/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 jMonkeyEngine * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jme3.bullet.objects; import com.jme3.bullet.collision.PhysicsCollisionObject; import com.jme3.export.*; import com.jme3.math.Matrix3f; import com.jme3.math.Quaternion; import com.jme3.math.Vector3f; import com.jme3.scene.Spatial; import java.io.IOException; /** * Stores info about one wheel of a PhysicsVehicle * @author normenhansen */ public class VehicleWheel implements Savable { protected long wheelId = 0; protected int wheelIndex = 0; protected boolean frontWheel; protected Vector3f location = new Vector3f(); protected Vector3f direction = new Vector3f(); protected Vector3f axle = new Vector3f(); protected float suspensionStiffness = 20.0f; protected float wheelsDampingRelaxation = 2.3f; protected float wheelsDampingCompression = 4.4f; protected float frictionSlip = 10.5f; protected float rollInfluence = 1.0f; protected float maxSuspensionTravelCm = 500f; protected float maxSuspensionForce = 6000f; protected float radius = 0.5f; protected float restLength = 1f; protected Vector3f wheelWorldLocation = new Vector3f(); protected Quaternion wheelWorldRotation = new Quaternion(); protected Spatial wheelSpatial; protected Matrix3f tmp_Matrix = new com.jme3.math.Matrix3f(); protected final Quaternion tmp_inverseWorldRotation = new Quaternion(); private boolean applyLocal = false; public VehicleWheel() { } public VehicleWheel(Spatial spat, Vector3f location, Vector3f direction, Vector3f axle, float restLength, float radius, boolean frontWheel) { this(location, direction, axle, restLength, radius, frontWheel); wheelSpatial = spat; } public VehicleWheel(Vector3f location, Vector3f direction, Vector3f axle, float restLength, float radius, boolean frontWheel) { this.location.set(location); this.direction.set(direction); this.axle.set(axle); this.frontWheel = frontWheel; this.restLength = restLength; this.radius = radius; } public synchronized void updatePhysicsState() { getWheelLocation(wheelId, wheelIndex, wheelWorldLocation); getWheelRotation(wheelId, wheelIndex, tmp_Matrix); wheelWorldRotation.fromRotationMatrix(tmp_Matrix); } private native void getWheelLocation(long vehicleId, int wheelId, Vector3f location); private native void getWheelRotation(long vehicleId, int wheelId, Matrix3f location); public synchronized void applyWheelTransform() { if (wheelSpatial == null) { return; } Quaternion localRotationQuat = wheelSpatial.getLocalRotation(); Vector3f localLocation = wheelSpatial.getLocalTranslation(); if (!applyLocal && wheelSpatial.getParent() != null) { localLocation.set(wheelWorldLocation).subtractLocal(wheelSpatial.getParent().getWorldTranslation()); localLocation.divideLocal(wheelSpatial.getParent().getWorldScale()); tmp_inverseWorldRotation.set(wheelSpatial.getParent().getWorldRotation()).inverseLocal().multLocal(localLocation); localRotationQuat.set(wheelWorldRotation); tmp_inverseWorldRotation.set(wheelSpatial.getParent().getWorldRotation()).inverseLocal().mult(localRotationQuat, localRotationQuat); wheelSpatial.setLocalTranslation(localLocation); wheelSpatial.setLocalRotation(localRotationQuat); } else { wheelSpatial.setLocalTranslation(wheelWorldLocation); wheelSpatial.setLocalRotation(wheelWorldRotation); } } public long getWheelId() { return wheelId; } public void setVehicleId(long vehicleId, int wheelIndex) { this.wheelId = vehicleId; this.wheelIndex = wheelIndex; applyInfo(); } public boolean isFrontWheel() { return frontWheel; } public void setFrontWheel(boolean frontWheel) { this.frontWheel = frontWheel; applyInfo(); } public Vector3f getLocation() { return location; } public Vector3f getDirection() { return direction; } public Vector3f getAxle() { return axle; } public float getSuspensionStiffness() { return suspensionStiffness; } /** * the stiffness constant for the suspension. 10.0 - Offroad buggy, 50.0 - Sports car, 200.0 - F1 Car * @param suspensionStiffness */ public void setSuspensionStiffness(float suspensionStiffness) { this.suspensionStiffness = suspensionStiffness; applyInfo(); } public float getWheelsDampingRelaxation() { return wheelsDampingRelaxation; } /** * the damping coefficient for when the suspension is expanding. * See the comments for setWheelsDampingCompression for how to set k. * @param wheelsDampingRelaxation */ public void setWheelsDampingRelaxation(float wheelsDampingRelaxation) { this.wheelsDampingRelaxation = wheelsDampingRelaxation; applyInfo(); } public float getWheelsDampingCompression() { return wheelsDampingCompression; } /** * the damping coefficient for when the suspension is compressed. * Set to k * 2.0 * FastMath.sqrt(m_suspensionStiffness) so k is proportional to critical damping.
