1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
6 * @fileoverview This implements a table control.
7 */
9cr.define('cr.ui', function() {
10  /** @const */ var ListSelectionModel = cr.ui.ListSelectionModel;
11  /** @const */ var ListSelectionController = cr.ui.ListSelectionController;
12  /** @const */ var ArrayDataModel = cr.ui.ArrayDataModel;
13  /** @const */ var TableColumnModel = cr.ui.table.TableColumnModel;
14  /** @const */ var TableList = cr.ui.table.TableList;
15  /** @const */ var TableHeader = cr.ui.table.TableHeader;
17  /**
18   * Creates a new table element.
19   * @param {Object=} opt_propertyBag Optional properties.
20   * @constructor
21   * @extends {HTMLDivElement}
22   */
23  var Table = cr.ui.define('div');
25  Table.prototype = {
26    __proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype,
28    columnModel_: new TableColumnModel([]),
30    /**
31     * The table data model.
32     *
33     * @type {cr.ui.ArrayDataModel}
34     */
35    get dataModel() {
36      return this.list_.dataModel;
37    },
38    set dataModel(dataModel) {
39      if (this.list_.dataModel != dataModel) {
40        if (this.list_.dataModel) {
41          this.list_.dataModel.removeEventListener('sorted',
42                                                   this.boundHandleSorted_);
43          this.list_.dataModel.removeEventListener('change',
44                                                   this.boundHandleChangeList_);
45          this.list_.dataModel.removeEventListener('splice',
46                                                   this.boundHandleChangeList_);
47        }
48        this.list_.dataModel = dataModel;
49        if (this.list_.dataModel) {
50          this.list_.dataModel.addEventListener('sorted',
51                                                this.boundHandleSorted_);
52          this.list_.dataModel.addEventListener('change',
53                                                this.boundHandleChangeList_);
54          this.list_.dataModel.addEventListener('splice',
55                                                this.boundHandleChangeList_);
56        }
57        this.header_.redraw();
58      }
59    },
61    /**
62     * The list of table.
63     *
64     * @type {cr.ui.list}
65     */
66    get list() {
67      return this.list_;
68    },
70    /**
71     * The table column model.
72     *
73     * @type {cr.ui.table.TableColumnModel}
74     */
75    get columnModel() {
76      return this.columnModel_;
77    },
78    set columnModel(columnModel) {
79      if (this.columnModel_ != columnModel) {
80        if (this.columnModel_)
81          this.columnModel_.removeEventListener('resize', this.boundResize_);
82        this.columnModel_ = columnModel;
84        if (this.columnModel_)
85          this.columnModel_.addEventListener('resize', this.boundResize_);
86        this.list_.invalidate();
87        this.redraw();
88      }
89    },
91    /**
92     * The table selection model.
93     *
94     * @type
95     * {cr.ui.ListSelectionModel|cr.ui.table.ListSingleSelectionModel}
96     */
97    get selectionModel() {
98      return this.list_.selectionModel;
99    },
100    set selectionModel(selectionModel) {
101      if (this.list_.selectionModel != selectionModel) {
102        if (this.dataModel)
103          selectionModel.adjustLength(this.dataModel.length);
104        this.list_.selectionModel = selectionModel;
105      }
106    },
108    /**
109     * The accessor to "autoExpands" property of the list.
110     *
111     * @type {boolean}
112     */
113    get autoExpands() {
114      return this.list_.autoExpands;
115    },
116    set autoExpands(autoExpands) {
117      this.list_.autoExpands = autoExpands;
118    },
120    get fixedHeight() {
121      return this.list_.fixedHeight;
122    },
123    set fixedHeight(fixedHeight) {
124      this.list_.fixedHeight = fixedHeight;
125    },
127    /**
128     * Returns render function for row.
129     * @return {Function(*, cr.ui.Table): HTMLElement} Render function.
130     */
131    getRenderFunction: function() {
132      return this.list_.renderFunction_;
133    },
135    /**
136     * Sets render function for row.
137     * @param {Function(*, cr.ui.Table): HTMLElement} Render function.
138     */
139    setRenderFunction: function(renderFunction) {
140      if (renderFunction === this.list_.renderFunction_)
141        return;
143      this.list_.renderFunction_ = renderFunction;
144      cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'change');
145    },
147    /**
148     * The header of the table.
149     *
150     * @type {cr.ui.table.TableColumnModel}
151     */
152    get header() {
153      return this.header_;
154    },
156    /**
157     * Sets width of the column at the given index.
158     *
159     * @param {number} index The index of the column.
160     * @param {number} Column width.
161     */
162    setColumnWidth: function(index, width) {
163      this.columnWidths_[index] = width;
164    },
166    /**
167     * Initializes the element.
