/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package android.speech.tts; import android.speech.tts.ITts; import android.speech.tts.ITtsCallback; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.util.Log; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; /** * * Synthesizes speech from text for immediate playback or to create a sound file. * */ //TODO complete javadoc + add links to constants public class TextToSpeech { /** * Denotes a successful operation. */ public static final int TTS_SUCCESS = 0; /** * Denotes a generic operation failure. */ public static final int TTS_ERROR = -1; /** * Queue mode where all entries in the playback queue (media to be played * and text to be synthesized) are dropped and replaced by the new entry. */ public static final int TTS_QUEUE_FLUSH = 0; /** * Queue mode where the new entry is added at the end of the playback queue. */ public static final int TTS_QUEUE_ADD = 1; /** * Denotes the language is available exactly as specified by the locale */ public static final int TTS_LANG_COUNTRY_VAR_AVAILABLE = 2; /** * Denotes the language is available for the language and country specified * by the locale, but not the variant. */ public static final int TTS_LANG_COUNTRY_AVAILABLE = 1; /** * Denotes the language is available for the language by the locale, * but not the country and variant. */ public static final int TTS_LANG_AVAILABLE = 0; /** * Denotes the language data is missing. */ public static final int TTS_LANG_MISSING_DATA = -1; /** * Denotes the language is not supported by the current TTS engine. */ public static final int TTS_LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2; /** * Called when the TTS has initialized. * * The InitListener must implement the onInit function. onInit is passed a * status code indicating the result of the TTS initialization. */ public interface OnInitListener { public void onInit(int status); } /** * Internal constants for the TTS functionality * * {@hide} */ public class Engine { // default values for a TTS engine when settings are not found in the provider public static final int FALLBACK_TTS_DEFAULT_RATE = 100; // 1x public static final int FALLBACK_TTS_DEFAULT_PITCH = 100;// 1x public static final int FALLBACK_TTS_USE_DEFAULTS = 0; // false public static final String FALLBACK_TTS_DEFAULT_SYNTH = "com.svox.pico"; // default values for rendering public static final int TTS_DEFAULT_STREAM = AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC; // return codes for a TTS engine's check data activity public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_PASS = 1; public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_FAIL = 0; public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_BAD_DATA = -1; public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_MISSING_DATA = -2; public static final int CHECK_VOICE_DATA_MISSING_DATA_NO_SDCARD = -3; // return codes for a TTS engine's check data activity public static final String VOICE_DATA_ROOT_DIRECTORY = "dataRoot"; public static final String VOICE_DATA_FILES = "dataFiles"; public static final String VOICE_DATA_FILES_INFO = "dataFilesInfo"; // keys for the parameters passed with speak commands public static final String TTS_KEY_PARAM_RATE = "rate"; public static final String TTS_KEY_PARAM_LANGUAGE = "language"; public static final String TTS_KEY_PARAM_COUNTRY = "country"; public static final String TTS_KEY_PARAM_VARIANT = "variant"; public static final String TTS_KEY_PARAM_STREAM = "streamType"; public static final String TTS_KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID = "utteranceId"; protected static final int TTS_PARAM_POSITION_RATE = 0; protected static final int TTS_PARAM_POSITION_LANGUAGE = 2; protected static final int TTS_PARAM_POSITION_COUNTRY = 4; protected static final int TTS_PARAM_POSITION_VARIANT = 6; protected static final int TTS_PARAM_POSITION_STREAM = 8; protected static final int TTS_PARAM_POSITION_UTTERANCE_ID = 10; protected static final int TTS_NB_CACHED_PARAMS = 6; } /** * Connection needed for the TTS. */ private ServiceConnection mServiceConnection; private ITts mITts = null; private Context mContext = null; private String mPackageName = ""; private OnInitListener mInitListener = null; private boolean mStarted = false; private final Object mStartLock = new Object(); /** * Used to store the cached parameters sent along with each synthesis request to the * TTS service. */ private String[] mCachedParams; /** * The constructor for the TTS. * * @param context * The context * @param listener * The InitListener that will be called when the TTS has * initialized successfully. */ public TextToSpeech(Context context, OnInitListener listener) { mContext = context; mPackageName = mContext.getPackageName(); mInitListener = listener; mCachedParams = new String[2*Engine.TTS_NB_CACHED_PARAMS]; // store key and value mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_RATE] = Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_RATE; mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_LANGUAGE] = Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_LANGUAGE; mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_COUNTRY] = Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_COUNTRY; mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_VARIANT] = Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_VARIANT; mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_STREAM] = Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_STREAM; mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_RATE + 1] = String.valueOf(Engine.FALLBACK_TTS_DEFAULT_RATE); // initialize the language cached parameters with the current Locale Locale defaultLoc = Locale.getDefault(); mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_LANGUAGE + 1] = defaultLoc.getISO3Language(); mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_COUNTRY + 1] = defaultLoc.getISO3Country(); mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_VARIANT + 1] = defaultLoc.getVariant(); mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_STREAM + 1] = String.valueOf(Engine.TTS_DEFAULT_STREAM); mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_UTTERANCE_ID+ 1] = ""; initTts(); } private void initTts() { mStarted = false; // Initialize the TTS, run the callback after the binding is successful mServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { synchronized(mStartLock) { mITts = ITts.Stub.asInterface(service); mStarted = true; if (mInitListener != null) { // TODO manage failures and missing resources mInitListener.onInit(TTS_SUCCESS); } } } public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { synchronized(mStartLock) { mITts = null; mInitListener = null; mStarted = false; } } }; Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.START_TTS_SERVICE"); intent.addCategory("android.intent.category.TTS"); mContext.bindService(intent, mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); // TODO handle case where the binding works (should always work) but // the plugin fails } /** * Shuts down the TTS. It is good practice to call this in the onDestroy * method of the Activity that is using the TTS so that the TTS is stopped * cleanly. */ public void shutdown() { try { mContext.unbindService(mServiceConnection); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Do nothing and fail silently since an error here indicates that // binding never succeeded in the first place. } } /** * Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound resource in a * package. * * @see #TTS.speak(String text, int queueMode, String[] params) * * @param text * Example: "south_south_east"
* * @param packagename * Pass the packagename of the application that contains the * resource. If the resource is in your own application (this is * the most common case), then put the packagename of your * application here.
