, V, TypeNames, 0);
632  return Out;
636namespace llvm {
638class AssemblyWriter {
639  std::ostream &Out;
640  SlotMachine &Machine;
641  const Module *TheModule;
642  std::map<const Type *, std::string> TypeNames;
643  AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AnnotationWriter;
645  inline AssemblyWriter(std::ostream &o, SlotMachine &Mac, const Module *M,
646                        AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW)
647    : Out(o), Machine(Mac), TheModule(M), AnnotationWriter(AAW) {
649    // If the module has a symbol table, take all global types and stuff their
650    // names into the TypeNames map.
651    //
652    fillTypeNameTable(M, TypeNames);
653  }
655  inline void write(const Module *M)         { printModule(M);      }
656  inline void write(const GlobalVariable *G) { printGlobal(G);      }
657  inline void write(const Function *F)       { printFunction(F);    }
658  inline void write(const BasicBlock *BB)    { printBasicBlock(BB); }
659  inline void write(const Instruction *I)    { printInstruction(*I); }
660  inline void write(const Constant *CPV)     { printConstant(CPV);  }
661  inline void write(const Type *Ty)          { printType(Ty);       }
663  void writeOperand(const Value *Op, bool PrintType);
665  const Module* getModule() { return TheModule; }
668  void printModule(const Module *M);
669  void printSymbolTable(const SymbolTable &ST);
670  void printConstant(const Constant *CPV);
671  void printGlobal(const GlobalVariable *GV);
672  void printFunction(const Function *F);
673  void printArgument(const Argument *FA, FunctionType::ParameterAttributes A);
674  void printBasicBlock(const BasicBlock *BB);
675  void printInstruction(const Instruction &I);
677  // printType - Go to extreme measures to attempt to print out a short,
678  // symbolic version of a type name.
679  //
680  std::ostream &printType(const Type *Ty) {
681    return printTypeInt(Out, Ty, TypeNames);
682  }
684  // printTypeAtLeastOneLevel - Print out one level of the possibly complex type
685  // without considering any symbolic types that we may have equal to it.
686  //
687  std::ostream &printTypeAtLeastOneLevel(const Type *Ty);
689  // printInfoComment - Print a little comment after the instruction indicating
690  // which slot it occupies.
691  void printInfoComment(const Value &V);
693}  // end of llvm namespace
695/// printTypeAtLeastOneLevel - Print out one level of the possibly complex type
696/// without considering any symbolic types that we may have equal to it.
698std::ostream &AssemblyWriter::printTypeAtLeastOneLevel(const Type *Ty) {
699  if (const FunctionType *FTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(Ty)) {
700    printType(FTy->getReturnType());
701    if (FTy->getParamAttrs(0))
702      Out << ' ' << FunctionType::getParamAttrsText(FTy->getParamAttrs(0));
703    Out << " (";
704    unsigned Idx = 1;
705    for (FunctionType::param_iterator I = FTy->param_begin(),
706           E = FTy->param_end(); I != E; ++I) {
707      if (I != FTy->param_begin())
708        Out << ", ";
709      printType(*I);
710      if (FTy->getParamAttrs(Idx)) {
711        Out << " " << FunctionType::getParamAttrsText(FTy->getParamAttrs(Idx));
712      }
713      Idx++;
714    }
715    if (FTy->isVarArg()) {
716      if (FTy->getNumParams()) Out << ", ";
717      Out << "...";
718    }
719    Out << ')';
720  } else if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
721    if (STy->isPacked())
722      Out << '<';
723    Out << "{ ";
724    for (StructType::element_iterator I = STy->element_begin(),
725           E = STy->element_end(); I != E; ++I) {
726      if (I != STy->element_begin())
727        Out << ", ";
728      printType(*I);
729    }
730    Out << " }";
731    if (STy->isPacked())
732      Out << '>';
733  } else if (const PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty)) {
734    printType(PTy->getElementType()) << '*';
735  } else if (const ArrayType *ATy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Ty)) {
736    Out << '[' << ATy->getNumElements() << " x ";
737    printType(ATy->getElementType()) << ']';
738  } else if (const PackedType *PTy = dyn_cast<PackedType>(Ty)) {
739    Out << '<' << PTy->getNumElements() << " x ";
740    printType(PTy->getElementType()) << '>';
741  }
742  else if (isa<OpaqueType>(Ty)) {
743    Out << "opaque";
744  } else {
745    if (!Ty->isPrimitiveType())
746      Out << "<unknown derived type>";
747    printType(Ty);
748  }
749  return Out;
753void AssemblyWriter::writeOperand(const Value *Operand, bool PrintType) {
754  if (Operand == 0) {
755    Out << "<null operand!>";
756  } else {
757    if (PrintType) { Out << ' '; printType(Operand->getType()); }
758    WriteAsOperandInternal(Out, Operand, TypeNames, &Machine);
759  }
763void AssemblyWriter::printModule(const Module *M) {
764  if (!M->getModuleIdentifier().empty() &&
765      // Don't print the ID if it will start a new line (which would
766      // require a comment char before it).
