Lines Matching defs:rPC

51     * %esi         rPC       interpreted program counter, used for fetching
73 #define rPC %esi
97 movl rPC, offGlue_pc(\_reg)
107 movl offGlue_pc(rFP), rPC
122 movl rPC, (-sizeofStackSaveArea + offStackSaveArea_currentPc)(rFP)
151 * Fetch the next instruction from rPC into rINST. Does not advance rPC.
155 movzwl (rPC), rINST
159 * Fetch the next instruction from the specified offset. Advances rPC
168 add $(\_count*2), rPC
169 movzwl (rPC), rINST
174 * rPC to point to the next instruction. "_reg" must specify the distance
179 addl \_reg, rPC
180 movzwl (rPC), rINST
185 * "_count" value is in 16-bit code units. Does not advance rPC.
191 movzwl (\_count*2)(rPC), \_reg
196 * "_count" value is in 16-bit code units. Does not advance rPC.
201 movswl (\_count*2)(rPC), \_reg
206 * "_count" value is in 16-bit code units. Does not advance rPC.
212 movzbl (\_count*2)(rPC), \_reg
217 * "_count" value is in 16-bit code units. Does not advance rPC.
223 movzbl (\_count*2 + 1)(rPC), \_reg
228 * "_count" value is in 16-bit code units. Does not advance rPC.
233 movsbl (\_count*2 + 1)(rPC), \_reg
244 movzbl (\_count*2+\_byte)(rPC), \_reg
274 movzbl (rPC), \_rFinish
278 movzbl 1(rPC), rINST
289 movzbl (\_count*2)(rPC), \_rFinish
293 movzbl (\_count*2 + 1)(rPC), rINST
294 addl $(\_count*2), rPC
305 movzbl (\_reg, rPC), \_rFinish
309 movzbl 1(\_reg, rPC), rINST
310 addl \_reg, rPC
323 movzbl (rPC), \_rFinish
324 movzbl 1(rPC), rINST
337 movzbl (\_count*2)(rPC), \_rFinish
338 movzbl (\_count*2 + 1)(rPC), rINST
339 addl $(\_count*2), rPC
351 movzbl (\_reg, rPC), \_rFinish
352 movzbl 1(\_reg, rPC), rINST
353 addl \_reg, rPC
374 movzbl (rPC), rFinish
375 movzbl 1(rPC), rINST
387 movzbl (\_count*2)(rPC), rFinish
388 movzbl (\_count*2 + 1)(rPC), rINST
389 addl $(\_count*2), rPC
401 movzbl (\_reg, rPC), \_rFinish
402 movzbl 1(\_reg, rPC), rINST
403 addl \_reg, rPC
2321 lea (rPC, %edx, 2), %edx # %edx<- PC + +BBBBBBBB; array data location
2540 lea (rPC, %ecx, 2), %ecx # %ecx<- PC + +BBBBBBBB*2
2613 lea (rPC, %ecx, 2), %ecx # %ecx<- PC + +BBBBBBBB*2
3447 movzbl 4(rPC), %edx # grab the next opcode
3448 movzbl 5(rPC), rINST # update the instruction
3449 addl $4, rPC # update the program counter
3526 movzbl 4(rPC), %edx # grab the next opcode
3527 movzbl 5(rPC), rINST # update the instruction
3528 addl $4, rPC # update the program counter
3605 movzbl 4(rPC), %edx # grab the next opcode
3606 movzbl 5(rPC), rINST # update the instruction
3607 addl $4, rPC # update the program counter
3684 movzbl 4(rPC), %edx # grab the next opcode
3685 movzbl 5(rPC), rINST # update the instruction
3686 addl $4, rPC # update the program counter
3763 movzbl 4(rPC), %edx # grab the next opcode
3764 movzbl 5(rPC), rINST # update the instruction
3765 addl $4, rPC # update the program counter
3842 movzbl 4(rPC), %edx # grab the next opcode
3843 movzbl 5(rPC), rINST # update the instruction
3844 addl $4, rPC # update the program counter
17523 movl offGlue_pc(%ecx), rPC # get program counter
17529 FGETOP_JMPa %edx # start executing the instruction at rPC
17907 leal (rPC, %edx, 2), rPC # adjust pc to show target
17949 leal (rPC, %edx, 2), rPC # adjust pc to show target
18108 movl rPC, offStackSaveArea_savedPc(%eax) # newSaveArea->savedPc<- rPC
18122 movl offMethod_insns(%ecx), rPC # rPC<- methodToCall->insns
18232 movl offStackSaveArea_savedPc(%ecx), rPC # rPC<- saveAreaOld->savedPc
18279 movl rPC, %ecx # %ecx<- rPC
18325 movl offStackSaveArea_method(%edx), rPC # rPC<- newMethod
18326 movl rPC, offGlue_method(%ecx) # glue->method<- newMethod
18327 movl offMethod_clazz(rPC), %edx # %edx<- method->clazz
18328 movl offMethod_insns(rPC), rPC # rPC<- method->insns
18330 lea (rPC, %eax, 2), rPC # rPC<- method->insns + catchRelPc
18384 LOAD_PC_FP_FROM_GLUE # pull rPC and rFP out of glue