ADCE.cpp revision 697954c15da58bd8b186dbafdedd8b06db770201
1//===- ADCE.cpp - Code to perform agressive dead code elimination ---------===//
3// This file implements "agressive" dead code elimination.  ADCE is DCe where
4// values are assumed to be dead until proven otherwise.  This is similar to
5// SCCP, except applied to the liveness of values.
9#include "llvm/Optimizations/DCE.h"
10#include "llvm/Instruction.h"
11#include "llvm/Type.h"
12#include "llvm/Analysis/Dominators.h"
13#include "llvm/Analysis/Writer.h"
14#include "llvm/iTerminators.h"
15#include "llvm/iPHINode.h"
16#include "Support/STLExtras.h"
17#include "Support/DepthFirstIterator.h"
18#include <set>
19#include <algorithm>
20#include <iostream>
21using std::cerr;
23#define DEBUG_ADCE 1
26// ADCE Class
28// This class does all of the work of Agressive Dead Code Elimination.
29// It's public interface consists of a constructor and a doADCE() method.
31class ADCE {
32  Method *M;                            // The method that we are working on...
33  std::vector<Instruction*> WorkList;   // Instructions that just became live
34  std::set<Instruction*>    LiveSet;    // The set of live instructions
35  bool MadeChanges;
37  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
38  // The public interface for this class
39  //
41  // ADCE Ctor - Save the method to operate on...
42  inline ADCE(Method *m) : M(m), MadeChanges(false) {}
44  // doADCE() - Run the Agressive Dead Code Elimination algorithm, returning
45  // true if the method was modified.
46  bool doADCE();
48  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
49  // The implementation of this class
50  //
52  inline void markInstructionLive(Instruction *I) {
53    if (LiveSet.count(I)) return;
54#ifdef DEBUG_ADCE
55    cerr << "Insn Live: " << I;
57    LiveSet.insert(I);
58    WorkList.push_back(I);
59  }
61  inline void markTerminatorLive(const BasicBlock *BB) {
62#ifdef DEBUG_ADCE
63    cerr << "Terminat Live: " << BB->getTerminator();
65    markInstructionLive((Instruction*)BB->getTerminator());
66  }
68  // fixupCFG - Walk the CFG in depth first order, eliminating references to
69  // dead blocks.
70  //
71  BasicBlock *fixupCFG(BasicBlock *Head, std::set<BasicBlock*> &VisitedBlocks,
72		       const std::set<BasicBlock*> &AliveBlocks);
77// doADCE() - Run the Agressive Dead Code Elimination algorithm, returning
78// true if the method was modified.
80bool ADCE::doADCE() {
81  // Compute the control dependence graph...  Note that this has a side effect
82  // on the CFG: a new return bb is added and all returns are merged here.
83  //
84  cfg::DominanceFrontier CDG(cfg::DominatorSet(M, true));
86#ifdef DEBUG_ADCE
87  cerr << "Method: " << M;
90  // Iterate over all of the instructions in the method, eliminating trivially
91  // dead instructions, and marking instructions live that are known to be
92  // needed.  Perform the walk in depth first order so that we avoid marking any
93  // instructions live in basic blocks that are unreachable.  These blocks will
94  // be eliminated later, along with the instructions inside.
95  //
96  for (df_iterator<Method*> BBI = df_begin(M),
97                            BBE = df_end(M);
98       BBI != BBE; ++BBI) {
99    BasicBlock *BB = *BBI;
100    for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), EI = BB->end(); II != EI; ) {
101      Instruction *I = *II;
103      if (I->hasSideEffects() || I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Ret) {
104	markInstructionLive(I);
105      } else {
106	// Check to see if anything is trivially dead
107	if (I->use_size() == 0 && I->getType() != Type::VoidTy) {
108	  // Remove the instruction from it's basic block...
109	  delete BB->getInstList().remove(II);
110	  MadeChanges = true;
111	  continue;  // Don't increment the iterator past the current slot
112	}
113      }
115      ++II;  // Increment the inst iterator if the inst wasn't deleted
116    }
117  }
119#ifdef DEBUG_ADCE
120  cerr << "Processing work list\n";
123  // AliveBlocks - Set of basic blocks that we know have instructions that are
124  // alive in them...
125  //
126  std::set<BasicBlock*> AliveBlocks;
128  // Process the work list of instructions that just became live... if they
129  // became live, then that means that all of their operands are neccesary as
130  // well... make them live as well.
131  //
132  while (!WorkList.empty()) {
133    Instruction *I = WorkList.back(); // Get an instruction that became live...
134    WorkList.pop_back();
136    BasicBlock *BB = I->getParent();
137    if (AliveBlocks.count(BB) == 0) {   // Basic block not alive yet...
138      // Mark the basic block as being newly ALIVE... and mark all branches that
139      // this block is control dependant on as being alive also...
140      //
141      AliveBlocks.insert(BB);   // Block is now ALIVE!
142      cfg::DominanceFrontier::const_iterator It = CDG.find(BB);
143      if (It != CDG.end()) {
144	// Get the blocks that this node is control dependant on...
145	const cfg::DominanceFrontier::DomSetType &CDB = It->second;
146	for_each(CDB.begin(), CDB.end(),   // Mark all their terminators as live
147		 bind_obj(this, &ADCE::markTerminatorLive));
148      }
150      // If this basic block is live, then the terminator must be as well!
151      markTerminatorLive(BB);
152    }
154    // Loop over all of the operands of the live instruction, making sure that
155    // they are known to be alive as well...
