/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.io; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.NonWritableChannelException; public class RandomAccessFileTest extends junit.framework.TestCase { public String fileName; public boolean ufile = true; java.io.RandomAccessFile raf; java.io.File f; String unihw = "\u0048\u0065\u006C\u0801\u006C\u006F\u0020\u0057\u0081\u006F\u0072\u006C\u0064"; //java.io.FileOutputStream fos; public String fileString = "Test_All_Tests\nTest_java_io_BufferedInputStream\nTest_java_io_BufferedOutputStream\nTest_java_io_ByteArrayInputStream\nTest_java_io_ByteArrayOutputStream\nTest_java_io_DataInputStream\nTest_java_io_File\nTest_java_io_FileDescriptor\nTest_java_io_FileInputStream\nTest_java_io_FileNotFoundException\nTest_java_io_FileOutputStream\nTest_java_io_FilterInputStream\nTest_java_io_FilterOutputStream\nTest_java_io_InputStream\nTest_java_io_IOException\nTest_java_io_OutputStream\nTest_java_io_PrintStream\nTest_RandomAccessFile\nTest_java_io_SyncFailedException\nTest_java_lang_AbstractMethodError\nTest_java_lang_ArithmeticException\nTest_java_lang_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException\nTest_java_lang_ArrayStoreException\nTest_java_lang_Boolean\nTest_java_lang_Byte\nTest_java_lang_Character\nTest_java_lang_Class\nTest_java_lang_ClassCastException\nTest_java_lang_ClassCircularityError\nTest_java_lang_ClassFormatError\nTest_java_lang_ClassLoader\nTest_java_lang_ClassNotFoundException\nTest_java_lang_CloneNotSupportedException\nTest_java_lang_Double\nTest_java_lang_Error\nTest_java_lang_Exception\nTest_java_lang_ExceptionInInitializerError\nTest_java_lang_Float\nTest_java_lang_IllegalAccessError\nTest_java_lang_IllegalAccessException\nTest_java_lang_IllegalArgumentException\nTest_java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException\nTest_java_lang_IllegalThreadStateException\nTest_java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError\nTest_java_lang_IndexOutOfBoundsException\nTest_java_lang_InstantiationError\nTest_java_lang_InstantiationException\nTest_java_lang_Integer\nTest_java_lang_InternalError\nTest_java_lang_InterruptedException\nTest_java_lang_LinkageError\nTest_java_lang_Long\nTest_java_lang_Math\nTest_java_lang_NegativeArraySizeException\nTest_java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError\nTest_java_lang_NoSuchFieldError\nTest_java_lang_NoSuchMethodError\nTest_java_lang_NullPointerException\nTest_java_lang_Number\nTest_java_lang_NumberFormatException\nTest_java_lang_Object\nTest_java_lang_OutOfMemoryError\nTest_java_lang_RuntimeException\nTest_java_lang_SecurityManager\nTest_java_lang_Short\nTest_java_lang_StackOverflowError\nTest_java_lang_String\nTest_java_lang_StringBuffer\nTest_java_lang_StringIndexOutOfBoundsException\nTest_java_lang_System\nTest_java_lang_Thread\nTest_java_lang_ThreadDeath\nTest_java_lang_ThreadGroup\nTest_java_lang_Throwable\nTest_java_lang_UnknownError\nTest_java_lang_UnsatisfiedLinkError\nTest_java_lang_VerifyError\nTest_java_lang_VirtualMachineError\nTest_java_lang_vm_Image\nTest_java_lang_vm_MemorySegment\nTest_java_lang_vm_ROMStoreException\nTest_java_lang_vm_VM\nTest_java_lang_Void\nTest_java_net_BindException\nTest_java_net_ConnectException\nTest_java_net_DatagramPacket\nTest_java_net_DatagramSocket\nTest_java_net_DatagramSocketImpl\nTest_java_net_InetAddress\nTest_java_net_NoRouteToHostException\nTest_java_net_PlainDatagramSocketImpl\nTest_java_net_PlainSocketImpl\nTest_java_net_Socket\nTest_java_net_SocketException\nTest_java_net_SocketImpl\nTest_java_net_SocketInputStream\nTest_java_net_SocketOutputStream\nTest_java_net_UnknownHostException\nTest_java_util_ArrayEnumerator\nTest_java_util_Date\nTest_java_util_EventObject\nTest_java_util_HashEnumerator\nTest_java_util_Hashtable\nTest_java_util_Properties\nTest_java_util_ResourceBundle\nTest_java_util_tm\nTest_java_util_Vector\n"; /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#RandomAccessFile(java.io.File, * java.lang.String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_io_FileLjava_lang_String() throws Exception { // Test for method java.io.RandomAccessFile(java.io.File, // java.lang.String) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(f, "rw"); raf.write(20); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect int read/written", 20, raf.read()); raf.close(); raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(f, "rwd"); raf.write(20); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect int read/written", 20, raf.read()); raf.close(); raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(f, "rws"); raf.write(20); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect int read/written", 20, raf.read()); raf.close(); // Regression for HARMONY-50 File f = File.createTempFile("xxx", "yyy"); f.deleteOnExit(); raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rws"); raf.close(); f = File.createTempFile("xxx", "yyy"); f.deleteOnExit(); raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rwd"); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#RandomAccessFile(java.lang.String, * java.lang.String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String() throws IOException { // Test for method java.io.RandomAccessFile(java.lang.String, // java.lang.String) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.write("Test".getBytes(), 0, 4); raf.close(); raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rwd"); raf.write("Test".getBytes(), 0, 4); raf.close(); raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rws"); raf.write("Test".getBytes(), 0, 4); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#RandomAccessFile(java.lang.String, * java.lang.String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String_I() throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = null; try { raf = new RandomAccessFile("", "r"); fail("should throw