llc.cpp revision 86f42bdad93677fa0ca33b27afb0f493028376cb
1//===-- llc.cpp - Implement the LLVM Native Code Generator ----------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
6// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This is the llc code generator driver. It provides a convenient
11// command-line interface for generating native assembly-language code
12// or C code, given LLVM bytecode.
16#include "llvm/Bytecode/Reader.h"
17#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachineImpls.h"
18#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
19#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
20#include "llvm/Module.h"
21#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
22#include "llvm/Pass.h"
23#include "Support/CommandLine.h"
24#include "llvm/System/Signals.h"
25#include <fstream>
26#include <iostream>
27#include <memory>
29using namespace llvm;
31// General options for llc.  Other pass-specific options are specified
32// within the corresponding llc passes, and target-specific options
33// and back-end code generation options are specified with the target machine.
35static cl::opt<std::string>
36InputFilename(cl::Positional, cl::desc("<input bytecode>"), cl::init("-"));
38static cl::opt<std::string>
39OutputFilename("o", cl::desc("Output filename"), cl::value_desc("filename"));
41static cl::opt<bool> Force("f", cl::desc("Overwrite output files"));
43enum ArchName { noarch, X86, SparcV9, PowerPC, CBackend };
45static cl::opt<ArchName>
46Arch("march", cl::desc("Architecture to generate assembly for:"), cl::Prefix,
47     cl::values(clEnumValN(X86,      "x86",     "  IA-32 (Pentium and above)"),
48                clEnumValN(SparcV9,  "sparcv9", "  SPARC V9"),
49                clEnumValN(PowerPC,  "powerpc", "  PowerPC (experimental)"),
50                clEnumValN(CBackend, "c",       "  C backend"),
51		0),
52     cl::init(noarch));
54// GetFileNameRoot - Helper function to get the basename of a filename...
55static inline std::string
56GetFileNameRoot(const std::string &InputFilename)
58  std::string IFN = InputFilename;
59  std::string outputFilename;
60  int Len = IFN.length();
61  if ((Len > 2) &&
62      IFN[Len-3] == '.' && IFN[Len-2] == 'b' && IFN[Len-1] == 'c') {
63    outputFilename = std::string(IFN.begin(), IFN.end()-3); // s/.bc/.s/
64  } else {
65    outputFilename = IFN;
66  }
67  return outputFilename;
71// main - Entry point for the llc compiler.
73int main(int argc, char **argv) {
74  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, " llvm system compiler\n");
75  PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal();
77  // Load the module to be compiled...
78  std::auto_ptr<Module> M(ParseBytecodeFile(InputFilename));
79  if (M.get() == 0) {
80    std::cerr << argv[0] << ": bytecode didn't read correctly.\n";
81    return 1;
82  }
83  Module &mod = *M.get();
85  // Allocate target machine.  First, check whether the user has
86  // explicitly specified an architecture to compile for.
87  TargetMachine* (*TargetMachineAllocator)(const Module&,
88                                           IntrinsicLowering *) = 0;
89  switch (Arch) {
90  case CBackend:
91    TargetMachineAllocator = allocateCTargetMachine;
92    break;
93  case X86:
94    TargetMachineAllocator = allocateX86TargetMachine;
95    break;
96  case SparcV9:
97    TargetMachineAllocator = allocateSparcV9TargetMachine;
98    break;
99  case PowerPC:
100    TargetMachineAllocator = allocatePowerPCTargetMachine;
101    break;
102  default:
103    // Decide what the default target machine should be, by looking at
104    // the module. This heuristic (ILP32, LE -> IA32; LP64, BE ->
105    // SPARCV9) is kind of gross, but it will work until we have more
106    // sophisticated target information to work from.
