* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package android.speech.tts;
import android.annotation.SdkConstant;
import android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.media.AudioManager;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Synthesizes speech from text for immediate playback or to create a sound file.
A TextToSpeech instance can only be used to synthesize text once it has completed its
* initialization. Implement the {@link TextToSpeech.OnInitListener} to be
* notified of the completion of the initialization.
* When you are done using the TextToSpeech instance, call the {@link #shutdown()} method
* to release the native resources used by the TextToSpeech engine.
public class TextToSpeech {
private static final String TAG = "TextToSpeech";
* Denotes a successful operation.
public static final int SUCCESS = 0;
* Denotes a generic operation failure.
public static final int ERROR = -1;
* Queue mode where all entries in the playback queue (media to be played
* and text to be synthesized) are dropped and replaced by the new entry.
* Queues are flushed with respect to a given calling app. Entries in the queue
* from other callees are not discarded.
public static final int QUEUE_FLUSH = 0;
* Queue mode where the new entry is added at the end of the playback queue.
public static final int QUEUE_ADD = 1;
* Queue mode where the entire playback queue is purged. This is different
* from {@link #QUEUE_FLUSH} in that all entries are purged, not just entries
* from a given caller.
* @hide
static final int QUEUE_DESTROY = 2;
* Denotes the language is available exactly as specified by the locale.
public static final int LANG_COUNTRY_VAR_AVAILABLE = 2;
* Denotes the language is available for the language and country specified
* by the locale, but not the variant.
public static final int LANG_COUNTRY_AVAILABLE = 1;
* Denotes the language is available for the language by the locale,
* but not the country and variant.
public static final int LANG_AVAILABLE = 0;
* Denotes the language data is missing.
public static final int LANG_MISSING_DATA = -1;
* Denotes the language is not supported.
public static final int LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2;
* Broadcast Action: The TextToSpeech synthesizer has completed processing
* of all the text in the speech queue.
* Note that this notifies callers when the engine has finished has
* processing text data. Audio playback might not have completed (or even started)
* at this point. If you wish to be notified when this happens, see
* {@link OnUtteranceCompletedListener}.
* Interface definition of a callback to be invoked indicating the completion of the
* TextToSpeech engine initialization.
public interface OnInitListener {
* Called to signal the completion of the TextToSpeech engine initialization.
* @param status {@link TextToSpeech#SUCCESS} or {@link TextToSpeech#ERROR}.
public void onInit(int status);
* Listener that will be called when the TTS service has
* completed synthesizing an utterance. This is only called if the utterance
* has an utterance ID (see {@link TextToSpeech.Engine#KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID}).
public interface OnUtteranceCompletedListener {
* Called when an utterance has been synthesized.
* @param utteranceId the identifier of the utterance.
public void onUtteranceCompleted(String utteranceId);
* Constants and parameter names for controlling text-to-speech. These include:
* -
* Intents to ask engine to install data or check its data and
* extras for a TTS engine's check data activity.
* -
* Keys for the parameters passed with speak commands, e.g.
* {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID}, {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_STREAM}.
* -
* A list of feature strings that engines might support, e.g
* {@link Engine#KEY_FEATURE_NETWORK_SYNTHESIS}). These values may be passed in to
* {@link TextToSpeech#speak} and {@link TextToSpeech#synthesizeToFile} to modify
* engine behaviour. The engine can be queried for the set of features it supports
* through {@link TextToSpeech#getFeatures(java.util.Locale)}.
public class Engine {
* Default speech rate.
* @hide
public static final int DEFAULT_RATE = 100;
* Default pitch.
* @hide
public static final int DEFAULT_PITCH = 100;
* Default volume.
* @hide
public static final float DEFAULT_VOLUME = 1.0f;
* Default pan (centered).
* @hide
public static final float DEFAULT_PAN = 0.0f;
* Default value for {@link Settings.Secure#TTS_USE_DEFAULTS}.
* @hide
public static final int USE_DEFAULTS = 0; // false
* Package name of the default TTS engine.
