/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 jMonkeyEngine * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jme3.texture; import com.jme3.asset.Asset; import com.jme3.asset.AssetKey; import com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException; import com.jme3.asset.TextureKey; import com.jme3.export.*; import com.jme3.util.PlaceholderAssets; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Texture defines a texture object to be used to display an * image on a piece of geometry. The image to be displayed is defined by the * Image class. All attributes required for texture mapping are * contained within this class. This includes mipmapping if desired, * magnificationFilter options, apply options and correction options. Default * values are as follows: minificationFilter - NearestNeighborNoMipMaps, * magnificationFilter - NearestNeighbor, wrap - EdgeClamp on S,T and R, apply - * Modulate, environment - None. * * @see com.jme3.texture.Image * @author Mark Powell * @author Joshua Slack * @version $Id: Texture.java 4131 2009-03-19 20:15:28Z blaine.dev $ */ public abstract class Texture implements Asset, Savable, Cloneable { public enum Type { /** * Two dimensional texture (default). A rectangle. */ TwoDimensional, /** * An array of two dimensional textures. */ TwoDimensionalArray, /** * Three dimensional texture. (A cube) */ ThreeDimensional, /** * A set of 6 TwoDimensional textures arranged as faces of a cube facing * inwards. */ CubeMap; } public enum MinFilter { /** * Nearest neighbor interpolation is the fastest and crudest filtering * method - it simply uses the color of the texel closest to the pixel * center for the pixel color. While fast, this results in aliasing and * shimmering during minification. (GL equivalent: GL_NEAREST) */ NearestNoMipMaps(false), /** * In this method the four nearest texels to the pixel center are * sampled (at texture level 0), and their colors are combined by * weighted averages. Though smoother, without mipmaps it suffers the * same aliasing and shimmering problems as nearest * NearestNeighborNoMipMaps. (GL equivalent: GL_LINEAR) */ BilinearNoMipMaps(false), /** * Same as NearestNeighborNoMipMaps except that instead of using samples * from texture level 0, the closest mipmap level is chosen based on * distance. This reduces the aliasing and shimmering significantly, but * does not help with blockiness. (GL equivalent: * GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST) */ NearestNearestMipMap(true), /** * Same as BilinearNoMipMaps except that instead of using samples from * texture level 0, the closest mipmap level is chosen based on * distance. By using mipmapping we avoid the aliasing and shimmering * problems of BilinearNoMipMaps. (GL equivalent: * GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST) */ BilinearNearestMipMap(true), /** * Similar to NearestNeighborNoMipMaps except that instead of using * samples from texture level 0, a sample is chosen from each of the * closest (by distance) two mipmap levels. A weighted average of these * two samples is returned. (GL equivalent: GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR) */ NearestLinearMipMap(true), /** * Trilinear filtering is a remedy to a common artifact seen in * mipmapped bilinearly filtered images: an abrupt and very noticeable * change in quality at boundaries where the renderer switches from one * mipmap level to the next. Trilinear filtering solves this by doing a * texture lookup and bilinear filtering on the two closest mipmap * levels (one higher and one lower quality), and then linearly * interpolating the results. This results in a smooth degradation of * texture quality as distance from the viewer increases, rather than a * series of sudden drops. Of course, closer than Level 0 there is only * one mipmap level available, and the algorithm reverts to bilinear * filtering (GL equivalent: GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) */ Trilinear(true); private boolean usesMipMapLevels; private MinFilter(boolean usesMipMapLevels) { this.usesMipMapLevels = usesMipMapLevels; } public boolean usesMipMapLevels() { return usesMipMapLevels; } } public enum MagFilter { /** * Nearest neighbor interpolation is the fastest and crudest filtering * mode - it simply uses the color of the texel closest to the pixel * center for the pixel color. While fast, this results in texture * 'blockiness' during magnification. (GL equivalent: GL_NEAREST) */ Nearest, /** * In this mode the four nearest texels to the pixel center are sampled * (at the closest mipmap level), and their colors are combined by * weighted average according to distance. This removes the 'blockiness' * seen during magnification, as there is now a smooth gradient of color * change from one texel to the next, instead of an abrupt jump as the * pixel center crosses the texel boundary. (GL equivalent: GL_LINEAR) */ Bilinear; } public enum WrapMode { /** * Only the fractional portion of the coordinate is considered. */ Repeat, /** * Only the fractional portion of the coordinate is considered, but if * the integer portion is odd, we'll use 1 - the fractional portion. * (Introduced around OpenGL1.4) Falls back on Repeat if not supported. */ MirroredRepeat, /** * coordinate will be clamped to [0,1] */ Clamp, /** * mirrors and clamps