FileNotFoundException."); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Expected } finally { if (raf != null) { raf.close(); raf = null; } } try { raf = new RandomAccessFile(new File(""), "r"); fail("should throw FileNotFoundException."); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Expected } finally { if (raf != null) { raf.close(); raf = null; } } File dir = new File("/"); assertTrue(dir.isDirectory()); try { raf = new RandomAccessFile(dir.getPath(), "r"); fail(); } catch (FileNotFoundException expected) { } finally { if (raf != null) { raf.close(); raf = null; } } } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#close() */ public void test_close() { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.close() try { RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.close(); raf.write("Test".getBytes(), 0, 4); fail("Failed to close file properly"); } catch (IOException e) {} } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#getFD() */ public void test_getFD() throws IOException { // Test for method java.io.FileDescriptor // java.io.RandomAccessFile.getFD() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); assertTrue("Returned invalid fd", raf.getFD().valid()); raf.close(); assertFalse("Returned valid fd after close", raf.getFD().valid()); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#getFilePointer() */ public void test_getFilePointer() throws IOException { // Test for method long java.io.RandomAccessFile.getFilePointer() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.write(fileString.getBytes(), 0, 1000); assertEquals("Incorrect filePointer returned", 1000, raf .getFilePointer()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#length() */ public void test_length() throws IOException { // Test for method long java.io.RandomAccessFile.length() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.write(fileString.getBytes()); assertEquals("Incorrect length returned", fileString.length(), raf .length()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#read() */ public void test_read() throws IOException { // Test for method int java.io.RandomAccessFile.read() FileOutputStream fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(fileName); fos.write(fileString.getBytes("UTF-8"), 0, fileString.length()); fos.close(); RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); assertEquals("Incorrect bytes returned from read", fileString.charAt(0), raf.read()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#read(byte[]) */ public void test_read$B() throws IOException { // Test for method int java.io.RandomAccessFile.read(byte []) FileOutputStream fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(fileName); fos.write(fileString.getBytes(), 0, fileString.length()); fos.close(); RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); byte[] rbuf = new byte[4000]; raf.read(rbuf); assertEquals("Incorrect bytes returned from read", fileString, new String(rbuf, 0, fileString.length())); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#read(byte[], int, int) */ public void test_read$BII() throws IOException { // Test for method int java.io.RandomAccessFile.read(byte [], int, int) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); byte[] rbuf = new byte[4000]; FileOutputStream fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(fileName); fos.write(fileString.getBytes(), 0, fileString.length()); fos.close(); raf.read(rbuf, 0, fileString.length()); assertEquals("Incorrect bytes returned from read", fileString, new String(rbuf, 0, fileString.length())); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readBoolean() */ public void test_readBoolean() throws IOException { // Test for method boolean java.io.RandomAccessFile.readBoolean() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeBoolean(true); raf.seek(0); assertTrue("Incorrect boolean read/written", raf.readBoolean()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readByte() */ public void test_readByte() throws IOException { // Test for method byte java.io.RandomAccessFile.readByte() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeByte(127); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect bytes read/written", 127, raf.readByte()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readChar() */ public void test_readChar() throws IOException { // Test for method char java.io.RandomAccessFile.readChar() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeChar('T'); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect char read/written", 'T', raf.readChar()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readDouble() */ public void test_readDouble() throws IOException { // Test for method double java.io.RandomAccessFile.readDouble() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeDouble(Double.MAX_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect double read/written", Double.MAX_VALUE, raf .readDouble(), 0); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readFloat() */ public void test_readFloat() throws IOException { // Test for method float java.io.RandomAccessFile.readFloat() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeFloat(Float.MAX_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect float read/written", Float.MAX_VALUE, raf .readFloat(), 0); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readFully(byte[]) */ public void test_readFully$B() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.readFully(byte []) byte[] buf = new byte[10]; RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeBytes("HelloWorld"); raf.seek(0); raf.readFully(buf); assertEquals("Incorrect bytes read/written", "HelloWorld", new String( buf, 0, 10, "UTF-8")); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readFully(byte[], int, int) */ public void test_readFully$BII() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.readFully(byte [], int, // int) byte[] buf = new byte[10]; RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeBytes("HelloWorld"); raf.seek(0); raf.readFully(buf, 0, buf.length); assertEquals("Incorrect bytes read/written", "HelloWorld", new String( buf, 0, 10, "UTF-8")); try { raf.readFully(buf, 0, buf.length); fail("Reading past end of buffer did not throw EOFException"); } catch (EOFException e) {} raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readInt() */ public void test_readInt() throws IOException { // Test for method int java.io.RandomAccessFile.readInt() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeInt(Integer.MIN_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect int read/written", Integer.MIN_VALUE, raf .readInt()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readLine() */ public void test_readLine() throws IOException { // Test for method java.lang.String java.io.RandomAccessFile.readLine() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); String s = "Goodbye\nCruel\nWorld\n"; raf.write(s.getBytes("UTF-8"), 0, s.length()); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Goodbye", raf.readLine()); assertEquals("Cruel", raf.readLine()); assertEquals("World", raf.readLine()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readLong() */ public void test_readLong() throws IOException { // Test for method long java.io.RandomAccessFile.readLong() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect long read/written", Long.MAX_VALUE, raf .readLong()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readShort() */ public void test_readShort() throws IOException { // Test for method short java.io.RandomAccessFile.readShort() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeShort(Short.MIN_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect long read/written", Short.MIN_VALUE, raf .readShort()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readUnsignedByte() */ public void test_readUnsignedByte() throws IOException { // Test for method int java.io.RandomAccessFile.readUnsignedByte() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeByte(-1); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect byte read/written", 255, raf.readUnsignedByte()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readUnsignedShort() */ public void test_readUnsignedShort() throws IOException { // Test for method int java.io.RandomAccessFile.readUnsignedShort() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeShort(-1); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect byte read/written", 65535, raf .readUnsignedShort()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#readUTF() */ public void test_readUTF() throws IOException { // Test for method java.lang.String java.io.RandomAccessFile.readUTF() RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeUTF(unihw); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect utf string read", unihw, raf.readUTF()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#seek(long) */ public void test_seekJ() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.seek(long) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.write(fileString.getBytes(), 0, fileString.length()); raf.seek(12); assertEquals("Seek failed to set filePointer", 12, raf.getFilePointer()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#skipBytes(int) */ public void test_skipBytesI() throws IOException { // Test for method int java.io.RandomAccessFile.skipBytes(int) byte[] buf = new byte[5]; RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeBytes("HelloWorld"); raf.seek(0); raf.skipBytes(5); raf.readFully(buf); assertEquals("Failed to skip bytes", "World", new String(buf, 0, 5, "UTF-8")); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#write(byte[]) */ public void test_write$B() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.write(byte []) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); byte[] nullByteArray = null; try { raf.write(nullByteArray); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { //expected } byte[] rbuf = new byte[4000]; raf.write(fileString.getBytes()); raf.close(); try { raf.write(nullByteArray); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { //expected } //will not throw IOException if array's length is 0 raf.write(new byte[0]); try { raf.write(fileString.getBytes()); fail("should throw IOException"); } catch (IOException e) { //expected } FileInputStream fis = new java.io.FileInputStream(fileName); fis.read(rbuf, 0, fileString.length()); assertEquals("Incorrect bytes written", fileString, new String(rbuf, 0, fileString.length())); fis.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#write(byte[], int, int) */ public void test_write$BII() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.write(byte [], int, // int) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); byte[] rbuf = new byte[4000]; raf.write(fileString.getBytes(), 0, fileString.length()); raf.close(); FileInputStream fis = new java.io.FileInputStream(fileName); fis.read(rbuf, 0, fileString.length()); assertEquals("Incorrect bytes written", fileString, new String(rbuf, 0, fileString.length())); fis.