767      M->getModuleIdentifier().find('\n') == std::string::npos)
768    Out << "; ModuleID = '" << M->getModuleIdentifier() << "'\n";
770  if (!M->getDataLayout().empty())
771    Out << "target datalayout = \"" << M->getDataLayout() << "\"\n";
773  switch (M->getEndianness()) {
774  case Module::LittleEndian: Out << "target endian = little\n"; break;
775  case Module::BigEndian:    Out << "target endian = big\n";    break;
776  case Module::AnyEndianness: break;
777  }
778  switch (M->getPointerSize()) {
779  case Module::Pointer32:    Out << "target pointersize = 32\n"; break;
780  case Module::Pointer64:    Out << "target pointersize = 64\n"; break;
781  case Module::AnyPointerSize: break;
782  }
783  if (!M->getTargetTriple().empty())
784    Out << "target triple = \"" << M->getTargetTriple() << "\"\n";
786  if (!M->getModuleInlineAsm().empty()) {
787    // Split the string into lines, to make it easier to read the .ll file.
788    std::string Asm = M->getModuleInlineAsm();
789    size_t CurPos = 0;
790    size_t NewLine = Asm.find_first_of('\n', CurPos);
791    while (NewLine != std::string::npos) {
792      // We found a newline, print the portion of the asm string from the
793      // last newline up to this newline.
794      Out << "module asm \"";
795      PrintEscapedString(std::string(Asm.begin()+CurPos, Asm.begin()+NewLine),
796                         Out);
797      Out << "\"\n";
798      CurPos = NewLine+1;
799      NewLine = Asm.find_first_of('\n', CurPos);
800    }
801    Out << "module asm \"";
802    PrintEscapedString(std::string(Asm.begin()+CurPos, Asm.end()), Out);
803    Out << "\"\n";
804  }
806  // Loop over the dependent libraries and emit them.
807  Module::lib_iterator LI = M->lib_begin();
808  Module::lib_iterator LE = M->lib_end();
809  if (LI != LE) {
810    Out << "deplibs = [ ";
811    while (LI != LE) {
812      Out << '"' << *LI << '"';
813      ++LI;
814      if (LI != LE)
815        Out << ", ";
816    }
817    Out << " ]\n";
818  }
820  // Loop over the symbol table, emitting all named constants.
821  printSymbolTable(M->getSymbolTable());
823  for (Module::const_global_iterator I = M->global_begin(), E = M->global_end();
824       I != E; ++I)
825    printGlobal(I);
827  Out << "\nimplementation   ; Functions:\n";
829  // Output all of the functions.
830  for (Module::const_iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
831    printFunction(I);
834void AssemblyWriter::printGlobal(const GlobalVariable *GV) {
835  if (GV->hasName()) Out << getLLVMName(GV->getName()) << " = ";
837  if (!GV->hasInitializer())
838    switch (GV->getLinkage()) {
839     case GlobalValue::DLLImportLinkage:   Out << "dllimport "; break;
840     case GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage: Out << "extern_weak "; break;
841     default: Out << "external "; break;
842    }
843  else
844    switch (GV->getLinkage()) {
845    case GlobalValue::InternalLinkage:     Out << "internal "; break;
846    case GlobalValue::LinkOnceLinkage:     Out << "linkonce "; break;
847    case GlobalValue::WeakLinkage:         Out << "weak "; break;
848    case GlobalValue::AppendingLinkage:    Out << "appending "; break;
849    case GlobalValue::DLLImportLinkage:    Out << "dllimport "; break;
850    case GlobalValue::DLLExportLinkage:    Out << "dllexport "; break;
851    case GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage: Out << "extern_weak "; break;
852    case GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage:     break;
853    case GlobalValue::GhostLinkage:
854      cerr << "GhostLinkage not allowed in AsmWriter!\n";
855      abort();
856    }
858  Out << (GV->isConstant() ? "constant " : "global ");
859  printType(GV->getType()->getElementType());
861  if (GV->hasInitializer()) {
862    Constant* C = cast<Constant>(GV->getInitializer());
863    assert(C &&  "GlobalVar initializer isn't constant?");
864    writeOperand(GV->getInitializer(), false);
865  }
867  if (GV->hasSection())
868    Out << ", section \"" << GV->getSection() << '"';
869  if (GV->getAlignment())
870    Out << ", align " << GV->getAlignment();
872  printInfoComment(*GV);
873  Out << "\n";
877// printSymbolTable - Run through symbol table looking for constants
878// and types. Emit their declarations.
879void AssemblyWriter::printSymbolTable(const SymbolTable &ST) {
881  // Print the types.
