/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 jMonkeyEngine * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jme3.collision; import com.jme3.math.*; /** * No longer public .. * * @author Kirill Vainer */ @Deprecated class SweepSphere implements Collidable { private Vector3f velocity = new Vector3f(); private Vector3f center = new Vector3f(); private Vector3f dimension = new Vector3f(); private Vector3f invDim = new Vector3f(); private final Triangle scaledTri = new Triangle(); private final Plane triPlane = new Plane(); private final Vector3f temp1 = new Vector3f(), temp2 = new Vector3f(), temp3 = new Vector3f(); private final Vector3f sVelocity = new Vector3f(), sCenter = new Vector3f(); public Vector3f getCenter() { return center; } public void setCenter(Vector3f center) { this.center.set(center); } public Vector3f getDimension() { return dimension; } public void setDimension(Vector3f dimension) { this.dimension.set(dimension); this.invDim.set(1,1,1).divideLocal(dimension); } public void setDimension(float x, float y, float z){ this.dimension.set(x,y,z); this.invDim.set(1,1,1).divideLocal(dimension); } public void setDimension(float dim){ this.dimension.set(dim, dim, dim); this.invDim.set(1,1,1).divideLocal(dimension); } public Vector3f getVelocity() { return velocity; } public void setVelocity(Vector3f velocity) { this.velocity.set(velocity); } private boolean pointsOnSameSide(Vector3f p1, Vector3f p2, Vector3f line1, Vector3f line2) { // V1 = (line2 - line1) x (p1 - line1) // V2 = (p2 - line1) x (line2 - line1) temp1.set(line2).subtractLocal(line1); temp3.set(temp1); temp2.set(p1).subtractLocal(line1); temp1.crossLocal(temp2); temp2.set(p2).subtractLocal(line1); temp3.crossLocal(temp2); // V1 . V2 >= 0 return temp1.dot(temp3) >= 0; } private boolean isPointInTriangle(Vector3f point, AbstractTriangle tri) { if (pointsOnSameSide(point, tri.get1(), tri.get2(), tri.get3()) && pointsOnSameSide(point, tri.get2(), tri.get1(), tri.get3()) && pointsOnSameSide(point, tri.get3(), tri.get1(), tri.get2())) return true; return false; } private static float getLowestRoot(float a, float b, float c, float maxR) { float determinant = b * b - 4f * a * c; if (determinant < 0){ return Float.NaN; } float sqrtd = FastMath.sqrt(determinant); float r1 = (-b - sqrtd) / (2f * a); float r2 = (-b + sqrtd) / (2f * a); if (r1 > r2){ float temp = r2; r2 = r1; r1 = temp; } if (r1 > 0 && r1 < maxR){ return r1; } if (r2 > 0 && r2 < maxR){ return r2; } return Float.NaN; } private float collideWithVertex(Vector3f sCenter, Vector3f sVelocity, float velocitySquared, Vector3f vertex, float t) { // A = velocity * velocity // B = 2 * (velocity . (center - vertex)); // C = ||vertex - center||^2 - 1f; temp1.set(sCenter).subtractLocal(vertex); float a = velocitySquared; float b = 2f * sVelocity.dot(temp1); float c = temp1.negateLocal().lengthSquared() - 1f; float newT = getLowestRoot(a, b, c, t); // float A = velocitySquared; // float B = sCenter.subtract(vertex).dot(sVelocity) * 2f; // float C = vertex.subtract(sCenter).lengthSquared() - 1f; // // float newT = getLowestRoot(A, B, C, Float.MAX_VALUE); // if (newT > 1.0f) // newT = Float.NaN; return newT; } private float collideWithSegment(Vector3f sCenter, Vector3f sVelocity, float velocitySquared, Vector3f l1, Vector3f l2, float t, Vector3f store) { Vector3f edge = temp1.set(l2).subtractLocal(l1); Vector3f