* Example: "com.google.marvin.compass"
* The packagename can be found in the AndroidManifest.xml of * your application. *

* <manifest xmlns:android="..." * package="com.google.marvin.compass"> *

* * @param resourceId * Example: R.raw.south_south_east * * @return Code indicating success or failure. See TTS_ERROR and TTS_SUCCESS. */ public int addSpeech(String text, String packagename, int resourceId) { synchronized(mStartLock) { if (!mStarted) { return TTS_ERROR; } try { mITts.addSpeech(mPackageName, text, packagename, resourceId); return TTS_SUCCESS; } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } return TTS_ERROR; } } /** * Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound file. Using this, it * is possible to add custom pronounciations for text. * * @param text * The string of text * @param filename * The full path to the sound file (for example: * "/sdcard/mysounds/hello.wav") * * @return Code indicating success or failure. See TTS_ERROR and TTS_SUCCESS. */ public int addSpeech(String text, String filename) { synchronized (mStartLock) { if (!mStarted) { return TTS_ERROR; } try { mITts.addSpeechFile(mPackageName, text, filename); return TTS_SUCCESS; } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } return TTS_ERROR; } } /** * Speaks the string using the specified queuing strategy and speech * parameters. Note that the speech parameters are not universally supported * by all engines and will be treated as a hint. The TTS library will try to * fulfill these parameters as much as possible, but there is no guarantee * that the voice used will have the properties specified. * * @param text * The string of text to be spoken. * @param queueMode * The queuing strategy to use. * See TTS_QUEUE_ADD and TTS_QUEUE_FLUSH. * @param params * The hashmap of speech parameters to be used. * * @return Code indicating success or failure. See TTS_ERROR and TTS_SUCCESS. */ public int speak(String text, int queueMode, HashMap params) { synchronized (mStartLock) { int result = TTS_ERROR; Log.i("TTS received: ", text); if (!mStarted) { return result; } try { String extra = params.get(Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_STREAM); if (extra != null) { mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_STREAM + 1] = extra; } extra = params.get(Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID); if (extra != null) { mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_UTTERANCE_ID] = extra; } result = mITts.speak(mPackageName, text, queueMode, mCachedParams); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } finally { resetCachedParams(); return result; } } } /** * Plays the earcon using the specified queueing mode and parameters. * * @param earcon * The earcon that should be played * @param queueMode * See TTS_QUEUE_ADD and TTS_QUEUE_FLUSH. * @param params * The hashmap of parameters to be used. * * @return Code indicating success or failure. See TTS_ERROR and TTS_SUCCESS. */ public int playEarcon(String earcon, int queueMode, HashMap params) { synchronized (mStartLock) { int result = TTS_ERROR; if (!mStarted) { return result; } try { if ((params != null) && (!params.isEmpty())) { String extra = params.get(Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_STREAM); if (extra != null) { mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_STREAM + 1] = extra; } extra = params.get(Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID); if (extra != null) { mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_UTTERANCE_ID] = extra; } } result = mITts.playEarcon(mPackageName, earcon, queueMode, null); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } finally { resetCachedParams(); return result; } } } /** * Plays silence for the specified amount of time using the specified * queue mode. * * @param durationInMs * A long that indicates how long the silence should last. * @param queueMode * See TTS_QUEUE_ADD and TTS_QUEUE_FLUSH. * * @return Code indicating success or failure. See TTS_ERROR and TTS_SUCCESS. */ public int playSilence(long durationInMs, int queueMode) { synchronized (mStartLock) { int result = TTS_ERROR; if (!mStarted) { return result; } try { result = mITts.playSilence(mPackageName, durationInMs, queueMode, mCachedParams); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } finally { return result; } } } /** * Returns whether or not the TTS is busy speaking. * * @return Whether or not the TTS is busy speaking. */ public boolean isSpeaking() { synchronized (mStartLock) { if (!mStarted) { return false; } try { return mITts.isSpeaking(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } return false; } } /** * Stops speech from the TTS. * * @return Code indicating success or failure. See TTS_ERROR and TTS_SUCCESS. */ public int stop() { synchronized (mStartLock) { int result = TTS_ERROR; if (!mStarted) { return result; } try { result = mITts.stop(mPackageName); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } finally { return result; } } } /** * Sets the speech rate for the TTS engine. * * Note that the speech rate is not universally supported by all engines and * will be treated as a hint. The TTS library will try to use the specified * speech rate, but there is no guarantee. * This has no effect on any pre-recorded speech. * * @param speechRate * The speech rate for the TTS engine. 