* @hide
* @deprecated No longer in use, the default engine is determined by
* the sort order defined in {@link TtsEngines}. Note that
* this doesn't "break" anything because there is no guarantee that
* the engine specified below is installed on a given build, let
* alone be the default.
public static final String DEFAULT_ENGINE = "com.svox.pico";
* Default audio stream used when playing synthesized speech.
public static final int DEFAULT_STREAM = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC;
* Indicates success when checking the installation status of the resources used by the
* TextToSpeech engine with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent.
public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_PASS = 1;
* Indicates failure when checking the installation status of the resources used by the
* TextToSpeech engine with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent.
public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_FAIL = 0;
* Indicates erroneous data when checking the installation status of the resources used by
* the TextToSpeech engine with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent.
public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_BAD_DATA = -1;
* Indicates missing resources when checking the installation status of the resources used
* by the TextToSpeech engine with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent.
public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_MISSING_DATA = -2;
* Indicates missing storage volume when checking the installation status of the resources
* used by the TextToSpeech engine with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent.
public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_MISSING_VOLUME = -3;
* Intent for starting a TTS service. Services that handle this intent must
* extend {@link TextToSpeechService}. Normal applications should not use this intent
* directly, instead they should talk to the TTS service using the the methods in this
* class.
public static final String INTENT_ACTION_TTS_SERVICE =
* Name under which a text to speech engine publishes information about itself.
* This meta-data should reference an XML resource containing a
* <{@link android.R.styleable#TextToSpeechEngine tts-engine}>
* tag.
public static final String SERVICE_META_DATA = "android.speech.tts";
// intents to ask engine to install data or check its data
* Activity Action: Triggers the platform TextToSpeech engine to
* start the activity that installs the resource files on the device
* that are required for TTS to be operational. Since the installation
* of the data can be interrupted or declined by the user, the application
* shouldn't expect successful installation upon return from that intent,
* and if need be, should check installation status with
public static final String ACTION_INSTALL_TTS_DATA =
* Broadcast Action: broadcast to signal the completion of the installation of
* the data files used by the synthesis engine. Success or failure is indicated in the
* {@link #EXTRA_TTS_DATA_INSTALLED} extra.
public static final String ACTION_TTS_DATA_INSTALLED =
* Activity Action: Starts the activity from the platform TextToSpeech
* engine to verify the proper installation and availability of the
* resource files on the system. Upon completion, the activity will
* return one of the following codes:
* Moreover, the data received in the activity result will contain the following
* fields:
* indicates the path to the location of the resource files,
* - {@link #EXTRA_VOICE_DATA_FILES} which contains
* the list of all the resource files,
* - and {@link #EXTRA_VOICE_DATA_FILES_INFO} which
* contains, for each resource file, the description of the language covered by
* the file in the xxx-YYY format, where xxx is the 3-letter ISO language code,
* and YYY is the 3-letter ISO country code.
public static final String ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA =
* Activity intent for getting some sample text to use for demonstrating TTS.
* @hide This intent was used by engines written against the old API.
* Not sure if it should be exposed.
public static final String ACTION_GET_SAMPLE_TEXT =
// extras for a TTS engine's check data activity
* Extra information received with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent where
* the TextToSpeech engine specifies the path to its resources.
public static final String EXTRA_VOICE_DATA_ROOT_DIRECTORY = "dataRoot";
* Extra information received with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent where
* the TextToSpeech engine specifies the file names of its resources under the
* resource path.
public static final String EXTRA_VOICE_DATA_FILES = "dataFiles";
* Extra information received with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent where
* the TextToSpeech engine specifies the locale associated with each resource file.
public static final String EXTRA_VOICE_DATA_FILES_INFO = "dataFilesInfo";
* Extra information received with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent where
* the TextToSpeech engine returns an ArrayList of all the available voices.
* The format of each voice is: lang-COUNTRY-variant where COUNTRY and variant are
* optional (ie, "eng" or "eng-USA" or "eng-USA-FEMALE").
public static final String EXTRA_AVAILABLE_VOICES = "availableVoices";
* Extra information received with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent where
* the TextToSpeech engine returns an ArrayList of all the unavailable voices.
* The format of each voice is: lang-COUNTRY-variant where COUNTRY and variant are
* optional (ie, "eng" or "eng-USA" or "eng-USA-FEMALE").
public static final String EXTRA_UNAVAILABLE_VOICES = "unavailableVoices";
* Extra information sent with the {@link #ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA} intent where the
* caller indicates to the TextToSpeech engine which specific sets of voice data to
* check for by sending an ArrayList of the voices that are of interest.