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#write(byte[], int, int) */ public void test_write_$BII_Exception() throws IOException { raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(f, "rw"); byte[] nullByteArray = null; byte[] byteArray = new byte[10]; try { raf.write(nullByteArray, -1, -1); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(nullByteArray, 0, 0); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(nullByteArray, 1, -1); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(nullByteArray, 1, 0); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(nullByteArray, 1, 1); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, -1, -1); fail("should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, -1, 0); fail("should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, -1, 1); fail("should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, 0, -1); fail("should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected } raf.write(byteArray, 0, 0); raf.write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length); raf.write(byteArray, 1, 0); raf.write(byteArray, byteArray.length, 0); try { raf.write(byteArray, byteArray.length + 1, 0); fail("should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { //expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, byteArray.length + 1, 1); fail("should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { //expected } raf.close(); try { raf.write(nullByteArray, -1, -1); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, -1, -1); fail("should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, 0, 1); fail("should throw IOException"); } catch (IOException e) { //expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length); fail("should throw IOException"); } catch (IOException e) { //expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, 1, 1); fail("should throw IOException"); } catch (IOException e) { //expected } try { raf.write(byteArray, byteArray.length + 1, 0); fail("should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { //expected } // will not throw IOException if count = 0 raf.write(byteArray, 0, 0); raf.write(byteArray, byteArray.length, 0); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#write(int) */ public void test_writeI() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.write(int) byte[] rbuf = new byte[4000]; RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.write('t'); raf.close(); FileInputStream fis = new java.io.FileInputStream(fileName); fis.read(rbuf, 0, 1); assertEquals("Incorrect byte written", 't', rbuf[0]); fis.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeBoolean(boolean) */ public void test_writeBooleanZ() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeBoolean(boolean) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeBoolean(true); raf.seek(0); assertTrue("Incorrect boolean read/written", raf.readBoolean()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeByte(int) */ public void test_writeByteI() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeByte(int) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeByte(127); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect byte read/written", 127, raf.readByte()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeBytes(java.lang.String) */ public void test_writeBytesLjava_lang_String() throws IOException { // Test for method void // java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeBytes(java.lang.String) byte[] buf = new byte[10]; RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeBytes("HelloWorld"); raf.seek(0); raf.readFully(buf); assertEquals("Incorrect bytes read/written", "HelloWorld", new String( buf, 0, 10, "UTF-8")); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeChar(int) */ public void test_writeCharI() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeChar(int) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeChar('T'); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect char read/written", 'T', raf.readChar()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeChars(java.lang.String) */ public void test_writeCharsLjava_lang_String() throws IOException { // Test for method void // java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeChars(java.lang.String) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeChars("HelloWorld"); char[] hchars = new char[10]; "HelloWorld".getChars(0, 10, hchars, 0); raf.seek(0); for (int i = 0; i < hchars.length; i++) assertEquals("Incorrect string written", hchars[i], raf.readChar()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeDouble(double) */ public void test_writeDoubleD() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeDouble(double) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeDouble(Double.MAX_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect double read/written", Double.MAX_VALUE, raf .readDouble(), 0); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeFloat(float) */ public void test_writeFloatF() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeFloat(float) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeFloat(Float.MAX_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect float read/written", Float.MAX_VALUE, raf .readFloat(), 0); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeInt(int) */ public void test_writeIntI() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeInt(int) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeInt(Integer.MIN_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect int read/written", Integer.MIN_VALUE, raf .readInt()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeLong(long) */ public void test_writeLongJ() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeLong(long) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect long read/written", Long.MAX_VALUE, raf .readLong()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeShort(int) */ public void test_writeShortI() throws IOException { // Test for method void java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeShort(int) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeShort(Short.MIN_VALUE); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect long read/written", Short.MIN_VALUE, raf .readShort()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#writeUTF(java.lang.String) */ public void test_writeUTFLjava_lang_String() throws IOException { // Test for method void // java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeUTF(java.lang.String) RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raf.writeUTF(unihw); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("Incorrect