/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server; import android.app.ActivityManagerNative; import android.app.AlarmManager; import android.app.IAlarmManager; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.Time; import android.util.EventLog; import android.util.Log; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; class AlarmManagerService extends IAlarmManager.Stub { // The threshold for how long an alarm can be late before we print a // warning message. The time duration is in milliseconds. private static final long LATE_ALARM_THRESHOLD = 10 * 1000; private static final int RTC_WAKEUP_MASK = 1 << AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP; private static final int RTC_MASK = 1 << AlarmManager.RTC; private static final int ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP_MASK = 1 << AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP; private static final int ELAPSED_REALTIME_MASK = 1 << AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME; private static final int TIME_CHANGED_MASK = 1 << 16; private static final String TAG = "AlarmManager"; private static final String ClockReceiver_TAG = "ClockReceiver"; private static final boolean localLOGV = false; private static final int ALARM_EVENT = 1; private static final String TIMEZONE_PROPERTY = "persist.sys.timezone"; private static final Intent mBackgroundIntent = new Intent().addFlags(Intent.FLAG_FROM_BACKGROUND); private final Context mContext; private Object mLock = new Object(); private final ArrayList mRtcWakeupAlarms = new ArrayList(); private final ArrayList mRtcAlarms = new ArrayList(); private final ArrayList mElapsedRealtimeWakeupAlarms = new ArrayList(); private final ArrayList mElapsedRealtimeAlarms = new ArrayList(); private final IncreasingTimeOrder mIncreasingTimeOrder = new IncreasingTimeOrder(); // slots corresponding with the inexact-repeat interval buckets, // ordered from shortest to longest private static final long sInexactSlotIntervals[] = { AlarmManager.INTERVAL_FIFTEEN_MINUTES, AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HALF_HOUR, AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HOUR, AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HALF_DAY, AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY }; private long mInexactDeliveryTimes[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; private int mDescriptor; private int mBroadcastRefCount = 0; private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock; private final AlarmThread mWaitThread = new AlarmThread(); private final AlarmHandler mHandler = new AlarmHandler(); private ClockReceiver mClockReceiver; private UninstallReceiver mUninstallReceiver; private final ResultReceiver mResultReceiver = new ResultReceiver(); private final PendingIntent mTimeTickSender; private final PendingIntent mDateChangeSender; private static final class FilterStats { int count; } private static final class BroadcastStats { long aggregateTime; int numWakeup; long startTime; int nesting; HashMap filterStats = new HashMap(); } private final HashMap mBroadcastStats = new HashMap(); public AlarmManagerService(Context context) { mContext = context; mDescriptor = init(); PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, TAG); mTimeTickSender = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, new Intent(Intent.ACTION_TIME_TICK).addFlags( Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY), 0); mDateChangeSender = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DATE_CHANGED), 0); // now that we have initied the driver schedule the alarm mClockReceiver= new ClockReceiver(); mClockReceiver.scheduleTimeTickEvent(); mClockReceiver.scheduleDateChangedEvent(); mUninstallReceiver = new UninstallReceiver(); if (mDescriptor != -1) { mWaitThread.start(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to open alarm driver. Falling back to a handler."); } } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { close(mDescriptor); } finally { super.finalize(); } } public void set(int type, long triggerAtTime, PendingIntent operation) { setRepeating(type, triggerAtTime, 0, operation); } public void setRepeating(int type, long triggerAtTime, long interval, PendingIntent operation) { if (operation == null) { Log.w(TAG, "set/setRepeating ignored