* The format of each voice is: lang-COUNTRY-variant where COUNTRY and variant are
* optional (ie, "eng" or "eng-USA" or "eng-USA-FEMALE").
public static final String EXTRA_CHECK_VOICE_DATA_FOR = "checkVoiceDataFor";
// extras for a TTS engine's data installation
* Extra information received with the {@link #ACTION_TTS_DATA_INSTALLED} intent.
* It indicates whether the data files for the synthesis engine were successfully
* installed. The installation was initiated with the {@link #ACTION_INSTALL_TTS_DATA}
* intent. The possible values for this extra are
* {@link TextToSpeech#SUCCESS} and {@link TextToSpeech#ERROR}.
public static final String EXTRA_TTS_DATA_INSTALLED = "dataInstalled";
// keys for the parameters passed with speak commands. Hidden keys are used internally
// to maintain engine state for each TextToSpeech instance.
* @hide
public static final String KEY_PARAM_RATE = "rate";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_PARAM_LANGUAGE = "language";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_PARAM_COUNTRY = "country";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_PARAM_VARIANT = "variant";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_PARAM_ENGINE = "engine";
* @hide
public static final String KEY_PARAM_PITCH = "pitch";
* Parameter key to specify the audio stream type to be used when speaking text
* or playing back a file. The value should be one of the STREAM_ constants
* defined in {@link AudioManager}.
* @see TextToSpeech#speak(String, int, HashMap)
* @see TextToSpeech#playEarcon(String, int, HashMap)
public static final String KEY_PARAM_STREAM = "streamType";
* Parameter key to identify an utterance in the
* {@link TextToSpeech.OnUtteranceCompletedListener} after text has been
* spoken, a file has been played back or a silence duration has elapsed.
* @see TextToSpeech#speak(String, int, HashMap)
* @see TextToSpeech#playEarcon(String, int, HashMap)
* @see TextToSpeech#synthesizeToFile(String, HashMap, String)
public static final String KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID = "utteranceId";
* Parameter key to specify the speech volume relative to the current stream type
* volume used when speaking text. Volume is specified as a float ranging from 0 to 1
* where 0 is silence, and 1 is the maximum volume (the default behavior).
* @see TextToSpeech#speak(String, int, HashMap)
* @see TextToSpeech#playEarcon(String, int, HashMap)
public static final String KEY_PARAM_VOLUME = "volume";
* Parameter key to specify how the speech is panned from left to right when speaking text.
* Pan is specified as a float ranging from -1 to +1 where -1 maps to a hard-left pan,
* 0 to center (the default behavior), and +1 to hard-right.
* @see TextToSpeech#speak(String, int, HashMap)
* @see TextToSpeech#playEarcon(String, int, HashMap)
public static final String KEY_PARAM_PAN = "pan";
* Feature key for network synthesis. See {@link TextToSpeech#getFeatures(Locale)}
* for a description of how feature keys work. If set (and supported by the engine
* as per {@link TextToSpeech#getFeatures(Locale)}, the engine must
* use network based synthesis.
* @see TextToSpeech#speak(String, int, java.util.HashMap)
* @see TextToSpeech#synthesizeToFile(String, java.util.HashMap, String)
* @see TextToSpeech#getFeatures(java.util.Locale)
public static final String KEY_FEATURE_NETWORK_SYNTHESIS = "networkTts";
* Feature key for embedded synthesis. See {@link TextToSpeech#getFeatures(Locale)}
* for a description of how feature keys work. If set and supported by the engine
* as per {@link TextToSpeech#getFeatures(Locale)}, the engine must synthesize
* text on-device (without making network requests).
public static final String KEY_FEATURE_EMBEDDED_SYNTHESIS = "embeddedTts";
private final Context mContext;
private Connection mServiceConnection;
private OnInitListener mInitListener;
// Written from an unspecified application thread, read from
// a binder thread.
private volatile UtteranceProgressListener mUtteranceProgressListener;
private final Object mStartLock = new Object();
private String mRequestedEngine;
// Whether to initialize this TTS object with the default engine,
// if the requested engine is not available. Valid only if mRequestedEngine
// is not null. Used only for testing, though potentially useful API wise
// too.
private final boolean mUseFallback;
private final Map mEarcons;
private final Map mUtterances;
private final Bundle mParams = new Bundle();
private final TtsEngines mEnginesHelper;
private final String mPackageName;
private volatile String mCurrentEngine = null;
* The constructor for the TextToSpeech class, using the default TTS engine.
