Lines Matching refs:LOG

1334         LOG(View, "A view of class %s was added during subview enumeration for layout or printing mode change. This view might paint without first receiving layout.", object_getClassName([subview class]));
3111 LOG(View, "A view of class %s was removed during subview enumeration for layout or printing mode change. We will still do layout or the printing mode change even though this view is no longer in the view hierarchy.", object_getClassName([subview class]));
3131 LOG(Timing, "%s apply style seconds = %f", [self URL], thisTime);
3146 LOG(View, "%@ doing layout", self);
3167 LOG(Timing, "%s layout seconds = %f", [self URL], thisTime);
3291 LOG(View, "%@ setNeedsDisplay:%@", self, flag ? @"YES" : @"NO");
3314 LOG(View, "%@ setNeedsLayout:%@", self, flag ? @"YES" : @"NO");
3327 LOG(View, "%@ setNeedsToApplyStyles:%@", self, flag ? @"YES" : @"NO");
3380 LOG(View, "%@ drawing", self);
3403 LOG(Timing, "%s draw seconds = %f", widget->part()->baseURL().URL().latin1(), thisTime);
5757 LOG(TextInput, "validAttributesForMarkedText -> (...)");
5769 LOG(TextInput, "textStorage -> nil");
5774 LOG(TextInput, "textStorage -> \"%@\"", result ? [result string] : @"");
5793 LOG(TextInput, "characterIndexForPoint:(%f, %f) -> NSNotFound", thePoint.x, thePoint.y);
5798 LOG(TextInput, "characterIndexForPoint:(%f, %f) -> %u", thePoint.x, thePoint.y, result);
5816 LOG(TextInput, "firstRectForCharacterRange:(%u, %u) -> (0, 0, 0, 0)", theRange.location, theRange.length);
5830 LOG(TextInput, "firstRectForCharacterRange:(%u, %u) -> (%f, %f, %f, %f)", theRange.location, theRange.length, resultRect.origin.x, resultRect.origin.y, resultRect.size.width, resultRect.size.height);
5839 LOG(TextInput, "selectedRange -> (NSNotFound, 0)");
5844 LOG(TextInput, "selectedRange -> (%u, %u)", result.location, result.length);
5858 LOG(TextInput, "markedRange -> (%u, %u)", result.location, result.length);
5869 LOG(TextInput, "attributedSubstringFromRange:(%u, %u) -> nil", nsRange.location, nsRange.length);
5874 LOG(TextInput, "attributedSubstringFromRange:(%u, %u) -> nil", nsRange.location, nsRange.length);
5888 LOG(TextInput, "attributedSubstringFromRange:(%u, %u) -> \"%@\"", nsRange.location, nsRange.length, [result string]);
5916 LOG(TextInput, "hasMarkedText -> %u", result);
5924 LOG(TextInput, "unmarkText");
5965 LOG(TextInput, "setMarkedText:\"%@\" selectedRange:(%u, %u)", isAttributedString ? [string string] : string, newSelRange.location, newSelRange.length);
5990 LOG(TextInput, " ReplacementRange: %@", rangeString);
6008 LOG(TextInput, "doCommandBySelector:\"%s\"", sel_getName(selector));
6066 LOG(TextInput, "insertText:\"%@\"", isAttributedString ? [string string] : string);
6082 LOG(TextInput, " ReplacementRange: %@", rangeString);
6284 LOG(Timing, "creating attributed string from selection took %f seconds.", duration);