/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.security.KeyFactory; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.PublicKey; import java.security.interfaces.RSAKey; import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException; import java.security.spec.RSAPublicKeySpec; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Vector; import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult; import javax.net.ssl.SSLException; import javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException; /** * Base class for ClientHandshakeImpl and ServerHandshakeImpl classes. * @see TLS 1.0 spec., 7.4. * Handshake protocol * */ public abstract class HandshakeProtocol { /** * Handshake status NEED_UNWRAP - HandshakeProtocol needs to receive data */ public static final int NEED_UNWRAP = 1; /** * Handshake status NOT_HANDSHAKING - is not currently handshaking */ public static final int NOT_HANDSHAKING = 2; /** * Handshake status FINISHED - HandshakeProtocol has just finished */ public static final int FINISHED = 3; /** * Handshake status NEED_TASK - HandshakeProtocol needs the results of delegated task */ public static final int NEED_TASK = 4; /** * Current handshake status */ protected int status = NOT_HANDSHAKING; /** * IO stream for income/outcome handshake data */ protected HandshakeIODataStream io_stream = new HandshakeIODataStream(); /** * SSL Record Protocol implementation. */ protected SSLRecordProtocol recordProtocol; /** * SSLParametersImpl suplied by SSLSocket or SSLEngine */ protected SSLParametersImpl parameters; /** * Delegated tasks for this handshake implementation */ protected Vector delegatedTasks = new Vector(); /** * Indicates non-blocking handshake */ protected boolean nonBlocking; /** * Pending session */ protected SSLSessionImpl session; /** * Sent and received handshake messages */ protected ClientHello clientHello; protected ServerHello serverHello; protected CertificateMessage serverCert; protected ServerKeyExchange serverKeyExchange; protected CertificateRequest certificateRequest; protected ServerHelloDone serverHelloDone; protected CertificateMessage clientCert; protected ClientKeyExchange clientKeyExchange; protected CertificateVerify certificateVerify; protected Finished clientFinished; protected Finished serverFinished; /** * Indicates that change cipher spec message has been received */ protected boolean changeCipherSpecReceived = false; /** * Indicates previous session resuming */ protected boolean isResuming = false; /** * Premaster secret */ protected byte[] preMasterSecret; /** * Exception occured in delegated task */ protected Exception delegatedTaskErr; // reference verify_data used to verify finished message private byte[] verify_data = new byte[12]; // Encoding of "master secret" string: "master secret".getBytes() private byte[] master_secret_bytes = {109, 97, 115, 116, 101, 114, 32, 115, 101, 99, 114, 101, 116 }; // indicates whether protocol needs to send change cipher spec message private boolean needSendCCSpec = false; // indicates whether protocol needs to send change cipher spec message protected boolean needSendHelloRequest = false; /** * SSLEngine owning this HandshakeProtocol */ public SSLEngineImpl engineOwner; /** * SSLSocket owning this HandshakeProtocol */ public SSLSocketImpl socketOwner; /** * Creates HandshakeProtocol instance * @param owner */ protected HandshakeProtocol(Object owner) { if (owner instanceof SSLEngineImpl) { engineOwner = (SSLEngineImpl) owner; nonBlocking = true; this.parameters = engineOwner.sslParameters; } else if (owner instanceof SSLSocketImpl) { socketOwner = (SSLSocketImpl) owner; nonBlocking = false; this.parameters = socketOwner.sslParameters; } } /** * Sets SSL Record Protocol * @param recordProtocol */ public void setRecordProtocol(SSLRecordProtocol recordProtocol) { this.recordProtocol = recordProtocol; } /** * Start session negotiation * @param session */ public abstract void start(); /** * Stops the current session renegotiation process. * Such functionality is needed when it is session renegotiation * process and no_renegotiation alert message is received * from another peer. * @param session */ protected void stop() { clearMessages(); status = NOT_HANDSHAKING; } /** * Returns handshake status * @return */ public SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus getStatus() { if (io_stream.hasData() || needSendCCSpec || needSendHelloRequest || delegatedTaskErr != null) { return SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.NEED_WRAP; } if (!delegatedTasks.isEmpty()) { return SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.NEED_TASK; } switch (status) { case HandshakeProtocol.NEED_UNWRAP: return SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP; case HandshakeProtocol.FINISHED: status = NOT_HANDSHAKING; clearMessages(); return SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.FINISHED; default: // HandshakeProtocol.NOT_HANDSHAKING: return SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.NOT_HANDSHAKING; } } /** * Returns pending session * @return session */ public SSLSessionImpl getSession() { return session; } protected void sendChangeCipherSpec() { needSendCCSpec = true; } protected void sendHelloRequest() { needSendHelloRequest = true; } /** * Proceses inbound ChangeCipherSpec message */ abstract void receiveChangeCipherSpec(); /** * Creates and sends finished message */ abstract void makeFinished(); /** * Proceses inbound handshake messages * @param bytes */ public abstract void unwrap(byte[] bytes); /** * Processes SSLv2 Hello message * @param bytes */ public abstract void unwrapSSLv2(byte[] bytes); /** * Proceses outbound handshake messages * @return */ public byte[] wrap() { if (delegatedTaskErr != null) { // process error occured in delegated task Exception e = delegatedTaskErr; delegatedTaskErr = null; fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "Error occured in delegated task:" + e.getMessage(), e); } if (io_stream.hasData()) { return recordProtocol.wrap(ContentType.HANDSHAKE, io_stream); } else