* k = 0.0 undamped & bouncy, k = 1.0 critical damping
* 0.1 to 0.3 are good values * @param wheelsDampingCompression */ public void setWheelsDampingCompression(float wheelsDampingCompression) { this.wheelsDampingCompression = wheelsDampingCompression; applyInfo(); } public float getFrictionSlip() { return frictionSlip; } /** * the coefficient of friction between the tyre and the ground. * Should be about 0.8 for realistic cars, but can increased for better handling. * Set large (10000.0) for kart racers * @param frictionSlip */ public void setFrictionSlip(float frictionSlip) { this.frictionSlip = frictionSlip; applyInfo(); } public float getRollInfluence() { return rollInfluence; } /** * reduces the rolling torque applied from the wheels that cause the vehicle to roll over. * This is a bit of a hack, but it's quite effective. 0.0 = no roll, 1.0 = physical behaviour. * If m_frictionSlip is too high, you'll need to reduce this to stop the vehicle rolling over. * You should also try lowering the vehicle's centre of mass * @param rollInfluence the rollInfluence to set */ public void setRollInfluence(float rollInfluence) { this.rollInfluence = rollInfluence; applyInfo(); } public float getMaxSuspensionTravelCm() { return maxSuspensionTravelCm; } /** * the maximum distance the suspension can be compressed (centimetres) * @param maxSuspensionTravelCm */ public void setMaxSuspensionTravelCm(float maxSuspensionTravelCm) { this.maxSuspensionTravelCm = maxSuspensionTravelCm; applyInfo(); } public float getMaxSuspensionForce() { return maxSuspensionForce; } /** * The maximum suspension force, raise this above the default 6000 if your suspension cannot * handle the weight of your vehcile. * @param maxSuspensionTravelCm */ public void setMaxSuspensionForce(float maxSuspensionForce) { this.maxSuspensionForce = maxSuspensionForce; applyInfo(); } private void applyInfo() { if (wheelId == 0) { return; } applyInfo(wheelId, wheelIndex, suspensionStiffness, wheelsDampingRelaxation, wheelsDampingCompression, frictionSlip, rollInfluence, maxSuspensionTravelCm, maxSuspensionForce, radius, frontWheel, restLength); } private native void applyInfo(long wheelId, int wheelIndex, float suspensionStiffness, float wheelsDampingRelaxation, float wheelsDampingCompression, float frictionSlip, float rollInfluence, float maxSuspensionTravelCm, float maxSuspensionForce, float wheelsRadius, boolean frontWheel, float suspensionRestLength); public float getRadius() { return radius; } public void setRadius(float radius) { this.radius = radius; applyInfo(); } public float getRestLength() { return restLength; } public void setRestLength(float restLength) { this.restLength = restLength; applyInfo(); } /** * returns the object this wheel is in contact with or null if no contact * @return the PhysicsCollisionObject (PhysicsRigidBody, PhysicsGhostObject) */ public PhysicsCollisionObject getGroundObject() { // if (wheelInfo.raycastInfo.groundObject == null) { // return null; // } else if (wheelInfo.raycastInfo.groundObject instanceof RigidBody) { // System.out.println("RigidBody"); // return (PhysicsRigidBody) ((RigidBody) wheelInfo.raycastInfo.groundObject).getUserPointer(); // } else { return null; // } } /** * returns the location where the wheel collides with the ground (world space) */ public Vector3f getCollisionLocation(Vector3f vec) { getCollisionLocation(wheelId, wheelIndex, vec); return vec; } private native void getCollisionLocation(long wheelId, int wheelIndex, Vector3f vec); /** * returns the location where the wheel collides with the ground (world space) */ public Vector3f getCollisionLocation() { Vector3f vec = new Vector3f(); getCollisionLocation(wheelId, wheelIndex, vec); return vec; } /** * returns the normal where the wheel collides with the ground (world space) */ public Vector3f getCollisionNormal(Vector3f vec) { getCollisionNormal(wheelId, wheelIndex, vec); return vec; } private native void getCollisionNormal(long wheelId, int wheelIndex, Vector3f vec); /** * returns the normal where the wheel collides with the ground (world space) */ public Vector3f getCollisionNormal() { Vector3f vec = new Vector3f(); getCollisionNormal(wheelId, wheelIndex, vec); return vec; } /** * returns how much the wheel skids on the ground (for skid sounds/smoke etc.)
