/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.calendar.event; import com.android.calendar.AbstractCalendarActivity; import com.android.calendar.AsyncQueryService; import com.android.calendar.CalendarEventModel; import com.android.calendar.CalendarEventModel.ReminderEntry; import com.android.calendar.R; import com.android.common.Rfc822Validator; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentProviderResult; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.MatrixCursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.provider.CalendarContract.Attendees; import android.provider.CalendarContract.Events; import android.provider.CalendarContract.Reminders; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.mock.MockResources; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.Smoke; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.text.format.Time; import android.text.util.Rfc822Token; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.TimeZone; public class EditEventHelperTest extends AndroidTestCase { private static final int TEST_EVENT_ID = 1; private static final int TEST_EVENT_INDEX_ID = 0; private static final long TEST_END = 1272931200000L; private static long TEST_END2 = 1272956400000L; private static final long TEST_START = 1272844800000L; private static long TEST_START2 = 1272870000000L; private static final String LOCAL_TZ = TimeZone.getDefault().getID(); private static final int SAVE_EVENT_NEW_EVENT = 1; private static final int SAVE_EVENT_MOD_RECUR = 2; private static final int SAVE_EVENT_RECUR_TO_NORECUR = 3; private static final int SAVE_EVENT_NORECUR_TO_RECUR= 4; private static final int SAVE_EVENT_MOD_NORECUR = 5; private static final int SAVE_EVENT_MOD_INSTANCE = 6; private static final int SAVE_EVENT_ALLFOLLOW_TO_NORECUR = 7; private static final int SAVE_EVENT_FIRST_TO_NORECUR = 8; private static final int SAVE_EVENT_FIRST_TO_RECUR = 9; private static final int SAVE_EVENT_ALLFOLLOW_TO_RECUR = 10; private static String[] TEST_CURSOR_DATA = new String[] { Integer.toString(TEST_EVENT_ID), // 0 _id "The Question", // 1 title "Evaluating Life, the Universe, and Everything",// 2 description "Earth Mk2", // 3 location "1", // 4 All Day "0", // 5 Has alarm "2", // 6 Calendar id "1272844800000", // 7 dtstart, Monday, May 3rd midnight UTC "1272931200000", // 8 dtend, Tuesday, May 4th midnight UTC "P3652421990D", // 9 duration, (10 million years) "UTC", // 10 event timezone "FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU", // 11 rrule "unique per calendar stuff", // 12 sync id "0", // 13 transparency "3", // 14 visibility "steve@gmail.com", // 15 owner account "1", // 16 has attendee data null, //17 originalEvent }; // These should match up with EditEventHelper.EVENT_PROJECTION private static final String AUTHORITY_URI = "content://EditEventHelperAuthority/"; private static final String AUTHORITY = "EditEventHelperAuthority"; private static final String TEST_ADDRESSES = "no good, ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + "one.two.three@email.grue"; private static final String TEST_ADDRESSES2 = "no good, ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + "different@email.bit"; private static final String TAG = "EEHTest"; private CalendarEventModel mModel1; private CalendarEventModel mModel2; private ContentValues mValues; private ContentValues mExpectedValues; private EditEventHelper mHelper; private AbstractCalendarActivity mActivity; private int mCurrentSaveTest = 0; @Override public void setUp() { Time time = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); time.set(TEST_START); time.timezone = LOCAL_TZ; TEST_START2 = time.normalize(true); time.timezone = Time.TIMEZONE_UTC; time.set(TEST_END); time.timezone = LOCAL_TZ; TEST_END2 = time.normalize(true); } private class MockAbsCalendarActivity extends AbstractCalendarActivity { @Override public AsyncQueryService getAsyncQueryService() { if (mService == null) { mService = new AsyncQueryService(this) { @Override public void startBatch(int token, Object cookie, String authority, ArrayList cpo, long delayMillis) { mockApplyBatch(authority, cpo); } }; } return mService; } @Override public Resources getResources() { Resources res = new MockResources() { @Override // The actual selects singular vs plural as well and in the given language public String getQuantityString(int id, int quantity) { if (id == R.plurals.Nmins) { return quantity + " mins"; } if (id == R.plurals.Nminutes) { return quantity + " minutes"; } if (id == R.plurals.Nhours) { return quantity + " hours"; } if (id == R.plurals.Ndays) { return quantity + " days"; } return id + " " + quantity; } }; return res; } } private AbstractCalendarActivity buildTestContext() { MockAbsCalendarActivity context = new MockAbsCalendarActivity(); return context; } private ContentProviderResult[] mockApplyBatch(String authority, ArrayList operations) { switch (mCurrentSaveTest) { case SAVE_EVENT_NEW_EVENT: // new recurring event verifySaveEventNewEvent(operations); break; case SAVE_EVENT_MOD_RECUR: // update to recurring event verifySaveEventModifyRecurring(operations); break; case SAVE_EVENT_RECUR_TO_NORECUR: // replace recurring event with non-recurring event verifySaveEventRecurringToNonRecurring(operations); break; case SAVE_EVENT_NORECUR_TO_RECUR: // update non-recurring event with recurring event verifySaveEventNonRecurringToRecurring(operations); break; case SAVE_EVENT_MOD_NORECUR: // update to non-recurring verifySaveEventUpdateNonRecurring(operations); break; case SAVE_EVENT_MOD_INSTANCE: // update to single instance of recurring event verifySaveEventModifySingleInstance(operations); break; case SAVE_EVENT_ALLFOLLOW_TO_NORECUR: // update all following with non-recurring event verifySaveEventModifyAllFollowingWithNonRecurring(operations); break; case SAVE_EVENT_FIRST_TO_NORECUR: // update all following with non-recurring event on first event in series verifySaveEventModifyAllFollowingFirstWithNonRecurring(operations); break; case SAVE_EVENT_FIRST_TO_RECUR: // update all following with recurring event on first event in series verifySaveEventModifyAllFollowingFirstWithRecurring(operations); break; case SAVE_EVENT_ALLFOLLOW_TO_RECUR: // update all following with recurring event on second event in series verifySaveEventModifyAllFollowingWithRecurring(operations); break; } return new ContentProviderResult[] {new ContentProviderResult(5)}; } private void addOwnerAttendeeToOps(ArrayList expectedOps, int id) { addOwnerAttendee(); ContentProviderOperation.Builder b; b = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Attendees.CONTENT_URI).withValues(mExpectedValues); b.withValueBackReference(Reminders.EVENT_ID, id); expectedOps.add(b.build()); } // Some tests set the time values to one day later, this does that move in the values private void moveExpectedTimeValuesForwardOneDay() { long dayInMs = EditEventHelper.DAY_IN_SECONDS*1000; mExpectedValues.put(Events.DTSTART, TEST_START + dayInMs); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DTEND, TEST_END + dayInMs); } // Duplicates the delete and add for changing a single email address private void addAttendeeChangesOps(ArrayList expectedOps) { ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(Attendees.CONTENT_URI); b.withSelection(EditEventHelper.ATTENDEES_DELETE_PREFIX + "?)", new String[] {"one.two.three@email.grue"}); expectedOps.add(b.build()); mExpectedValues.clear(); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_NAME, (String)null); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_EMAIL, "different@email.bit"); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ATTENDEE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_NONE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_NONE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.EVENT_ID, TEST_EVENT_ID); b = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Attendees.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues); expectedOps.add(b.build()); } // This is a commonly added set of values private void addOwnerAttendee() { mExpectedValues.clear(); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_EMAIL, mModel1.mOwnerAccount); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ORGANIZER); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_NONE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_ACCEPTED); } /** Some tests add all the attendees to the db, the names and emails should match * with {@link #TEST_ADDRESSES2} minus the 'no good' */ private void addTestAttendees(ArrayList ops, boolean newEvent, int id) { ContentProviderOperation.Builder b; mExpectedValues.clear(); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_NAME, (String)null); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_EMAIL, "ad1@email.com"); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ATTENDEE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_NONE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_NONE); if (newEvent) { b = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Attendees.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues); b.withValueBackReference(Attendees.EVENT_ID, id); } else { mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.EVENT_ID, id); b = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Attendees.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues); } ops.add(b.build()); mExpectedValues.clear(); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_NAME, "First Last"); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_EMAIL, "first@email.com"); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ATTENDEE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_NONE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_NONE); if (newEvent) { b = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Attendees.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues); b.withValueBackReference(Attendees.EVENT_ID, id); } else { mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.EVENT_ID, id); b = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Attendees.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues); } ops.add(b.build()); mExpectedValues.clear(); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_NAME, (String)null); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_EMAIL, "different@email.bit"); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ATTENDEE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_NONE); mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_NONE); if (newEvent) { b = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Attendees.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues); b.withValueBackReference(Attendees.EVENT_ID, id); } else { mExpectedValues.put(Attendees.EVENT_ID, id); b = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Attendees.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues); } ops.add(b.build()); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventFailures() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // saveEvent should return false early if: // -it was set to not ok // -the model was null // -the event doesn't represent the same event as the original event // -there's a uri but an original event is not provided mHelper.mEventOk = false; assertFalse(mHelper.saveEvent(null, null, 0)); mHelper.mEventOk = true; assertFalse(mHelper.saveEvent(null, null, 0)); mModel2.mId = 13; assertFalse(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, 0)); mModel2.mId = mModel1.mId; mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); mModel2.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); assertFalse(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, null, 0)); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventNewEvent() { // Creates a model of a new event for saving mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_NEW_EVENT; assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, null, 0)); } private boolean verifySaveEventNewEvent(ArrayList ops) { ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); int br_id = 0; mExpectedValues = buildTestValues(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, 0); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ATTENDEE_DATA, 1); ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Events.