882  for (SymbolTable::type_const_iterator TI = ST.type_begin();
883       TI != ST.type_end(); ++TI) {
884    Out << "\t" << getLLVMName(TI->first) << " = type ";
886    // Make sure we print out at least one level of the type structure, so
887    // that we do not get %FILE = type %FILE
888    //
889    printTypeAtLeastOneLevel(TI->second) << "\n";
890  }
892  // Print the constants, in type plane order.
893  for (SymbolTable::plane_const_iterator PI = ST.plane_begin();
894       PI != ST.plane_end(); ++PI) {
895    SymbolTable::value_const_iterator VI = ST.value_begin(PI->first);
896    SymbolTable::value_const_iterator VE = ST.value_end(PI->first);
898    for (; VI != VE; ++VI) {
899      const Value* V = VI->second;
900      const Constant *CPV = dyn_cast<Constant>(V) ;
901      if (CPV && !isa<GlobalValue>(V)) {
902        printConstant(CPV);
903      }
904    }
905  }
909/// printConstant - Print out a constant pool entry...
911void AssemblyWriter::printConstant(const Constant *CPV) {
912  // Don't print out unnamed constants, they will be inlined
913  if (!CPV->hasName()) return;
915  // Print out name...
916  Out << "\t" << getLLVMName(CPV->getName()) << " =";
918  // Write the value out now.
919  writeOperand(CPV, true);
921  printInfoComment(*CPV);
922  Out << "\n";
925/// printFunction - Print all aspects of a function.
927void AssemblyWriter::printFunction(const Function *F) {
928  // Print out the return type and name...
929  Out << "\n";
931  // Ensure that no local symbols conflict with global symbols.
932  const_cast<Function*>(F)->renameLocalSymbols();
934  if (AnnotationWriter) AnnotationWriter->emitFunctionAnnot(F, Out);
936  if (F->isExternal())
937    switch (F->getLinkage()) {
938    case GlobalValue::DLLImportLinkage:    Out << "declare dllimport "; break;
939    case GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage: Out << "declare extern_weak "; break;
940    default: Out << "declare ";
941    }
942  else {
943    Out << "define ";
944    switch (F->getLinkage()) {
945    case GlobalValue::InternalLinkage:     Out << "internal "; break;
946    case GlobalValue::LinkOnceLinkage:     Out << "linkonce "; break;
947    case GlobalValue::WeakLinkage:         Out << "weak "; break;
948    case GlobalValue::AppendingLinkage:    Out << "appending "; break;
949    case GlobalValue::DLLImportLinkage:    Out << "dllimport "; break;
950    case GlobalValue::DLLExportLinkage:    Out << "dllexport "; break;
951    case GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage: Out << "extern_weak "; break;
952    case GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage: break;
953    case GlobalValue::GhostLinkage:
954      cerr << "GhostLinkage not allowed in AsmWriter!\n";
955      abort();
956    }
957  }
959  // Print the calling convention.
960  switch (F->getCallingConv()) {
961  case CallingConv::C: break;   // default
962  case CallingConv::CSRet:        Out << "csretcc "; break;
963  case CallingConv::Fast:         Out << "fastcc "; break;
964  case CallingConv::Cold:         Out << "coldcc "; break;
965  case CallingConv::X86_StdCall:  Out << "x86_stdcallcc "; break;
966  case CallingConv::X86_FastCall: Out << "x86_fastcallcc "; break;
967  default: Out << "cc" << F->getCallingConv() << " "; break;
968  }
970  const FunctionType *FT = F->getFunctionType();
971  printType(F->getReturnType()) << ' ';
972  if (FT->getParamAttrs(0))
973    Out << FunctionType::getParamAttrsText(FT->getParamAttrs(0)) << ' ';
974  if (!F->getName().empty())
975    Out << getLLVMName(F->getName());
976  else
977    Out << "\"\"";
978  Out << '(';
979  Machine.incorporateFunction(F);
981  // Loop over the arguments, printing them...
983  unsigned Idx = 1;
984  for (Function::const_arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
985       I != E; ++I) {
986    // Insert commas as we go... the first arg doesn't get a comma
987    if (I != F->arg_begin()) Out << ", ";
988    printArgument(I, FT->getParamAttrs(Idx));
989    Idx++;
990  }
992  // Finish printing arguments...
993  if (FT->isVarArg()) {
994    if (FT->getNumParams()) Out << ", ";
995    Out << "...";  // Output varargs portion of signature!
996  }
997  Out << ')';
999  if (F->hasSection())
1000    Out << " section \"" << F->getSection() << '"';
1001  if (F->getAlignment())
1002    Out << " align " << F->getAlignment();
1004  if (F->isExternal()) {
1005    Out << "\n";
1006  } else {
1007    Out << " {";
1009    // Output all of its basic blocks... for the function
1010    for (Function::const_iterator I = F->begin(), E = F->end(); I != E; ++I)
1011      printBasicBlock(I);
1013    Out << "}\n";
1014  }
1016  Machine.purgeFunction();
1019/// printArgument - This member is called for every argument that is passed into
1020/// the function.  Simply print it out
1022void AssemblyWriter::printArgument(const Argument *Arg,
1023                                   FunctionType::ParameterAttributes attrs) {
1024  // Output type...