107    if (mod.getEndianness()  == Module::LittleEndian &&
108        mod.getPointerSize() == Module::Pointer32) {
109      TargetMachineAllocator = allocateX86TargetMachine;
110    } else if (mod.getEndianness() == Module::BigEndian &&
111        mod.getPointerSize() == Module::Pointer32) {
112      TargetMachineAllocator = allocatePowerPCTargetMachine;
113    } else if (mod.getEndianness()  == Module::BigEndian &&
114               mod.getPointerSize() == Module::Pointer64) {
115      TargetMachineAllocator = allocateSparcV9TargetMachine;
116    } else {
117      // If the module is target independent, favor a target which matches the
118      // current build system.
119#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86__)
120      TargetMachineAllocator = allocateX86TargetMachine;
121#elif defined(sparc) || defined(__sparc__) || defined(__sparcv9)
122      TargetMachineAllocator = allocateSparcV9TargetMachine;
123#elif defined(__POWERPC__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__APPLE__)
124      TargetMachineAllocator = allocatePowerPCTargetMachine;
126      std::cerr << argv[0] << ": module does not specify a target to use.  "
127                << "You must use the -march option.  If no native target is "
128                << "available, use -march=c to emit C code.\n";
129      return 1;
131    }
132    break;
133  }
134  std::auto_ptr<TargetMachine> target(TargetMachineAllocator(mod, 0));
135  assert(target.get() && "Could not allocate target machine!");
136  TargetMachine &Target = *target.get();
137  const TargetData &TD = Target.getTargetData();
139  // Build up all of the passes that we want to do to the module...
140  PassManager Passes;
142  Passes.add(new TargetData("llc", TD.isLittleEndian(), TD.getPointerSize(),
143                            TD.getPointerAlignment(), TD.getDoubleAlignment()));
145  // Figure out where we are going to send the output...
146  std::ostream *Out = 0;
147  if (OutputFilename != "") {
148    if (OutputFilename != "-") {
149      // Specified an output filename?
150      if (!Force && std::ifstream(OutputFilename.c_str())) {
151	// If force is not specified, make sure not to overwrite a file!
152	std::cerr << argv[0] << ": error opening '" << OutputFilename
153		  << "': file exists!\n"
154		  << "Use -f command line argument to force output\n";
155	return 1;
156      }
157      Out = new std::ofstream(OutputFilename.c_str());
159      // Make sure that the Out file gets unlinked from the disk if we get a
160      // SIGINT
161      RemoveFileOnSignal(OutputFilename);
162    } else {
163      Out = &std::cout;
164    }
165  } else {
166    if (InputFilename == "-") {
167      OutputFilename = "-";
168      Out = &std::cout;
169    } else {
170      OutputFilename = GetFileNameRoot(InputFilename);
172      if (Arch != CBackend)
173        OutputFilename += ".s";
174      else
175        OutputFilename += ".cbe.c";
177      if (!Force && std::ifstream(OutputFilename.c_str())) {
178        // If force is not specified, make sure not to overwrite a file!
179        std::cerr << argv[0] << ": error opening '" << OutputFilename
180                  << "': file exists!\n"
181                  << "Use -f command line argument to force output\n";
182        return 1;
183      }
185      Out = new std::ofstream(OutputFilename.c_str());
186      if (!Out->good()) {
187        std::cerr << argv[0] << ": error opening " << OutputFilename << "!\n";
188        delete Out;
189        return 1;
190      }
192      // Make sure that the Out file gets unlinked from the disk if we get a
193      // SIGINT
194      RemoveFileOnSignal(OutputFilename);
195    }
196  }
198  // Ask the target to add backend passes as necessary
199  if (Target.addPassesToEmitAssembly(Passes, *Out)) {
200    std::cerr << argv[0] << ": target '" << Target.getName()
201              << "' does not support static compilation!\n";
202    if (Out != &std::cout) delete Out;
203    // And the Out file is empty and useless, so remove it now.
204    std::remove(OutputFilename.c_str());
205    return 1;
206  } else {
207    // Run our queue of passes all at once now, efficiently.
209  }
211  // Delete the ostream if it's not a stdout stream
212  if (Out != &std::cout) delete Out;
214  return 0;