* This will also initialize the associated TextToSpeech engine if it isn't already running.
* @param context
* The context this instance is running in.
* @param listener
* The {@link TextToSpeech.OnInitListener} that will be called when the
* TextToSpeech engine has initialized.
public TextToSpeech(Context context, OnInitListener listener) {
this(context, listener, null);
* The constructor for the TextToSpeech class, using the given TTS engine.
* This will also initialize the associated TextToSpeech engine if it isn't already running.
* @param context
* The context this instance is running in.
* @param listener
* The {@link TextToSpeech.OnInitListener} that will be called when the
* TextToSpeech engine has initialized.
* @param engine Package name of the TTS engine to use.
public TextToSpeech(Context context, OnInitListener listener, String engine) {
this(context, listener, engine, null, true);
* Used by the framework to instantiate TextToSpeech objects with a supplied
* package name, instead of using {@link android.content.Context#getPackageName()}
* @hide
public TextToSpeech(Context context, OnInitListener listener, String engine,
String packageName, boolean useFallback) {
mContext = context;
mInitListener = listener;
mRequestedEngine = engine;
mUseFallback = useFallback;
mEarcons = new HashMap();
mUtterances = new HashMap();
mUtteranceProgressListener = null;
mEnginesHelper = new TtsEngines(mContext);
if (packageName != null) {
mPackageName = packageName;
} else {
mPackageName = mContext.getPackageName();
private R runActionNoReconnect(Action action, R errorResult, String method) {
return runAction(action, errorResult, method, false);
private R runAction(Action action, R errorResult, String method) {
return runAction(action, errorResult, method, true);
private R runAction(Action action, R errorResult, String method, boolean reconnect) {
synchronized (mStartLock) {
if (mServiceConnection == null) {
Log.w(TAG, method + " failed: not bound to TTS engine");
return errorResult;
return mServiceConnection.runAction(action, errorResult, method, reconnect);
private int initTts() {
// Step 1: Try connecting to the engine that was requested.
if (mRequestedEngine != null) {
if (mEnginesHelper.isEngineInstalled(mRequestedEngine)) {
if (connectToEngine(mRequestedEngine)) {
mCurrentEngine = mRequestedEngine;
return SUCCESS;
} else if (!mUseFallback) {
mCurrentEngine = null;
return ERROR;
} else if (!mUseFallback) {
Log.i(TAG, "Requested engine not installed: " + mRequestedEngine);
mCurrentEngine = null;
return ERROR;
// Step 2: Try connecting to the user's default engine.
final String defaultEngine = getDefaultEngine();
if (defaultEngine != null && !defaultEngine.equals(mRequestedEngine)) {
if (connectToEngine(defaultEngine)) {
mCurrentEngine = defaultEngine;
return SUCCESS;
// Step 3: Try connecting to the highest ranked engine in the
// system.
final String highestRanked = mEnginesHelper.getHighestRankedEngineName();
if (highestRanked != null && !highestRanked.equals(mRequestedEngine) &&
!highestRanked.equals(defaultEngine)) {
if (connectToEngine(highestRanked)) {
mCurrentEngine = highestRanked;
return SUCCESS;
// NOTE: The API currently does not allow the caller to query whether
// they are actually connected to any engine. This might fail for various
// reasons like if the user disables all her TTS engines.
mCurrentEngine = null;
return ERROR;
private boolean connectToEngine(String engine) {
Connection connection = new Connection();
Intent intent = new Intent(Engine.INTENT_ACTION_TTS_SERVICE);
boolean bound = mContext.bindService(intent, connection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
if (!bound) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to bind to " + engine);
return false;
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "Sucessfully bound to " + engine);
return true;
private void dispatchOnInit(int result) {
synchronized (mStartLock) {
if (mInitListener != null) {
mInitListener = null;
private IBinder getCallerIdentity() {
return mServiceConnection.getCallerIdentity();
* Releases the resources used by the TextToSpeech engine.
* It is good practice for instance to call this method in the onDestroy() method of an Activity
* so the TextToSpeech engine can be cleanly stopped.
public void shutdown() {
runActionNoReconnect(new Action() {
public Void run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
service.setCallback(getCallerIdentity(), null);
// Context#unbindService does not result in a call to
// ServiceConnection#onServiceDisconnected. As a result, the
// service ends up being destroyed (if there are no other open
// connections to it) but the process lives on and the
// ServiceConnection continues to refer to the destroyed service.