utf string", unihw, raf.readUTF()); raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#seek(long) * * Regression for HARMONY-374 */ public void test_seekI() throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); try { raf.seek(-1); fail("IOException must be thrown if pos < 0"); } catch (IOException e) { } raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#read(byte[], int, int) * * Regression for HARMONY-377 */ public void test_readBII() throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); try { raf.read(new byte[1], -1, 1); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException must be thrown if off <0"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { raf.read(new byte[1], 0, -1); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException must be thrown if len <0"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { raf.read(new byte[1], 0, 5); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException must be thrown if off+len > b.length"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { raf.read(new byte[10], Integer.MAX_VALUE, 5); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException expected"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { raf.read(new byte[10], 5, Integer.MAX_VALUE); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException expected"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#read(byte[],int,int) */ public void test_read_$BII_IndexOutOfBoundsException() throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(fileName); fos.write(fileString.getBytes(), 0, fileString.length()); fos.close(); RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); byte[] rbuf = new byte[100]; raf.close(); try { raf.read(rbuf,-1,0); fail("should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { //expected } } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#read(byte[],int,int) */ public void test_read_$BII_IOException() throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(fileName); fos.write(fileString.getBytes(), 0, fileString.length()); fos.close(); RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); byte[] rbuf = new byte[100]; raf.close(); int read = raf.read(rbuf,0,0); assertEquals(0,read); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#read(byte[]) */ public void test_read_$B_IOException() throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(fileName); fos.write(fileString.getBytes(), 0, fileString.length()); fos.close(); RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); byte[] rbuf = new byte[0]; raf.close(); int read = raf.read(rbuf); assertEquals(0,read); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#read(byte[],int,int) */ public void test_read_$BII_NullPointerException() throws IOException { File f = File.createTempFile("tmp", "tmp"); f.deleteOnExit(); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); byte[] rbuf = null; try { raf.read(rbuf, 0, -1); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } raf.close(); } /** * @tests java.io.RandomAccessFile#write(byte[], int, int) * * Regression for HARMONY-377 */ public void test_writeBII() throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); try { raf.write(new byte[1], -1, 1); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException must be thrown if off <0"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { raf.write(new byte[1], 0, -1); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException must be thrown if len <0"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { raf.write(new byte[1], 0, 5); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException must be thrown if off+len > b.length"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { raf.write(new byte[10], Integer.MAX_VALUE, 5); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException expected"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { raf.write(new byte[10], 5, Integer.MAX_VALUE); fail("IndexOutOfBoundsException expected"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } raf.close(); } /** * Regression for HARMONY-69 */ public void testRandomAccessFile_String_String() throws IOException { f.createNewFile(); RandomAccessFile raf = new java.io.RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); FileChannel fcr = raf.getChannel(); try { fcr.lock(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE, false); fail("NonWritableChannelException expected!"); } catch (NonWritableChannelException e) {} raf.close(); } // Regression test for HARMONY-6542 public void testRandomAccessFile_seekMoreThan2gb() throws IOException { if (File.separator != "/") { // skip windows until a test can be implemented that doesn't // require 2GB of free disk space return; } // (all?) unix platforms support sparse files so this should not // need to have 2GB free disk space to pass RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw"); // write a few bytes so we get more helpful error messages // if we land in the wrong places raf.write(1); raf.write(2); raf.seek(2147483647); raf.write(3); raf.write(4); raf.write(5); raf.write(6); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("seek 0", 1, raf.read()); raf.seek(2147483649L); assertEquals("seek >2gb", 5, raf.read()); raf.seek(0); assertEquals("seek back to 0", 1, raf.read()); raf.close(); } /** * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. This method * is called before a test is executed. */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); f = File.createTempFile("raf", "tst"); if (!f.delete()) { fail("Unable to delete test file : " + f); } fileName = f.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection. This * method is called after a test is executed. * @throws Exception */ protected void tearDown() throws Exception { if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } super.tearDown(); } }