1025  printType(Arg->getType());
1027  if (attrs != FunctionType::NoAttributeSet)
1028    Out << ' ' << FunctionType::getParamAttrsText(attrs);
1030  // Output name, if available...
1031  if (Arg->hasName())
1032    Out << ' ' << getLLVMName(Arg->getName());
1035/// printBasicBlock - This member is called for each basic block in a method.
1037void AssemblyWriter::printBasicBlock(const BasicBlock *BB) {
1038  if (BB->hasName()) {              // Print out the label if it exists...
1039    Out << "\n" << getLLVMName(BB->getName(), false) << ':';
1040  } else if (!BB->use_empty()) {      // Don't print block # of no uses...
1041    Out << "\n; <label>:";
1042    int Slot = Machine.getSlot(BB);
1043    if (Slot != -1)
1044      Out << Slot;
1045    else
1046      Out << "<badref>";
1047  }
1049  if (BB->getParent() == 0)
1050    Out << "\t\t; Error: Block without parent!";
1051  else {
1052    if (BB != &BB->getParent()->front()) {  // Not the entry block?
1053      // Output predecessors for the block...
1054      Out << "\t\t;";
1055      pred_const_iterator PI = pred_begin(BB), PE = pred_end(BB);
1057      if (PI == PE) {
1058        Out << " No predecessors!";
1059      } else {
1060        Out << " preds =";
1061        writeOperand(*PI, false);
1062        for (++PI; PI != PE; ++PI) {
1063          Out << ',';
1064          writeOperand(*PI, false);
1065        }
1066      }
1067    }
1068  }
1070  Out << "\n";
1072  if (AnnotationWriter) AnnotationWriter->emitBasicBlockStartAnnot(BB, Out);
1074  // Output all of the instructions in the basic block...
1075  for (BasicBlock::const_iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
1076    printInstruction(*I);
1078  if (AnnotationWriter) AnnotationWriter->emitBasicBlockEndAnnot(BB, Out);
1082/// printInfoComment - Print a little comment after the instruction indicating
1083/// which slot it occupies.
1085void AssemblyWriter::printInfoComment(const Value &V) {
1086  if (V.getType() != Type::VoidTy) {
1087    Out << "\t\t; <";
1088    printType(V.getType()) << '>';
1090    if (!V.hasName()) {
1091      int SlotNum = Machine.getSlot(&V);
1092      if (SlotNum == -1)
1093        Out << ":<badref>";
1094      else
1095        Out << ':' << SlotNum; // Print out the def slot taken.
1096    }
1097    Out << " [#uses=" << V.getNumUses() << ']';  // Output # uses
1098  }
1101// This member is called for each Instruction in a function..
1102void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction &I) {
1103  if (AnnotationWriter) AnnotationWriter->emitInstructionAnnot(&I, Out);
1105  Out << "\t";
1107  // Print out name if it exists...
1108  if (I.hasName())
1109    Out << getLLVMName(I.getName()) << " = ";
1111  // If this is a volatile load or store, print out the volatile marker.
1112  if ((isa<LoadInst>(I)  && cast<LoadInst>(I).isVolatile()) ||
1113      (isa<StoreInst>(I) && cast<StoreInst>(I).isVolatile())) {
1114      Out << "volatile ";
1115  } else if (isa<CallInst>(I) && cast<CallInst>(I).isTailCall()) {
1116    // If this is a call, check if it's a tail call.
1117    Out << "tail ";
1118  }
1120  // Print out the opcode...
1121  Out << I.getOpcodeName();
1123  // Print out the compare instruction predicates
1124  if (const FCmpInst *FCI = dyn_cast<FCmpInst>(&I)) {
1125    Out << " " << getPredicateText(FCI->getPredicate());
1126  } else if (const ICmpInst *ICI = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(&I)) {
1127    Out << " " << getPredicateText(ICI->getPredicate());
1128  }
1130  // Print out the type of the operands...
1131  const Value *Operand = I.getNumOperands() ? I.getOperand(0) : 0;
1133  // Special case conditional branches to swizzle the condition out to the front
1134  if (isa<BranchInst>(I) && I.getNumOperands() > 1) {
1135    writeOperand(I.getOperand(2), true);
1136    Out << ',';
1137    writeOperand(Operand, true);
1138    Out << ',';
1139    writeOperand(I.getOperand(1), true);
1141  } else if (isa<SwitchInst>(I)) {
1142    // Special case switch statement to get formatting nice and correct...