the texture coordinate, where mirroring and * clamping a value f computes: * mirrorClamp(f) = min(1, max(1/(2*N), * abs(f))) where N * is the size of the one-, two-, or three-dimensional texture image in * the direction of wrapping. (Introduced after OpenGL1.4) Falls back on * Clamp if not supported. */ MirrorClamp, /** * coordinate will be clamped to the range [-1/(2N), 1 + 1/(2N)] where N * is the size of the texture in the direction of clamping. Falls back * on Clamp if not supported. */ BorderClamp, /** * Wrap mode MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_EXT mirrors and clamps to border the * texture coordinate, where mirroring and clamping to border a value f * computes: * mirrorClampToBorder(f) = min(1+1/(2*N), max(1/(2*N), abs(f))) * where N is the size of the one-, two-, or three-dimensional texture * image in the direction of wrapping." (Introduced after OpenGL1.4) * Falls back on BorderClamp if not supported. */ MirrorBorderClamp, /** * coordinate will be clamped to the range [1/(2N), 1 - 1/(2N)] where N * is the size of the texture in the direction of clamping. Falls back * on Clamp if not supported. */ EdgeClamp, /** * mirrors and clamps to edge the texture coordinate, where mirroring * and clamping to edge a value f computes: * mirrorClampToEdge(f) = min(1-1/(2*N), max(1/(2*N), abs(f))) * where N is the size of the one-, two-, or three-dimensional texture * image in the direction of wrapping. (Introduced after OpenGL1.4) * Falls back on EdgeClamp if not supported. */ MirrorEdgeClamp; } public enum WrapAxis { /** * S wrapping (u or "horizontal" wrap) */ S, /** * T wrapping (v or "vertical" wrap) */ T, /** * R wrapping (w or "depth" wrap) */ R; } /** * If this texture is a depth texture (the format is Depth*) then * this value may be used to compare the texture depth to the R texture * coordinate. */ public enum ShadowCompareMode { /** * Shadow comparison mode is disabled. * Texturing is done normally. */ Off, /** * Compares the 3rd texture coordinate R to the value * in this depth texture. If R <= texture value then result is 1.0, * otherwise, result is 0.0. If filtering is set to bilinear or trilinear * the implementation may sample the texture multiple times to provide * smoother results in the range [0, 1]. */ LessOrEqual, /** * Compares the 3rd texture coordinate R to the value * in this depth texture. If R >= texture value then result is 1.0, * otherwise, result is 0.0. If filtering is set to bilinear or trilinear * the implementation may sample the texture multiple times to provide * smoother results in the range [0, 1]. */ GreaterOrEqual } /** * The name of the texture (if loaded as a resource). */ private String name = null; /** * The image stored in the texture */ private Image image = null; /** * The texture key allows to reload a texture from a file * if needed. */ private TextureKey key = null; private MinFilter minificationFilter = MinFilter.BilinearNoMipMaps; private MagFilter magnificationFilter = MagFilter.Bilinear; private ShadowCompareMode shadowCompareMode = ShadowCompareMode.Off; private int anisotropicFilter; /** * @return */ @Override public Texture clone(){ try { return (Texture) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new AssertionError(); } } /** * Constructor instantiates a new Texture object with default * attributes. */ public Texture() { } /** * @return the MinificationFilterMode of this texture. */ public MinFilter getMinFilter() { return minificationFilter; } /** * @param minificationFilter * the new MinificationFilterMode for this texture. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if minificationFilter is null */ public void setMinFilter(MinFilter minificationFilter) { if (minificationFilter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "minificationFilter can not be null."); } this.minificationFilter = minificationFilter; } /** * @return the MagnificationFilterMode of this texture. */ public MagFilter getMagFilter() { return magnificationFilter; } /** * @param magnificationFilter * the new MagnificationFilter for this texture. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if magnificationFilter is null */ public void setMagFilter(MagFilter magnificationFilter) { if (magnificationFilter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "magnificationFilter can not be null."); } this.magnificationFilter = magnificationFilter; } /** * @return The ShadowCompareMode of this texture. * @see ShadowCompareMode */ public ShadowCompareMode getShadowCompareMode(){ return shadowCompareMode; } /** * @param compareMode * the new ShadowCompareMode for this texture. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if compareMode is null * @see ShadowCompareMode */ public void setShadowCompareMode(ShadowCompareMode compareMode){ if (compareMode == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "compareMode can not be null."); } this.shadowCompareMode = compareMode; } /** * setImage sets the image object that defines the texture. * * @param image * the image that defines the texture. */ public void setImage(Image image) { this.image = image; } /** * @param key The texture key that was used to load this texture */ public void setKey(AssetKey key){ this.key = (TextureKey) key; } public AssetKey getKey(){ return this.key; } /** * getImage returns the image data that makes up this * texture. If no image data has been set, this will return null. * * @return the image data that makes up the texture. */ public Image getImage() { return image; } /** * setWrap sets the wrap mode of this texture for a * particular axis. * * @param axis * the texture axis to define a wrapmode on. * @param mode * the wrap mode for the given axis of the texture. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if axis or mode are null or invalid for this type of texture */ public abstract void setWrap(WrapAxis axis, WrapMode mode); /** * setWrap sets the wrap mode of this texture for all axis. * * @param mode * the wrap mode for the given axis of the texture. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if mode is null or invalid for this type of texture */ public abstract void setWrap(WrapMode mode); /** * getWrap returns the wrap mode for a given coordinate axis * on this texture. * * @param axis * the axis to return for * @return the wrap mode of the texture. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if axis is null or invalid for this type of texture */ public abstract WrapMode getWrap(WrapAxis axis); public abstract Type getType(); public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * @return the anisotropic filtering level for this texture. Default value * is 1 (no anisotrophy), 2 means x2, 4 is x4, etc. */ public int getAnisotropicFilter() { return anisotropicFilter; } /** * @param level * the anisotropic filtering level for this texture. */ public void setAnisotropicFilter(int level) { if (level < 1) anisotropicFilter = 1; else anisotropicFilter = level; } @Override public String toString(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getClass().getSimpleName()); sb.append("[name=").append(name); if (image != null) sb.append(", image=").append(image.toString()); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final Texture other = (Texture) obj; if (this.image != other.image && (this.image == null || !this.image.equals(other.image))) { return false; } if (this.minificationFilter != other.minificationFilter) { return false; } if (this.magnificationFilter != other.magnificationFilter) { return false; } if (this.shadowCompareMode != other.shadowCompareMode) { return false; } if (this.anisotropicFilter != other.anisotropicFilter) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 5; hash = 67 * hash + (this.image != null ? this.image.hashCode() : 0); hash = 67 * hash + (this.minificationFilter != null ? this.minificationFilter.hashCode() : 0); hash = 67 * hash + (this.magnificationFilter != null ? this.magnificationFilter.hashCode() : 0); hash = 67 * hash + (this.shadowCompareMode != null ? this.shadowCompareMode.hashCode() : 0); hash = 67 * hash + this.anisotropicFilter; return hash; } // public abstract Texture createSimpleClone(); /** Retrieve a basic clone of this Texture (ie, clone everything but the * image data, which is shared) * * @return Texture */ public Texture createSimpleClone(Texture rVal) { rVal.setMinFilter(minificationFilter); rVal.setMagFilter(magnificationFilter); rVal.setShadowCompareMode(shadowCompareMode); // rVal.setHasBorder(hasBorder); rVal.setAnisotropicFilter(anisotropicFilter); rVal.setImage(image); // NOT CLONED. // rVal.memReq = memReq; rVal.setKey(key); rVal.setName(name); // rVal.setBlendColor(blendColor != null ? blendColor.clone() : null); // if (getTextureKey() != null) { // rVal.setTextureKey(getTextureKey()); // } return rVal; } public abstract Texture createSimpleClone(); public void write(JmeExporter e) throws IOException { OutputCapsule capsule = e.getCapsule(this); capsule.write(name, "name", null); if (key == null){ // no texture key is set, try to save image instead then capsule.write(image, "image", null); }else{ capsule.write(key, "key", null); } capsule.write(anisotropicFilter, "anisotropicFilter", 1); capsule.write(minificationFilter, "minificationFilter", MinFilter.BilinearNoMipMaps); capsule.write(magnificationFilter, "magnificationFilter", MagFilter.Bilinear); } public void read(JmeImporter e) throws IOException { InputCapsule capsule = e.getCapsule(this); name = capsule.readString("name", null); key = (TextureKey) capsule.readSavable("key", null); // load texture from key, if available if (key != null) { // key is available, so try the texture from there. try { Texture loadedTex = e.getAssetManager().loadTexture(key); image = loadedTex.getImage(); } catch (AssetNotFoundException ex){ Logger.getLogger(Texture.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot locate texture {0}", key); image = PlaceholderAssets.getPlaceholderImage(); } }else{ // no key is set on the texture. Attempt to load an embedded image image = (Image) capsule.readSavable("image", null); if (image == null){ // TODO: what to print out here? the texture has no key or data, there's no useful information .. // assume texture.name is set even though the key is null Logger.getLogger(Texture.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot load embedded image {0}", toString() ); } } anisotropicFilter = capsule.readInt("anisotropicFilter", 1); minificationFilter = capsule.readEnum("minificationFilter", MinFilter.class, MinFilter.BilinearNoMipMaps); magnificationFilter = capsule.readEnum("magnificationFilter", MagFilter.class, MagFilter.Bilinear); } }