/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package libcore.java.security; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.security.Key; import java.security.KeyFactory; import java.security.KeyPair; import java.security.KeyPairGenerator; import java.security.PrivateKey; import java.security.Provider; import java.security.Provider.Service; import java.security.PublicKey; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.security.Security; import java.security.interfaces.DSAParams; import java.security.interfaces.DSAPrivateKey; import java.security.interfaces.DSAPublicKey; import java.security.spec.DSAParameterSpec; import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec; import java.security.spec.X509EncodedKeySpec; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class KeyPairGeneratorTest extends TestCase { public void test_getInstance() throws Exception { Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders(); for (Provider provider : providers) { Set services = provider.getServices(); for (Provider.Service service : services) { String type = service.getType(); if (!type.equals("KeyPairGenerator")) { continue; } String algorithm = service.getAlgorithm(); try { // KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(String) KeyPairGenerator kpg1 = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algorithm); assertEquals(algorithm, kpg1.getAlgorithm()); test_KeyPairGenerator(kpg1); // KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(String, Provider) KeyPairGenerator kpg2 = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algorithm, provider); assertEquals(algorithm, kpg2.getAlgorithm()); assertEquals(provider, kpg2.getProvider()); test_KeyPairGenerator(kpg2); // KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(String, String) KeyPairGenerator kpg3 = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algorithm, provider.getName()); assertEquals(algorithm, kpg3.getAlgorithm()); assertEquals(provider, kpg3.getProvider()); test_KeyPairGenerator(kpg3); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Problem testing KeyPairGenerator." + algorithm, e); } } } } private static final Map> KEY_SIZES = new HashMap>(); private static void putKeySize(String algorithm, int keySize) { algorithm = algorithm.toUpperCase(); List keySizes = KEY_SIZES.get(algorithm); if (keySizes == null) { keySizes = new ArrayList(); KEY_SIZES.put(algorithm, keySizes); } keySizes.add(keySize); } private static List getKeySizes(String algorithm) throws Exception { algorithm = algorithm.toUpperCase(); List keySizes = KEY_SIZES.get(algorithm); if (keySizes == null) { throw new Exception("Unknown key sizes for KeyPairGenerator." + algorithm); } return keySizes; } static { putKeySize("DSA", 512); putKeySize("DSA", 512+64); putKeySize("DSA", 1024); putKeySize("RSA", 512); putKeySize("DH", 512); putKeySize("DH", 512+64); putKeySize("DH", 1024); putKeySize("DiffieHellman", 512); putKeySize("DiffieHellman", 512+64); putKeySize("DiffieHellman", 1024); putKeySize("EC", 256); } private void test_KeyPairGenerator(KeyPairGenerator kpg) throws Exception { // without a call to initialize test_KeyPair(kpg, kpg.genKeyPair()); test_KeyPair(kpg, kpg.generateKeyPair()); String algorithm = kpg.getAlgorithm(); List keySizes = getKeySizes(algorithm); for (int keySize : keySizes) { kpg.initialize(keySize); test_KeyPair(kpg, kpg.genKeyPair()); test_KeyPair(kpg, kpg.generateKeyPair()); kpg.initialize(keySize, (SecureRandom) null); test_KeyPair(kpg, kpg.genKeyPair()); test_KeyPair(kpg, kpg.generateKeyPair()); kpg.initialize(keySize, new SecureRandom()); test_KeyPair(kpg, kpg.genKeyPair()); test_KeyPair(kpg, kpg.generateKeyPair()); } } private