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues); expectedOps.add(b.build()); // This call has a separate unit test so we'll use it to simplify making the expected vals mHelper.saveRemindersWithBackRef(expectedOps, br_id, mModel1.mReminders, new ArrayList(), true); addOwnerAttendeeToOps(expectedOps, br_id); addTestAttendees(expectedOps, true, br_id); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); return true; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventModifyRecurring() { // Creates an original and an updated recurring event model mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; // Updating a recurring event with a new attendee list mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); // And a new start time to ensure the time fields aren't removed mModel1.mOriginalStart = TEST_START; // The original model is assumed correct so drop the no good bit // mModel2.mAttendees = "ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + // "one.two.three@email.grue"; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_MOD_RECUR; assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL)); } private boolean verifySaveEventModifyRecurring(ArrayList ops) { ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); int br_id = 0; mExpectedValues = buildTestValues(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, 0); // This is tested elsewhere, used for convenience here mHelper.checkTimeDependentFields(mModel2, mModel1, mExpectedValues, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL); expectedOps.add(ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(Uri.parse(mModel1.mUri)).withValues( mExpectedValues).build()); // This call has a separate unit test so we'll use it to simplify making the expected vals mHelper.saveReminders(expectedOps, TEST_EVENT_ID, mModel1.mReminders, mModel2.mReminders, false); addAttendeeChangesOps(expectedOps); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); return true; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventRecurringToNonRecurring() { // Creates an original and an updated recurring event model mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; // Updating a recurring event with a new attendee list mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); // And a new start time to ensure the time fields aren't removed mModel1.mOriginalStart = TEST_START; // The original model is assumed correct so drop the no good bit // mModel2.mAttendees = "ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + // "one.two.three@email.grue"; // Replace an existing recurring event with a non-recurring event mModel1.mRrule = null; mModel1.mEnd = TEST_END; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_RECUR_TO_NORECUR; assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL)); } private boolean verifySaveEventRecurringToNonRecurring(ArrayList ops) { ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); int id = 0; mExpectedValues = buildNonRecurringTestValues(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, 0); // This is tested elsewhere, used for convenience here mHelper.checkTimeDependentFields(mModel1, mModel1, mExpectedValues, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL); expectedOps.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(Uri.parse(mModel1.mUri)).build()); id = expectedOps.size(); expectedOps.add(ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Events.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues) .build()); mHelper.saveRemindersWithBackRef(expectedOps, id, mModel1.mReminders, mModel2.mReminders, true); addOwnerAttendeeToOps(expectedOps, id); addTestAttendees(expectedOps, true, id); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); return true; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventNonRecurringToRecurring() { // Creates an original non-recurring and an updated recurring event model mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; // Updating a recurring event with a new attendee list mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); // And a new start time to ensure the time fields aren't removed mModel1.mOriginalStart = TEST_START; // The original model is assumed correct so drop the no good bit // mModel2.mAttendees = "ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + // "one.two.three@email.grue"; mModel2.mRrule = null; mModel2.mEnd = TEST_END; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_NORECUR_TO_RECUR; assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL)); } private boolean verifySaveEventNonRecurringToRecurring(ArrayList ops) { // Changing a non-recurring event to a recurring event should generate the same operations // as just modifying a recurring event. return verifySaveEventModifyRecurring(ops); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventUpdateNonRecurring() { // Creates an original non-recurring and an updated recurring event model mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; // Updating a recurring event with a new attendee list mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); // And a new start time to ensure the time fields aren't removed mModel1.mOriginalStart = TEST_START; // The original model is assumed correct so drop the no good bit // mModel2.mAttendees = "ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + // "one.two.three@email.grue"; mModel2.mRrule = null; mModel2.mEnd = TEST_END2; mModel1.mRrule = null; mModel1.mEnd = TEST_END2; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_MOD_NORECUR; assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL)); } private boolean verifySaveEventUpdateNonRecurring(ArrayList ops) { ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); int id = TEST_EVENT_ID; mExpectedValues = buildNonRecurringTestValues(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, 0); // This is tested elsewhere, used for convenience here mHelper.checkTimeDependentFields(mModel1, mModel1, mExpectedValues, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL); expectedOps.add(ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(Uri.parse(mModel1.mUri)).withValues( mExpectedValues).build()); // This call has a separate unit test so we'll use it to simplify making the expected vals