/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse; import java.io.IOException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.security.KeyFactory; import java.security.KeyPair; import java.security.KeyPairGenerator; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.PrivateKey; import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; import java.security.PublicKey; import java.security.cert.CertificateException; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.KeyAgreement; import javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPublicKey; import javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.DHPublicKeySpec; import javax.net.ssl.X509ExtendedKeyManager; import javax.net.ssl.X509KeyManager; import javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager; /** * Server side handshake protocol implementation. * Handshake protocol operates on top of the Record Protocol. * It responsible for negotiating a session. * * The implementation processes inbound client handshake messages, * creates and sends respond messages. Outbound messages are supplied * to Record Protocol. Detected errors are reported to the Alert protocol. * * @see TLS 1.0 spec., 7.4. * Handshake protocol. * */ public class ServerHandshakeImpl extends HandshakeProtocol { // private key used in key exchange private PrivateKey privKey; /** * Creates Server Handshake Implementation * * @param owner */ public ServerHandshakeImpl(Object owner) { super(owner); status = NEED_UNWRAP; } /** * Start session negotiation */ @Override public void start() { if (session == null) { // initial handshake status = NEED_UNWRAP; return; // wait client hello } if (clientHello != null && this.status != FINISHED) { // current negotiation has not completed return; // ignore } // renegotiation sendHelloRequest(); status = NEED_UNWRAP; } /** * Proceses inbound handshake messages * @param bytes */ @Override public void unwrap(byte[] bytes) { io_stream.append(bytes); while (io_stream.available() > 0) { int handshakeType; int length; io_stream.mark(); try { handshakeType = io_stream.read(); length = io_stream.readUint24(); if (io_stream.available() < length) { io_stream.reset(); return; } switch (handshakeType) { case 1: // CLIENT_HELLO if (clientHello != null && this.status != FINISHED) { // Client hello has been received during handshake unexpectedMessage(); return; } // if protocol planed to send Hello Request message // - cancel this demand. needSendHelloRequest = false; clientHello = new ClientHello(io_stream, length); if (nonBlocking) { delegatedTasks.add(new DelegatedTask(new Runnable() { public void run() { processClientHello(); } }, this)); return; } processClientHello(); break; case 11: // CLIENT CERTIFICATE if (isResuming || certificateRequest == null || serverHelloDone == null || clientCert != null) { unexpectedMessage(); return; } clientCert = new CertificateMessage(io_stream, length); if (clientCert.certs.length == 0) { if (parameters.getNeedClientAuth()) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "HANDSHAKE FAILURE: no client certificate received"); } } else { String authType = clientCert.getAuthType(); try { parameters.getTrustManager().checkClientTrusted( clientCert.certs, authType); } catch (CertificateException e) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.BAD_CERTIFICATE, "Untrusted Client Certificate ", e); } session.peerCertificates = clientCert.certs; } break; case 15: // CERTIFICATE_VERIFY if (isResuming || clientKeyExchange == null || clientCert == null || clientKeyExchange.isEmpty() //client certificate // contains fixed DH // parameters || certificateVerify != null || changeCipherSpecReceived) { unexpectedMessage(); return; } certificateVerify = new CertificateVerify(io_stream, length); String authType = clientCert.getAuthType(); DigitalSignature ds = new DigitalSignature(authType); ds.init(clientCert.certs[0]); byte[] md5_hash = null; byte[] sha_hash = null; if ("RSA".equals(authType)) { md5_hash = io_stream.getDigestMD5withoutLast(); sha_hash = io_stream.getDigestSHAwithoutLast(); } else if ("DSA".equals(authType)) { sha_hash = io_stream.getDigestSHAwithoutLast(); // The Signature should be empty in case of anonymous signature algorithm: // } else if ("DH".equals(authType)) { } ds.setMD5(md5_hash); ds.setSHA(sha_hash); if (!ds.verifySignature(certificateVerify.signedHash)) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.DECRYPT_ERROR, "DECRYPT ERROR: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY incorrect signature"); } break; case 16: // CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE if (isResuming || serverHelloDone == null || clientKeyExchange != null || (clientCert == null && parameters.getNeedClientAuth())) { unexpectedMessage(); return; } if (session.cipherSuite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA || session.cipherSuite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA_EXPORT) { clientKeyExchange = new ClientKeyExchange(io_stream, length, serverHello.server_version[1] == 1, true); Cipher c = null; try { c = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding"); c.