because there is no intent"); return; } synchronized (mLock) { Alarm alarm = new Alarm(); alarm.type = type; alarm.when = triggerAtTime; alarm.repeatInterval = interval; alarm.operation = operation; // Remove this alarm if already scheduled. removeLocked(operation); if (localLOGV) Log.v(TAG, "set: " + alarm); int index = addAlarmLocked(alarm); if (index == 0) { setLocked(alarm); } } } public void setInexactRepeating(int type, long triggerAtTime, long interval, PendingIntent operation) { if (operation == null) { Log.w(TAG, "setInexactRepeating ignored because there is no intent"); return; } // find the slot in the delivery-times array that we will use int intervalSlot; for (intervalSlot = 0; intervalSlot < sInexactSlotIntervals.length; intervalSlot++) { if (sInexactSlotIntervals[intervalSlot] == interval) { break; } } // Non-bucket intervals just fall back to the less-efficient // unbucketed recurring alarm implementation if (intervalSlot >= sInexactSlotIntervals.length) { setRepeating(type, triggerAtTime, interval, operation); return; } // Align bucketed alarm deliveries by trying to match // the shortest-interval bucket already scheduled long bucketTime = 0; for (int slot = 0; slot < mInexactDeliveryTimes.length; slot++) { if (mInexactDeliveryTimes[slot] > 0) { bucketTime = mInexactDeliveryTimes[slot]; break; } } if (bucketTime == 0) { // If nothing is scheduled yet, just start at the requested time bucketTime = triggerAtTime; } else { // Align the new alarm with the existing bucketed sequence. To achieve // alignment, we slide the start time around by min{interval, slot interval} long adjustment = (interval <= sInexactSlotIntervals[intervalSlot]) ? interval : sInexactSlotIntervals[intervalSlot]; // The bucket may have started in the past; adjust while (bucketTime < triggerAtTime) { bucketTime += adjustment; } // Or the bucket may be set to start more than an interval beyond // our requested trigger time; pull it back to meet our needs while (bucketTime > triggerAtTime + adjustment) { bucketTime -= adjustment; } } // Remember where this bucket started (reducing the amount of later // fixup required) and set the alarm with the new, bucketed start time. if (localLOGV) Log.v(TAG, "setInexactRepeating: interval=" + interval + " bucketTime=" + bucketTime); mInexactDeliveryTimes[intervalSlot] = bucketTime; setRepeating(type, bucketTime, interval, operation); } public void setTimeZone(String tz) { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission( "android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE", "setTimeZone"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(tz)) return; TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz); // Prevent reentrant calls from stepping on each other when writing // the time zone property boolean timeZoneWasChanged = false; synchronized (this) { String current = SystemProperties.get(TIMEZONE_PROPERTY); if (current == null || !current.equals(zone.getID())) { if (localLOGV) Log.v(TAG, "timezone changed: " + current + ", new=" + zone.getID()); timeZoneWasChanged = true; SystemProperties.set(TIMEZONE_PROPERTY, zone.getID()); } // Update the kernel timezone information // Kernel tracks time offsets as 'minutes west of GMT' int gmtOffset = (zone.getRawOffset() + zone.getDSTSavings()) / 60000; setKernelTimezone(mDescriptor, -(gmtOffset)); } TimeZone.setDefault(null); if (timeZoneWasChanged) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_TIMEZONE_CHANGED); intent.putExtra("time-zone", zone.getID()); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } } public void remove(PendingIntent operation) { if (operation == null) { return; } synchronized (mLock) { removeLocked(operation); } } public void removeLocked(PendingIntent operation) { removeLocked(mRtcWakeupAlarms, operation); removeLocked(mRtcAlarms, operation); removeLocked(mElapsedRealtimeWakeupAlarms, operation); removeLocked(mElapsedRealtimeAlarms, operation); } private void removeLocked(ArrayList alarmList, PendingIntent operation) { if (alarmList.size() <= 0) { return; } // iterator over the list removing any it where the intent match Iterator it = alarmList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Alarm alarm = it.next(); if (alarm.operation.equals(operation)) { it.remove(); } } } public void