mHelper.saveReminders(expectedOps, TEST_EVENT_ID, mModel1.mReminders, mModel2.mReminders, false); addAttendeeChangesOps(expectedOps); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); return true; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventModifySingleInstance() { // Creates an original non-recurring and an updated recurring event model mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); // And a new start time to ensure the time fields aren't removed mModel1.mOriginalStart = TEST_START; // The original model is assumed correct so drop the no good bit // mModel2.mAttendees = "ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + // "one.two.three@email.grue"; // Modify the second instance of the event long dayInMs = EditEventHelper.DAY_IN_SECONDS*1000; mModel1.mRrule = null; mModel1.mEnd = TEST_END + dayInMs; mModel1.mStart += dayInMs; mModel1.mOriginalStart = mModel1.mStart; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_MOD_INSTANCE; // Only modify this instance assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_SELECTED)); } private boolean verifySaveEventModifySingleInstance(ArrayList ops) { ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); int id = 0; mExpectedValues = buildNonRecurringTestValues(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, 0); // This is tested elsewhere, used for convenience here mHelper.checkTimeDependentFields(mModel1, mModel1, mExpectedValues, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL); moveExpectedTimeValuesForwardOneDay(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.ORIGINAL_SYNC_ID, mModel2.mSyncId); mExpectedValues.put(Events.ORIGINAL_INSTANCE_TIME, mModel1.mOriginalStart); mExpectedValues.put(Events.ORIGINAL_ALL_DAY, 1); ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Events.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues); expectedOps.add(b.build()); mHelper.saveRemindersWithBackRef(expectedOps, id, mModel1.mReminders, mModel2.mReminders, true); addOwnerAttendeeToOps(expectedOps, id); addTestAttendees(expectedOps, true, id); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); return true; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventModifyAllFollowingWithNonRecurring() { // Creates an original and an updated recurring event model. The update starts on the 2nd // instance of the original. mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); mModel2.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); // The original model is assumed correct so drop the no good bit // mModel2.mAttendees = "ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + // "one.two.three@email.grue"; // Modify the second instance of the event long dayInMs = EditEventHelper.DAY_IN_SECONDS*1000; mModel1.mRrule = null; mModel1.mEnd = TEST_END + dayInMs; mModel1.mStart += dayInMs; mModel1.mOriginalStart = mModel1.mStart; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_ALLFOLLOW_TO_NORECUR; // Only modify this instance assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL_FOLLOWING)); } private boolean verifySaveEventModifyAllFollowingWithNonRecurring( ArrayList ops) { ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); int id = 0; mExpectedValues = buildNonRecurringTestValues(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, 0); moveExpectedTimeValuesForwardOneDay(); // This has a separate test mHelper.updatePastEvents(expectedOps, mModel2, mModel1.mOriginalStart); id = expectedOps.size(); expectedOps.add(ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Events.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues) .build()); mHelper.saveRemindersWithBackRef(expectedOps, id, mModel1.mReminders, mModel2.mReminders, true); addOwnerAttendeeToOps(expectedOps, id); addTestAttendees(expectedOps, true, id); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); return true; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventModifyAllFollowingFirstWithNonRecurring() { // Creates an original recurring and an updated non-recurring event model for the first // instance. This should replace the original event with a non-recurring event. mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); mModel2.mUri = mModel1.mUri; // And a new start time to ensure the time fields aren't removed mModel1.mOriginalStart = TEST_START; // The original model is assumed correct so drop the no good bit // mModel2.mAttendees = "ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + // "one.two.three@email.grue"; // Move the event one day but keep original start set to the first instance long dayInMs = EditEventHelper.DAY_IN_SECONDS*1000; mModel1.mRrule = null; mModel1.mEnd = TEST_END + dayInMs; mModel1.mStart += dayInMs; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_FIRST_TO_NORECUR; // Only modify this instance assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL_FOLLOWING)); } private boolean verifySaveEventModifyAllFollowingFirstWithNonRecurring( ArrayList ops) { ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); int id = 0; mExpectedValues = buildNonRecurringTestValues(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, 0); moveExpectedTimeValuesForwardOneDay(); expectedOps.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(Uri.parse(mModel1.mUri)).build()); id = expectedOps.size(); expectedOps.add(ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Events.