Lines Matching defs:NumberPicker

88 public class NumberPicker extends LinearLayout {
153 * Use a custom NumberPicker formatting callback to use two-digit minutes
160 public static final NumberPicker.Formatter TWO_DIGIT_FORMATTER = new NumberPicker.Formatter() {
236 * Lower value of the range of numbers allowed for the NumberPicker
241 * Upper value of the range of numbers allowed for the NumberPicker
246 * Current value of this NumberPicker
455 * @param picker The NumberPicker associated with this listener.
459 void onValueChange(NumberPicker picker, int oldVal, int newVal);
491 public void onScrollStateChange(NumberPicker view, int scrollState);
513 public NumberPicker(Context context) {
523 public NumberPicker(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
534 public NumberPicker(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
539 attrs, R.styleable.NumberPicker, defStyle, 0);
1092 * If the argument is less than the {@link NumberPicker#getMinValue()} and
1093 * {@link NumberPicker#getWrapSelectorWheel()} is <code>false</code> the
1094 * current value is set to the {@link NumberPicker#getMinValue()} value.
1097 * If the argument is less than the {@link NumberPicker#getMinValue()} and
1098 * {@link NumberPicker#getWrapSelectorWheel()} is <code>true</code> the
1099 * current value is set to the {@link NumberPicker#getMaxValue()} value.
1102 * If the argument is less than the {@link NumberPicker#getMaxValue()} and
1103 * {@link NumberPicker#getWrapSelectorWheel()} is <code>false</code> the
1104 * current value is set to the {@link NumberPicker#getMaxValue()} value.
1107 * If the argument is less than the {@link NumberPicker#getMaxValue()} and
1108 * {@link NumberPicker#getWrapSelectorWheel()} is <code>true</code> the
1109 * current value is set to the {@link NumberPicker#getMinValue()} value.
1205 * wrap around the {@link NumberPicker#getMinValue()} and
1206 * {@link NumberPicker#getMaxValue()} values.
1435 event.setClassName(NumberPicker.class.getName());
1516 * Sets the current value of this NumberPicker.
1518 * @param current The new value of the NumberPicker.
1721 * Updates the view of this NumberPicker. If displayValues were specified in
1746 * NumberPicker.
1962 NumberPicker.this.removeCallbacks(this);
1977 NumberPicker.this.postDelayed(this, ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout());
2006 NumberPicker.this.postDelayed(this,
2014 NumberPicker.this.postDelayed(this,
2176 if (NumberPicker.this.isEnabled()
2183 if (NumberPicker.this.isEnabled()
2194 if (NumberPicker.this.isEnabled() && !mInputText.isFocused()) {
2199 if (NumberPicker.this.isEnabled() && mInputText.isFocused()) {
2206 if (NumberPicker.this.isEnabled()) {
2238 if (NumberPicker.this.isEnabled()) {
2239 NumberPicker.this.changeValueByOne(true);
2268 if (NumberPicker.this.isEnabled()) {
2270 NumberPicker.this.changeValueByOne(increment);
2330 View nextFocus = NumberPicker.this.focusSearch(direction);
2360 View nextFocus = NumberPicker.this.focusSearch(direction);
2396 event.setSource(NumberPicker.this, VIRTUAL_VIEW_ID_INPUT);
2397 requestSendAccessibilityEvent(NumberPicker.this, event);
2406 event.setEnabled(NumberPicker.this.isEnabled());
2407 event.setSource(NumberPicker.this, virtualViewId);
2408 requestSendAccessibilityEvent(NumberPicker.this, event);
2447 info.setSource(NumberPicker.this, VIRTUAL_VIEW_ID_INPUT);
2462 info.setSource(NumberPicker.this, virtualViewId);
2463 info.setParent(NumberPicker.this);
2467 info.setEnabled(NumberPicker.this.isEnabled());
2484 if (NumberPicker.this.isEnabled()) {
2494 info.setClassName(NumberPicker.class.getName());
2496 info.setSource(NumberPicker.this);
2499 info.addChild(NumberPicker.this, VIRTUAL_VIEW_ID_DECREMENT);
2501 info.addChild(NumberPicker.this, VIRTUAL_VIEW_ID_INPUT);
2503 info.addChild(NumberPicker.this, VIRTUAL_VIEW_ID_INCREMENT);
2507 info.setEnabled(NumberPicker.this.isEnabled());
2525 if (NumberPicker.this.isEnabled()) {