removeLocked(String packageName) { removeLocked(mRtcWakeupAlarms, packageName); removeLocked(mRtcAlarms, packageName); removeLocked(mElapsedRealtimeWakeupAlarms, packageName); removeLocked(mElapsedRealtimeAlarms, packageName); } private void removeLocked(ArrayList alarmList, String packageName) { if (alarmList.size() <= 0) { return; } // iterator over the list removing any it where the intent match Iterator it = alarmList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Alarm alarm = it.next(); if (alarm.operation.getTargetPackage().equals(packageName)) { it.remove(); } } } private ArrayList getAlarmList(int type) { switch (type) { case AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP: return mRtcWakeupAlarms; case AlarmManager.RTC: return mRtcAlarms; case AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP: return mElapsedRealtimeWakeupAlarms; case AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME: return mElapsedRealtimeAlarms; } return null; } private int addAlarmLocked(Alarm alarm) { ArrayList alarmList = getAlarmList(alarm.type); int index = Collections.binarySearch(alarmList, alarm, mIncreasingTimeOrder); if (index < 0) { index = 0 - index - 1; } if (localLOGV) Log.v(TAG, "Adding alarm " + alarm + " at " + index); alarmList.add(index, alarm); if (localLOGV) { // Display the list of alarms for this alarm type Log.v(TAG, "alarms: " + alarmList.size() + " type: " + alarm.type); int position = 0; for (Alarm a : alarmList) { Time time = new Time(); time.set(a.when); String timeStr = time.format("%b %d %I:%M:%S %p"); Log.v(TAG, position + ": " + timeStr + " " + a.operation.getTargetPackage()); position += 1; } } return index; } public long timeToNextAlarm() { long nextAlarm = 0xfffffffffffffffl; synchronized (mLock) { for (int i=AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP; i<=AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME; i++) { ArrayList alarmList = getAlarmList(i); if (alarmList.size() > 0) { Alarm a = alarmList.get(0); if (a.when < nextAlarm) { nextAlarm = a.when; } } } } return nextAlarm; } private void setLocked(Alarm alarm) { if (mDescriptor != -1) { set(mDescriptor, alarm.type, (alarm.when * 1000 * 1000)); } else { Message msg = Message.obtain(); msg.what = ALARM_EVENT; mHandler.removeMessages(ALARM_EVENT); mHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, alarm.when); } } @Override protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DUMP) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { pw.println("Permission Denial: can't dump AlarmManager from from pid=" + Binder.getCallingPid() + ", uid=" + Binder.getCallingUid()); return; } synchronized (mLock) { pw.println("Current Alarm Manager state:"); if (mRtcWakeupAlarms.size() > 0) { pw.println(" "); pw.println(" Realtime wakeup alarms that are scheduled:"); dumpAlarmList(pw, mRtcWakeupAlarms, " ", "RTC_WAKEUP"); } if (mRtcAlarms.size() > 0) { pw.println(" "); pw.println(" Realtime alarms that are scheduled:"); dumpAlarmList(pw, mRtcAlarms, " ", "RTC"); } if (mElapsedRealtimeWakeupAlarms.size() > 0) { pw.println(" "); pw.println(" Elapsed realtime wakeup alarms that are scheduled:"); dumpAlarmList(pw, mElapsedRealtimeWakeupAlarms, " ", "ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP"); } if (mElapsedRealtimeAlarms.size() > 0) { pw.println(" "); pw.println(" Elapsed realtime alarms that are scheduled:"); dumpAlarmList(pw, mElapsedRealtimeAlarms, " ", "ELAPSED_REALTIME"); } pw.println(" "); pw.println(" Broadcast ref count: " + mBroadcastRefCount); pw.println(" "); pw.println(" Alarm Stats:"); for (Map.Entry be : mBroadcastStats.entrySet()) { BroadcastStats bs = be.getValue(); pw.println(" " + be.getKey()); pw.println(" " + bs.aggregateTime + "ms running, " + bs.numWakeup + " wakeups"); for (Map.Entry fe : bs.filterStats.entrySet()) { pw.println(" " + fe.getValue().count + " alarms: " + fe.getKey().getIntent()); } } } } private static final void dumpAlarmList(PrintWriter pw, ArrayList list, String prefix, String label) { for (int i=list.