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues) .build()); mHelper.saveRemindersWithBackRef(expectedOps, id, mModel1.mReminders, mModel2.mReminders, true); addOwnerAttendeeToOps(expectedOps, id); addTestAttendees(expectedOps, true, id); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); return true; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventModifyAllFollowingFirstWithRecurring() { // Creates an original recurring and an updated recurring event model for the first instance // This should replace the original event with a new recurrence mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); mModel2.mUri = mModel1.mUri; // And a new start time to ensure the time fields aren't removed mModel1.mOriginalStart = TEST_START; // The original model is assumed correct so drop the no good bit // mModel2.mAttendees = "ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + // "one.two.three@email.grue"; // Move the event one day but keep original start set to the first instance long dayInMs = EditEventHelper.DAY_IN_SECONDS*1000; mModel1.mStart += dayInMs; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_FIRST_TO_RECUR; // Only modify this instance assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL_FOLLOWING)); } private boolean verifySaveEventModifyAllFollowingFirstWithRecurring( ArrayList ops) { ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); int br_id = 0; mExpectedValues = buildTestValues(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, 0); moveExpectedTimeValuesForwardOneDay(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DTEND, (Long)null); // This is tested elsewhere, used for convenience here mHelper.checkTimeDependentFields(mModel2, mModel1, mExpectedValues, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL_FOLLOWING); expectedOps.add(ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(Uri.parse(mModel1.mUri)).withValues( mExpectedValues).build()); // This call has a separate unit test so we'll use it to simplify making the expected vals mHelper.saveReminders(expectedOps, TEST_EVENT_ID, mModel1.mReminders, mModel2.mReminders, true); addAttendeeChangesOps(expectedOps); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); return true; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveEventModifyAllFollowingWithRecurring() { // Creates an original recurring and an updated recurring event model // for the second instance. This should end the original recurrence and add a new // recurrence. mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); // mModel1.mAttendees = TEST_ADDRESSES2; mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); mModel2.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); // The original model is assumed correct so drop the no good bit // mModel2.mAttendees = "ad1@email.com, \"First Last\" (comment), " + // "one.two.three@email.grue"; // Move the event one day and the original start so it references the second instance long dayInMs = EditEventHelper.DAY_IN_SECONDS*1000; mModel1.mStart += dayInMs; mModel1.mOriginalStart = mModel1.mStart; mCurrentSaveTest = SAVE_EVENT_ALLFOLLOW_TO_RECUR; // Only modify this instance assertTrue(mHelper.saveEvent(mModel1, mModel2, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL_FOLLOWING)); } private boolean verifySaveEventModifyAllFollowingWithRecurring( ArrayList ops) { ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); int br_id = 0; mExpectedValues = buildTestValues(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, 0); moveExpectedTimeValuesForwardOneDay(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DTEND, (Long)null); // This is tested elsewhere, used for convenience here mHelper.updatePastEvents(expectedOps, mModel2, mModel1.mOriginalStart); br_id = expectedOps.size(); expectedOps.add(ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Events.CONTENT_URI) .withValues(mExpectedValues) .build()); // This call has a separate unit test so we'll use it to simplify making the expected vals mHelper.saveRemindersWithBackRef(expectedOps, br_id, mModel1.mReminders, mModel2.mReminders, true); addOwnerAttendeeToOps(expectedOps, br_id); addTestAttendees(expectedOps, true, br_id); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); return true; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testGetAddressesFromList() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); LinkedHashSet expected = new LinkedHashSet(); expected.add(new Rfc822Token(null, "ad1@email.com", "")); expected.add(new Rfc822Token("First Last", "first@email.com", "comment")); expected.add(new Rfc822Token(null, "one.two.three@email.grue", "")); LinkedHashSet actual = mHelper.getAddressesFromList(TEST_ADDRESSES, new Rfc822Validator(null)); assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testConstructDefaultStartTime() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); long now = 0; long expected = now + 30 * DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS; assertEquals(expected, mHelper.constructDefaultStartTime(now)); // 2:00 -> 2:30 now = 1262340000000L; // Fri Jan 01 2010 02:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST) expected = now + 30 * DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS; assertEquals(expected, mHelper.constructDefaultStartTime(now)); // 2:01 -> 2:30 now += DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS; assertEquals(expected, mHelper.constructDefaultStartTime(now)); // 2:02 -> 2:30 now += DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS; assertEquals(expected, mHelper.constructDefaultStartTime(now)); // 2:32 -> 3:00 now += 30 * DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS; expected += 30 * DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS; assertEquals(expected, mHelper.constructDefaultStartTime(now)); // 2:33 -> 3:00 now += DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS; assertEquals(expected, mHelper.constructDefaultStartTime(now)); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testConstructDefaultEndTime() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); long start = 1262340000000L; long expected = start + DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS; assertEquals(expected, mHelper.constructDefaultEndTime(start)); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testCheckTimeDependentFieldsNoChanges() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); mModel2.mRrule = null; mValues = buildTestValues(); mExpectedValues = buildTestValues(); // if any time/recurrence vals are different but there's no new rrule it // shouldn't change mHelper.checkTimeDependentFields(mModel1, mModel2, mValues, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_ALL); assertEquals(mValues, mExpectedValues); // also, if vals are different and it's not modifying all it shouldn't // change. mModel2.mRrule = "something else"; mHelper.checkTimeDependentFields(mModel1, mModel2, mValues, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_SELECTED); assertEquals(mValues, mExpectedValues); // if