/* * [The "BSD license"] * Copyright (c) 2010 Terence Parr * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.antlr.test; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeAdaptor; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeAdaptor; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeWizard; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class TestTreeWizard extends BaseTest { protected static final String[] tokens = new String[] {"", "", "", "", "", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "ID", "VAR"}; protected static final TreeAdaptor adaptor = new CommonTreeAdaptor(); @Test public void testSingleNode() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("ID"); String found = t.toStringTree(); String expecting = "ID"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testSingleNodeWithArg() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("ID[foo]"); String found = t.toStringTree(); String expecting = "foo"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testSingleNodeTree() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A)"); String found = t.toStringTree(); String expecting = "A"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testSingleLevelTree() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C D)"); String found = t.toStringTree(); String expecting = "(A B C D)"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testListTree() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(nil A B C)"); String found = t.toStringTree(); String expecting = "A B C"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testInvalidListTree() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("A B C"); assertTrue(t==null); } @Test public void testDoubleLevelTree() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A (B C) (B D) E)"); String found = t.toStringTree(); String expecting = "(A (B C) (B D) E)"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testSingleNodeIndex() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("ID"); Map m = wiz.index(t); String found = m.toString(); String expecting = "{10=[ID]}"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testNoRepeatsIndex() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C D)"); Map m = wiz.index(t); String found = sortMapToString(m); String expecting = "{5=[A], 6=[B], 7=[C], 8=[D]}"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testRepeatsIndex() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B (A C B) B D D)"); Map m = wiz.index(t); String found = sortMapToString(m); String expecting = "{5=[A, A], 6=[B, B, B], 7=[C], 8=[D, D]}"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testNoRepeatsVisit() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C D)"); final List elements = new ArrayList(); wiz.visit(t, wiz.getTokenType("B"), new TreeWizard.Visitor() { public void visit(Object t) { elements.add(t); } }); String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[B]"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testNoRepeatsVisit2() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B (A C B) B D D)"); final List elements = new ArrayList(); wiz.visit(t, wiz.getTokenType("C"), new TreeWizard.Visitor() { public void visit(Object t) { elements.add(t); } }); String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[C]"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testRepeatsVisit() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B (A C B) B D D)"); final List elements = new ArrayList(); wiz.visit(t, wiz.getTokenType("B"), new TreeWizard.Visitor() { public void visit(Object t) { elements.add(t); } }); String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[B, B, B]"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testRepeatsVisit2() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B (A C B) B D D)"); final List elements = new ArrayList(); wiz.visit(t, wiz.getTokenType("A"), new TreeWizard.Visitor() { public void visit(Object t) { elements.add(t); } }); String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[A, A]"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testRepeatsVisitWithContext() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B (A C B) B D D)"); final List elements = new ArrayList(); wiz.visit(t, wiz.getTokenType("B"), new TreeWizard.ContextVisitor() { public void visit(Object t, Object parent, int childIndex, Map labels) { elements.add(adaptor.getText(t)+"@"+ (parent!=null?adaptor.getText(parent):"nil")+ "["+childIndex+"]"); } }); String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[B@A[0], B@A[1], B@A[2]]"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testRepeatsVisitWithNullParentAndContext() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B (A C B) B D D)"); final List elements = new ArrayList(); wiz.visit(t, wiz.getTokenType("A"), new TreeWizard.ContextVisitor() { public void visit(Object t, Object parent, int childIndex, Map labels) { elements.add(adaptor.getText(t)+"@"+ (parent!=null?adaptor.getText(parent):"nil")+ "["+childIndex+"]"); } }); String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[A@nil[0], A@A[1]]"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testVisitPattern() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C (A B) D)"); final List elements = new ArrayList(); wiz.visit(t, "(A B)", new TreeWizard.Visitor() { public void visit(Object t) { elements.add(t); } }); String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[A]"; // shouldn't match overall root, just (A B) assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testVisitPatternMultiple() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C (A B) (D (A B)))"); final List elements = new ArrayList(); wiz.visit(t, "(A B)", new TreeWizard.ContextVisitor() { public void visit(Object t, Object parent, int childIndex, Map labels) { elements.add(adaptor.getText(t)+"@"+ (parent!=null?adaptor.getText(parent):"nil")+ "["+childIndex+"]"); } }); String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[A@A[2], A@D[0]]"; // shouldn't match overall root, just (A B) assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testVisitPatternMultipleWithLabels() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C (A[foo] B[bar]) (D (A[big] B[dog])))"); final List elements = new ArrayList(); wiz.visit(t, "(%a:A %b:B)", new TreeWizard.ContextVisitor() { public void visit(Object t, Object parent, int childIndex, Map labels) { elements.add(adaptor.getText(t)+"@"+ (parent!=null?adaptor.getText(parent):"nil")+ "["+childIndex+"]"+labels.get("a")+"&"+labels.get("b")); } }); String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[foo@A[2]foo&bar, big@D[0]big&dog]"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } @Test public void testParse() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C)"); boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(A B C)"); assertTrue(valid); } @Test public void testParseSingleNode() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("A"); boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "A"); assertTrue(valid); } @Test public void testParseFlatTree() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(nil A B C)"); boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(nil A B C)"); assertTrue(valid); } @Test public void testWildcard() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C)"); boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(A . .)"); assertTrue(valid); } @Test public void testParseWithText() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B[foo] C[bar])"); // C pattern has no text arg so despite [bar] in t, no need // to match text--check structure only. boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(A B[foo] C)"); assertTrue(valid); } @Test public void testParseWithText2() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B[T__32] (C (D E[a])))"); // C pattern has no text arg so despite [bar] in t, no need // to match text--check structure only. boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(A B[foo] C)"); assertEquals("(A T__32 (C (D a)))", t.toStringTree()); } @Test public void testParseWithTextFails() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C)"); boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(A[foo] B C)"); assertTrue(!valid); // fails } @Test public void testParseLabels() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C)"); Map labels = new HashMap(); boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(%a:A %b:B %c:C)", labels); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals("A", labels.get("a").toString()); assertEquals("B", labels.get("b").toString()); assertEquals("C", labels.get("c").toString()); } @Test public void testParseWithWildcardLabels() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C)"); Map labels = new HashMap(); boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(A %b:. %c:.)", labels); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals("B", labels.get("b").toString()); assertEquals("C", labels.get("c").toString()); } @Test public void testParseLabelsAndTestText() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B[foo] C)"); Map labels = new HashMap(); boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(%a:A %b:B[foo] %c:C)", labels); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals("A", labels.get("a").toString()); assertEquals("foo", labels.get("b").toString()); assertEquals("C", labels.get("c").toString()); } @Test public void testParseLabelsInNestedTree() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A (B C) (D E))"); Map labels = new HashMap(); boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(%a:A (%b:B %c:C) (%d:D %e:E) )", labels); assertTrue(valid); assertEquals("A", labels.get("a").toString()); assertEquals("B", labels.get("b").toString()); assertEquals("C", labels.get("c").toString()); assertEquals("D", labels.get("d").toString()); assertEquals("E", labels.get("e").toString()); } @Test public void testEquals() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t1 = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C)"); CommonTree t2 = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C)"); boolean same = TreeWizard.equals(t1, t2, adaptor); assertTrue(same); } @Test public void testEqualsWithText() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t1 = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B[foo] C)"); CommonTree t2 = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B[foo] C)"); boolean same = TreeWizard.equals(t1, t2, adaptor); assertTrue(same); } @Test public void testEqualsWithMismatchedText() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t1 = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B[foo] C)"); CommonTree t2 = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C)"); boolean same = TreeWizard.equals(t1, t2, adaptor); assertTrue(!same); } @Test public void testFindPattern() throws Exception { TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens); CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A B C (A[foo] B[bar]) (D (A[big] B[dog])))"); final List subtrees = wiz.find(t, "(A B)"); List elements = subtrees; String found = elements.toString(); String expecting = "[foo, big]"; assertEquals(expecting, found); } }