if (needSendCCSpec) { makeFinished(); needSendCCSpec = false; return recordProtocol.getChangeCipherSpecMesage(getSession()); } else if (needSendHelloRequest) { needSendHelloRequest = false; return recordProtocol.wrap(ContentType.HANDSHAKE, // hello request message // (see TLS v 1 specification: // http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2246.txt) new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 4); } else { return null; // nothing to send; } } /** * Sends fatal alert, breaks execution * * @param description */ protected void sendWarningAlert(byte description) { recordProtocol.alert(AlertProtocol.WARNING, description); } /** * Sends fatal alert, breaks execution * * @param description * @param reason */ protected void fatalAlert(byte description, String reason) { throw new AlertException(description, new SSLHandshakeException(reason)); } /** * Sends fatal alert, breaks execution * * @param description * @param reason * @param cause */ protected void fatalAlert(byte description, String reason, Exception cause) { throw new AlertException(description, new SSLException(reason, cause)); } /** * Sends fatal alert, breaks execution * * @param description * @param cause */ protected void fatalAlert(byte description, SSLException cause) { throw new AlertException(description, cause); } /** * Computers reference TLS verify_data that is used to verify finished message * @see TLS spec. 7.4.9. Finished * @param label */ protected void computerReferenceVerifyDataTLS(String label) { computerVerifyDataTLS(label, verify_data); } /** * Computer TLS verify_data * @see TLS spec. 7.4.9. Finished * @param label * @param buf */ protected void computerVerifyDataTLS(String label, byte[] buf) { byte[] md5_digest = io_stream.getDigestMD5(); byte[] sha_digest = io_stream.getDigestSHA(); byte[] digest = new byte[md5_digest.length + sha_digest.length]; System.arraycopy(md5_digest, 0, digest, 0, md5_digest.length); System.arraycopy(sha_digest, 0, digest, md5_digest.length, sha_digest.length); try { PRF.computePRF(buf, session.master_secret, label.getBytes(), digest); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, "PRF error", e); } } /** * Computer reference SSLv3 verify_data that is used to verify finished message * @see "SSLv3 spec. 7.6.9. Finished" * @param label */ protected void computerReferenceVerifyDataSSLv3(byte[] sender) { verify_data = new byte[36]; computerVerifyDataSSLv3(sender, verify_data); } /** * Computer SSLv3 verify_data * @see "SSLv3 spec. 7.6.9. Finished" * @param label * @param buf */ protected void computerVerifyDataSSLv3(byte[] sender, byte[] buf) { MessageDigest md5; MessageDigest sha; try { md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); } catch (Exception e) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Could not initialize the Digest Algorithms.", e); return; } try { byte[] handshake_messages = io_stream.getMessages(); md5.update(handshake_messages); md5.update(sender); md5.update(session.master_secret); byte[] b = md5.digest(SSLv3Constants.MD5pad1); md5.update(session.master_secret); md5.update(SSLv3Constants.MD5pad2); System.arraycopy(md5.digest(b), 0, buf, 0, 16); sha.update(handshake_messages); sha.update(sender); sha.update(session.master_secret); b = sha.digest(SSLv3Constants.SHApad1); sha.update(session.master_secret); sha.update(SSLv3Constants.SHApad2); System.arraycopy(sha.digest(b), 0, buf, 16, 20); } catch (Exception e) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, "INTERNAL ERROR", e); } } /** * Verifies finished data * * @param data * @param isServer */ protected void verifyFinished(byte[] data) { if (!Arrays.equals(verify_data, data)) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "Incorrect FINISED"); } } /** * Sends fatal alert "UNEXPECTED MESSAGE" * */ protected void unexpectedMessage() { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE, "UNEXPECTED MESSAGE"); } /** * Writes message to HandshakeIODataStream * * @param message */ public void send(Message message) { io_stream.writeUint8(message.getType()); io_stream.writeUint24(message.length()); message.send(io_stream); } /** * Computers master secret * */ public void computerMasterSecret() { byte[] seed = new byte[64]; System.arraycopy(clientHello.getRandom(), 0, seed, 0, 32); System.arraycopy(serverHello.getRandom(), 0, seed, 32, 32); session.master_secret = new byte[48]; if (serverHello.server_version[1] == 1) { // TLSv1 try { PRF.computePRF(session.master_secret, preMasterSecret, master_secret_bytes, seed); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, "PRF error", e); } } else { // SSL3.0 PRF.computePRF_SSLv3(session.master_secret, preMasterSecret, seed); } //delete preMasterSecret from memory Arrays.fill(preMasterSecret, (byte)0); preMasterSecret = null; } /** * Returns a delegated task. * @return Delegated task or null */ public Runnable getTask() { if (delegatedTasks.isEmpty()) { return null; } return delegatedTasks.remove(0); } /** * Clears previously sent and received handshake messages */ protected void clearMessages() { io_stream.clearBuffer(); clientHello = null; serverHello = null; serverCert = null; serverKeyExchange = null; certificateRequest = null; serverHelloDone = null; clientCert = null; clientKeyExchange = null; certificateVerify = null; clientFinished = null; serverFinished = null; } /** * Returns RSA key length * @param pk * @return * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws InvalidKeySpecException */ protected static int getRSAKeyLength(PublicKey pk) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException { BigInteger mod; if (pk instanceof RSAKey) { mod = ((RSAKey) pk).getModulus(); } else { KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); mod = kf.getKeySpec(pk, RSAPublicKeySpec.class) .getModulus(); } return mod.bitLength(); } /** * Shuts down the protocol. It will be impossible to use the instance * after calling this method. */ protected void shutdown() { clearMessages(); session = null; preMasterSecret = null; delegatedTasks.clear(); } }