vals changed and modify all is selected dtstart should be updated // by the difference // between originalStart and start mModel2.mOriginalStart = mModel2.mStart + 60000; // set the old time to // one minute later mModel2.mStart += 120000; // move the event another 1 minute. // shouldn't change for an allday event // expectedVals.put(Events.DTSTART, mModel1.mStart + 60000); // should // now be 1 minute later // dtstart2 shouldn't change since it gets rezeroed in the local // timezone for allDay events mHelper.checkTimeDependentFields(mModel1, mModel2, mValues, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_SELECTED); assertEquals(mValues, mExpectedValues); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testCheckTimeDependentFieldsChanges() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); mModel2.mRrule = null; mValues = buildTestValues(); mExpectedValues = buildTestValues(); // if all the time values are the same it should remove them from vals mModel2.mRrule = mModel1.mRrule; mModel2.mStart = mModel1.mStart; mModel2.mOriginalStart = mModel2.mStart; mExpectedValues.remove(Events.DTSTART); mExpectedValues.remove(Events.DTEND); mExpectedValues.remove(Events.DURATION); mExpectedValues.remove(Events.ALL_DAY); mExpectedValues.remove(Events.RRULE); mExpectedValues.remove(Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE); mHelper.checkTimeDependentFields(mModel1, mModel2, mValues, EditEventHelper.MODIFY_SELECTED); assertEquals(mValues, mExpectedValues); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testUpdatePastEvents() { ArrayList ops = new ArrayList(); ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); long initialBeginTime = 1472864400000L; // Sep 3, 2016, 12AM UTC time mValues = new ContentValues(); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); mModel1.mUri = (AUTHORITY_URI + TEST_EVENT_ID); mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mValues.put(Events.RRULE, "FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20160903;WKST=SU"); // yyyymmddThhmmssZ mValues.put(Events.DTSTART, TEST_START); ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate( Uri.parse(mModel1.mUri)).withValues(mValues); expectedOps.add(b.build()); mHelper.updatePastEvents(ops, mModel1, initialBeginTime); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); mModel1.mAllDay = false; mValues.put(Events.RRULE, "FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20160903T005959Z;WKST=SU"); // yyyymmddThhmmssZ expectedOps.clear(); b = ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate(Uri.parse(mModel1.mUri)).withValues(mValues); expectedOps.add(b.build()); ops.clear(); mHelper.updatePastEvents(ops, mModel1, initialBeginTime); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testConstructReminderLabel() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); String label = EventViewUtils.constructReminderLabel(mActivity, 35, true); assertEquals(label, "35 mins"); label = EventViewUtils.constructReminderLabel(mActivity, 72, false); assertEquals(label, "72 minutes"); label = EventViewUtils.constructReminderLabel(mActivity, 60, true); assertEquals(label, "1 hours"); label = EventViewUtils.constructReminderLabel(mActivity, 60 * 48, true); assertEquals(label, "2 days"); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testIsSameEvent() { mModel1 = new CalendarEventModel(); mModel2 = new CalendarEventModel(); mModel1.mId = 1; mModel1.mCalendarId = 1; mModel2.mId = 1; mModel2.mCalendarId = 1; // considered the same if the event and calendar ids both match assertTrue(EditEventHelper.isSameEvent(mModel1, mModel2)); mModel2.mId = 2; assertFalse(EditEventHelper.isSameEvent(mModel1, mModel2)); mModel2.mId = 1; mModel2.mCalendarId = 2; assertFalse(EditEventHelper.isSameEvent(mModel1, mModel2)); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveReminders() { ArrayList ops = new ArrayList(); ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); long eventId = TEST_EVENT_ID; ArrayList reminders = new ArrayList(); ArrayList originalReminders = new ArrayList(); boolean forceSave = true; boolean result; mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); assertNotNull(mHelper); // First test forcing a delete with no reminders. String where = Reminders.EVENT_ID + "=?"; String[] args = new String[] {Long.toString(eventId)}; ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(Reminders.CONTENT_URI); b.withSelection(where, args); expectedOps.add(b.build()); result = mHelper.saveReminders(ops, eventId, reminders, originalReminders, forceSave); assertTrue(result); assertEquals(expectedOps, ops); // Now test calling save with identical reminders and no forcing reminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(5)); reminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(10)); reminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(15)); originalReminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(5)); originalReminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(10)); originalReminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(15)); forceSave = false; ops.clear(); // Should fail to create any ops since nothing changed result = mHelper.saveReminders(ops, eventId, reminders, originalReminders, forceSave); assertFalse(result); assertEquals(ops.size(), 0); //Now test adding a single reminder originalReminders.remove(2); addExpectedMinutes(expectedOps); result = mHelper.saveReminders(ops, eventId, reminders, originalReminders, forceSave); assertTrue(result); assertEquals(expectedOps, ops); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSaveRemindersWithBackRef() { ArrayList ops = new ArrayList(); ArrayList expectedOps = new ArrayList(); long eventId = TEST_EVENT_ID; ArrayList reminders = new ArrayList(); ArrayList originalReminders = new ArrayList(); boolean forceSave = true; boolean result; mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); assertNotNull(mHelper); // First test forcing a delete with no reminders. ContentProviderOperation.Builder b = ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(Reminders.CONTENT_URI); b.withSelection(Reminders.EVENT_ID + "=?", new