// This leads to tons of log spam about SynthThread being dead.
mServiceConnection = null;
mCurrentEngine = null;
return null;
}, null, "shutdown");
* Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound resource in a
* package. After a call to this method, subsequent calls to
* {@link #speak(String, int, HashMap)} will play the specified sound resource
* if it is available, or synthesize the text it is missing.
* @param text
* The string of text. Example: "south_south_east"
* @param packagename
* Pass the packagename of the application that contains the
* resource. If the resource is in your own application (this is
* the most common case), then put the packagename of your
* application here.
* Example: "com.google.marvin.compass"
* The packagename can be found in the AndroidManifest.xml of
* your application.
* <manifest xmlns:android="..."
* package="com.google.marvin.compass">
* @param resourceId
* Example: R.raw.south_south_east
* @return Code indicating success or failure. See {@link #ERROR} and {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int addSpeech(String text, String packagename, int resourceId) {
synchronized (mStartLock) {
mUtterances.put(text, makeResourceUri(packagename, resourceId));
return SUCCESS;
* Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound file. Using this, it
* is possible to add custom pronounciations for a string of text.
* After a call to this method, subsequent calls to {@link #speak(String, int, HashMap)}
* will play the specified sound resource if it is available, or synthesize the text it is
* missing.
* @param text
* The string of text. Example: "south_south_east"
* @param filename
* The full path to the sound file (for example:
* "/sdcard/mysounds/hello.wav")
* @return Code indicating success or failure. See {@link #ERROR} and {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int addSpeech(String text, String filename) {
synchronized (mStartLock) {
mUtterances.put(text, Uri.parse(filename));
return SUCCESS;
* Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound resource in a
* package. Use this to add custom earcons.
* @see #playEarcon(String, int, HashMap)
* @param earcon The name of the earcon.
* Example: "[tick]"
* @param packagename
* the package name of the application that contains the
* resource. This can for instance be the package name of your own application.
* Example: "com.google.marvin.compass"
* The package name can be found in the AndroidManifest.xml of
* the application containing the resource.
* <manifest xmlns:android="..."
* package="com.google.marvin.compass">
* @param resourceId
* Example: R.raw.tick_snd
* @return Code indicating success or failure. See {@link #ERROR} and {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int addEarcon(String earcon, String packagename, int resourceId) {
synchronized(mStartLock) {
mEarcons.put(earcon, makeResourceUri(packagename, resourceId));
return SUCCESS;
* Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound file.
* Use this to add custom earcons.
* @see #playEarcon(String, int, HashMap)
* @param earcon
* The name of the earcon.
* Example: "[tick]"
* @param filename
* The full path to the sound file (for example:
* "/sdcard/mysounds/tick.wav")
* @return Code indicating success or failure. See {@link #ERROR} and {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int addEarcon(String earcon, String filename) {
synchronized(mStartLock) {
mEarcons.put(earcon, Uri.parse(filename));
return SUCCESS;
private Uri makeResourceUri(String packageName, int resourceId) {
return new Uri.Builder()
* Speaks the string using the specified queuing strategy and speech
* parameters.
* @param text The string of text to be spoken.
* @param queueMode The queuing strategy to use, {@link #QUEUE_ADD} or {@link #QUEUE_FLUSH}.
* @param params Parameters for the request. Can be null.
* Supported parameter names:
* {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_STREAM},
* {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID},
* {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_VOLUME},
* {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_PAN}.
* Engine specific parameters may be passed in but the parameter keys
* must be prefixed by the name of the engine they are intended for. For example
* the keys "com.svox.pico_foo" and "com.svox.pico:bar" will be passed to the
* engine named "com.svox.pico" if it is being used.
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int speak(final String text, final int queueMode, final HashMap params) {
return runAction(new Action() {
public Integer run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
Uri utteranceUri = mUtterances.get(text);
if (utteranceUri != null) {
return service.playAudio(getCallerIdentity(), utteranceUri, queueMode,
} else {
return service.speak(getCallerIdentity(), text, queueMode, getParams(params));
}, ERROR, "speak");
* Plays the earcon using the specified queueing mode and parameters.
* The earcon must already have been added with {@link #addEarcon(String, String)} or
* {@link #addEarcon(String, String, int)}.
* @param earcon The earcon that should be played
* @param queueMode {@link #QUEUE_ADD} or {@link #QUEUE_FLUSH}.
