/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.videoeditor.widgets; import java.util.List; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.app.Dialog; import android.content.ClipData; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.media.videoeditor.EffectColor; import android.media.videoeditor.MediaItem; import android.media.videoeditor.Transition; import android.media.videoeditor.TransitionSliding; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ActionMode; import android.view.Display; import android.view.DragEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.Toast; import com.android.videoeditor.AlertDialogs; import com.android.videoeditor.EffectType; import com.android.videoeditor.KenBurnsActivity; import com.android.videoeditor.OverlayTitleEditor; import com.android.videoeditor.TransitionType; import com.android.videoeditor.TransitionsActivity; import com.android.videoeditor.VideoEditorActivity; import com.android.videoeditor.service.ApiService; import com.android.videoeditor.service.MovieEffect; import com.android.videoeditor.service.MovieMediaItem; import com.android.videoeditor.service.MovieOverlay; import com.android.videoeditor.service.MovieTransition; import com.android.videoeditor.service.VideoEditorProject; import com.android.videoeditor.util.FileUtils; import com.android.videoeditor.util.MediaItemUtils; import com.android.videoeditor.R; /** * LinearLayout which holds media items and transitions. */ public class MediaLinearLayout extends LinearLayout { // Logging private static final String TAG = "MediaLinearLayout"; // Dialog parameter ids private static final String PARAM_DIALOG_MEDIA_ITEM_ID = "media_item_id"; private static final String PARAM_DIALOG_CURRENT_RENDERING_MODE = "rendering_mode"; private static final String PARAM_DIALOG_TRANSITION_ID = "transition_id"; // Transition duration limits private static final long MAXIMUM_IMAGE_DURATION = 6000; private static final long MAXIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION = 3000; private static final long MINIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION = 250; private static final long TIME_TOLERANCE = 30; // Instance variables private final ItemSimpleGestureListener mMediaItemGestureListener; private final ItemSimpleGestureListener mTransitionGestureListener; private final Handler mHandler; private final int mHalfParentWidth; private final int mHandleWidth; private final int mTransitionVerticalInset; private final ImageButton mLeftAddClipButton, mRightAddClipButton; private MediaLinearLayoutListener mListener; private ActionMode mMediaItemActionMode; private ActionMode mTransitionActionMode; private VideoEditorProject mProject; private boolean mPlaybackInProgress; private HandleView mLeftHandle, mRightHandle; private boolean mIsTrimming; // Indicates if some media item is being trimmed. private boolean mMoveLayoutPending; private View mScrollView; // Convenient handle to the parent scroll view. private View mSelectedView; private String mDragMediaItemId; private float mPrevDragPosition; private long mPrevDragScrollTime; private MovieMediaItem mDropAfterMediaItem; private int mDropIndex; private boolean mFirstEntered; /** * The media item action mode handler. */ private class MediaItemActionModeCallback implements ActionMode.Callback { // Media item associated with this callback. private final MovieMediaItem mMediaItem; public MediaItemActionModeCallback(MovieMediaItem mediaItem) { mMediaItem = mediaItem; } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { mMediaItemActionMode = mode; final Activity activity = (Activity) getContext(); activity.getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.media_item_mode_menu, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { final boolean enable = !ApiService.isProjectBeingEdited(mProject.getPath()) && !mPlaybackInProgress; // Pan zoom effect is only for images. Hide it from video clips. MenuItem item; if (!mMediaItem.isImage()) { item = menu.findItem(R.id.action_pan_zoom_effect); item.setVisible(false); item.setEnabled(false); } // If the selected media item already has an effect applied on it, check the // corresponding effect menu item. MovieEffect effect = mMediaItem.getEffect(); if (effect != null) { switch (mMediaItem.getEffect().getType()) { case EffectType.EFFECT_KEN_BURNS: item = menu.findItem(R.id.action_pan_zoom_effect); break; case EffectType.EFFECT_COLOR_GRADIENT: item = menu.findItem(R.id.action_gradient_effect); break; case EffectType.EFFECT_COLOR_SEPIA: item = menu.findItem(R.id.action_sepia_effect); break; case EffectType.EFFECT_COLOR_NEGATIVE: item = menu.findItem(R.id.action_negative_effect); break; default: item = menu.findItem(R.id.action_no_effect); break; } } else { item = menu.findItem(R.id.action_no_effect); } item.setChecked(true); menu.findItem(R.id.media_item_effect_menu).setEnabled(enable); // Menu item for adding a new overlay. It is also used to edit // existing overlay. We change the displayed text accordingly. final MenuItem aomi = menu.findItem(R.id.action_add_overlay); aomi.setTitle((mMediaItem.getOverlay() == null) ? R.string.editor_add_overlay : R.string.editor_edit_overlay); aomi.setEnabled(enable); final MenuItem romi = menu.findItem(R.id.action_remove_overlay); romi.setVisible(mMediaItem.getOverlay() != null); romi.setEnabled(enable && mMediaItem.getOverlay() != null); final MenuItem btmi = menu.findItem(R.id.action_add_begin_transition); btmi.setVisible(mMediaItem.getBeginTransition() == null); btmi.setEnabled(enable && mMediaItem.getBeginTransition() == null); final MenuItem etmi = menu.findItem(R.id.action_add_end_transition); etmi.setVisible(mMediaItem.getEndTransition() == null); etmi.setEnabled(enable && mMediaItem.getEndTransition() == null); final MenuItem rmmi = menu.findItem(R.id.action_rendering_mode); rmmi.setVisible(mProject.hasMultipleAspectRatios()); rmmi.setEnabled(enable && mProject.hasMultipleAspectRatios()); return true; } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case R.id.action_add_overlay: { editOverlay(mMediaItem); break; } case R.id.action_remove_overlay: { removeOverlay(mMediaItem); break; } case R.id.action_add_begin_transition: { final MovieMediaItem prevMediaItem = mProject.getPreviousMediaItem( mMediaItem.getId()); pickTransition(prevMediaItem); break; } case R.id.action_add_end_transition: { pickTransition(mMediaItem); break; } case R.id.action_gradient_effect: case R.id.action_sepia_effect: case R.id.action_negative_effect: case R.id.action_pan_zoom_effect: { applyEffect(item); break; } case R.id.action_no_effect: { if (!item.isChecked()) { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(PARAM_DIALOG_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, mMediaItem.getId()); ((Activity) getContext()).showDialog( VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_EFFECT_ID, bundle); } break; } case R.id.action_rendering_mode: { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(PARAM_DIALOG_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, mMediaItem.getId()); bundle.putInt(PARAM_DIALOG_CURRENT_RENDERING_MODE, mMediaItem.getAppRenderingMode()); ((Activity) getContext()).showDialog( VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_CHANGE_RENDERING_MODE_ID, bundle); break; } case R.id.action_delete_media_item: { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(PARAM_DIALOG_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, mMediaItem.getId()); ((Activity) getContext()).showDialog( VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, bundle); break; } default: { break; } } return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { final View mediaItemView = getMediaItemView(mMediaItem.getId()); if (mSelectedView != null) { mLeftHandle.endMove(); mRightHandle.endMove(); } unSelect(mediaItemView); showAddMediaItemButtons(true); mMediaItemActionMode = null; } private void applyEffect(MenuItem clickedItem) { if (!clickedItem.isChecked()) { switch(clickedItem.getItemId()) { case R.id.action_gradient_effect: addEffect(EffectType.EFFECT_COLOR_GRADIENT, mMediaItem.getId(), null, null); clickedItem.setChecked(true); break; case R.id.action_sepia_effect: addEffect(EffectType.EFFECT_COLOR_SEPIA, mMediaItem.getId(), null, null); clickedItem.setChecked(true); break; case R.id.action_negative_effect: addEffect(EffectType.EFFECT_COLOR_NEGATIVE, mMediaItem.getId(), null, null); clickedItem.setChecked(true); break; case R.id.action_pan_zoom_effect: { // Note that we don't check the pan zoom checkbox here. // Because pan zoom effect will start a new activity and users // could cancel applying the effect. Once pan zoom effect has // really been applied. The action mode will be invalidated in // onActivityResult() method and the checkbox is then checked. final Intent intent = new Intent(getContext(), KenBurnsActivity.class); intent.putExtra(KenBurnsActivity.PARAM_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, mMediaItem.getId()); intent.putExtra(KenBurnsActivity.PARAM_FILENAME, mMediaItem.getFilename()); intent.putExtra(KenBurnsActivity.PARAM_WIDTH, mMediaItem.getWidth()); intent.putExtra(KenBurnsActivity.PARAM_HEIGHT, mMediaItem.getHeight()); ((Activity) getContext()).startActivityForResult(intent, VideoEditorActivity.REQUEST_CODE_KEN_BURNS); break; } default: break; } } } } /** * The transition action mode handler. */ private class TransitionActionModeCallback implements ActionMode.Callback { private final MovieTransition mTransition; public TransitionActionModeCallback(MovieTransition transition) { mTransition = transition; } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { mTransitionActionMode = mode; final Activity activity = (Activity) getContext(); activity.getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.transition_mode_menu, menu); mode.setTitle(activity.getString(R.string.editor_transition_title)); return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { final boolean enable = !ApiService.isProjectBeingEdited(mProject.getPath()) && !mPlaybackInProgress; final MenuItem etmi = menu.findItem(R.id.action_change_transition); etmi.setEnabled(enable); final MenuItem rtmi = menu.findItem(R.id.action_remove_transition); rtmi.setEnabled(enable); return true; } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case R.id.action_remove_transition: { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(PARAM_DIALOG_TRANSITION_ID, mTransition.getId()); ((Activity) getContext()).showDialog( VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_TRANSITION_ID, bundle); break; } case R.id.action_change_transition: { editTransition(mTransition); break; } default: { break; } } return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { final View transitionView = getTransitionView(mTransition.getId()); unSelect(transitionView); showAddMediaItemButtons(true); mTransitionActionMode = null; } } public MediaLinearLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); mMediaItemGestureListener = new ItemSimpleGestureListener() { @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(View view, int area, MotionEvent e) { if (mPlaybackInProgress) { return false; } switch (area) { case ItemSimpleGestureListener.LEFT_AREA: { if (view.isSelected()) { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = (MovieMediaItem) view.getTag(); final MovieMediaItem prevMediaItem = mProject.getPreviousMediaItem( mediaItem.getId()); pickTransition(prevMediaItem); } break; } case ItemSimpleGestureListener.CENTER_AREA: { break; } case ItemSimpleGestureListener.RIGHT_AREA: { if (view.isSelected()) { pickTransition((MovieMediaItem) view.getTag()); } break; } } select(view); return true; } @Override public void onLongPress(View view, MotionEvent e) { if (mPlaybackInProgress) { return; } final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = (MovieMediaItem)view.getTag(); if (mProject.getMediaItemCount() > 1) { view.startDrag(ClipData.newPlainText("File", mediaItem.getFilename()), ((MediaItemView)view).getShadowBuilder(), mediaItem.getId(), 0); } select(view); if (mMediaItemActionMode == null) { startActionMode(new MediaItemActionModeCallback(mediaItem)); } } }; mTransitionGestureListener = new ItemSimpleGestureListener() { @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(View view, int area, MotionEvent e) { if (mPlaybackInProgress) { return false; } select(view); return true; } @Override public void onLongPress(View view, MotionEvent e) { if (mPlaybackInProgress) { return; } select(view); if (mTransitionActionMode == null) { startActionMode(new TransitionActionModeCallback( (MovieTransition) view.getTag())); } } }; // Add the beginning timeline item final View beginView = inflate(getContext(), R.layout.empty_left_timeline_item, null); beginView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { unselectAllTimelineViews(); } }); mLeftAddClipButton = (ImageButton) beginView.findViewById( R.id.add_left_media_item_button); mLeftAddClipButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); mLeftAddClipButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { if (mProject != null && mProject.getMediaItemCount() > 0) { unselectAllTimelineViews(); // Add a clip at the beginning of the movie. mListener.onAddMediaItem(null); } } }); addView(beginView); // Add the end timeline item final View endView = inflate(getContext(), R.layout.empty_right_timeline_item, null); endView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { unselectAllTimelineViews(); } }); mRightAddClipButton = (ImageButton) endView.findViewById( R.id.add_right_media_item_button); mRightAddClipButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { if (mProject != null) { unselectAllTimelineViews(); // Add a clip at the end of the movie. final MovieMediaItem lastMediaItem = mProject.getLastMediaItem(); if (lastMediaItem != null) { mListener.onAddMediaItem(lastMediaItem.getId()); } else { mListener.onAddMediaItem(null); } } } }); addView(endView); mLeftHandle = (HandleView)inflate(getContext(), R.layout.left_handle_view, null); addView(mLeftHandle); mRightHandle = (HandleView)inflate(getContext(), R.layout.right_handle_view, null); addView(mRightHandle); mHandleWidth = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.handle_width); mTransitionVerticalInset = (int) context.getResources().getDimension( R.dimen.timelime_transition_vertical_inset); // Compute half the width of the screen (and therefore the parent view). final Display display = ((Activity) context).getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); mHalfParentWidth = display.getWidth() / 2; mHandler = new Handler(); setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(false); } public MediaLinearLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public MediaLinearLayout(Context context) { this(context, null, 0); } public void setParentTimelineScrollView(View scrollView) { mScrollView = scrollView; } /** * Called when the containing activity is resumed. */ public void onResume() { // Invalidate all progress in case the transition generation or // Ken Burns effect completed while the activity was being paused. final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final View childView = getChildAt(i); final Object item = childView.getTag(); if (item != null) { if (item instanceof MovieMediaItem) { ((MediaItemView) childView).resetGeneratingEffectProgress(); } else if (item instanceof MovieTransition) { ((TransitionView) childView).resetGeneratingTransitionProgress(); } } } } public void setListener(MediaLinearLayoutListener listener) { mListener = listener; } public void setProject(VideoEditorProject project) { closeActionBars(); clearAndHideTrimHandles(); removeAllMediaItemAndTransitionViews(); mProject = project; } /** * @param inProgress {@code true} if playback is in progress, false otherwise */ public void setPlaybackInProgress(boolean inProgress) { mPlaybackInProgress = inProgress; setPlaybackState(inProgress); // Don't allow the user to interact with media items or // transitions while the playback is in progress. closeActionBars(); } /** * Returns selected view's position on the timeline; -1 if none. */ public int getSelectedViewPos() { return indexOfChild(mSelectedView); } /** * Selects the view at the specified position; null if it does not exist. */ public void setSelectedView(int pos) { if (pos < 0) { return; } mSelectedView = getChildAt(pos); if (mSelectedView != null) { select(mSelectedView); } } /** * Clears existing media or transition items and adds all given media items. * * @param mediaItems The list of media items */ public void addMediaItems(List mediaItems) { closeActionBars(); removeAllMediaItemAndTransitionViews(); for (MovieMediaItem mediaItem : mediaItems) { addMediaItem(mediaItem); } } /** * Adds a new media item at the end of the timeline. * * @param mediaItem The media item */ private void addMediaItem(MovieMediaItem mediaItem) { final View mediaItemView = inflate(getContext(), R.layout.media_item, null); ((MediaItemView) mediaItemView).setGestureListener(mMediaItemGestureListener); ((MediaItemView) mediaItemView).setProjectPath(mProject.getPath()); mediaItemView.setTag(mediaItem); // Add the new view final LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); // Add the view before the end view, left handle and right handle views. addView(mediaItemView, getChildCount() - 3, lp); // If the new media item has beginning and end transitions, add them. final MovieTransition beginTransition = mediaItem.getBeginTransition(); if (beginTransition != null) { final int cc = getChildCount(); // Account for the beginning and end views and the trim handles if (cc > 5) { // There is a previous view (transition or media item) final View view = getChildAt(cc - 5); final Object tag = view.getTag(); // Do not add transition if it already exists if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MovieMediaItem prevMediaItem = (MovieMediaItem)tag; addTransition(beginTransition, prevMediaItem.getId()); } } else { // This is the first media item addTransition(beginTransition, null); } } final MovieTransition endTransition = mediaItem.getEndTransition(); if (endTransition != null) { addTransition(endTransition, mediaItem.getId()); } requestLayout(); if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } // Now we can add clips by tapping the beginning view mLeftAddClipButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } /** * Inserts a new media item after the specified media item id. * * @param mediaItem The media item * @param afterMediaItemId The id of the media item preceding the media item */ public void insertMediaItem(MovieMediaItem mediaItem, String afterMediaItemId) { final View mediaItemView = inflate(getContext(), R.layout.media_item, null); ((MediaItemView)mediaItemView).setGestureListener(mMediaItemGestureListener); ((MediaItemView)mediaItemView).setProjectPath(mProject.getPath()); mediaItemView.setTag(mediaItem); int insertViewIndex; if (afterMediaItemId != null) { if ((insertViewIndex = getMediaItemViewIndex(afterMediaItemId)) == -1) { Log.e(TAG, "Media item not found: " + afterMediaItemId); return; } insertViewIndex++; if (insertViewIndex < getChildCount()) { final Object tag = getChildAt(insertViewIndex).getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieTransition) { // Remove the transition following the media item removeViewAt(insertViewIndex); } } } else { // Insert at the beginning // If we have a transition at the beginning remove it final Object tag = getChildAt(1).getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieTransition) { removeViewAt(1); } insertViewIndex = 1; } // Add the new view final LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); addView(mediaItemView, insertViewIndex, lp); // If the new media item has beginning and end transitions add them final MovieTransition beginTransition = mediaItem.getBeginTransition(); if (beginTransition != null) { if (insertViewIndex > 1) { // There is a previous view (transition or media item) final View view = getChildAt(insertViewIndex - 1); final Object tag = view.getTag(); // Do not add transition if it already exists if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MovieMediaItem prevMediaItem = (MovieMediaItem)tag; addTransition(beginTransition, prevMediaItem.getId()); } } else { // This is the first media item addTransition(beginTransition, null); } } final MovieTransition endTransition = mediaItem.getEndTransition(); if (endTransition != null) { addTransition(endTransition, mediaItem.getId()); } requestLayout(); if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } // Now we can add clips by tapping the beginning view mLeftAddClipButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } /** * Updates the specified media item. * * @param mediaItem The media item to be updated */ public void updateMediaItem(MovieMediaItem mediaItem) { final String mediaItemId = mediaItem.getId(); final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final View childView = getChildAt(i); final Object tag = childView.getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MovieMediaItem mi = (MovieMediaItem) tag; if (mediaItemId.equals(mi.getId())) { if (mediaItem != mi) { // The media item is a new instance of the media item childView.setTag(mediaItem); if (mediaItem.getBeginTransition() != null) { if (i > 0) { final View tView = getChildAt(i - 1); final Object tagT = tView.getTag(); if (tagT != null && tagT instanceof MovieTransition) { tView.setTag(mediaItem.getBeginTransition()); } } } if (mediaItem.getEndTransition() != null) { if (i < childrenCount - 1) { final View tView = getChildAt(i + 1); final Object tagT = tView.getTag(); if (tagT != null && tagT instanceof MovieTransition) { tView.setTag(mediaItem.getEndTransition()); } } } } if (childView.isSelected()) { mLeftHandle.setEnabled(true); mRightHandle.setEnabled(true); } break; } } } requestLayout(); if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } } /** * Removes a media item view. * * @param mediaItemId The media item id * @param transition The transition inserted at the removal position * if a theme is in use. * * @return The view which was removed */ public View removeMediaItem(String mediaItemId, MovieTransition transition) { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); MovieMediaItem prevMediaItem = null; for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final View childView = getChildAt(i); final Object tag = childView.getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MovieMediaItem mi = (MovieMediaItem)tag; if (mediaItemId.equals(mi.getId())) { int mediaItemViewIndex = i; // Remove the before transition if (mediaItemViewIndex > 0) { final Object beforeTag = getChildAt(mediaItemViewIndex - 1).getTag(); if (beforeTag != null && beforeTag instanceof MovieTransition) { // Remove the transition view removeViewAt(mediaItemViewIndex - 1); mediaItemViewIndex--; } } // Remove the after transition view if (mediaItemViewIndex < getChildCount() - 1) { final Object afterTag = getChildAt(mediaItemViewIndex + 1).getTag(); if (afterTag != null && afterTag instanceof MovieTransition) { // Remove the transition view removeViewAt(mediaItemViewIndex + 1); } } // Remove the media item view removeViewAt(mediaItemViewIndex); if (transition != null) { addTransition(transition, prevMediaItem != null ? prevMediaItem.getId() : null); } if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } if (mProject.getMediaItemCount() == 0) { // We cannot add clips by tapping the beginning view mLeftAddClipButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); } return childView; } prevMediaItem = mi; } } return null; } /** * Creates a new transition. * * @param afterMediaItemId Insert the transition after this media item id * @param transitionType The transition type * @param transitionDurationMs The transition duration in ms */ public void addTransition(String afterMediaItemId, int transitionType, long transitionDurationMs) { unselectAllTimelineViews(); final MovieMediaItem afterMediaItem; if (afterMediaItemId != null) { afterMediaItem = mProject.getMediaItem(afterMediaItemId); if (afterMediaItem == null) { return; } } else { afterMediaItem = null; } final String id = ApiService.generateId(); switch (transitionType) { case TransitionType.TRANSITION_TYPE_ALPHA_CONTOUR: { ApiService.insertAlphaTransition(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), afterMediaItemId, id, transitionDurationMs, Transition.BEHAVIOR_LINEAR, R.raw.mask_contour, 50, false); break; } case TransitionType.TRANSITION_TYPE_ALPHA_DIAGONAL: { ApiService.insertAlphaTransition(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), afterMediaItemId, id, transitionDurationMs, Transition.BEHAVIOR_LINEAR, R.raw.mask_diagonal, 50, false); break; } case TransitionType.TRANSITION_TYPE_CROSSFADE: { ApiService.insertCrossfadeTransition(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), afterMediaItemId, id, transitionDurationMs, Transition.BEHAVIOR_LINEAR); break; } case TransitionType.TRANSITION_TYPE_FADE_BLACK: { ApiService.insertFadeBlackTransition(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), afterMediaItemId, id, transitionDurationMs, Transition.BEHAVIOR_LINEAR); break; } case TransitionType.TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDING_RIGHT_OUT_LEFT_IN: { ApiService.insertSlidingTransition(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), afterMediaItemId, id, transitionDurationMs, Transition.BEHAVIOR_LINEAR, TransitionSliding.DIRECTION_RIGHT_OUT_LEFT_IN); break; } case TransitionType.TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDING_LEFT_OUT_RIGHT_IN: { ApiService.insertSlidingTransition(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), afterMediaItemId, id, transitionDurationMs, Transition.BEHAVIOR_LINEAR, TransitionSliding.DIRECTION_LEFT_OUT_RIGHT_IN); break; } case TransitionType.TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDING_TOP_OUT_BOTTOM_IN: { ApiService.insertSlidingTransition(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), afterMediaItemId, id, transitionDurationMs, Transition.BEHAVIOR_LINEAR, TransitionSliding.DIRECTION_TOP_OUT_BOTTOM_IN); break; } case TransitionType.TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDING_BOTTOM_OUT_TOP_IN: { ApiService.insertSlidingTransition(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), afterMediaItemId, id, transitionDurationMs, Transition.BEHAVIOR_LINEAR, TransitionSliding.DIRECTION_BOTTOM_OUT_TOP_IN); break; } default: { break; } } if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } } /** * Edits a transition. * * @param afterMediaItemId Insert the transition after this media item id * @param transitionId The transition id * @param transitionType The transition type * @param transitionDurationMs The transition duration in ms */ public void editTransition(String afterMediaItemId, String transitionId, int transitionType, long transitionDurationMs) { final MovieTransition transition = mProject.getTransition(transitionId); if (transition == null) { return; } // Check if the type or duration had changed if (transition.getType() != transitionType) { // Remove the transition and add it again ApiService.removeTransition(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), transitionId); addTransition(afterMediaItemId, transitionType, transitionDurationMs); } else if (transition.getAppDuration() != transitionDurationMs) { transition.setAppDuration(transitionDurationMs); ApiService.setTransitionDuration(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), transitionId, transitionDurationMs); } if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } } /** * Adds a new transition after the specified media id. This method assumes that a * transition does not exist at the insertion point. * * @param transition The transition to be added * @param afterMediaItemId After the specified media item id * * @return The transition view that was added, {@code null} upon errors. */ public View addTransition(MovieTransition transition, String afterMediaItemId) { // Determine the insert position int index; if (afterMediaItemId != null) { index = -1; final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final Object tag = getChildAt(i).getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MovieMediaItem mi = (MovieMediaItem) tag; if (afterMediaItemId.equals(mi.getId())) { index = i + 1; break; } } } if (index < 0) { Log.e(TAG, "addTransition media item not found: " + afterMediaItemId); return null; } } else { index = 1; } final View transitionView = inflate(getContext(), R.layout.transition_view, null); ((TransitionView) transitionView).setGestureListener(mTransitionGestureListener); ((TransitionView) transitionView).setProjectPath(mProject.getPath()); transitionView.setTag(transition); final LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); addView(transitionView, index, lp); // Adjust the size of all the views requestLayout(); // If this transition was added by the user invalidate the menu item if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } return transitionView; } /** * Updates a transition. * * @param transitionId The transition id */ public void updateTransition(String transitionId) { requestLayout(); invalidate(); } /** * Removes a transition with the specified id. * * @param transitionId The transition id */ public void removeTransition(String transitionId) { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final Object tag = getChildAt(i).getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieTransition) { final MovieTransition transition = (MovieTransition)tag; if (transitionId.equals(transition.getId())) { // Remove the view removeViewAt(i); // Adjust the size of all the views requestLayout(); // If this transition was removed by the user invalidate the menu item if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } return; } } } } /** * Invalidates the available action modes. Used to refresh menu contents. */ public void invalidateActionBar() { if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } if (mTransitionActionMode != null) { mTransitionActionMode.invalidate(); } } /** * A Ken Burns movie is encoded for an MediaImageItem. * * @param mediaItemId The media item id * @param action The action * @param progress Progress value (between 0..100) */ public void onGeneratePreviewMediaItemProgress(String mediaItemId, int action, int progress) { // Display the progress while generating the Ken Burns video clip final MediaItemView view = (MediaItemView) getMediaItemView(mediaItemId); if (view != null) { view.setGeneratingEffectProgress(progress); if (view.isSelected()) { if (progress == 0) { mLeftHandle.setEnabled(false); mRightHandle.setEnabled(false); } else if (progress == 100) { mLeftHandle.setEnabled(true); mRightHandle.setEnabled(true); } } } } /** * A transition is being encoded. * * @param transitionId The transition id * @param action The action * @param progress The progress */ public void onGeneratePreviewTransitionProgress(String transitionId, int action, int progress) { // Display the progress while generating the transition final TransitionView view = (TransitionView) getTransitionView(transitionId); if (view != null) { view.setGeneratingTransitionProgress(progress); if (view.isSelected()) { if (progress == 0) { mLeftHandle.setEnabled(false); mRightHandle.setEnabled(false); } else if (progress == 100) { mLeftHandle.setEnabled(true); mRightHandle.setEnabled(true); } } } } /** * Creates a new effect on the specified media item. * * @param effectType The effect type * @param mediaItemId Add the effect for this media item id * @param startRect The start rectangle * @param endRect The end rectangle */ public void addEffect(int effectType, String mediaItemId, Rect startRect, Rect endRect) { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = mProject.getMediaItem(mediaItemId); if (mediaItem == null) { Log.e(TAG, "addEffect media item not found: " + mediaItemId); return; } final String id = ApiService.generateId(); switch (effectType) { case EffectType.EFFECT_KEN_BURNS: { ApiService.addEffectKenBurns(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mediaItemId, id, 0, mediaItem.getDuration(), startRect, endRect); break; } case EffectType.EFFECT_COLOR_GRADIENT: { ApiService.addEffectColor(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mediaItemId, id, 0, mediaItem.getDuration(), EffectColor.TYPE_GRADIENT, EffectColor.GRAY); break; } case EffectType.EFFECT_COLOR_SEPIA: { ApiService.addEffectColor(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mediaItemId, id, 0, mediaItem.getDuration(), EffectColor.TYPE_SEPIA, 0); break; } case EffectType.EFFECT_COLOR_NEGATIVE: { ApiService.addEffectColor(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mediaItemId, id, 0, mediaItem.getDuration(), EffectColor.TYPE_NEGATIVE, 0); break; } default: { break; } } if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } } /** * Set the media item thumbnail. * * @param mediaItemId The media item id * @param bitmap The bitmap * @param index The index of the bitmap * @param token The token given in the original request * * @return true if the bitmap is used */ public boolean setMediaItemThumbnail( String mediaItemId, Bitmap bitmap, int index, int token) { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final Object tag = getChildAt(i).getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MovieMediaItem mi = (MovieMediaItem)tag; if (mediaItemId.equals(mi.getId())) { return ((MediaItemView)getChildAt(i)).setBitmap( bitmap, index, token); } } } return false; } /** * Sets the transition thumbnails. * * @param transitionId The transition id * @param bitmaps The bitmaps array * * @return true if the bitmaps were used */ public boolean setTransitionThumbnails(String transitionId, Bitmap[] bitmaps) { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final Object tag = getChildAt(i).getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieTransition) { final MovieTransition transition = (MovieTransition)tag; if (transitionId.equals(transition.getId())) { return ((TransitionView)getChildAt(i)).setBitmaps(bitmaps); } } } return false; } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { // Compute the total duration of the project. final long totalDurationMs = mProject.computeDuration(); // Total available width for putting media items and transitions. // We subtract 2 half screen widths from the width because we put // 2 empty view at the beginning and end of the timeline, each with // half screen width. We then layout each child view into the // available width. final int viewWidth = getWidth() - (2 * mHalfParentWidth); // If we are in trimming mode, the left view width might be different // due to trimming; otherwise it equals half of screen width. final int leftViewWidth = (mSelectedView != null) ? (Integer) mScrollView.getTag(R.id.left_view_width) : mHalfParentWidth; // Top and bottom position are fixed for media item views. For transition views, // there is additional inset which makes them smaller. See below. final int top = getPaddingTop(); final int bottom = b - t; long startMs = 0; int left = 0; final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final View view = getChildAt(i); final Object tag = view.getTag(); if (tag != null) { final long durationMs = computeViewDuration(view); final int right = (int)((float)((startMs + durationMs) * viewWidth) / (float)totalDurationMs) + leftViewWidth; if (tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { if (left != view.getLeft() || right != view.getRight()) { final int oldLeft = view.getLeft(); final int oldRight = view.getRight(); view.layout(left, top, right, bottom); ((MediaItemView) view).onLayoutPerformed(oldLeft, oldRight); } else { view.layout(left, top, right, bottom); } } else { // Transition view. // Note that we set additional inset so it looks smaller // than media item views on the timeline. view.layout(left, top + mTransitionVerticalInset, right, bottom - mTransitionVerticalInset); } startMs += durationMs; left = right; } else if (view == mLeftHandle && mSelectedView != null) { // We are in trimming mode, the left handle must be shown. view.layout(mSelectedView.getLeft() - mHandleWidth, top + mSelectedView.getPaddingTop(), mSelectedView.getLeft(), bottom - mSelectedView.getPaddingBottom()); } else if (view == mRightHandle && mSelectedView != null) { // We are in trimming mode, the right handle must be shown. view.layout(mSelectedView.getRight(), top + mSelectedView.getPaddingTop(), mSelectedView.getRight() + mHandleWidth, bottom - mSelectedView.getPaddingBottom()); } else if (i == 0) { // Begin view view.layout(0, top, leftViewWidth, bottom); left += leftViewWidth; } else { // End view view.layout(left, top, getWidth(), bottom); } } mMoveLayoutPending = false; } /** * Computes the duration of the specified view. * * @param view The specified view * * @return The duration in milliseconds, 0 if the specified view is not a media item view * or a transition view */ private long computeViewDuration(View view) { long durationMs; final Object tag = view.getTag(); if (tag != null) { if (tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = (MovieMediaItem) view.getTag(); durationMs = mediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration(); if (mediaItem.getBeginTransition() != null) { durationMs -= mediaItem.getBeginTransition().getAppDuration(); } if (mediaItem.getEndTransition() != null) { durationMs -= mediaItem.getEndTransition().getAppDuration(); } } else { // Transition final MovieTransition transition = (MovieTransition) tag; durationMs = transition.getAppDuration(); } } else { durationMs = 0; } return durationMs; } /** * Creates a new dialog. * * @param id The dialog id * @param bundle The dialog bundle * * @return The dialog */ public Dialog onCreateDialog(int id, final Bundle bundle) { // If the project is not yet loaded do nothing. if (mProject == null) { return null; } switch (id) { case VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_MEDIA_ITEM_ID: { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = mProject.getMediaItem( bundle.getString(PARAM_DIALOG_MEDIA_ITEM_ID)); if (mediaItem == null) { return null; } final Activity activity = (Activity) getContext(); return AlertDialogs.createAlert(activity, FileUtils.getSimpleName(mediaItem.getFilename()), 