String[1]); b.withSelectionBackReference(0, TEST_EVENT_INDEX_ID); expectedOps.add(b.build()); result = mHelper.saveRemindersWithBackRef(ops, TEST_EVENT_INDEX_ID, reminders, originalReminders, forceSave); assertTrue(result); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); // Now test calling save with identical reminders and no forcing reminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(5)); reminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(10)); reminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(15)); originalReminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(5)); originalReminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(10)); originalReminders.add(ReminderEntry.valueOf(15)); forceSave = false; ops.clear(); result = mHelper.saveRemindersWithBackRef(ops, ops.size(), reminders, originalReminders, forceSave); assertFalse(result); assertEquals(ops.size(), 0); //Now test adding a single reminder originalReminders.remove(2); addExpectedMinutesWithBackRef(expectedOps); result = mHelper.saveRemindersWithBackRef(ops, ops.size(), reminders, originalReminders, forceSave); assertTrue(result); assertEquals(ops, expectedOps); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testIsFirstEventInSeries() { mModel1 = new CalendarEventModel(); mModel2 = new CalendarEventModel(); // It's considered the first event if the original start of the new model matches the // start of the old model mModel1.mOriginalStart = 100; mModel1.mStart = 200; mModel2.mOriginalStart = 100; mModel2.mStart = 100; assertTrue(EditEventHelper.isFirstEventInSeries(mModel1, mModel2)); mModel1.mOriginalStart = 80; assertFalse(EditEventHelper.isFirstEventInSeries(mModel1, mModel2)); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testAddRecurrenceRule() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mValues = new ContentValues(); mExpectedValues = new ContentValues(); mModel1 = new CalendarEventModel(); mExpectedValues.put(Events.RRULE, "Weekly, Monday"); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DURATION, "P60S"); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DTEND, (Long) null); mModel1.mRrule = "Weekly, Monday"; mModel1.mStart = 1; mModel1.mEnd = 60001; mModel1.mAllDay = false; mHelper.addRecurrenceRule(mValues, mModel1); assertEquals(mValues, mExpectedValues); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DURATION, "P1D"); mModel1.mAllDay = true; mValues.clear(); mHelper.addRecurrenceRule(mValues, mModel1); assertEquals(mValues, mExpectedValues); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testUpdateRecurrenceRule() { int selection = EditEventHelper.DOES_NOT_REPEAT; int weekStart = Calendar.SUNDAY; mModel1 = new CalendarEventModel(); mModel1.mTimezone = Time.TIMEZONE_UTC; mModel1.mStart = 1272665741000L; // Fri, April 30th ~ 3:17PM mModel1.mRrule = "This should go away"; EditEventHelper.updateRecurrenceRule(selection, mModel1, weekStart); assertNull(mModel1.mRrule); mModel1.mRrule = "This shouldn't change"; selection = EditEventHelper.REPEATS_CUSTOM; EditEventHelper.updateRecurrenceRule(selection, mModel1, weekStart); assertEquals(mModel1.mRrule, "This shouldn't change"); selection = EditEventHelper.REPEATS_DAILY; EditEventHelper.updateRecurrenceRule(selection, mModel1, weekStart); assertEquals(mModel1.mRrule, "FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU"); selection = EditEventHelper.REPEATS_EVERY_WEEKDAY; EditEventHelper.updateRecurrenceRule(selection, mModel1, weekStart); assertEquals(mModel1.mRrule, "FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR"); selection = EditEventHelper.REPEATS_WEEKLY_ON_DAY; EditEventHelper.updateRecurrenceRule(selection, mModel1, weekStart); assertEquals(mModel1.mRrule, "FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;BYDAY=FR"); selection = EditEventHelper.REPEATS_MONTHLY_ON_DAY; EditEventHelper.updateRecurrenceRule(selection, mModel1, weekStart); assertEquals(mModel1.mRrule, "FREQ=MONTHLY;WKST=SU;BYMONTHDAY=30"); selection = EditEventHelper.REPEATS_MONTHLY_ON_DAY_COUNT; EditEventHelper.updateRecurrenceRule(selection, mModel1, weekStart); assertEquals(mModel1.mRrule, "FREQ=MONTHLY;WKST=SU;BYDAY=-1FR"); selection = EditEventHelper.REPEATS_YEARLY; EditEventHelper.updateRecurrenceRule(selection, mModel1, weekStart); assertEquals(mModel1.mRrule, "FREQ=YEARLY;WKST=SU"); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testSetModelFromCursor() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); MatrixCursor c = new MatrixCursor(EditEventHelper.EVENT_PROJECTION); c.addRow(TEST_CURSOR_DATA); mModel1 = new CalendarEventModel(); mModel2 = buildTestModel(); EditEventHelper.setModelFromCursor(mModel1, c); assertEquals(mModel1, mModel2); TEST_CURSOR_DATA[EditEventHelper.EVENT_INDEX_ALL_DAY] = "0"; c.close(); c = new MatrixCursor(EditEventHelper.EVENT_PROJECTION); c.addRow(TEST_CURSOR_DATA); mModel2.mAllDay = false; mModel2.mStart = TEST_START; // UTC time EditEventHelper.setModelFromCursor(mModel1, c); assertEquals(mModel1, mModel2); TEST_CURSOR_DATA[EditEventHelper.EVENT_INDEX_RRULE] = null; c.close(); c = new MatrixCursor(EditEventHelper.EVENT_PROJECTION); c.addRow(TEST_CURSOR_DATA); mModel2.mRrule = null; mModel2.mEnd = TEST_END; mModel2.mDuration = null; EditEventHelper.setModelFromCursor(mModel1, c); assertEquals(mModel1, mModel2); TEST_CURSOR_DATA[EditEventHelper.EVENT_INDEX_ALL_DAY] = "1"; c.close(); c = new MatrixCursor(EditEventHelper.EVENT_PROJECTION); c.addRow(TEST_CURSOR_DATA); mModel2.mAllDay = true; mModel2.mStart = TEST_START; // Monday, May 3rd, midnight mModel2.mEnd = TEST_END; // Tuesday, May 4th, midnight EditEventHelper.setModelFromCursor(mModel1, c); assertEquals(mModel1, mModel2); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testGetContentValuesFromModel() { mActivity = buildTestContext(); mHelper = new EditEventHelper(mActivity, null); mExpectedValues = buildTestValues(); mModel1 = buildTestModel(); ContentValues values = mHelper.getContentValuesFromModel(mModel1); assertEquals(values, mExpectedValues); mModel1.mRrule = null; mModel1.mEnd = TEST_END; mExpectedValues.put(Events.RRULE, (String) null); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DURATION, (String) null); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DTEND, TEST_END); // UTC