void test_KeyPair(KeyPairGenerator kpg, KeyPair kp) throws Exception { assertNotNull(kp); test_Key(kpg, kp.getPrivate()); test_Key(kpg, kp.getPublic()); } private void test_Key(KeyPairGenerator kpg, Key k) throws Exception { String expectedAlgorithm = kpg.getAlgorithm().toUpperCase(); if (StandardNames.IS_RI && expectedAlgorithm.equals("DIFFIEHELLMAN")) { expectedAlgorithm = "DH"; } assertEquals(expectedAlgorithm, k.getAlgorithm().toUpperCase()); assertNotNull(k.getEncoded()); assertNotNull(k.getFormat()); test_KeyWithAllKeyFactories(k); } private void test_KeyWithAllKeyFactories(Key k) throws Exception { byte[] encoded = k.getEncoded(); String keyAlgo = k.getAlgorithm(); Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders(); for (Provider p : providers) { Set services = p.getServices(); for (Provider.Service service : services) { if (!"KeyFactory".equals(service.getType())) { continue; } if (!service.getAlgorithm().equals(keyAlgo)) { continue; } if ("PKCS#8".equals(k.getFormat())) { PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(encoded); KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(k.getAlgorithm(), p); PrivateKey privKey = kf.generatePrivate(spec); assertNotNull(privKey); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(privKey.getEncoded(), encoded)); } else if ("X.509".equals(k.getFormat())) { X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(encoded); KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(k.getAlgorithm(), p); PublicKey pubKey = kf.generatePublic(spec); assertNotNull(pubKey); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(encoded, pubKey.getEncoded())); } } } } private static final BigInteger DSA_P = new BigInteger(new byte[] { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x9e, (byte) 0x61, (byte) 0xc2, (byte) 0x89, (byte) 0xef, (byte) 0x77, (byte) 0xa9, (byte) 0x4e, (byte) 0x13, (byte) 0x67, (byte) 0x64, (byte) 0x1f, (byte) 0x09, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0xfe, (byte) 0x24, (byte) 0x13, (byte) 0x53, (byte) 0xe0, (byte) 0xb7, (byte) 0x90, (byte) 0xa8, (byte) 0x4e, (byte) 0x76, (byte) 0xfe, (byte) 0x89, (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0x7f, (byte) 0x7a, (byte) 0xc5, (byte) 0x3c, (byte) 0x4e, (byte) 0x0c, (byte) 0x20, (byte) 0x55, (byte) 0x30, (byte) 0x95, (byte) 0x42, (byte) 0x85, (byte) 0xe1, (byte) 0x40, (byte) 0x7d, (byte) 0x27, (byte) 0x8f, (byte) 0x07, (byte) 0x0d, (byte) 0xe8, (byte) 0xdc, (byte) 0x99, (byte) 0xef, (byte) 0xb3, (byte) 0x07, (byte) 0x94, (byte) 0x34, (byte) 0xd6, (byte) 0x7c, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0x9c, (byte) 0xbe, (byte) 0x69, (byte) 0xd3, (byte) 0xeb, (byte) 0x44, (byte) 0x37, (byte) 0x50, (byte) 0xef, (byte) 0x49, (byte) 0xf8, (byte) 0xe2, (byte) 0x5b, (byte) 0xd8, (byte) 0xd1, (byte) 0x10, (byte) 0x84, (byte) 0x97, (byte) 0xea, (byte) 0xe3, (byte) 0xa5, (byte) 0x1c, (byte) 0xc0, (byte) 0x4e, (byte) 0x69, (byte) 0xca, (byte) 0x70, (byte) 0x3d, (byte) 0x78, (byte) 0xb9, (byte) 0x16, (byte) 0xe5, (byte) 0xfe, (byte) 0x61, (byte) 0x5d, (byte) 0x8a, (byte) 0x5a, (byte) 0xb3, (byte) 0x2c, (byte) 0x61, (byte) 0xb6, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x3b, (byte) 0xd0, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x7c, (byte) 0x32, (byte) 0x8d, (byte) 0xe1, (byte) 0xf3, (byte) 0x69, (byte) 0x0e, (byte) 0x8b, (byte) 0x58, (byte) 0xc6, (byte) 0xcf, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x94, (byte) 0xf8, (byte) 0x49, (byte) 0x2a, (byte) 0x4b, (byte) 0xea, (byte) 0xda, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0x4b, (byte) 0xd0, (byte) 0xbe, (byte) 