/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.email.activity; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Handler; import com.android.email.MessageListContext; import com.android.email.activity.MessageOrderManager.Callback; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Message; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Mailbox; import com.android.emailcommon.utility.DelayedOperations; import com.android.emailcommon.utility.EmailAsyncTask; import com.android.emailcommon.utility.Utility; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; /** * Used by {@link MessageView} to determine the message-id of the previous/next messages. * * All public methods must be called on the main thread. * * Call {@link #moveTo} to set the current message id. As a result, * either {@link Callback#onMessagesChanged} or {@link Callback#onMessageNotFound} is called. * * Use {@link #canMoveToNewer()} and {@link #canMoveToOlder()} to see if there is a newer/older * message, and {@link #moveToNewer()} and {@link #moveToOlder()} to update the current position. * * If the message list changes (e.g. message removed, new message arrived, etc), {@link Callback} * gets called again. * * When an instance is no longer needed, call {@link #close()}, which closes an underlying cursor * and shuts down an async task. * * TODO: Is there better words than "newer"/"older" that works even if we support other sort orders * than timestamp? */ public class MessageOrderManager { private final Context mContext; private final ContentResolver mContentResolver; private final MessageListContext mListContext; private final ContentObserver mObserver; private final Callback mCallback; private final DelayedOperations mDelayedOperations; private LoadMessageListTask mLoadMessageListTask; private Cursor mCursor; private long mCurrentMessageId = -1; private int mTotalMessageCount; private int mCurrentPosition; private boolean mClosed = false; public interface Callback { /** * Called when the message set by {@link MessageOrderManager#moveTo(long)} is found in the * mailbox. {@link #canMoveToOlder}, {@link #canMoveToNewer}, {@link #moveToOlder} and * {@link #moveToNewer} are ready to be called. */ public void onMessagesChanged(); /** * Called when the message set by {@link MessageOrderManager#moveTo(long)} is not found. */ public void onMessageNotFound(); } /** * Wrapper for {@link Callback}, which uses {@link DelayedOperations#post(Runnable)} to * kick callbacks rather than calling them directly. This is used to avoid the "nested fragment * transaction" exception. e.g. {@link #moveTo} is often called during a fragment transaction, * and if the message no longer exists we call {@link #onMessageNotFound}, which most probably * triggers another fragment transaction. */ private class PostingCallback implements Callback { private final Callback mOriginal; private PostingCallback(Callback original) { mOriginal = original; } private final Runnable mOnMessagesChangedRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mOriginal.onMessagesChanged(); } }; @Override public void onMessagesChanged() { mDelayedOperations.post(mOnMessagesChangedRunnable); } private final Runnable mOnMessageNotFoundRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mOriginal.onMessageNotFound(); } }; @Override public void onMessageNotFound() { mDelayedOperations.post(mOnMessageNotFoundRunnable); } } public MessageOrderManager(Context context, MessageListContext listContext, Callback callback) { this(context, listContext, callback, new DelayedOperations(Utility.getMainThreadHandler())); } @VisibleForTesting MessageOrderManager(Context context, MessageListContext listContext, Callback callback, DelayedOperations delayedOperations) { Preconditions.checkArgument(listContext.getMailboxId() != Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX); mContext = context.getApplicationContext(); mContentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); mDelayedOperations = delayedOperations; mListContext = listContext; mCallback = new PostingCallback(callback); mObserver = new ContentObserver(getHandlerForContentObserver()) { @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { if (mClosed) { return; } onContentChanged(); } }; startTask(); } public MessageListContext getListContext() { return mListContext; } public long getMailboxId() { return mListContext.getMailboxId(); } /** * @return the total number of messages. */ public int getTotalMessageCount() { return mTotalMessageCount; } /** * @return current cursor position, starting from 0. */ public int getCurrentPosition() { return mCurrentPosition; } /** * @return a {@link Handler} for {@link ContentObserver}. * * Unit tests override this and return null, so that {@link ContentObserver#onChange} is * called synchronously. */ /* package */ Handler getHandlerForContentObserver() { return new Handler(); } private boolean isTaskRunning() { return mLoadMessageListTask != null; } private void startTask() { cancelTask(); startQuery(); } /** * Start {@link LoadMessageListTask} to query DB. * Unit tests override this to make tests synchronous and to inject a mock query. */ /* package */ void startQuery() { mLoadMessageListTask = new LoadMessageListTask(); mLoadMessageListTask.executeParallel(); } private void cancelTask() { Utility.cancelTaskInterrupt(mLoadMessageListTask); mLoadMessageListTask = null; } private void closeCursor() { if (mCursor != null) { mCursor.close(); mCursor = null; } } private void setCurrentMessageIdFromCursor() { if (mCursor != null) { mCurrentMessageId = mCursor.getLong(EmailContent.ID_PROJECTION_COLUMN); } } private void onContentChanged() { if (!isTaskRunning()) { // Start only if not running already. startTask(); } } /** * Shutdown itself and release resources. */ public void close() { mClosed = true; mDelayedOperations.removeCallbacks(); cancelTask(); closeCursor(); } public long getCurrentMessageId() { return mCurrentMessageId; } /** * Set the current message id. As a result, either {@link Callback#onMessagesChanged} or * {@link Callback#onMessageNotFound} is called. */ public void moveTo(long messageId) { if (mCurrentMessageId != messageId) { mCurrentMessageId = messageId; adjustCursorPosition(); } } private void adjustCursorPosition() { mCurrentPosition = 0; if (mCurrentMessageId == -1) { return; // Current ID not specified yet. } if (mCursor == null) { // Task not finished yet. // We call adjustCursorPosition() again when we've opened a cursor. return; } mCursor.moveToPosition(-1); while (mCursor.moveToNext() && mCursor.getLong(EmailContent.ID_PROJECTION_COLUMN) != mCurrentMessageId) { mCurrentPosition++; } if (mCursor.isAfterLast()) { mCurrentPosition = 0; mCallback.onMessageNotFound(); // Message not found... Already deleted? } else { mCallback.onMessagesChanged(); } } /** * @return true if the message set to {@link #moveTo} has an older message in the mailbox. * false otherwise, or unknown yet. */ public boolean canMoveToOlder() { return (mCursor != null) && !mCursor.isLast(); } /** * @return true if the message set to {@link #moveTo} has an newer message in the mailbox. * false otherwise, or unknown yet. */ public boolean canMoveToNewer() { return (mCursor != null) && !mCursor.isFirst(); } /** * Move to the older message. * * @return true iif succeed, and {@link Callback#onMessagesChanged} is called. */ public boolean moveToOlder() { if (canMoveToOlder() && mCursor.moveToNext()) { mCurrentPosition++; setCurrentMessageIdFromCursor(); mCallback.onMessagesChanged(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Move to the newer message. * * @return true iif succeed, and {@link Callback#onMessagesChanged} is called. */ public boolean moveToNewer() { if (canMoveToNewer() && mCursor.moveToPrevious()) { mCurrentPosition--; setCurrentMessageIdFromCursor(); mCallback.onMessagesChanged(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Task to open a Cursor on a worker thread. */ private class LoadMessageListTask extends EmailAsyncTask { public LoadMessageListTask() { super(null); } @Override protected Cursor doInBackground(Void... params) { return openNewCursor(); } @Override protected void onCancelled(Cursor cursor) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } onCursorOpenDone(null); } @Override protected void onSuccess(Cursor cursor) { onCursorOpenDone(cursor); } } /** * Open a new cursor for a message list. * * This method is called on a worker thread by LoadMessageListTask. */ private Cursor openNewCursor() { final Cursor cursor = mContentResolver.query(EmailContent.Message.CONTENT_URI, EmailContent.ID_PROJECTION, Message.buildMessageListSelection( mContext, mListContext.mAccountId, mListContext.getMailboxId()), null, EmailContent.MessageColumns.TIMESTAMP + " DESC"); return cursor; } /** * Called when {@link #openNewCursor()} is finished. * * Unit tests call this directly to inject a mock cursor. */ /* package */ void onCursorOpenDone(Cursor cursor) { try { closeCursor(); if (cursor == null || cursor.isClosed()) { mTotalMessageCount = 0; mCurrentPosition = 0; return; // Task canceled } mCursor = cursor; mTotalMessageCount = mCursor.getCount(); mCursor.registerContentObserver(mObserver); adjustCursorPosition(); } finally { mLoadMessageListTask = null; // isTaskRunning() becomes false. } } }