/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mms.data; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SqliteWrapper; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.provider.Telephony.Mms; import android.provider.Telephony.MmsSms; import android.provider.Telephony.MmsSms.PendingMessages; import android.provider.Telephony.Sms; import android.telephony.SmsMessage; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import com.android.common.contacts.DataUsageStatUpdater; import com.android.common.userhappiness.UserHappinessSignals; import com.android.mms.ExceedMessageSizeException; import com.android.mms.LogTag; import com.android.mms.MmsApp; import com.android.mms.MmsConfig; import com.android.mms.ResolutionException; import com.android.mms.UnsupportContentTypeException; import com.android.mms.model.ImageModel; import com.android.mms.model.SlideModel; import com.android.mms.model.SlideshowModel; import com.android.mms.model.TextModel; import com.android.mms.transaction.MessageSender; import com.android.mms.transaction.MmsMessageSender; import com.android.mms.transaction.SmsMessageSender; import com.android.mms.ui.ComposeMessageActivity; import com.android.mms.ui.MessageUtils; import com.android.mms.ui.SlideshowEditor; import com.android.mms.util.DraftCache; import com.android.mms.util.Recycler; import com.android.mms.util.ThumbnailManager; import com.android.mms.widget.MmsWidgetProvider; import com.google.android.mms.ContentType; import com.google.android.mms.MmsException; import com.google.android.mms.pdu.EncodedStringValue; import com.google.android.mms.pdu.PduBody; import com.google.android.mms.pdu.PduHeaders; import com.google.android.mms.pdu.PduPersister; import com.google.android.mms.pdu.SendReq; /** * Contains all state related to a message being edited by the user. */ public class WorkingMessage { private static final String TAG = "WorkingMessage"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; // Public intents public static final String ACTION_SENDING_SMS = "android.intent.action.SENDING_SMS"; // Intent extras public static final String EXTRA_SMS_MESSAGE = "android.mms.extra.MESSAGE"; public static final String EXTRA_SMS_RECIPIENTS = "android.mms.extra.RECIPIENTS"; public static final String EXTRA_SMS_THREAD_ID = "android.mms.extra.THREAD_ID"; // Database access stuff private final Activity mActivity; private final ContentResolver mContentResolver; // States that can require us to save or send a message as MMS. private static final int RECIPIENTS_REQUIRE_MMS = (1 << 0); // 1 private static final int HAS_SUBJECT = (1 << 1); // 2 private static final int HAS_ATTACHMENT = (1 << 2); // 4 private static final int LENGTH_REQUIRES_MMS = (1 << 3); // 8 private static final int FORCE_MMS = (1 << 4); // 16 // A bitmap of the above indicating different properties of the message; // any bit set will require the message to be sent via MMS. private int mMmsState; // Errors from setAttachment() public static final int OK = 0; public static final int UNKNOWN_ERROR = -1; public static final int MESSAGE_SIZE_EXCEEDED = -2; public static final int UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = -3; public static final int IMAGE_TOO_LARGE = -4; // Attachment types public static final int TEXT = 0; public static final int IMAGE = 1; public static final int VIDEO = 2; public static final int AUDIO = 3; public static final int SLIDESHOW = 4; // Current attachment type of the message; one of the above values. private int mAttachmentType; // Conversation this message is targeting. private Conversation mConversation; // Text of the message. private CharSequence mText; // Slideshow for this message, if applicable. If it's a simple attachment, // i.e. not SLIDESHOW, it will contain only one slide. private SlideshowModel mSlideshow; // Data URI of an MMS message if we have had to save it. private Uri mMessageUri; // MMS subject line for this message private CharSequence mSubject; // Set to true if this message has been discarded. private boolean mDiscarded = false; // Track whether we have drafts private volatile boolean mHasMmsDraft; private volatile boolean mHasSmsDraft; // Cached value of mms enabled flag private static boolean sMmsEnabled = MmsConfig.getMmsEnabled(); // Our callback interface private final MessageStatusListener mStatusListener; private List mWorkingRecipients; // Message sizes in Outbox private static final String[] MMS_OUTBOX_PROJECTION = { Mms._ID, // 0 Mms.MESSAGE_SIZE // 1 }; private static final int MMS_MESSAGE_SIZE_INDEX = 1; /** * Callback interface for communicating important state changes back to * ComposeMessageActivity. */ public interface MessageStatusListener { /** * Called when the protocol for sending the message changes from SMS * to MMS, and vice versa. * * @param mms If true, it changed to MMS. If false, to SMS. */ void onProtocolChanged(boolean mms); /** * Called when an attachment on the message has changed. */ void onAttachmentChanged(); /** * Called just before the process of sending a message. */ void onPreMessageSent(); /** * Called once the process of sending a message, triggered by * {@link send} has completed. This doesn't mean the send succeeded, * just that it has been dispatched to the network. */ void onMessageSent(); /** * Called if there are too many unsent messages in the queue and we're not allowing * any more Mms's to be sent. */ void onMaxPendingMessagesReached(); /** * Called if there's an attachment error while resizing the images just before sending. */ void onAttachmentError(int error); } private WorkingMessage(ComposeMessageActivity activity) { mActivity = activity; mContentResolver = mActivity.getContentResolver(); mStatusListener = activity; mAttachmentType = TEXT; mText = ""; } /** * Creates a new working message. */ public static WorkingMessage createEmpty(ComposeMessageActivity activity) { // Make a new empty working message. WorkingMessage msg = new WorkingMessage(activity); return msg; } /** * Create a new WorkingMessage from the specified data URI, which typically * contains an MMS message. */ public static WorkingMessage load(ComposeMessageActivity activity, Uri uri) { // If the message is not already in the draft box, move it there. if (!uri.toString().startsWith(Mms.Draft.CONTENT_URI.toString())) { PduPersister persister = PduPersister.getPduPersister(activity); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("load: moving %s to drafts", uri); } try { uri = persister.move(uri, Mms.Draft.CONTENT_URI); } catch (MmsException e) { LogTag.error("Can't move %s to drafts", uri); return null; } } WorkingMessage msg = new WorkingMessage(activity); if (msg.loadFromUri(uri)) { msg.mHasMmsDraft = true; return msg; } return null; } private void correctAttachmentState() { int slideCount = mSlideshow.size(); // If we get an empty slideshow, tear down all MMS // state and discard the unnecessary message Uri. if (slideCount == 0) { removeAttachment(false); } else if (slideCount > 1) { mAttachmentType = SLIDESHOW; } else { SlideModel slide = mSlideshow.get(0); if (slide.hasImage()) { mAttachmentType = IMAGE; } else if (slide.hasVideo()) { mAttachmentType = VIDEO; } else if (slide.hasAudio()) { mAttachmentType = AUDIO; } } updateState(HAS_ATTACHMENT, hasAttachment(), false); } private boolean loadFromUri(Uri uri) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) LogTag.debug("loadFromUri %s", uri); try { mSlideshow = SlideshowModel.createFromMessageUri(mActivity, uri); } catch (MmsException e) { LogTag.error("Couldn't load URI %s", uri); return false; } mMessageUri = uri; // Make sure all our state is as expected. syncTextFromSlideshow(); correctAttachmentState(); return true; } /** * Load the draft message for the specified conversation, or a new empty message if * none exists. */ public static WorkingMessage loadDraft(ComposeMessageActivity activity, final Conversation conv, final Runnable onDraftLoaded) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) LogTag.debug("loadDraft %s", conv); final WorkingMessage msg = createEmpty(activity); if (conv.getThreadId() <= 0) { if (onDraftLoaded != null) { onDraftLoaded.run(); } return msg; } new AsyncTask>() { // Return a Pair where: // first - non-empty String representing the text of an SMS draft // second - non-null String representing the text of an MMS subject @Override protected Pair doInBackground(Void... none) { // Look for an SMS draft first. String draftText = msg.readDraftSmsMessage(conv); String subject = null; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(draftText)) { // No SMS draft so look for an MMS draft. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Uri uri = readDraftMmsMessage(msg.mActivity, conv, sb); if (uri != null) { if (msg.loadFromUri(uri)) { // If there was an MMS message, readDraftMmsMessage // will put the subject in our supplied StringBuilder. subject = sb.toString(); } } } Pair result = new Pair(draftText, subject); return result; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Pair result) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(result.first)) { msg.mHasSmsDraft = true; msg.setText(result.first); } if (result.second != null) { msg.mHasMmsDraft = true; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(result.second)) { msg.setSubject(result.second, false); } } if (onDraftLoaded != null) { onDraftLoaded.run(); } } }.execute(); return msg; } /** * Sets the text of the message to the specified CharSequence. */ public void setText(CharSequence s) { mText = s; } /** * Returns the current message text. */ public CharSequence getText() { return mText; } /** * @return True if the message has any text. A message with just whitespace is not considered * to have text. */ public boolean hasText() { return mText != null && TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(mText) > 0; } public void removeAttachment(boolean notify) { removeThumbnailsFromCache(mSlideshow); mAttachmentType = TEXT; mSlideshow = null; if (mMessageUri != null) { asyncDelete(mMessageUri, null, null); mMessageUri = null; } // mark this message as no longer having an attachment updateState(HAS_ATTACHMENT, false, notify); if (notify) { // Tell ComposeMessageActivity (or other listener) that the attachment has changed. // In the case of ComposeMessageActivity, it will remove its attachment panel because // this working message no longer has an attachment. mStatusListener.onAttachmentChanged(); } } public static void removeThumbnailsFromCache(SlideshowModel slideshow) { if (slideshow != null) { ThumbnailManager thumbnailManager = MmsApp.getApplication().getThumbnailManager(); boolean removedSomething = false; Iterator iterator = slideshow.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { SlideModel slideModel = iterator.next(); if (slideModel.hasImage()) { thumbnailManager.removeThumbnail(slideModel.getImage().getUri()); removedSomething = true; } else if (slideModel.hasVideo()) { thumbnailManager.removeThumbnail(slideModel.getVideo().getUri()); removedSomething = true; } } if (removedSomething) { // HACK: the keys to the thumbnail cache are the part uris, such as mms/part/3 // Because the part table doesn't have auto-increment ids, the part ids are reused // when a message or thread is deleted. For now, we're clearing the whole thumbnail // cache so we don't retrieve stale images when part ids are reused. This will be // fixed in the next release in the mms provider. MmsApp.getApplication().getThumbnailManager().clearBackingStore(); } } } /** * Adds an attachment to the message, replacing an old one if it existed. * @param type Type of this attachment, such as {@link IMAGE} * @param dataUri Uri containing the attachment data (or null for {@link TEXT}) * @param append true if we should add the attachment to a new slide * @return An error code such as {@link UNKNOWN_ERROR} or {@link OK} if successful */ public int setAttachment(int type, Uri dataUri, boolean append) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("setAttachment type=%d uri %s", type, dataUri); } int result = OK; SlideshowEditor slideShowEditor = new SlideshowEditor(mActivity, mSlideshow); // Special case for deleting a slideshow. When ComposeMessageActivity gets told to // remove an attachment (search for AttachmentEditor.MSG_REMOVE_ATTACHMENT), it calls // this function setAttachment with a type of TEXT and a null uri. Basically, it's turning // the working message from an MMS back to a simple SMS. The various attachment types // use slide[0] as a special case. The call to ensureSlideshow below makes sure there's // a slide zero. In the case of an already attached slideshow, ensureSlideshow will do // nothing and the slideshow will remain such that if a user adds a slideshow again, they'll // see their old slideshow they previously deleted. Here we really delete the slideshow. if (type == TEXT && mAttachmentType == SLIDESHOW && mSlideshow != null && dataUri == null && !append) { slideShowEditor.removeAllSlides(); } // Make sure mSlideshow is set up and has a slide. ensureSlideshow(); // mSlideshow can be