* @param params Parameters for the request. Can be null.
* Supported parameter names:
* {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_STREAM},
* {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID}.
* Engine specific parameters may be passed in but the parameter keys
* must be prefixed by the name of the engine they are intended for. For example
* the keys "com.svox.pico_foo" and "com.svox.pico:bar" will be passed to the
* engine named "com.svox.pico" if it is being used.
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int playEarcon(final String earcon, final int queueMode,
final HashMap params) {
return runAction(new Action() {
public Integer run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
Uri earconUri = mEarcons.get(earcon);
if (earconUri == null) {
return ERROR;
return service.playAudio(getCallerIdentity(), earconUri, queueMode,
}, ERROR, "playEarcon");
* Plays silence for the specified amount of time using the specified
* queue mode.
* @param durationInMs The duration of the silence.
* @param queueMode {@link #QUEUE_ADD} or {@link #QUEUE_FLUSH}.
* @param params Parameters for the request. Can be null.
* Supported parameter names:
* {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID}.
* Engine specific parameters may be passed in but the parameter keys
* must be prefixed by the name of the engine they are intended for. For example
* the keys "com.svox.pico_foo" and "com.svox.pico:bar" will be passed to the
* engine named "com.svox.pico" if it is being used.
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int playSilence(final long durationInMs, final int queueMode,
final HashMap params) {
return runAction(new Action() {
public Integer run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
return service.playSilence(getCallerIdentity(), durationInMs, queueMode,
}, ERROR, "playSilence");
* Queries the engine for the set of features it supports for a given locale.
* Features can either be framework defined, e.g.
* {@link TextToSpeech.Engine#KEY_FEATURE_NETWORK_SYNTHESIS} or engine specific.
* Engine specific keys must be prefixed by the name of the engine they
* are intended for. These keys can be used as parameters to
* {@link TextToSpeech#speak(String, int, java.util.HashMap)} and
* {@link TextToSpeech#synthesizeToFile(String, java.util.HashMap, String)}.
* Features are boolean flags, and their values in the synthesis parameters
* must be behave as per {@link Boolean#parseBoolean(String)}.
* @param locale The locale to query features for.
public Set getFeatures(final Locale locale) {
return runAction(new Action>() {
public Set run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
String[] features = service.getFeaturesForLanguage(
locale.getISO3Language(), locale.getISO3Country(), locale.getVariant());
if (features != null) {
final Set featureSet = new HashSet();
Collections.addAll(featureSet, features);
return featureSet;
return null;
}, null, "getFeatures");
* Checks whether the TTS engine is busy speaking. Note that a speech item is
* considered complete once it's audio data has been sent to the audio mixer, or
* written to a file. There might be a finite lag between this point, and when
* the audio hardware completes playback.
* @return {@code true} if the TTS engine is speaking.
public boolean isSpeaking() {
return runAction(new Action() {
public Boolean run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
return service.isSpeaking();
}, false, "isSpeaking");
* Interrupts the current utterance (whether played or rendered to file) and discards other
* utterances in the queue.
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int stop() {
return runAction(new Action() {
public Integer run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
return service.stop(getCallerIdentity());
}, ERROR, "stop");
* Sets the speech rate.
* This has no effect on any pre-recorded speech.
* @param speechRate Speech rate. {@code 1.0} is the normal speech rate,
* lower values slow down the speech ({@code 0.5} is half the normal speech rate),
* greater values accelerate it ({@code 2.0} is twice the normal speech rate).
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int setSpeechRate(float speechRate) {
if (speechRate > 0.0f) {
int intRate = (int)(speechRate * 100);
if (intRate > 0) {
synchronized (mStartLock) {
mParams.putInt(Engine.KEY_PARAM_RATE, intRate);
return SUCCESS;
return ERROR;
* Sets the speech pitch for the TextToSpeech engine.
* This has no effect on any pre-recorded speech.
* @param pitch Speech pitch. {@code 1.0} is the normal pitch,
* lower values lower the tone of the synthesized voice,
* greater values increase it.
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int setPitch(float pitch) {
if (pitch > 0.0f) {
int intPitch = (int)(pitch * 100);
if (intPitch > 0) {
synchronized (mStartLock) {
mParams.putInt(Engine.KEY_PARAM_PITCH, intPitch);
return SUCCESS;
return ERROR;
* @return the engine currently in use by this TextToSpeech instance.