0, mediaItem.isVideoClip() ? activity.getString(R.string.editor_remove_video_question) : activity.getString(R.string.editor_remove_image_question), activity.getString(R.string.yes), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.finish(); mMediaItemActionMode = null; } unselectAllTimelineViews(); activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_MEDIA_ITEM_ID); ApiService.removeMediaItem(activity, mProject.getPath(), mediaItem.getId(), mProject.getTheme()); } }, activity.getString(R.string.no), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_MEDIA_ITEM_ID); } }, new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_MEDIA_ITEM_ID); } }, true); } case VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_CHANGE_RENDERING_MODE_ID: { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = mProject.getMediaItem( bundle.getString(PARAM_DIALOG_MEDIA_ITEM_ID)); if (mediaItem == null) { return null; } final Activity activity = (Activity)getContext(); final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()); builder.setTitle(activity.getString(R.string.editor_change_rendering_mode)); final CharSequence[] renderingModeStrings = new CharSequence[3]; renderingModeStrings[0] = getContext().getString(R.string.rendering_mode_black_borders); renderingModeStrings[1] = getContext().getString(R.string.rendering_mode_stretch); renderingModeStrings[2] = getContext().getString(R.string.rendering_mode_crop); final int currentRenderingMode = bundle.getInt(PARAM_DIALOG_CURRENT_RENDERING_MODE); final int currentRenderingModeIndex; switch (currentRenderingMode) { case MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_CROPPING: { currentRenderingModeIndex = 2; break; } case MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_STRETCH: { currentRenderingModeIndex = 1; break; } case MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_BLACK_BORDER: default: { currentRenderingModeIndex = 0; break; } } builder.setSingleChoiceItems(renderingModeStrings, currentRenderingModeIndex, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { switch (which) { case 0: { mediaItem.setAppRenderingMode(MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_BLACK_BORDER); ApiService.setMediaItemRenderingMode(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mediaItem.getId(), MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_BLACK_BORDER); break; } case 1: { mediaItem.setAppRenderingMode(MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_STRETCH); ApiService.setMediaItemRenderingMode(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mediaItem.getId(), MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_STRETCH); break; } case 2: { mediaItem.setAppRenderingMode(MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_CROPPING); ApiService.setMediaItemRenderingMode(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mediaItem.getId(), MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_CROPPING); break; } default: { break; } } activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_CHANGE_RENDERING_MODE_ID); } }); builder.setCancelable(true); builder.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_CHANGE_RENDERING_MODE_ID); } }); return builder.create(); } case VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_TRANSITION_ID: { final MovieTransition transition = mProject.getTransition( bundle.getString(PARAM_DIALOG_TRANSITION_ID)); if (transition == null) { return null; } final Activity activity = (Activity) getContext(); return AlertDialogs.createAlert(activity, activity.getString(R.string.remove), 0, activity.getString(R.string.editor_remove_transition_question), activity.getString(R.string.yes), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (mTransitionActionMode != null) { mTransitionActionMode.finish(); mTransitionActionMode = null; } unselectAllTimelineViews(); activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_TRANSITION_ID); ApiService.removeTransition(activity, mProject.getPath(), transition.getId()); } }, activity.getString(R.string.no), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_TRANSITION_ID); } }, new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_TRANSITION_ID); } }, true); } case VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_EFFECT_ID: { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = mProject.getMediaItem( bundle.getString(PARAM_DIALOG_MEDIA_ITEM_ID)); if (mediaItem == null) { return null; } final Activity activity = (Activity) getContext(); return AlertDialogs.createAlert(activity, FileUtils.getSimpleName(mediaItem.getFilename()), 0, activity.getString(R.string.editor_remove_effect_question), activity.getString(R.string.yes), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_EFFECT_ID); ApiService.removeEffect(activity, mProject.getPath(), mediaItem.getId(), mediaItem.getEffect().getId()); if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } } }, activity.getString(R.string.no), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_EFFECT_ID); } }, new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { activity.removeDialog(VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_EFFECT_ID); } }, true); } default: { return null; } } } @Override public boolean onDragEvent(DragEvent event) { boolean result = false; switch (event.getAction()) { case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED: { // Claim to accept any dragged content if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_STARTED: " + event); } mDragMediaItemId = (String)event.getLocalState(); // Hide the handles while dragging mLeftHandle.setVisibility(View.GONE); mRightHandle.setVisibility(View.GONE); mDropAfterMediaItem = null; mDropIndex = -1; mFirstEntered = true; // This view accepts drag result = true; break; } case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED: { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED: " + event); } if (!mFirstEntered && mDropIndex >= 0) { mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_type, TimelineHorizontalScrollView.PLAYHEAD_MOVE_OK); } else { mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_type, TimelineHorizontalScrollView.PLAYHEAD_MOVE_NOT_OK); } mScrollView.invalidate(); mFirstEntered = false; break; } case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED: { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_EXITED: " + event); } // Redraw the "normal playhead" mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_type, TimelineHorizontalScrollView.PLAYHEAD_NORMAL); mScrollView.invalidate(); break; } case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED: { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_ENDED: " + event); } mDragMediaItemId = null; mDropIndex = -1; // Hide the handles while dragging mLeftHandle.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mRightHandle.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // Redraw the "normal playhead" mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_type, TimelineHorizontalScrollView.PLAYHEAD_NORMAL); mScrollView.invalidate(); requestLayout(); break; } case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION: { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION: " + event); } moveToPosition(event.getX()); // We returned true to DRAG_STARTED, so return true here result = true; break; } case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP: { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "ACTION_DROP: " + event); } if (mDropIndex >= 0) { final String afterMediaItemId = mDropAfterMediaItem != null ? mDropAfterMediaItem.getId() : null; if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "ACTION_DROP: Index: " + mDropIndex + " | " + afterMediaItemId); } ApiService.moveMediaItem(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mDragMediaItemId, afterMediaItemId, null); } result = true; break; } default: { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "Other drag event: " + event); } result = true; break; } } return result; } /** * Move the playhead during a move operation * * @param eventX The event horizontal position */ private void moveToPosition(float eventX) { final int x = (int)eventX - mScrollView.getScrollX(); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now - mPrevDragScrollTime > 300) { if (x < mPrevDragPosition - 42) { // Backwards final long positionMs = getLeftDropPosition(); if (mDropIndex >= 0) { // Redraw the "move ok playhead" mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_type, TimelineHorizontalScrollView.PLAYHEAD_MOVE_OK); } else { // Redraw the "move not ok playhead" mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_type, TimelineHorizontalScrollView.PLAYHEAD_MOVE_NOT_OK); } mListener.onRequestMovePlayhead(positionMs, true); mScrollView.invalidate(); mPrevDragPosition = x; mPrevDragScrollTime = now; } else if (x > mPrevDragPosition + 42) { // Forward final long positionMs = getRightDropPosition(); if (mDropIndex >= 0) { // Redraw the "move ok playhead" mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_type, TimelineHorizontalScrollView.PLAYHEAD_MOVE_OK); } else { // Redraw the "move not ok playhead" mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_type, TimelineHorizontalScrollView.PLAYHEAD_MOVE_NOT_OK); } mListener.onRequestMovePlayhead(positionMs, true); mScrollView.invalidate(); mPrevDragPosition = x; mPrevDragScrollTime = now; } } else { mPrevDragPosition = x; } } // Returns the begin time of a media item (exclude transition). private long getBeginTime(MovieMediaItem item) { final List mediaItems = mProject.getMediaItems(); long beginMs = 0; final int mediaItemsCount = mediaItems.size(); for (int i = 