null before this call, won't be afterwards slideShowEditor.setSlideshow(mSlideshow); // Change the attachment result = append ? appendMedia(type, dataUri, slideShowEditor) : changeMedia(type, dataUri, slideShowEditor); // If we were successful, update mAttachmentType and notify // the listener than there was a change. if (result == OK) { mAttachmentType = type; } correctAttachmentState(); if (type == IMAGE) { // Prime the image's cache; helps A LOT when the image is coming from the network // (e.g. Picasa album). See b/5445690. int numSlides = mSlideshow.size(); if (numSlides > 0) { ImageModel imgModel = mSlideshow.get(numSlides - 1).getImage(); if (imgModel != null) { cancelThumbnailLoading(); imgModel.loadThumbnailBitmap(null); } } } mStatusListener.onAttachmentChanged(); // have to call whether succeeded or failed, // because a replace that fails, removes the slide if (!MmsConfig.getMultipartSmsEnabled()) { if (!append && mAttachmentType == TEXT && type == TEXT) { int[] params = SmsMessage.calculateLength(getText(), false); /* SmsMessage.calculateLength returns an int[4] with: * int[0] being the number of SMS's required, * int[1] the number of code units used, * int[2] is the number of code units remaining until the next message. * int[3] is the encoding type that should be used for the message. */ int msgCount = params[0]; if (msgCount > 1) { // The provider doesn't support multi-part sms's so as soon as the user types // an sms longer than one segment, we have to turn the message into an mms. setLengthRequiresMms(true, false); } else { updateState(HAS_ATTACHMENT, hasAttachment(), true); } } else { updateState(HAS_ATTACHMENT, hasAttachment(), true); } } else { // Set HAS_ATTACHMENT if we need it. updateState(HAS_ATTACHMENT, hasAttachment(), true); } return result; } /** * Returns true if this message contains anything worth saving. */ public boolean isWorthSaving() { // If it actually contains anything, it's of course not empty. if (hasText() || hasSubject() || hasAttachment() || hasSlideshow()) { return true; } // When saveAsMms() has been called, we set FORCE_MMS to represent // sort of an "invisible attachment" so that the message isn't thrown // away when we are shipping it off to other activities. if (isFakeMmsForDraft()) { return true; } return false; } private void cancelThumbnailLoading() { int numSlides = mSlideshow != null ? mSlideshow.size() : 0; if (numSlides > 0) { ImageModel imgModel = mSlideshow.get(numSlides - 1).getImage(); if (imgModel != null) { imgModel.cancelThumbnailLoading(); } } } /** * Returns true if FORCE_MMS is set. * When saveAsMms() has been called, we set FORCE_MMS to represent * sort of an "invisible attachment" so that the message isn't thrown * away when we are shipping it off to other activities. */ public boolean isFakeMmsForDraft() { return (mMmsState & FORCE_MMS) > 0; } /** * Makes sure mSlideshow is set up. */ private void ensureSlideshow() { if (mSlideshow != null) { return; } SlideshowModel slideshow = SlideshowModel.createNew(mActivity); SlideModel slide = new SlideModel(slideshow); slideshow.add(slide); mSlideshow = slideshow; } /** * Change the message's attachment to the data in the specified Uri. * Used only for single-slide ("attachment mode") messages. If the attachment fails to * attach, restore the slide to its original state. */ private int changeMedia(int type, Uri uri, SlideshowEditor slideShowEditor) { SlideModel originalSlide = mSlideshow.get(0); if (originalSlide != null) { slideShowEditor.removeSlide(0); // remove the original slide } slideShowEditor.addNewSlide(0); SlideModel slide = mSlideshow.get(0); // get the new empty slide int result = OK; if (slide == null) { Log.w(LogTag.TAG, "[WorkingMessage] changeMedia: no slides!"); return result; } // Clear the attachment type since we removed all the attachments. If this isn't cleared // and the slide.add fails (for instance, a selected video could be too big), we'll be // left in a state where we think we have an attachment, but it's been removed from the // slide. mAttachmentType = TEXT; // If we're changing to text, just bail out. if (type == TEXT) { return result; } result = internalChangeMedia(type, uri, 0, slideShowEditor); if (result != OK) { slideShowEditor.removeSlide(0); // remove the failed slide if (originalSlide != null) { slideShowEditor.addSlide(0, originalSlide); // restore the original slide. } } return result; } /** * Add the message's attachment to the data in the specified Uri to a new slide. */ private int appendMedia(int type, Uri uri, SlideshowEditor slideShowEditor) { int result = OK; // If we're changing to text, just bail out. if (type == TEXT) { return result; } // The first time this method is called, mSlideshow.size() is going to be // one (a newly initialized slideshow has one empty slide). The first time we // attach the picture/video to that first empty slide. From then on when this // function is called, we've got to create a new slide and add the picture/video // to that new slide. boolean addNewSlide = true; if (mSlideshow.size() == 1 && !mSlideshow.isSimple()) { addNewSlide = false; } if (addNewSlide) { if (!slideShowEditor.addNewSlide()) { return result; } } int slideNum = mSlideshow.size() - 1; result = internalChangeMedia(type, uri, slideNum, slideShowEditor); if (result != OK) { // We added a new slide and what we attempted to insert on the slide failed. // Delete that slide, otherwise we could end up with a bunch of blank slides. // It's ok that we're removing the slide even if we didn't add it (because it was // the first default slide). If adding the first slide fails, we want to remove it. slideShowEditor.removeSlide(slideNum); } return result; } private int internalChangeMedia(int type, Uri uri, int slideNum, SlideshowEditor slideShowEditor) { int result = OK; try { if (type == IMAGE) { slideShowEditor.changeImage(slideNum, uri); } else if (type == VIDEO) { slideShowEditor.changeVideo(slideNum, uri); } else if (type == AUDIO) { slideShowEditor.changeAudio(slideNum, uri); } else { result = UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; } } catch (MmsException e) { Log.e(TAG, "internalChangeMedia:", e); result = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } catch (UnsupportContentTypeException e) { Log.e(TAG, "internalChangeMedia:", e); result = UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; } catch (ExceedMessageSizeException e) { Log.e(TAG, "internalChangeMedia:", e); result = MESSAGE_SIZE_EXCEEDED; } catch (ResolutionException