base = temp2.set(l1).subtractLocal(sCenter); float edgeSquared = edge.lengthSquared(); float baseSquared = base.lengthSquared(); float EdotV = edge.dot(sVelocity); float EdotB = edge.dot(base); float a = (edgeSquared * -velocitySquared) + EdotV * EdotV; float b = (edgeSquared * 2f * sVelocity.dot(base)) - (2f * EdotV * EdotB); float c = (edgeSquared * (1f - baseSquared)) + EdotB * EdotB; float newT = getLowestRoot(a, b, c, t); if (!Float.isNaN(newT)){ float f = (EdotV * newT - EdotB) / edgeSquared; if (f >= 0f && f < 1f){ store.scaleAdd(f, edge, l1); return newT; } } return Float.NaN; } private CollisionResult collideWithTriangle(AbstractTriangle tri){ // scale scaledTriangle based on dimension scaledTri.get1().set(tri.get1()).multLocal(invDim); scaledTri.get2().set(tri.get2()).multLocal(invDim); scaledTri.get3().set(tri.get3()).multLocal(invDim); // Vector3f sVelocity = velocity.mult(invDim); // Vector3f sCenter = center.mult(invDim); velocity.mult(invDim, sVelocity); center.mult(invDim, sCenter); triPlane.setPlanePoints(scaledTri); float normalDotVelocity = triPlane.getNormal().dot(sVelocity); // XXX: sVelocity.normalize() needed? // back facing scaledTriangles not considered if (normalDotVelocity > 0f) return null; float t0, t1; boolean embedded = false; float signedDistanceToPlane = triPlane.pseudoDistance(sCenter); if (normalDotVelocity == 0.0f){ // we are travelling exactly parrallel to the plane if (FastMath.abs(signedDistanceToPlane) >= 1.0f){ // no collision possible return null; }else{ // we are embedded t0 = 0; t1 = 1; embedded = true; System.out.println("EMBEDDED"); return null; } }else{ t0 = (-1f - signedDistanceToPlane) / normalDotVelocity; t1 = ( 1f - signedDistanceToPlane) / normalDotVelocity; if (t0 > t1){ float tf = t1; t1 = t0; t0 = tf; } if (t0 > 1.0f || t1 < 0.0f){ // collision is out of this sVelocity range return null; } // clamp the interval to [0, 1] t0 = Math.max(t0, 0.0f); t1 = Math.min(t1, 1.0f); } boolean foundCollision = false; float minT = 1f; Vector3f contactPoint = new Vector3f(); Vector3f contactNormal = new Vector3f(); // if (!embedded){ // check against the inside of the scaledTriangle // contactPoint = sCenter - p.normal + t0 * sVelocity contactPoint.set(sVelocity); contactPoint.multLocal(t0); contactPoint.addLocal(sCenter); contactPoint.subtractLocal(triPlane.getNormal()); // test to see if the collision is on a scaledTriangle interior if (isPointInTriangle(contactPoint, scaledTri) && !embedded){ foundCollision = true; minT = t0; // scale collision point back into R3 contactPoint.multLocal(dimension); contactNormal.set(velocity).multLocal(t0); contactNormal.addLocal(center); contactNormal.subtractLocal(contactPoint).normalizeLocal(); // contactNormal.set(triPlane.getNormal()); CollisionResult result = new CollisionResult(); result.setContactPoint(contactPoint); result.setContactNormal(contactNormal); result.setDistance(minT * velocity.length()); return result; } // } float velocitySquared = sVelocity.lengthSquared(); Vector3f v1 = scaledTri.get1(); Vector3f v2 = scaledTri.get2(); Vector3f v3 = scaledTri.get3(); // vertex 1 float newT; newT = collideWithVertex(sCenter, sVelocity, velocitySquared, v1, minT); if (!Float.isNaN(newT)){ minT = newT; contactPoint.set(v1); foundCollision = true; } // vertex 2 newT = collideWithVertex(sCenter, sVelocity, velocitySquared, v2, minT); if (!Float.isNaN(newT)){ minT = newT; contactPoint.set(v2); foundCollision = true; } // vertex 3 newT = collideWithVertex(sCenter, sVelocity, velocitySquared, v3, minT); if (!Float.isNaN(newT)){ minT = newT; contactPoint.set(v3); foundCollision = true; } // edge 1-2 newT = collideWithSegment(sCenter, sVelocity, velocitySquared, v1, v2, minT, contactPoint); if (!Float.isNaN(newT)){ minT = newT; foundCollision = true; } // edge 2-3 newT = collideWithSegment(sCenter, sVelocity, velocitySquared, v2, v3, minT, contactPoint); if (!Float.isNaN(newT)){ minT = newT; foundCollision = true; } // edge 3-1 newT = collideWithSegment(sCenter, sVelocity, velocitySquared, v3, v1, minT, contactPoint); if (!Float.isNaN(newT)){ minT = newT; foundCollision = true; } if (foundCollision){ // compute contact normal based on minimum t contactPoint.multLocal(dimension); contactNormal.set(velocity).multLocal(t0); contactNormal.addLocal(center); contactNormal.subtractLocal(contactPoint).normalizeLocal(); CollisionResult result = new CollisionResult(); result.setContactPoint(contactPoint); result.setContactNormal(contactNormal); result.setDistance(minT * velocity.length()); return result; }else{ return null; } } public CollisionResult collideWithSweepSphere(SweepSphere other){ temp1.set(velocity).subtractLocal(other.velocity); temp2.set(center).subtractLocal(other.center); temp3.set(dimension).addLocal(other.dimension); // delta V // delta C // Rsum float a = temp1.lengthSquared(); float b = 2f * temp1.dot(temp2); float c = temp2.lengthSquared() - temp3.getX() * temp3.getX(); float t = getLowestRoot(a, b, c, 1); // no collision if (Float.isNaN(t)) return null; CollisionResult result = new CollisionResult(); result.setDistance(velocity.length() * t); temp1.set(velocity).multLocal(t).addLocal(center); temp2.set(other.velocity).multLocal(t).addLocal(other.center); temp3.set(temp2).subtractLocal(temp1); // temp3 contains center to other.center vector // normalize it to get normal temp2.set(temp3).normalizeLocal(); result.setContactNormal(new Vector3f(temp2)); // temp3 is contact point temp3.set(temp2).multLocal(dimension).addLocal(temp1); result.setContactPoint(new Vector3f(temp3)); return result; } public static void main(String[] args){ SweepSphere ss = new SweepSphere(); ss.setCenter(Vector3f.ZERO); ss.setDimension(1); ss.setVelocity(new Vector3f(10, 10, 10)); SweepSphere ss2 = new SweepSphere(); ss2.setCenter(new Vector3f(5, 5, 5)); ss2.setDimension(1); ss2.setVelocity(new Vector3f(-10, -10, -10)); CollisionResults cr = new CollisionResults(); ss.collideWith(ss2, cr); if (cr.size() > 0){ CollisionResult c = cr.getClosestCollision(); System.out.println("D = "+c.getDistance()); System.out.println("P = "+c.getContactPoint()); System.out.println("N = "+c.getContactNormal()); } } public int collideWith(Collidable other, CollisionResults results) throws UnsupportedCollisionException { if (other instanceof AbstractTriangle){ AbstractTriangle tri = (AbstractTriangle) other; CollisionResult result = collideWithTriangle(tri); if (result != null){ results.addCollision(result); return 1; } return 0; }else if (other instanceof SweepSphere){ SweepSphere sph = (SweepSphere) other; CollisionResult result = collideWithSweepSphere(sph); if (result != null){ results.addCollision(result); return 1; } return 0; }else{ throw new UnsupportedCollisionException(); } } }