0; i < mediaItemsCount; i++) { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = mediaItems.get(i); final MovieTransition beginTransition = mediaItem.getBeginTransition(); final MovieTransition endTransition = mediaItem.getEndTransition(); if (item.getId().equals(mediaItem.getId())) { if (beginTransition != null) { beginMs += beginTransition.getAppDuration(); } return beginMs; } beginMs += mediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration(); if (endTransition != null) { beginMs -= endTransition.getAppDuration(); } } return 0; } // Returns the end time of a media item (exclude transition) private long getEndTime(MovieMediaItem item) { final List mediaItems = mProject.getMediaItems(); long endMs = 0; final int mediaItemsCount = mediaItems.size(); for (int i = 0; i < mediaItemsCount; i++) { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = mediaItems.get(i); final MovieTransition beginTransition = mediaItem.getBeginTransition(); final MovieTransition endTransition = mediaItem.getEndTransition(); endMs += mediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration(); if (endTransition != null) { endMs -= endTransition.getAppDuration(); } if (item.getId().equals(mediaItem.getId())) { return endMs; } } return 0; } /** * @return The valid time location of the drop (-1 if none) */ private long getLeftDropPosition() { final List mediaItems = mProject.getMediaItems(); long beginMs = 0; long endMs = 0; long timeMs = mProject.getPlayheadPos(); final int mediaItemsCount = mediaItems.size(); for (int i = 0; i < mediaItemsCount; i++) { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = mediaItems.get(i); endMs = beginMs + mediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration(); if (mediaItem.getEndTransition() != null) { if (i < mediaItemsCount - 1) { endMs -= mediaItem.getEndTransition().getAppDuration(); } } if (timeMs > beginMs && timeMs <= endMs) { if (mediaItem.getBeginTransition() != null) { beginMs += mediaItem.getBeginTransition().getAppDuration(); } if (!mDragMediaItemId.equals(mediaItem.getId())) { if (i > 0) { // Check if the previous item is the drag item final MovieMediaItem prevMediaItem = mediaItems.get(i - 1); if (!mDragMediaItemId.equals(prevMediaItem.getId())) { mDropAfterMediaItem = prevMediaItem; mDropIndex = i; return beginMs; } else { mDropAfterMediaItem = null; mDropIndex = -1; return beginMs; } } else { mDropAfterMediaItem = null; mDropIndex = 0; return 0; } } else { mDropAfterMediaItem = null; mDropIndex = -1; return beginMs; } } beginMs = endMs; } return timeMs; } /** * @return The valid time location of the drop (-1 if none) */ private long getRightDropPosition() { final List mediaItems = mProject.getMediaItems(); long beginMs = 0; long endMs = 0; long timeMs = mProject.getPlayheadPos(); final int mediaItemsCount = mediaItems.size(); for (int i = 0; i < mediaItemsCount; i++) { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = mediaItems.get(i); endMs = beginMs + mediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration(); if (mediaItem.getEndTransition() != null) { if (i < mediaItemsCount - 1) { endMs -= mediaItem.getEndTransition().getAppDuration(); } } if (timeMs >= beginMs && timeMs < endMs) { if (!mDragMediaItemId.equals(mediaItem.getId())) { if (i < mediaItemsCount - 1) { // Check if the next item is the drag item final MovieMediaItem nextMediaItem = mediaItems.get(i + 1); if (!mDragMediaItemId.equals(nextMediaItem.getId())) { mDropAfterMediaItem = mediaItem; mDropIndex = i; return endMs; } else { mDropAfterMediaItem = null; mDropIndex = -1; return endMs; } } else { mDropAfterMediaItem = mediaItem; mDropIndex = i; return endMs; } } else { mDropAfterMediaItem = null; mDropIndex = -1; return endMs; } } beginMs = endMs; } return timeMs; } /** * Adds/edits title overlay of the specified media item. */ private void editOverlay(MovieMediaItem mediaItem) { final Intent intent = new Intent(getContext(), OverlayTitleEditor.class); intent.putExtra(OverlayTitleEditor.PARAM_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, mediaItem.getId()); // Determine if user wants to edit an existing title overlay or add a new one. // Add overlay id and attributes bundle to the extra if the overlay already exists. final MovieOverlay overlay = mediaItem.getOverlay(); if (overlay != null) { final String overlayId = mediaItem.getOverlay().getId(); intent.putExtra(OverlayTitleEditor.PARAM_OVERLAY_ID, overlayId); final Bundle attributes = MovieOverlay.buildUserAttributes( overlay.getType(), overlay.getTitle(), overlay.getSubtitle()); intent.putExtra(OverlayTitleEditor.PARAM_OVERLAY_ATTRIBUTES, attributes); } ((Activity) getContext()).startActivityForResult(intent, VideoEditorActivity.REQUEST_CODE_PICK_OVERLAY); } /** * Removes the overlay of the specified media item. */ private void removeOverlay(MovieMediaItem mediaItem) { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(PARAM_DIALOG_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, mediaItem.getId()); ((Activity) getContext()).showDialog( VideoEditorActivity.DIALOG_REMOVE_OVERLAY_ID, bundle); } /** * Picks a transition. * * @param afterMediaItem After the media item * * @return true if the transition can be inserted */ private boolean pickTransition(MovieMediaItem afterMediaItem) { // Check if the transition would be too short final long transitionDurationMs = getTransitionDuration(afterMediaItem); if (transitionDurationMs < MINIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION) { Toast.makeText(getContext(), getContext().getString(R.string.editor_transition_too_short), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return false; } final String afterMediaId = afterMediaItem != null ? afterMediaItem.getId() : null; final Intent intent = new Intent(getContext(), TransitionsActivity.class); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_AFTER_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, afterMediaId); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_MINIMUM_DURATION, MINIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_DEFAULT_DURATION, transitionDurationMs); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_MAXIMUM_DURATION, getMaxTransitionDuration(afterMediaItem)); ((Activity) getContext()).startActivityForResult(intent, VideoEditorActivity.REQUEST_CODE_PICK_TRANSITION); return true; } /** * Edits a transition. * * @param transition The transition */ private void editTransition(MovieTransition transition) { final MovieMediaItem afterMediaItem = mProject.getPreviousMediaItem(transition); final String afterMediaItemId = afterMediaItem != null ? afterMediaItem.getId() : null; final Intent intent = new Intent(getContext(), TransitionsActivity.class); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_AFTER_MEDIA_ITEM_ID, afterMediaItemId); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_TRANSITION_ID, transition.getId()); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_TRANSITION_TYPE, transition.getType()); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_MINIMUM_DURATION, MINIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_DEFAULT_DURATION, transition.getAppDuration()); intent.putExtra(TransitionsActivity.PARAM_MAXIMUM_DURATION, getMaxTransitionDuration(afterMediaItem)); ((Activity)getContext()).startActivityForResult(intent, VideoEditorActivity.REQUEST_CODE_EDIT_TRANSITION); } /** * Finds the media item view with the specified id. * * @param mediaItemId The media item id * @return The found media item view; null if not found */ private View getMediaItemView(String mediaItemId) { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final View childView = getChildAt(i); final Object tag = childView.getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = (MovieMediaItem)tag; if (mediaItemId.equals(mediaItem.getId())) { return childView; } } } return null; } /** * Finds the media item view index with the specified id. * * @param mediaItemId The media item id * @return The media item view index; -1 if not found */ private int getMediaItemViewIndex(String mediaItemId) { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final View childView = getChildAt(i); final Object tag = childView.getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MovieMediaItem mediaItem = (MovieMediaItem)tag; if (mediaItemId.equals(mediaItem.getId())) { return i; } } } return -1; } /** * Finds the transition view with the specified id. * * @param transitionId The transition id * * @return The found transition view; null if not found */ private View getTransitionView(String transitionId) { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final View childView = getChildAt(i); final Object tag = childView.getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieTransition) { final MovieTransition transition = (MovieTransition)tag; if (transitionId.equals(transition.getId())) { return childView; } } } return null; } /** * Removes a transition. * * @param transitionId The id of the transition to be removed */ public void removeTransitionView(String transitionId) { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final Object tag = getChildAt(i).getTag(); if (tag != null && tag instanceof MovieTransition) { final MovieTransition transition = (MovieTransition)tag; if (transitionId.equals(transition.getId())) { // Remove the view removeViewAt(i); // Adjust the size of all the views requestLayout(); // If this transition was removed by the user invalidate the menu item if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.invalidate(); } return; } } } } /** * Removes all media item and transition views