1143    writeOperand(Operand        , true); Out << ',';
1144    writeOperand(I.getOperand(1), true); Out << " [";
1146    for (unsigned op = 2, Eop = I.getNumOperands(); op < Eop; op += 2) {
1147      Out << "\n\t\t";
1148      writeOperand(I.getOperand(op  ), true); Out << ',';
1149      writeOperand(I.getOperand(op+1), true);
1150    }
1151    Out << "\n\t]";
1152  } else if (isa<PHINode>(I)) {
1153    Out << ' ';
1154    printType(I.getType());
1155    Out << ' ';
1157    for (unsigned op = 0, Eop = I.getNumOperands(); op < Eop; op += 2) {
1158      if (op) Out << ", ";
1159      Out << '[';
1160      writeOperand(I.getOperand(op  ), false); Out << ',';
1161      writeOperand(I.getOperand(op+1), false); Out << " ]";
1162    }
1163  } else if (isa<ReturnInst>(I) && !Operand) {
1164    Out << " void";
1165  } else if (const CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I)) {
1166    // Print the calling convention being used.
1167    switch (CI->getCallingConv()) {
1168    case CallingConv::C: break;   // default
1169    case CallingConv::CSRet: Out << " csretcc"; break;
1170    case CallingConv::Fast:  Out << " fastcc"; break;
1171    case CallingConv::Cold:  Out << " coldcc"; break;
1172    case CallingConv::X86_StdCall:  Out << "x86_stdcallcc "; break;
1173    case CallingConv::X86_FastCall: Out << "x86_fastcallcc "; break;
1174    default: Out << " cc" << CI->getCallingConv(); break;
1175    }
1177    const PointerType  *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Operand->getType());
1178    const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
1179    const Type       *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
1181    // If possible, print out the short form of the call instruction.  We can
1182    // only do this if the first argument is a pointer to a nonvararg function,
1183    // and if the return type is not a pointer to a function.
1184    //
1185    if (!FTy->isVarArg() &&
1186        (!isa<PointerType>(RetTy) ||
1187         !isa<FunctionType>(cast<PointerType>(RetTy)->getElementType()))) {
1188      Out << ' '; printType(RetTy);
1189      if (FTy->getParamAttrs(0) != FunctionType::NoAttributeSet)
1190        Out << " " << FTy->getParamAttrsText(FTy->getParamAttrs(0));
1191      writeOperand(Operand, false);
1192    } else {
1193      writeOperand(Operand, true);
1194    }
1195    Out << '(';
1196    for (unsigned op = 1, Eop = I.getNumOperands(); op < Eop; ++op) {
1197      if (op > 1)
1198        Out << ',';
1199      writeOperand(I.getOperand(op), true);
1200      if (FTy->getParamAttrs(op) != FunctionType::NoAttributeSet)
1201        Out << " " << FTy->getParamAttrsText(FTy->getParamAttrs(op));
1202    }
1203    Out << " )";
1204  } else if (const InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(&I)) {
1205    const PointerType  *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Operand->getType());
1206    const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
1207    const Type       *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
1209    // Print the calling convention being used.
1210    switch (II->getCallingConv()) {
1211    case CallingConv::C: break;   // default
1212    case CallingConv::CSRet: Out << " csretcc"; break;
1213    case CallingConv::Fast:  Out << " fastcc"; break;
1214    case CallingConv::Cold:  Out << " coldcc"; break;
1215    case CallingConv::X86_StdCall:  Out << "x86_stdcallcc "; break;
1216    case CallingConv::X86_FastCall: Out << "x86_fastcallcc "; break;
1217    default: Out << " cc" << II->getCallingConv(); break;
1218    }
1220    // If possible, print out the short form of the invoke instruction. We can
1221    // only do this if the first argument is a pointer to a nonvararg function,
1222    // and if the return type is not a pointer to a function.
1223    //
1224    if (!FTy->isVarArg() &&
1225        (!isa<PointerType>(RetTy) ||
1226         !isa<FunctionType>(cast<PointerType>(RetTy)->getElementType()))) {
1227      Out << ' '; printType(RetTy);
1228      if (FTy->getParamAttrs(0) != FunctionType::NoAttributeSet)
1229        Out << " " << FTy->getParamAttrsText(FTy->getParamAttrs(0));
1230      writeOperand(Operand, false);
1231    } else {
1232      writeOperand(Operand, true);
1233    }
1235    Out << '(';
1236    for (unsigned op = 3, Eop = I.getNumOperands(); op < Eop; ++op) {
1237      if (op > 3)
1238        Out << ',';
1239      writeOperand(I.getOperand(op), true);
1240      if (FTy->getParamAttrs(op) != FunctionType::NoAttributeSet)
1241        Out << " " << FTy->getParamAttrsText(FTy->getParamAttrs(op));
1242    }
1244    Out << " )\n\t\t\tto";
1245    writeOperand(II->getNormalDest(), true);
1246    Out << " unwind";
1247    writeOperand(II->getUnwindDest(), true);
1249  } else if (const AllocationInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocationInst>(&I)) {
1250    Out << ' ';
1251    printType(AI->getType()->getElementType());
1252    if (AI->isArrayAllocation()) {
1253      Out << ',';
1254      writeOperand(AI->getArraySize(), true);
1255    }
1256    if (AI->getAlignment()) {
1257      Out << ", align " << AI->getAlignment();
1258    }
1259  } else if (isa<CastInst>(I)) {
1260    if (Operand) writeOperand(Operand, true);   // Work with broken code
1261    Out << " to ";
1262    printType(I.getType());
1263  } else if (isa<VAArgInst>(I)) {
1264    if (Operand) writeOperand(Operand, true);   // Work with broken code
1265    Out << ", ";
1266    printType(I.getType());
1267  } else if (Operand) {   // Print the normal way...
1269    // PrintAllTypes - Instructions who have operands of all the same type
1270    // omit the type from all but the first operand.  If the instruction has
1271    // different type operands (for example br), then they are all printed.
1272    bool PrintAllTypes = false;
1273    const Type *TheType = Operand->getType();
1275    // Shift Left & Right print both types even for Ubyte LHS, and select prints
1276    // types even if all operands are bools.
1277    if (isa<ShiftInst>(I) || isa<SelectInst>(I) || isa<StoreInst>(I) ||
1278        isa<ShuffleVectorInst>(I)) {
1279      PrintAllTypes = true;
1280    } else {
1281      for (unsigned i = 1, E = I.getNumOperands(); i != E; ++i) {
1282        Operand = I.getOperand(i);
1283        if (Operand->getType() != TheType) {
1284          PrintAllTypes = true;    // We have differing types!  Print them all!
1285          break;
1286        }
1287      }
1288    }
1290    if (!PrintAllTypes) {
1291      Out << ' ';
1292      printType(TheType);
1293    }
1295    for (unsigned i = 0, E = I.getNumOperands(); i != E; ++i) {
1296      if (i) Out << ',';
1297      writeOperand(I.getOperand(i), PrintAllTypes);
1298    }
1299  }
1301  printInfoComment(I);
1302  Out << "\n";
1307//                       External Interface declarations
1310void Module::print(std::ostream &o, AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW) const {
1311  SlotMachine SlotTable(this);
1312  AssemblyWriter W(o, SlotTable, this, AAW);
1313  W.write(this);
1316void GlobalVariable::print(std::ostream &o) const {
1317  SlotMachine SlotTable(getParent());
1318  AssemblyWriter W(o, SlotTable, getParent(), 0);
1319  W.write(this);
1322void Function::print(std::ostream &o, AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW) const {
1323  SlotMachine SlotTable(getParent());
1324  AssemblyWriter W(o, SlotTable, getParent(), AAW);
1326  W.write(this);
1329void InlineAsm::print(std::ostream &o, AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW) const {
1330  WriteAsOperand(o, this, true, 0);
1333void BasicBlock::print(std::ostream &o, AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW) const {
1334  SlotMachine SlotTable(getParent());
1335  AssemblyWriter W(o, SlotTable,
1336                   getParent() ? getParent()->getParent() : 0, AAW);
1337  W.write(this);
1340void Instruction::print(std::ostream &o, AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW) const {
1341  const Function *F = getParent() ? getParent()->getParent() : 0;
1342  SlotMachine SlotTable(F);
1343  AssemblyWriter W(o, SlotTable, F ? F->getParent() : 0, AAW);
1345  W.write(this);
1348void Constant::print(std::ostream &o) const {
1349  if (this == 0) { o << "<null> constant value\n"; return; }
1351  o << ' ' << getType()->getDescription() << ' ';
1353  std::map<const Type *, std::string> TypeTable;
1354  WriteConstantInt(o, this, TypeTable, 0);
1357void Type::print(std::ostream &o) const {
1358  if (this == 0)
1359    o << "<null Type>";
1360  else
1361    o << getDescription();
1364void Argument::print(std::ostream &o) const {
1365  WriteAsOperand(o, this, true, getParent() ? getParent()->getParent() : 0);
1368// Value::dump - allow easy printing of  Values from the debugger.
1369// Located here because so much of the needed functionality is here.
1370void Value::dump() const { print(*; cerr << '\n'; }
1372// Type::dump - allow easy printing of  Values from the debugger.
1373// Located here because so much of the needed functionality is here.
1374void Type::dump() const { print(*; cerr << '\n'; }
1377//                         SlotMachine Implementation
1380#if 0
1381#define SC_DEBUG(X) cerr << X
1383#define SC_DEBUG(X)
1386// Module level constructor. Causes the contents of the Module (sans functions)
1387// to be added to the slot table.
1388SlotMachine::SlotMachine(const Module *M)
1389  : TheModule(M)    ///< Saved for lazy initialization.