* 0.0 = wheels are sliding, 1.0 = wheels have traction. */ public float getSkidInfo() { return getSkidInfo(wheelId, wheelIndex); } public native float getSkidInfo(long wheelId, int wheelIndex); /** * returns how many degrees the wheel has turned since the last physics * step. */ public float getDeltaRotation() { return getDeltaRotation(wheelId, wheelIndex); } public native float getDeltaRotation(long wheelId, int wheelIndex); @Override public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException { InputCapsule capsule = im.getCapsule(this); wheelSpatial = (Spatial) capsule.readSavable("wheelSpatial", null); frontWheel = capsule.readBoolean("frontWheel", false); location = (Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("wheelLocation", new Vector3f()); direction = (Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("wheelDirection", new Vector3f()); axle = (Vector3f) capsule.readSavable("wheelAxle", new Vector3f()); suspensionStiffness = capsule.readFloat("suspensionStiffness", 20.0f); wheelsDampingRelaxation = capsule.readFloat("wheelsDampingRelaxation", 2.3f); wheelsDampingCompression = capsule.readFloat("wheelsDampingCompression", 4.4f); frictionSlip = capsule.readFloat("frictionSlip", 10.5f); rollInfluence = capsule.readFloat("rollInfluence", 1.0f); maxSuspensionTravelCm = capsule.readFloat("maxSuspensionTravelCm", 500f); maxSuspensionForce = capsule.readFloat("maxSuspensionForce", 6000f); radius = capsule.readFloat("wheelRadius", 0.5f); restLength = capsule.readFloat("restLength", 1f); } @Override public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException { OutputCapsule capsule = ex.getCapsule(this); capsule.write(wheelSpatial, "wheelSpatial", null); capsule.write(frontWheel, "frontWheel", false); capsule.write(location, "wheelLocation", new Vector3f()); capsule.write(direction, "wheelDirection", new Vector3f()); capsule.write(axle, "wheelAxle", new Vector3f()); capsule.write(suspensionStiffness, "suspensionStiffness", 20.0f); capsule.write(wheelsDampingRelaxation, "wheelsDampingRelaxation", 2.3f); capsule.write(wheelsDampingCompression, "wheelsDampingCompression", 4.4f); capsule.write(frictionSlip, "frictionSlip", 10.5f); capsule.write(rollInfluence, "rollInfluence", 1.0f); capsule.write(maxSuspensionTravelCm, "maxSuspensionTravelCm", 500f); capsule.write(maxSuspensionForce, "maxSuspensionForce", 6000f); capsule.write(radius, "wheelRadius", 0.5f); capsule.write(restLength, "restLength", 1f); } /** * @return the wheelSpatial */ public Spatial getWheelSpatial() { return wheelSpatial; } /** * @param wheelSpatial the wheelSpatial to set */ public void setWheelSpatial(Spatial wheelSpatial) { this.wheelSpatial = wheelSpatial; } public boolean isApplyLocal() { return applyLocal; } public void setApplyLocal(boolean applyLocal) { this.applyLocal = applyLocal; } }