but leave the beginning, end views, and handles. */ private void removeAllMediaItemAndTransitionViews() { int index = 0; while (index < getChildCount()) { final Object tag = getChildAt(index).getTag(); // Media item view or transition view is associated with a media item or transition // attached as a tag. We can thus check the nullity of the tag to determine if it is // media item view or transition view. if (tag != null) { removeViewAt(index); } else { index++; } } requestLayout(); // We cannot add clips by tapping the beginning view. mLeftAddClipButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); } /** * Computes the transition duration. * * @param afterMediaItem The position of the transition * * @return The transition duration */ private long getTransitionDuration(MovieMediaItem afterMediaItem) { if (afterMediaItem == null) { final MovieMediaItem firstMediaItem = mProject.getFirstMediaItem(); return Math.min(MAXIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION / 2, firstMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration() / 4); } else if (mProject.isLastMediaItem(afterMediaItem.getId())) { return Math.min(MAXIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION / 2, afterMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration() / 4); } else { final MovieMediaItem beforeMediaItem = mProject.getNextMediaItem(afterMediaItem.getId()); final long minDurationMs = Math.min(afterMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration(), beforeMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration()); return Math.min(MAXIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION / 2, minDurationMs / 4); } } /** * Computes the maximum transition duration. * * @param afterMediaItem The position of the transition * * @return The transition duration */ private long getMaxTransitionDuration(MovieMediaItem afterMediaItem) { if (afterMediaItem == null) { final MovieMediaItem firstMediaItem = mProject.getFirstMediaItem(); return Math.min(MAXIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION, firstMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration() / 4); } else if (mProject.isLastMediaItem(afterMediaItem.getId())) { return Math.min(MAXIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION, afterMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration() / 4); } else { final MovieMediaItem beforeMediaItem = mProject.getNextMediaItem(afterMediaItem.getId()); final long minDurationMs = Math.min(afterMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration(), beforeMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration()); return Math.min(MAXIMUM_TRANSITION_DURATION, minDurationMs / 4); } } @Override public void setSelected(boolean selected) { // We only care about when this layout is unselected, which means all children are // unselected. Clients should never call setSelected(true) since it is no-op here. if (selected == false) { closeActionBars(); clearAndHideTrimHandles(); mSelectedView = null; showAddMediaItemButtons(true); } dispatchSetSelected(false); } /** * Returns true if some view item on the timeline is selected. */ public boolean hasItemSelected() { return (mSelectedView != null); } /** * Returns true if some media item is being trimmed by user. */ public boolean isTrimming() { return mIsTrimming; } /** * Closes all contextual action bars. */ private void closeActionBars() { if (mMediaItemActionMode != null) { mMediaItemActionMode.finish(); mMediaItemActionMode = null; } if (mTransitionActionMode != null) { mTransitionActionMode.finish(); mTransitionActionMode = null; } } /** * Hides left and right trim handles and unregisters their listeners. */ private void clearAndHideTrimHandles() { mLeftHandle.setVisibility(View.GONE); mLeftHandle.setListener(null); mRightHandle.setVisibility(View.GONE); mRightHandle.setListener(null); } /** * Unselects the specified view. No-op if the specified view is already unselected. */ private void unSelect(View view) { // Return early if the specified view is already unselected or null. if (view == null || !view.isSelected()) { return; } mSelectedView = null; view.setSelected(false); // Need to redraw other children as well because they had dimmed themselves. invalidateAllChildren(); clearAndHideTrimHandles(); } /** * Selects the specified view and un-selects all others. * No-op if the specified view is already selected. * The selected view will stand out and all other views on the * timeline are dimmed. */ private void select(View selectedView) { // Return early if the view is already selected. if (selectedView.isSelected()) { return; } unselectAllTimelineViews(); mSelectedView = selectedView; mSelectedView.setSelected(true); showAddMediaItemButtons(false); final Object tag = mSelectedView.getTag(); if (tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { final MediaItemView mediaItemView = (MediaItemView) mSelectedView; if (mediaItemView.isGeneratingEffect()) { mLeftHandle.setEnabled(false); mRightHandle.setEnabled(false); } else { mLeftHandle.setEnabled(true); mRightHandle.setEnabled(true); } final MovieMediaItem mi = (MovieMediaItem) tag; if (mMediaItemActionMode == null) { startActionMode(new MediaItemActionModeCallback(mi)); } final boolean videoClip = mi.isVideoClip(); if (videoClip) { mLeftHandle.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mLeftHandle.bringToFront(); mLeftHandle.setLimitReached(mi.getAppBoundaryBeginTime() <= 0, mi.getAppTimelineDuration() <= MediaItemUtils.getMinimumVideoItemDuration()); mLeftHandle.setListener(new HandleView.MoveListener() { private View mTrimmedView; private MovieMediaItem mMediaItem; private long mTransitionsDurationMs; private long mOriginalBeginMs, mOriginalEndMs; private long mMinimumDurationMs; private int mOriginalWidth; private int mMovePosition; @Override public void onMoveBegin(HandleView view) { mMediaItem = (MovieMediaItem)mediaItemView.getTag(); mTransitionsDurationMs = (mMediaItem.getBeginTransition() != null ? mMediaItem.getBeginTransition().getAppDuration() : 0) + (mMediaItem.getEndTransition() != null ? mMediaItem.getEndTransition().getAppDuration() : 0); mOriginalBeginMs = mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime(); mOriginalEndMs = mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime(); mOriginalWidth = mediaItemView.getWidth(); mMinimumDurationMs = MediaItemUtils.getMinimumVideoItemDuration(); setIsTrimming(true); invalidateAllChildren(); mTrimmedView = mediaItemView; mListener.onTrimMediaItemBegin(mMediaItem); if (videoClip) { // Video clip mListener.onTrimMediaItem(mMediaItem, mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime()); } else { mListener.onTrimMediaItem(mMediaItem, 0); } // Move the playhead mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_offset, view.getRight()); mScrollView.invalidate(); } @Override public boolean onMove(HandleView view, int left, int delta) { if (mMoveLayoutPending) { return false; } int position = left + delta; mMovePosition = position; // Compute what will become the width of the view int newWidth = mTrimmedView.getRight() - position; if (newWidth == mTrimmedView.getWidth()) { return false; } // Compute the new duration long newDurationMs = mTransitionsDurationMs + (newWidth * mProject.computeDuration()) / (getWidth() - (2 * mHalfParentWidth)); if (Math.abs(mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration() - newDurationMs) < TIME_TOLERANCE) { return false; } else if (newDurationMs < Math.max(2 * mTransitionsDurationMs, mMinimumDurationMs)) { newDurationMs = Math.max(2 * mTransitionsDurationMs, mMinimumDurationMs); newWidth = (int)(((newDurationMs - mTransitionsDurationMs) * (getWidth() - (2 * mHalfParentWidth)) / mProject.computeDuration())); position = mTrimmedView.getRight() - newWidth; } else if (mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime() - newDurationMs < 0) { newDurationMs = mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime(); newWidth = (int)(((newDurationMs - mTransitionsDurationMs) * (getWidth() - (2 * mHalfParentWidth)) / mProject.computeDuration())); position = mTrimmedView.getRight() - newWidth; } // Return early if the new duration has not changed. We don't have to // adjust the layout. if (newDurationMs == mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration()) { return false; } mMediaItem.setAppExtractBoundaries( mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime() - newDurationMs, mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime()); mLeftHandle.setLimitReached(mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime() <= 0, mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration() <= mMinimumDurationMs); mMoveLayoutPending = true; mScrollView.setTag(R.id.left_view_width, mHalfParentWidth - (newWidth - mOriginalWidth)); mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_offset, position); requestLayout(); mListener.onTrimMediaItem(mMediaItem, mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime()); return true; } @Override public void onMoveEnd(final HandleView view, final int left, final int delta) { final int position = left + delta; if (mMoveLayoutPending || (position != mMovePosition)) { mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mMoveLayoutPending) { mHandler.post(this); } else if (position != mMovePosition) { if (onMove(view, left, delta)) { mHandler.post(this); } else { moveDone(); } } else { moveDone(); } } }); } else { moveDone(); } } /** * The move is complete */ private void moveDone() { mScrollView.setTag(R.id.left_view_width, mHalfParentWidth); mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_offset, -1); mListener.onTrimMediaItemEnd(mMediaItem, mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime()); mListener.onRequestMovePlayhead(getBeginTime(mMediaItem), false); if (Math.abs(mOriginalBeginMs - mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime()) > TIME_TOLERANCE || Math.abs(mOriginalEndMs - mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime()) > TIME_TOLERANCE) { if (videoClip) { // Video clip ApiService.setMediaItemBoundaries(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mMediaItem.getId(), mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime(), mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime()); } else { // Image ApiService.setMediaItemDuration(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mMediaItem.getId(), mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration()); } final long durationMs = mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration(); mRightHandle.setLimitReached(durationMs <= MediaItemUtils.getMinimumMediaItemDuration(mMediaItem), videoClip ? (mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime() >= mMediaItem.getDuration()) : durationMs >= MAXIMUM_IMAGE_DURATION); mLeftHandle.setEnabled(false); mRightHandle.setEnabled(false); } setIsTrimming(false); mScrollView.invalidate(); invalidateAllChildren(); } }); } mRightHandle.