156    //
157    for (unsigned op = 0, End = I->getNumOperands(); op != End; ++op) {
158      if (Instruction *Operand = dyn_cast<Instruction>(I->getOperand(op)))
159	markInstructionLive(Operand);
160    }
161  }
163#ifdef DEBUG_ADCE
164  cerr << "Current Method: X = Live\n";
165  for (Method::inst_iterator IL = M->inst_begin(); IL != M->inst_end(); ++IL) {
166    if (LiveSet.count(*IL)) cerr << "X ";
167    cerr << *IL;
168  }
171  // After the worklist is processed, recursively walk the CFG in depth first
172  // order, patching up references to dead blocks...
173  //
174  std::set<BasicBlock*> VisitedBlocks;
175  BasicBlock *EntryBlock = fixupCFG(M->front(), VisitedBlocks, AliveBlocks);
176  if (EntryBlock && EntryBlock != M->front()) {
177    if (isa<PHINode>(EntryBlock->front())) {
178      // Cannot make the first block be a block with a PHI node in it! Instead,
179      // strip the first basic block of the method to contain no instructions,
180      // then add a simple branch to the "real" entry node...
181      //
182      BasicBlock *E = M->front();
183      if (!isa<TerminatorInst>(E->front()) || // Check for an actual change...
184	  cast<TerminatorInst>(E->front())->getNumSuccessors() != 1 ||
185	  cast<TerminatorInst>(E->front())->getSuccessor(0) != EntryBlock) {
186	E->getInstList().delete_all();      // Delete all instructions in block
187	E->getInstList().push_back(new BranchInst(EntryBlock));
188	MadeChanges = true;
189      }
190      AliveBlocks.insert(E);
192      // Next we need to change any PHI nodes in the entry block to refer to the
193      // new predecessor node...
196    } else {
197      // We need to move the new entry block to be the first bb of the method.
198      Method::iterator EBI = find(M->begin(), M->end(), EntryBlock);
199      std::swap(*EBI, *M->begin());// Exchange old location with start of method
200      MadeChanges = true;
201    }
202  }
204  // Now go through and tell dead blocks to drop all of their references so they
205  // can be safely deleted.
206  //
207  for (Method::iterator BI = M->begin(), BE = M->end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
208    BasicBlock *BB = *BI;
209    if (!AliveBlocks.count(BB)) {
210      BB->dropAllReferences();
211    }
212  }
214  // Now loop through all of the blocks and delete them.  We can safely do this
215  // now because we know that there are no references to dead blocks (because
216  // they have dropped all of their references...
217  //
218  for (Method::iterator BI = M->begin(); BI != M->end();) {
219    if (!AliveBlocks.count(*BI)) {
220      delete M->getBasicBlocks().remove(BI);
221      MadeChanges = true;
222      continue;                                     // Don't increment iterator
223    }
224    ++BI;                                           // Increment iterator...
225  }
227  return MadeChanges;
231// fixupCFG - Walk the CFG in depth first order, eliminating references to
232// dead blocks:
233//  If the BB is alive (in AliveBlocks):
234//   1. Eliminate all dead instructions in the BB
235//   2. Recursively traverse all of the successors of the BB:
236//      - If the returned successor is non-null, update our terminator to
237//         reference the returned BB
238//   3. Return 0 (no update needed)
240//  If the BB is dead (not in AliveBlocks):
241//   1. Add the BB to the dead set
242//   2. Recursively traverse all of the successors of the block:
243//      - Only one shall return a nonnull value (or else this block should have
244//        been in the alive set).
245//   3. Return the nonnull child, or 0 if no non-null children.
247BasicBlock *ADCE::fixupCFG(BasicBlock *BB, std::set<BasicBlock*> &VisitedBlocks,
248			   const std::set<BasicBlock*> &AliveBlocks) {
249  if (VisitedBlocks.count(BB)) return 0;   // Revisiting a node? No update.
250  VisitedBlocks.insert(BB);                // We have now visited this node!
252#ifdef DEBUG_ADCE
253  cerr << "Fixing up BB: " << BB;
256  if (AliveBlocks.count(BB)) {             // Is the block alive?
257    // Yes it's alive: loop through and eliminate all dead instructions in block
258    for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(); II != BB->end()-1; ) {
259      Instruction *I = *II;
260      if (!LiveSet.count(I)) {             // Is this instruction alive?
261	// Nope... remove the instruction from it's basic block...
262	delete BB->getInstList().remove(II);
263	MadeChanges = true;
264	continue;                          // Don't increment II
265      }
266      ++II;
267    }
269    // Recursively traverse successors of this basic block.
270    BasicBlock::succ_iterator SI = BB->succ_begin(), SE = BB->succ_end();
271    for (; SI != SE; ++SI) {
272      BasicBlock *Succ = *SI;
273      BasicBlock *Repl = fixupCFG(Succ, VisitedBlocks, AliveBlocks);
274      if (Repl && Repl != Succ) {          // We have to replace the successor
275	Succ->replaceAllUsesWith(Repl);
276	MadeChanges = true;
277      }
278    }
279    return BB;
280  } else {                                 // Otherwise the block is dead...
281    BasicBlock *ReturnBB = 0;              // Default to nothing live down here
283    // Recursively traverse successors of this basic block.
284    BasicBlock::succ_iterator SI = BB->succ_begin(), SE = BB->succ_end();
285    for (; SI != SE; ++SI) {
286      BasicBlock *RetBB = fixupCFG(*SI, VisitedBlocks, AliveBlocks);
287      if (RetBB) {
288	assert(ReturnBB == 0 && "One one live child allowed!");
289	ReturnBB = RetBB;
290      }
291    }
292    return ReturnBB;                       // Return the result of traversal
293  }
298// doADCE - Execute the Agressive Dead Code Elimination Algorithm
300bool opt::AgressiveDCE::doADCE(Method *M) {
301  if (M->isExternal()) return false;
302  ADCE DCE(M);
303  return DCE.doADCE();