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, privKey); preMasterSecret = c.unwrap(clientKeyExchange.exchange_keys, "preMasterSecret", Cipher.SECRET_KEY).getEncoded(); // check preMasterSecret: if (preMasterSecret.length != 48 || preMasterSecret[0] != clientHello.client_version[0] || preMasterSecret[1] != clientHello.client_version[1]) { // incorrect preMasterSecret // prevent an attack (see TLS 1.0 spec., preMasterSecret = new byte[48]; parameters.getSecureRandom().nextBytes( preMasterSecret); } } catch (Exception e) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, "INTERNAL ERROR", e); } } else { // diffie hellman key exchange clientKeyExchange = new ClientKeyExchange(io_stream, length, serverHello.server_version[1] == 1, false); if (clientKeyExchange.isEmpty()) { // TODO check that client cert. DH params // matched server cert. DH params // client cert. contains fixed DH parameters preMasterSecret = ((DHPublicKey) clientCert.certs[0].getPublicKey()).getY().toByteArray(); } else { try { KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DH"); KeyAgreement agreement = KeyAgreement.getInstance("DH"); PublicKey clientPublic = kf.generatePublic(new DHPublicKeySpec( new BigInteger( 1, clientKeyExchange.exchange_keys), serverKeyExchange.par1, serverKeyExchange.par2)); agreement.init(privKey); agreement.doPhase(clientPublic, true); preMasterSecret = agreement.generateSecret(); } catch (Exception e) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, "INTERNAL ERROR", e); return; } } } computerMasterSecret(); break; case 20: // FINISHED if (!isResuming && !changeCipherSpecReceived) { unexpectedMessage(); return; } clientFinished = new Finished(io_stream, length); verifyFinished(clientFinished.getData()); session.context = parameters.getServerSessionContext(); parameters.getServerSessionContext().putSession(session); if (!isResuming) { sendChangeCipherSpec(); } else { session.lastAccessedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); status = FINISHED; } break; default: unexpectedMessage(); return; } } catch (IOException e) { // io stream dosn't contain complete handshake message io_stream.reset(); return; } } } /** * Processes SSLv2 Hello message * @ see TLS 1.0 spec., E.1. Version 2 client hello * @param bytes */ @Override public void unwrapSSLv2(byte[] bytes) { io_stream.append(bytes); io_stream.mark(); try { clientHello = new ClientHello(io_stream); } catch (IOException e) { io_stream.reset(); return; } if (nonBlocking) { delegatedTasks.add(new DelegatedTask(new Runnable() { public void run() { processClientHello(); } }, this)); return; } processClientHello(); } /** * * Processes Client Hello message. * Server responds to client hello message with server hello * and (if necessary) server certificate, server key exchange, * certificate request, and server hello done messages. */ void processClientHello() { CipherSuite cipher_suite; // check that clientHello contains CompressionMethod.null checkCompression: { for (int i = 0; i < clientHello.compression_methods.length; i++) { if (clientHello.compression_methods[i] == 0) { break checkCompression; } } fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "HANDSHAKE FAILURE. Incorrect client hello message"); } byte[] server_version = clientHello.client_version; if (!ProtocolVersion.isSupported(clientHello.client_version)) { if (clientHello.client_version[0] >= 3) { // Protocol from the future, admit that the newest thing we know is TLSv1 server_version = ProtocolVersion.TLSv1.version; } else { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.PROTOCOL_VERSION, "PROTOCOL VERSION. Unsupported client version " + clientHello.client_version[0] + clientHello.client_version[1]); } } isResuming = false; FIND: if (clientHello.session_id.length != 0) { // client wishes to reuse session SSLSessionImpl sessionToResume; boolean reuseCurrent = false; // reuse current session if (session != null && Arrays.equals(session.id, clientHello.session_id)) { if (session.isValid()) { isResuming = true; break FIND; } reuseCurrent = true; } // find session in cash sessionToResume = findSessionToResume(clientHello.session_id); if (sessionToResume == null || !sessionToResume.isValid()) { if (!parameters.getEnableSessionCreation()) { if (reuseCurrent) { // we can continue current session sendWarningAlert(AlertProtocol.NO_RENEGOTIATION); status = NOT_HANDSHAKING; clearMessages(); return; } // throw AlertException fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "SSL Session may not be created"); } session = null; } else { session = (SSLSessionImpl)sessionToResume.clone(); isResuming = true; } } if (isResuming) { cipher_suite = session.cipherSuite; // clientHello.cipher_suites must include at least cipher_suite from the session checkCipherSuite: { for (int i = 0; i < clientHello.cipher_suites.length; i++) { if (cipher_suite.equals(clientHello.cipher_suites[i])) { break checkCipherSuite; } } fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "HANDSHAKE FAILURE. Incorrect client hello message"); } } else { cipher_suite = selectSuite(clientHello.cipher_suites); if (cipher_suite == null) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "HANDSHAKE FAILURE. NO COMMON SUITE"); } if (!parameters.getEnableSessionCreation()) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "SSL Session may not be created"); } session = new SSLSessionImpl(cipher_suite, parameters.getSecureRandom()); if (engineOwner != null) { session.setPeer(engineOwner.getPeerHost(), engineOwner.getPeerPort()); } else { session.setPeer(socketOwner.getInetAddress().getHostName(), socketOwner.getPort()); } } recordProtocol.setVersion(server_version); session.protocol = ProtocolVersion.getByVersion(server_version); session.clientRandom = clientHello.random; // create server hello message serverHello = new ServerHello(parameters.getSecureRandom(), server_version, session.getId(), cipher_suite, (byte) 0); //CompressionMethod.null session.serverRandom = serverHello.random; send(serverHello); if (isResuming) { sendChangeCipherSpec(); return; } // create and send server certificate message if needed if (!cipher_suite.isAnonymous()) { // need to send server certificate X509Certificate[] certs = null; String certType = cipher_suite.getServerKeyType(); if (certType == null) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "NO CERT TYPE FOR " + cipher_suite.getName()); } // obtain certificates from key manager String alias = null; X509KeyManager km = parameters.getKeyManager(); if (km instanceof X509ExtendedKeyManager) { X509ExtendedKeyManager ekm = (X509ExtendedKeyManager)km; if (this.socketOwner != null) { alias = ekm.chooseServerAlias(certType, null, this.socketOwner); } else { alias = ekm.chooseEngineServerAlias(certType, null, this.engineOwner); } if (alias != null) { certs = ekm.getCertificateChain(alias); } } else { alias = km.chooseServerAlias(certType, null, this.socketOwner); if (alias != null) { certs = km.getCertificateChain(alias); } } if (certs == null) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, "NO SERVER CERTIFICATE FOUND"); return; } session.localCertificates = certs; serverCert = new CertificateMessage(certs); privKey = km.getPrivateKey(alias); send(serverCert); } // create and send server key exchange message if needed RSAPublicKey rsakey = null; DHPublicKeySpec dhkeySpec = null; byte[] hash = null; BigInteger p = null; BigInteger g = null; KeyPairGenerator kpg = null; try { if (cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA_EXPORT) { PublicKey pk = serverCert.certs[0].getPublicKey(); if (getRSAKeyLength(pk) > 512) { // key is longer than 512 bits kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA"); kpg.initialize(512); } } else if (cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_DHE_DSS || cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_DHE_DSS_EXPORT || cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_DHE_RSA || cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_DHE_RSA_EXPORT || cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_DH_anon || cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_DH_anon_EXPORT) { kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DH"); p = new BigInteger(1, DHParameters.getPrime()); g = new BigInteger("2"); DHParameterSpec spec = new DHParameterSpec(p, g); kpg.initialize(spec); } } catch (Exception e) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, "INTERNAL ERROR", e); } if (kpg != null) { // need to send server key exchange message DigitalSignature ds = new DigitalSignature(cipher_suite.authType); KeyPair kp = null; try { kp = kpg.genKeyPair(); if (cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA_EXPORT) { rsakey = (RSAPublicKey) kp.getPublic(); } else { DHPublicKey dhkey = (DHPublicKey) kp.getPublic(); KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DH"); dhkeySpec = kf.getKeySpec(dhkey, DHPublicKeySpec.class); } if (!cipher_suite.isAnonymous()) { // calculate signed_params // init by private key which correspond to // server certificate ds.init(privKey); // use emphemeral key for key exchange privKey = kp.getPrivate(); ds.update(clientHello.getRandom()); ds.update(serverHello.getRandom()); byte[] tmp; byte[] tmpLength = new byte[2]; //FIXME 1_byte==0x00 if (cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA_EXPORT) { tmp = ServerKeyExchange.toUnsignedByteArray(rsakey.getModulus()); tmpLength[0] = (byte) ((tmp.length & 0xFF00) >>> 8); tmpLength[1] = (byte) (tmp.length & 0xFF); ds.update(tmpLength); ds.update(tmp); tmp = ServerKeyExchange.toUnsignedByteArray(rsakey.getPublicExponent()); tmpLength[0] = (byte) ((tmp.length & 0xFF00) >>> 8); tmpLength[1] = (byte) (tmp.length & 0xFF); ds.update(tmpLength); ds.update(tmp); } else { tmp = ServerKeyExchange.toUnsignedByteArray(dhkeySpec.getP()); tmpLength[0] = (byte) ((tmp.length & 0xFF00) >>> 8); tmpLength[1] = (byte) (tmp.length & 0xFF); ds.update(tmpLength); ds.update(tmp); tmp = ServerKeyExchange.toUnsignedByteArray(dhkeySpec.getG()); tmpLength[0] = (byte) ((tmp.length & 0xFF00) >>> 8); tmpLength[1] = (byte) (tmp.length & 0xFF); ds.update(tmpLength); ds.update(tmp); tmp = ServerKeyExchange.toUnsignedByteArray(dhkeySpec.getY()); tmpLength[0] = (byte) ((tmp.length & 0xFF00) >>> 8); tmpLength[1] = (byte) (tmp.length & 0xFF); ds.update(tmpLength); ds.update(tmp); } hash = ds.sign(); } else { privKey = kp.getPrivate(); // use emphemeral key for key exchange } } catch (Exception e) { fatalAlert(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, "INTERNAL ERROR", e); } if (cipher_suite.keyExchange == CipherSuite.KEY_EXCHANGE_RSA_EXPORT) { serverKeyExchange = new ServerKeyExchange(rsakey.getModulus(), rsakey.getPublicExponent(), null, hash); } else { serverKeyExchange = new ServerKeyExchange(p, g, dhkeySpec.getY(), hash); } send(serverKeyExchange); } // CERTIFICATE_REQUEST certRequest: if (parameters.getWantClientAuth() || parameters.getNeedClientAuth()) { X509Certificate[] accepted; try { X509TrustManager tm = parameters.getTrustManager(); accepted = tm.getAcceptedIssuers(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // don't send certificateRequest break certRequest; } byte[] requestedClientCertTypes = { CipherSuite.TLS_CT_RSA_SIGN, CipherSuite.TLS_CT_DSS_SIGN }; certificateRequest = new CertificateRequest( requestedClientCertTypes, accepted); send(certificateRequest); } // SERVER_HELLO_DONE serverHelloDone = new ServerHelloDone(); send(serverHelloDone); status = NEED_UNWRAP; } /** * Creates and sends finished message */ @Override protected void makeFinished() { byte[] verify_data; boolean isTLS = (serverHello.server_version[1] == 1); // TLS 1.0 protocol if (isTLS) { verify_data = new byte[12]; computerVerifyDataTLS("server finished", verify_data); } else { // SSL 3.0 protocol (http://wp.netscape.com/eng/ssl3) verify_data = new byte[36]; computerVerifyDataSSLv3(SSLv3Constants.server, verify_data); } serverFinished = new Finished(verify_data); send(serverFinished); if (isResuming) { if (isTLS) { computerReferenceVerifyDataTLS("client finished"); } else { computerReferenceVerifyDataSSLv3(SSLv3Constants.client); } status = NEED_UNWRAP; } else { session.lastAccessedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); status = FINISHED; } } // find sesssion in the session hash private SSLSessionImpl findSessionToResume(byte[] session_id) { return (SSLSessionImpl)parameters.getServerSessionContext().getSession(session_id); } // find appropriate cipher_suite in the client suites private CipherSuite selectSuite(CipherSuite[] clientSuites) { for (CipherSuite clientSuite : clientSuites) { if (!clientSuite.supported) { continue; } for (CipherSuite enabledCipherSuite : parameters.getEnabledCipherSuitesMember()) { if (clientSuite.equals(enabledCipherSuite)) { return clientSuite; } } } return null; } /** * Processes inbound ChangeCipherSpec message */ @Override public void receiveChangeCipherSpec() { if (isResuming) { if (serverFinished == null) { unexpectedMessage(); } else { changeCipherSpecReceived = true; } } else { if ((parameters.getNeedClientAuth() && clientCert == null) || clientKeyExchange == null || (clientCert != null && clientCert.certs.length > 0 && !clientKeyExchange.isEmpty() && certificateVerify == null)) { unexpectedMessage(); } else { changeCipherSpecReceived = true; } if (serverHello.server_version[1] == 1) { computerReferenceVerifyDataTLS("client finished"); } else { computerReferenceVerifyDataSSLv3(SSLv3Constants.client); } } } }