revision 691f1c174b660f3bcfe1823d16e55990b4c829da
2 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
5 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
6 * the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
14 * the License.
15 */
19import android.util.Log;
21import java.util.Arrays;
22import java.util.List;
24public class KeyDetector {
25    private static final String TAG = KeyDetector.class.getSimpleName();
26    private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
28    public static final int NOT_A_CODE = -1;
29    private static final int ADDITIONAL_PROXIMITY_CHAR_DELIMITER_CODE = 2;
31    private final int mKeyHysteresisDistanceSquared;
33    private Keyboard mKeyboard;
34    private int mCorrectionX;
35    private int mCorrectionY;
36    private boolean mProximityCorrectOn;
37    private int mProximityThresholdSquare;
39    // working area
40    private static final int MAX_NEARBY_KEYS = 12;
41    private final int[] mDistances = new int[MAX_NEARBY_KEYS];
42    private final Key[] mNeighborKeys = new Key[MAX_NEARBY_KEYS];
44    /**
45     * This class handles key detection.
46     *
47     * @param keyHysteresisDistance if the pointer movement distance is smaller than this, the
48     * movement will not been handled as meaningful movement. The unit is pixel.
49     */
50    public KeyDetector(float keyHysteresisDistance) {
51        mKeyHysteresisDistanceSquared = (int)(keyHysteresisDistance * keyHysteresisDistance);
52    }
54    public void setKeyboard(Keyboard keyboard, float correctionX, float correctionY) {
55        if (keyboard == null)
56            throw new NullPointerException();
57        mCorrectionX = (int)correctionX;
58        mCorrectionY = (int)correctionY;
59        mKeyboard = keyboard;
60        final int threshold = keyboard.mMostCommonKeyWidth;
61        mProximityThresholdSquare = threshold * threshold;
62    }
64    public int getKeyHysteresisDistanceSquared() {
65        return mKeyHysteresisDistanceSquared;
66    }
68    public int getTouchX(int x) {
69        return x + mCorrectionX;
70    }
72    public int getTouchY(int y) {
73        return y + mCorrectionY;
74    }
76    public Keyboard getKeyboard() {
77        if (mKeyboard == null)
78            throw new IllegalStateException("keyboard isn't set");
79        return mKeyboard;
80    }
82    public void setProximityCorrectionEnabled(boolean enabled) {
83        mProximityCorrectOn = enabled;
84    }
86    public boolean isProximityCorrectionEnabled() {
87        return mProximityCorrectOn;
88    }
90    public void setProximityThreshold(int threshold) {
91        mProximityThresholdSquare = threshold * threshold;
92    }
94    public boolean alwaysAllowsSlidingInput() {
95        return false;
96    }
98    /**
99     * Computes maximum size of the array that can contain all nearby key codes returned by
100     * {@link #getKeyAndNearbyCodes}.
101     *
102     * @return Returns maximum size of the array that can contain all nearby key codes returned
103     *         by {@link #getKeyAndNearbyCodes}.
104     */
105    protected int getMaxNearbyKeys() {
106        return MAX_NEARBY_KEYS;
107    }
109    /**
110     * Allocates array that can hold all key codes returned by {@link #getKeyAndNearbyCodes}
111     * method. The maximum size of the array should be computed by {@link #getMaxNearbyKeys}.
112     *
113     * @return Allocates and returns an array that can hold all key codes returned by
114     *         {@link #getKeyAndNearbyCodes} method. All elements in the returned array are
115     *         initialized by {@link #NOT_A_CODE} value.
116     */
117    public int[] newCodeArray() {
118        int[] codes = new int[getMaxNearbyKeys()];
119        Arrays.fill(codes, NOT_A_CODE);
120        return codes;
121    }
123    private void initializeNearbyKeys() {
124        Arrays.fill(mDistances, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
125        Arrays.fill(mNeighborKeys, null);
126    }
128    /**
129     * Insert the key into nearby keys buffer and sort nearby keys by ascending order of distance.
130     * If the distance of two keys are the same, the key which the point is on should be considered
131     * as a closer one.
132     *
133     * @param key the key to be inserted into the nearby keys buffer.
134     * @param distance distance between the key's edge and user touched point.
135     * @param isOnKey true if the point is on the key.
136     * @return order of the key in the nearby buffer, 0 if it is the nearest key.