1390  , TheFunction(0)
1391  , FunctionProcessed(false)
1395// Function level constructor. Causes the contents of the Module and the one
1396// function provided to be added to the slot table.
1397SlotMachine::SlotMachine(const Function *F)
1398  : TheModule(F ? F->getParent() : 0) ///< Saved for lazy initialization
1399  , TheFunction(F) ///< Saved for lazy initialization
1400  , FunctionProcessed(false)
1404inline void SlotMachine::initialize(void) {
1405  if (TheModule) {
1406    processModule();
1407    TheModule = 0; ///< Prevent re-processing next time we're called.
1408  }
1409  if (TheFunction && !FunctionProcessed)
1410    processFunction();
1413// Iterate through all the global variables, functions, and global
1414// variable initializers and create slots for them.
1415void SlotMachine::processModule() {
1416  SC_DEBUG("begin processModule!\n");
1418  // Add all of the unnamed global variables to the value table.
1419  for (Module::const_global_iterator I = TheModule->global_begin(),
1420       E = TheModule->global_end(); I != E; ++I)
1421    if (!I->hasName())
1422      getOrCreateSlot(I);
1424  // Add all the unnamed functions to the table.
1425  for (Module::const_iterator I = TheModule->begin(), E = TheModule->end();
1426       I != E; ++I)
1427    if (!I->hasName())
1428      getOrCreateSlot(I);
1430  SC_DEBUG("end processModule!\n");
1434// Process the arguments, basic blocks, and instructions  of a function.
1435void SlotMachine::processFunction() {
1436  SC_DEBUG("begin processFunction!\n");
1438  // Add all the function arguments with no names.
1439  for(Function::const_arg_iterator AI = TheFunction->arg_begin(),
1440      AE = TheFunction->arg_end(); AI != AE; ++AI)
1441    if (!AI->hasName())
1442      getOrCreateSlot(AI);
1444  SC_DEBUG("Inserting Instructions:\n");
1446  // Add all of the basic blocks and instructions with no names.
1447  for (Function::const_iterator BB = TheFunction->begin(),
1448       E = TheFunction->end(); BB != E; ++BB) {
1449    if (!BB->hasName())
1450      getOrCreateSlot(BB);
1451    for (BasicBlock::const_iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
1452      if (I->getType() != Type::VoidTy && !I->hasName())
1453        getOrCreateSlot(I);
1454  }
1456  FunctionProcessed = true;
1458  SC_DEBUG("end processFunction!\n");
1461/// Clean up after incorporating a function. This is the only way to get out of
1462/// the function incorporation state that affects the
1463/// getSlot/getOrCreateSlot lock. Function incorporation state is indicated
1464/// by TheFunction != 0.
1465void SlotMachine::purgeFunction() {
1466  SC_DEBUG("begin purgeFunction!\n");
1467  fMap.clear(); // Simply discard the function level map
1468  TheFunction = 0;
1469  FunctionProcessed = false;
1470  SC_DEBUG("end purgeFunction!\n");
1473/// Get the slot number for a value. This function will assert if you
1474/// ask for a Value that hasn't previously been inserted with getOrCreateSlot.
1475/// Types are forbidden because Type does not inherit from Value (any more).
1476int SlotMachine::getSlot(const Value *V) {
1477  assert(V && "Can't get slot for null Value");
1478  assert(!isa<Constant>(V) || isa<GlobalValue>(V) &&
1479    "Can't insert a non-GlobalValue Constant into SlotMachine");
1481  // Check for uninitialized state and do lazy initialization
1482  this->initialize();
1484  // Get the type of the value
1485  const Type* VTy = V->getType();
1487  // Find the type plane in the module map
1488  TypedPlanes::const_iterator MI = mMap.find(VTy);
1490  if (TheFunction) {
1491    // Lookup the type in the function map too
1492    TypedPlanes::const_iterator FI = fMap.find(VTy);
1493    // If there is a corresponding type plane in the function map
1494    if (FI != fMap.end()) {
1495      // Lookup the Value in the function map
1496      ValueMap::const_iterator FVI = FI->;
1497      // If the value doesn't exist in the function map
1498      if (FVI == FI-> {
1499        // Look up the value in the module map.
1500        if (MI == mMap.end()) return -1;
1501        ValueMap::const_iterator MVI = MI->;
1502        // If we didn't find it, it wasn't inserted
1503        if (MVI == MI-> return -1;
1504        assert(MVI != MI-> && "Value not found");
1505        // We found it only at the module level
1506        return MVI->second;
1508      // else the value exists in the function map
1509      } else {
1510        // Return the slot number as the module's contribution to
1511        // the type plane plus the index in the function's contribution
1512        // to the type plane.
