Lines Matching defs:SET

4176 On top of the basic data types are the SEQUENCE and SET data types which are collections of other ASN.1 types.  They are provided 
4243 \hline LTC\_ASN1\_SET & SET \\
4244 \hline LTC\_ASN1\_SETOF & SET OF \\
4271 verbatim to the dependent encoder. The list can contain other SEQUENCE or SET types which enables you to have nested SEQUENCE and SET definitions. In these cases
4357 \subsection{SET and SET OF}
4359 \index{SET} \index{SET OF}
4360 SET and SET OF are related to the SEQUENCE type in that they can be pretty much be decoded with the same code. However, they are different, and they should
4361 be carefully noted. The SET type is an unordered array of ASN.1 types sorted by the TAG (type identifier), whereas the SET OF type is an ordered array of
4364 \subsubsection{SET Encoding}
4382 \subsubsection{SET Decoding}
4384 The SET type can be decoded with the following function.
4394 This will decode the SET specified by \textit{list} of length \textit{outlen} objects from the input buffer \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets.
4398 \subsubsection{SET Length}
4399 The length of a SET can be determined by calling der\_length\_sequence() since they have the same encoding length.
4401 \subsubsection{SET OF Encoding}
4402 A \textit{SET OF} object is an array of identical objects (e.g. OCTET STRING) sorted in ascending order by the DER encoding of the object. They are
4414 This will encode a \textit{SET OF} containing the \textit{list} of \textit{inlen} ASN.1 objects and store the encoding in the output buffer \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen}.
4416 The routine will first encode the SET OF in an unordered fashion (in a temporary buffer) then sort using the XQSORT macro and copy back to the output buffer. This
4419 \subsubsection{SET OF Decoding}
4420 Since the decoding of a \textit{SET OF} object is unambiguous it can be decoded with der\_decode\_sequence().
4422 \subsubsection{SET OF Length}
4423 Like the SET type the der\_length\_sequence() function can be used to determine the length of a \textit{SET OF} object.
4670 When a SEQUENCE or SET has been encountered a SEQUENCE (or SET resp.) item will be added as a sibling (e.g. list.type == LTC\_ASN1\_SEQUENCE) and the child