137     */
138    private int sortNearbyKeys(Key key, int distance, boolean isOnKey) {
139        final int[] distances = mDistances;
140        final Key[] neighborKeys = mNeighborKeys;
141        for (int insertPos = 0; insertPos < distances.length; insertPos++) {
142            final int comparingDistance = distances[insertPos];
143            if (distance < comparingDistance || (distance == comparingDistance && isOnKey)) {
144                final int nextPos = insertPos + 1;
145                if (nextPos < distances.length) {
146                    System.arraycopy(distances, insertPos, distances, nextPos,
147                            distances.length - nextPos);
148                    System.arraycopy(neighborKeys, insertPos, neighborKeys, nextPos,
149                            neighborKeys.length - nextPos);
150                }
151                distances[insertPos] = distance;
152                neighborKeys[insertPos] = key;
153                return insertPos;
154            }
155        }
156        return distances.length;
157    }
159    private void getNearbyKeyCodes(final int primaryCode, final int[] allCodes) {
160        final Key[] neighborKeys = mNeighborKeys;
161        final int maxCodesSize = allCodes.length;
163        // allCodes[0] should always have the key code even if it is a non-letter key.
164        if (neighborKeys[0] == null) {
165            allCodes[0] = NOT_A_CODE;
166            return;
167        }
169        int numCodes = 0;
170        for (int j = 0; j < neighborKeys.length && numCodes < maxCodesSize; j++) {
171            final Key key = neighborKeys[j];
172            if (key == null)
173                break;
174            final int code = key.mCode;
175            // filter out a non-letter key from nearby keys
176            if (code < Keyboard.CODE_SPACE)
177                continue;
178            allCodes[numCodes++] = code;
179        }
180        if (maxCodesSize <= numCodes) {
181            return;
182        }
184        final int code = (primaryCode == NOT_A_CODE) ? allCodes[0] : primaryCode;
185        if (code == NOT_A_CODE) {
186            return;
187        }
188        final List<Integer> additionalChars = mKeyboard.getAdditionalProximityChars().get(code);
189        if (additionalChars == null || additionalChars.size() == 0) {
190            return;
191        }
192        int currentCodesSize = numCodes;
194        if (maxCodesSize <= numCodes) {
195            return;
196        }
197        // TODO: This is O(N^2). Assuming additionalChars.size() is up to 4 or 5.
198        for (int i = 0; i < additionalChars.size(); ++i) {
199            final int additionalChar = additionalChars.get(i);
200            boolean contains = false;
201            for (int j = 0; j < currentCodesSize; ++j) {
202                if (additionalChar == allCodes[j]) {
203                    contains = true;
204                    break;
205                }
206            }
207            if (!contains) {
208                allCodes[numCodes++] = additionalChar;
209                if (maxCodesSize <= numCodes) {
210                    return;
211                }
212            }
213        }
214    }
216    /**
217     * Finds all possible nearby key codes around a touch event point and returns the nearest key.
218     * The algorithm to determine the nearby keys depends on the threshold set by
219     * {@link #setProximityThreshold(int)} and the mode set by
220     * {@link #setProximityCorrectionEnabled(boolean)}.
221     *
222     * @param x The x-coordinate of a touch point
223     * @param y The y-coordinate of a touch point
224     * @param allCodes All nearby key codes except functional key are returned in this array
225     * @return The nearest key
226     */
227    public Key getKeyAndNearbyCodes(int x, int y, final int[] allCodes) {
228        final int touchX = getTouchX(x);
229        final int touchY = getTouchY(y);
231        initializeNearbyKeys();
232        Key primaryKey = null;
233        for (final Key key: mKeyboard.getNearestKeys(touchX, touchY)) {
234            final boolean isOnKey = key.isOnKey(touchX, touchY);
235            final int distance = key.squaredDistanceToEdge(touchX, touchY);
236            if (isOnKey || (mProximityCorrectOn && distance < mProximityThresholdSquare)) {
237                final int insertedPosition = sortNearbyKeys(key, distance, isOnKey);
238                if (insertedPosition == 0 && isOnKey) {
239                    primaryKey = key;
240                }
241            }
242        }
244        if (allCodes != null && allCodes.length > 0) {
245            getNearbyKeyCodes(primaryKey != null ? primaryKey.mCode : NOT_A_CODE, allCodes);
246            if (DEBUG) {
247                Log.d(TAG, "x=" + x + " y=" + y
248                        + " primary=" + printableCode(primaryKey)
249                        + " codes=" + printableCodes(allCodes));
250            }
251        }
253        return primaryKey;
254    }
256    public static String printableCode(Key key) {
257        return key != null ? Keyboard.printableCode(key.mCode) : "none";
258    }
260    public static String printableCodes(int[] codes) {
261        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
262        boolean addDelimiter = false;
263        for (final int code : codes) {
264            if (code == NOT_A_CODE) break;
266                sb.append(" | ");
267                addDelimiter = false;
268            } else {
269                if (addDelimiter) sb.append(", ");
270                sb.append(Keyboard.printableCode(code));
271                addDelimiter = true;
272            }
273        }
274        return "[" + sb + "]";
275    }