168     */
169    decorate: function() {
170      this.list_ = this.ownerDocument.createElement('list');
171      TableList.decorate(this.list_);
172      this.list_.selectionModel = new ListSelectionModel(this);
173      this.list_.table = this;
175      this.header_ = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
176      TableHeader.decorate(this.header_);
177      this.header_.table = this;
179      this.classList.add('table');
180      this.appendChild(this.header_);
181      this.appendChild(this.list_);
182      this.ownerDocument.defaultView.addEventListener(
183          'resize', this.header_.updateWidth.bind(this.header_));
185      this.boundResize_ = this.resize.bind(this);
186      this.boundHandleSorted_ = this.handleSorted_.bind(this);
187      this.boundHandleChangeList_ = this.handleChangeList_.bind(this);
189      // The contained list should be focusable, not the table itself.
190      if (this.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {
191        this.list_.setAttribute('tabindex', this.getAttribute('tabindex'));
192        this.removeAttribute('tabindex');
193      }
195      this.addEventListener('focus', this.handleElementFocus_, true);
196      this.addEventListener('blur', this.handleElementBlur_, true);
197    },
199    /**
200     * Redraws the table.
201     */
202    redraw: function(index) {
203      this.list_.redraw();
204      this.header_.redraw();
205    },
207    startBatchUpdates: function() {
208      this.list_.startBatchUpdates();
209      this.header_.startBatchUpdates();
210    },
212    endBatchUpdates: function() {
213      this.list_.endBatchUpdates();
214      this.header_.endBatchUpdates();
215    },
217    /**
218     * Resize the table columns.
219     */
220    resize: function() {
221      // We resize columns only instead of full redraw.
222      this.list_.resize();
223      this.header_.resize();
224    },
226    /**
227     * Ensures that a given index is inside the viewport.
228     * @param {number} index The index of the item to scroll into view.
229     * @return {boolean} Whether any scrolling was needed.
230     */
231    scrollIndexIntoView: function(i) {
232      this.list_.scrollIndexIntoView(i);
233    },
235    /**
236     * Find the list item element at the given index.
237     * @param {number} index The index of the list item to get.
238     * @return {ListItem} The found list item or null if not found.
239     */
240    getListItemByIndex: function(index) {
241      return this.list_.getListItemByIndex(index);
242    },
244    /**
245     * This handles data model 'sorted' event.
246     * After sorting we need to redraw header
247     * @param {Event} e The 'sorted' event.
248     */
249    handleSorted_: function(e) {
250      this.header_.redraw();
251    },
253    /**
254     * This handles data model 'change' and 'splice' events.
255     * Since they may change the visibility of scrollbar, table may need to
256     * re-calculation the width of column headers.
257     * @param {Event} e The 'change' or 'splice' event.
258     */
259    handleChangeList_: function(e) {
260      webkitRequestAnimationFrame(this.header_.updateWidth.bind(this.header_));
261    },
263    /**
264     * Sort data by the given column.
265     * @param {number} index The index of the column to sort by.
266     */
267    sort: function(i) {
268      var cm = this.columnModel_;
269      var sortStatus = this.list_.dataModel.sortStatus;
270      if (sortStatus.field == cm.getId(i)) {
271        var sortDirection = sortStatus.direction == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
272        this.list_.dataModel.sort(sortStatus.field, sortDirection);
273      } else {
274        this.list_.dataModel.sort(cm.getId(i), 'asc');
275      }
276    },
278    /**
279     * Called when an element in the table is focused. Marks the table as having
280     * a focused element, and dispatches an event if it didn't have focus.
281     * @param {Event} e The focus event.
282     * @private
283     */
284    handleElementFocus_: function(e) {
285      if (!this.hasElementFocus) {
286        this.hasElementFocus = true;
287        // Force styles based on hasElementFocus to take effect.
288        this.list_.redraw();
289      }
290    },
292    /**
293     * Called when an element in the table is blurred. If focus moves outside
294     * the table, marks the table as no longer having focus and dispatches an
295     * event.
296     * @param {Event} e The blur event.
297     * @private
298     */
299    handleElementBlur_: function(e) {
300      // When the blur event happens we do not know who is getting focus so we
301      // delay this a bit until we know if the new focus node is outside the
302      // table.
303      var table = this;
304      var list = this.list_;
305      var doc = e.target.ownerDocument;
306      window.setTimeout(function() {
307        var activeElement = doc.activeElement;
308        if (!table.contains(activeElement)) {
309          table.hasElementFocus = false;
310          // Force styles based on hasElementFocus to take effect.
311          list.redraw();
312        }
313      });
314    },
315  };
317  /**
318   * Whether the table or one of its descendents has focus. This is necessary
319   * because table contents can contain controls that can be focused, and for
320   * some purposes (e.g., styling), the table can still be conceptually focused
321   * at that point even though it doesn't actually have the page focus.
322   */
323  cr.defineProperty(Table, 'hasElementFocus', cr.PropertyKind.BOOL_ATTR);
325  return {
326    Table: Table
327  };