time values = mHelper.getContentValuesFromModel(mModel1); assertEquals(values, mExpectedValues); mModel1.mAllDay = false; mExpectedValues.put(Events.ALL_DAY, 0); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DTSTART, TEST_START); mExpectedValues.put(Events.DTEND, TEST_END); // not an allday event so timezone isn't modified mExpectedValues.put(Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, "UTC"); values = mHelper.getContentValuesFromModel(mModel1); assertEquals(values, mExpectedValues); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testExtractDomain() { String domain = EditEventHelper.extractDomain("test.email@gmail.com"); assertEquals(domain, "gmail.com"); domain = EditEventHelper.extractDomain("bademail.no#$%at symbol"); assertNull(domain); } private void addExpectedMinutes(ArrayList expectedOps) { ContentProviderOperation.Builder b; mValues = new ContentValues(); mValues.clear(); mValues.put(Reminders.MINUTES, 5); mValues.put(Reminders.METHOD, Reminders.METHOD_DEFAULT); mValues.put(Reminders.EVENT_ID, TEST_EVENT_ID); b = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Reminders.CONTENT_URI).withValues(mValues); expectedOps.add(b.build()); mValues.clear(); mValues.put(Reminders.MINUTES, 10); mValues.put(Reminders.METHOD, Reminders.METHOD_DEFAULT); mValues.put(Reminders.EVENT_ID, TEST_EVENT_ID); b = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Reminders.CONTENT_URI).withValues(mValues); expectedOps.add(b.build()); mValues.clear(); mValues.put(Reminders.MINUTES, 15); mValues.put(Reminders.METHOD, Reminders.METHOD_DEFAULT); mValues.put(Reminders.EVENT_ID, TEST_EVENT_ID); b = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Reminders.CONTENT_URI).withValues(mValues); expectedOps.add(b.build()); } private void addExpectedMinutesWithBackRef(ArrayList expectedOps) { ContentProviderOperation.Builder b; mValues = new ContentValues(); mValues.clear(); mValues.put(Reminders.MINUTES, 5); mValues.put(Reminders.METHOD, Reminders.METHOD_DEFAULT); b = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Reminders.CONTENT_URI).withValues(mValues); b.withValueBackReference(Reminders.EVENT_ID, TEST_EVENT_INDEX_ID); expectedOps.add(b.build()); mValues.clear(); mValues.put(Reminders.MINUTES, 10); mValues.put(Reminders.METHOD, Reminders.METHOD_DEFAULT); b = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Reminders.CONTENT_URI).withValues(mValues); b.withValueBackReference(Reminders.EVENT_ID, TEST_EVENT_INDEX_ID); expectedOps.add(b.build()); mValues.clear(); mValues.put(Reminders.MINUTES, 15); mValues.put(Reminders.METHOD, Reminders.METHOD_DEFAULT); b = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Reminders.CONTENT_URI).withValues(mValues); b.withValueBackReference(Reminders.EVENT_ID, TEST_EVENT_INDEX_ID); expectedOps.add(b.build()); } private static void assertEquals(ArrayList expected, ArrayList actual) { if (expected == null) { assertNull(actual); } int size = expected.size(); assertEquals(size, actual.size()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { assertTrue("At index " + i + ", expected:\n" + String.valueOf(expected) + "\nActual:\n" + String.valueOf(actual), cpoEquals(expected.get(i), actual.get(i))); } } private static boolean cpoEquals(ContentProviderOperation cpo1, ContentProviderOperation cpo2) { if (cpo1 == null && cpo2 != null) { return false; } if (cpo1 == cpo2) { return true; } if (cpo2 == null) { return false; } return TextUtils.equals(cpo1.toString(), cpo2.toString()); } // Generates a default model for testing. Should match up with // generateTestValues private CalendarEventModel buildTestModel() { CalendarEventModel model = new CalendarEventModel(); model.mId = TEST_EVENT_ID; model.mTitle = "The Question"; model.mDescription = "Evaluating Life, the Universe, and Everything"; model.mLocation = "Earth Mk2"; model.mAllDay = true; model.mHasAlarm = false; model.mCalendarId = 2; model.mStart = TEST_START; // Monday, May 3rd, local Time model.mDuration = "P3652421990D"; // The model uses the local timezone for allday model.mTimezone = "UTC"; model.mRrule = "FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU"; model.mSyncId = "unique per calendar stuff"; model.mAvailability = 0; model.mAccessLevel = 2; // This is one less than the values written if >0 model.mOwnerAccount = "steve@gmail.com"; model.mHasAttendeeData = true; model.mEventStatus = Events.STATUS_CONFIRMED; return model; } // Generates a default set of values for testing. Should match up with // generateTestModel private ContentValues buildTestValues() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Events.CALENDAR_ID, 2L); values.put(Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, "UTC"); // Allday events are converted // to UTC for the db values.put(Events.TITLE, "The Question"); values.put(Events.ALL_DAY, 1); values.put(Events.DTSTART, TEST_START); // Monday, May 3rd, midnight UTC time values.put(Events.HAS_ATTENDEE_DATA, 1); values.put(Events.RRULE, "FREQ=DAILY;WKST=SU"); values.put(Events.DURATION, "P3652421990D"); values.put(Events.DTEND, (Long) null); values.put(Events.DESCRIPTION, "Evaluating Life, the Universe, and Everything"); values.put(Events.EVENT_LOCATION, "Earth Mk2"); values.put(Events.AVAILABILITY, 0); values.put(Events.STATUS, Events.STATUS_CONFIRMED); values.put(Events.ACCESS_LEVEL, 3); // This is one more than the model if // >0 return values; } private ContentValues buildNonRecurringTestValues() { ContentValues values = buildTestValues(); values.put(Events.DURATION, (String)null); values.put(Events.DTEND, TEST_END); values.put(Events.RRULE, (String)null); return values; } // This gets called by EditEventHelper to read or write the data class TestProvider extends ContentProvider { int index = 0; public TestProvider() { } @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String orderBy) { return null; } @Override public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { return 0; } @Override public String getType(Uri uri) { return null; } @Override public boolean onCreate() { return false; } @Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } } }