update_html_tags_from_sources.sh revision f05b935882198ccf7d81675736e3aeb089c5113a
3# This script imports HTML and CSS tags from source trees. Supported browsers:
5# * WebKit
6# * Firefox
7# * dillo
8# * gtkhtml
11tools_dir=`dirname $0`
15if [ -z "$src_dir" ]; then
16  echo "You must define a source directory to examine."
19if [ ! -d "$dest_dir" ]; then
20  echo "Unable to find htdocs directory. Tried $dest_dir"
21  exit 1
25if [ -d "$src_dir/WebKit" ]; then
26  # Tested as of WebKit-r55454
27  source_name="webkit"
28  grep -v "^#" $src_dir/WebCore/css/CSSPropertyNames.in > ${tmp_prefix}.css-properties
29  grep -v "^#" $src_dir/WebCore/css/CSSValueKeywords.in > ${tmp_prefix}.css-values
30  grep -v "^#" $src_dir/WebCore/html/HTMLAttributeNames.in | cut -d" " -f1  | \
31    egrep -v "^namespace\w*=" > ${tmp_prefix}.html-attrs
32  grep -v "^#" $src_dir/WebCore/html/HTMLTagNames.in | cut -d" " -f1 | \
33    egrep -v "^namespace\w*=" > ${tmp_prefix}.html-tags
34  egrep "equalIgnoringCase" $src_dir/WebCore/html/HTML*.cpp | \
35    ruby -e '$stdin.readlines.join("").scan(/\"([\w-]+)"/) { |tag| puts tag }' > ${tmp_prefix}.html-values
36  grep -r "protocolIs" $src_dir/WebCore/* | ruby -e '$stdin.readlines.join("").scan(/\"([\w-]+)"/) { |tag| puts "#{tag}:" }' > ${tmp_prefix}.protocols
37  grep "map->add" $src_dir/WebCore/html/HTMLInputElement.cpp | cut -d\" -f2 >> ${tmp_prefix}.html-values
38  grep "AtomicString,.*Header, (" $src_dir/WebCore/platform/network/ResourceResponseBase.cpp | cut -d\" -f2 > ${tmp_prefix}.headers
39  grep -o -r 'httpHeaderField(".*"' $src_dir  | cut -d\" -f2 >> ${tmp_prefix}.headers
40  egrep -r '"[-\+a-z]+/[-\+a-z]+"' $src_dir/WebCore | ruby -e '$stdin.readlines.join("").scan(/\"([afimtvwx][\w\+-]+\/[\w\+-]+)"/) { puts $1 }'  > ${tmp_prefix}.mime-types
41  grep DEFINE_STATIC $src_dir/WebCore/css/CSSSelector.cpp  | cut -d\" -f2 \
42    > ${tmp_prefix}.css-pseudo
43  egrep -o '"@.*?\"' $src_dir/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp | cut -d\" -f2 | cut -d"{" -f1 | \
44    sed s/" "//  > ${tmp_prefix}.css-atrules
45elif [ -d "$src_dir/xpcom" ]; then
46  # Tested as of Sep 1 2010 
47  source_name="mozilla"
48  grep "^HTML_.*TAG" $src_dir/parser/htmlparser/public/nsHTMLTagList.h \
49    | cut -d\( -f2 | cut -d, -f1 | cut -d\) -f1 > ${tmp_prefix}.html-tags
50  grep -r "Get.*Attr.*nsGkAtoms" $src_dir | perl -ne 'if (/nsGkAtoms::(\w+)/) { print "$1\n" } '\
51    | xargs -n1 -I{} grep "({}," $src_dir/content/base/src/nsGkAtomList.h \
52    | cut -d\" -f2 > ${tmp_prefix}.html-attrs
53  grep "nsHtml5AttributeName.*nsHtml5Atoms::" $src_dir/parser/html/nsHtml5AttributeName.cpp  \
54    | cut -d: -f3  | cut -d\) -f1 | cut -d, -f1  | xargs -n1 -I{} grep "({}," $src_dir/parser/html/nsHtml5AtomList.h \
55    | cut -d\" -f2 >> ${tmp_prefix}.html-attrs
56  egrep "^    [a-z-]+," $src_dir/layout/style/nsCSSPropList.h | cut -d, -f1 \
57    | awk '{ print $1 }' > ${tmp_prefix}.css-properties
58  grep 'CSS_KEY(' $src_dir/layout/style/nsCSSKeywordList.h | cut -d"(" -f2 \
59    | cut -d, -f1 > ${tmp_prefix}.css-values
60  egrep '{ "[a-z]+:' $src_dir/docshell/build/nsDocShellModule.cpp | cut -d\" -f2 \
61    > ${tmp_prefix}.protocols
62  grep -r 'aURI->SchemeIs("' $src_dir/* | cut -d\" -f2 | perl -ne 'chomp; print "$_:\n";' >> ${tmp_prefix}.protocols
63  grep -r 'uri->SchemeIs("' $src_dir/* | cut -d\" -f2 | perl -ne 'chomp; print "$_:\n";' >> ${tmp_prefix}.protocols
64  grep "{ \"" $src_dir/docshell/base/nsAboutRedirector.cpp | cut -d\" -f2 \
65    | xargs -I{} echo "about:{}" >> ${tmp_prefix}.protocols
66  grep targetScheme.EqualsLiteral $src_dir/netwerk/base/public/nsNetUtil.h \
67    | cut -d\" -f2 | sed s/$/:/g>> ${tmp_prefix}.protocols
68  grep "name.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral" $src_dir/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp | cut -d\" -f2 >> ${tmp_prefix}.html-values
69  egrep '  { "[a-z]+' $src_dir/content/html/content/src/nsGenericHTMLElement.cpp | cut -d\" -f2 >> ${tmp_prefix}.html-values
70  grep ' { "' $src_dir/content/html/content/src/nsHTMLInputElement.cpp | cut -d\" -f2 >> ${tmp_prefix}.html-values
71  grep -r value.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral $src_dir/content/base/src/* | cut -d\" -f2 >> ${tmp_prefix}.html-values
72  grep "^HTTP_ATOM" $src_dir/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpAtomList.h  | cut -d\" -f2 \
73    | grep '[a-z]'>> ${tmp_prefix}.headers
74  egrep -r '"[-\+a-z]+/[-\+a-z]+"' $src_dir/browser/base $src_dir/browser/components $src_dir/uriloader $src_dir/netwerk/mime $src_dir/content/html \
75   | ruby -e '$stdin.readlines.join("").scan(/\"([afimtvwx][\w\+-]+\/[\w\+-]+)"/) { puts $1 }' > ${tmp_prefix}.mime-types
76  egrep -o '":(.*?)"' $src_dir/layout/style/nsCSSPseudoClassList.h  | cut -d\" -f2 \
77    | sed s/^:// > ${tmp_prefix}.css-pseudo
78  grep AssignLiteral $src_dir/layout/style/nsCSSRules.cpp | egrep -o '"@.*?"' \
79    | cut -d\" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1 > ${tmp_prefix}.css-atrules
80elif [ -f "$src_dir/dillorc" ]; then
81  # Tested as of dillo 2.2
82  source_name="dillo"
83  grep '{"' $src_dir/src/cssparser.cc  | cut -d\" -f2 > ${tmp_prefix}.css-properties
84  egrep '^ +\"[a-z-]+\", ' $src_dir/src/cssparser.cc | \
85    ruby -e '$stdin.readlines.join("").scan(/\"(.*?)\"/) { |tag| puts tag }' > ${tmp_prefix}.css-values
86  grep "_get_attr(html" $src_dir/src/html.cc | grep '"' | cut -d\" -f2 > ${tmp_prefix}.html-attrs
87  grep 'a_Html_get_attr(html.*"' $src_dir/src/*.cc | cut -d\" -f2 >> ${tmp_prefix}.html-attrs
88  grep Html_tag_open_ $src_dir/src/html.cc  | grep "^ {" | cut -d\" -f2 > ${tmp_prefix}.html-tags
89  grep dStrcasecmp $src_dir/src/form.cc $src_dir/src/html.cc $src_dir/src/table.cc | \
90    ruby -e '$stdin.readlines.join("").scan(/\"([-a-z]+)\"/) { |tag| puts tag }' > ${tmp_prefix}.html-values
91  grep -r 'URL_SCHEME.*"[a-z]' $src_dir | cut -d \" -f2 | perl -ne 'chomp; print "$_:\n";' > ${tmp_prefix}.protocols
92  grep -r 'header, "' $src_dir/src/cache.c  | cut -d\" -f2 > ${tmp_prefix}.headers
93  egrep -r "[-\+a-z]+/[-\+a-z]+" $src_dir/dpi $src_dir/src | \
94    ruby -e '$stdin.readlines.join("").scan(/\"([\w\+-]+\/[\w\+-]+)"/) { puts $1 }' > ${tmp_prefix}.mime-types
95elif [ -d "$src_dir/gtkhtml" ]; then
96  # tested as of gtkhtml-3.29.91
97  source_name="gtkhtml"
98  grep -r "#define ID_" $src_dir/gtkhtml/htmlengine.c | cut -d\" -f2 | egrep '^[a-z]' > ${tmp_prefix}.html-tags
99  grep "html_element_get_attr" $src_dir/gtkhtml/*.c | cut -d\" -f2 > ${tmp_prefix}.html-attrs
100  grep -r "g_ascii_strncasecmp" $src_dir/gtkhtml/*.c | cut -d\" -f2 | grep -v ":" | cut -d"=" -f1 | grep "^[a-z]"  > ${tmp_prefix}.html-attrs
101  grep "g_ascii_strncasecmp" $src_dir/gtkhtml/htmlstyle.c | cut -d\" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1 | sed s/://g > ${tmp_prefix}.css-properties
102  grep "g_ascii_strcasecmp" $src_dir/gtkhtml/htmlstyle.c | cut -d\" -f2 > ${tmp_prefix}.css-values
103  grep g_ascii_strcasecmp $src_dir/gtkhtml/htmlengine.c |  ruby -e '$stdin.readlines.join("").scan(/\"([\/\w-]+)"/) { |tag| puts tag }' > ${tmp_prefix}.html-values
106if [ "$source_name" ]; then
107  echo "Updating $source_name"
108  # We always append, never remove.
109  types="css-properties css-values html-attrs html-tags html-values protocols headers mime-types css-pseudo css-atrules" 
110  for type in $types
111  do
112    if [ -f "${tmp_prefix}.${type}" ]; then
113      if [ -s "${tmp_prefix}.${type}" ]; then
114        echo "- $type"
115        cat $dest_dir/$type/$source_name ${tmp_prefix}.${type} | sort -u > $dest_dir/$type/$source_name
116      else
117        echo "- Unable to parse ${type}, source code is incompatible (skipping)"
118      fi
119      rm -f "${tmp_prefix}.${type}"
120    fi
121  done
123  echo "Could not identify the correct source type for $src_dir"