0x40, (byte) 0x23, }); private static final BigInteger DSA_Q = new BigInteger(new byte[] { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xbf, (byte) 0xee, (byte) 0xaa, (byte) 0x0f, (byte) 0x12, (byte) 0x34, (byte) 0x50, (byte) 0x72, (byte) 0xf8, (byte) 0x60, (byte) 0x13, (byte) 0xd8, (byte) 0xf1, (byte) 0x41, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x10, (byte) 0xa5, (byte) 0x2f, (byte) 0x57, (byte) 0x5f, }); private static final BigInteger DSA_G = new BigInteger(new byte[] { (byte) 0x77, (byte) 0xd4, (byte) 0x7a, (byte) 0x12, (byte) 0xcc, (byte) 0x81, (byte) 0x7e, (byte) 0x7e, (byte) 0xeb, (byte) 0x3a, (byte) 0xfb, (byte) 0xe6, (byte) 0x86, (byte) 0x6d, (byte) 0x5a, (byte) 0x10, (byte) 0x1d, (byte) 0xad, (byte) 0xa9, (byte) 0x4f, (byte) 0xb9, (byte) 0x03, (byte) 0x5d, (byte) 0x21, (byte) 0x1a, (byte) 0xe4, (byte) 0x30, (byte) 0x95, (byte) 0x75, (byte) 0x8e, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0x5e, (byte) 0xd1, (byte) 0xbd, (byte) 0x0a, (byte) 0x45, (byte) 0xee, (byte) 0xe7, (byte) 0xf7, (byte) 0x6b, (byte) 0x65, (byte) 0x02, (byte) 0x60, (byte) 0xd0, (byte) 0x2e, (byte) 0xaf, (byte) 0x3d, (byte) 0xbc, (byte) 0x07, (byte) 0xdd, (byte) 0x2b, (byte) 0x8e, (byte) 0x33, (byte) 0xc0, (byte) 0x93, (byte) 0x80, (byte) 0xd9, (byte) 0x2b, (byte) 0xa7, (byte) 0x71, (byte) 0x57, (byte) 0x76, (byte) 0xbc, (byte) 0x8e, (byte) 0xb9, (byte) 0xe0, (byte) 0xd7, (byte) 0xf4, (byte) 0x23, (byte) 0x8d, (byte) 0x41, (byte) 0x1a, (byte) 0x97, (byte) 0x4f, (byte) 0x2c, (byte) 0x1b, (byte) 0xd5, (byte) 0x4b, (byte) 0x66, (byte) 0xe8, (byte) 0xfa, (byte) 0xd2, (byte) 0x50, (byte) 0x0d, (byte) 0x17, (byte) 0xab, (byte) 0x34, (byte) 0x31, (byte) 0x3d, (byte) 0xa4, (byte) 0x88, (byte) 0xd8, (byte) 0x8e, (byte) 0xa8, (byte) 0xa7, (byte) 0x6e, (byte) 0x17, (byte) 0x03, (byte) 0xb7, (byte) 0x0f, (byte) 0x68, (byte) 0x7c, (byte) 0x64, (byte) 0x7b, (byte) 0x92, (byte) 0xb8, (byte) 0x63, (byte) 0xe4, (byte) 0x9a, (byte) 0x67, (byte) 0x18, (byte) 0x81, (byte) 0x27, (byte) 0xd4, (byte) 0x0b, (byte) 0x13, (byte) 0x48, (byte) 0xd3, (byte) 0x7d, (byte) 0x4e, (byte) 0xf6, (byte) 0xa8, (byte) 0x8f, (byte) 0x56, (byte) 0x17, (byte) 0x2d, (byte) 0x08, (byte) 0x51, }); public void testDSAGeneratorWithParams() throws Exception { final DSAParameterSpec dsaSpec = new DSAParameterSpec(DSA_P, DSA_Q, DSA_G); boolean failure = false; final Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders(); for (final Provider p : providers) { Service s = p.getService("KeyPairGenerator", "DSA"); if (s == null) { continue; } final KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA", p); kpg.initialize(dsaSpec); KeyPair pair = kpg.generateKeyPair(); DSAPrivateKey privKey = (DSAPrivateKey) pair.getPrivate(); DSAPublicKey pubKey = (DSAPublicKey) pair.getPublic(); DSAParams actualParams = privKey.getParams(); assertNotNull("DSA params should not be null", actualParams); assertEquals("DSA P should be the same as supplied with provider " + p.getName(), DSA_P, actualParams.getP()); assertEquals("DSA Q should be the same as supplied with provider " + p.getName(), DSA_Q, actualParams.getQ()); assertEquals("DSA G should be the same as supplied with provider " + p.getName(), DSA_G, actualParams.getG()); actualParams = pubKey.getParams(); assertNotNull("DSA params should not be null", actualParams); assertEquals("DSA P should be the same as supplied with provider " + p.getName(), DSA_P, actualParams.getP()); assertEquals("DSA Q should be the same as supplied with provider " + p.getName(), DSA_Q, actualParams.getQ()); assertEquals("DSA G should be the same as supplied with provider " + p.getName(), DSA_G, actualParams.getG()); } } }