* @hide
public String getCurrentEngine() {
return mCurrentEngine;
* Sets the text-to-speech language.
* The TTS engine will try to use the closest match to the specified
* language as represented by the Locale, but there is no guarantee that the exact same Locale
* will be used. Use {@link #isLanguageAvailable(Locale)} to check the level of support
* before choosing the language to use for the next utterances.
* @param loc The locale describing the language to be used.
* @return Code indicating the support status for the locale. See {@link #LANG_AVAILABLE},
public int setLanguage(final Locale loc) {
return runAction(new Action() {
public Integer run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
if (loc == null) {
String language = loc.getISO3Language();
String country = loc.getISO3Country();
String variant = loc.getVariant();
// Check if the language, country, variant are available, and cache
// the available parts.
// Note that the language is not actually set here, instead it is cached so it
// will be associated with all upcoming utterances.
int result = service.loadLanguage(language, country, variant);
if (result >= LANG_AVAILABLE){
variant = "";
country = "";
mParams.putString(Engine.KEY_PARAM_LANGUAGE, language);
mParams.putString(Engine.KEY_PARAM_COUNTRY, country);
mParams.putString(Engine.KEY_PARAM_VARIANT, variant);
return result;
}, LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED, "setLanguage");
* Returns a Locale instance describing the language currently being used by the TextToSpeech
* engine.
* @return language, country (if any) and variant (if any) used by the engine stored in a Locale
* instance, or {@code null} on error.
public Locale getLanguage() {
return runAction(new Action() {
public Locale run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
String[] locStrings = service.getLanguage();
if (locStrings != null && locStrings.length == 3) {
return new Locale(locStrings[0], locStrings[1], locStrings[2]);
return null;
}, null, "getLanguage");
* Checks if the specified language as represented by the Locale is available and supported.
* @param loc The Locale describing the language to be used.
* @return Code indicating the support status for the locale. See {@link #LANG_AVAILABLE},
public int isLanguageAvailable(final Locale loc) {
return runAction(new Action() {
public Integer run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
return service.isLanguageAvailable(loc.getISO3Language(),
loc.getISO3Country(), loc.getVariant());
}, LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED, "isLanguageAvailable");
* Synthesizes the given text to a file using the specified parameters.
* @param text The text that should be synthesized
* @param params Parameters for the request. Can be null.
* Supported parameter names:
* {@link Engine#KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID}.
* Engine specific parameters may be passed in but the parameter keys
* must be prefixed by the name of the engine they are intended for. For example
* the keys "com.svox.pico_foo" and "com.svox.pico:bar" will be passed to the
* engine named "com.svox.pico" if it is being used.
* @param filename Absolute file filename to write the generated audio data to.It should be
* something like "/sdcard/myappsounds/mysound.wav".
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int synthesizeToFile(final String text, final HashMap params,
final String filename) {
return runAction(new Action() {
public Integer run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
return service.synthesizeToFile(getCallerIdentity(), text, filename,
}, ERROR, "synthesizeToFile");
private Bundle getParams(HashMap params) {
if (params != null && !params.isEmpty()) {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle(mParams);
copyIntParam(bundle, params, Engine.KEY_PARAM_STREAM);
copyStringParam(bundle, params, Engine.KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID);
copyFloatParam(bundle, params, Engine.KEY_PARAM_VOLUME);
copyFloatParam(bundle, params, Engine.KEY_PARAM_PAN);
// Copy feature strings defined by the framework.
copyStringParam(bundle, params, Engine.KEY_FEATURE_NETWORK_SYNTHESIS);
copyStringParam(bundle, params, Engine.KEY_FEATURE_EMBEDDED_SYNTHESIS);
// Copy over all parameters that start with the name of the
// engine that we are currently connected to. The engine is
// free to interpret them as it chooses.
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mCurrentEngine)) {
for (Map.Entry entry : params.entrySet()) {
final String key = entry.getKey();
if (key != null && key.startsWith(mCurrentEngine)) {
bundle.putString(key, entry.getValue());
return bundle;
} else {
return mParams;
private void copyStringParam(Bundle bundle, HashMap params, String key) {
String value = params.get(key);
if (value != null) {
bundle.putString(key, value);
private void copyIntParam(Bundle bundle, HashMap params, String key) {
String valueString = params.get(key);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(valueString)) {
try {
int value = Integer.parseInt(valueString);
bundle.putInt(key, value);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
// don't set the value in the bundle
private void copyFloatParam(Bundle bundle, HashMap params, String key) {
String valueString = params.get(key);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(valueString)) {
try {
float value = Float.parseFloat(valueString);
bundle.putFloat(key, value);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
// don't set the value in the bundle
* Sets the listener that will be notified when synthesis of an utterance completes.