1 is the normal speed, * lower values slow down the speech (0.5 is half the normal speech rate), * greater values accelerate it (2 is twice the normal speech rate). * * @return Code indicating success or failure. See TTS_ERROR and TTS_SUCCESS. */ public int setSpeechRate(float speechRate) { synchronized (mStartLock) { int result = TTS_ERROR; if (!mStarted) { return result; } try { if (speechRate > 0) { int rate = (int)(speechRate*100); mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_RATE + 1] = String.valueOf(rate); result = mITts.setSpeechRate(mPackageName, rate); } } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } finally { return result; } } } /** * Sets the speech pitch for the TTS engine. * * Note that the pitch is not universally supported by all engines and * will be treated as a hint. The TTS library will try to use the specified * pitch, but there is no guarantee. * This has no effect on any pre-recorded speech. * * @param pitch * The pitch for the TTS engine. 1 is the normal pitch, * lower values lower the tone of the synthesized voice, * greater values increase it. * * @return Code indicating success or failure. See TTS_ERROR and TTS_SUCCESS. */ public int setPitch(float pitch) { synchronized (mStartLock) { int result = TTS_ERROR; if (!mStarted) { return result; } try { if (pitch > 0) { result = mITts.setPitch(mPackageName, (int)(pitch*100)); } } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } finally { return result; } } } /** * Sets the language for the TTS engine. * * Note that the language is not universally supported by all engines and * will be treated as a hint. The TTS library will try to use the specified * language as represented by the Locale, but there is no guarantee. * * @param loc * The locale describing the language to be used. * * @return Code indicating the support status for the locale. See the TTS_LANG_ codes. */ public int setLanguage(Locale loc) { synchronized (mStartLock) { int result = TTS_LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED; if (!mStarted) { return result; } try { mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_LANGUAGE + 1] = loc.getISO3Language(); mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_COUNTRY + 1] = loc.getISO3Country(); mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_VARIANT + 1] = loc.getVariant(); result = mITts.setLanguage(mPackageName, mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_LANGUAGE + 1], mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_COUNTRY + 1], mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_VARIANT + 1] ); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } finally { return result; } } } /** * Returns a Locale instance describing the language currently being used by the TTS engine. * @return language, country (if any) and variant (if any) used by the engine stored in a Locale * instance, or null is the TTS engine has failed. */ public Locale getLanguage() { synchronized (mStartLock) { if (!mStarted) { return null; } try { String[] locStrings = mITts.getLanguage(); if (locStrings.length == 3) { return new Locale(locStrings[0], locStrings[1], locStrings[2]); } else { return null; } } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } return null; } } /** * Checks if the specified language as represented by the Locale is available. * * @param loc * The Locale describing the language to be used. * * @return one of TTS_LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED, TTS_LANG_MISSING_DATA, TTS_LANG_AVAILABLE, * TTS_LANG_COUNTRY_AVAILABLE, TTS_LANG_COUNTRY_VAR_AVAILABLE. */ public int isLanguageAvailable(Locale loc) { synchronized (mStartLock) { int result = TTS_LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED; if (!mStarted) { return result; } try { result = mITts.isLanguageAvailable(loc.getISO3Language(), loc.getISO3Country(), loc.getVariant()); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } finally { return result; } } } /** * Synthesizes the given text to a file using the specified parameters. * * @param text * The String of text that should be synthesized * @param params * A hashmap of parameters. * @param filename * The string that gives the full output filename; it should be * something like "/sdcard/myappsounds/mysound.wav". * * @return Code indicating success or failure. See TTS_ERROR and TTS_SUCCESS. */ public int synthesizeToFile(String text, HashMap params, String filename) { synchronized (mStartLock) { int result = TTS_ERROR; if (!mStarted) { return result; } try { // no need to read the stream type here String extra = params.get(Engine.TTS_KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID); if (extra != null) { mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_UTTERANCE_ID] = extra; } if (mITts.synthesizeToFile(mPackageName, text, mCachedParams, filename)){ result = TTS_SUCCESS; } } catch (RemoteException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TTS died; restart it. mStarted = false; initTts(); } finally { resetCachedParams(); return result; } } } /** * Convenience method to reset the cached parameters to the current default values * if they are not persistent between calls to the service. */ private void resetCachedParams() { mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_STREAM + 1] = String.valueOf(Engine.TTS_DEFAULT_STREAM); mCachedParams[Engine.TTS_PARAM_POSITION_UTTERANCE_ID+ 1] = ""; } }