1513        if (MI != mMap.end())
1514          return MI->second.next_slot + FVI->second;
1515        else
1516          return FVI->second;
1517      }
1518    }
1519  }
1521  // N.B. Can get here only if either !TheFunction or the function doesn't
1522  // have a corresponding type plane for the Value
1524  // Make sure the type plane exists
1525  if (MI == mMap.end()) return -1;
1526  // Lookup the value in the module's map
1527  ValueMap::const_iterator MVI = MI->;
1528  // Make sure we found it.
1529  if (MVI == MI-> return -1;
1530  // Return it.
1531  return MVI->second;
1535// Create a new slot, or return the existing slot if it is already
1536// inserted. Note that the logic here parallels getSlot but instead
1537// of asserting when the Value* isn't found, it inserts the value.
1538unsigned SlotMachine::getOrCreateSlot(const Value *V) {
1539  const Type* VTy = V->getType();
1540  assert(VTy != Type::VoidTy && !V->hasName() && "Doesn't need a slot!");
1541  assert(!isa<Constant>(V) || isa<GlobalValue>(V) &&
1542    "Can't insert a non-GlobalValue Constant into SlotMachine");
1544  // Look up the type plane for the Value's type from the module map
1545  TypedPlanes::const_iterator MI = mMap.find(VTy);
1547  if (TheFunction) {
1548    // Get the type plane for the Value's type from the function map
1549    TypedPlanes::const_iterator FI = fMap.find(VTy);
1550    // If there is a corresponding type plane in the function map
1551    if (FI != fMap.end()) {
1552      // Lookup the Value in the function map
1553      ValueMap::const_iterator FVI = FI->;
1554      // If the value doesn't exist in the function map
1555      if (FVI == FI-> {
1556        // If there is no corresponding type plane in the module map
1557        if (MI == mMap.end())
1558          return insertValue(V);
1559        // Look up the value in the module map
1560        ValueMap::const_iterator MVI = MI->;
1561        // If we didn't find it, it wasn't inserted
1562        if (MVI == MI->
1563          return insertValue(V);
1564        else
1565          // We found it only at the module level
1566          return MVI->second;
1568      // else the value exists in the function map
1569      } else {
1570        if (MI == mMap.end())
1571          return FVI->second;
1572        else
1573          // Return the slot number as the module's contribution to
1574          // the type plane plus the index in the function's contribution
1575          // to the type plane.
1576          return MI->second.next_slot + FVI->second;
1577      }
1579    // else there is not a corresponding type plane in the function map
1580    } else {
1581      // If the type plane doesn't exists at the module level
1582      if (MI == mMap.end()) {
1583        return insertValue(V);
1584      // else type plane exists at the module level, examine it
1585      } else {
1586        // Look up the value in the module's map
1587        ValueMap::const_iterator MVI = MI->;
1588        // If we didn't find it there either
1589        if (MVI == MI->
1590          // Return the slot number as the module's contribution to
1591          // the type plane plus the index of the function map insertion.
1592          return MI->second.next_slot + insertValue(V);
1593        else
1594          return MVI->second;
1595      }
1596    }
1597  }
1599  // N.B. Can only get here if TheFunction == 0
1601  // If the module map's type plane is not for the Value's type
1602  if (MI != mMap.end()) {
1603    // Lookup the value in the module's map
1604    ValueMap::const_iterator MVI = MI->;
1605    if (MVI != MI->
1606      return MVI->second;
1607  }
1609  return insertValue(V);
1613// Low level insert function. Minimal checking is done. This
1614// function is just for the convenience of getOrCreateSlot (above).
1615unsigned SlotMachine::insertValue(const Value *V) {
1616  assert(V && "Can't insert a null Value into SlotMachine!");
1617  assert(!isa<Constant>(V) || isa<GlobalValue>(V) &&
1618         "Can't insert a non-GlobalValue Constant into SlotMachine");
1619  assert(V->getType() != Type::VoidTy && !V->hasName());
1621  const Type *VTy = V->getType();
1622  unsigned DestSlot = 0;
1624  if (TheFunction) {
1625    TypedPlanes::iterator I = fMap.find(VTy);
1626    if (I == fMap.end())
1627      I = fMap.insert(std::make_pair(VTy,ValuePlane())).first;
1628    DestSlot = I->[V] = I->second.next_slot++;
1629  } else {
1630    TypedPlanes::iterator I = mMap.find(VTy);
1631    if (I == mMap.end())
1632      I = mMap.insert(std::make_pair(VTy,ValuePlane())).first;
1633    DestSlot = I->[V] = I->second.next_slot++;
1634  }
1636  SC_DEBUG("  Inserting value [" << VTy << "] = " << V << " slot=" <<
1637           DestSlot << " [");
1638  // G = Global, F = Function, o = other
1639  SC_DEBUG((isa<GlobalVariable>(V) ? 'G' : (isa<Function>(V) ? 'F' : 'o')));
1640  SC_DEBUG("]\n");
1641  return DestSlot;