* @param listener The listener to use.
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}.
* @deprecated Use {@link #setOnUtteranceProgressListener(UtteranceProgressListener)}
* instead.
public int setOnUtteranceCompletedListener(final OnUtteranceCompletedListener listener) {
mUtteranceProgressListener = UtteranceProgressListener.from(listener);
return TextToSpeech.SUCCESS;
* Sets the listener that will be notified of various events related to the
* synthesis of a given utterance.
* See {@link UtteranceProgressListener} and
* {@link TextToSpeech.Engine#KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID}.
* @param listener the listener to use.
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}
public int setOnUtteranceProgressListener(UtteranceProgressListener listener) {
mUtteranceProgressListener = listener;
return TextToSpeech.SUCCESS;
* Sets the TTS engine to use.
* @deprecated This doesn't inform callers when the TTS engine has been
* initialized. {@link #TextToSpeech(Context, OnInitListener, String)}
* can be used with the appropriate engine name. Also, there is no
* guarantee that the engine specified will be loaded. If it isn't
* installed or disabled, the user / system wide defaults will apply.
* @param enginePackageName The package name for the synthesis engine (e.g. "com.svox.pico")
* @return {@link #ERROR} or {@link #SUCCESS}.
public int setEngineByPackageName(String enginePackageName) {
mRequestedEngine = enginePackageName;
return initTts();
* Gets the package name of the default speech synthesis engine.
* @return Package name of the TTS engine that the user has chosen
* as their default.
public String getDefaultEngine() {
return mEnginesHelper.getDefaultEngine();
* Checks whether the user's settings should override settings requested
* by the calling application. As of the Ice cream sandwich release,
* user settings never forcibly override the app's settings.
public boolean areDefaultsEnforced() {
return false;
* Gets a list of all installed TTS engines.
* @return A list of engine info objects. The list can be empty, but never {@code null}.
public List getEngines() {
return mEnginesHelper.getEngines();
private class Connection implements ServiceConnection {
private ITextToSpeechService mService;
private final ITextToSpeechCallback.Stub mCallback = new ITextToSpeechCallback.Stub() {
public void onDone(String utteranceId) {
UtteranceProgressListener listener = mUtteranceProgressListener;
if (listener != null) {
public void onError(String utteranceId) {
UtteranceProgressListener listener = mUtteranceProgressListener;
if (listener != null) {
public void onStart(String utteranceId) {
UtteranceProgressListener listener = mUtteranceProgressListener;
if (listener != null) {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
Log.i(TAG, "Connected to " + name);
synchronized(mStartLock) {
if (mServiceConnection != null) {
// Disconnect any previous service connection
mServiceConnection = this;
mService = ITextToSpeechService.Stub.asInterface(service);
try {
mService.setCallback(getCallerIdentity(), mCallback);
} catch (RemoteException re) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error connecting to service, setCallback() failed");
public IBinder getCallerIdentity() {
return mCallback;
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
synchronized(mStartLock) {
mService = null;
// If this is the active connection, clear it
if (mServiceConnection == this) {
mServiceConnection = null;
public void disconnect() {
public R runAction(Action action, R errorResult, String method, boolean reconnect) {
try {
synchronized (mStartLock) {
if (mService == null) {
Log.w(TAG, method + " failed: not connected to TTS engine");
return errorResult;
return action.run(mService);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, method + " failed", ex);
if (reconnect) {
return errorResult;
private interface Action {
R run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException;
* Information about an installed text-to-speech engine.
* @see TextToSpeech#getEngines
public static class EngineInfo {
* Engine package name..
public String name;
* Localized label for the engine.
public String label;
* Icon for the engine.
public int icon;
* Whether this engine is a part of the system
* image.
* @hide
public boolean system;
* The priority the engine declares for the the intent filter
* {@code android.intent.action.TTS_SERVICE}
* @hide
public int priority;
public String toString() {
return "EngineInfo{name=" + name + "}";