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { Alarm a = list.get(i); pw.println(prefix + label + " #" + i + ":"); a.dump(pw, prefix + " "); } } private native int init(); private native void close(int fd); private native void set(int fd, int type, long nanoseconds); private native int waitForAlarm(int fd); private native int setKernelTimezone(int fd, int minuteswest); private void triggerAlarmsLocked(ArrayList alarmList, ArrayList triggerList, long now) { Iterator it = alarmList.iterator(); ArrayList repeats = new ArrayList(); while (it.hasNext()) { Alarm alarm = it.next(); if (localLOGV) Log.v(TAG, "Checking active alarm when=" + alarm.when + " " + alarm); if (alarm.when > now) { // don't fire alarms in the future break; } // If the alarm is late, then print a warning message. // Note that this can happen if the user creates a new event on // the Calendar app with a reminder that is in the past. In that // case, the reminder alarm will fire immediately. if (localLOGV && now - alarm.when > LATE_ALARM_THRESHOLD) { Log.v(TAG, "alarm is late! alarm time: " + alarm.when + " now: " + now + " delay (in seconds): " + (now - alarm.when) / 1000); } // Recurring alarms may have passed several alarm intervals while the // phone was asleep or off, so pass a trigger count when sending them. if (localLOGV) Log.v(TAG, "Alarm triggering: " + alarm); alarm.count = 1; if (alarm.repeatInterval > 0) { // this adjustment will be zero if we're late by // less than one full repeat interval alarm.count += (now - alarm.when) / alarm.repeatInterval; } triggerList.add(alarm); // remove the alarm from the list it.remove(); // if it repeats queue it up to be read-added to the list if (alarm.repeatInterval > 0) { repeats.add(alarm); } } // reset any repeating alarms. it = repeats.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Alarm alarm = it.next(); alarm.when += alarm.count * alarm.repeatInterval; addAlarmLocked(alarm); } if (alarmList.size() > 0) { setLocked(alarmList.get(0)); } } /** * This Comparator sorts Alarms into increasing time order. */ public static class IncreasingTimeOrder implements Comparator { public int compare(Alarm a1, Alarm a2) { long when1 = a1.when; long when2 = a2.when; if (when1 - when2 > 0) { return 1; } if (when1 - when2 < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } } private static class Alarm { public int type; public int count; public long when; public long repeatInterval; public PendingIntent operation; public Alarm() { when = 0; repeatInterval = 0; operation = null; } @Override public String toString() { return "Alarm{" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)) + " type " + type + " " + operation.getTargetPackage() + "}"; } public void dump(PrintWriter pw, String prefix) { pw.println(prefix + this); pw.println(prefix + "type=" + type + " when=" + when + " repeatInterval=" + repeatInterval + " count=" + count); pw.println(prefix + "operation=" + operation); } } private class AlarmThread extends Thread { public AlarmThread() { super("AlarmManager"); } public void run() { while (true) { int result = waitForAlarm(mDescriptor); ArrayList triggerList = new ArrayList(); if ((result & TIME_CHANGED_MASK) != 0) { remove(mTimeTickSender); mClockReceiver.scheduleTimeTickEvent(); mContext.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_TIME_CHANGED)); } synchronized (mLock) { final long nowRTC = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long nowELAPSED = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (localLOGV) Log.v( TAG, "Checking for alarms... rtc=" + nowRTC + ", elapsed=" + nowELAPSED); if ((result & RTC_WAKEUP_MASK) != 0) triggerAlarmsLocked(mRtcWakeupAlarms, triggerList, nowRTC); if ((result & RTC_MASK) != 0) triggerAlarmsLocked(mRtcAlarms, triggerList, nowRTC); if ((result & ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP_MASK) != 0) triggerAlarmsLocked(mElapsedRealtimeWakeupAlarms, triggerList, nowELAPSED); if ((result & ELAPSED_REALTIME_MASK) != 0) triggerAlarmsLocked(mElapsedRealtimeAlarms, triggerList, nowELAPSED); // now trigger the alarms Iterator it = triggerList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Alarm alarm = it.next(); try { if (localLOGV) Log.v(TAG, "sending alarm " + alarm); alarm.operation.send(mContext, 0, mBackgroundIntent.putExtra( Intent.EXTRA_ALARM_COUNT, alarm.count), mResultReceiver, mHandler); // we have an active broadcast so stay awake. if (mBroadcastRefCount == 0) { mWakeLock.acquire(); } mBroadcastRefCount++; BroadcastStats bs = getStatsLocked(alarm.operation); if (bs.nesting == 0) { bs.startTime = nowELAPSED; } else { bs.nesting++; } if (alarm.type == AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP || alarm.type == AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP) { bs.numWakeup++; ActivityManagerNative.noteWakeupAlarm( alarm.operation); } } catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) { if (alarm.repeatInterval > 0) { // This IntentSender is no longer valid, but this // is a repeating alarm, so toss the hoser. remove(alarm.operation); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failure sending alarm.", e); } } } } } } private class AlarmHandler extends Handler { public static final int ALARM_EVENT = 1; public static final int MINUTE_CHANGE_EVENT = 2; public static final int DATE_CHANGE_EVENT = 3; public AlarmHandler() { } public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.what == ALARM_EVENT) { ArrayList triggerList = new ArrayList(); synchronized (mLock) { final long nowRTC = System.currentTimeMillis(); triggerAlarmsLocked(mRtcWakeupAlarms, triggerList, nowRTC); triggerAlarmsLocked(mRtcAlarms, triggerList, nowRTC); triggerAlarmsLocked(mElapsedRealtimeWakeupAlarms, triggerList, nowRTC); triggerAlarmsLocked(mElapsedRealtimeAlarms, triggerList, nowRTC); } // now trigger the alarms without the lock held Iterator it = triggerList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Alarm alarm = it.next(); try { alarm.operation.send(); } catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) { if (alarm.repeatInterval > 0) { // This IntentSender is no longer valid, but this // is a repeating alarm, so toss the hoser. remove(alarm.operation); } } } } } } class ClockReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { public ClockReceiver() { IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_TIME_TICK); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_DATE_CHANGED); mContext.registerReceiver(this, filter); } @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_TIME_TICK)) { scheduleTimeTickEvent(); } else if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_DATE_CHANGED)) { // Since the kernel does not keep track of DST, we need to // reset the TZ information at the beginning of each day // based off of the current Zone gmt offset + userspace tracked // daylight savings information. TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(SystemProperties.get(TIMEZONE_PROPERTY)); int gmtOffset = (zone.getRawOffset() + zone.getDSTSavings()) / 60000; setKernelTimezone(mDescriptor, -(gmtOffset)); scheduleDateChangedEvent(); } } public void scheduleTimeTickEvent() { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); set(AlarmManager.RTC, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), mTimeTickSender); } public void scheduleDateChangedEvent() { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); set(AlarmManager.RTC, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), mDateChangeSender); } } class UninstallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { public UninstallReceiver() { IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED); filter.addDataScheme("package"); mContext.registerReceiver(this, filter); } @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { synchronized (mLock) { Uri data = intent.getData(); if (data != null) { String pkg = data.getSchemeSpecificPart(); removeLocked(pkg); mBroadcastStats.remove(pkg); } } } } private final BroadcastStats getStatsLocked(PendingIntent pi) { String pkg = pi.getTargetPackage(); BroadcastStats bs = mBroadcastStats.get(pkg); if (bs == null) { bs = new BroadcastStats(); mBroadcastStats.put(pkg, bs); } return bs; } class ResultReceiver implements PendingIntent.OnFinished { public void onSendFinished(PendingIntent pi, Intent intent, int resultCode, String resultData, Bundle resultExtras) { synchronized (mLock) { BroadcastStats bs = getStatsLocked(pi); if (bs != null) { bs.nesting--; if (bs.nesting <= 0) { bs.nesting = 0; bs.aggregateTime += SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - bs.startTime; Intent.FilterComparison fc = new Intent.FilterComparison(intent); FilterStats fs = bs.filterStats.get(fc); if (fs == null) { fs = new FilterStats(); bs.filterStats.put(fc, fs); } fs.count++; } } mBroadcastRefCount--; if (mBroadcastRefCount == 0) { mWakeLock.release(); } } } } }