e) { Log.e(TAG, "internalChangeMedia:", e); result = IMAGE_TOO_LARGE; } return result; } /** * Returns true if the message has an attachment (including slideshows). */ public boolean hasAttachment() { return (mAttachmentType > TEXT); } /** * Returns the slideshow associated with this message. */ public SlideshowModel getSlideshow() { return mSlideshow; } /** * Returns true if the message has a real slideshow, as opposed to just * one image attachment, for example. */ public boolean hasSlideshow() { return (mAttachmentType == SLIDESHOW); } /** * Sets the MMS subject of the message. Passing null indicates that there * is no subject. Passing "" will result in an empty subject being added * to the message, possibly triggering a conversion to MMS. This extra * bit of state is needed to support ComposeMessageActivity converting to * MMS when the user adds a subject. An empty subject will be removed * before saving to disk or sending, however. */ public void setSubject(CharSequence s, boolean notify) { mSubject = s; updateState(HAS_SUBJECT, (s != null), notify); } /** * Returns the MMS subject of the message. */ public CharSequence getSubject() { return mSubject; } /** * Returns true if this message has an MMS subject. A subject has to be more than just * whitespace. * @return */ public boolean hasSubject() { return mSubject != null && TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(mSubject) > 0; } /** * Moves the message text into the slideshow. Should be called any time * the message is about to be sent or written to disk. */ private void syncTextToSlideshow() { if (mSlideshow == null || mSlideshow.size() != 1) return; SlideModel slide = mSlideshow.get(0); TextModel text; if (!slide.hasText()) { // Add a TextModel to slide 0 if one doesn't already exist text = new TextModel(mActivity, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN, "text_0.txt", mSlideshow.getLayout().getTextRegion()); slide.add(text); } else { // Otherwise just reuse the existing one. text = slide.getText(); } text.setText(mText); } /** * Sets the message text out of the slideshow. Should be called any time * a slideshow is loaded from disk. */ private void syncTextFromSlideshow() { // Don't sync text for real slideshows. if (mSlideshow.size() != 1) { return; } SlideModel slide = mSlideshow.get(0); if (slide == null || !slide.hasText()) { return; } mText = slide.getText().getText(); } /** * Removes the subject if it is empty, possibly converting back to SMS. */ private void removeSubjectIfEmpty(boolean notify) { if (!hasSubject()) { setSubject(null, notify); } } /** * Gets internal message state ready for storage. Should be called any * time the message is about to be sent or written to disk. */ private void prepareForSave(boolean notify) { // Make sure our working set of recipients is resolved // to first-class Contact objects before we save. syncWorkingRecipients(); if (requiresMms()) { ensureSlideshow(); syncTextToSlideshow(); } } /** * Resolve the temporary working set of recipients to a ContactList. */ public void syncWorkingRecipients() { if (mWorkingRecipients != null) { ContactList recipients = ContactList.getByNumbers(mWorkingRecipients, false); mConversation.setRecipients(recipients); // resets the threadId to zero mWorkingRecipients = null; } } public String getWorkingRecipients() { // this function is used for DEBUG only if (mWorkingRecipients == null) { return null; } ContactList recipients = ContactList.getByNumbers(mWorkingRecipients, false); return recipients.serialize(); } // Call when we've returned from adding an attachment. We're no longer forcing the message // into a Mms message. At this point we either have the goods to make the message a Mms // or we don't. No longer fake it. public void removeFakeMmsForDraft() { updateState(FORCE_MMS, false, false); } /** * Force the message to be saved as MMS and return the Uri of the message. * Typically used when handing a message off to another activity. */ public Uri saveAsMms(boolean notify) { if (DEBUG) LogTag.debug("saveAsMms mConversation=%s", mConversation); // If we have discarded the message, just bail out. if (mDiscarded) { LogTag.warn("saveAsMms mDiscarded: true mConversation: " + mConversation + " returning NULL uri and bailing"); return null; } // FORCE_MMS behaves as sort of an "invisible attachment", making // the message seem non-empty (and thus not discarded). This bit // is sticky until the last other MMS bit is removed, at which // point the message will fall back to SMS. updateState(FORCE_MMS, true, notify); // Collect our state to be written to disk. prepareForSave(true /* notify */); try { // Make sure we are saving to the correct thread ID. DraftCache.getInstance().setSavingDraft(true); if (!mConversation.getRecipients().isEmpty()) { mConversation.ensureThreadId(); } mConversation.setDraftState(true); PduPersister persister = PduPersister.getPduPersister(mActivity); SendReq sendReq = makeSendReq(mConversation, mSubject); // If we don't already have a Uri lying around, make a new one. If we do // have one already, make sure it is synced to disk. if (mMessageUri == null) { mMessageUri = createDraftMmsMessage(persister, sendReq, mSlideshow, null); } else { updateDraftMmsMessage(mMessageUri, persister, mSlideshow, sendReq); } mHasMmsDraft = true; } finally { DraftCache.getInstance().setSavingDraft(false); } return mMessageUri; } /** * Save this message as a draft in the conversation previously specified * to {@link setConversation}. */ public void saveDraft(final boolean isStopping) { // If we have discarded the message, just bail out. if (mDiscarded) { LogTag.warn("saveDraft mDiscarded: true mConversation: " + mConversation + " skipping saving draft and bailing"); return; } // Make sure setConversation was called. if (mConversation == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("saveDraft() called with no conversation"); } if (LogTag.VERBOSE || Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("saveDraft for mConversation " + mConversation); } // Get ready to write to disk. But don't notify message status when saving draft prepareForSave(false /* notify */); if (requiresMms()) { asyncUpdateDraftMmsMessage(mConversation, isStopping); mHasMmsDraft = true; } else { String content = mText.toString(); // bug 2169583: don't bother creating a thread id only to delete the thread // because the content is empty. When we delete the thread in updateDraftSmsMessage, // we didn't nullify conv.mThreadId, causing a temperary situation where conv // is holding onto a thread id that isn't in the database. If a new message arrives // and takes that thread id (because it's the next thread id to be assigned), the // new message will be merged with the draft message thread, causing confusion! if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(content)) { asyncUpdateDraftSmsMessage(mConversation, content); mHasSmsDraft = true; } else { // When there's no associated text message, we have to handle the case where there // might have been a previous mms draft for this message. This can happen when a // user turns an mms back into a sms, such as creating an mms draft with a picture, // then removing the picture. asyncDeleteDraftMmsMessage(mConversation); mMessageUri = null; } } // Update state of the draft cache. mConversation.setDraftState(true); } synchronized public void discard() { if (LogTag.VERBOSE || Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("[WorkingMessage] discard"); } if (mDiscarded == true) { return; } // Mark this message as discarded in order to make saveDraft() no-op. mDiscarded = true; cancelThumbnailLoading(); // Delete any associated drafts if there are any. if (mHasMmsDraft) { asyncDeleteDraftMmsMessage(mConversation); } if (mHasSmsDraft) { asyncDeleteDraftSmsMessage(mConversation); } clearConversation(mConversation, true); } public void unDiscard() { if (DEBUG) LogTag.debug("unDiscard"); mDiscarded = false; } /** * Returns true if discard() has been called on this message. */ public boolean isDiscarded() { return mDiscarded; } /** * To be called from our Activity's onSaveInstanceState() to give us a chance * to stow our state away for later retrieval. * * @param bundle The Bundle passed in to onSaveInstanceState */ public void writeStateToBundle(Bundle bundle) { if (hasSubject()) { bundle.putString("subject", mSubject.toString()); } if (mMessageUri != null) { bundle.putParcelable("msg_uri", mMessageUri); } else if (hasText()) { bundle.putString("sms_body", mText.toString()); } } /** * To be called from our Activity's onCreate() if the activity manager * has given it a Bundle to reinflate * @param bundle The Bundle passed in to onCreate */ public void readStateFromBundle(Bundle bundle) { if (bundle == null) { return; } String subject = bundle.getString("subject"); setSubject(subject, false); Uri uri = (Uri)bundle.getParcelable("msg_uri"); if (uri != null) { loadFromUri(uri); return; } else { String body = bundle.getString("sms_body"); mText = body; } } /** * Update the temporary list of recipients, used when setting up a * new conversation. Will be converted to a ContactList on any * save event (send, save draft, etc.) */ public void setWorkingRecipients(List numbers) { mWorkingRecipients = numbers; String s = null; if (numbers != null) { int size = numbers.size(); switch (size) { case 1: s = numbers.get(0); break; case 0: s = "empty"; break; default: s = "{...} len=" + size; } } } private void dumpWorkingRecipients() { Log.i(TAG, "-- mWorkingRecipients:"); if (mWorkingRecipients != null) { int count = mWorkingRecipients.size(); for (int i=0; i %s", mConversation, conv); mConversation = conv; // Convert to MMS if there are any email addresses in the recipient list. setHasEmail(conv.getRecipients().containsEmail(), false); } public Conversation getConversation() { return mConversation; } /** * Hint whether or not this message will be delivered to an * an email address. */ public void setHasEmail(boolean hasEmail, boolean notify) { if (MmsConfig.getEmailGateway() != null) { updateState(RECIPIENTS_REQUIRE_MMS, false, notify); } else { updateState(RECIPIENTS_REQUIRE_MMS, hasEmail, notify); } } /** * Returns true if this message would require MMS to send. */ public boolean requiresMms() { return (mMmsState > 0); } /** * Set whether or not we want to send this message via MMS in order to * avoid sending an excessive number of concatenated SMS messages. * @param: mmsRequired is the value for the LENGTH_REQUIRES_MMS bit. * @param: notify Whether or not to notify the user. */ public void setLengthRequiresMms(boolean mmsRequired, boolean notify) { updateState(LENGTH_REQUIRES_MMS, mmsRequired, notify); } private static String stateString(int state) { if (state == 0) return ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if ((state & RECIPIENTS_REQUIRE_MMS) > 0) sb.append("RECIPIENTS_REQUIRE_MMS | "); if ((state & HAS_SUBJECT) > 0) sb.append("HAS_SUBJECT | "); if ((state & HAS_ATTACHMENT) > 0) sb.append("HAS_ATTACHMENT | "); if ((state & LENGTH_REQUIRES_MMS) > 0) sb.append("LENGTH_REQUIRES_MMS | "); if ((state & FORCE_MMS) > 0) sb.append("FORCE_MMS | "); sb.delete(sb.length() - 3, sb.length()); return sb.toString(); } /** * Sets the current state of our various "MMS required" bits. * * @param state The bit to change, such as {@link HAS_ATTACHMENT} * @param on If true, set it; if false, clear it * @param notify Whether or not to notify the user */ private void updateState(int state, boolean on, boolean notify) { if (!sMmsEnabled) { // If Mms isn't enabled, the rest of the Messaging UI should not be using any // feature that would cause us to to turn on any Mms flag and show the // "Converting to multimedia..." message. return; } int oldState = mMmsState; if (on) { mMmsState |= state; } else { mMmsState &= ~state; } // If we are clearing the last bit that is not FORCE_MMS, // expire the FORCE_MMS bit. if (mMmsState == FORCE_MMS && ((oldState & ~FORCE_MMS) > 0)) { mMmsState = 0; } // Notify the listener if we are moving from SMS to MMS // or vice versa. if (notify) { if (oldState == 0 && mMmsState != 0) { mStatusListener.onProtocolChanged(true); } else if (oldState != 0 && mMmsState == 0) { mStatusListener.onProtocolChanged(false); } } if (oldState != mMmsState) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) LogTag.debug("updateState: %s%s = %s", on ? "+" : "-", stateString(state), stateString(mMmsState)); } } /** * Send this message over the network. Will call back with onMessageSent() once * it has been dispatched to the telephony stack. This WorkingMessage object is * no longer useful after this method has been called. * * @throws ContentRestrictionException if sending an MMS and uaProfUrl is not defined * in mms_config.xml. */ public void send(final String recipientsInUI) { long origThreadId = mConversation.getThreadId(); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.TRANSACTION, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("send origThreadId: " + origThreadId); } removeSubjectIfEmpty(true /* notify */); // Get ready to write to disk. prepareForSave(true /* notify */); // We need the recipient list for both SMS and MMS. final Conversation conv = mConversation; String msgTxt = mText.toString(); if (requiresMms() || addressContainsEmailToMms(conv, msgTxt)) { // uaProfUrl setting in mms_config.xml must be present to send an MMS. // However, SMS service will still work in the absence of a uaProfUrl address. if (MmsConfig.getUaProfUrl() == null) { String err = "WorkingMessage.send MMS sending failure. mms_config.xml is " + "missing uaProfUrl setting. uaProfUrl is required for MMS service, " + "but can be absent for SMS."; RuntimeException ex = new NullPointerException(err); Log.e(TAG, err, ex); // now, let's just crash. throw ex; } // Make local copies of the bits we need for sending a message, // because we will be doing it off of the main thread, which will // immediately continue on to resetting some of this state. final Uri mmsUri = mMessageUri; final PduPersister persister = PduPersister.getPduPersister(mActivity); final SlideshowModel slideshow = mSlideshow; final CharSequence subject = mSubject; if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.TRANSACTION, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("Send mmsUri: " + mmsUri); } // Do the dirty work of sending the message off of the main UI thread. new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final SendReq sendReq = makeSendReq(conv, subject); // Make sure the text in slide 0 is no longer holding onto a reference to // the text in the message text box. slideshow.prepareForSend(); sendMmsWorker(conv, mmsUri, persister, slideshow, sendReq); updateSendStats(conv); } }, "WorkingMessage.send MMS").start(); } else { // Same rules apply as above. final String msgText = mText.toString(); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { preSendSmsWorker(conv, msgText, recipientsInUI); updateSendStats(conv); } }, "WorkingMessage.send SMS").start(); } // update the Recipient cache with the new to address, if it's different RecipientIdCache.updateNumbers(conv.getThreadId(), conv.getRecipients()); // Mark the message as discarded because it is "off the market" after being sent. mDiscarded = true; } // Be sure to only call this on a background thread. private void updateSendStats(final Conversation conv) { String[] dests = conv.getRecipients().getNumbers(); final ArrayList phoneNumbers = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(dests)); DataUsageStatUpdater updater = new DataUsageStatUpdater(mActivity); updater.updateWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumbers); } private boolean addressContainsEmailToMms(Conversation conv, String text) { if (MmsConfig.getEmailGateway() != null) { String[] dests = conv.getRecipients().getNumbers(); int length = dests.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (Mms.isEmailAddress(dests[i]) || MessageUtils.isAlias(dests[i])) { String mtext = dests[i] + " " + text; int[] params = SmsMessage.calculateLength(mtext, false); if (params[0] > 1) { updateState(RECIPIENTS_REQUIRE_MMS, true, true); ensureSlideshow(); syncTextToSlideshow(); return true; } } } } return false; } // Message sending stuff private void preSendSmsWorker(Conversation conv, String msgText, String recipientsInUI) { // If user tries to send the message, it's a signal the inputted text is what they wanted. UserHappinessSignals.userAcceptedImeText(mActivity); mStatusListener.onPreMessageSent(); long origThreadId = conv.getThreadId(); // Make sure we are still using the correct thread ID for our recipient set. long threadId = conv.ensureThreadId(); String semiSepRecipients = conv.getRecipients().serialize(); // recipientsInUI can be empty when the user types in a number and hits send if (LogTag.SEVERE_WARNING && ((origThreadId != 0 && origThreadId != threadId) || (!semiSepRecipients.equals(recipientsInUI) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(recipientsInUI)))) { String msg = origThreadId != 0 && origThreadId != threadId ? "WorkingMessage.preSendSmsWorker threadId changed or " + "recipients changed. origThreadId: " + origThreadId + " new threadId: " + threadId + " also mConversation.getThreadId(): " + mConversation.getThreadId() : "Recipients in window: \"" + recipientsInUI + "\" differ from recipients from conv: \"" + semiSepRecipients + "\""; LogTag.warnPossibleRecipientMismatch(msg, mActivity); } // just do a regular send. We're already on a non-ui thread so no need to fire // off another thread to do this work. sendSmsWorker(msgText, semiSepRecipients, threadId); // Be paranoid and clean any draft SMS up. deleteDraftSmsMessage(threadId); } private void sendSmsWorker(String msgText, String semiSepRecipients, long threadId) { String[] dests = TextUtils.split(semiSepRecipients, ";"); if (LogTag.VERBOSE || Log.isLoggable(LogTag.TRANSACTION, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.d(LogTag.TRANSACTION, "sendSmsWorker sending message: recipients=" + semiSepRecipients + ", threadId=" + threadId); } MessageSender sender = new SmsMessageSender(mActivity, dests, msgText, threadId); try { sender.sendMessage(threadId); // Make sure this thread isn't over the limits in message count Recycler.getSmsRecycler().deleteOldMessagesByThreadId(mActivity, threadId); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to send SMS message, threadId=" + threadId, e); } mStatusListener.onMessageSent(); MmsWidgetProvider.notifyDatasetChanged(mActivity); } private void sendMmsWorker(Conversation conv, Uri mmsUri, PduPersister persister, SlideshowModel slideshow, SendReq sendReq) { long threadId = 0; Cursor cursor = null; boolean newMessage = false; try { // Put a placeholder message in the database first DraftCache.getInstance().setSavingDraft(true); mStatusListener.onPreMessageSent(); // Make sure we are still using the correct thread ID for our // recipient set. threadId = conv.ensureThreadId(); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("sendMmsWorker: update draft MMS message " + mmsUri + " threadId: " + threadId); } // One last check to verify the address of the recipient. String[] dests = conv.getRecipients().getNumbers(true /* scrub for MMS address */); if (dests.length == 1) { // verify the single address matches what's in the database. If we get a different // address back, jam the new value back into the SendReq. String newAddress = Conversation.verifySingleRecipient(mActivity, conv.getThreadId(), dests[0]); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("sendMmsWorker: newAddress " + newAddress + " dests[0]: " + dests[0]); } if (!newAddress.equals(dests[0])) { dests[0] = newAddress; EncodedStringValue[] encodedNumbers = EncodedStringValue.encodeStrings(dests); if (encodedNumbers != null) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("sendMmsWorker: REPLACING number!!!"); } sendReq.setTo(encodedNumbers); } } } newMessage = mmsUri == null; if (newMessage) { // Write something in the database so the new message will appear as sending ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Mms.MESSAGE_BOX, Mms.MESSAGE_BOX_OUTBOX); values.put(Mms.THREAD_ID, threadId); values.put(Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE, PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ); mmsUri = SqliteWrapper.insert(mActivity, mContentResolver, Mms.Outbox.CONTENT_URI, values); } mStatusListener.onMessageSent(); // If user tries to send the message, it's a signal the inputted text is // what they wanted. UserHappinessSignals.userAcceptedImeText(mActivity); // First make sure we don't have too many outstanding unsent message. cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(mActivity, mContentResolver, Mms.Outbox.CONTENT_URI, MMS_OUTBOX_PROJECTION, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { long maxMessageSize = MmsConfig.getMaxSizeScaleForPendingMmsAllowed() * MmsConfig.getMaxMessageSize(); long totalPendingSize = 0; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { totalPendingSize += cursor.getLong(MMS_MESSAGE_SIZE_INDEX); } if (totalPendingSize >= maxMessageSize) { unDiscard(); // it wasn't successfully sent. Allow it to be saved as a draft. mStatusListener.onMaxPendingMessagesReached(); markMmsMessageWithError(mmsUri); return; } } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } try { if (newMessage) { // Create a new MMS message if one hasn't been made yet. mmsUri = createDraftMmsMessage(persister, sendReq, slideshow, mmsUri); } else { // Otherwise, sync the MMS message in progress to disk. updateDraftMmsMessage(mmsUri, persister, slideshow, sendReq); } // Be paranoid and clean any draft SMS up. deleteDraftSmsMessage(threadId); } finally { DraftCache.getInstance().setSavingDraft(false); } // Resize all the resizeable attachments (e.g. pictures) to fit // in the remaining space in the slideshow. int error = 0; try { slideshow.finalResize(mmsUri); } catch (ExceedMessageSizeException e1) { error = MESSAGE_SIZE_EXCEEDED; } catch (MmsException e1) { error = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (error != 0) { markMmsMessageWithError(mmsUri); mStatusListener.onAttachmentError(error); return; } MessageSender sender = new MmsMessageSender(mActivity, mmsUri, slideshow.getCurrentMessageSize()); try { if (!sender.sendMessage(threadId)) { // The message was sent through SMS protocol, we should // delete the copy which was previously saved in MMS drafts. SqliteWrapper.delete(mActivity, mContentResolver, mmsUri, null, null); } // Make sure this thread isn't over the limits in message count Recycler.getMmsRecycler().deleteOldMessagesByThreadId(mActivity, threadId); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to send message: " + mmsUri + ", threadId=" + threadId, e); } MmsWidgetProvider.notifyDatasetChanged(mActivity); } private void markMmsMessageWithError(Uri mmsUri) { try { PduPersister p = PduPersister.getPduPersister(mActivity); // Move the message into MMS Outbox. A trigger will create an entry in // the "pending_msgs" table. p.move(mmsUri, Mms.Outbox.CONTENT_URI); // Now update the pending_msgs table with an error for that new item. ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); values.put(PendingMessages.ERROR_TYPE, MmsSms.ERR_TYPE_GENERIC_PERMANENT); long msgId = ContentUris.parseId(mmsUri); SqliteWrapper.update(mActivity, mContentResolver, PendingMessages.CONTENT_URI, values, PendingMessages.MSG_ID + "=" + msgId, null); } catch (MmsException e) { // Not much we can do here. If the p.move throws an exception, we'll just // leave the message in the draft box. Log.e(TAG, "Failed to move message to outbox and mark as error: " + mmsUri, e); } } // Draft message stuff private static final String[] MMS_DRAFT_PROJECTION = { Mms._ID, // 0 Mms.SUBJECT, // 1 Mms.SUBJECT_CHARSET // 2 }; private static final int MMS_ID_INDEX = 0; private static final int MMS_SUBJECT_INDEX = 1; private static final int MMS_SUBJECT_CS_INDEX = 2; private static Uri readDraftMmsMessage(Context context, Conversation conv, StringBuilder sb) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("readDraftMmsMessage conv: " + conv); } Cursor cursor; ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); final String selection = Mms.THREAD_ID + " = " + conv.getThreadId(); cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(context, cr, Mms.Draft.CONTENT_URI, MMS_DRAFT_PROJECTION, selection, null, null); Uri uri; try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Mms.Draft.CONTENT_URI, cursor.getLong(MMS_ID_INDEX)); String subject = MessageUtils.extractEncStrFromCursor(cursor, MMS_SUBJECT_INDEX, MMS_SUBJECT_CS_INDEX); if (subject != null) { sb.append(subject); } if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("readDraftMmsMessage uri: ", uri); } return uri; } } finally { cursor.close(); } return null; } /** * makeSendReq should always return a non-null SendReq, whether the dest addresses are * valid or not. */ private static SendReq makeSendReq(Conversation conv, CharSequence subject) { String[] dests = conv.getRecipients().getNumbers(true /* scrub for MMS address */); SendReq req = new SendReq(); EncodedStringValue[] encodedNumbers = EncodedStringValue.encodeStrings(dests); if (encodedNumbers != null) { req.setTo(encodedNumbers); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(subject)) { req.setSubject(new EncodedStringValue(subject.toString())); } req.setDate(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L); return req; } private static Uri createDraftMmsMessage(PduPersister persister, SendReq sendReq, SlideshowModel slideshow, Uri preUri) { if (slideshow == null) { return null; } try { PduBody pb = slideshow.toPduBody(); sendReq.setBody(pb); Uri res = persister.persist(sendReq, preUri == null ? Mms.Draft.CONTENT_URI : preUri); slideshow.sync(pb); return res; } catch (MmsException e) { return null; } } private void asyncUpdateDraftMmsMessage(final Conversation conv, final boolean isStopping) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("asyncUpdateDraftMmsMessage conv=%s mMessageUri=%s", conv, mMessageUri); } new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { DraftCache.getInstance().setSavingDraft(true); final PduPersister persister = PduPersister.getPduPersister(mActivity); final SendReq sendReq = makeSendReq(conv, mSubject); if (mMessageUri == null) { mMessageUri = createDraftMmsMessage(persister, sendReq, mSlideshow, null); } else { updateDraftMmsMessage(mMessageUri, persister, mSlideshow, sendReq); } if (isStopping && conv.getMessageCount() == 0) { // createDraftMmsMessage can create the new thread in the threads table (the // call to createDraftMmsDraftMessage calls PduPersister.persist() which // can call Threads.getOrCreateThreadId()). Meanwhile, when the user goes // back to ConversationList while we're saving a draft from CMA's.onStop, // ConversationList will delete all threads from the thread table that // don't have associated sms or pdu entries. In case our thread got deleted, // well call clearThreadId() so ensureThreadId will query the db for the new // thread. conv.clearThreadId(); // force us to get the updated thread id } if (!conv.getRecipients().isEmpty()) { conv.ensureThreadId(); } conv.setDraftState(true); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("asyncUpdateDraftMmsMessage conv: " + conv + " uri: " + mMessageUri); } // Be paranoid and delete any SMS drafts that might be lying around. Must do // this after ensureThreadId so conv has the correct thread id. asyncDeleteDraftSmsMessage(conv); } finally { DraftCache.getInstance().setSavingDraft(false); } } }, "WorkingMessage.asyncUpdateDraftMmsMessage").start(); } private static void updateDraftMmsMessage(Uri uri, PduPersister persister, SlideshowModel slideshow, SendReq sendReq) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("updateDraftMmsMessage uri=%s", uri); } if (uri == null) { Log.e(TAG, "updateDraftMmsMessage null uri"); return; } persister.updateHeaders(uri, sendReq); final PduBody pb = slideshow.toPduBody(); try { persister.updateParts(uri, pb); } catch (MmsException e) { Log.e(TAG, "updateDraftMmsMessage: cannot update message " + uri); } slideshow.sync(pb); } private static final String SMS_DRAFT_WHERE = Sms.TYPE + "=" + Sms.MESSAGE_TYPE_DRAFT; private static final String[] SMS_BODY_PROJECTION = { Sms.BODY }; private static final int SMS_BODY_INDEX = 0; /** * Reads a draft message for the given thread ID from the database, * if there is one, deletes it from the database, and returns it. * @return The draft message or an empty string. */ private String readDraftSmsMessage(Conversation conv) { long thread_id = conv.getThreadId(); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.d(TAG, "readDraftSmsMessage conv: " + conv); } // If it's an invalid thread or we know there's no draft, don't bother. if (thread_id <= 0 || !conv.hasDraft()) { return ""; } Uri thread_uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Sms.Conversations.CONTENT_URI, thread_id); String body = ""; Cursor c = SqliteWrapper.query(mActivity, mContentResolver, thread_uri, SMS_BODY_PROJECTION, SMS_DRAFT_WHERE, null, null); boolean haveDraft = false; if (c != null) { try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { body = c.getString(SMS_BODY_INDEX); haveDraft = true; } } finally { c.close(); } } // We found a draft, and if there are no messages in the conversation, // that means we deleted the thread, too. Must reset the thread id // so we'll eventually create a new thread. if (haveDraft && conv.getMessageCount() == 0) { asyncDeleteDraftSmsMessage(conv); // Clean out drafts for this thread -- if the recipient set changes, // we will lose track of the original draft and be unable to delete // it later. The message will be re-saved if necessary upon exit of // the activity. clearConversation(conv, true); } if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("readDraftSmsMessage haveDraft: ", !TextUtils.isEmpty(body)); } return body; } public void clearConversation(final Conversation conv, boolean resetThreadId) { if (resetThreadId && conv.getMessageCount() == 0) { if (DEBUG) LogTag.debug("clearConversation calling clearThreadId"); conv.clearThreadId(); } conv.setDraftState(false); } private void asyncUpdateDraftSmsMessage(final Conversation conv, final String contents) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { DraftCache.getInstance().setSavingDraft(true); if (conv.getRecipients().isEmpty()) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("asyncUpdateDraftSmsMessage no recipients, not saving"); } return; } long threadId = conv.ensureThreadId(); conv.setDraftState(true); updateDraftSmsMessage(conv, contents); } finally { DraftCache.getInstance().setSavingDraft(false); } } }, "WorkingMessage.asyncUpdateDraftSmsMessage").start(); } private void updateDraftSmsMessage(final Conversation conv, String contents) { final long threadId = conv.getThreadId(); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("updateDraftSmsMessage tid=%d, contents=\"%s\"", threadId, contents); } // If we don't have a valid thread, there's nothing to do. if (threadId <= 0) { return; } ContentValues values = new ContentValues(3); values.put(Sms.THREAD_ID, threadId); values.put(Sms.BODY, contents); values.put(Sms.TYPE, Sms.MESSAGE_TYPE_DRAFT); SqliteWrapper.insert(mActivity, mContentResolver, Sms.CONTENT_URI, values); asyncDeleteDraftMmsMessage(conv); mMessageUri = null; } private void asyncDelete(final Uri uri, final String selection, final String[] selectionArgs) { if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { LogTag.debug("asyncDelete %s where %s", uri, selection); } new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SqliteWrapper.delete(mActivity, mContentResolver, uri, selection, selectionArgs); } }, "WorkingMessage.asyncDelete").start(); } public void asyncDeleteDraftSmsMessage(Conversation conv) { mHasSmsDraft = false; final long threadId = conv.getThreadId(); if (threadId > 0) { asyncDelete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(Sms.Conversations.CONTENT_URI, threadId), SMS_DRAFT_WHERE, null); } } private void deleteDraftSmsMessage(long threadId) { SqliteWrapper.delete(mActivity, mContentResolver, ContentUris.withAppendedId(Sms.Conversations.CONTENT_URI, threadId), SMS_DRAFT_WHERE, null); } private void asyncDeleteDraftMmsMessage(Conversation conv) { mHasMmsDraft = false; final long threadId = conv.getThreadId(); // If the thread id is < 1, then the thread_id in the pdu will be "" or NULL. We have // to clear those messages as well as ones with a valid thread id. final String where = Mms.THREAD_ID + (threadId > 0 ? " = " + threadId : " IS NULL"); asyncDelete(Mms.Draft.CONTENT_URI, where, null); } }