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mRightHandle.bringToFront(); final long durationMs = mi.getAppTimelineDuration(); mRightHandle.setLimitReached( durationMs <= MediaItemUtils.getMinimumMediaItemDuration(mi), videoClip ? (mi.getAppBoundaryEndTime() >= mi.getDuration()) : durationMs >= MAXIMUM_IMAGE_DURATION); mRightHandle.setListener(new HandleView.MoveListener() { private View mTrimmedView; private MovieMediaItem mMediaItem; private long mTransitionsDurationMs; private long mOriginalBeginMs, mOriginalEndMs; private long mMinimumItemDurationMs; private int mMovePosition; @Override public void onMoveBegin(HandleView view) { mMediaItem = (MovieMediaItem)mediaItemView.getTag(); mTransitionsDurationMs = (mMediaItem.getBeginTransition() != null ? mMediaItem.getBeginTransition().getAppDuration() : 0) + (mMediaItem.getEndTransition() != null ? mMediaItem.getEndTransition().getAppDuration() : 0); mOriginalBeginMs = mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime(); mOriginalEndMs = mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime(); mMinimumItemDurationMs = MediaItemUtils.getMinimumMediaItemDuration(mMediaItem); setIsTrimming(true); invalidateAllChildren(); mTrimmedView = mediaItemView; mListener.onTrimMediaItemBegin(mMediaItem); if (videoClip) { // Video clip mListener.onTrimMediaItem(mMediaItem, mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime()); } else { mListener.onTrimMediaItem(mMediaItem, 0); } // Move the playhead mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_offset, view.getLeft()); mScrollView.invalidate(); } @Override public boolean onMove(HandleView view, int left, int delta) { if (mMoveLayoutPending) { return false; } int position = left + delta; mMovePosition = position; long newDurationMs; // Compute what will become the width of the view int newWidth = position - mTrimmedView.getLeft(); if (newWidth == mTrimmedView.getWidth()) { return false; } // Compute the new duration newDurationMs = mTransitionsDurationMs + (newWidth * mProject.computeDuration()) / (getWidth() - (2 * mHalfParentWidth)); if (Math.abs(mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration() - newDurationMs) < TIME_TOLERANCE) { return false; } if (videoClip) { // Video clip if (newDurationMs < Math.max(2 * mTransitionsDurationMs, mMinimumItemDurationMs)) { newDurationMs = Math.max(2 * mTransitionsDurationMs, mMinimumItemDurationMs); newWidth = (int)(((newDurationMs - mTransitionsDurationMs) * (getWidth() - (2 * mHalfParentWidth)) / mProject.computeDuration())); position = newWidth + mTrimmedView.getLeft(); } else if (mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime() + newDurationMs > mMediaItem.getDuration()) { newDurationMs = mMediaItem.getDuration() - mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime(); newWidth = (int)(((newDurationMs - mTransitionsDurationMs) * (getWidth() - (2 * mHalfParentWidth)) / mProject.computeDuration())); position = newWidth + mTrimmedView.getLeft(); } if (newDurationMs == mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration()) { return false; } mMediaItem.setAppExtractBoundaries(mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime(), mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime() + newDurationMs); mListener.onTrimMediaItem(mMediaItem, mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime()); } else { // Image if (newDurationMs < Math.max(mMinimumItemDurationMs, 2 * mTransitionsDurationMs)) { newDurationMs = Math.max(mMinimumItemDurationMs, 2 * mTransitionsDurationMs); newWidth = (int)(((newDurationMs - mTransitionsDurationMs) * (getWidth() - (2 * mHalfParentWidth)) / mProject.computeDuration())); position = newWidth + mTrimmedView.getLeft(); } else if (newDurationMs > MAXIMUM_IMAGE_DURATION) { newDurationMs = MAXIMUM_IMAGE_DURATION; newWidth = (int)(((newDurationMs - mTransitionsDurationMs) * (getWidth() - (2 * mHalfParentWidth)) / mProject.computeDuration())); position = newWidth + mTrimmedView.getLeft(); } // Check if the duration would change if (newDurationMs == mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration()) { return false; } mMediaItem.setAppExtractBoundaries(0, newDurationMs); mListener.onTrimMediaItem(mMediaItem, 0); } mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_offset, position); mRightHandle.setLimitReached( newDurationMs <= mMinimumItemDurationMs, videoClip ? (mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime() >= mMediaItem.getDuration()) : newDurationMs >= MAXIMUM_IMAGE_DURATION); mMoveLayoutPending = true; requestLayout(); return true; } @Override public void onMoveEnd(final HandleView view, final int left, final int delta) { final int position = left + delta; if (mMoveLayoutPending || (position != mMovePosition)) { mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mMoveLayoutPending) { mHandler.post(this); } else if (position != mMovePosition) { if (onMove(view, left, delta)) { mHandler.post(this); } else { moveDone(); } } else { moveDone(); } } }); } else { moveDone(); } } /** * The move is complete */ private void moveDone() { mScrollView.setTag(R.id.playhead_offset, -1); mListener.onTrimMediaItemEnd(mMediaItem, mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime()); mListener.onRequestMovePlayhead(getEndTime(mMediaItem), false); if (Math.abs(mOriginalBeginMs - mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime()) > TIME_TOLERANCE || Math.abs(mOriginalEndMs - mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime()) > TIME_TOLERANCE) { if (videoClip) { // Video clip ApiService.setMediaItemBoundaries(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mMediaItem.getId(), mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime(), mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryEndTime()); } else { // Image ApiService.setMediaItemDuration(getContext(), mProject.getPath(), mMediaItem.getId(), mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration()); } if (videoClip) { mLeftHandle.setLimitReached(mMediaItem.getAppBoundaryBeginTime() <= 0, mMediaItem.getAppTimelineDuration() <= mMinimumItemDurationMs); } mLeftHandle.setEnabled(false); mRightHandle.setEnabled(false); } setIsTrimming(false); mScrollView.invalidate(); invalidateAllChildren(); } }); } else if (tag instanceof MovieTransition) { if (mTransitionActionMode == null) { startActionMode(new TransitionActionModeCallback((MovieTransition) tag)); } } } /** * Indicates if any media item is being trimmed or no. */ private void setIsTrimming(boolean isTrimming) { mIsTrimming = isTrimming; } /** * Sets the playback state for all media item views. * * @param playback indicates if the playback is ongoing */ private void setPlaybackState(boolean playback) { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final View childView = getChildAt(i); final Object tag = childView.getTag(); if (tag != null) { if (tag instanceof MovieMediaItem) { ((MediaItemView) childView).setPlaybackMode(playback); } else if (tag instanceof MovieTransition) { ((TransitionView) childView).setPlaybackMode(playback); } } } } /** * Un-selects all views in the timeline relative layout, including playhead view and * the ones in audio track layout and transition layout. */ private void unselectAllTimelineViews() { ((RelativeLayout) getParent()).setSelected(false); invalidateAllChildren(); } /** * Invalidates all children. Note that invalidating the parent does not invalidate its children. */ private void invalidateAllChildren() { final int childrenCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { final View childView = getChildAt(i); childView.invalidate(); } } /** * Shows or hides "add media buttons" on both sides of the timeline. * * @param show {@code true} to show the "Add media item" buttons, {@code false} to hide them */ private void showAddMediaItemButtons(boolean show) { if (show) { // Shows left add button iff there is at least one media item on the timeline. if (mProject.getMediaItemCount() > 0) { mLeftAddClipButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } mRightAddClipButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mLeftAddClipButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); mRightAddClipButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } }